8 Times The Pawn Stars Encountered Lunatics

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hey there guys and welcome back to the channel we hope you're having a wonderful time so far and if you're not then hopefully we'll be able to fix that since today we're gonna be talking about the eight times the Pawn Stars confronted lunatics before we get into that though make sure to go ahead and hit that like button if you're a fan of Pawn Stars - go ahead and subscribe and hit phil notification icon so that you can be notified whenever we release our daily videos also once you've done so let us know in the comments section below so that you can be featured in the video shout out at the end of the month with all that said we hope you guys are ready to have a wonderful time since today we're gonna be talking about the eight times the Pawn Stars confronted lunatics let's get right into number one electrotherapy kid an odd device that used to be sold back in the day was being sold to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop back in the 20th century it was thought that electrical currents could be used to cure many things from diseases to paralysis they were also later applied to be used for different methods of personal psychotherapy for a good few years electroshock therapy was considered one of the main methods for curing certain things that at the time were considered diseases of the mind after a while though these kits at least the ones that were being used in particular were banned in the United States due to several issues surrounding them the person who brought in the kit said that you could use the electrotherapy kit to cure different things like hair loss and acne the kid at the very least proved to be functional but Rick was going to have a very hard time selling it originally the lady wanted $100 but ended up settling for seventy-five dollars due to the fact that it would be incredibly hard for Rick to actually get rid of this item once he had bought it you do have to make your money at the pawnshop and if you can't offload an item it's really hard to actually consider buying one number two Saddam Hussein's fingerprints and xbi agent had walked into the pawn shop ready to sell some fingerprints it wasn't your average criminal fingerprints but apparently Saddam Hussein's fingerprints Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq and gained power from 16th of July 1979 until the 9th of April in 2003 when the United States removed him from power Saddam Hussein was one of the most brutal and corrupt dictators to ever rule in that region these fingerprints were taken from Saddam Hussein when he was captured Rick Harrison tries to avoid things that were from bad people but these fingerprints had immense historical value the xbi agent had 44 certified copies of these fingerprints and he was willing to sell he had offered a high price for it since he assumed he would easily be able to get about ten thousand dollars on it at an auction Rick had offered $15,000 for it but the seller could just not let go for that price with the price only being $5,000 over what he thought he could get for it at an auction he figured that at a pawn shop that specializes in historical items like that that he would be able to get at least a little better number-three dinosaur eggs you would think there are some strange things coming into the pawn shop every day but one of the more strange ones was when somebody walked in with what they claimed were real dinosaur eggs the woman had walked into the shop planning on getting a lot of money for these old dinosaur eggs the only question we have though is how someone would get their hands on them and if they did get their hands on old fossilized eggs like these are we possibly going to have to run for the hills because I've seen Jurassic Park and I don't want to deal with any of that mess Corey of the pawn shop was stunned by the items she had brought in and he got an expert to look at the eggs since he had no clue what an item like this would be worth it's not every day that you bring in dinosaur eggs the woman had asked for $20,000 but the expert said that that price was incredibly unrealistic the expert mentioned that even though the eggs were in fact real they weren't exactly that rare there were many eggs like them sold on the market internationally Corey and the woman eventually came to a deal of 500 dollars since it was a more common item than they both thought number 4 can of elephant manure a man tried to sell the pawnshop a can of elephant waste from the Washington zoo the man said that he would be happy to get five dollars for that can of waste but when it came to dealing the man asked for $10,000 the old man told him that he should try selling it somewhere else because this wasn't exactly a place to sell a can of elephant poo Chumlee being Chumlee was interested in the waste for some reason he told the seller that he would willingly pay twenty dollars out of pocket cash for the item the man agreed and took $20 while afterwards admitting that he only had actually bought it for seven dollars and fifty cents at the very least that's a profit for him number five potato on Pawn Stars we see many people who walk into the loss famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with many people trying to buy and sell but one day a person walked in making an incredibly crazy offer not exactly something new a person by the name of Sean price who is a famous American rapper who makes hip hop music decided to walk into the shop and try to sell something what you may ask well he decided to sell his own potato yes you heard that right a simple old starchy potato Sean wanted to sell the potato for $100,000 by pulling this crazy stunt he had made history on Pawn Stars by trying to sell something worthless to the shop without trying to pretend that it was anything other than an ordinary potato Sean tried to sell it along with his made-up background story of the potato according to his history this very potato he had bought was allegedly hurled at Martin Luther King during the riots of the 1960s before it was found by his own uncle who had passed it on to him after dying Chumlee understood that this potato had some sentimental value but he was not about to pay $100,000 for it they both settled on a deal of $2 which was the average cost of an extra-large french fry in their City now the pawn shop can sell the potato from Sean price though nice number 6 slashes driver's license the pawn shop had an incident where someone had came in to sell a driver's license apparently though the driver's license was from slash from Guns and Roses slash whose real name was Saul Hudson was a British American musician and songwriter he was the lead guitarist of the American hard rock band Guns & Roses which started in the late 1980s the guy who brought the driver's license in was asking for $50,000 for it Chumlee and another employee by the name of Olivia black were uncomfortable about this offer and called in Rick to see all of the hubbub Lou Rick didn't believe Chumlee after being told that someone was trying to sell Slash's license but he was shocked when he actually got his hands on it the seller had claimed that he used to use the drivers license at a bar before Rick was not gonna pay big bucks for the license but he did offer $1,000 for it the seller eventually walked out and decided to keep the license for himself at the very least he can continue to use it at the bar still number 7 human head a man decided to sell a one of the kind a shrunken human head Rick was surprised when he saw this come into the shop since he had never seen one of these in person shrinking heads was a ritual that was commonly done in the northwestern region of the Amazon rainforest the heads would be cut off and then the skin would be skinned off of the skull to be shrunk and then the head would be put back together and sewn off the old man didn't want to buy the item or even have the head in the shop due to somebody possibly losing their mind it's not exactly the family-friendly type of item you would expect to see in a pawn shop Rick was not gonna buy it due to the fact that it was actually fake though the stitches on the back of the head were stitched up with cotton thread which the Amazon warriors never had nor used number eight antique blood transfusion kit antique blood transfusion kits are something that used to be used a lot more often this particular one was produced in New York from the late 50s and it came into the shop to be sold the kit consisted of tubes and jars for the blood to be filled in for the transfusion the woman wanted 211 dollars for it Chumlee was not quite sure how much this item actually would cost but he wasn't gonna pay that much for it with Chumley and the lady often going back and forth about the price they eventually settled for one hundred and twenty-five dollars so I guess that makes this say blood transfusion transaction okay no I'm sorry that was a bad joke I'll stop but which of these items did you think was the most interesting or ludicrous coming in to the pawn shop let us know in the comment section below also make sure to hit the like button and share this video with your friends as it really helps out the channel make sure to hit the subscribe button as well and hit the bell notification icon so that you can be notified whenever we release our daily videos lastly make sure to comment down below that you subscribe so that you can be featured in the video shout out at the end of the month with all that said though we hope you enjoyed the video and we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: X-List
Views: 99,956
Rating: 4.0291667 out of 5
Keywords: pawn stars, pawn shop, business, investing, rick harrison, chumlee, corey harrison, old man, richard harrison, profit, money, finance, millionaire, gold and silver pawn shop, pawn shop show, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars funny moments
Id: JA9eYAxKiTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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