15 Addons I can't play without [guide]

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greetings everybody I hope you're having an awesome day today and welcome back to another guide for today's video I decided to share with you my most beloved and most used add-ons in wow the first list is going to be the list of add-ons that I can't seem to play the game without having but that are also not so fundamental for the game in the likes of dbm and damage meters the second part is going to be some honorable mentions for add-ons that I like and use but are not so necessary for me disclaimer I love all these add-ons almost equally so I found it kind of hard to rank them from 10 to 1 well maybe number one and two are really first and second cuz I just can't play the game without them number 10 eye level a very and easy straightforward add-on not too many features in it but it has exactly what I want from it it shows people's eye levels when I'm inspecting them but most importantly it shows me all of my gears eye levels inside my character panel without having the need to check each one out individually also it shows which which piece of gear is missing en chants and which one is missing gems number nine saved instances the absolute best add-on to track down your alts instance lockouts as well as many currencies you can also choose which alts you would like to show on the mini map button this add-on helps me stay organized and keep track of my boss defeats across all my [Music] alts number eight bagnon I have to mention it for the quality of life it brings to the table it's kind of irrelevant nowadays now that we can make the default bags look like the Bagon ones but there's still one thing that keeps me hooked and that's the ability to check my storage across all my characters on the same Realm by visiting each character's bag checking how much gold each one has this also shows my go total on this realm and if I Mouse over an item it shows me which characters have have it how many of it they're holding and whether if it's in their bags or in their Bank speaking of banks I can also check all my alts Banks and even my guild Vault all in all I love bagnon so much and making me uninstall it would probably require blizzard to fully replicated into their default back [Music] UI number seven better wardrobe this one is amazing for transmogs the default appearance tab only shows the items individually and the set while this add-on adds a new tab of so many extra sets all the way from vanilla to the latest patch it also enhances the dressing room by adding some nice tools such as use Target Model use player model use Target gear undress and so many others number six cow's achievement filter this add-on adds new tabs to your achievements window that make it easier to find achievements it's really good for for people who find it hard to memorize names and titles such as myself you can search by expansions events PVP and the specials tab which is my favorite one this tab lets you check all the achievements in the zone you're currently playing in as well as the watch list which is kind of like your to-do list any achievement you're working on can be added here by right clicking on going to more and then add to watch list that way it's easier for you to find whatever you're working on and this list is a account bound so whatever you add in there will be visible for all your characters additionally this add-on will show you which character has the most progress on certain achievements so that you don't waste your time and redo some steps on a new character without being aware of it also attached to the window you will see all the relevant events that are currently active in wow and whenever you log in or reload your UI they also appear on your screen so if you're like me and you often forget to check the calendar this add-on is crucial as it acts as a nice reminder number five Rarity this one tracks down your attempts for mounts pets and toys and shows you which mobs drop which Collectibles whenever you Mouse over them in their tool tip it has many other nice features it shows an achievement like popup whenever you loot something rare it automatically takes a screenshot as well and it lets you add any item you would like in order to track it for example let's suppose I want to track shrouded cloth which is an easy drop from these NPCs first go to Rarity by typing SL Rarity then head over to the custom tab type in whatever you want to type here let's suppose one okay then input the method of obtaining drops from NPCs then the type of item and the item id you can get it from Wowhead so just search for the item you need then right above the quick facts panel click on links then you will find your items ID click on it to copy it go back to Rarity and paste it in there and hit okay now you want to get the NPC's ID same as the item go get it from wad paste it here and hit okay and that's all you need to do close the window and you will see the item added inside the NP tool [Music] tip number four blizz move and demoto these two add-ons together help me check out several things at the same time without having to keep reopening Windows since the default UI doesn't really allow us to simultaneously open several Windows deodal allows us to open as many windows as possible at the same time and reposition them to our liking seems is enough right well when it's paired with blizz move it does wonders shift right clicking a window brings it back to its original position control mouse scroll Wheeling allows us to scale them and control right clicking will reset the scaling to its original size number three can I MOG it if you're into collecting transmogs not just for your main but also for your alt this add-on shows you which t-mog you've collected and which ones you haven't yet across all armor or weapon types regardless of the class you're currently playing it shows you one out of nine icons on every transm piece you have including the white and gray gear the two blue icons and the orange x are for the armor type of the character you're currently playing on the three yellow icons are for other armor types that are Boe which means are tradable and the three green icons are for other armor types that are Bop P's which means are soul bound what this means is that you basically want to look into the orange x which indicates you can learn the appearance right away and the yellow star which indicates you can mail it to an alt and learn it over [Music] there all the others mean that you can safely either vendor them or put them on the auction house depending on whether they're soulbound or not I remember before having this sending every Boe that I looted to my alts without knowing if I had the appearance or not this add-on saves up so much time and effort number two opai one of my absolute favorites and I can't seem to play without it anymore it lets you attach many usable items abilities toys mounts pets Etc into rings that you give them keybinds so you're basically able to use one keybind for several things and this will make your action bars much less stacked I'm currently using three that I set up one for Mount one for my mostly used toys and one for transportations there are many settings and options you can go into to customize it to your own taste so I'm just going to show you how to make it work first open OPI by either typing slopy or navigating to it from your game menu then click on custom rings new ring enter a name for it and here just click on the plus icon to search and add anything you want to add drag the icon and place them above the plus sign on the left side you can find all your rings next to the new ring [Music] button under the title you can choose to make this ring either account wide faction wide classwide or only for the character you're on finally right under this option click the button that says not bound to set a keybind for [Music] it [Music] you can also import rings from your other characters I like to make a new Mount ring for every new character I make but I always keep the Expedition yuck the sandstone drake and a water mount the same for all of them so what I do is just click on select a ring to modify go down to inactive rings and here you will find all the rings that are used only by other characters so I just pick any of the Mouse rings that I previously created click on share ring copy the text then make a new ring click on import snapshot paste the text in snapshot and change the name for the new character everything is set up and all I need to do is just change the mounts that I want for this specific character lastly don't forget to confirm the key bind and coming at number one handy notes this one is a very well-known add-on and it's my absolute favorite its main objective is to set notes on your map as personal reminders alt right clicking anywhere on the world map adds a note [Music] there typing slhn new adds a note at your current location while typing slhn new with coords next to it adds a note at that [Music] spot Additionally you have the option to download countless plugins for it that go all way from the earlier releases in the game up until the latest you can find plugins for rares Treasures holiday events such as the Hallows and Candy bucket locations and many other things this one is a must have whether if you're a hardcore collector or just a casual one if you feel like it's too many plugins to download you could alternatively install rare scanner which is just one add-on that covers all rares and treasures all around wow I personally prefer the handy notes plugins cuz I find them cleaner but I use both of them since each one has small features that the other doesn't honorable mentions this next list covers some add-ons that I'll go through quickly because they're nice but don't really matter as much as the previous ones number one movement speed this one shows you your movement speed whether you're walking writing a ground mount a flying mount a water mount or thankfully updated a dragon writing mount it lets you track your speed by percentage or by yards per second or both you can position it wherever you want by holding shift and dragging it and it also lets you check the speed of NPCs in the tool tip when you Mouse over them number two these are actually three add-ons but they are kind of the same each one for each collectible type and they are Mount Journal enhanced for mounts Toy Box enhanced for toys and pet Journal enhanced for pets these add-ons add up some extra features to your three journals they let you filter your collections under new categories my favorite ones come with the enhanced Mount Journal as you can filter your mounts by colors which is awesome since very often we try to match our t-o with our mounts additionally for each Mount you can check how many times you've used it how long you've mounted it the distance you've traveled on it the date you learned it and how rare it is it shows the percentage of players that have it which brings us back to filters you can filter your mounts by Rarity also right below the 3D Mount models you will find a set of new tools like automatically rotating and checking the mount [Music] special number three NPC time another aptly named add-on this one adds to the NPC tool tip the time that elapsed since that NPC spawned it's a it's a nice little thing to check when you're hunting some rares you would be surprised to sometimes find a highly sought after rare that's been up for more than half an hour it also shows up for friendly NPCs number four Venture plan this one is only useful if you're still doing the shadowlands missions these are always relevant as you can get four mounts as rewards from some missions and you will constantly find polished pet charms as rewards what this add-on does is that it does the work for you you will first be greeted by a new setup if you click on a mission you will find this small book icon called The Cursed tactical guide this button's purpose is to add troops to your group after you've added at least one Champion if clicking it doesn't do anything it means the mission will fail if it does add troops then it means the mission will be successful and you can see the estimated Health remaining for the surviving Champions by looking at the lower green health bar you don't really need to click on the book since you can assemble your own party and see for yourself if the mission will succeed or fail don't forget to click on assign party and then send tentative parties if you don't click on that second button the mission will not start after they're done all you need to do is just hit that space bar one time and all of them will be completed together and number five leave plus this one is widely used and praised by the wow Community it offers so many quality of life options that enhance the default UI and make your game smoother from automatic actions like accepting quests and summons selling junk and repairing to automatically blocking duels friend requests Etc to other miscellaneous things like changing the weather density modifying the maximum camera zoom and removing the delete confirmation box for items that are rare quality or above there's literally so much to check out with this add-on so take your time browsing through them and enabling whatever works for you and that's it for my add-ons I would love to know which ones you're going to download or which ones you think are cool and I haven't listed them thank you so much for sticking around and I will see you in the next guide see you later
Channel: Moistgemini
Views: 9,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, wow, world of warcraft, blizzard, mounts, collecting, stream, mmorpg, playing, worldofwarcraft, warcraft, warcraft3, horde, alliance, gaming, guide, wowguide, mountguide, fallen charger, dragonflight, mount, world of warcraft mounts, wow mounts, easy mount guide, wow collecting, wow easy mounts, wow fast mounts, legion mounts, shadowlands mounts, paragon mounts, reputation mounts, gaymer, wow addons, addons, world of warcraft addons, best wow addons, fun wow addons, cool wow addons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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