6 TRUE Scary Retail Worker Stories | Scary Stories

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I work in a retail store and I detest my job with all my heart and because I was a dumb [ __ ] and said I'm always available they routinely [ __ ] me over and put me at nights but I whine and [ __ ] and moan and digress I'm okay working nights since I get to see my boyfriend when he picks me up boyfriend usually gets off at 10:30 p.m. but he doesn't leave until around 11:00 so most nights I'd have to wait for him on top of that he has to make a 10-minute Drive so I'd have to wait an hour in 40 to 45 minutes which didn't bother me he'd call to tell me he was coming and make sure I was still alive earlier in the week and uber driver kept asking me if I was someone named Lenore I told him no and he did it again but at this time he kept asking if I was sure how the [ __ ] am I not gonna be sure of my name fortunately my boyfriend pulled in and honked at me causing the uber creep to speed away I'm a paranoid penny so this made me wonder if he'd been watching me and knew my boyfriend always came late and then I tweaked out since I keep getting these weird phone calls from some telemarketing agency but when I answer no one is there and they hang up is it connected is the government watching me do I have 7 days left to live fast forward three days later I'm standing there listening to music waiting for him to call me and pick me up he finally does and starts cracking a joke about how he's glad creepy uber did an answer as we start shooting the [ __ ] and joking this Indian woman comes up to me I don't hear her at first since I have noise cancelling headphones she gets closer and keeps calling to me finally she yells hey I look over at her and smile and go back to talking to my boyfriend she does it again and I excused myself hi can I help you do you need a ride she asked me and looks nice enough but something just didn't settle with me her car is parked at the stop sign and there's someone else in it no my friend is coming for me thank you I noticed that there's a man in the driver's seat and that she isn't wearing a uniform from either of the stores near us she begins to ask again are you sure I can give you a ride do you need a ride get in do you need a ride I begin to feel a little uncomfortable in my preschool don't get in a stranger's car training kicks in so I politely decline and go back to talking to my boyfriend so are you close just pull down dog get there just stay on the line is that one gun no no she wasn't gone in fact she was standing six feet away watching me and she looked annoyed I told him in code that no she hasn't left she has in fact remained there leaning on the car just watching me and she is looking angrier with each passing second out of the corner of my eye I see the man tell her something and she looks right at me and begins interrogating me friend not here do you need a ride where friend he probably forgot you that's okay we give ride it's cold get in tell us where you live we drop you off do you need ride at this point she begins to get closer to me I try to avoid her by moving to the farther end of the plaza strip yes my sister she's gotten closer but I'm pretty scared she's too far away from home something might happen hurry so I can tell you I saying code as the car drives up now she looks pissed get in the car now we give you ride get in now at this point she opens the car and begins trying to get me inside pulling me and yanking on my jacket she's a taller and bigger woman so she tries to pick me up at this point I'm about to [ __ ] myself and I'm screaming and kicking and wiggling meanwhile I can hear him yelling at me that he's coming in that he's calling the police now my mind is running a thousand miles an hour and I'm panicking thinking that I'm gonna get raped or be some kind of weird present for her husband since he looks pretty content with her effort to kidnap me get in shut up I will hit you you need riot be quiet you come with us you want to see our house very nice you need ride I start to cry as she manages to get my torso in the car my right hand is locked on my phone and she begins trying to take it and my boyfriend is panicking telling me the police are sending an officer she shoves my face into her leather seat now my airway is obstructed and she's not letting me go she's bigger and stronger than me and she knows it her whole weight is on me I try not to panic so I don't black out from lack of oxygen and all of a sudden I start getting mad as [ __ ] her husband says something in another language and she lifts one hand up and leans down trying to get something from the front I immediately use the arms I've been using to push myself off the seat to stab her stomach she recoils letting go of me a little when I head-butted her tossing my melon back as I scream fear stricken and filled with adrenaline that's my purse I don't know you finally my boyfriend pulls in I bolt to his car as the Indian woman is sitting on the ground after I shut the door he speeds off towards his house when we get inside I break down babbling about how scared and terrifying it all was and how if I hadn't had the opportunity she might have taken me to her house and done god knows what after this incident the police officer they dispatched got there about 20 minutes after and didn't find anyone my boyfriend talked to his boss and was granted the ability to leave early for me I'm still weirded out by car stalling in the plaza this happened over a year ago and it still bothers me I work in a department store and have to deal with drunk customers before stacking around the store and even trying to start pillow fights with me but there was this one guy who terrified me I'll start this by describing myself I'm around 5 foot 11 and kinda chubby but by no means fat I'm a little big and not easily intimidated by most people my hair is red but my bangs and two streaks of my hair are a green teal color on this day in particular I wasn't wearing a full face of makeup honestly I think all I had time to do was some eyeliner and I've got the unfortunate baby face so this guy I'd say about 6 foot 2 walks up to me and asked if I can help him he's got a slight accent but I can't even place it kind of like an English accent but it was just off he's got greyish white hair and a goatee I'm not that great with age guessing butts he was at least old enough to be my dad if not my grandpa he's also what I described his husky a little fat but overall just generally big at least twice my size he's also wearing a thick coat but it was a nun seasonably warm and sunny day without a cloud in sight he starts asking me about men's clothing but he's talking under his breath so it's hard to hear so I lean in to hear him a little better I think he's just asking where that department is so I proceeded to point him in the direction of the men's department then I hear him mumble something else this time about young men's sounding displeased oh if you're looking for young men's that's in the front corner of the he cut me off mid-sentence and his whole demeanor changed he raised his voice what do I look like a young man to you what are you like 15 then I watches as I scan me up and down almost as though he were checking me out as if that outburst hadn't even happened he starts comple mumbling again and I can't quite make out what he's saying all I hear is that he's talking about my hair it was like he was thinking out loud but ii didn't realize it then he says he has to use the bathroom but once he's done he wants me to help him find a dress shirt and that he wants it to match my hair I politely say okay and give him a fake laugh and smile not knowing what else to do as soon as he starts to walk away I bolt to the other end of the store I was panicking already because that encounter was just uncomfortable so I'm trying to avoid him when a couple asks for my help so I'm helping this couple and they of course dragged me back down to the end of the store where this guy is still waiting in that time one of my co-workers had the pleasure of talking to him for a moment but he told her he didn't need any help he was just standing there so I'm helping the couple still and I walk past him and he kind of shouts at me in an angry tone it was quiet enough but also too loud to be mistaken for a normal indoor voice he said something along the lines of why was i ignoring him even though I had agreed to help him that's when I really noticed his sides in the way he shifted his body as he took a step towards me I felt like he was threatening me and I knew if he lunged I wouldn't stand a chance I tell him I wasn't ignoring him and I was just helping someone else I hand off the item the couple was looking for and dragged my attention to him as he is waiting less than five feet behind me I honestly didn't know what else to do my body screamed run but my head said that if you do something bad is going to happen he told me he had already looked his shirts and didn't find what he wanted so then he asks if I'll walk him to the front doors alarm bells are going off in my head I don't want to get too close to the doors with this guy because who knows if he will grab me and drag me out into a waiting car of something my heart was racing but then I thought my manager is in the front of the store at the jewelry counter and if I walk the guy there I'll still be safe he will be able to see the exit from there but he won't be close enough to be able to kidnap me easily so I walk up with him and we're walking next to the bras and the aisles are kind of small I realize he keeps trying to walk next to me but the Owls are way too small for him to walk next to me without us touching so we are weaving in and out of the fixtures in the center aisle me trying to avoid him in him trying to stand next to me he then starts to laugh he mumbles some more something about that it's funny that we're weaving in and out of the aisles I'm thinking this is not funny at all he proceeds to ask me why I dyed my hair I look at him and say I don't know because I felt like it I guess then he asked how old I think he is I reply with and I don't know he then asked me again about five seconds later I repeat I don't know he doesn't even tell me how old he is and he tries to ask personal questions he asked my middle name I pause the look he gave me was a pure frustration so I gave him my middle name he repeated my first and middle name back I shuddered my mom says it when she's mad but him saying it actually scared me worse we finally reached the front of the store he asked me to take off my glasses I slipped them down for a second not even uncovering my eyes and pushed them back up real quick honestly I wasn't sure what to do my training never covered this sort of a situation I was terrified of what he might do should I refuse him my instinct was telling me to oblige so as long as what he asked was somewhat harmless after I did that he says ah yes your eyes are as beautiful as I thought they'd be I'm confused is he hitting on me didn't he just say I've looked 15 what the [ __ ] we get to the front of the store and then he asked me if I knew why he wanted me to walk into the front of the store I honestly tell him I don't know he starts giggling to himself like a schoolgirl if you've never heard a grown man giggle well let me just tell you it's unsettling he says oh you probably just think I'm a crazy old man in my head I'm screaming yes now get the [ __ ] away from me but I feel if I say yes he's going to hurt me then he says I wanted you to walk me to the front because I just wanted to spend a little more time with you I'm standing there like I don't even know this guy this guy doesn't even know me why does he want to spend more time with me I want to get away from him my manager walks by and I shoot her the most horrified look and she just smiles and waves completely oblivious then he follows that up with you know sometimes the Lord just brings people together he reaches into his jacket and grabs ahold of something then he quickly adds and sometimes he takes them away he still had a hold of whatever was in his jacket my heart sinks and I'm thinking this is it he's got a knife or a gun he's going to murder me and drag my body out and stuff it in his trunk he follows that up with another you probably think I'm a crazy old man I paused to think on that and I respond with the seemingly thought out no not really even let's go of whatever he had a hold of in his coat and drawers his hand back out he looks at me intently then after several seconds of awkward staring he says and now I'm going to leave and probably never see you again I'm like thank [ __ ] god he turns to leave but whips his head back around and says but if I do happen to come back don't call security on me as soon as he walked around to walk out the door I ran to the back office to hide my legs felt like jelly but I kept moving as if my life depended on it I was then escorted to the back of the store to wait until they could confirm that he was indeed gone from the store I waited for about a half hour before I went back out to finish my shift when my shift ended I waited around a half hour more I saw would be able to walk out with someone else the woman I walked out with had also encountered him by the register while I was hiding on the other end of the store she proceeded to tell me that she thinks he was drunk I'm still currently working at that same place and I haven't seen him since and I hope I never do again I was around six months pregnant and working at a retail store in a large mall our store was a corporate store so there was some really heavy traffic through it during some downtime I told my co-workers I was taking a bathroom break unfortunately the restrooms were on the second floor of our store towards the back in the furniture section which was hardly ever busy I worked in the women's section in the bottom floor right near the door that entered the mall itself I rushed into the restroom because holy crap this baby is crushing my bladder instantly I felt like something was wrong nobody was in the restroom as far as I could see no feet in the stalls and no one coming in around there were no other restrooms nearby so I brushed it off and did my business the entire time I could feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up I didn't even bother to check my phone something was wrong as quickly as I could I wash my hands and dried them the entire time I was standing at the mirrors near the sink I felt as if someone was watching me now at this point I had been working at this store for over a year never before had I felt so off I left and went back downstairs to the section I worked in when I arrived I heard over the walkie-talkie that there was an accident in the women's restroom I felt uncomfortable but went back to work as usual later my coworker told me what happened my manager a tiny sweet Pakistani woman went into the women's restroom she was alone as she went to wash her hands a man rushed out from another bathroom stall straight towards her thankfully she had her walkie-talkie on her and immediately called for help the guy panicked ran out of the women's restroom through the store and out into the mall as far as I am aware he was never caught it sends chills down my spine that while I was in the restroom this guy was hiding in there I'm guessing that he saw I was pregnant and decided not to attempt to assault me I'm so thankful that he didn't harm my manager or anyone else buts it's really creepy nonetheless I work in an outdoor mall in a great neighborhood you assume that it's safe as hell to be there but then again you just can't be sure anymore there are creepy people everywhere and I just can't help shake the feeling that this isn't my last encounter with this man I'm 19 years old and work at a kiosk that sells all kinds of wonky jewelry it's usually teens young adults and occasionally some older adults that shop with us every once in a while this man comes up to the kiosk easily recognizable same leather jacket crinkle corner of his eyes one front tooth shorter than the other same slouched way of walking he's usually harmless but oh my god the last few times he's come by has made me so uncomfortable I greet every customer with hey can I help you find anything and most of them just say they're looking he always smiles at me and says just looking darling at first it was fine I didn't care whatsoever he seemed like a harmless 50 or so year old man he always spent a very long time looking at the display and never bought anything most of the time I'm working the night shift at the kiosk wom surrounded by other shoppers and other kiosk workers mind is kind of all by itself in between two empty ones in the back and I'm usually left alone - the friendly security woman that stops and chats with me on her rounds she comes by every 30 minutes or so and she's one of the few friends that I have at work the only stores in my view are a Reebok and a Macy's a few nights ago I was sitting in my kiosk and bored out of my mind and the security lady had already continued on her way I had scroll through Reddit already and was getting ready to open up Netflix and continue watching my show when I hear footsteps coming up I woke up to see the creepy man staring at me but not actually at the kiosk yet I wave at him and he gives a little smile but one listens chills down my spine a customer walks up and I immediately jump at the chance to help him trying to shake the creepy feeling I had after I had checked out the customer and had written down the receipt I glanced up to see the man still staring at me before I could say anything he started walking over taking my eye contact his permission to come join me good evening Darwin he said doing in almost bow good evening I told him he proceeded to do his usual checking the display but not buying anything instead of walking around the cart he stayed by the register where I was walked behind my chair to check the sides but never went where he couldn't see me then he started asking questions like we were longtime friends so darling do you have a boyfriend I kind of guff tat that because I've been single for over a year now I told him no I didn't have a boyfriend but two there was a checkout girl I found pretty damn cute at my local grocery store I see he said do you have any plans after work he asked me I was getting uneasy at this point but I told him yes I was going to a party you gonna hook up with any boys he asked my jaw dropped whether or not I was hooking up with any boys was in no way any of his business but I just told him no he then smiled a little and said good you're too pretty for them little boys anyway he faced me again and came up to hug me until this point I hadn't realized that my heart rate was increasing and it only became apparent after I found out harder to breathe before he actually said what he said Linda the security woman walked up and glared at him sir if you're not going to be buying anything from this young woman I suggest you go order somewhere else he stiffened at the sound of Linda's voice and he left you okay honey she asked me I shrugged he's always here I told her she shook her head let me and Russ walk you to your car after work today I nodded relieved this she offered without me having to ask the rest of my shift is fine I get through it and managed to make my bosses a bit of money at ten o'clock on the dot Linda and her boyfriend Russ are at my kiosk they wait for me to pack up my purse and then walk me to my little Prius they wait for me to drive away as well I'm on my way to the party I stopped by a gas station to fill up the tank as I'm waiting for it to fill I glanced over and see the man from the mall at the mini-mart he's buying a pack of cigarettes and he looks out the window and sees me when he does he smiles and waves holds up one finger asking me to wait a minute I don't I yank out the fuel hose and jump in my car booking it out of there I take several detours before arriving 30 minutes late to the party I had to make sure I would lose him before showing up there it's been a few nights since that happened and the only reason I'm writing this now is because I'm actually working the morning shift and I just saw him walk out of the store across from me Linda has someone biking around this half of the mall so he won't come near me today but I'm still a little creeped out I used to work retail I know many of you shuddered at that sentence right there anyway the store where I work sold children's clothing it was an okay job but still had some interesting folks come in every once in a while I was in my late teens to early 20s while I worked there it was a busy Saturday and I was doing my best to keep the store tidy while helping customers I was straightening a rack when this guy confronted me he was tall had a dark complexion and herand was wearing glasses he looked about 30 give or take he wasn't with anybody else and didn't appear to be shopping for a child he struck up a conversation and was smiling and friendly the whole time I don't recall what he was talking about exactly but he kept following me around and not getting the hint that I was busy and uninterested he then asked me if I had a boyfriend and I told him yes but I can't remember if it was true at the time he continued to hang around and told me I was pretty he was making me uncomfortable and I wish he would leave me alone but he wasn't really being rude and I was too polite to just tell him to go away then he told me he was from Egypt and that he wanted me to go there with him he told me we'd have a great time and I loved it there I loved it so much in fact that I'd want to live there alarms were going off in my mind like who are you and why would I just take off halfway across the globe with you I declined to politely and he left the store I felt so relieved honestly I was somewhat flattered but weirded out I went about my shift and maybe an hour or two later he returned I was behind the counter ringing up customers and I'm very grateful that I was he stood behind the people I was ringing up interrupting whatever small talk we were making during the transaction and proceeded to beg me to come with him to Egypt he had lost his smile and charm instead he appeared desperate and impatient I again told him no and was not nice about it this time he left the store and a huff I never saw him again but I wish I had reported him to mall security or maybe even the police I was naive at the time but some looking back he was either a desperate weirdo or a human trafficker scary stuff and I hope he didn't succeed with anyone else these encounters happened a few months ago and left me feeling so shaken here's some details just for background information I briefly worked for a locally owned retail business that has four locations in the city I was living in most of the employees rotate between the four locations and I was usually scheduled not the same one for most of my week but what sporadically work at other locations two of the stores are located inside of the buildings that contain shopping centers for other retailers and restaurants these are the two stores that I have been working at during this experience so it was mid-september and I had about and how were left on my Saturday shift a man came in and bought some things and started conversing with me I learned that he was a manager at another store within the same shopping center he didn't seem threatening or creepy in any way but he was a bit older than me I'll call him Joe he visited a couple of times over the next few weeks and then one evening after talking for a few minutes he asked if I wanted to smoke a blunt with him after my shift I told him I had plans to attend a party that night but I didn't see anything wrong with smoking a blunt with him so I did after I closed the store we met up walked away from the building and smoked a blunt he asked if I wanted to grab a quick drink and I'd agreed but sent just one because I did have other plans we got a drink and then he used my phone to send a text message to himself so he could have my number he seemed harmless enough so I was okay with it I think him for the drink and departed not thinking too much of it I had been careful about how much personal information I gave him no full name no description of where I lived just that I lived in the south side of the city for the next couple of Saturdays he would stop in by something small say hello when I was there I didn't find this on at all because he worked in the same building and I work at the same shop every Saturday he would get a little too comfortable sitting by the counter which made me a little uneasy sometimes but he was never intimidating if anything he was just a bit of knowing because he tried so hard to seem cool telling me all about his partying lifestyle I also found it odd when I found that he had friend requested me on Facebook maybe he looked it up with my phone number but it still made me feel like he had invaded my privacy now fast forward a couple of weeks later it was Saturday and I was working at a different location than usual this store was also located in a small shopping center but not the one I usually worked at on Saturdays I was finishing up checking out a customer when someone else walked in the store and out of view behind a shelf the first customer walked out and guess who came walking over to the counter it was Joe I said wow what are you doing here not in an unfriendly tone but like what was he doing here this led to the first encounter that made me genuinely uncomfortable he ignored my question and immediately parked himself nearly behind the counter as if he worked there this made me very uncomfortable because he was basically blocking me in behind the counter to get out from behind the counter and I'd have to squeeze between him and a display case he seemed to be playing dumb and said stuff like wow I didn't even know you guys had a store in here which I know was bullsh it's because he didn't work anywhere near this building and I knew he wasn't just wandering around the city like hmm I wonder what stores are in here he asked about how my week was and I told him with as little detail as possible that I had been having a fun week going out with friends he asked if I want to smoke again after the shift and I said no thank you I had things to do then he was asking what other kind of drugs I was into and started to tell me all about his wild night with his crazy friends I was extremely uninterested but he didn't pick up on it and just kept going I started to get more uncomfortable and thought about asking him to leave but I didn't want to be rude since he hadn't really done anything threatening I think that he had planned all this sounds strategically he had spent so much time trying to gain my trust in a way he never acted predatory or out of line so that I would become more comfortable around him and allow him to get away with more creepy behaviors without saying anything this is where I started to get weird again he asked if I wanted to get high and I reiterated that I didn't want to smoke because I had stuff to do later he started asking if I liked uppers if I never tried speed I have it and then admitted that he hadn't slept and was still high on speed from the night before this put me so on edge I didn't really know how to react my anxiety was spiking and I was starting to feel very panicky he hinted again at the idea of us getting high together and I was like okay what are you talking about I told you I don't want to smoke he clarified it that he wanted me to do speed with him but if I did want to do it I'd quote have to hang out with him for at least half an hour at this point I was so extremely uncomfortable I didn't know what to say I was freezing up hoping he would just go away oh and for the record I did not know up until after this encounter that speed was slang for meth otherwise I would have told him to get the [ __ ] out at that point I told him I never done speed and I didn't intend to he reluctantly accepted but didn't leave he asked there was an office in the back of the store if there were cameras there was I pointed them out to him and if we could go and do speed in the office again I declined his offer and wish that he would leave finally he decided to go and send it he would see me later after he left I was basically panicking because I kept realizing how [ __ ] weird the whole thing was how did he know where I was working that day maybe he went to my usual location and asked why I wasn't working there that Saturday I asked a friend to meet me after my shift so I wouldn't have to leave alone and encounter him again I thank God he didn't come back but it made me so nervous I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder as I closed the store I didn't want to tell my manager about it because I couldn't really tell her then I went and smoked weed with him after my shift I felt so sick about the whole thing but it didn't in there fast forward to the end of October Joe had not made any more appearances when Friday I had a closing shift that was only a couple of hours in the late afternoon I had rolled on Molly for the first time the night before and I was feeling fairly fragile for lack of a better term literally moments after I had settled in guests who came waltzing in my heart dropped I was in no place to deal with him right now and I had no idea what to do I was so exhausted and out of it that I just didn't do anything he stayed there for my entire shift talking my ear off the whole time as I said nothing and he even interacted with customers as if he worked there too I wanted to cry the whole time I felt powerless I let him get this far and had no way to stop him from acting this way a part of me was legitimately afraid to simply ask him to leave I think he knew this I was counting the minutes till the end of my shift when it finally arrived I was ready to run out of there he followed me out of the building he followed me to my bus stop the entire time talking and talking and talking bragging about his musician friends and his artist friends and how much crazy fun they would have at the raves I would literally go ten minutes without saying a word and he just wouldn't stop talking I stood waiting for my bus people all around us at the bus stop I just wanted to cry he asked which bus I was taking and I felt I had no choice but to tell him because he'd seen me getting on the bus anyway he then casually mentioned that the bus I take goes past his friend's house I prayed he wouldn't use that as an excuse to get on the bus with me and frantically trying to think of a plan to stop that from happening I texted my friend asking him to call me to pretend we were making plans I spoke with him for a minute on the phone and then hung up and told Jill that I was going to hang out with a bunch of my guy friends from high school hoping that would deter him from following me further it was another unbearable few minutes before my bus came and I wanted to cry with a relief when he didn't attempt to follow me on the bus I ended up quitting the job for unrelated reasons so I figured I would never see or hear from him again he texted me a few weeks later and I simply said can you please stop talking to me he respectively agreed and I blocked his number as well as his Facebook I was surprised how easy had been but a few weeks later I was at a museum with some friends that were visiting from out of town we had a really great day and had just entered the gift shop when my friends decided to go east the restroom I waited around at the gift shop idly playing with some souvenir rocks when I looked up and saw something that made me do a double tank my blood ran cold when my fears were confirmed it was Jo here in the gift shop five feet away from me he was with a child his back was to me so I ducked down to the gift shop and ran to the bathroom to tell my friends I felt myself starting to get panicky just seeing him was beginning to become triggering for me I couldn't believe he was here we do not live in a very small city the museum is an entirely different part of the city than where I had seen him before I was terrified I saw him walk out of the gift shop and continue walking into the opposite direction of us I was sure he hadn't seen me my friend and I went back into the gift shop to look around some more before leaving the gift shop was a little bit crowded I was looking at a display when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I thought it was one of my friends I turned around to see that it was Joe he was saying excuse me and I don't know if he meant it as and can I have your attention or can I get by you but I felt as if I was going to throw up we made eye contact and he smiled I bolted through a crowd of people I walked far away from the gift shop and waited for my friends to come back out and we left quickly I never saw Joe again after that I hate thinking about it now because it gave me some serious anxiety to think what could have happened if I didn't have a bad feeling if I had ever met up with him again and if I decided to do more drugs with him who knows what could have happened it honestly chills me to this day just thinking about the fact that he may have been stalking me if not there were some insane coincidences that took place so this is my story I never heard from Joe again and soon I moved out of that city Joe I hope we never ever meet again
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 53,629
Rating: 4.8984127 out of 5
Keywords: retail stories, scary retail stories, creepy retail stories, creepy caller stories, phone stalker stories, creepy call center stories, creepy calls, scary phone call stories, scary phone call, True Scary Stories, True Stories, True Creepy Stories, Real Scary Stories, Storytime, Stalker, Creeper, Strangers, Paranormal Ghost Stories, Home Invasion, true creepy stories
Id: 5vqlcvB1cHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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