$800 Brakes vs $4700 Brakes

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(car engine revving) (brakes screeching) - [James] Stop, stop, stop. Oh, oh, oh. - Oh shoot. - This is an AP racing high performance big brake kit that I just bought for $4,700. - And this is a Dickase big brake kit that I bought for $850. - But just because these are six times more expensive, does it mean they're six times more better? - Today we're gonna install these big brake kits on our WRXs, then test them head to head out on the track. - Does more expensive mean more better? - Let's find out. - You also might be wondering why our cars are all under wraps. Stay tuned to find out. Welcome to Donut. Upgrading your brakes is important to anyone who wants to spend time on the track. The intense and constant braking can lead to brake fade when your brakes get so hot that they become less effective or stop working entirely. A big brake kit offers a longer window of performance before you experience fade. Less fade means longer and harder racing, which in theory means faster lap times. - Oh wow. - Wow. So I bought this AP Racing big brake kit for $4,700. Didn't come with pads. So I have bought this Ferodo set of pads for 280 bones. With these Ferodos, I certainly will be the lord of the ring. (audience booing) - I bought... (upbeat music) What? I bought this Dickase big brake kit for $850. So yeah, James, first impression, my Dickase is... (James snickers) - Sponsored by Wiener Butthole Racing. - I'm astounded that we got this for $850. I'm a little skeptical, but who knows? - Well there's only one way to find out. Let's get 'em on our cars and go to the track. But before we do, I've got a little surprise for everybody. These aren't just any WRXs, all right? This is Hi car and this is Low car, but we don't want 'em to look like any other WRXs on the planet. So we got 'em wrapped. - Yeah, they just got back on the wrap shop this morning. We haven't seen it. - I don't know what James's looks like. - I don't know what yours looks like. So I got Hi car wrapped in this. Oh boy. - Wow. - Yeah, high car is pretty. Jade green baby, color of money. Green and gold. That means me and Zach are rich AF. - [Justin] Dude, it's nice. - [Zach] It's classy. - It's nice. - Fun fact, this is the color that we originally wanted to make the Hi Z. - [Nolan] Really? - Yeah. - [Nolan] Oh, that would've been interesting. - Now I have no idea what color your car is. - Okay. - The anticipation is killing me. I hope you will love it. - Well, let's see what Low car looks like. I said... - [James] Oh, wow. Classic Low car color. Dude, this hurts my eyes. It's so bright. - Yeah. - Dude, this is awesome. I'm so glad you did this. Dude, gotta be loud. I love it. You know, we've got like two styles emerging. We've got kind of clean, classy JDM ish and like loud high school kid. (James laughs) - Now obviously, one of these looks way better and I can't wait to find out which one's faster. Now let's get those brakes on and get to the track. - All right, Eddie. You're with me today. Just like old times. - Old times. - You're gonna do some brakes today. You remember how to do that. First thing's first, gonna pop off all the wheels. - The braking power of these tires was actually really impressive. Really livened the car up. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what those Dickase brakes can do out on the track. Let's get these stock guys off. - Brake installs are pretty easy and they're pretty rewarding, especially if you have terrible brakes like we do currently. First thing you gotta do is just take off all the old stuff that you're gonna be replacing. For us and our kit, that means we're gonna be replacing our rotors, our calipers, the pads, and these soft rubber lines. So the first thing I'm gonna do is crack this line, let the fluid drain. Then I'll pull the caliper off, then I'll pull the rotor, and then it's time to put on some new sweet AP Racing parts. Usually some fluid comes out. Maybe that's partially why our pedal was so soft, but we're not gonna fix stock brakes. We're gonna replace 'em with some real expensive brakes. Let's compare these big brake kits, starting with our calipers. Both have six pistons, although yours are aluminum, mine are stainless steel. Stainless steel apparently handles heat a lot better. - [Nolan] AP has scientific reasoning for everything they do, whereas Dickase, maybe like one or two sentences, sounds very marketing. - Onto pads. The AP Racing big brake kit doesn't come with pads, and on their website, they say it's because they only sell to serious race teams. Okay, serious race teams like me and Zach. - These are the pads that came in the Dickase. The only visual differences really is like very large chunks of media compared to a very smooth composition here. I'll be honest, I have no idea what that really means between these two. - And finally, our rotors. Both are 14 inch. Both are multi-piece. Both have the same amount of slots. On the back of our brakes, every other bolt has these little retainers on it. That allows it to expand when they heat up, and brakes do get hot. - Very hot. - And that reduces stress from the component. - [Nolan] This, there's a possibility that these get super hot. The expansion puts a lot of stress on this guy right here. Maybe warps to a degree that just inhibits performance. So that's a very cool feature right there. Not something that I would've thought of, but pretty rad. You have like these little jays. - [James] They're called jay swooshes and according to AP's website, they are very cool, and this is the best way to do it, and they make a whoosh sound when I apply the brakes. - [Nolan] We just have kind of like a standard kind of vein there. Overall, I'm just so impressed that these are only 850 bucks. That also is kind of worrying. Since your brakes are mounted at the wheel end of your suspension, they contribute a lot to what's called unsprung weight. - Your unsprung weight greatly affects your ride quality and handling. Generally speaking, the less weight the better. So let's weigh these boys. - [Robotic Voice] Hello. - Hello. - Hello. First up, stock brake assembly. - [Robotic Voice] 25.4 pounds. - All right, let's see how much the (beep) weigh. - [Robotic Voice] 33.4 pounds. - It's way bigger. - [Robotic Voice] 33.6 pounds. - That's 33.6. - And it's gaining weight. - It's gaining weight. - Obviously, we knew that they were gonna weigh more. I mean they're way bigger, both the caliper and the rotor. But that's just-- - Goodbye. - I hate this thing. Let's see what my eight-- - Hello. It's ready. - There we go. - It's ready. - [Robotic Voice] 28.6 pounds - Wow. Five pounds lighter than the Dickases. Now enough science (beep). Let's go wrench like a bunch of dummies. - The Low car's chugging along. We got a guy at each corner. Poor Zach Jobe over there has to do it all by himself. He's in good spirits though. Apparently James had to take a business call to do business. Where you at, James? Come on. - Right. With the caliper off, the rotor can come off. The last thing that needs to come off is this heat shield. The instructions that came with our nice parts tell me to do so, so... (power drill buzzes) (metal clinks) Am I close? Oh, I was. (power drill buzzes) (metal clangs onto floor) Now, one of the nice things about nice parts is that they often come with nice instructions. And I see Nolan dealing with the lack of instructions. - It's all in Chinese. How am I gonna read this? - Hey Adam, did you run any of these washers? - No, I didn't run any of 'em. - Right. - Huh. (power drill buzzes) Big brake kit feels pretty cool to put on. I mean, I really love the color. I know that's not really a performance consideration, but it really just pops with this blue and like, does feel like Hi and Low car, you know? - The big old boy's mess. Oh (beep). Got too confident. You know, the first time that we drove this car, the engine blew up. So you could say that we didn't really start off the relationship under the best circumstances. But you got wheels, you got big old brakes, you got cool seats. It's starting to feel like ours. It's starting to feel like a Hi car. Why are you in the enemy's pit? - I like the tiens on the, sorry, tains? Teens? - Tain? - The tain's green with the new wrap is pretty sweet, man. - Right, man. Oh (beep). (James and Nolan chuckle) - Oh, doggy. That's a nice caliber. God is that light. Ho, ho, ho, ho. I like that. And now with that, the big stuff is done, and it looks like we've got big brakes in this corner, which is pretty fun, pretty exciting, and gets me motivated. I sure hope these fit under our wheels. - What's going on Adam? - We got multiple problems. Dickase asked us if we're running 18 inch wheels. This is an 18 inch wheel, but if you notice the lip, is an 18. - But that-- - But the back barrel, they step it down to a 17. So. - So. (beep) - Welcome to the world of building cars. - [James] Your wheels don't fit, huh. - We didn't really account for the step up in diameter here. So now we gotta get a little creative. - Cut a hole in the wheel. - That's pretty good. - But we have an idea. - We do. - What's your idea? - Follow me, James. (exciting video game music) (uplifting fanfare) These were from Low car. - [James] Those are the wheels from the Low car. - The Low car drift car's wheels right here. - [James] Oh. - [Adam] Hey. - So having cheap wheels with multiple holes saved you. - Wow, and I do say... - Those look better, dude. - They look pretty good on this. (Adam laughs) - They're sick. That's what you call a happy accident. - That is a solution. - Nice. But we're gonna put these tires on. - On, yeah. - Just so that, when we go back to the track, it's the same. - [Nolan] Yes, perfect. - Done. Done. I wasn't even worried. - [Nolan] No? - [Adam] That was terrifying. (Adam laughs) - Anytime you expose your brakes to air, you're gonna want to bleed your brakes. We have to do it, because we replaced both our lines and our calipers. Air in your brake lines means squishy brakes, and we don't like squishy brakes. - All right, go ahead and pump it. - Pumping. - All right, now hold it. - Holding. I got nothing. - All right, go ahead and pump it. Is it getting firm at all? No? - You want me to keep pumping? - [Justin] Yeah, just keep pumping. - [James] This is dumb. - [Justin] That's loose. Go ahead. All right, hold on. Stop. - Stopping. - [Justin] Okay, pump. - Pumphrey pumping. - [Justin] All right, hold. - Hold. Bleeding these brakes is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Cars are a pain. - All right, so we're going with the bleeder that's furthest away from the brake reservoir, and that is the outside. Then we'll go inside, then we'll go to the driver's side, do the outside there, and the inside, and we'll be done. Okay, go ahead and pump. - Pumping. Holding. - [Nolan] Opening. Oh wow. Bunch of crap first try. Okay, closed. - Oh, oh, oh, that's getting nicer. - Oh yeah, a lot of crap. - [Eddie] Brakes all bled? - Brakes all bled. Sick. Big old brakes under my ADVAN wheels. This bad boy is really starting to come together. - [Nolan] It looks so sick. - [Felipe] Are you jealous? - No, 'cause I got a big brake kit too. I got Dickase, man. Okay, we're gonna put on these wheels. We might need spacers. We might not. I don't think we will. These are pretty, pretty good offset here. (power drill buzzes) Cool. I am a little worried about the clearance but hopefully our camber saves us when we put it down. (James laughs) We need to pull these a little bit, which we thought might happen. It's about two inches. (comical screaming sound effect) It's a lot. It's a lot. I think the wheels, they look sick. Yeah, they look better than the ones we had on there before. - Yeah dude, this thing's cool. I would do a double take. I would also do a double take with Low Z, but for different reasons. - Different reasons, yeah. - [James] In our experience, this is the point where these cars are gonna be their best. Once we add aero and more power, baby. (Nolan giggles) And then that's when like they start to brake. So I'm really looking forward to going to the track. - Me too. - And experiencing this car the best it's ever gonna get. - Yes. - So this is the part of the video where we'd usually go test our new brakes, and well, we did go test them. It's kind of an interesting story. After we finished installing our big brake kits, the whole crew headed to Willow Springs to put our $4,700 big brakes head to head with $850 big brakes. We set up the rules. We did our stupid little intro. Okay, if you've been following along with these episodes... We had planned to do two tests, a brake fade test, and a lap time test. Since we thought we might toast our brake pads doing the brake fade test, we decided to do our lap times first. (swing music) And there goes Nolan on his flying lap. (Nolan laughs) - [Nolan] 1:30.57, hell yeah. (crew laughs) - [Nolan] There goes Zach Jobe in Hi car. - [Zach] That is a 1:30.25, there in the end. - That is the best time so far out of either of these cars. - That looked fast too. - 1:29.24. - Whoa. - Whoa, we're in the 20s. - [Nolan] Dude, that was sick. - Started as one of those track days that reminded us all why we loved cars. (engine revving) - 1:30.38. - [Nolan] 1:28.9. - 1:28:92, a new HiLow record. Car's fast man. Nolan's fast. - On average, everybody was lapping about two seconds faster in Hi car compared to Low car. - [Nolan] You guys built an insane car, man. - Even with the one second handicap to account for our better tires and suspension, it seemed like Hi car was gonna take the cake when it came to brakes. Then Adam, our shop daddy, unsurprisingly put down a screamer of a lap in Low car. - 1:27.72. - [Zach] Best lap time yet. That was a three second improvement of the last time we were at the track, a nine second improvement over the cars when they were stocked, and a full second faster than Hi car's best lap time up to that point. So now Hi team's $4,700 brakes were losing to Low team's $850 brakes, but I was not worried. Adam is our fastest driver and I, and everyone, was confident that as soon as he got in the driver's seat, he'd be able to put down an even faster lap in Hi car. And then this happened. - [James] Stop, stop, stop. (hi car hitting the ground as its third ej25 grinds itself to pieces) - [Crew] He went off. - He went off? Oh (beep). - James is off to the left over here. I'm gonna check on him. - [Zach] We'll just pile in if that's okay. - [Adam] We gotta get there quick. Let's go, let's go, let's go. - [Zach] You can check on the boys. Pull 'em outta the dirt, you know? - [Adam] You all right? - [James] Yeah. Car's (beep). - [Adam] Oh really? Oh (beep) - [Eddie] You all right bud? - Yeah. I'm beginning to think that I'm unqualified to do this. I broke the car, real bad. Dude, wait until you see. (Zach laughs) Oh yeah. - [Zach] No, that's an axle. - That's an axle. - That was an axle. - [James] Yeah. I keep wrecking cars. Luckily I went to donutmedia.com and picked myself up some Donut Media zip ties. We should have this thing back on track in no time. - So we went back to the shop to assess the damages, and it really sucks to say, but Hi car that cursed WRX is totally irreparable. At least in the amount of time that we have left to film this series. The body's bent and the engine is somehow caput for the third time. Now, we know how much you guys have enjoyed this series in the past and we've enjoyed making it. But as much as it kills me to say, this might be the end of the road for HiLow. So I guess I just won't say that, because we don't give up that easy. Here at Donut, we bought a third almost identical Subaru WRX and it might not be the cleanest one, but it's ours now. We got a new Hi car. We swapped all the parts over. Adam worked through the weekend and we're back on schedule. So say hello to the new Hi car. (audience cheering) It's got the same $3,000 coilovers, $1,600 tires, $3,000 seats, and $4,700 brakes in the same green bumper. Now unfortunately, James, the guy who wrecked old Hi car isn't here, neither is Nolan. They're off shooting-- - [Robotic Voice] A super secret video. - And Jeremiah's at Coda at F1. So today it's me and Adam. We're gonna put down a brake fade test, then we're gonna put Adam back in the cockpit of the new Hi car and see if he can smash that 1:27.65 that he ran in Low car. What the heck is up, Adam? - What' up? - Never give up, never stop wrenching, never surrender. Even if it means you gotta max out a couple credit cards, and get your third Subaru, fifth engine. You know, normal car stuff. I'm traumatized by Subarus, dude. - The EJ20 life. (engine rumbles) - [Zach] Hey, what the heck? - Hello. - [Zach] What are you doing here? Cherie told me you were in Texas. - No, I don't leave 'til tonight. - Well, welcome, I guess. - I just wanted to show up, you know. - Dude, I love to see your shining face. - I love to see your face. How's it going? - It's great to see you bud. - Yeah. Have you guys started yet? - Kind of, getting there. - Can I help? - Yeah, sure. We can find something for you to do. All right, let's go. First up, brake fade test. We're gonna run both cars up and down this straightaway, braking from 60 to 0 to induce brake fade. We know that both cars with no break fade going 60 miles an hour can start breaking on this line and come to a complete stop 90 feet later at this cone. But as the heat starts creeping in and the brakes start fading, that distance is gonna get longer and longer. So we're gonna put Jimmy here, 30 feet past our current stopping point on this X made out of two high-vis Donut Media shirts available at donutmedia.com. And whichever car's brakes fade first so badly that they run over poor Jimmy, well that car loses. You ready? (Jimmy groans) Just another day at the office, Jimmy. Well, if you're nervous, why don't you take a minute and remind our viewers about today's sponsor, eBay Motors? - I love that place. I get all my seals from my Miata there. (Zach hums) eBay Motors has been our go to online marketplace for parts since we started HiLow. We trust 'em with the Zs, the tacos, and now the WRXs. (tires screeching) Their inventory is massive, with almost 122 million parts for every type of vehicle. (tires screeching) And with eBay's my garage feature, those millions of parts can get filtered down to only the exact ones you need for fixing, updating, or just maintaining your vehicle. (engine rattling) (tires screeching) (Adam groans) What we love most about eBay is their money back guarantee. Get the part you ordered or your money back. It's that simple. (tires screeching) Whether your budget's high or low, get the right parts for the right price at ebaymotors.com, or just click the link below. (tires screeching) - No, no, no. Blew him right out of his old sneakies. Looks like the Dickases can't keep up, huh? - Dickases faded out, my friend. And you know what's the weirdest part? It wasn't consistent. Like sometimes it would brake really well, and then the next one would just almost kill Jimmy. - You pretty much hit the same spot. Once your brakes warmed up, you were right in that sweet spot. - Yeah, yeah. Couldn't be happier with those brakes. Car on the other hand, might need our fifth engine. It's got a problem. - There's something not okay with it. - You're not gonna be able to go faster, I think. (intense music) All right, now it's time for the test that really matters. Lap times. Now Adam, last time we were here, already ran a 1:27.65 in Low car, and we're still gonna count that time, but today is a different day, with different track conditions and a different car. So we're all gonna take a lap and make sure we're giving everything a good, fair chance. See what happens. All right, so Jerry's the first one up. He's in Low car right now. - Oh, I got him at 1:29.12 - 1:29.17. - 1:29.34. (engine rattling) - Almost, dang it. - 1:28.93. - 1:27.65 is still the time to beat. And Jerry's out in Hi car, so let's see what the boy can do. 1:32.87, which unfortunately makes sense. - It does. - The car seems like it's a little bit hurt. - And a 1:32.44. - The car is definitely down on power. It's definitely slower than Low car currently, which hurts my heart. - You did pretty good. - Yeah, I beat you. - Congratulations. - Thanks. - Not fun though. - No. - Not nearly as fun. - But hey, we're sending Adam out in it anyway. He'll probably beat our bad times. - Maybe we're just driving it wrong. - Yeah. Maybe the thing's sorting itself out, straightening up. (intense music) - Yeah. - Oh, he's flying. Holy crap. (Jeremiah chuckles) - [Zach] Holy crap. - [Jeremiah] Wait 'til he comes around. There he is. Oh, oh, oh, oh. - Oh (beep) Was that the exhaust? - [Jeremiah] It was. (Zach laughs) - [Zach] Finish her, Adam. - [Jeremiah] Just finish her Adam, please god. - [Zach] Put her out of her misery. - 1:32.38. That thing stinks. - [Adam] Yeah, she is definitely down on power. - [Zach] All right, so Adam was not able to beat his best time of 1:27.65. I think we might have something going on. - [Adam] Something in there is not having fun. - But when it comes to brakes, I think we've got a clear winner. Hi car wins. - So good. - The brakes didn't kill Jimmy, they didn't fade as early as the Dickases, and they feel way better on track, pedal feels much nicer. But in the overall, the grand scheme of HiLow, Hi car is hurting. So I think we gotta get back to the shop. Thank you guys for watching this episode. If you liked it, subscribe to the channel, like the video and comment on it and we'll see you guys for the next one.
Channel: Donut
Views: 3,766,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, donut media, cars, james pumphrey, up to speed, moneypit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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