#107 Technicolour Starburst Swipe

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can you guys welcome back again doing a big starburst for today and I'm using my phone somebody just got the canvas in in the frame this is huge it's 90 centimeter 90 centimeters by 90 centimeters which you use I think 36 inch by 36 inch I've turned the light off only because it was having this big glare here so I might play it back on later on once I've got the canvas covered hopefully it's not too dark okay so what I'm doing today is I'm just using float roll three parts float roll to 1 part paint and I've got all my paints mixed up here using the global I'll go through them quickly I've got peacock so what I wanted today was just all basically blues and oranges shades of blue and orange so like aqua dark aqua this one's turquoise and then I've got my deep space which is my navy blue and so those are our bluey colors and then for the warmer colors we've got cool red warm red orange warm yellow which is a pale orange I think more of a pop or into the new yo and this one is cool yellow so that's all the colors and then of course there's black and white just not all black and white so everything mixed up 3 2 1 and I've put coconut milk hair serum in each of the colors each of these caps has got a hundred and fifty grams of floral and 50 grams of so that's 200 grams of paint so they've each got six drops of coconut milk hair oil in them okay so I've covered my canvas first with black I made it a little bit thinner thinner I didn't for putz float onto one part black because the black does tend to pick up thicken up pretty quickly and I just wanted to be able to spread it out really easily so I made two big cups and spread it out with this spatula I think it's a cake decorator and I did the sides as well I just pushed the paint off the sides so that went over and then I just moved it so that's that right let's get to it this is one that I did yesterday a little sample you may have seen that one on Facebook on the Australian acrylic pouring page I really like how it's in rings so I'm going to try that you see if I can achieve something similar on a bigger scale today it's a bit nerve-wracking this is huge okay so where's my middle it's just stout and branding me that had been a bit dragged in Australia [Music] that's about middle we must sensor which is black and then I'm going to pull my powers out in in rings just randomly round and round I don't mind if they overlap I start with so that's my consistency they just say it's a little mound on top I'm not going to mix it too much there's money going around three times with the stir stick after I put the coconut milk in so just randomly I'm going to do some colors some circles see what happens means yellow we're all going to blend in together so I'm not terribly fussed about the shapes and the sizes of my circles just try and use up all the colors obviously now I just went over the top this is the lighter turquoise some of the medium orange in there as well it's almost like throwing paint at the canvas I still want to do that throw paint I'm going to do this in two sections I can't get around to the other side don't walk around the canvas each time I used to climb up onto the table I made a lot I didn't really calculate how much I need it because don't worry it is much more a swipe as I do for a flip cup so I just sort of pest mated put some more yellow and roll I'm at the top here let's stick the lat these up on this side so obviously we're going to get lots of different shades and colors from these colors here my blue and yellow is going to make green the red and the blue will make purple so we're going to get a lovely colorful ball which is great hope it works out nicely it's a lot of paint a lot of flow trouble to use up bright what colors next got a lot of this turquoise bring that right into here I think around the outside and I'm hoping to leave my corners black so that I've got well even a mass of paint coming around but hopefully the corners will still be a little bit like just for that little feature so you don't have to put back a black background I should say downburst I only did it because this is a reused canvas I did this one last gt1 of the way really early one isn't well I don't really want to hang it up it's not as good as I would have liked to be so instead of buying any canvas I'm just going to pour over it now what else what a little bit of this yellow dust in here it's going to be my middle my side overhears huh I've rubbed it with my shirt thanks come on no it's a problem with having to do such a big before and walking around them around just to get it covered you don't want to see all this people would just spots forward to the fun part to the swiping part go as fast as I can right now have you put any white in yet one of the ones I did that's not one I showed you before I didn't have a lot of white or doesn't have any white in it and I really like that so I'm just going to try Ford to stuff a little bit of white I don't want a lot dude yeah color leftover what will I do I've got some blue here just put that a little bit in there a bit more round here trouble with using so many colors is losing the definition of each color and any mud so you have to be careful with your color choices I think that's orange and my lovely pale aqua put small backward because I really like the snack bar hopefully I'll get some multicolored cells because we've got colors mixing into other colors so we should get some nice bunch of colored cells and some orange where am I going to put the orange hmm it's probably enough paint really want to go overboard do I go overboard do you like this orange a little bit in here since it's an orange and turquoise painting do you want turquoise there we go and I think I'll leave it at that I'm going to use these little paint chip cards today for my swipers picked out so that when I do want my card off it's going to go straight onto the paper towel and then I can pop it in the bin just to save on all these ready to go okay let's do it so we use one card a couple of times and then I'll turn it around and use the other side and then I'll get a clean one all right let's see how this goes swiping from the center out I'm going to do the corners first one didn't work too well I have to put more black there actually I'll put some black on all the corners the black Spade sitting there a little while on my background sighs we thickened up a little bit so I'll just go around and pull some black on each spread it out a little bit you want to have a good flow for your little car flow where it got to this corner it just kind of stopped because it didn't have as much paint very last corner but black bear if I need it for anything else always do like a couple more paint than what I need now gonna have to go over this money going to get that corner but I'm going to just come across to the side here first so once it starts bending then you know that you need to use the other side so we've got multicolored cells popping up which is what I was expecting now finished with that card so I'm gonna refresh one once I start running low on black in the center fairy I'll have to put some more black there as you can see little color underneath now the middle this add a little bit more black as I go along because the blacks been swiped out across the other colors so you won't have to just keep chopping it up I walk around here do this side I'm gonna wipe it on here because I don't know walk all the way around to get to my paper towel and then once you've done each corner then you can do the middle but those two I just push the paint right off the table onto my little table I'll just skip that and they will wipe okay it's messy swipes they're a bit messy that's the only problem with a swipe it's messy but you do get a really good effect do like swipes now where will we go Hey how's that looking you do not card and I think I need to just talk about like again in the middle like there it's fry not as dynamic in color as the one with which digested rings that I didn't blend this one as you saw I blended the Rings I had color on top of color the other one that I showed you earlier from last night I didn't really blend the Rings so I've got more definite rings of color you could see what they were all right here we go again and we could do this you don't have to swap straight down you can swipe down on a curb if you want to whatever you feel like doing at the time today this little pegs over here this correct for catching paint talks up down the corners up down the middle down the sides now go again one ball and I don't mind if there's a little bit of bright colors left in between these I'd rather have that a little splash a little pop of color here and there rather than just all modern colors with cells like this a little bit of color left here that is just fine moment and don't SWAT over what you've already swiped it can get a little bit of money so one swipe preferably running have a terminal space here it's canvas so be Italian hardly fits on my table now we'll have to go over this one again because to get to this corner I'm dripping off the table clean that up before I stand on it walk paint all around the house all right now that fresh card and in the middle it's a very big white center here I wasn't planning on it been so big by the time you've swapped in different directions yeah it does spread out that black okay here we go Corner B and this one that I missed first time around into that that's Talent next one clean and ready to go [Music] Whitmore black again once you can start seeing your color underneath it's just a good idea to pop a little bit more black down so still deciding whether or not to pull a little bit of color turn here into the middle and they do that still I did that last night on one of my experiments think of it for life's not for experiments if you're following me on the Australian acrylic pouring or if you might have seen them they're now saying which do you like because I like them all I couldn't decide which one to do for you today anyway I decided my bit of a combination between the two the blended one and the red one so that's what I'm doing if you vote it well no as I said which do you like the blended one or the ring one this is a combination of both of those everyone seem to like those two the most even if it running outside at the hardware store again and grossing more cars I pick the ones that aren't all that attractive that nobody else seems to want no less about the handful of those sure they don't mind I spend enough there with them with all my float roll and my PVA glue you gotta get a few paint chip cards for them without too many concerns okay so I'm nearly done it it's got a few little sections to do here whoops that's gonna drip need a bigger table building a studio underneath my house so once they go under there and have some peace and quiet from the rest of the family a bigger table and I won't have to worry about spilling on the floor I keep doing with this poor okay keep going don't want to bore you too much with my let's reach that one behind the tripod let's try again stand on this side so much black corners didn't really work below you can see through this a little bit it black there yeah where elsewhere else they don't take one of these cards in half there is it to tear into half them they can just do a smaller section if you want to just to get through there and through here as well that's a little bit oh I have to go through that I don't want to go through that take it to here okay I think I'll just do one more section at the top there like I said I don't mind these pops of color through here I quite like that just this one here is a bit too big so I'll just bring that through okay so all right now I'm going to stop swiping and give a quick toss see if there's any cells that want to come up actually I just going to fix it fix my middle up first some black there I'm gonna just spread it cuz I don't like how this a little bit of orange just popped up in the middle there so I'm going to spread that and then I do have too much black in here for my liking so I'm going to drag some of the color through and the torch first right here [Music] forever hakuna roll ourselves you either have you paint too thick and have sits in the middle and then you get a good coverage over yourselves or if it's thinner you have less in the middle but then you don't have a very good coverage over your cells and the cells don't pop as much so yeah I did my swipe color at four to one did I say that earlier Pink's were all three to one swipe color and background was four to one so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to bring a little bit of this color through into the middle just like this it's for a little bit of a wispy effect you don't have to do too much of it just so that it's not totally black in the center just do a little bit first and see what that looks like I can always go on and do a little bit more try not to disrupt you many lovely cells to go and get side it struck whites really in the way what do you think about the riskiness yoyo and I done down what to be a Yuri and then I'll just do some little ones as well just like that between okay what are we thinking stand back and look at it now just a little bit of black right in the middle just so that I've got a round Center torture some wispy bits that I've done it's better than having just a huge black Center black hole of a galaxy okay so try not to fiddle too much walk away from the paint okay what do you think we should get answer me I like it I had no idea what to expect similar to my other one I'll show you the other one again what I did last night that I want although then I just did now he's more blended there we go you can see the rings black orange turquoise yellow red you can see where I put the covers and gives it away you can still see where I put the colors on this one a little bit more bandaged it was only over when I was pouring them I went over the colors with other colors so you're getting most multicolored cells purple happening in here some green happening so a little bit of everything and I do like how I can still see my block colors in here on the edges gives you a really bright outside and then it comes in and it gets darker in the middle so I like that I'm just gonna fix this I know stop fiddling okay now I'll turn the light on to you whether that's any better or any worse it's not too Glary look see what it looks like will you destroy the longest video I've ever done my others have all been in two parts because I was using my camera that's a little bit blurry not too bad okay so what do you think of that let me know love your comments I'll see if I can take you in for a close-up please join the Australian acrylic pouring group on Facebook I'm just going to take this camera down my phone down I can actually see what I'm doing I don't have to fall off the ladder whoops there we go one day I'm gonna fall off the ladder don't even hear me fall down right there we go so here's the corners that I wanted to keep black on the edges it likes annoying isn't it the lights above come around here and get away from them once it's dry I'll go around and paint the sides black because we have had a few little drips over the sides so lovely multicolored cells here as you can see and at our centre I do like the little wispy bits in the middle it just breaks up that big black centre come back down here we've got more of the yellow and the red this first corner I did got some lovely lacing got some lovely cells whoops that's too blurry and that's the other corner it's nice to see these pops of red against the turquoise it's really pretty well I haven't swiped over everything red and turquoise are just beautiful together aren't they and that's the top okay zoom you in for well zoom you out I should say for one final look there we go I hope you enjoyed that video hope you've had a little bit of inspiration it's been a few people doing these types of videos the first one I saw was Debbie Coles hey Debbie loved her starburst swipe and I did do one in blues and copper after I saw hoes but I haven't done a really bright one like this the other lady that does really lovely swipes Stuber swipe is Eileen Mays hello Eileen love your work she puts dots out instead of rings so either I just beautiful so have a go your different effects will depend on sort of how you lay your paints I didn't have time to put dots everywhere it would have taken me an hour just to lay the paint down but I would like to to do that so anyway I'll stop rambling on and we'll see you in one of the Facebook groups become a member say hi I'd love to see your work okay that's it for me for now I'll see you for the next pour bye for now
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 526,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #starburstswipe #acrylicstarburstswipe #acrylicswipe
Id: qm8C2cF6JCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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