[823] Disc Detainer Pick Build (Part 1) β€” Featuring BosnianBill

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LPL ticking off his blackbelt 'built a tool and published the specs' requirement nicely...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KotreI πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t wait to see the finished product. I hope you and Bill will consider a crowd funding campaign to mass produce these. Offering them to the public could really be a game changer for locksport. A lot of us (myself included) lack the machining skills and tools needed to cross over into picking disc detainer locks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AMonitorDarkly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CuriousLockPicker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cant wait to see the finished product. The tool selection is the reason I haven't done disc detainer locks. Hope there is a way this can be mass produced

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Warfield299 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ohhh! Multiple video instructions mean that you will leave no detail out. Exciting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nemo_Griff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great! Keep it up :-)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/c3rb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
your camera fit on that mountain yeah it does it's damp how do you adjust this darn thing I don't know good just pull that lever that one like I showed you yeah oh yeah that works yeah okay all right let's get this stuff out of here man yeah gotta start this thing this is the lock-picking lawyer and i have a very special guest today for the first of what I hope will be a very enjoyable series with me today is Bosnian Bill of the infamous LOC lab how you doing today bill I am doing great especially after the free intro activities Supriya I'm feeling good yeah you know I'm very very good I'm very relaxed I don't know what this video is gonna look like but everything's moving right now I can tell you that wait they're not supposed to be so what are we talking about today why don't you you lead us into this well I think you can see right here we have a big mess of stuff and I think you guys can pretty easily see that we're gonna be talking about disc detainer pics today but maybe not quite in the way you think Harry I think you probably did one or two videos on these nasty little things these Chinese pics they're by far the most common unfortunately they really don't work and all but a couple had a couple of locks and you know we both have videos on on our own little ways of modifying these together it's a little bit more useful there are there are a lot of little tweaks you can do mean both of us have done this fork thing both of us have struggled to make these tips fit into some of the newer technology keyways Lockland makers are definitely responding to the threat and one of the threat things that they've changed is of course the the length of what what do you want to call that thing right there depth of the tension you know let's call it a no one knows what I find it works anyway some of them have learned that in order to defeat this type of pick all they've got to do is set their locks a little bit deeper inside of the lock right away makes these things obsolete now I've definitely encountered that and I've tried to to make improvised tips that were a little bit deeper but frankly I'm not very very good at it I'm with you I went on my lathe this one's a little bit overkill but I did the same kind of thing trying to find a way to squeeze a little bit further down there but you know when you do that your pick is off-center for example and when it's off center you find yourself picking two or three disks at a time mm-hmm other thing I found is that when you make your prongs when you modify these things to extend the prongs they get weak and they break very easily that we do that's about version 12 right there they just I've given up the reason I don't use this one anymore is because those prongs bend too much this is made out of 304 stainless and it's just not strong enough yeah though you know there are custom pick makers out there that make pick for specific locks sure this is one of them this is one that I have was made by by Yoko and in Sweden I'm sorry in Finland Finland yeah Yaakov fΓ€gerlund oh he's famous for my very first one was from Yakko look nothing like that though sure it was a precision pick it was very nice and designed specifically for the abus granite series the early version yeah and it was a fantastic pick unfortunately I I loan that to somebody and I can't remember who I loaded to I never got it back it happened so you know we've got to do something to overcome these shortcomings and the loss of picks I guess so what I thought we would do is talk about designing a new one and then in this series of videos maybe we'd actually try to build one you know that meets our own specs things that we would like to see so what kind of things would you like to see in a homemade pick well there's a few things that strike me right off the bat the first of course is is putting a little a little bit more length on that tensioning nose and there's there's some elements from almost everything you see here that we can incorporate right here we have some depth markings graduations that would be very helpful the first pick the Jayco pick that I had had those I really liked him mm-hmm though they're very good so we could measure a couple of locks to get the the average distance between them and the disks okay tips would be another another nice way that the actual picking tip itself you can see this one from from Yakko has a very very thin tip on and that's for sliding in between the desks as opposed to honey something like that I'm sure apt to or these yeah you're always gonna be hitting two or three discs at a time so it becomes a function of luck and now you can modify these tips but these are only low quality silver soldered and what I found that the reason we've seen so many in this pile I've got 10 or 12 more OMA Biman bulk and a weak point to me at least are those tips could because when I start filing them they generally will fall apart the silver will fail yep I've had that exact issue this is the one I've had that's lasted the longest and and I had to brace this went on I put a really high temperature silver solder on there and I promptly spent over an hour trying to get that to take correctly okay so improved tips definitely that's at the top of our list absolutely what else would you like to see well i'd also like the thing to not be so darn ugly they are ugly are they that's I'm you know I'm not generally bothered by aesthetics but this bothers me I mean just really when you when you look at these they look so slapped together out of leftover parts a couple of screws sticking out there for ten look that looks so cheesy exactly it looks like they custom-made one or two parts and then took a bunch of stuff out of the parts bin no matter what it looked like and slapped it together and they're selling thousands of them because that's all there is yeah I do like the knurling so we need to make sure we've got knurling on anything we design on to shorten that is very a lot of times you really put a lot of torque on there I agree but I think the most important thing would be this tip here the thing that we decided we're gonna call the No sure all of these are the same I mean what we've modified them but there's only so much that you can take off of here before this piece fails it's hollow back at that point so if you file further than that these fall apart we need to find some way to get us a longer nose so let's also also perhaps even a replaceable knows the placeable would be fantastic because some of these locks take require really long and shorter tips are easier to use they I think and they help keep it aligned but on those deeper set locks you really need a longer nose so that when you tension it you're not tensioning too far away from the body you want to be tension as close to the body as you can to keep it perfectly centered absolutely otherwise it gets all canted so a long nose we want a changeable back to a short nose if we come up there's a Chinese dog we can easily pop in a new short nose and then again will be very flushed to the face of the lock oh those are all thing you want to I mean we're doing this on the fly you want to go ahead try to sketch one out here real quick let's do it all right he's get her don't spill the drinks and move that junk and I'll get a piece of paper to come up with okay okay first we have the the main body let's start with the main body so let's again let's keep things simple okay that'll be our body and then of course there's gonna be a hole down the center of it sure we need to pull way to the other side large hole for the for the tensioning nose on one side and then a thin hole for the cooking wine okay so we can our attention he knows we'll be here so put a larger nose on this side I'm actually you'd see that so that'd be a solid line worried about how to attach that later but our tension he knows is gonna extend out now you've done a lot of experimentation what's the ideal length on that you know I found about 20 millimeters 20 millimeters what I've I've made my custom ones too okay and and other than them being made out a weak materials it all seemed to work out okay we have a hole there obviously and we're gonna find some way to make this replaceable so 20 and then we'll find the other lengths that we want and then we'll also figure out how much of a little wing to put here on the end yeah and we can do that by it by measuring okay now some of these pics just have a knurled area for manipulating the the picking head and then and for tensioning and then we have handles so how do we want to handle the controls for this do we want just gnarling here or do we want handles they come again let's steal some ideas from some successful makers Jacob had his was a weird shape effect I did a prototype like this his was made out of this shape and it was okay to get a hold of to do the tensioning but what I found is that some locks require a lot of tension as you know I agree I mean yeah so it's a little easier to have something Li ended up modifying my Jacob by drilling holes and threading them and putting in some knobs so something like this but I want it to be prettier than that okay okay so let's put some knobs on the side all right so let's put I don't know you keeping it toward the bottom one over here one over here and those are probably going to be threaded and they're gonna be cutting into it a little bit and if they go all the way down to that tensioning nose we can use them to hold the tensioning nose in place that's a good idea so have that go all the way into that that hole so they actually compress them so we can avoid having a set screw agreed right yeah so these are gonna be threaded obviously and I'm just gonna draw them hand kind of hanging out here to remind us I'm gonna put hatching because I want these also to be cross-hatched or to be knurled again it makes it a little easier some of these picking sessions or marathon sessions and your hands get a little sweaty or you little oil or something on them I agree I agree all right so let's talk about we were talking about graduation marks like you'd find on on this right here so what they actually go on the body or on or where do we want to put that well that is something I put some thought into now remember we want to keep this wire as perfectly centered down this as we can and if we make a large hole in here by hollowing this out that will allow our pick tip to kind of fluff around so what I thought we would do is kind of the opposite of what they have here instead of having this telescope inside I thought we would telescope on the outside but something like so put the this like a pen cap almost yeah like a pen cap and I don't really get no threads in there obviously and these are be much tighter but we would have the graduations on this shaft and when again we have to measure those out and we could easily see by having that slight on the outside which which of the disks that were on what do you think I think that's a plan so that'll keep this much more aligned by having a tight shaft down the center and then this chef would obviously come out here and again stealing an idea from Jayco we're going to put a set screw to pinch that that shaft makes sense the shaft is too long he'll simply protrude out of the back and that will allow us to vary the length of the shaft if we want to or for real anal we can simply get at the right link and cut him off right there however we want to do it don't you remember we're trying to make this thing pretty yeah I cut it off okay we're gonna cut it off that's right I'm not to say I meant to say cut it off so we'll have to measure some locks to see what sort of spacing we went on the graduations yeah yeah we'll do that let's start with just the body let's let's build the body and then we'll see where we're at make any improvements and then we'll come in and do all the rest easy each of these would be one of our separate modules or videos sounds good and we'll switch back and forth between our channels that's way yeah we'll do the first one people who don't get exposed to your channel might might meet you and and people on your channel who don't know me you'll come over to my channel and and watch some videos that's a good idea no hopefully everyone will be happy and it gives me another reason to come over here later to do another module and drink some more of your adult beverages before we start now that's the plan I'm talking both deliver here mast like barrels right yeah yeah I don't know what you're talking that was assumed all right so let's go into your loc lab and since you have a very nice little lathe and let's keep this simple let's make it out of brass because it's a softer metal easier to work with it's cheaper it takes less time just to do a prototype sounds good and then we screw up we're not going to be out a whole bunch of tools and expensive stainless steel okay alright yeah let me go show you my my new lathe alright let's go alright guys I think you can see we've been down in the machine shop for about an hour I'm gonna let the master machinist walk you through what's happened here you're not being sarcastic at all go for it okay let's look at what we got here because this is not the part that you see down here we've made a couple of game time calls as we were machining this the largest one of which was we made this a lot narrower we figured there was really no point in having a much larger tool this will be easier to hold in the hand it'll be easier to fit in a case and then while we were doing that we also trimmed those edges down just to make the whole thing just a bit sleeker now as far as the machining goes there really wasn't anything difficult about this the the turning operations were fairly simple yeah the drilling and tapping of the holes is is nothing difficult actually this really worked out for her so at the last minute we decided to tension because obviously the nose goes in here turn it sideways a little bit and you mentioned that we're gonna hold the nose in with what are gonna be eventually the handles so in one machining operation all the way through threaded one one tapping move in and that was completely done and now that's going to tension and I think pretty perfectly it was a great idea sure we settled on 70 thousands of an inch for the spacing of these little graduations here you can see we put some color in there it actually wasn't difficult we just used a sharpie black and the last two markings are red just to give the user an indication of when they are at the top desk yeah so all in all I think we're pretty happy with what with what came we spent an hour I want to show this thing off just a little bit more a lot of effort that may not be apparent to the eye that you you're not gonna sign it in those Chinese pics but you notice that every part of this is chamfered and again we were there we were working everything was already chucked up there's no reason not to chamfer all of the edges and we beveled everything here wasn't that difficult and the reason we did that it didn't take that long but you're gonna be holding this thing in your hand for hours and why leave sharp edges why not take a couple of extra seconds and just make everything there I say perfect it was it was worth the extra effort it really was you know if we're trying to make this thing pretty let's go all the way all right well we got the we've got the foundation built so what is the next step what do you want to build next I think the the cap portion right here the knob that we're gonna use to turn it okay how do you and I just pulled this cap off of my pen as an example of what we might do something that fits over the top okay we can use this to make sure our pension we want to tighten up show that there's no flop but tight enough so there's perfectly aligned that's a delicate balance yeah I think something maybe roughly 25 thousands all the way around extra makes sense we'll start small and then move up all right probably knurl this so we have a nice square as you were talking about all right and we'll put a tiny little hole in the top with set screws on both sides there if you want let's put it on both sides and I will keep it perfectly centered mm-hmm but I don't think there's going to be anything anything tricky about this this is just a that's just compared to this the first the foundation the body I think that'll be pretty easy to do let's go back down to the to the lab and see what we can do let's do it
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 210,998
Rating: 4.9624515 out of 5
Id: q1rYhO--TDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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