Jesus Calms the Storm

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[Music] good morning let's stand together this morning and open our service of being resolved in who christ is as we get ready to worship our lord this morning [Music] i am resolved no longer to linger by the world things [Music] three [Music] he is the true one he is [Music] greatest highest i will come to thee i am resolved [Music] unto [Music] [Music] amen you may be seated at this time i'm going to turn our service over to our uh student pastor matt williams well good morning church we are going to follow our savior into the waters of baptism this morning and the book of romans the apostle paul writes therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death in order that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father so we too may walk in newness of life for if we have been united with him in the likeness of his death we will certainly also be in the likeness of his resurrection church this morning our baptismal candidate is john matthew son do you trust the lord jesus as your personal lord and savior i do listen based on your profession of faith and in obedience to the lord's command i baptize you my son and my brother in christ in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit [Applause] church will you join me as i pray heavenly father what a glorious day it is lord that we can come and gather together this morning and worship you the true and living god lord we thank you that your spirit is working in the hearts and lives of people and that people are submitting to your will and professing faith in jesus christ lord we pray for john matthew as he continues to grow in his walk with the lord lord i pray that you'd be with this family lord i pray that you'd be with this church family and lord i thank you that he is in this church family that he can mature and grow as a brother in christ or we pray that there are many more would hear your call to come and lord that they would open the door of their heart to you it's in jesus name that we pray amen amen i want to start off with our first announcement will be a trail life announcement so i'm going to call brother carrie up with the trail life folks to come do an announcement here and they're making their way up and as they do want to make sure you know that on that tonight we need a little bit of help or not tonight before tonight we need a little bit of help right after the service removing those two back sections of chairs closest to the kitchen in the back into the awana building because we're having a deacon ordination service tonight and a reception to follow so this time i'd like to turn it over to the trail life troop good morning good morning as you know north lake baptist church runs a trail life troop troop 27-17 that comes from proverbs 27 17. his iron sharpens iron so man sharpens man we are those men a trail man who i just if you come out there you'll see us that's our trail life motto here at the church eight years ago in 2013 a group of people got together because of some some things going on in other organizations that they couldn't stand for anymore about five years ago we became involved in that and with these boys that are here in your church charles there are others that are here and about 50 more and we meet every other sunday from four to six right back out here and we'd like for you to know that we exist this is trail life sunday we've come up with a phrase of how you can be involved it's called be a pig that's right the peace stands for prayer you can pray for us you can pray for these boys you can pray for the men that lead them there's always that option second is inspire be inspiring if you've got a gift a talent you know something we don't know come out and show these guys emil decker did a great job coming out with the colonial times and i had slides for you and all that but something didn't happen you can imagine it right inspire these boys inspire the men to become better leaders and the g is to give it's a gift because it's your giving that makes our society run here in trail life not just money but time a little bit of time a little bit of time goes a long way in raising young godly men to be part of the church to be part of our community in an organization that will not waver on its christian or biblical beliefs period and that's who we are so we want it on this trail life sunday to show who we are what we are and how you can help so let's all go out there and be a pig for trail life well thank you brother carey thank you trail live folks um one just want to reiterate again those back two sections we're going to move into the one building after service anybody that's able to help that'd be great because we have a deacon ordination tonight for brother bud henderson so come back and join us for that as well that service tonight special time in the life of our church a couple other announcements i want to highlight to you in your bulletin we have a couple youth events that are sort of noted in your insert so there's a guy's retreat and there's a girls retreat that are going to happen on consecutive weekends so there's details there for middle and high school guys middle and high school girls so pay attention to those details the youth will also be doing watching the chosen a great series that's out on the 18th of this month at the williams house so see that note in the bulletin as well on the 19th we're going to have our annual sunday school seminar so myself matt and mindy want to request the presence of all our adult children preschool youth teachers for the sunday school seminar we're going to meet in the awana building right after church have lunch together and talk about what what we're going to do and look forward to in sunday school for this next church year um the last thing is that on i want to note that anniversary sunday is coming up on the third you can see the note there we're going to have some good activities that week meal on the grounds together we're going to do some fun stuff out there outside in the yard together so join us for that service but also want to note during that service we're going to do a special offering for the building fund so the funds that you bring that day are are going to especially be designated for the building fund so think about that think about what you want to give toward our building fund on this anniversary sunday to recognize what our church is doing in its own history and the story that we're writing for the sake of the lord to his glory i believe that's all of our announcements this morning so i want to go to the lord in prayer as we begin our service father we're grateful this morning to be here together and lord i pray that as we begin this time of worship god that you would open our hearts to hear from you lord in all of your greatness but we know that we are made in your image that you in all your glory gave us a share in that now we were supposed to display that glory but lord this morning help us to see yours so that we know who it is we are to be like help us to worship you because of it it's in jesus name that we pray amen and this morning we do have gift bags for our guests i forgot to mention this almost so if you're a guest first time here first time in a while if you'll just raise up your hand we have ushers that will give you a gift bag and they'll have a card on it that you can fill out and place in the offering plate on your way out thank you well amen you don't get much amen after announcements corbin i don't know what it is but okay sorry um so i guess we say now that that part's over we could know i'm kidding so it is good to have you with us this morning in the house of the lord it is good to be able to share with you uh this lord's day and i want to give you some encouraging words as we prepare to sing again from psalm 145 it says i will extol you my god o king and i will bless your name forever and ever every day i will bless you and i will praise your name forever and ever there's like a pattern there we're going to be praising the lord continuously great is the lord and greatly to be praised his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts this morning regardless of what generation you're in are you declaring his mighty acts to another generation i want to encourage you if not here's your opportunity and here's your chance to share with those around you how we can worship our lord and savior jesus christ for all that he's done for us for he is worthy of our praise let's stand together and let's sing [Music] all of my heart time to praise you with all of my strengths [Music] i i will give you all my worship i will give you all my [Music] my [Applause] [Music] i will serve you [Music] i will trust you [Music] i will give you all my praise you will worthy of my praise i will give you all my worship i will give you all my praise [Music] i will give you all my worship i will give you all my praise for [Music] long you worship you alone are worthy of my praise [Music] you are [Music] and wonderful [Music] worthy of [Music] songs we can see [Music] save your sushi [Music] worthy and wonderful ways [Music] worthy [Music] you [Music] save your [Music] worthy and wonderful worthy [Music] save your hands [Music] worthy and wonderful [Music] amen you may be seated i also welcome the house of the lord today so good to see you here and for those joining online so good to have you with us as well if you have your bulletins please open to the back page and we'll look at our prayer list our prayer verse today comes from psalm 37 delight yourself also in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass how about you are you delighting yourself in the lord today hopefully that's why we're here to worship the lord we begin today with praises we do praise the lord for the baptism of john matthew williams which we just witnessed and also this evening bud henderson will be being ordained into the deacon ministry here and we praise the lord for that and also ken jones will be rotating on as a deacon for the next four years we won't continue to pray for those that are one who is it in your circle of influence that you're praying for and seeking to lead to the lord also we've got a busy prayer list our church families see the list there they all are in need of prayer bread earnest still suffering with kobe he's an icu at northeast georgia really struggling to get his oxygen levels back up so be in prayer for him eric johnson is next there they've discovered a growth on his liver and he's going to be having to have tests to find out what's going on with him marianne king will be meeting with her surgeon this week she's found out that she has a salivary gland cancer a very rare cancer so be in prayer for her norma masseurian also has been suffering wikovid but is is recovering and she's being moved to the oaks on limestone and also uh andy schneider uh he's gonna be having some intestinal surgery but uh he's got to have some antibiotics before that surgery can happen so pray for him as he was awaiting surgery and also ann wales is recovering from melanoma surgery this past week and so let's pray that the doctor's got it all and it has not spread i also want to pray for extended family and friends uh third line down you'll see shirlene messer that's pam johnson's sister and she was placed on hospice this past week under long-term care ripsy amari will be having neck surgery on tuesday joel hall i'll be having 10 days worth of radiation with his cancer returning so let's pray that that's effective for him and also you see the potters down there helen potter that's diane ford's mom and she's on hospice and very low we understand this morning so be in prayer for that family as well we want to pray for our missionaries who are serving around the world this week we want to ask you to remember one of our very own horace fortner who will be taking a mission trip to poland from the 17th to the 28th so be in prayer for him we continue to pray for the family of miss maddie jane talley in their grief and also today want to remember our nation of course yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks on our country 2996 were killed on that day 6 000 were wounded and the military response to that was over 2 million of our soldiers spent time in afghanistan and iraq 6976 of them were killed 53 303 were wounded so let's remember those folks lest we forget and let's go to the lord in prayer father we thank you for this date you blessed us with a beautiful fall day outside the presence of your holy spirit on the inside lord we thank you for that we do come before you today asking you to bless our nation as we heal up from the wounds of what happened some 20 years ago and in many ways still so hard to understand what's happening then and what's happened since then lord we do pray for these on our prayer list today that need a special touch from you lord we've gathered ourselves before you to worship you as we just sing and also to delight ourself in you as your word just said and so lord we're praying that you answer your people's prayer from the d and give them the delight of their heart we pray today that as we saw john matthew baptized if there's another one in here today that does not yet know jesus christ their savior that today is the day that they will be saved and follow our lord jesus christ and believers baptism lord you are truly worthy of our worship and praise as we continue to praise us i praise you lord we pray that you would take care of us now as we continue to worship you for we pray this in jesus name amen [Music] let's say hallelujah become thou fount of every blessing if you have your bible please open to matthew chapter 8 matthew chapter 8 and we'll continue our study through this gospel the good news of jesus christ here in matthew chapter 8 jesus continues his ministry of healing last week we saw him heal a leper and then the centurion servant if we read on through the chapter here in matthew 8 14 he healed peter's mother-in-law it looked like that was a good thing because she got up and fixed supper for him as soon as they were through so that was a good thing and of course all these healings are gracious gifts from god but they're also signs they're signs that jesus christ is no ordinary man he is indeed the messiah the son of god in verse 17 jesus was fulfilling prophecies like isaiah 53 which is a messianic uh passive scripture there isaiah 53 4 surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows as he went about healing uh people matthew 18 i mean matthew 8 18-22 jesus explained the cost of discipleship and we studied that in our narrow way message from matthew 7 13. and so today we get to matthew chapter 8 and verse 23. it says now when he that is jesus got into a boat his disciples followed him and suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea so that the boat was covered with waves but he jesus was asleep then his disciples came to him and awoke him saying lord save us we are perishing but he said to them why are you fearful o you of little faith then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm so the men marveled saying who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey him amen indeed who can this be that's what we're going to be talking about today i'll be also using some details from other places where this story was found which is mark chapter 4 and luke chapter 8 as we go through uh i thought this is a great passive scripture we've been in the storm for the last 20 years with our global war on terror and now we've got covid on top of all that i'm sure you feel like we're in a storm and aren't you glad to know that jesus calms the storm that's right that's what we're going to be talking about today reading this passage of scripture kind of took me back it reminded me of an old testament passage psalm 107 it's an old testament song that gives comfort to people who are enduring the storms of life listen to it those who go down to the sea and ships who do business on great waters they see the works of the lord and his wonders in the deep for he commands and raises a stormy wind which lifts up the waves of the sea they mount up to the heavens they go down again to the depths their soul melts because of trouble they these sailors reel to and fro staggering like a drunken man and are at their wit's end then they cry out to the lord in their trouble and he brings them out of their distresses he calms a storm so the waves are still then they are glad because they are quiet so he guides them to their desired haven oh that men would give thanks to the lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men again another wonderful passive scripture many times in the psalms we look at those as songs or poems and it's often filled with figurative language and surely this is too if you noticed it kind of had you going with the waves going up and down as you read through the poem there but actually psalm 107 is literally being fulfilled here in the life of jesus here in matthew chapter 8 jesus had finished teaching in the capernaum area he wanted to go the land of the gadarenes also known as the gergasines about five mile trip to the from the northwest to the eastern shore of the sea of galilee now this should have been a relatively short relaxing trip especially when you consider that jesus disciples were fishermen and they were very familiar with the sea of galilee so everything should have went well but the disciples are already learning that whenever wherever you go somewhere with jesus it's going to be a learning experience and this particular trip was no exception it began in uneventful enough in verse 23 it says disciples got on the boat which they regularly did i remember a few years ago reading uh in a national geographic magazine that was published an article on the first galilean fishing boat that had ever been discovered a fishing boat dating back to the times of jesus was found in 1986 following a drought which caused the sea of galilee to drop down really low and expose a lot of things that nobody had seen in years so they found this boat this boat was 27 feet long with room for four rowers or riggers a hellsman and several passengers so 27 feet is roughly from the pulpit to the waller so that's the size of boat that we're dealing with here jesus was tired after a full day of preaching and teaching and ministering to people so while these disciples set sail jesus decided to take a nap he went to the stern or the back of the boat possibly used some of the rigging for a pillow and went fast asleep suddenly one of those unpredictable galilean storms blew the sea of galilee is surrounded by high heels and arrow valleys and they act as wind tunnels so when the storms come up begin to blow through those channels then it gets out on the sea and it makes a swirling wind kind of like a hurricane of course it's a smaller hurricane than we're used to but the greek word in verse 24 for great tempest is actually seismos where we ever heard that before well seismograph that's what we used to measure earthquakes and tsunamis so that means it was a big storm a new living translation translates it as a fierce storm the waves begin to crash over the sides of the boat the boat began taking on water and it began to sink it was a perilous situation now these disciples you got to remember are not sissies they are worthy seamen you got peter and andrew and james and john were all veteran fishermen but even they as many times they've been out on the water they begin to call out in um luke chapter 8 they said master save us we are perishing here in matthew they say lord save us we are perishing and you know we're drowning they were worried uh it was a life-threatening situation so jesus woke up stood up rebuked that north georgia word for that is scolded he got up and scolded the wind and said according to mark chapter 4 peace be still and then all of a sudden that's what happened the wind ceased and there was a great calm and the disciples suddenly had a change of fear they went from being afraid of the storm to being afraid of jesus who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey him you know it's an exciting little story but it's also educational too the disciples are fixing to learn two very important lessons and we need to learn them too and the first lesson is going to be about the lord and the second lesson is going to be about life so let's take them one at a time first of all a lesson about the lord when jesus began his ministry in capernaum by casting out demons his followers asked in mark chapter 1 what is this what kind of doctrine is this what kind of teaching is this that this man is doing now you got jesus after he calms this storm they're asking a different question and that is who is this see that's a difference in christianity in the other religions christianity is not about what it's not about a philosophy it's not about a teaching or a theology or opinion or a line of thinking christianity is about who who is this person it's about a relationship it's knowing god and the person of god's son jesus christ who is he in this storm the disciples move from thinking of jesus as a master or a rabbi or a prophet or a teacher to jesus is the messiah he is the son of god he is the virgin born son of man he is a heaven sent son of god he is fully god he is fully man notice that jesus is fully man he preached all day he was tired he was hungry he was thirsty he was sweaty but he didn't have the time or the prophecy to bathe or to change clothes or to grab a bite to eat so in verse 24 what did it say he did he went to sleep he was a real man he was not an angel he was not a ghost he was not a spirit creature as the jehovah's witnesses who come and knock on your door describe him in matthew chapter 2 it says that jesus was born in bethlehem as a real baby in luke chapter 2 it says he was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth which means that jesus was a real boy he grew up like a real child he got hungry he got thirsty he laughed he cried he got tired he slept the bible also teaches that when he was beaten it really hurt with real pain when he was crucified he really bled it was real blood when he breathed his last breath he really died hebrews chapter 4 and verse 2 15 emphasizes we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with us with our weaknesses but he was in all points tempted just as we are yet without sin so jesus was fully man amen all right next and in the same breath jesus is fully god in psalm 46 10 remember the verse says be still and know that i am god well when jesus rebuked the winds in the sea mark records that jesus actually said peace be still and when the winds and the waves obeyed him that's when the disciples knew that he was really god a magician or a con artist might be able to fake a cure of sicknesses i've read reports of that in some of these meetings where you're supposed to have fake faith healers there and they actually have people who come in and play act that they were really down and out but all of a sudden they get up and walk and so everybody gets really excited so you can kind of fake that but who can change the weather with a word i'll tell you only god can the same god who said let there be light and there was light the same god who said let there be skies and there were skies the same god who said let there be seas and there were seas so when jesus rebuked the wind and the seas and with his peace be still the wind and the seas obeyed him you know why because they recognized their creator all right so he was very god so jesus is fully man fully god hebrews 2 9 we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor and he by the grace of god might taste might taste death for everyone so in the story of the storm we see jesus christ who became the son of man so that he could empathize with us while we're in our storms but he remained the son of god so he could do something about our storms he fulfilled isaiah 63 9 in all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence came and saved him in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and he bore them or picked him up and carried them all the days of old personalize that in our affliction he is afflicted and he sends the angel of his presence to save us and in his love and in his mercy he redeems us and he carries us through our storms how many of you know he carries you through the storms how many of you know a lot of times you don't see it till after the storm when you're in the middle of the storm sometimes it doesn't quite seem like he's there but after the storm you realize it had his touch he was taking care of you so that's our first lesson the lesson about the lord second lesson is a lesson about life got to look at that little boat in a sense that boat represents us all human beings and that sea of galilee stands for the circumstances that we find ourselves in in this brief earthly life some days our lives are calm on the sea and fishing is good other days our lives are pitching to and fro rolling in one of those galilean hurricanes in america we name our hurricanes we have names that people remember if they were ever near that storm and like sandy and camille and andrew and katrina and most recent one ida the storms in our lives can also have names it could be a name like a lost job financial problems family troubles accidents injuries sickness cancer cobit death most storms in our own human pride we usually say well i can handle this one this one's not too bad i can call friends i can call family i can call 9-1-1 i can get my doctor or i got a good lawyer he can get me out of this one but you know sooner or later satan's gonna cook you up a category four or five storm prepared just for you a storm that's specifically designed to take you down and destroy you no matter who your friends are no matter how good your doctors or lawyers are no matter how many storms you've weathered in the past no matter how fast you can bail water you're going down and that's why we need jesus on our boat only he has the power to speak peace be still and all the powers of hell and all its fury they must obey him that's why in verse 26 jesus rebukes his disciples for their lack of faith do you see that there already through his preaching and teaching you know they should started to figure out maybe some of the miraculous healing he's doing surely they should start to figure out that jesus is more than just a man he'd already just you know shown them demonstrated that he is the lord in the flesh but still they don't trust him they don't believe him for if they believe that he was truly the son of god how many of you think god's going to let their son drown in the sea of galilee but nevertheless they they should have been calm they should have trusted god to take care of his own son instead they abruptly woke jesus in mark chapter 4 part of the story they accused him of not caring he said do you not care that we are perishing come on jesus how can you lay there and sleep while water's coming over the top they didn't wake him to calm the storm folks they didn't have enough faith to believe that he could calm the storm you know why they woke jesus up to help them bail water to help him bale water they didn't believe he could fix this and they were amazed when he did fix it how many of our prayers are like that how often our prayers are really a list of worries instead of a true prayer of faith how can you tell a prayer of worry from a prayer of faith i think this is how you do that is when you're in your storm and you finish praying what do you feel do you feel calm do you feel like peace you feel like god's got this are you still as upset as you were when you started your prayer when you pray do you really believe that the lord can help you through the troubles or did you just wake god up to help you worry about stuff philippians 4 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus our lord you hear that that peace there should be peace if you're praying a prayer of faith you should be able to have a peace even in the midst of your storm that the lord's got this the danny jones amplified version of that verse is worry about nothing and pray about everything i'm not anxious i'm not taking anxiety medication no you're wearing yourself to death we just call it concerned how many of y'all are concerned about things in your life that's another word for worry or anxiety or whatever we just change the name on it we left to do that worry about nothing pray about everything and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus our lord these disciples learned through the storm that when jesus is on your boat he can say cease to the wind he can bring calm to the heart and he will bring you safely to the other side i didn't read on to that next verse but look on the next verse verse 28 there and when he had come to the other side you know jesus said that's what they were going to do they were going to come to the other side and here they were in the midst of the storm they weren't sure that they was going to make it to the other side so they got all panicky but if you'll go back and notice in matthew chapter 8 and verse 18 jesus said hey let's go over to the other side and then here in verse 28 he did they actually made it over to the other side you know what i don't know about you but after weathering a few storms with you in the last 14 years i'm looking forward to being with jesus on the other side on this side i've seen lots of dying and death and preaching a lot of funerals but on the other side according to verse revelation 21 there's going to be no more death on this side i've seen a lot of disappointments and failure and regret between husbands and wives and parents and children and family and friends but you know what on the other side the word of god says there's not going to be any sorrow on this side i've seen a lot of depression and hurt and heartache and tears but on the other side it says there's going to be any more crying on this side i've seen a lot of disease and accidents and injury but on the other side the bible says there will be no more pain on this side i've seen a lot of devastating consequences of sin from people lying and cheating and stealing and immorality and idolatry and violence but on the other side the book of revelation says there will be no more sin nor wickedness nor abomination and nobody that tells a lie will be able to enter in you know there's plenty of people in this life that claim to be experts wanting to get you on you know what they want to climb in on your boat and be you know give you advice for a price on how to navigate your way through this life we have scientists and we have technologists we have psychologists and psychiatrists we got psychics and philosophers we got tv celebrities and counselors and talk show hosts where all you got to do is listen to them every day three hours only three hours and you'll be fine they want to come in and give you all get on your boat and give you all kinds of advice but who do you want on your boat when the big storm comes i don't think i want these experts i remember going on a georgia baptist convention disaster relief trip to north carolina following hurricane fran this was back in 1996 and of course since we were part of a team we always watched hurricanes very closely to see where they were going to land so we knew when to get ready to go to a certain place so all the hurricane experts started predicting landfall in central florida a couple of days later it was jacksonville florida that's northern then it was savannah georgia and then it was charleston south carolina and fran finally hit wilmington north carolina so how far did do experts miss it by 600 miles just just 600 miles you know the experts didn't know where that storm was going you know something else there wasn't a thing they could do about it when it got there except tell you to board up your house and run for your life i don't know about you but i'd rather have jesus as my expert i'd rather have jesus on my boat and you may say well now danny sometimes jesus didn't calm the storm either you realize a lot of people die in the storm and it's not always bad people sometimes it's good christian people that go through hard times as well and that's true sooner or later one of life's storms is going to get us all how many of you know that's true still even if i gotta die in a storm i'd rather die with jesus on my boat because in christ whether or not my body makes it through i have the blessed assurance that my soul is going safe to the other side amen listen to psalm 46 god is our refuge and strength he's a very present help in time of trouble therefore we will not fear even though the earth be removed though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though its waters roaring or troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling though you're on the little fishing boat and the waves are crashing over the top still we don't have to be afraid if it's a tornado or a hurricane or earthquake or a tsunami or it may be an accident or terrorism or cancer or coveted why will i not fear because i know jesus christ is my savior and he has already gone to the other side and he came back and told us it's okay how many of y'all are afraid of going to the other side no he he just went over there said the path is good it's clear as soon as you close your eyes and death you can go the other side with him psalm 46 continues there is a river whose streams make glad the city of god the holy place of the tabernacle the most high god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved god will help her just at the breaking of the dawn the heathen the gentiles raged the kingdoms removed he uttered his voice and the earth melted so fear not because the lord of all the host of heaven is with us so we have nothing to fear the storms of life will come you have no choice in that but you do have a choice on who you let on your boat and i recommend to you this morning get jesus on your boat ask yourself right now is jesus in your lifeboat is jesus in your heart is he in your soul is he in your being he wants to be revelation chapter 3 and verse 20 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and dine with him and he with me jesus christ wants to have a personal relationship with you if you'll let him and if you do if you invite him into your life if you get him on your boat then you don't have to be scared to death every time the news breaks breaking news how many of you tremble every time you hear breaking news of course half the time it's news it's already broke 12 hours earlier but nevertheless you know it's designed to scare us all to death and we don't have to fear for he is with us so this morning as we close i want to ask you to ask jesus christ to come in your life today if you've not already so that you can face tomorrow's storms with faith instead of fear but don't wait too late if you've never trusted christ don't wait in the midst of the storm it may be too late so receive him believe him trust and obey him today as we go the lord in prayer father we thank you for your word we thank you lord for the story that you shared must been very important because you shared it with us three times to realize that we need you on our boat we need you in our life and we also need to recognize who you are you're not just another talking head that we're all so familiar with now who are offering advice and we don't even know if they use their own advice but we know you lord you are fully god fully man son of god son of man the god man who was sent down to empathize with us as we go through our troubles but you retain the power of god so that you could do something about our troubles lord if we have folks in here today who are fearful we pray lord that they put their trust in you and be calm and be at peace lord move among us now by the power of your holy spirit we'll pray this in jesus name amen now is our time of invitation our altar is open if you need to come and pray pray whatever's on your heart knowing that we got praying people in the building who without even knowing your business will be asking the lord to bless you and hear your prayer if you've never trusted jesus christ as your savior and lord i'll be standing down front and i'd love to show you from god's word how you can know that you know that you're saved today maybe you've already prayed to prayer and asked jesus christ forgive your sins and come into your life and save you but you've never made a profession of faith and been baptized like we just saw with john matthew this morning won't you come and join our church today maybe you've already been saved and baptized your church membership is somewhere else but you've moved to this area and you feel like the lord's leading you to come here and find your place of service won't you join our church today maybe the lord has a call on your life and you say well i'm afraid well what did we learn in our story today you don't need to be afraid with the lord on your boat so say yes to him and get about your father's business listen to the voice of the holy spirit during this holy time as we stand together and sing or have invitation won't you come [Music] daily life i surrendered [Music] to surrender take me jesus i surrendered make me save yourself [Music] i surrendered i surrendered [Music] the me with this i surrendered [Music] positions to continue to play is it true what you're singing have you surrendered at all if not don't walk out of here without making your profession of faith in the lord jesus christ today we ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes we've got folks up here that are responding to the spirit of the lord in their heart and it's not too late there's a i feel like the lord's speaking to you today some decision you need to make it's not too late to take care of that don't put it off behold now is accepted time today is a day of salvation [Music] all right thank you we'll ask y'all come up and stand with me we have this morning brett and jonah lowry and i think you've been on the prayer list weren't you recently in the hospital i had kobed and we prayed him out of the hospital now he wants to join wants to join our church today all right [Applause] i was going to ask if it was okay if you all joined the church but i think they've already received you got a little ahead but yes they're moving their membership from a different church as they begin attending our church here and so we praise the lord for that we praise the lord for their commitment to serve here and also for the lord healing bread as well we have jane blitz that's been coming to church here with us for a while and she also feels like the lord is leading her to come and join our church here today so all you who receive jane say amen i'm going to ask them to come back and stand with me at the back door so that y'all can welcome them into our fellowship today and we're going to have brother bud i think is going to lead us in our closing prayer today and again y'all come back this evening as we uh do a special deacon ordination service for him and bring him on board as uh one of our deacons to serve for the next four years and so uh tell you what y'all show him some love as he comes to the stage and then he'll dismiss us foreign i'm sitting over the lord a long time and it just feels really good to say yes [Applause] let's go to the lord in prayer my heavenly father we thank you for this day lord just praise your name today we thank you for all your many blessings lord we thank you for our pastor lord and his willingness to to preach the truth lord and lord we ask that uh this week that we uh take this message and use it lord and when the storms of life knock us to and fro lord to step us to draw strength and comfort in you lord we just uh thank you for another opportunity to meet in your house and uh we just asked you to lead god and direct us and we pray this prayer in your name amen [Music] you
Channel: Northlake Baptist Church
Views: 1,513
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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