#847 The Secret To Getting Incredible Results In Your Acrylic Ring Pour

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[Music] feeding time in the morning these two doses listen the cook of hours each day the Pharaohs hungry are you Charlie it's too early in the morning to be making that racket and I'll get a piece hang on I'll get a piece for you just wait a minute yes I know it's too big for you isn't it here I'll break it up there you go or even that was quite big all right they'll come and get you very nervous a big kookaburras behind him what's going on down there sure what's going on down there would you like some of that two sticky fingers that's way too big for you it's bigger than your head so good you want some more do you hang on there you go good bye about you would you like some come and get some before the kookaburras take it all there you go just throw something at the garden there they can all fly down Carolyn's the big ibis are you doing that too big for you is that you're trying to bang it [Music] hey guys welcome back I'm gonna do a ring pole for you today but I'm going to spin it on my cake turntable so I've just got this from eBay so good heavy weight one I've put some foil over the top just to help keep it clean I've got some masking tape it up just fold it into three so it's sticky on the top and sticky on the bottom and that's gonna hold my canvas in place just fits nicely this is a 40 centimeter 16 inch and I can just feel underneath here make sure it's even and then I can just stick it down like so and my paint over and not the other holds it in place so I'm gonna do white yellow red and black see how that goes so I'm gonna put it into this jug I'm probably gonna use about six hundred grams of mixed paint 30 ounces I've made up more of the black in case well I will I'll put it around my circle I'll use what I want in here then I'll thin out what's left and I'll spread it around the outside and that'll just make it spin the paint off evenly because you know when you do a ring pouring you pick up and you're tilting you go that corner and you go that corner and then you go this corner and and you kind of get this I don't know weird shape but I'm gonna see what happens if the when the centrifugal force just pushes everything out at the same time what's there what happened to pay so we'll get to it pouring medium is 70% glue 30% water it's thicker than what I would usually use because I want my rings just in shape and I want you to see them so that's it's the thicker mix I'm going to show you I'm going to show the consistency we climb up my ladder I've got to put the ladder here today so that I can climb up otherwise you can't see I have to put the tripod a little bit higher than normal all right there we go so the stick is about an inch from the surface trying doesn't know what to focus on there we go poor little thing is having trouble doesn't know what to focus on so that's it their leaves a nice mound on a mound pretty thick okay alright so that's it and there are all marked points so the black and the white I don't need to show you the bowl it's just black and white so the yellow is medium yellow because I've got two yellows now the other one is called lemon yellow but it's a bit bright for me what I want to do today and this one is crimson I don't think you can buy crimson in Australia just yet hopefully next year they'll bring out a few more colors I asked them to bring out some colors this year which they have done but there's still quite a few that I would like them to bring out so maybe they'll do that next year so what I'll do is I'm going to layer the paints and then I'm going to take the tripod down to the side there and press record and then I'll make it slow motion for you so that you can see see my rings I'll zoom it in and do a bit of slow motion okay so stay tuned for that because that will be that'll be exciting that'll be worth watching since we're going to start layering if you are new to my channel you will see that I do a lot of acrylic pouring I've just started doing resin so but acrylics ring pause swipes flip cups cloud pause pearl paws blooms of you name it I do it I'm just getting into resin so feel free to subscribe if you haven't already and click that notification button and then what you need to do if you want to get notifications if I put up videos you do need to go in and click the bell again and then you get a little drop-down box and then then you need to click all otherwise you won't get all the notifications there's my red now I know red and yellow are going to make orange that's ok I didn't use as much black it wasn't quite one to one yeah so I did 70 percent pain thirty percent water and then I basically mixed them one to one except for the black because the black always is a little bit thicker so I put a hundred grams of no I didn't I've got a hundred and twenty grams of pouring medium and a hundred grams of black because as I said I needed some extra black to go around my edges I've started with white and then yellow because I want my Center to be pale like white and yellow and then hopefully gets darker and darker well we'll have written is anyway it's not gonna be a real dark I just don't want the red next to the white because you know I don't want pink not get a bit of pink anyway I don't want the black next to the yellow because that gives that icky babypoo green color doesn't it so it's gonna keep layering until I've used up all my oats and then hopefully well I should have a bit of black left over my edges so basically putting in you know roughly the same amount it's just a blob I'm just pouring in a blob I can't really say how much it is I'm just pouring in a blob trying to keep them all basically equal I think I've got a little bit more red my red was a little bit on the thin side editor splash more pouring mediums a little bit more red a little bit more black than the others you'll have enough for one more layer by the looks of it I'm running out of yellow look at that see how the rings are staying in their shape like you can see the Minotaur blending that's because my mix is nice and thick if your mix is too thin let me try for another layer I don't think but I never know I scrape it out I might get another layer yeah you can see the Rings they're staying in shape if your mix is too thin they're not going to do that they're just going to all blend together and mix and be a bit of a mess really okay so this will be the last layer so yeah I do like my ring pour mix to be pick up and my mixes for sure so I'll just do this and then I'll move my camera down to the side that'll be fun 90 fun to watch how about a but too much paint I always tend to have too much by my story my life story too much paint end with black because that'll be on the outside just move that out of the way for a minute now this this bit of black arrow which are pinned down so and I don't add water because yeah water breaks down the paint so add some more pouring medium and this will be the flow extender to go around the outside of my MV puddle that I end up doing leaving a bit of a mound I'll put some more and I don't really want it to leave a mound thin it out quite a lot because you want your flow extender I call it a flow extender you want it to be thin enough that your puddle is going to flow easily over it it's no point having a background that your puddle has to kind of skip over the top of or hits the wall and they can't go over the top you know Scott have be nice and thin okay so that's it this not leaving around you had a good stir okay we like the laughs uh-oh righty-o now I'm just gonna move you down to the side I'll be right back all right here we go it's gonna support the back so I can and I want to go as close as I can so that my paint goes straight down and doesn't wriggle because if you're too high up it kind of wriggles like that on the way down see and you lose your ring so try and get down as low as you can and where we go it's kind of pouring out in more of a big sheet at the moment I'll get a bit closer and it'll pour out a bit nicer in a minute hopefully it's just really tricky when it's starting off you can't get a nice circle oh my gosh that's very dark hope it's gonna be alright okay so now that I'm getting into my my circle now you can see how it's flowing out easier so I pulled it out let's start off a little bit wobbly and hopefully it's not gonna be too blurry and I'll let as much go through at the end as possible because I wanted the white edge it's really it's always prettier on one side than it is on the other side so we're gonna give it a grade on this side a little bit of muddying hopefully it won't be too bad I don't you back up on the table now now I'm going to spin round and round okay so there we go love that just see what happens like it's always tricky you know when you're going to add black and white and yellow it's always gonna be a bit tricky hopefully we'll get something pretty you know it's always going to work out better if your mix is thicker just look at that our that is just amazing amazing let's Center I'll be happy as long as I keep my Center the rest of it can go blurry I don't mind I just want the pretty Center don't know why I'm trying to reach look I can just do this here am i trying to reach over to the other corner silly woman make sure that splash paint into the center all right and just spread that over so if I decide that you know I don't want to push the paint right over all the corners I'll be quite happy having the four black corners so that won't bother me in the slightest I will need to make sure that I've got the black paint over my edges though they look nice won't it if I leave some black corners and and push the paint over the edges that would look pretty we'll see what happens it all depends on how much paint I've got on the surface I've made up too much paint and it's all going to go over the edge I won't have any black corners so we'll see I have a feeling I might have a lot of paint yeah I always do I always make up more do the same thing when I'm cooking I'd rather have more food and have leftovers then not enough it's just me hey everyone else do that like leftovers then you don't have to cook the next night do you if you make extra that's a bonus who wants to cook every night when there's painting to be done not me they're just pushing that paint over and then smoothing it down the sides with my little tool very handy these little palette knives what a few different sizes depending on what you know how big the canvas is or what I want to do I'm even I haven't swiped with them very handy grab yourself a few different sizes you can get really big ones too which are great for covering big canvases like if you want to do a background that is done now do not touch or do I not touch I can see some bubbles in there even a quick torch those bubbles are just going to turn into cells the different densities of your paint will give you cells whether you want them or not because the lower density or life the paint today when I rise up and the figure of paints high densities when I sink to the bottom all right I love that please stay please stay now give it a little spin first okay here we go just to open everything up see how easily that's all spreading out to my edges oh my gosh that's so pretty I did want to keep my black corners Oh what's going on here what's going on here I guess I didn't smooth the black out properly left it a little bit high oh my gosh so pretty I would like to keep this red and get rid of some of that if I can actually move the weight of the paint down a bit I'm sure what's going on here I'm just gonna try and smooth that out a bit not sure what's happening better I'm gonna spin again and hopefully that will go down a bit no go the other way this time what's that was quite a big spin didn't really want to spin that much whoa whoa stop Wow look at that that's so pretty well we go my black edges nevermind don't lose that red day I like that okay it's going to get a little bit of that black off the top there Wow you guys pretty houses I mean obviously the one side is better than the other but you just get that with the ring fall a little bit muddy I guess up here but well not muddy but just blend it you can still see the lines you know you can still see your rings I haven't my mix wasn't thin enough to actually blend I guess it could have made it even a little bit thicker just clean my hands here now I'm going to use my little tool just underneath and it's great mmm it just what that does is it reduces the weight of the paint on the side of the canvas so it stops the paint from running keep running over that was that was a lot of fun maybe my color choices weren't the best but how amazing would this look like in you know in blues hey definitely going to do this again just always always a risk when you use these colors let me bring you down for a close-up I love that Center wowzers I guess what I could have done is after I've did my ring my ring paw was move the paint that way so that when I when it stunned that the middle was sort of more there and then I would have got rid of more of that and kept more of this but this is how we learn hey if we want this to stay then maybe we push the center off a little bit so don't have to be in the middle that's worked really well let's Bend that Glary one off so I can take you down for a closer oh my gosh I love that Center look at it you guys Wow and I got the white Co wanted the white center and then it slowly blends with the yellow and then into the orange and then into the red and then into the black so that's exactly what I wanted for the center this here again not not too bad struggle with the lights every day of my life hang on close the blinds behind me get the glare away look at that so over here where it's a little bit more mmm blended I guess I will try that though if I get a center that I really like and some areas like this that I don't really like I will try and you know just move my Center off-center a little bit so that's where I've got the gray and that's my own fault I put the white against the black I knew that was going to happen but if I pick some colors like I said blues and turquoises that blend really nicely together and you aren't going to get other colors so much you know your your grays and your kind of greenish brownish color from yellow and black together but look at the lines look the Rings you see what I mean about having your mix nice and thick even though they may not be the most attractive color up here it still adds something to the beauty of the overall pour and you can see the thickness of your mix makes such a difference in keeping your rings visible and not blending too much oh my gosh I just love that Center oh it's so pretty it looks as if it's glowing doesn't it look at those those little fingerlings the points again it comes down to having you mix nice and thick so have a practice if you start on little pieces you know don't waste a lot of paint start on something little make your mix nice and thick and see how you go if you're not getting these defined rings it's not thick enough so thicken it up and go again I love it I actually don't even mind that gray up there it's just it's a different look isn't it just a contrast alright I'll shut up um I put my feet up I've done two paws this morning two cars I study 9:30 in the morning it's Saturday morning we're on a roll I don't need to go and have a shower go get some groceries get some dog food I put a female poodle coming over this afternoon to use my stud dog services a very very good stud dog he knows exactly when the time is right and you'll bark at me and say yes mum we're good to go so yeah he's amazing is my Charlie boy little seven point eight inch teacup poodle so that's what I'm gonna be doing this afternoon I'm gonna be a bit of a gigolo oh my gosh all right thanks for watching you guys appreciate all your love and support and I'll see you real soon for the next one hey I'm gonna keep this spinning machine going here I'll keep it out and I'm putting it away yet and I'll mix up some other colors most likely my blues we'll see unless you put some ideas actually you know you're not going to see this for another few days all right I'll see you real soon guys bye for now
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 124,719
Rating: 4.8498921 out of 5
Keywords: #ringpour #treeringpour #bestringpour #howtodoringpour #juliecuttsringpour #acrylicringpour
Id: Pgv8ieH8XXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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