9 Must Have Addons for Mount Collectors and Farmers in World of Warcraft

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whether you're new to Mountain collecting or you've been doing it for a while these are must-have add-ons to Aid you on your journey the first add-on hope we're going to talk about will be Mount collection log this is going to be very similar to simple Armory if you've ever used that on the browser but this is kind of like an add-on version of that when you open up the add-on you're going to get a window showing your breakdown of all of your Mount collection and then you'll be able to click into individual expansions for example dragonfly and now you'll see which mounts come from rare spawns which come from reputations now unfortunately it isn't going to give you much more information past that you're not going to get a detailed breakdown of how to get these mounts but if you just want a nice overview of which expansions you've done where the sources are in like a very vague way then this is going to be great for that you can also control click mounts as well which will add them to a pin Tab and this will allow you to keep track of things that you currently Target in if you're all kind of forgetful and you want to make a list of things you want to Target first then this is a great way of doing this as well but if you just want a handy add-on that's going to give you a nice breakdown of your mounts and where they come from then there's this one is for you the next add-on we're going to talk about is worth it guides this was made by another YouTuber actually dollar GG and this guy puts in a ton of work both into his YouTube channel and the add-ons he's trying to develop as well so what this add-on is going to allow you to do is get a big old list of not just mounts but pets reputations all this kind of stuff now it doesn't have everything in I believe he has about four to five hundred mounts in it currently which is still quite a lot but you'll click on the mounts Tab and you'll be able to go through various sources such as reputation or drops and you're going to be able to click on this now unfortunately some of the areas are a little vague than others for example the drops doesn't give you a ton of information but if you go on to the wraps tab this is going to give you a pretty good breakdown of how the rep Works how to start it and also how to continue gaining rep with the faction so if you just want a kind of in-game guide then this is going to be a great starting point and honestly I definitely respect this because even putting 400 mounts into this kind of add-on is going to take a ton of work and hopefully it's something he's able to build on and finish in the future next up is instant achievement tracker what this is going to do is when you enter an instance it'll have a pop-up box asking if you would like to track this dungeon or Raid and if you click yes it's now going to kind of keep track of the various achievements within that dungeon or Raid so if you're going for the glory of the dungeon hero or glory of the raid hero achievements then this is going to help you a ton with that because it's going to allow you to keep track of the criteria so for example you have to kill X or Y in a certain way it'll keep track of whether you're on target for that or if you failed it you'll also be able to click and kind of announce the tactics so if you're doing this for a raid and people don't know what they're doing you'll have a one click button that will now put in the chat all the different criteria and how to do the achievement so you don't have to kind of sit there and explain it you'll get a nice easy quick run for and breakdown of how the achievements going to work so if you do plan to do any of the glory achievements or you've not done some yet because you don't want to kind of figure them out or struggle and have to Google guides and stuff then this is definitely an add-on I would recommend because it's going to make life a ton easier the next next add an up can feel a little overwhelming at time but it is very useful and that is going to be handy notes now on its own this add-on isn't going to do very much but you get additional add-ons that are kind of like plugins to this add-on for example you'll get handy notes and then you'll also get handy notes dragonfly and those two add-ons together what they're going to do is now all of the dragonfly related stuff is going to start appearing on your map so the treasures the rares the kind of events and stuff these are now going to be flagged on your map for you to see and it gets even better as well when you Mouse over most of this stuff it's going to give you a little breakdown of how to get it for example some of the mounts if you Mouse over the mount it's going to give you a good chunk of information on how this works for example this even Slug it's going to tell you how it's going to work it's going to show you the various different spawn locations saving you a ton of time from having to look at guides and stuff it's all going to be in game for you so this is great if you're hunting down rare spawns or stuff that's in the world then this add-on is a must for that kind of content and if you do in previous expansion stuff as well you can get the plugins for the other expansions like Warlords a Draenor or Pandora area and it's going to do the exact same thing there now it does cluster your map a little bit and you do have some settings as well where you can tweak it so you don't want to see certain Treasures or you don't want to see pets or anything like that you can toggle those off and it will clean up your map a little bit that's the only kind of downside with this add-on but outside of that it's definitely a great resource I wanted to quickly touch on something that's not an add-on but this is something I'm working on to help you get 400 mounts this is going to be a spreadsheet with 400 of the easiest mounts to obtain it'll give you a tldr of how to get it it'll give you some information on where you've got to go in terms of coordinates and locations it'll also have a written and video guide linked if possible as well and if you've got any suggestions to make this better as well while I'm still working on it then definitely let me know because I'm up for improving this as much as I can so it's as helpful as possible now when this will be released is hopefully when I hit 100K subscribers I know that sounds like a lot but typically about 90 plus percent of my viewers aren't subscribed anyway so chances are you're watching this video and you're not subscribed so if you are subscribed help us 100K sooner and I will release this big old spreadsheet that should hopefully help you with your Mount collecting if you enjoy collecting more than just mounts within the game then all the things is a must as the add-on kind of names itself it's basically all the things within the game so transmog achievements pets all of this stuff is going to be kind of listed and tracked within this add-on so if you want to hunt down all those amounts and you want to find out what transmog's in the raid that you're in as well that you don't have then this add-on is going to help you with that it's also nice as well because it breaks down what's available in the current Zone you're in or the current dungeon or Raid so you get a good overview of what you're missing and what you should be targeting or skipping and it just saves a bit of time that way so it definitely feels a bit overwhelming though because as I said it literally shows you everything in the game in the kind of a list but if you do want to collect everything in the game then all the things is a must for that goal if you're not as interested in seeing every single collectible in the game then a good alternative to this is Mount collector what this is going to do is give you a button you can Mouse over on your map and once you mail over that it's going to load a list of most of the amounts you're missing and give kind of like a breakdown per category so it's going to show all of the amounts you're missing from like Dungeons and raids from World bosses from Zone drops from vendors from reputations so you can kind of go through that and just get a nice quick list of things to Target if you're bored installment you're like what do I want to do now then Mouse over Mount collector and it's going to give you that breakdown of where all the mounts come from ones that you're missing and then you can decide what you're going to work towards next now the downside is it's not going to give you much information it's going to tell you for example which boss it comes from from which read and which difficulty you need to do it on but it's not going to give you information on like any tips or tricks or drop percent rates or any additional information you need to know it's basically just going to give you the bare minimum but if you want an add-on that will quickly break down the mounts that you're missing and where they come from then Mount collector is going to be an add-on to pick up the next add-on up is one of my personal favorites this is one I use quite often and that is saved instances what this is going to do is allow you to keep track of your all characters in terms of what currency they've obtained or how much they've got on them and also which raids they're currently locked to for the week or dungeons as well so if you're targeting a specific amount let's say midnight and you want to Mouse over and see which characters have cleared it for the week you can just do that with saved instances and it'll keep track of all your different characters and what they've done it not only does that as well but it also keeps track of the dungeon reset timer so say you can only do 10 dungeons per hour then what I'll do is say oh you've been doing 10 for 50 minutes in 10 more minutes you're going to be able to do your next dungeon so that's kind of handy as well but overall I definitely prefer for keeping track of all my characters in terms of which raids and dungeons they've done for the week and it is also nice that it keeps track of the currency so I can look and see which character currently has the most time warp badges so I can see which character to do the time walking dungeon on for the week the next add-on is a Mount collector favor and this is rarita this is one of the ones you'll probably hear recommended a lot when you're getting into Mount collecting and what this will do kind of similar to mount collector it will give you a list of all the different mounts you've not gotten and a very small breakdown of where they come from but that's not really the main goal of rarita instead what Rarity's main goal is to keep track of your stats so say for example you've killed one boss in particular 100 times and you but you don't remember how many times you've actually killed it you're like God I swear I've killed this a bunch Rarity is going to be there for you and it'll be like yeah you've killed this 100 times not only that it'll have a likelihood calculator so it's going to calculate likelihood which is kind of like an average of how long it should take now this doesn't mean you're going to get it once it hits like 90 or 100 instead it's just the likelihood of the majority of players would have gotten the mount by now you're on looker or if you get it very quickly then the majority of players wouldn't have got it by now and you are lucky so it just gives you that idea of how quickly you've got it compared to other players based on the drop chance of the mount the final add-on to talk about will be Mount Journal enhanced and as the name States this is going to just improve your Mount Journal completely it's going to give a more Compact and condensed list which is great because there's a ton of mounts now so scrolling through the list takes ages not only that but it's also going to display the amounts that are normally not shown so the ones from Secrets or TCG those are now going to be in that list as well so you get a more complete overview and it's going to allow you to filter mounts better so you'll be able to filter by expansion or sources which is kind of nice it's also going to show the rough Rarity of the amount based on the player base and how many of them have collected the mount for example a mount that like 70 of the player base is collected will show up as a white mount in your Journal but a mount only like three percent of the playbase is collected is going to show up as a legendary colored Mount meaning that it's quite rare in terms of how many people have actually got it so this is a great way of figuring out some easy mounts to go for because the white ones are going to commonly be ones that are easier because more players have them it will also keep track of when you obtain the mount from when you've got the add-on going forwards to see you get the add-on you get amount next week a year down the line you'll be able to see the specific date you got the mount which is is quite nice it'll also allow you to expand the mount journal in terms of literally dragging it and making the full size of your screen if you wanted to this gives you a better look of the mount you can zoom in you can even do the mount special and you can even change the background color of where the mount sits you can put it to like a chroma key color if you want to take that screenshot and put it into like Photoshop or something and get a nice good quality picture of your Mount you're going to be able to do that with this add-on so this has a ton of features just to make the mount Journal way better and definitely a nice one for Mount collectors to have so which of the add-ons now are you going to download that'll help you with your Mount Journey let me know either way thanks for watching look out for more videos coming soon see ya
Channel: Syiler
Views: 48,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: syiler, syigamer
Id: O4Sb1CtPado
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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