Is Wearing a Mask a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast

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good evening it is good to have you here on a Wednesday night and I know it's good to be fellowshipping with one another and most importantly it's good to be here so we can fellowship with the Lord and we can claim victory in him and him alone so let's stand together this evening and let's sing a little bit about victory and the victory we find in Christ in victory in Jesus let's sing together I heard an old story how Savior came from glory how he gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me I heard about his brownie of his precious blood to me then I repented of my sin and won the victory Oh victory and Jesus my Savior forever he sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood he loved me ere I knew him and all my mob is to him he plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood I heard about his healing of his cleansing power redeeming how he made the lame to walk again and cause the blind to see and then I cry dear Jesus come and heal my broken spirit and somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory victory in Jesus my Savior forever he sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood he loved me I knew him and all my love is to him he bugs me to victory beneath the cleansing flood I heard about the mansion he has built for me in glory and I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea about the angel see he and the old redemption story and some sweet day housing up there the song of victory all victory and Jesus my Savior he sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood he loved me and I knew him and all my love is to him he wants me to victory beneath the cleansing Terry Whitworth would you lead us in prayer this evening amen you may be seen all right and good evening to you welcome to Wednesday night service at North Lake Baptist Church thank you for those who are here in person and those who are joining online we're glad you're here as well if you have your Bibles please turn to Revelation 13 Revelation 13 and we'll be discussing the wearing of face mass and other face coverings I've received several requests to discuss this topic Americans have been enduring a variety of covered 19 restrictions since about the 15th of March I think most of us had hoped that this pandemic would be a long over by now currently though there's still about 20 states that have imposed mandatory facemask regulations currently not in Georgia but I wouldn't be surprised if it changes any day in other states governors and public health officials while not mandating or encouraging people to wear a mask wearing masks has been controversial from the beginning it began with confusing messages from the government if you remember the US Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted on February of the 29th seriously people stopped buying masks they are not effective in preventing general public from catching coronavirus but if health care providers can't get them to care for sick patients it puts them in our communities at risk at the same time if you remember dr. Anthony Fauci leading expert for the White House coronavirus task force told the public that mass wouldn't be effective in stopping the spread of the virus but by June dr. Fauci was briefing the media that mass really do work but he said that they said those things in February because masks were in short supply and they needed them reserved for health care workers of course this is led to conflict all across the country with some people believing that master highly effective in our war against koban 19 and others believing that masks are just another governmental threat to our Liberty even in churches there is conflict I receive messages from people being bullied by their Christian friends who say loving like Jesus means wearing a mask others are saying that wearing a mask is preparing the way for receiving the mark of the beast which is what gives us our question of the evening yes I've received us several emails about that so what do you think is wearing a mask a precursor to the mark of the beast if you looked at our web blog today you saw one will have a tough night tonight because it's almost tied so I'm surely gonna make somebody ill tonight but whichever way I've gone this butt is wearing a mask a precursor to the mark of the beast 36 percent said yes 51 percent said no and undecided was 13 percent my answer is no I think sometimes we reduce the mark of the beast to being anything that the government tells me to do that I don't want to do we call that the mark of the beast the mark of the beast is actually a specific prophecy for a specific time in history the mark of the beast is first found in Revelation 13 hopefully you found that by now and it's during the reign of the Antichrist also known as the beast and the Beast will be Antichrist he is against Christ he is opposing Christ but though he is against Christ he will also be a cheap imitation of Christ even to the point of appearing to die and then rising again see that in Revelation chapter 3 I'm in chapter 13 verse 3 I saw one of the heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and they followed the Beast because again it looked like he had a fatal wound he was dead but somehow another he came to life and everybody just marbled at it then I'm down in revelation 13:6 not only is he against Christ he will actually attempt to replace Christ he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name his Tabernacle on those who dwell in heaven the Apostle Paul relates the same thing in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 he said the man of sin the Antichrist the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself to be God so again this Antichrist person is very anti-christian and anti God well in addition to the Beast who is the anti Christian world ruler there will be another beast also known by some as the false prophet you see that beginning in verse 12 chapter 13 well start in verse 11 then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon he experienced how he exercised all the authority of the first beast in his presence and caused the earth and those who dwelt in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed he performs great signs so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth and the side of men probably using artificial intelligence and he deceives those who dwell on earth by those signs which he granted to do in the sight of the Beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast in other words it's not enough that you got two beasts here but now he's gonna do like Nebuchadnezzar a bowl he's gonna make a image of a beast that was wounded by the sword and lived and he was granted power to give breath in other words he'll make this image actually come alive to the beast and the image of the Beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be killed and he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on the right hand or on their foreheads that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name so you can clearly see here that the mark of the beast is associated with worship worship at the Beast for those who worship those who serve those who submit those who swear allegiance those who are willing to obey the orders of this one-world government in the future and are willing to take some kind of mark in order to prove their loyalty then life for them will be good but if you refuse to take that mark you see then that you cannot buy or sell I'll go ahead and add get health care or get through security checkpoints or border crossings or airports or government buildings our banks or schools or work or the football game of course there again if you do take the mark there's bad news to follow to Revelation chapter 14 and verse 9 a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the Beast and His image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he himself will also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out at full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire brimstone and the presence of the holy angels and the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever they have no rest day or night who worships the Beast and His image and whoever receives the mark of his name so far as far as I know the masking mandate anywhere in any of the states has not required you to worship anything or anyone so there's no worship component that I know of in the United States so if you choose to wear a mask your pandemic you are not preparing the way for Antichrist nor are you condemning your soul to hell now while we were talking about the mark of the beast let me enter answer a few questions from Cindy and I received several from Cindy as you thought you heard the sermon might have thought I might but I stated Sunday morning that I believe that the rapture of the church takes place not in Revelation chapter 4 but in Revelation chapter 7 just before the beginning of what the Scofield Bible calls the Great Tribulation or what the Apostle John calls the great day of the wrath of the Lamb it's going on which I believe starts in chapter 8 not chapter 6 anyway I also made the case that I do not believe that any Gentile will be saved during the Great Tribulation which some people translated to say Danny does not believe that anyone will be saved during the tribulation but just because no Gentiles will be saved in the Great Tribulation or the day of wrath does not mean that no one will be saved during the tribulation Jesus speaking in Luke 21 Luke 21:24 he said Judea will follow by the edge of the sword which actually occurred in 80 70 and will be led away captive into all the nations which they have been for the last two thousand years and Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled the Apostle Paul picks up on this same saying of Jesus and in Romans 11:25 he says for I do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of the mystery what mystery talking about the mystery of the church unless you should be wise in your own opinion that blindness in part has happened to Israel spiritual blindness has happened to Israel or the Jewish people until the fullness of Gentiles has come in and so all Israel will be saved as it is written so according to the Word of God at end of the last days the times of the Gentiles will come to an end and then the Lord will fulfill his promises dating all the way back to the old testament to the children of Israel so yes we know of at least a hundred forty-four thousand people from the tribes of Israel will be saved during the Great Tribulation and possibly thousands more listen to what the Old Testament prophet Zechariah said Zechariah chapter 12 verse 9 and it shall be in that day what day the day of the Lord that culminates in the Battle of Armageddon that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against or attack Jerusalem and I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication then they will look on me who they pierced think about that for a minute they'll finally recognize that Jesus Christ is their Messiah yesterday well mourn for him as one mourns for his own son and grieve for him as one grieves for his firstborn so yes the Lord has shown 2,000 years of mercy to us Gentiles 2,000 years the gospel has been making its way all the way around the world and as it went around the world some Gentiles received it I'm one of those Gentiles who received it but lots of others rejected him but the times of Gentiles also known as the church age is soon coming to a close and the Lord will rapture his church and then when that happens he will turn to Israel and show his grace and mercy upon them during the time known as the Great Tribulation or the time of the wrath of the Lamb or Jeremiah called at the time of Jacob's trouble the time of Israel's trouble and then that's when he will fulfill his promises toward them so yes I believe that many children of Israel will come to faith during the Great Tribulation and yes many of them will refuse to receive the mark of the beast and yes many of them will be persecuted and martyred by the Antichrist and the Lord will bless them and reward them with eternal life we'll share eternity with them in a place called heaven so hopefully that took care of last Sunday morning so now let's get back to masks and no I do not believe that wearing a mask lines up with what we just read in Revelation chapter 13 about the mark of the beast I honestly believe that our public health leaders do not know what to do a novel coronavirus either by accident or by plan has been released upon this earth and no one that seems to know how to stop it no one seems to be sure if that vaccine is going to come through and prevent it or if the vaccine will be effective and if it is for how long no one seems to know about treatment now we've had several controversies where their president thinking that one drug works and scientists saying another drug works so it turns out neither one of them have been particularly effective so we don't have a universal cure-all so we are left with social distancing hand-washing and mask wearing so what is a Christian to do I you know I looked in vain maybe your Bible is different than mine but I looked in vain I couldn't find a thing about wearing masks that was located in the in the Bible this past week so that makes masks what we call a gray area a area that is not a black or white yes or no answer to our issue so what are Christians supposed to do in the gray areas of life the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul gave us some principles of how to live in the gray area and so if you'll turn there with me now and that is first Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 8 and then it also he picks up the same sibs you can continues on when we get to chapter 10 so if you'll turn to first Corinthians 8 and leave your Bibles open the Holy Spirit here use the example of meat being offered to idols to give us some principles on how to live in the gray areas and in our culture we have a lot of gray areas that the Bible doesn't mention specifically but nevertheless gives us some principles ok well the first principle we see here is gain some knowledge if you've got a problem out there study the problem we see that in verse 1 now concerning the things offered to idols we know that we all have knowledge that's one thing or opinions although I mean y'all have a pinion about stuff that's what he's saying here all of us have knowledge but knowledge puffs up but love builds up love edifies and if anyone thinks that he knows anything he knows nothing yet as he ought to know but if anyone loves God this one is known by him so first thing we need to do is find out what's the problem study the problem problem here is a controversy between Christians in the new church about eating meat offered idols if you flip the page over first Corinthians 10:25 you'll find out that in Corinth nearly all meat sold in the markets had been offered at some point to an idol so if you bought meat at the supermarket of course they didn't have those but if you bought meat out there in one of those markets or had dinner at a friend's house you most likely was eating meat that had first been offered on a pagan altar that's local knowledge Paul knew this he'd been to Corinth he's now riding to Corinth so he has knowledge of the situation second kind of knowledge we need is spiritual knowledge what does the Bible say about this get some biblical knowledge so you ask yourself is there an explicit command is there a dash out or thou shalt not when it comes to eating meat offered to idols when the answer is no now there's some things about meat we'll get to that in just a few moments from the Old Testament but as far as something specific about that there's not so is there any implicit teaching in other words it may not be a direct thou shalt thou shalt not command but is there an implied teaching somewhere else in the Bible I'll give an example of an applied teaching for example how many of you know that the Georgia lottery is not mentioned in the Bible okay right so it's not specifically mentioned in the Bible but guess what the Bible is full of implicit commands about good and godly stewardship and the management of the resources that God has given us so we know if we study those very well that that's not a good use of your money when it comes to being a good steward of what God gives you well when we get back to this problem here that Paul's talking about there while there's no specific passages about meat offered to idols Paul does quote from the Old Testament psalm 115 to say that idols are worthless idols are nothing deuteronomy 6:4 pagan gods are nothing there's only one god and then he quotes that if you look back to first Corinthians 8:6 there is one God the Father of whom are all things and we for him and there's one Lord Jesus Christ through whom are all things and through whom we live of course you know under the Old Testament Old Covenant in Leviticus 11 Deuteronomy 14 those are the chapters about kosher foods things that Jewish people could eat things that they were forbidden from eating but as the gospel of Christ begin to move after the resurrection of Jesus the gospel went out beyond the Jewish nation to all the world and as it moved out from Israel beyond Israel there was some freedoms in Christ that were added in Acts chapter 10 and 11 if you'll remember the Apostle Peter had that vision of all these non kosher animals and a sheep being dropped down from heaven and he said rise and eat I can't eat those things those things are not kosher who are you telling they're not kosher God's talking to you if he says you can eat them you can eat them and so basically the principle there was the Lord was trying to tell them not to force Gentile believers to follow all these Jewish customs so now we're in the New Testament age the church age age of grace times of Gentiles and so believers both Jew and Gentile are allowed to eat pork barbecue and aren't you glad of that in North Georgia okay so so again that's part of the freedom part of the Liberty that we have in Christ that's part of our knowledge that we have from the Scriptures so so far we've stayed this situation in the Bible and we have knowledge what do we do next step number two is consider the conscience and opinion of others look at verse 7 however there is not everyone that has knowledge for some with the consciousness of the idle until now the EDA does the thing offered an idol and their conscience being weak is defiled but food does not commend us to God for either if we eat are we the better or if we do not eat are we the worse so he says here consider the conscience and the opinions of others so you've studied the problem you've studied scriptures and you have a clear conscience that you may eat meat that was sold in the marketplace that may have been offered iotus and most of it had been sacrificed and slaughtered on a pagan altar but you know that foreign gods and their idols are nothing Paul also adds another deal to this in first Timothy 4:4 for every creature of God is good and nothing is to be refused if it is received with Thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer and that's why good Christian people ask the blessing I mean y'all ask the blessing before you eat right that's that's what we do so these things are sanctified so we don't have to have a guilty conscience he basically says the same thing in 1st Corinthians 10 30 as well so in your opinion it's okay now to eat this meat however there are others in your circle of influence who have a different opinion again 1st Corinthians 8 7 there is not never one that knowledge that you have for some people with a consciousness of an idol until now eat it as thing offered idol and their weak conscience is defiled so in the church at time there were former Jews and former Gentiles who are now saved they're now Christians and there are others who are not saved and for some it was very offensive to see people who claim to be followers of a holy God eating some very unholy food so what are you supposed to do in that situation are you supposed to go ahead and eat and tell the person who disagrees to get over it or do you try using as Jesus did a little grace and truth and try to explain your knowledge from the word to them and if y'all can meet in the middle wonderful and if not you're willing to modify your freedom in Christ so it's not to offend your brother I guess what Paul is teaching here oK you've got knowledge but while you've got some knowledge you need to consider the conscience and opinions of other people who are in this group that we call the church then we move on to these third points and that is that the love of God limits our freedom that we have in Christ look in verse 9 but be Wireless somehow the liberty of yours becomes a stumbling block to those who are weak for if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idols temple and not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat the things offered to idols and because your knowledge shall be shall the weak brother perish for whom Christ died in other words you see some guy he's really struggling or trying to know what to do as a new Christian he says you do something that actually violates his conscience so he starts violating his conscience and before you know what he falls away said do you really want that to happen and when you the sin against the Brethren and wound their weak conscience you sent against Christ therefore if food makes my brother stumble I will never again eat meat lest I make my brother stumble boy is that a tough one or what that one goes all the way back to the first verse that I read remember knowledge puffs up but love builds up see knowledge can lead to pride and arrogance so that ever happened to you I know more than you I'm smarter than you I'm more spiritual than you I'm more scientific than you that never happens to us does it little knowledge is a terrible thing but what happens knowledge puffs up but love agape God's kind of love builds up love means don't selfishly do good for others love builds people up and includes yourself so now that we have all of our knowledge stacked up and we know all this things and we have this freedom in Christ he still says begin with yourself look at first Corinthians 10 23 you see the same verse in 1st Corinthians 6:12 all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful all things are lawful for me but not all things edify not all things build me up think about that for me all things are lawful for a believer remember on this chapter 8 what can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus nothing nothing can separate think about that from it that freedom that you have in Christ there's all kinds of things we can do and not die and go to hell is that a wonderful thing yeah but notice this says but not all things are helpful so we don't want to push the limits see how close we can get to the edge without God slapping us over the edge you know no he says if you're saved you're forever saved but you don't want to do things that are not helpful to you you know some things in the modern world a lot of things in the water modern world we deal with are not forbidden in Scripture but they're not necessarily good for us they're some of them are destructive to the body drinking alcohol I know they drink some alcohol back in Old Testament times but they didn't have near the bar that we got today matter of fact you find the word whiskey in the Bible anywhere no that wasn't invented to about the 15th century or something like that so since the Bible didn't mention is it okay to drink that what about smoking is he might have seen tobacco in the Bible no because they didn't start cultivating it in that part of the world too much much later how about marijuana that's another windy night topic for another day but on cinders there's all kinds of things in here that we could technically do and not go to hell but nevertheless it they're not good for us all things are legal but not everything is helpful it's not only destroying the body but things are destructive to the mind profanity and pornography and videos and music TV radio internet social media we're bombarded every day these things here they're some of those are not forbidden in Scripture why because they weren't even invented back then as God would say we've gone way out of our way to invent new sins in our generation so you just have to ask yourself will this activity increase or decrease my faith in Lord and then the second question is will this activity increase or decrease the faith and others who see me do that will this increase or decrease my influence among them to lead them to Christ you have to ask yourself if new believers are non-believers see me doing this thing will it increase or decrease my ability to lead that person to Christ think about this way if you see me going to an r-rated movie or hanging out in the wine I love Kroger or going to a dance club or going to one of these adult shops or scratching a lottery ticket what were you think of me as a man of God but it do something to your faith but it do something to your confidence in me you say but Danny you're a preacher yeah but you are a Christian and people look at you the same way of course this one can be tricky there is limits to this because I know there are some unbelievers out there who are offended that I'm a white anglo-saxon Protestant and I'm still living and breathing air I realize that and so am I supposed to die in order to make them happy and I don't think the answer to that is yes again this is not a hundred percent thing because Jesus when he was on earth couldn't make everybody happy as we see in the cross but Romans 12:18 still applies if it is possible as much as depends on you live peacefully with all people you know throughout church history Christians have grappled with these issues in the gray area or something that doesn't specifically there's not a specific thou shalt or thou shalt not in the Bible about what's going on here some people are in favor of it some people are against it and so how are we gonna deal with it issues in the grave not specifically laid out in Scripture so a phrase has been used by many Christians I know it was attributed to Augustine but bless his heart they attribute everything to Augustine but it's been found down through church history about how people dealt with issues and most of them ended up here in 1st Corinthians 8 and 10 and the phrase goes like this in essentials unity in opinions Liberty and in all things charity of course by essentials I don't know what they meant by it but me it means clear teaching of Scripture that's the essentials so if it's an essential doctrine of the Bible that there's no doubt about it then there must be unity we have to stick together we have to agree on that if it's just a matter of opinion then Liberty will give each other the opportunity the right to be wrong as I said so anymore you know yes okay you got this opinion I got that opinion okay we'll all get along but however these things go we're still supposed to deal with each other in charity you're supposed to get along with each other and love so let's run these principles through with a the face mask situation we find ourselves in so in essentials unity is there an explicit commandment about wearing masks in Scripture know about implicitly well implicitly in Romans chapter 13 we're told that government has the right to impose rules for the public good the only exception to that is the government asked us to do something that's violation of the Word of God and in that case acts 5:21 tells us clearly we ought to obey God rather than man so is the government requiring Christians to violate biblical principles by wearing a mask I don't think so it's probably a matter of violating their preferences back before I don't think anybody in here can remember this but in 1918 during the Spanish flu I found articles about the pandemic how it was handled in Atlanta and you realize people were temporarily closing their business social distancing and wearing something they called gauze masks I have no idea what that is don't sound like I even want to know what a gauze masks would look like but I will say this they weren't under quarantine as long as we have been with this I'll also healthcare workers you know wear a mask every day so if this is some great biblical violation then they're their whole careers in trouble but they wear masks every day to protect patients and themselves from a variety of microbes I also remember back in the 1980s some of you will remember this as well when Georgia began requiring people to wear seatbelts I mean I remember that yeah any of you were happy with that no the reason we know that is because farmers fought it and only what a couple of years ago they changed it to where you had to wear a seat belt in a pickup truck so they had I can't do my farming if I have to wear a seat belt or whatever so anyhow they fought it again because they were griped about losing their freedom but you know the difference then though was the government made a united and convincing case that wearing seat belts did save lives if you remember they even had pictures of the crash dummies flying through the windshield and landing outside of the car and all this kind of stuff in order to prove it so these days about 90% of Georgians will wear seatbelts the others will get tickets without even thinking about it but that kind of brought me back to another thing Paul said in first Corinthians 14 eight he said for if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound who will prepare for the battle one of the problems with masks is our government has given us a certain sound is not giving us a unified sound it has not given us a convincing sound on this so far and I think we've been we've been overwhelmed with misinformation and the contradictions and I think that's one of the biggest issues we have right now but nevertheless in essentials unity right now as far as we know there's not a scripture one way or the other on that so then we move on to the next thing which is in essentials unity and opinions Liberty so here we have the freedom to disagree there all kinds of opinions about mass even among scientists there differences of opinion many scientists and found a lot of articles on the internet say masks are very effective in controlling the virus you got other scientists who say that a properly fitted let me stop there a minute how many of you've seen people properly fitted masks you know you go into the restaurant the guys taking your order in these notes just sticking out or he's got it pulled all the way down it but that is not a properly fitted mask but anyway they say properly fitted in 95 masks is the only mass that has a chance of stopping a corona virus and if you didn't take microbiology it's probably hard to fathom anybody know how tall a corona virus is 0.12 microns the smallest holes are the smallest pores in a cloth mask is 84 microns which means that there is room for 700 corona viruses to get through one hole in cloth at the same time and even on the n95 the reasons called me in front 95 is they only guaranteed that 95% of the time it will stop the varmint from getting through to you so again there's differences of opinion you find them all out there on the Internet again we don't have a certain sound on this also in the church there differences opinions some believers are claiming that loving like Jesus means you're gonna wear a mask other believers are claiming that wearing a mask is paving the way for the Antichrist I think the advice some scripture should be let's not offend each other with their opinions if you want to America wear a mask you have Christian liberty right now to wear a mask if you don't want to wear a mask you have the Christian Liberty to not wear a mask until the government mandates wearing masks and then when the government mandates wearing masks then we you will cooperate it of the government as long as the orders do not violate the commandments of God again if they come along and say not only you got to wear the mask but you got to bow down toward Washington it well okay well that's an issue we're not going to do that but as long as there's assassin as to wear a mask we Merrick wear a mask all right third thing remember there was a third component what was it and in all things charity all things love in essentials unity and opinions liberty and all things loved back to first Corinthians 8:1 knowledge puffs up love edifies love builds up you know these are hard times so let's be considerate let's be patient let's be gracious showing love to one another even if we disagree first Corinthians 10 we hadn't done much in chapter 10 so you can turn over there just as we close first Corinthians 10 24 let no one seek his own but each one one the others well-being first Corinthians 10:31 therefore whether you eat or drink or wear masks or don't wear masks I did that whatever you do do all to the glory of God 1st Corinthians 10:32 give no offense try not to offend fellow believers or unbelievers 1st Corinthians 10 33 do not seek your own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved you got to remember in the back you mind that's our mission that's our Great Commission whatever situation we find ourselves in whether or not you think the government started or whether the government didn't start it or whether the government's right about what they're trying to do it or not the thing is our mission is still not to figure out whether we're going to rebel or whether we're gonna comply our job is to remember that we have a mission and that is conduct ourselves in such a way that when we get through with our argument that we still have a bridge built so that we can encourage that person if you've if he's a fellow Christian or we can lead him to Christ if he's an unbeliever alright so now that we've solved the mass problem how many of you think we did I thought we'd move on to vaccines next vaccines is another item not mentioned in the Bible with foot it clearly in the gray but no I don't think we're prepared to not to do that one I think we have to wait until we have more information was it say there in chapter 8 verse one got to have some knowledge right now there's a lot of speculation about what when and the different ways that they're planning on you know having a vaccination program we'll just have to wait and see how that shakes out see what all is involved in it and then we will take it from there let's finish with it if it is possible as much as depends on you let's be patient and let's be peaceful with one another let's pray father I thank you for your word Lord we live in difficult times we live in times where our leaders are not together on solutions of problems but then the leaders abdicate their responsibility when it comes to sending information down to like churches what what are we supposed to do what are our guidelines and they tell us we'll do your own things so what that leaves it leaves us to also to have conflict within our churches about difference of opinion about what is appropriate and what's not appropriate thank you Lord for giving us your word that helps us to sort through this thing and try to do it in such a way as we don't offend one another but rather we lead people to faith in Jesus Christ well we do pray for those tonight who are suffering and we realize in our community while we were pretty pretty spared from things early on that more and more people are beginning to show up testing positive and some are in fact sick and some are in fact hospitalized and so Lord we pray that you would touch them a special portion of your grace Lord that you would soon remove this plague from us so that we can once again join together as your people and also you would bless our leaders we talked about tonight that they might find a unified solution where our parties can get together in order to solve this problem as a nation Lord bless us now as we try to be your people and live out the principles in your word even in the gray areas and we pray this in Jesus name
Channel: Northlake Baptist Church
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Id: x8LNBTicLm8
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Length: 42min 4sec (2524 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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