25 Addons You NEED to Use in Cataclysm Classic

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hey everyone add-ons in World of Warcraft can drastically improve your experience in the game from making systems you interact with every day more convenient and easy to use to saving you Time by showing information you'd find somewhere else directly in game to literally adding new features to the game today in this video we're going to be exploring 25 add-ons that are almost essential to having classic cataclysm some of these will probably be things you already know about and that you're already using but I also explored the depths of curse Forge to find those new hidden gems that nobody knows about so there will be a lot of new super useful add-ons specifically for cataclysm as well all the links to every add-on mentioned here will be in the description of this video so without further Ado let's get into it first before we talk about add-ons let's talk about add-on managers because you don't want to be manually copy pasting folders in your add-on directory every time you want to install something new or when there's an update to an add-on you use add-on managers do all of that for you automatically there's a few of these that are good but the one I've been using for years now is wow up this one is not only super lightweight and easy to use but it can also keep track of add-ons from multiple different providers not just curse Forge for example my lvi add-on is not on curse and I used to have to manually update it every time wup automatically detects the source and will keep the add-on automatically up to date but yeah get wup if you want to and keep it running on your PC you won't have to ever think about updating an add-on again moving on to the add-ons let's start with the big ones that everybody should use leatrix plus is one of those this add-on just makes wow much much more convenient and with this one add-on you'll be skipping installing 10 other add-ons thanks to how feature Rich it is from making your quest log more detailed automatically selling junk and repairing items combining all your add-on buttons in one button automatically accepting resurrects making loot faster automatically accepting and turning in quests and much much more gly Atri explore the options it has and never worry about all of these things ever again from the makers of leatrix you also have leatrix Maps I love this add-on because it makes your map way less cluttered with useless information it unveils unexplored areas adds coordinates lets you zoom in on the map resize it makes it transparent and much much more along with that an add-on that I installed like 12 years ago and that I can never go without now is TomTom the main thing I find myself using the most with TomTom is to fly straight to where I want to go if say I want to go from Stormwind to Eastern plag lands I can drop a marker on the map and the arrow will show me if I'm aligned with my objective but another Super useful feature is that when you're in woad and you're looking for the location of an NPC for example wad lets you copy a TomTom command that you can just paste in game to know exactly where the mob or thing you're looking for is super useful add-on next we have transmog outfit manager in cataclysm we now have transmog but the transmog window is lacking a bunch of useful features from retail like the outfit save feature transmog outfit manager brings that back and lets you save your transmog so that you can easily reapply it to new items whenever you get a new piece of gear for example or if you just want to switch between Styles depending on the day of the week to stay with transmogs we obviously have all the things at is an add-on that is intended for completionists but it's also a super complete database of all the item appearances in the game along with where you can get them if you're trans colle ctor or if you just want to see what's around that you might want to go chase all the things is the add-on for that that being said you might want to check this option here so that the add-on doesn't clog up your item tool tips with all this information you'll just have to press shift to show it I find it very distracting to look at all that information every time along with that I recommend you get appearance collection tool tip this is a very simple add-on that adds a text to Tool tips of items you hover over to let you know first if you can even collect the appearance of an item and second whether you already have collected it or not that way if something drops and you don't already have its appearance you can easily make the decision to need for it or if someone links something in the chat that you like you can easily know if you want to go after it or not next up let's talk leveling questy is of course the be all and end all of all questing add-ons it shows all the quests on your map lets you know their level and difficulty and it adds a neat objective counter on enemy and item tool tips to let you know whether they're a quest objective and how many you you still need to kill or collect Beyond questy you also have leveling add-ons like guideline as of making this video this add-on does support leveling from 80 to 85 but the author says that the 1 to 60 guide will be coming in a future date as the old world has been revamp Outland and northrend are fully functional though guidel is a super useful add-on if you just want to turn off your brain and follow an arrow to your next objective while leveling there's also more robust leveling add-ons like zygor or rested XP which I've both both tried and they're very solid but they're also not free so it's up to you if you want to spend money for that okay so you leveled and made it to max level one add-on you'll definitely want to get is deadly boss mods or DPM this helps you follow mechanics more easily while doing a dungeon or Raid and lets you know what you need to do to not die and not be shouted at by your raid leader I've been using this for years now and the community swears by this add-on bonus tip with dbm if you often forget to log fights to upload them to Warcraft logs there is actually a feature to automatically start logging fights in dbm just thought of mentioning it because I learned about it all the way to ltbc Classic along with dbm you should also get GTFO this is more your oh get out of this patch of fire Quake type of add-on it simply keeps track of your debuffs and as soon as you're standing in something you're not supposed to be standing on a sound notification will play and you'll know when you'll need to move this saved my life on many many occasions of course if you're doing dungeons or raids you want to compare your damage or healing to other players so that you can either Flex on them or feel bad about yourself and improve details does that for you and it's the damage meter that everyone uses if you're a tank or you're just scared of pulling aggro you can also use the tiny threat plugin that comes with it which keeps track of threat on a given mob at max level reputations play a big role in cataclysm as they're the source of a lot of pre-raid bis items so you'll be seeing your reputation tab quite a lot reputation guide improves this tab by showing the remaining reputation till the next level instead of the current One lets you know which Quest you want to be doing to increase your reputation automatically tracks the reputation you're gaining levels with currently and much more what I personally also did is I created a simple wiora that reminds me when I'm missing a tabard while doing a dungeon wiora by the way is another super super useful add-on and it basically lets you create many add-ons to do simple things like this or even more complex things for the matter but yeah what this does is it reminds you to equip a reputation tabard if you're missing one when you enter a Cataclysm dungeon I'll also update it in the future so that it lets you know when you already reached exalted with affection and you're still wearing their tabard to go back to Quality of Life add-ons the auction housing cataclysm is still not very easy to sort through as such auctionator is an essential add-on for all your auction house needs my favorite thing about this add-on is that you don't even need to open your bags anymore to sort through them it neatly shows everything you can drop on the auction house in one Tab and lets you easily pick the price and stacks you want to sell it at the shopping tab is also very robust as it shows you the cheapest options first when you search for an item and most importantly I would go to the last tab and do a full scan every now and then that way you'll know how much an item is worth wherever you are in the world thanks to the auctionator tool tip speaking of sorting through your bags I don't really use this add-on much because I prefer the default bags UI but a lot of players swear by the add-on bagnon this turns all your bags into one single bag and it also adds a bunch of features like an auto sort button a search button it lets you see your bank inventory anywhere in the world your guild Bank inventory and even your alts inventories too use it if you like it very popular add-on another awesome add-on that I discovered while I was researching for this video is lon best in slot this add-on is updated every face with the best in slot list from Wowhead and not only does this help you know what your own best in slot list is but it also adds a tool tip to items letting you know who it's B for that way you'll know when you should press need and who will be competing with you when an item drops in the same vein as this there's also Pawn this add-on lets you know when an item is an upgrade for you by giving it a score based on the stats on set item and their stat weights it's very useful and it lets you know very easily when an item is an upgrade for you so that you can make the decision to need on it very fast the the pre-made group feature in the lfg tool in Kata and even all throughout rat of the Lich King is not very popular players just prefer using the lfg channel that's because of an add-on that basically became essential to having classic lfg bulletin board this scans the lfg channel for every message posted and organizes that in a neat window showing who's recruiting who for what instance the lfg channel is a complete mess to use without this so do yourself a favor and start using this add-on right away let's talk archaeology this is a secondary profession that is quite important in classic as it contains phase one pre-bis items that will last until heroic rating I made a comprehensive guide on how to level it and maximize your chances to get these items if you want to check it but if you're going to be doing archaeology for hours and hours on end at least let's make it more convenient Farm HUD is a super useful add-on for archaeology and I discovered it by complete luck from a guildy it's not even on curse Forge for some reason you'll need to install it from a GitHub but what this does is it adds a super useful interface while you're doing your archaeology that lets you easily know exactly where you should be going to maximize your chances of discovering the fragments in the zone and minimize the time you spend in there I'll let you install it and figure it out to yourself it's way easier than me explaining it but you won't be able to do archaeology without it anymore after you start using it to complement this you can also install gathermate gathermate keeps track of the exact locations where you picked up a fragment or herb or mining vein in fact in the past so that you can easily know where their locations are over time the more you dig for fragments the more locations you'll collect and you'll know exactly where to go there's also a database for this but in my experience it's not very accurate as it contains locations for fragments which just don't exist and is missing some that do exist up to you if you want to use it though finally there's lvi lvi is kind of a bunch of add-ons combined into one as it replaces your whole interface and adds a bunch of features if you don't want to use bagnone for example lvi already has a bag feature in it it improves your tool tips let you move your bags just a ton of stuff I could make a whole video just on L UI also if you want to have this UI that you see in the background which is the UI I've been using since Legion basically an ALT route classic a link to it will be in the description as a lot of people seem to like how it looks every time they see it in one of my videos lastly if you've gone and installed a bunch of add-ons that I've mentioned in this video you you quickly see that your mini map will be a pure mess just a reminder that leatrix plus has a feature to combine all these add-ons into one you can enable it and then right click your mini map to see all the add-ons buttons so that you can configure a given add-on if you want to with that that's everything I have for you today those were 25 add-ons that I personally use and that a lot of people in the community use as well I've tried to look for new things that are specific to cataclysm for this video so I hope you found something new here that you'll you'll be using if you're an experienced player with that I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did remember to give it a like And subscribe as there will be a lot more content like this in the future my name is numia and I will see you guys again very soon bye for now
Channel: Numidia - Classic WoW
Views: 75,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic WoW, World of Warcraft, WoW, Classic Cataclysm, Cata, Cataclysm, Classic Cata, Cataclism, Cacaclysm, Cataclym, Cataclys
Id: cxElAF7-x5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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