4 Horrifying Experiences of Former Police Officers

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police officers have always gotten a bad rap for their authority over us which is very often abused however the police are the first ones to get called into action whenever trouble rises and they'll no doubt see some disturbing stuff here are four haunting stories of former police officers number four I was a cop for 30 years I retired at the age of 50 so of course I had some weird calls but I'll never forget the night that me and my partner Steve were called to respond to a domestic abuse report the call was made by a neighbor these calls were never really a big deal it usually gave us something to do during the night not that I enjoyed dealing with couples fighting and all that stuff so we arrived at the house I still vividly remember the address and I remember the door was left wide open the second we stepped inside the strong scent of marijuana filled our lungs it was everywhere not just marijuana though there was the strong smell of chemicals which we assumed was either meth or cocaine we made our presence known by asking for the couple to come out into sight a thump from the upstairs gave away their position Steve had his hand on this holster ready to pull his gun but me I wasn't nervous yet Steve told me to move quietly up the stairs we normally listened to each other so I humored his paranoia there were three doors to open and one closed the closed door led in the direction where the thud in the ceiling was I banged on the door before swinging and opened myself the smell was the first thing we noticed then the body the body was very obviously rotted we knew even in the dark we pulled our guns Steve turned on the light I told him to scan that room while I scanned the rest of the house I was shaking all over now I hated my job at that moment I wanted to run back to the car and leave for I was sure I could die at any moment I found my hand to be stuck on the doorknob until I finally had the balls to turn it and push the door open with force I turned the light on but there was nobody inside it was a disturbingly tiny room no windows and no furniture except for a dirty old cot Steve suddenly screamed and I rushed across the hall to see what was going on there was some shirtless guy laying flat above one of the dressers in the room we had him at gunpoint yelling at him to come down when something grabbed my ankle and tried to pull me to the floor there was a hand coming from under the bed I stopped on the arm with my other foot and pulled out a frail trashy looking woman who was obviously baked i cuffed her and Steve cuffed the man we were on our way outside with the two crazy screaming at us but we had one final surprise coming some psycho from upstairs started screaming charging at us down the stairs with a knife raised in the air Steve reacted just best enough to save my ass by two seconds shooting the guy dead this was a crack house somehow none of the neighbors could smell anything suspicious the dead woman on the bed was killed by the man of the two we caught who admitted to killing her due to lack of payment the man was sentenced to life without parole the woman was sentenced to 30 years steve says he never felt bad about what he did he says he just rid the world of one more piece of trash number three myself and a buddy on my squad responded to an alarm the incident location was an old office type building that had been converted to a doctor's office those a pharmacy attached to it as well our dispatch received a motion signal from an upstairs office the keyholder arrives on the scene and we going to secure the building the stairs were locked behind a door that of course the keyholder didn't have a key to so we took the elevator up to the second the elevator opens to a pitch-black hallway except for one overhead light at the end of the hall we start checking the doors and so far all are secured we get to the last office and sure enough the doors unlocked we make entry and observe it to be an unused office the door open to a sizeable waiting room and in reception area there were about 10 or 12 exam rooms all cleared with no hiccups we exit the office and immediately something seems off that's when I realized the overhead light at our end of the hallway that was on before had been turned off it was replaced by another light over at the elevators I look at my squad mate and he's completely white I ask him what's wrong and he says when all those doors we just checked closed and locked I tell him yeah so my buddy says well now they're all standing open sure enough all the offices down the hallway we had just checked we're now standing open the pucker factor sinks in at this point so we start clearing and securing offices we finished the last office and on our way out just before we turn the corner to get into the waiting area the main door just slams shut then our radio struck going nuts with some kind of static feedback now I just want to get the hell out of there we get back in the elevator and head down to the first floor and hopes to make contact with a keyholder again however the keyholder is nowhere to be found I contact dispatch and request a callback number for the key holder so I can advise him of what we found dispatch states that the key holder was still in route to us and was advising an ETA of five minutes I advised dispatch that we had already been out with a key holder dispatch requests I give them a call I call dispatch and she tells me that there is no way we were out with the key holder she states that the alarm company had only just made contact with one eventually the real key holder arrives on the scene and I asked her about the man that had led us in the building she asked me to describe him so I did she states that sounds like one of the doctors that used to lease the office on the second floor at the end of the hall she then states that he had committed suicide at his summer home several days ago number two I was responding to a call in the village a resident was reporting noises coming from one of the abandoned buildings from across the street most likely trespassing I arrived and began my search in the building it used to be a two-story convenience store now it was completely stripped out to you except for the parts attached to the floor like the counter and shelves the lights didn't work in there either I checked every small aisle for anyone to possibly be hiding in and then I did the same thing upstairs it was completely empty on my way back into my car I looked back at the building and saw somebody at the window on the second floor it was a woman with long gray hair down past her shoulders she was no doubt looking down at me with a wide smile on her face I hurried back inside making it upstairs in no more than ten seconds but the window was clear there was nobody in sight I checked all three aisles at least ten times I checked behind the counter I checked the bathroom it was clear I was a little nervous so I left again thinking my mind was fooling me I looked back at the window and there she was again the same mockingly disturbing smile on her face I went back up there again face time running around all three aisles trying to find this woman I was about to give it up once more and leave for good when I noticed something in my peripheral vision it was on the ceiling a dark shade of black latched onto the ceiling I shine my light up there and there she was that crazed woman looked at me still with a horrifying smile on her face as she held onto two hook-like objects in the ceiling with her hands while her feet were pushed up against the tile to gain support she left like a freak all the way down to the station I don't know if she had some kind of mental disability or not it seemed like she was just toying with me but not at all in a good way she stared me down through the mirror the whole ride number one in all my years of being a police officer in Floyd County Georgia I had only experienced too horrifying situations I'll share with you the worst of the two it was a slow night and I was patrolling the dirt roads in my cruiser at this particular spot there were tiny woods on both sides of the road and then it all started I spotted somebody jumping into the woods on the left I only saw half of them though they were gone so quickly I pulled up closer and trying to spot light into the woods I didn't see them unfortunately it was kind of my job to check on things like this so I hesitantly stepped out from the car and began searching in a moment like this I was so ready to pull my gun as I was actually terrified and then the cliched snap of a branch from behind a tree almost made me want to run back to the car but I instead did my job and called for them to come out someone wearing a mask stepped out from the tree I told them to raise their arms take off their mask and come to me slowly they raised their hands but they didn't remove the mask I tried to demonstrate my authority by yelling this time ordering them to take it off they looked as if they were about to take it off when suddenly he or she looked to their left and then back at me I heard footsteps coming from my right I drew my gun I yelled as loud as I could for everybody to come out with their hands up you may be thinking why well if you were in this position in this setting you would have been [ __ ] yourself just like I was another person wearing a mask walked over this one holding an axe I had my gun locked on him but suddenly footsteps started coming from all directions I looked around and I was surrounded there were at least 10 strangers wearing masks surrounding me almost in a circle with only an opening behind me half of them were armed with axes and the like I stood there I stood there gun raised but not even aimed at anything at this point I felt like I was going to throw up one of them I'm not sure which finally broke the silence telling me in a muffled deep voice go away my heart dropped as he said this in a way that I knew I was going to live I turned and ran for the car driving down the road half a mile all while calling for backup as he would guess the whole group was gone from the woods when a search SWAT arrived I have a theory on this however I believe that when I witnessed was some kind of fucked-up secret society that was planning on trapping an innocent passerby and I think that whoever jumped into the woods as I was passing recognized my car as a police car and tried to hide had I not been a police officer I believe they would have stopped me led me to the woods and done whatever this group does for its sick kicks
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 5,775,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: experiences, stories, police, true police stories, scariest, story, true stories, true, experience, scariest things to happen to police, officers, cops, cop, police officer, police officers, creepy, narration, top 10, top 4, countdown, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, nightmare, nightmares, scary things, to happen, to, happen, officer, worst things, police experiences, true cop stories
Id: NyG73bDodfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2015
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