800% Talent of The Chess World || Carlsen vs Ivanchuk || Chess24 Legends of Chess (2020)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the chest 24 legends of chess tournament with the most anticipated match of the event magnus carlsen world champion versus vasily vanciuk every world champion's worst nightmare uh as kasparov once said you never know which uh chokie will show up at the one where he just you know tumbles around and you know moves pieces or the one who is unstoppable and will crush you so always an interesting match up uh it's magnus with the white pieces this is the game one and already quite a thriller uh so let's check it out and if you're wondering about the title is something rustam kasim jhanov said during the live coverage that the the these two uh control 800 of all the chess talent in the world uh that doesn't really make sense but he just wanted i guess he just wanted to make it sound that that both of them are incredibly uh you know talented so uh let's check it out magnus with the white pieces opens with d4 now we have knight to f6 c4 uh we have e6 knight to f3 and the bishop to be for with check uh vasily goes for the uh for the bogo indian defense and uh also it's something that a lot of people say when playing against ivan it's best not to prepare as he plays absolutely everything and it makes no sense to prepare for him uh best to just take take a nice walk before before the the game or the match so uh bishop d2 is the most common reply here magnus goes for knight b to d2 the groomfield variation of the bogo indian uh we have castles uh and a3 now asking the bishop to either capture the knight or to move away so bishop to e7 and now e4 magnus grabs the center with d6 and now bishop to e2 uh we have knight f to d7 uh and here uh magnus uh all of his pieces are very nicely coordinated except this knight here so he just brings it back to b1 he wants to shift it back to c3 from where it will be developed to a natural square we have d5 and now knight to c3 just continuing development uh captures captures and now there is one game in the database where b6 was played but here we have knight back to f6 again just challenging this knight and it is uh as of move tended we have a completely new game so let's see how magnus deals with it we have queen to c2 uh developing while defending the knight on e4 knight beat the d7 now and knight eat the g5 and now there's already a lot of pressure here if this knight moves queen captures and h7 will be checkmate so you have to be very careful what you do here uh we have c5 by choki uh and now bishop to e3 just continuing development still not deciding whether to castle queenside or kingside and here uh vasily took some two and a half minutes to decide what to do on his next move uh and he decided for queen to a5 check he basically wants to play queen to c7 but this way with playing queen to a5 he could some he could maybe get magnus to move back his bishop and then play queen to c7 resulting in this bishop now being uh developed to a lesser square for example uh also there is the possibility after this queen a5 check to just go b4 let's say and after captures bishop d2 but that requires too much uh calculation and it could it couldn't uh could be not all that great so instead after queen a5 check magnus just goes king to f1 basically saying that i'm not interested in castling i just want to attack on the king side and seeing a move like this usually means that if you play something like h6h4 is definitely coming because this knight can never be captured if you capture then again this knight falls as there will again be checkmate on h7 if it moves so it's not really a peace sacrifice so after king f1 we have queen back to c7 uh and now uh rook to d1 and here the situation on the clock is eight minutes magnus six minutes for choki uh and uh what do you do here uh you could uh you could do a lot of things uh but b6 is the most natural developing move you want to place the bishop to this long diagonal and bring the rook into the game so here we have knight to e5 by magnus a very interesting pawn sacrifice you could also just push d5 for example and get a nice pass the d-pawn but for some reason magnus doesn't doesn't like this instead magnus went for knight to e5 and this is the the beginning of uh uh well just a very straightforward attack on uh black's king's side so here uh it's upon sacrifice uh and vasily accepts the challenge knight capture spawn captures queen captures and now bishop to f3 challenging the rook here uh we have rooked a b8 and now the immediate h4 maybe g3 and then h4 as it also just threatens uh to pick up the queen but uh black can just always go back and visual f4 e5 is extremely strong here so magnus uh completely disregards this he goes h4 he wants to play uh now rookie street the g3 and bring another attacker into the game so queen back to c7 now you don't have to worry about stuff like that and you can also start with e5 uh maybe this bishop can now also be used on this diagonal uh rook h3 uh and now just bishop to b7 uh instead going after this uh light square bishop here we have rooked the e1 by magnus and now rook beat the d8 and here uh black is doing uh black is doing very well uh white is the one who's attacking but black is up upon and his position is is great however the problem for vasily is that he has only one and a half minute on the clock and the magnus says five minutes but okay you do you do get a 10 second increment for every move you make so here we have bishop captures and b7 by magnus queen captures and the bishop back to d2 now magnus wants to shift the bishop over to this diagonal to help out with the attack on the black king the rook is coming to g3 and so on so h6 challenging this knight and just bishop to c3 again the knight is off limit since again you will pick up the knight on f6 and then you are also probably getting checkmated so after this bishop the c3 move we have rook f28 uh just making room for the king if needed and now king to g1 uh getting th the king to a safer square and here uh the problem is uh magnus probably didn't want to play king to g1 he spent a lot of time here he had uh he was uh up on the clock a lot and here he spent like four minutes even more than four minutes and he caught up the chooky on time uh problem is he probably wanted to play knight captures on f7 it's really really a complicated move but uh i don't think it was enough time to calculate or maybe he was able to calculate that it doesn't give him all that much point is that after king captures in rook g3 you want to go here and deliver checkmate so rook g8 defends this now queen g6 check king to f8 and now let's say you go after this e6 pawn it's impossible to you know probably calculate this all the way uh for example rook d1 check the kink has to come into the game and now rook d6 adds more uh defense to the f6 knight and now let's say if rook captures bishop captures uh and now bishop captures an f6 problem is black doesn't capture here but rather captures the rook and now you don't have anything captures captures and captures followed by rook f7 blocking black is up a whole rook and without without much issues so this is what carlson was calculating and he spent almost all of his time here so in the end he went king to g1 but still he he is better on time and now rook d7 now black just wants to double up here on the d file knight back to f3 now shifting the knight over to e5 as the rook is on d7 and bishop to d6 uh awaiting 95 and preparing to capture so magnus goes for it and the bishop captures an e5 with bishop captures that's not a bishop and rook e to d8 now doubling up on the d file could be could be very dangerous uh and here uh just bishop back to c3 magnus doesn't like to open up the the g file even with rook g3 the king can just move and it's not a problem there there is no good way to continue the attack uh and the black blacks attack is is coming much much sooner so instead magnus keeps the bishop bishop to c3 it is much stronger than this knight so you do want to keep it in the game and now queen back to c7 hoping to get the queen over to f4 to to to basically activate the queen so queen c1 magnus defends this and now uh by playing queen to c1 magnus allowed a really beautiful move uh which uh i didn't think uh uh i didn't think vasily would play it as he had like 10 seconds on the clock here uh and he found it he played knight to e4 and with this knight to e4 move what uh what he did is that he ensures the elimination of the dark square bishop and with this dark square bishop out of the way magnus really doesn't have any compensation for the sacrificed pawn and of course you cannot go for the rook because just rook d1 check wins the queen and that's uh that's just game or or even rather uh you can't even capture here uh because well the queen covers this it would be checkmate so you have to play some like rook to e1 and then just throw captures on c1 it gets the job done so uh after this knight to the e4 we have rooked the f3 by magnus and now knight captures on c3 queen captures on c3 and now rook d4 without the presence of this dark square bishop on this diagonal uh the rooks are now free to roam the board so rook d4 uh now completely pretty much blocks the queen out of the game g3 and now rook eight to d7 just uh getting uh the rook to a much uh much more active square uh keeping control of f7 and so on next to get activated is the queen so b3 by magnus defending the c4 pawn so the queen can now move and the queen to c6 now pressuring the rook here rook f2 e3 and now a5 with a4 by magnus and the queen to d6 now now uh black knight decides that uh i trade off some of the rooks we have queen to c2 and now queen to c6 uh here both black and white are making some very safe moves to get that 10 second increment on the clock as they want to get up to a minute and something so they can start creating some plans so here we have queen e2 and we have rook uh 7 to d6 queen to h5 by magnus and now queen to d7 uh the aliajin's gun is now activated we have queen back to f3 uh and queen to d8 so again just making little moves to gain a time king h2 and now rook to d2 we have rook one to e2 by magnus he doesn't want to allow this rook to come to b2 and then the other rook to land on d2 and here uh black manages to trade off a pair of rooks so queen captures and now rook to d2 now putting pressure on the queen on the f2 pawn rook to b3 will be an idea at some point uh so queen e1 and now h5 just grabbing more space at some point you want to activate the king and start pushing those central pawns so rook to f3 and now g6 we have queen to e4 activating the queen uh also uh instead of this g6 queen to d4 was also a possibility to grab hold of this important central square put pressure on f2 uh this way by playing j uh g6 magnus activates his queen on a very nice central square but rook d4 uh vasil immediately uh kicks it away queen b7 and now rook to d7 pushing the queen back queen to c6 and now king g7 we have king to g2 and now rook to d6 pushing the queen back we have queen to b7 and now queen d7 uh black offers a queen trade and uh white white should not trade black has too many too many weaknesses and it's uh it's only uh black is only down one pawn which usually you can hold in a uh king and rook end game but here magnus does not like his chances there's the the b3 pawn is extremely weak and once you start pushing these pawns it's just going to be very very hard to hold so queen back to e4 and now f6 f6 has has been played next is coming e5 f5 and so on so rook to e3 putting pressure on the e6 pawn and now just e5 we have king h2 by magnus and now comes rook to d2 queen to f5 was also very interesting here as it forces a queen trade since the f2 pawn is under attack uh but uh vasily decides to leave it the queen's on the board for now he plays the rook here attacks the pawn and prepares maybe rook b2 to go after the b3 pawn so rook e2 blocking and now rook back to d4 we have queen to a8 uh and now rook to d3 now the b three point is under attack and magnus is forced into passivity uh with rook to beat you could also play rook to e3 but uh it's hard to say do you want to make three pawn islands or or maybe uh it's hard to say so magnus instead goes rook to b2 defends the b3 pawn this way but now f5 now with the rook out of the way you are free to expand at will here queen to b8 putting pressure on the e5 pawn and now just queen d6 defending while also offering a queen trade so queen b7 with check king h6 and the now queen to c8 hoping to get some queen to h8 checkmate action going on as uh the pawn here covers the g5 square so you have to be very careful uh vasily blocks this with queen to f6 and now comes queen to c7 uh just playing something not not much to go for here and now f4 uh problem is that uh next uh this is coming and the rook will be under attack so magnus immediately moves the rook to e2 now with a double attack on the pawn here but now captures with check f captures and now e4 saying uh you cannot capture this pawn and e3 is coming because if you do well then just rook d2 check followed by a nice queen to f uh queen to f1 checkmate uh the pawn covers the the g4 square so instead we have queen to b8 again keeping an eye on the square hoping that chucky moves the queen uh so he can deliver checkmate but now rook captures on b3 rook here was also an option uh followed by rook f2 check uh but uh vasily says we're just going to capture this and maybe then go go for something like this so queen to e8 now going after the rook and here uh we have this e3 move by black uh there was also the extremely interesting rook captures on g3 point is that the rook cannot be captured because this check forces the king to the second rank and after this this is captured with check and you have all the time in the world to win the game with black as white will not get his chance to deliver checkmate but instead we have e3 uh and now comes king to g2 so magnus gets the king to a little bit of a safer square and now rook to c3 here it's not clear how to continue the game properly for black queen d4 for example if queen d4 guarding the pawn then white can't deliver queen of fate check and then you have to go back with queen to g7 so instead uh black sacrifices the pawn with rook to d3 uh sorry with rook to c3 and magnus immediately captures it rook captures an e3 now rook captures on c4 and now rook f3 so you cannot uh uh cannot move the queen away from the defense of the h8 square as then queen to h8 is coming and this is checkmate so here uh the problem is uh you have to you have to play something like rook to c to check and start checking the white king uh however uh vasily played queen to g7 and now uh it's actually game over for for uh for poor chucky uh but feel free to pause the video and try to find the win for magnus here while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting either rook to f7 or even more straightforward rook to a fade because this will just be a game over uh the king has nowhere to go and uh well after this you're you're just getting checkmated for example if this check comes you can just go king h3 there's nothing to continue here and the rook to h8 is coming that's that's game over however magnus misses this and magnus plays queen to e3 check incredible as it is king to h7 and now queen to e6 by magnus uh just uh attacking the the rook here on c4 uh we have rook to c2 with check uh also uh sorry rook to c2 with check if you try something like queen to d for now uh then uh queen to f7 check aking to h6 queen to f8 second king to g7 so this will hold for black so instead uh we have rook the c2 check we have now king to h3 and now king to h6 again very very unpleasant for black magnus goes queen to e3 check king h7 and now of course uh queen to e8 again there is this possibility of rook to f8 on the next move uh and uh there is no way to stop it uh chucky plays king to h6 and now rook to f8 again the same the same idea wins the game but magnus again misses it magnus plays queen to e3 check again uh we have king to h7 and now magnus obviously didn't want to repeat the position as he wanted to win the game now but he played queen to b3 now with a double attack here but there also is a problem uh it's not just a double attack it's also this this and rook here is the idea but now the game is completely lost for magnus so feel free to pause the video and win this game for vasily while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting the unstoppable mate and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's queen to d7 check and it was in this position on move 74 that magnus carlsen resigned the game and here you see why vasily van chuk is every world champion's worst nightmare point is that the king has nowhere to go and once you play g4 it's just queen captures and g for checkmate and that is it so really really incredible stuff uh uh vasily was better for the entire game magnus sacrificed this this spawn for sort of a caveman approach uh attacking maneuver uh but vasily defended well and then he was just better for the entire time but then the the clock situation stepped in and then magnus was better and then he had a completely winning position uh but in the end uh uh chuki is the the one who emerged victorious so quite a thriller already in round one i can't wait to wait to see what happens next uh so let's uh check it out and enjoy that as well i would like to thank ben edwards uh adam geffert uh henrik hawkinson uh tom uh uh hathorn uh heythorntheweight and the rayner gibbons for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it uh as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the magnus invitational not magnus invitational the chesmar for legends of chess uh checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your saturday
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 803,493
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, alireza firouzja, ding liren, mvl, agadmator carlsen, agadmator firozuja, agadmator ding, agadmator magnus, ding vs firouzja, firouzja vs caruana, nations cup, vidit vs caruana, anand vs nepo agadmator, anand agadmator, शतरंज, шахматы, échecs, CARLSEN VS NAKAMURA, caruana evans, agadmator evans, CARLSEN VS GRISCHUK, BEST CHESS CHANNEL, BEST YOUTUBE CHESS CHANNEL
Id: HzVyKjsRbrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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