Copy and save buildings in Valheim using PlanBuild mod

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Hello everybody welcome to another vhim video today we're going to be moving buildings around did you know that it's actually possible to save individual buildings in valheim all you have to do is get the world file onto a computer that has valheim from that point it's only a matter of knowing what to do the easiest way to get plan build installed successfully is to use a mod manager like R2 mod man or thunderstore all you have to do is go to the online section here and then search for plan build then you're going to get this one right here by matthus deoc download it and then download with dependencies this is going to add all of the three dependencies automatically however if we go to the config editor there won't be anything there yet because you have to start the game once with the profile file for the configs for each mod to show up that's a norm across all mods it's not just these ones so we'll start modded in this video I'll use the plan build mod to save copy paste this building that you see somewhere else to begin you'll need to make a blueprint Rune which will be available on the regular crafting menu with just one stone the blueprint Rune and plan build in general has many many different features we're going to focus just on the copy paste and saving that you need to do what I've been talking about the easiest buildings are buildings like this which don't have any basements or any terrain edits they're just on flat terrain but for now we'll keep it simple equip your blueprint Rune and navigate to the tools section the second one from the left is add to blueprint selection we're going to pick that one now we could just click manually on each piece right but this would take a long time for a whole house so there's a better way if you hold control you'll see this circle and if you scroll up or scroll down then you'll be able to increase the range of the circle and what you want to do is place the circle in a way that the whole entire building is surrounded by the circle just like this we're going to do it right here and then click make sure that you're holding control down when you click otherwise it won't work properly and now we can see that we have selected the entire building that's all it took now it's not that simple though because if we just save this it's going to be a huge pain to place it properly placing these is the hardest part and that's what I aim to make easier for you go to your blueprint Rune again and into the tools section but this time we're going to pick the center point marker all right and the way you should think about this is you should put it at the entrance or the front don't think of it like a Center Point think of it more like a front Point okay so it should be on the ground not connected to any piece and we're going to put it right there okay so this is the front of the building and the center point is is there now we have the absolute minimum that we need to save the building so I'm going to go to the edit selection option and now just click anywhere this will bring up this menu here so we're going to save it and it's going to be the tutorial house now let's run off and find some flat place to place the new building in this spot looks flat enough so what I'm going to do is right click and then go to terrain tools here and make sure this circle isn't too crazy hold down shift and that's going to just sort of flatten the area we're working with a lot and if you want to reset this at any point you can just hold down alt and that's going to reset the hill to its default value as you just saw there to access the building that you've saved go to the blueprint section and your building will show up there if it hasn't shown up there it's probably because you named it in a way that put it in a custom folder so we can see here this is the tutorial house and now you can see a ghost image of where the house will be and if we scroll with our Mouse wheel we'll rotate the house allowing us to pick the spot that we think it'll fit now you can see that what the center point really became is basically the cursor spot you can see the the thing I'm looking at that is the center point we placed before oh look at that the classic problem I placed it but it only place these build designs so what we're going to do is open the console and type bp. undo all right now I'm going to tell you straight off that there's a config file you can just change the default so all you do is Click but without even editing the config file you can do something to make it work all you have to do is look at the exact right spot and then hold control and then click now it's going to place it directly as you can see this is just a regular vanilla building now it was placed here but the terrain wasn't changed at all these kind of buildings are much easier to move now let's say that you want to remove a building that you placed obviously you could just do the bp. undo command and right after you place it as I showed you earlier but in addition to that there's other tools that you can use we can go to the same add to blueprint selection as before and what we're going to do is select the entire house and there we go but now instead of saving the house what I'm going to do is go to the edit selection and then we're going to click anywhere and we're just going to do delete that's another way that you could just eliminate huge amounts of building and you can also do the BP undo to then put the stuff that you just deleted that way back now we're going to add everything again by holding control and making the circle quite big there we go and that selected the entire building but this time when we go to the edit selection menu we're going to go to cut so I can show you what it does you can see that it basically deleted the building right but if we look around we can now place this building wherever we want and this is a great time to talk more about placing buildings because there's a keyboard shortcut that you're going to need to use a lot here and that's control and ALT holding control and ALT will allow you to move the placement up or down and this is very very important hold control place it there you go but it immediately will start folding apart because it can't actually exist that way there's nothing holding it together and as usual we can just type bp. undo to just get rid of everything this is why what you would normally do would be to look at where it's going to get placed and then hold down control and ALT and then put it into the ground a little bit like kind of inset the building into the ground this way when you spawn it the building actually spawns into the ground everything you cut will show up in this clipboard section of your blueprint room but be very careful because this is temporary as soon as you exit this valheim session this will get deleted so make sure that you save everything to the blueprint section that you actually want to keep as you can see you'll still have problems when everything isn't totally flat and that's where using these terrain modification markers comes in here we have a Tavern which looks simple to move at first glance because it's all on one level but if we look closer we can see that there's actually a basement here so how would you handle this at first the process is the same you'll select the blueprint Rune and go inside the building and try and go to the very Center and then hold control and click this should select everything in the entire building it'll even Save which in chests and item racks it's really awesome however as I mentioned earlier this area has a basement right so we need to go down into the basement onto the bottom level right and kind of size the basement up looks like it's a rectangular area it's got that storage area there over here and here so the center point is going to be right about there what we're going to do is select one of these terrain modification markers and now after we select it you'll see there's this radius around it and you can click on essentially the marker itself and then change its parameters what we're going to do is make it a square and then that should change it here but these lines this wouldn't really work because this would make the terrain clip into the wall you want to make the terrain it Dez a little bit more and we'll also have to do it even more over here to accommodate for these chests so I'm going to take it from 3 to five and then see how that does we can look and look for the edges we don't want to see any of those white boxes we want them all to be hidden further away and you can see that they're right there so this looks like it would be fine because all of these chests are going to function without a problem now if we were to just copy everything it wouldn't work because we need to get that Center Point this time it's going to be right here in front of everything now what we can do is go to edit selection and then click anywhere and then go to save I'm going to mark this as the let's go find a flat spot somewhere to place it so here's our nice super flat spot and we're going to open the blueprint Rune up go to Blueprints and then then find the troll in right here we should be able to place it hold control to make sure it direct places and then if we look around we can see that the outside is pretty good it's a little you can see that the grass is coming up there let's fix that all we have to do is do bp. undo now let's select it again but this time we're going to hold control and ALT and then scroll up on the mouse wheel just a little bit now we're just going to hold control and place it again again this time you can see that it placed much higher up so the blades of grass aren't showing through the floor but now let's go double check because is it okay down here well if we look it looks like we messed it up a little bit the floor is a little bit too high but aside from that I mean the rooms here with a little bit of touchup we could make this work so there we have it if you are patient enough you could use use a lot of these terrain modification markers if the build has lots of them it can get kind of complicated but as long as you put everything in the right place and you make copies and backups then everything is going to be fine just a word of warning though if you're managing a server and you move people's buildings around they don't know that this kind of thing is possible so they often think that you just destroyed their stuff or someone else destroyed it or they got griefed and it's not uncommon for people to just log in see it's gone and then log out without realizing it's actually a block or two down the road if you want to rent your own dedicated server or support my work consider going to zap hosting and using the code JP valheim and if you want YouTube to show you more valheim videos consider liking this video or any other video on YouTube about valheim and then YouTube 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Channel: JP Valheim
Views: 1,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JPvalheim, JP Valheim, valheim save building, valheim copy building mod, valheim copy world, valheim copy server, valheim building tips, valheim building ideas, valheim building tutorial, valheim building mods, valheim building tips and tricks, valheim building mods 2023, valheim save and paste buildings, valheim copy and paste buildings, how to save a building in valheim, can you save a building in valheim, how to copy and paste in valheim, valheim copy and paste
Id: 1NdE7LG6sRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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