Packet Tracer Lab EtherChannel, Trunking, Routing | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] and Hardy welcome to everybody thanks for joining me for this video in this packet tracer lab our objectives in this walkthrough are quite simple I want to give you an opportunity to practice some of the techniques and the technologies that you've been studying for as part of your CCNA now this lab actually he's gonna apply to three different types of people one somebody who is brand new to Cisco or like what's just learning the CLI and how do you know what enable does and what Evers privilege mode and config T what's that oh the second one is somebody who's been working with Cisco or studying Cisco CCNA for a while I just want to practice our skills and verify they know what's going on and then there's a whole nother category for people who have learned CCNA they understand it but then they all they want to go back and refresh their skills which is important to do from time to time so if you are just starting in the world of Cisco Systems and learning CCNA and learning about routers and switches and their functions and how they interoperate you've come to the right place I'm so glad to have you here my name is Keith Barker I'm a CC CIE and my CCI number 6 7 8 3 and I still remember way back in the 90s yeah like the late 90s I had my Cisco CCNA but I was not certified as that expert of CCIE and I remember saying I think it was Jacksonville Florida where it first came to me that I saw an article I was gonna be a blog article but back in those days it was a you know magazine and I said are you ready for the CCIE certification and and I said here are some practice some of it sample questions we're hearing that content and I read through it and I was a CCS probably a CCNP at the time but I read through it I thought what is that it's like it's like a totally different language and I want to share with you that thought that it is ok to see technologies and see things that are happening like I don't know what that is but the secret is I want to pass on to you is that it is all learn about 100% I look back at those days thinking oh yeah I was looking at you know a policy based routing or spanning tree scenarios or things with routing protocols like OSPF and and as you get more familiar with it you'll be better and better and then you can use your CCNA once you get it you can use that knowledge that you've acquired through your studies and your practice and you can simply roll that forward into a CCNP or other vendors technologies as you work with the networks of today tomorrow and beyond so I just want to point out that I'm glad that you're here if you are brand new to Cisco and you're brand new to these types of techniques as you watch this videos you as we enjoy this video together and you see something like I don't know if that is or how that works have no fear there is a master playlist as one resource among many that is right here on my channel it's called the CCNA 200 300 and master playlist and you just hit the link for that it's in the description below and just go down and actually see all the videos and if you're brand new I would start at the beginning and then I'm injecting these packet tracer labs to help reinforce those concepts so if you see some of this brand new to you or you're not sure quite what it is no worries have some patience with yourself and then you can come back to these labs after you've studied and you oh I get it I know what that does and you can actually practice it so I'm super super glad to have you here another element that I've added recently in in conjunction with connecting with learners and helping people get that CCNA which is our objective in this channel is I do I do a recording so this video is going live in about one hour and 45 minutes from now yeah one hour and 45 minutes from now that means I'm gonna I'm gonna record it I'm not gonna let the camera stop just like you and I are talking just gonna start work through the lab and then afterwards I'll post it get up online and that way what we can do together when it premieres at what day is it it is Saturday it's gonna premiere at 11 a.m. Saturday I will be there for the premiere and that way I can chat with you and be in the discussions with you and we have the best of both worlds because if I'm presenting like this it's hard to take all the questions and then following that this is also super fun I've got a lot of really great admins and moderators on the discord server and what we do is after the premiere if you want to connect with us and want to chat or ask CCNA related questions join us we have a voice moderate a voice room on the discord server in the link for disk in the description below right after the video join us and we'll go ahead and enjoy some time together there as well it's a lot of fun sometimes behave sometimes be hanging out for a long time but the primary purpose is for us to connect have questions that come up feel free to ask and we can connect that way alright so in this lab let me first of all share with you how you can get it also about versions we're using and then we'll do the walkthrough together alright so here is my desktop and let me bring up my little camera in the upper right hand corner and there it is hi everybody alright so first and foremost to get this lab which I just put together to yesterday I'm gonna do the walkthrough right now you can just go to the keith Barker comm and if you go to the keith Barker comm the link is right here it's also in the description below and and either click on downloads or go to downloads down here this is the lab for today they get a pin out this is the lads some scribbles from another day alright so this is the lab that we're gonna do right now so here's what you can do you can if you have a copy of the packet tracer from netacad if you don't yet you can go to netacad comm sign up for a free account download packet tracer in this lab and for most of these up to this point I'm using version 7.3 so if using an older version you might want to upgrade to 703 so you can open it so you download this file right here which is ogi t-- original gangster ID 20 2004 10 the last lab i did was on the seventh so this is a ten and if you're want some practice with packet tracer you're welcome to all these now if you download one of these and I'm gonna actually download this file so that what we do together today is in measurable terms exactly what you can experience if you download it on your own which I hope you do and get the practice and that is this let's go ahead and click on the download link what do I want to do I'm gonna save it so that's going to save it to my downloads folder this has finished downloading great I'm gonna go to my downloads folder and there's that zip file so indeed this is 919 local time right now as I record this and we'll go ahead and right click on that and extract all click extract and then I've got these two files so one file is the instructions for the lab here it is but I've also taken that these instructions for this lab for the 20 2004 10 and I've also put it in the packet tracer file itself in the lab so this is the lab so I'm gonna double click on it to open it and I've already authenticated to Cisco so it's not going to ask me to login again if it does for you you simply login with your account that you set up for free and let me resize this so it's visible give me one moment and Otto's sizing is complete let's take a look at the lab alright so here here in this lab I'm a little loopy so here in this lab and let's get my pen out here we've got four pcs one two three four across the top here we've got a couple switches I've got a router out here these are just layer 2 switches by the way switch one switch to switch one and switch two and then I have this server which is a web server DHCP server and DNS server and let's use the instructions right here to take a look at the requirements for this lab so let me scroll up just a little bit and here's the requirements so one thing I've discovered is that it's really important to document like the the Carpenters rule carpenters if they're building something and they make a cut in a piece of wood and it's wrong or if it's too short you can't really undo that and so the Carpenters rule is measure twice cut once and that's also very important as we deal with a topology or a network where we have subnetting involve DHCP default gateways to configure and part of this was inspired by a reddit comment I saw that said hey is there like a little lab that does everything that's my own accent it's just text sorry sometimes they use alternate voices in my head anyway is there some kind of master lab and I thought you know let me let me create some additional labs with different aspects and different angles that give the opportunity still the CCNA level to practice without a monster network with 200 devices and everything else so here's our objectives for this lab we are going to have pcs 1 & 3 in VLAN 50 which implies that we need VLAN 50 and we have pcs 2 & 4 in feed n 60 which implies that we need a VLAN 60 because they are not created if we want those VLANs we got to create them and DHCP assigned for addresses for those pcs so that is very likely going to affect it's going to mean we need to configure DHCP pools on the DHCP server and the DHCP web DNS server has the last IEP dressin VLAN 70 which means we need VLAN 70 so oh it's also giving us our subnets up here so planning out is really important here I can't stress enough because if we start going and configuring pools and addresses and we're in the wrong subnets or we don't have the right masks that's a problem and so what I would like to do is I'd like to identify what are the the ranges for these these subnets 50 and 60 that belong to V then 50 and 60 the subnets what are these subnets associated feelin's 15 60 and also VLAN 70 that subnet what is the range for that now if you if you're new to ipv4 addressing and subnetting and custom subnetting and vlsm variable net masks join us for a little segment of videos called subnet saturdays now I made a separate playlist on the channel for that I also have those integrated as part of the master playlist either way it was great I had a had a comment I don't need a grasper just one woman had a comment actually a few comments like this over the last few weeks and they said oh my gosh I was I was totally a little bit skeptical again my voice not theirs I was a little bit skeptical about really being able to calculate subnets and how many what the mask should be for this many hosts or for this many subnets or very blank masking and I was going in skeptical but by George again my paraphrase I get it I get it I can do this I can calculate it I can figure it out I can identify the subnet based on the mask and what the ranges are and how many bits should we do for host addressing for a certain size never know I thought you know what that makes it completely worth it for me completely worth it if an individual who wants to learn how to do IP addressing and subnetting get quite competent at it to do it consistently correct it makes my day so anyway thank you for feedback regarding that and for anybody who wants to learn about IP addressing from the ground up including masks subnet masks what they do how it works check out the subnets Saturday serie series all right going back to our drawing here okay so we have these VLANs and let's calculate the ranges here so if we have a 28 bit mask what you've seen me do before and I will do again right here is I'm going to jot out the values in one octet of data 8 bits so 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 I'm going to count them - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 great so if this is the if this is representing the fourth octet acht it's a fancy way of saying 8 bits 1 byte of data and we have the third octet going that way and this is the fourth octet if we have a 28 bit mask looks like we have a same length mask everywhere that means that if this is the 24 mark 3 octet of all masks on additionally we'd have 1 so I'm gonna just gonna count 24 then 25 26 27 28 and boom that's the dividing line and all these would be zeros now why is it important for me it's important because this least significant bit of the mask that's on that's our block size and we'll cover all that we have covered that actually in subnet 7 and Saturdays so for our networks for these networks 50 60 and 70 they all start with 10.67 dot eighty three dot something and our subnet shown right here start with zero and then to the next subnet would be add the block size which they're using for VLAN 60 so that would be 16 so 10.67 283 0 / 28 10.67 283 16 / 28 and then we'd add 16 again so 16 + 16 is 32 for VLAN 70 and if we said what is the next VLAN just for range purposes the next available subnet would be 30 would be 16 more again just add the block size add the block size at the block size for each of our subnets if the mask is the same so 16 plus 32 would be 8 + 448 so the reason that's helpful very helpful is that we now know the ranges of each of those subnets see just looking at an IP address it's not always that obvious say oh here's the range I got it maybe if you're maybe if you're a quadruple CCI and you work with subnetting every single day but for me it's not easy I have to still just look at it and calculate it to make sure it's right because sometimes addresses look tricky like the last octet being 255 in some IP dressing you can't have 250 well if you have a 17 bit mask you could have 255 for the last valid host address our a valid host address because the third octet could have some bits that are off all right I digress so here's our ranges and for V Levin 50 our first addresses dot 1 let's put them here so the first type valid IP addresses dot one and the next one is can be the next subnet minus 2 that's because the 15 the 1 less than the next subnet is the broadcast address and then the next one below that is the available at usable address for host w14 and for the 60 VLAN it'd be 17 through 2 less than the next subnet 30 and for the 70 VLAN they would be the first IP address would be 33 and then it would be 2 less than the next VLAN as the next subnet that's why I added that other subnet is because I just wanted to be able to have a range so 33 through 46 so those we only have 3 subnets here but those are the ranges so we might want to use IP addresses in those ranges and based on the tasks we might want to go ahead and put the ones that there they're calling for so let's change the color to red and let's take a look so pcs 1 & 3 are gonna be then 50 okay and it doesn't say ok great so we'll create some pools on the server for those and same thing for vide on 60 pcs 2 & 4 fantastic and then DHCP assigned addresses gap yep got it ok the DNS DHCP web server then you erase this real quick so we can see him the DHCP web server DNS server this bad boy right here is in VLAN 70 which means we'll have to make this access port assigned to VLAN 70 to put it in beyond 70 and then furthermore he is that's that VLAN is associated with the IP subnet of 1067 a 3.32 that's beyond 70 and the default okay and this server I thought I thought I put it in there this server has the last IP address in VLAN 70 so this is beyond 70 this is the last IP address so I'm gonna make a little note that that is the server's IP address in fact I'm not write that down right now all right so the server alright the server is going to be 10.67 to 8 46 based on this instruction and then it says the default gateway is the first IP address in each subnet so then he's a different color for that let me use blue that means whoever the router is gonna be for this topology is gonna have for each of those three networks it's gonna have the IP address of dot one I'll put Gateway default gateway it's gonna have dot one for the subnet associate with VLAN 50 it's gonna have dot 17 for the subnet associate with VLAN sixty and it's gonna use dot 33 for the subnet associate with VLAN 70 and I'm gonna chop those down too because when we get configuring we don't want to go back and tell you what was that address again I just want to make sure I get it right all right so now what hey so now with those written down we've got the IP addresses involved we know who the default gateways are that's the Carpenters rule spend a little bit of time planning and then make sure that those are correct and I I haven't triple checked but looking at this and looking at this I think we're right on and then after we get in the configuration to be a lot easier especially if you're having problems or troubles because they have the wrong addresses involved all right so continuing on that's our that's our math let's see if there's any other IP address information okay so I'm going to clear off that screen I've got the default gateway address is written down I've also got the IP address of the server written down and the range is written down so that's a good start and what else do we need to do just to it's also a great idea to check our tasks out the whole thing before we start and that way for missing anything or something comes up later we're not just surprised by it I remember when I was a really young kid my dad was an educator he was he's a principal he was a school teacher for many years in Southern California and then he got his master's degree through continuing education working like summers and weekends working on his master's degree so he become a principal and gosh-darn he was a good principal at an elementary school for many many years but one of the things he did ah I still remember that's and Dad what he did was he brought this I was like three sheets long and I forget how old I was I was maybe more between 10 and 12 13 maybe say hey brothers these seats to me and it was instructions on what to do and I said step number one read all the instructions before you begin step number two write out blah blah blah blah step number three identify this this this this let me tell you what status said at the very end the last instruction was don't bother doing any of the instructions between 2 and like 40 and instruction number 41 was just do this one simple thing and so he enjoyed well you know was a good it's a good I still remember I'm 56 years old now it's to remember this example that this lesson that it pays to plan and read everything first you know what you're going into so as he saw me doing all these tasks he realized yeah he did not he did not read all the instructions first so you can save time by being thorough at the very front same thing for a CCNA instead just jump you know which I have a 10 seated all the time to like jump in and see what happens but if you spent a few minutes like with CCNA download the blueprint from Cisco look at the topics identify what you need to study or what's that and then start studying gradually consistent the game is not to just do everything at once unless your name is Kelvin and you can do that but it's rather to make sure that you're learning for the average human learning at a common a steady pace consistently getting better over and over and over people say Keith you're at a hundred thousand-plus on YouTube now I was like yeah well I've been on YouTube for 10 years and that's how it happens or G you present pretty well I feel comfortable I like your teaching style well I've been doing it for a while so it takes a long time to become an overnight success long story short we are all in this boat together it's just a matter of enjoying it studying getting a little bit better every day and just keeping on that journey and having a joy why you do it say yep I'm moving from here to here and now I'm moving from here to here and just keep on moving okay so now we've done our planning well some of our planning let's take a look at the rest of our tasks so they want no stp blocked ports I see right here that I've got a block pork that's what that Amber officially that Amber LED indicates spanning tree is seeing a loop and it's locking so we need to solve that very likely we're gonna do ether channel we could either just say you can use a disabled port and make sure there's no parallel paths or do ether channel my intention is for us to do ether channel and then verify the clients can ping each other and there are in VLANs 50 and 60 and also make sure the clients can open the webpage at the Keith Barker comm which is going to involve some DNS all right so that's our task let me clear this off and as we go through this for each of the topics if we come up against something like I don't know that is or what is that several options one is feel free to join us in the chats and just ask for a like a clarifying question join us in the discord server after we're gonna have a voice chat there and also you can find me in this chord as well so later if you join the discord server and just do a DM to me I'm the og IT Keith I'm happy to periodically throughout the week I jump in follow up with friend requests and follow up with chats and everything else to make sure you get what you need alright so again there's something new here that you haven't seen yet no worries hang in there and as you stay that topic feel free to come back to this lab or the other labs anytime you want all right so let's begin with our infrastructure I'm going to start with our switches so I'm also going to use notepad here I bring up notepad just because I've got a lot of commands that can be very similar and I just want to be able to knock them out of the park quickly config T going into configuration mode and on the switches spanning-tree mode I'm just short cutting is a little bit rapid and spanning-tree portfast default and no IP domain lookup and line console 0 now as you start working with labs more and more what you might find yourself doing is having this text document somewhere on your computer that's easy to find and you just use it all the time as part of your default config when you're working on labs and now we can just grab it copy paste and you've got all these defaults that are like Comfort commands they're gonna make your life better at the CLI all ready to go all right lighting console zero and line console 0 logging synchronous and no exact time out and how about privilege level 15 so it just gives me King Kong rights when I'm in there no worries and how about a hostname now let's copy that control all control a on a Windows computer and control C for copies to my clipboard and I'll so go to switch 1 and we'll bring this over a little bit and go to the CLI make sure it's in the screen looks good and we'll just right click and paste and that is switch 1 one of the first things I like to do is make sure my hosts are named our devices are named correctly that way CDP doesn't show everything as router switch look like tell me the router actually which is what router it is that's helpful or switch it is so we'll do the same thing over on switch two I'll except for the host name being slightly different and right click and paste alright switch to and I'm gonna need those similar things on the router except I don't need spanning tree so I'm gonna do it right now cuz I'm here let's go to my notepad and I don't need spanning tree it's like I could just comment those outers delete them isolate them and then ctrl a ctrl C for copy here at the router privilege mode right click paste and r1 alright I feel better already alright some basic infrastructure stuff done let's get our VLANs created and our trunking set up we're gonna need trunking between switch 1 and switch two on FA 0 / 11 and FA 0 this' 22 and we're gonna need trunking here on switch 1 gig 0 / 1 that's because these switches are not multi-layer switches they do not route IP packets for other people so as a result we're gonna have to do router on a stick to make this work and we've got some videos in the playlist on router our stick so if you want to do it with inter VLAN routing with a switched virtual interfaces you need a multi-layer switch in this case our one is not a multi-layer switch so we're gonna trunk from the switch down to router one and then create sub interfaces down there but before they do we do that let's let's finish off our switches so on the switches let's go to interface range F a0 / 11 and FA is 0 / 22 will do a switch port mode trunk these switches do not support ISL so there's no benefit of saying switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q because that's all they support and all right so let's copy that go to switch 1 okay I was already in configuration mode so didn't like me saying that again go switch 2 and right click paste ok and now if we do a show okay so spending trees sorting it out right there the amber LEDs orange LEDs are figuring out what's going on there so let's also do this let me create config T and we'll do a VTP domain of ogi T and it's gonna be versing 2 by default they're gonna be V TP servers by default we have trunks and let me just go ahead and create some VLANs fomat it VLAN 10 no VLAN 50 feed on 50 and VLAN 60 and VLAN 70 and and right so right is a shortcut for right memory which is an old way of doing copy run start which is the official way to do it so even though we should synchronize if we're doing the same VTP domain eventually and we have trunks I'm just gonna go ahead and paste this in on each device and that way the VLANs 3 VLANs will be there so we're gonna switch 1 paste done and switch to got show there and switch to will do a paste alright so show VLAN brief so the VLANs exist show interface trunk and I've got trunking so FA 0 6 11 or 22 or trunking and on switch to we're not doing any blocking we do have some blocking over here on switch one did a spanning tree show interface trunk no triangle no track trunk alright so right here FA 0 slash 11 is blocking with spanning tree and we'll fix that after we get the infrastructure all working then we'll come back and deal with ether channel assuming we have time and I hope we do because that's part of our lab tasks all right so our infrastructure as far as trunking is good we have our VLANs set up let's go ahead and set up our routing which is going on r1 and this is gonna be an example of router on a stick and people when they were first new to this and you may not have to configure those too many times in your life because a lot of things are going to SBI's and multiple switches but the reason they call this our OAS router on a stick is because there's your router and it looks like it has one connection one physical connection there's a stick like a lollipop and that's why it's called router on a stick but what we're gonna do is we're gonna carve out three sub interfaces on this routed interface or trunking from the switch will carve out three sub interfaces on the router will assign them to 50 VLAN 50 beyond 60 VLAN 70 and then assign IP addresses with the first valid IP address in each of those respective IP subnets based on our plan which good news I wrote down so I can actually put the right address in and not have to wonder what was that again all right so let's do that next so on our one will there's r1 and let's do a config T interface gig 0/0 the parent interface gig zero zero has to be up if we want these sub interfaces to work for inter VLAN routing with router on stick so we'll do a no shutdown and then we'll go an interface gig to the upper key zero zero I'm gonna use dot 50 for my first sub interface number because I'm gonna use it for viewed on 50 just where I can remember when I see it what it is so encapsulation dot1q and for VLAN 50 and IP address 10.67 dot eighty three dot looking at my notes is the first is VLAN 50 first valid IP address is gonna be dot one and the mask is that's 24 bits in the mask and we're using a 28 bit mass so that's how we spell 28 bits and dotted decimal format alright so long at the up arrow key three times create a brand new interface sub-interface 4.60 up arrow key three times change the VLAN for that new interface 260 up arrow key three times and put the correct starting address first IP address in that VLAN I should say in the subnet so should that be that which is dot seventeen again based on our plan boom up arrow key three times changing the new sub interface to 70 up arrow key three times changing it to watch for 802 that one key tags that are saying there 70 and up arrow key three times and putting on the first valid IP address from that subnet associate that be them which based on my notes is 33 all right not 17 33 just 33 all right and then to verify work is so important show especially if I'm typing show IP interface brief and what that shows us is that those three sub interfaces are up which is great news and they've got the IP addresses of dot 117 and 33 and also just for Kranz I'm gonna do a show IP route connected and just to verify that as the 0 16 and 32 networks that's the trash truck here in the background it's trash day in Vegas big excitement if I wasn't recording this IV out the window whoo they've got these cool arms they grab the trash and they not the trash workers they're driving the vehicle but they've got electric arm or mechanical arms there are a lot of fun I don't know they never get oh okay so we've got our sub interfaces configured let's take a look at our tasks so oh we need to put these pcs PC one goes into B 950 PC 2 goes in VLAN 60 and that's all on switch 1 so let's do that next so config T interface FA 0 / 1 which is the interface connecting PC 1 and access switch port mode access that means it's not going to be dynamically negotiated and switch port access the 50 great interface FA 0 / 2 which C goes to PC 2 and switchport mode access and switch port access VLAN 60 and then we'll verify our work shall be LAN brief that'll do it so 50 and 60 we could also do a show interface status and that will also show us TL scroll down a little bit all right so that also shows us the ports involved and the VLANs that are currently assigned and that looks great alright let's oh you know it's also a verifier trunk here on switch 1 going down to our one show interface trunk oh yeah I didn't do it I didn't do it that's important if we want the router to do sub interfaces for inter VLAN routing we need to send 802 dot1q tags and that means from the switches perspective it has to be a trunk so let's solve that config T interface I'm gonna config from the terminal didn't get the T in there and interface gig 0 / 1 switch port mode drunk and show interface trunk Wow show interface trunk here we go alright so now gig 0 / 1 is trunking meaning any frames for VLANs 50 60 or 70 it's going to include the 802 that 1q tags and then when a router receives it it says oh do I have any subber interfaces configured for those VLANs and if it does it then logically has the correct sub-interface process that associated VLANs traffic alright so I'm glad we looked so we've got the inter we've got the default gateways on these sub interfaces on our one set up that's great we've got trunking set up everywhere that's great we have the access ports assigned on switch 1 and on switch 2 respectively or Dewey so no we don't so on switch - I just I thought it I didn't do it yet so let's configure FA 0 / 3 to be assigned to VLAN 50 and FA 0 / 4 to be of assigned to B than 60 that's why we check our work Keith so I see here config T interface FA 0 / 3 and switchport mode access and it's a good idea by the way because we don't want to have an access port our port going up to a client that could be negotiated as a trunk because then a hacker with Kali Linux or many other tools like your Sania could connect establish a trunk and then have access to all the VLANs and escape and not have to work with ACLs or anything else just hey I want to be on this view I know I mean that VLAN trunks that carry all VLANs carry lv lens all right so switch part mode access is a good idea for the client ports and switch port access will assign that to be LAN 50 will hit the up-arrow key a few times get a port for on switch to a pair key switch port mode access and switch port access VLAN 60 and then also FA 0 / 5 needs to be assigned to VLAN 70 because that's where the server is so let's do that - so 3 up arrow keys FA 0 / 5 & 3 up arrow keys switch port mode access switch port access VLAN 70 and then we will verify our work show than briefed 3 4 & 5 50 60 70 looks good to me all right now as we continue on DHCP assigned addresses for PCs so we need a DHCP server there's only one DHCP server here I suppose we could configure DHCP services on the router if we wanted to but because we have a server that is purpose-built that can do that for us let's do that so we click on the server there it is and you know we should do this verify it has an IP address that works so we're gonna config fastethernet 0/1 make sure that this server has an IP address that we can use and and I jotted it down so our server is at dot 46 and the mask is 255 255 255 240 which is a 28 bit mask so yeah it pays to plan it out and have it down on paper so that when you go to implement it you can remember what it was or is all right let's go ahead and do that so configure a static address and that's going to be make sure it's frame here 10.67 dot eighty three dot looking at my notes forty-six double-checking alright I think that's correct and then I'll just go ahead down to the mask and that's gonna be a mask of twenty eight bits so that's twenty four and that's four more all right and let's also make sure we have a default gateway because this guy's in violence seventy he needs to have a default gateway so we can respond to devices outside his local subnet and that's going to be ten dot going back to my notes the he's in view down seventy the first valid IP address and be down seventy that we just assigned a moment ago to the router was dot thirty-three so 10.67 that 8333 and the DNS server let's do that as well the server itself is acting as a DNS server a dhcp server and a web server so for dns for name resolution i'm gonna point let me tell the server it's you so to do do that I'm gonna put the IP address of the server itself 10.67 dot eighty 3.46 I am I am so glad I wrote this down because I would like oh what was that so writing it down very very helpful let's continue on and let's also verify that let's go to the desktop of this server to the command prompt and do an IP config just to verify we have the IP address we think we do forty-six default gateways 33 and you know what since we're here let's ping our default gateway 10.67 dot eighty 3.33 great great sign that we compete our default gateway and now we need to set up DHCP pools for our clients the clients NP one is 50 and clients gonna be done 60 so we'll go back to our our web server DNS server DHCP server click on services and let's go to DHCP right here it's nice scroll over so we can see it alright so on this server currently it has the default server pool with what packet tracer might think we would want but let's go ahead and create separate pools for VLAN 50 and VLAN 60 which are not local to the server this servers in feed on 70 but we're also gonna have to set up IP helpers DHCP relays so the clients can have their DHCP requests sent over and offers and discover sent over so I'm gonna enable the service that's important so I'll turn it on and let's create a pool called VLAN 50 and the default gateway for VLAN 50 looking at my notes is dot one 10.67 dot eighty 3.1 the DNS server is going to be our server the one we're sitting on which is 10.67 dot eighty 3.46 alright so now that IP addresses are becoming more familiar this starting address is gonna be ten sixty seven eighty three dot now the range for that subnet is one through 14 where are we using dot one I'm gonna start at dot two because there's yeah there's nobody else in this network so I'm gonna start the DHCP pool at dot two and I'm gonna say go ahead and hand out up to ten addresses we can't hand out 255 addresses there aren't that many host bits left for host in that specific subnet in the VLAN fifty VLAN where we have the 1067 a 3.0 network the mask is okay and I think we're good so I'm gonna click on add here and that adds that new VLAN let's do it again for viewed on sixty and just gonna overwrite the top of this sixty it's starting at the default gateway for V 960 looking at my notes is gonna be dot 17 and the DNS server still 46 this hasn't changed it's still the server and then the starting range where I want to hand out IP addresses I want to do the first address is 17 I'm gonna start with 18 and so you can hand out ten addresses and then click on add very important let's double check our work so VLAN 50 default gateways dot one correct VLAN sixty default gateway seventeen starting addresses or two and 18 respectively the mask is a 28 bit mask fantastic that looks good now while we're here just also make sure that you've enabled DHCP otherwise it won't do it and let's also go back to the HTTP service because part of the objectives was deaf clients connect to the server at the Keith Barker comm and so we need to make sure we enable HTTP services and while we're at it if this is the DNS server that clients are using let's also make sure we have an a record which we do so there's a record that's an ipv4 record that says hey if somebody looking for the Keith Barker comm with a UDP request for DNS go ahead and respond back with ten sixty seven eight 346 you can thank me later I pre-loaded that so that's one less step you'd have to do to make this work but I want to make sure the DNS is enabled so there it is okay now what's next what's oh okay so right now we go to a client like PC one and we just go to config and go to Fast Ethernet and click on I'm just gonna balance it by clicking static then going back to DHCP oh yeah yeah yeah I said there's a 169 address 169 implies hey I tried to get a DHCP address but nobody gave me love nobody nobody so to solve that we need to make sure that there is a device in VLAN 50 that if it hears ad HP discover message it can wrap it up ship it over to the DHCP server who can then look at that packet that came in and from the information in that packet the server can tell Oh what subnet this came from so we need to enable IP helper on each of the sub interfaces the default gateway interfaces so that it can forward over to the DHCP server so we're gonna back going back to r1 and let's do this config T interface range let's see if this works gig 0 slash 0 dot 50 gig 0 slash 0 dot 60 all right I'll take it so I've just where basically whatever we put here is going to apply to both those sub interfaces and then I want to do IP helper address and the IP address of the server which is dot 46 what are things a lot of labs is they use a lot of common addresses like oh yeah the the subnets are all nice clean boundaries of 8 bits and the default gateway is always one and this makes you think a little more and plan with subnetting that's why I injected it as opposed to just using that one for every default gateway all right so IP helper dress is 10.67 dot eighty 3.46 peeking at my notes yep and just to verify that we know show IP interface for gig 0/0 dot they're both gonna be the same stuff this is a show IP interface for gig zero 0.50 and check this out here we go right there helper address is ten sixty seven eighty 3.46 alright rockin so now if we go to this client and it has it straight oh look at that it got man so here's I if you need to force it like ghost click on static DHCP and then make sure it got an addressed with that for each of the pcs this is PC two and then we'll go to Fast Ethernet DHCP nice pc three config fast ethernet dhcp ok and pc 4 here we go config oh I want to go too fast you sent also looks like if you go to global settings and you for your gateway do DHCP here it just assumes that you're gonna be a DHCP client ok that's good to know because I saw it change before I even clicked on a bit alright so looks like that works let's see if we can ping let's do a PC the PC PC for 2 PC one so PC one is it dot three let's go to PC for got a desktop command prompt and do a ping oh my gosh I forgot the addresses dot three all right don't forget key don't forget all right so we'll do a ping to 10.67 that 83.3 okay good so uh the router who's doing router ah stick if it doesn't our pit need to resolve PC ones address its layer to address the initial packet would be lost doing due to ARP but now this in the ARP cache there we go five out of five I'm assuming five out of five because first one hit alright so next let's verify we can go to the server so let's go to PC two just to mix it up a little bit we'll click on and bring this over a little ha come on you bigger I want bigger there we go let's go to desktop and get a command prompt I'm wonderful in s lookup works and that's look up oh okay I didn't know that existed inside of packet tracer but nslookup is a great DNS tool so I'm gonna do it nslookup the keith barker calm what that does it goes to the DNS server says hey I got this name what's the IP address and here's returning the IP address resolving that if the name Keith Parker comm resolves to in this lab which is great so DNS is working and let's close that window and go to browser and let's go to the keith bar third i'm now by default in a browser is gonna try HTTP that you can also type HTTP colon Wack Wack first before the name and there it is hey and this is Dan all cinemas DD 153 on on the discord server he's one of the moderators great job he built this little custom web page for me web pages for me on the packet tracer server so you click on that this is all just taking you with inside that server on packet tracer so there's the keith Barker calm where you can download the lab in the on the real internet there's my master playlists fantastic and there is the discord server information I've got links for all that in the description below ok so I think we are in great shape let's take a look at our tasks here PC one and three PC two and four yes yes yes DHCP sign addresses last IP address yep gateway ok we did verify clients can ping each other verify clients can open the web page but we did not take care of the blocked ports let's do that right now and that is going to be now we have a couple options here one is we can just shut down one of the ports I'm talking not these bad boys right here see this amber indicates that we have a block so you can see that a couple of ways you could do a show spanning tree for VLAN 50 or 60 it's gonna be block for both because it's the same same bridge IDs and priorities by default across the board every is using so look it also do a show interfaces trunk and that will show us what's being not forwarded on that one port FA 0 slash 11 but it's indeed blocking so check out the spanning tree videos for more on how spanning tree works and how to configure and also we have a video or two on ether channel that talks more about how ether channel works but that's we're gonna do here we're gonna do eat there channel on these two interfaces so let's go to switch one and on switch one we'll go to interface range fa is 0 / 11 and FA is 0 / 22 gonna verify my ports yep and enter and then we're gonna shut down the elite the only sane way well not the only same way but if you want to avoid problems in production or packet tracer with just links that go into error disabled State and links they don't come up correctly if you're doing ether channel shut down all the ether Channel ports that are gonna be in the bundle make the configurations double check them and then bring them up that's the safest way to do it so I'm gonna do channel I thought it was channel Oh so with the iOS if you type in a command it's not unique it's not gonna autocomplete for you when you hit tab that's the case here so channel - group and Lee's Group one and Li mode and we'll say that we want the mode to be whoa lots of options here so pag P port aggregation protocol is a older technology for ether channel for link aggregation and this the standard LACP link aggregation control protocol is preferred usually a song is a active and what that means is that I want to use the link aggregation control protocol on this side and there's a whole discussion on how they negotiate that and so forth but I'm gonna use that here and let's do a do show history because there's separate history buffers for the privilege mode and configuration mode so I'm gonna cheat a little bit and I'm gonna go right here oh I also yeah so I'm gonna copy that go over to switch to same exact ports for being use that's why it works to config T and right click and paste interface range shut down and then the channel okay great so now they're back to back all those four interfaces are down let's go ahead and bring them up with the no shutdown I'll save that we'll go back to switch one and WRR copy run start whatever your flavor is of the day and oh did I do I didn't do it no shut Joe I think I got so excited show interface status yeah yeah it's just up I need so I should probably bring them up so let's do a interface range again no shutdown alright alright so now what's happening is they're negotiating the link aggregation control protocol and that ether channel bundles sometimes in non Cisco devices they call it a lag link aggregation group and what we can do while that's sorting it might take a few moments to do that let's do a show ether channel summary fantastic so here's the the Dick Tracy decode or up here on top regarding what these mean so we have a port channel group called po1 su capital s refers to layer to the capital u is in use the protocol LACP and the ports involved are these two bad boys right here and let's see if it shows up in spanning tree now it's also you notice the links we no longer have amber links here that means there's no blocking going on because spanning tree sees that ether channel group as one logical port says hey I've got one connection between switch one switch - no no loops and then the ether Channel bundle sorts out bits load balancing inside that bundle which connection is going to use as it sends it but logically it's just one so let's do a show interface trunk look at that love it love it so instead of having two separate ports that go between switch one and switch two which we physically have that's the underlying Network we now a logical port channel between the two and because spending tree to seize one path it's not blocking sales VLANs and spanning tree forwarding path and not pruned meaning also not blocked and if we do a show spanning tree for VLAN 10 oh yeah we don't have a VLAN 10 and it's no spanning tree so let's go let's take a look at a VLAN we have here show spanning tree for VLAN 15 let's take a look at this this says that port channel number 1 that port on switch 1 is a root port which implies that switch 2 is the root bridge and we also are the designated port for gig 0 / 1 as we're trunking down to r1 and we're also the designated port for FA 0 / 1 the access port here as we're forwarding out to that client I think we're good so let's just go back to PC 2 and I will let's go to a different PC let's go to PC 3 desktop and click on web server and go to the keith barker dot-com we already verified DNS resolves that to the IP address of the server we are good to go let me just oh did you see that I saw a little indicator here a little LED that changed for a link indicator up to PC - it's just verified PC - is still hunky-dory so on PC to the Keith Barker com oh yeah ok we're good I'm not sure what that little hiccup was but I've got rapid spanning tree these are access ports so I've also oh I didn't do port fast I didn't do Spanish few past default all right so it could have taken a minute for that to result that's okay so let's do a test and verification that we did all our pieces and that would involve dun dun d HP signed addresses for all the PCs done we assign the correct IP address and default gateway to the DNS web and DHCP server the default gateway which was the router on a stick had the first IP address in each subnet which was dot yeah we did that don't need a know STP blocked ports that we did that Curtis ether channel clients competing each other clients can open up the server at the Keith Barker comm and we are done all right okay truth be told that took longer than I thought it was going to take so in answer to the question hey is there a lab out there that combines a lot of different technologies in the world of CCNA 200 301 the answer is yes and this would be one of them I dropped new videos two to three times a week and here's my normal schedule Wednesday Pacific time 4 p.m. Saturday Pacific time 11 a.m. Sunday Pacific time 11 a.m. and I'm going to be dropping also one lab or one lab related video and something you can download and practice with per week that way you can just keep on practicing it doesn't get any better than practicing because that will identify oh I guess I don't know that as well as I thought I did or why isn't that on happening and every time we have that happen at least for me and I think we're a lot like each other every time something doesn't go quite right if I take a few minutes a why is that oh yeah this light bulb go off and after a few times we come we become more familiar with the technologies how they work how they respond and also as you take these skills and you start using them in a Cisco network for troubleshooting which is what we do a lot of the times is troubleshoot why isn't this working it becomes more helpful because we're familiar with the CLI and and how the underlying protocols work all right hey everybody if you haven't already please click on like if this video is useful for you if you have time to download the lab from the Keith Barker comm again this is lab 20 20 - 0 4 - 10 and so if you want to download that lab practice with it if you were able to solve it and you leave me a note feel free to do that you can do in the discord server or in the comments for this video whether or not you leave a comment my goal for you would be to do the practice and get that hands-on experience with the technology which will make you better and better and better so a couple other things before we go right after this video one is - being delivered premiered which is coming up in like 55 minutes as of this recording I'm going to go ahead and we're gonna jump in the server on discord and have a voice chat so if you want to join us there and ask questions or hang out for a few minutes you can do that as well you can so DME on that server and my focus on that server is CCNA 200 301 so supporting individuals helping questions that surround that technology and helping every we get to that next level so it's been great having you if you haven't already click on subscribe we'd love to have you get the alerts and so forth when new videos drop and keep on practicing keep on getting together getting getter keep on practicing keep on getting better and I'll see you in the very next video or possibly on discord whichever comes first alright thanks everybody have a great great rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 16,341
Rating: 4.9682035 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco, 200-301, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Certification, ogit, Keith Barker, etherchannel configuration, etherchannel configuration in packet tracer, etherchannel lab, etherchannel packet tracer, etherchannel and stp, etherchannel cisco, etherchannel ccna, etherchannel, lacp, Free packet tracer lab, hands on practice, packet tracer, cisco packet tracer, cisco packet tracer lab
Id: me1-y2PM-SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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