9 Client-side quality of life mods for Valheim 2024

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Hello everybody welcome to another valheim video today we're going to be learning all about some fantastic Quality of Life mods available for valheim PC and I've saved the mod that I feel is by far the most useful for the very end of the video so you have to skip there or watch the whole thing to get to that part there's some tediousness in valheim but there's one thing in particular that is incredibly tedious that most of you have already experienced and this is exactly what I'm talking about opening chests and looking at menus how often have you done this you don't know where the one thing is so you got to open all the chests and I don't know about you but I don't personally find opening and closing chests for 20 minutes straight to find three or four things that enjoyable so I've saved the answer to this for the very end of the video before we get into the mods though let's talk about the mod manager R2 modman and it is absolutely incredible if you have been installing mods manually just forget that really this is amazing you don't need to go to any websites you don't need to look at any files all you do is open R2 mod man go to this online section here and then you just search for whatever mod you want let's say I want to find Infinity Hammer I just search for it boom download and then it shows up here bam it's installed and all I need to do let's say I want to disable it boom enabled boom disabled it's so incredibly simple but now that you've been introduced to the easiest way to manage the mods themselves let's actually get into the mods unlike my previous mod video I'll actually show you all the mods in action today the first mod will focus on is the equipment and quick slots mod by Randy nap this mod expands your inventory by basically putting your equipped items out of your inventory so it adds this whole section where you can equip stuff which will remove it from your inventory and then it also adds these three special slots so if I put my hammer in Z and then press Z boom I open up the hammer this can also be used for potions and food and many other things personally my favorite way to use these quick slots is for arrows because you can quickly change your arrow and I love that it's really fun right now I have an obsidian Arrow notched right but all I have to do is press the hot key and now I have Frost arrows but did you notice how I kept my bow drawn you can as you want switch in between the arrows see obsidian Frost obsidian Frost this makes bow combat just more intuitive and I personally enjoy it a lot there's one word of warning I have for you about this equipment and quick slots mod though you have to be careful because if you disable this mod and then you start you'll see that when you go to your character they're naked but don't worry if you see this you see your character is naked as long as you don't click Start everything's fine all you have to do is just go back and your character will never be saved all you have to do is make sure that the mod is actually enabled and then start valheim back up and then you'll see that my character has clothes even though we just saw without the mod he's naked that's just how the mod works and you sort of have to be aware of that so that you don't screw yourself over as long as you never log into the character when it's naked it'll never get saved and you won't ever lose anything the next mod we'll focus on is first person mode which is very simple it pretty much does exactly as you would imagine normally in valheim there is no first person so if you scroll the camera in all the way you'll see your character like this for the most part there is no first person once you enable this mod though zoom in all the way and you activate a fully fledged first person mode you can see my weapon you can even see the character you can see their feet and everything right it's pretty cool I love this mod it's great for doing work around the base or for exploring dungeons if you've ever explored a frost cave in first person it is definitely more immersive and feels more like Skyrim or something the only caveat I have though is that when you're using a bow in first person mode it is kind of a pain and sort of gets in the way but here's the droger Fang and look at it it like the glow just means you can't actually see what you're shooting so I normally do archery in third person mode that's my only gripe about this mod the next mod is for those of you who like to play on a server but you're irritated that when you talk everything is always in all caps if you don't know what I'm talking about this is how it works in bass valheim there's two ways to type a message type a message you can see I'm typing a message in the bottom right normally if you say something in valheim it shows up as white text just like that above your character's head the problem with this though is only characters nearby you can see that so you can't talk to everyone on the server that way however if you type shout and then your message hello it's going to show it in yellow text in all caps and that's how you actually communicate with other people the only way to do it is in all caps and so with this simple chat mod does is it makes it so the default is shout that way all you have to do is type type a message and you'll see that it automatically shouts and you'll also see the mod totally removes the all caps thing so you won't even see it and then if you do want to be more discreet then you have to type say and then something else and this is how you talk to people who are close to you without talking to everyone else on the server overall simple chat is a very effective mod that does the absolute minimum it needs to and nothing more another great part of allheim but a part that isn't balanced that well in my opinion is Farming Farming is really cool and the production and the preparation are an important part of the game but the sheer time it takes to farm all the food you need to have Adventures especially if you're farming for other Vikings it's just absurd how much picking up and planting and picking up and planting and picking up and planting you have to do it gets really really repetitive and hugely time consuming that's where this mod plant easily comes in instead of having to guess and plant everything one at a time this mod allows you to plant things in a custom grid right so you could make the grid much bigger this is just 2x two so four total you can see that they snap together so I can go like this and it won't even plant them unless there's enough space for the whole grid to grow so using this will allow you to always plant things where all of them can actually grow and you can see that you can use it to just plant things much much faster and this isn't going to reduce your gameplay experience it's going to allow you to focus more on the things that you actually enjoy next we'll address another common gripe faced by Alzheimer's and that's Auto pickup have you ever noticed that your inventory just gets absolutely stuffed with all sorts of random items and then you have to go into your inventory and toss the wolf meat and the neck tails and the grade War eyes and the one piece of wood and the one piece of stone over and over and over again throughout your entire bhing experience if you haven't done it yet you're faded to it if you continue to play without this mod and that's where old pickup selector comes in I love this mod you see all you have to do is press Tab and then you know how there's that trophy menu you never look at aside from maybe once well now you can open up the trophy menu and it's been replaced so instead of having this list of trophies you'll never see what you have is a list of Game objects that show up in the game and you just click on it once and it turns Auto pickup off off for that specific item and this may seem simple but it is great for immersion because it takes away all of the resin and grade waries and random crap that you're going to be picking up if you do choose to use this mod here are the items that I recommend you turn auto pickup off for I've identified these as imersion breaking because they find their way into your inventory so frequently that it's a pain the easiest way to think about it is everything boore drop everything necks drop and everything wolves drop and everything grade dwarves drop that's the stuff that you want to disable and don't worry because if you have disabled something all you have to do is just pick it up normally the next mod is very very simple you see in valheim only one person can open a chest and have this menu up at a time so there's often problems on server where you have another character looking at the storage and you can't look and see what's inside which is sort of a problem if you're just checking to see what's there and you're looking for something but with this mod you see a text list of everything that is in the container without having to open it and this is awesome it's really useful on multiplayer because it means you don't have to wait for other players to finish what they're doing to check and see if that's the chest that you need to use this is also really useful because sometimes with servers they'll lag and certain chests just won't be able to be opened for whatever reason and I found that this mod will actually show me what's in those chests even though I can't look at it speaking of crafting have you ever noticed how in valheim you have to make everything one by one over and over and over again so if I want to make a 100 onion soup I have to click this button 100 times in a row I have to stay here staring at the screen staring at this 2D UI element and click it and click it and click it over and over and over again this is where multicraft comes in all that it does is add this little section here you see how I can keep adding here so let's say I wanted to make 30 onion cuz I have 96 onion right so I can go all the way up to 30 and then click Craft and now it's just going to keep crafting so I still have to use the resources to make everything and I still have to spend just as much time crafting but the difference is I don't have to pay direct attention I can go off make myself a cup of tea do whatever and come back and the task is finished and I find this to be much better next there's one Quality of Life mod for sailing I personally use this a lot just because uh I have to sail a lot on this no map server and I sail new players to this island and it's kind of far away and they get lost if they don't know what they're doing so I sail a lot and that's where this transparent sale mod comes in it's really great because basically what it does is it replaces the sale mesh with a transparent sale so you can see it looks a bit weird because I can see through it right and there's that like dotted effect but the sail is actually fully up now and this is great because sailing for like 40 minutes in an ocean and not even being able to see through the sail like I get that that's realistic but it's a pain it's really boring and it makes the person who's sailing just have to deal with a really monotonous situation so I personally like to use transparent sales I find that it makes sailing a more enjoyable experience without removing the danger that's present on a Noom map server and congratulations you made it to the end of the video so now I'm going to show you the one mod that is so incredible it's hard to stop using it once you get used to it I actually showed you it already if you didn't notice when I was making that onion soup I don't have any onions in my inventory but if you look here it says three out of 51 so where are those 51 onions well they're actually in one of these chests right here you see 51 onions so the way this mod works is it looks at all of the containers that are close to the player and then it acts like all of that stuff is in the player's inventory so it's not like you can just spawn anything you still have to get the material but then you can just have it in your chest you don't have to go indiv visually look through everything to find that one ingredient that you're missing you can just go to The Cauldron and make whatever is available and this is amazing it makes the valheim preparation experience so smooth and enjoyable you don't have to be scared of going into your base to make something cuz you got to spend 20 minutes Gathering all of the crap and then you forget one item no more now you can just open the cauldron and make whatever you need as long as you have the stuff for it it's absolutely incredible I don't know if I'll ever disable this mod unless I absolutely have to because it's so awesome if you want to support my work then consider renting your own dedicated valheim server just go to zap hosting.com and use my link JP valheim also if you'd like to see more valheim content on YouTube then like this video or any other valheim video so that YouTube knows that you want to see more of this kind of content thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: JP Valheim
Views: 5,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JPvalheim, Jack Pitman Valheim, JP valheim, jpvalheim tutorial, valheim mod list, valheim client side mods, valheim mods 2024, valheim mods how to install, valheim mods, valheim modpack, valheim mod manager, valheim utility mods, valheim quality of life mods, valheim quality of life mods 2024, valheim qol mods, valheim utility, client side quality of life mods for valheim, valheim mods for 2024, valheim immersive mode, valheim immersive mods, valheim immersive mode tips
Id: P8TzQjbSt40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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