Chumlee Scores The Pawn Stars BIGGEST JACKPOT!

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hey everyone and welcome back to film focus Chumley has had a few big fails at the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop but he's also made some seriously awesome buys that have helped the store in a big way these five times chumps scored big on Pawn Stars highlight just how good he is at what he does and suggest that he should be given a raise instead of being the butt of everyone else's jokes hey Japanese katana chums seems to know a lot more than most when it comes to the more fringe items that show up in the store and he knows how to double down on a good deal his friendly way of bartering is very different from the approach that the Harrisons take making his customers like him and is surprisingly witty banter while Chumley is often depicted as the Joker in the group and he does like to pull pranks whenever the opportunity presents itself he's also proven himself to be a level-headed pawnbroker in his own right and he can haggle with the best of them chums missed out on plenty of opportunities to make the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop a ton of money when the rest of the team doesn't take him as seriously as they should but he's more than made up for those losses by forcing a few wins when nobody else is looking one such win came after Rick showed off a genuine Japanese katana that he had owned for years and had just recently sent all the way to Japan to have the weapon restored to its former glory the sword looked absolutely awesome and Rick said it was probably worth around $35,000 but also adding that the sword wasn't for sale and that it wasn't to be touched under any circumstances Chumlee wasn't about to let that get in the way of making the shop a ton of money and knew exactly how he was going to do so when UFC's Dana White began asking about the item Chumlee made a point of telling the fighter that he wasn't about to sell him the sword but White was adamant that he simply had to have it in his collection Chumlee finally relented after talking to white at length about all sorts of things like his career in his hobbies saying that he'd sell the sword for 30 grand which was 5 grand less than Rick thought it was worth he added in a little catch however and said that he could let white have the sword for that price if he agreed to buy an additional 30 grand worth of other sorts the shop had been struggling to sell white wasn't totally sold on this idea but Chumlee managed to get him to go all-in and finally agree to Chum sneaky plan when Rick finally heard about what was going on he was pretty mad but soon realized that the other swords were worth far less than the price tag white had agreed upon an pretty pleased about how things went down white also told Rick that Chum had told him about the shop owners unwillingness to sell the sword for any reason and that it had only made him one at more which is exactly what Chumlee had been hoping for we don't think Chumlee gets nearly enough credit for his shrewd business decisions and he made sure that the shop made a ton of money that day they finally sent white home with sixty nine thousand dollars worth of old-school swords and we just know that the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop ended up winning big when the deal was finalized Rick finally had to admit that Chumlee knew what he was doing the entire time and that Chum had played things better than his boss ever could have hoped for White had only mentioned that he wanted a sword for his new weapons room and Chum knew that he wasn't about to take just any sword talking up Rick's prized possessions so that they could offload a bunch of swords that had been gathering dust on the shelf after being overlooked for years number four samurai swords another time that Chumlee scored big with swords was when he bought a pair of old samurai swords from a customer for the low low price of $3,800 Rick and Corey weren't happy about his deal however and were livid about the fact that Chumlee hadn't bothered to double-check the authenticity with one of the shops experts first Chum isn't a big fan of bringing in other people to check on these things though and usually leaves the big-ticket items to the rest of the team he knew he simply couldn't wait around to get proper approval for these items and also knew that he'd get a lot of pushback if he had raised the issue before throwing the stores money at their previous owner Chumlee wasn't fazed at all when he took his verbal beating sure that they were real antiques and that they were worth far more than what he had paid for them the swords did look very old to be sure but that doesn't mean they were genuine Chum took all of this into consideration however and knew that he was right Rick decided that he'd forced Chum into a bet at that point and wanted to prove that chums intuition was absolutely terrible while also making them pay for not talking to him about the purchase ahead of time he went out of his way to call a local swordsmith who was well versed in appraising old samurai swords and told Chum that he was going to take him to task when the items were inevitably found to be total fakes and only worth a few hundred dollars at the very most when the expert finally showed up to the store he took one look at the swords and immediately began to look pretty excited about them Rick wasn't all that happy when he saw this reaction because well it meant that he stood to make a decent amount of money off chumps purchase he wouldn't be able to continue to gloat about chump dropping the ball so hard it was found that the swords were made by legendary swordsmith Takahashi Naga Naboo when he was at the height of his career his swords are so well known and steeped in legend that it was once rumored that one of his blades had managed to cut clean through a machine gun when US forces clashed with Japanese during world war ii the swords were also found to be in excellent condition and were pretty much brand new despite their scabbards being a little tattered and frayed around the edges the swords were centuries old and were definitely well within the realm of being considered antiques Chumlee sat back during the experts peal looking very proud of himself constantly giving Ric sly looks that said I knew what I was doing the entire time another sword wasn't an agony boo and was even more valuable because it had been crafted back in the 1400s by another big name in samurai swords at the time when the expert had finished looking over all the sorts that Shawn had just bought he announced that all of them were probably worth around $13,000 prompting Rick to admit that Chumlee had really done the shop a big service that day chum had simply tossed out a price of $3,800 on a total whim and netted the shop over $9,000 without breaking a sweat one of the swords was even made by Sochi Jew hero who was a student of Masamune and is widely regarded as the best swordsmith Japan has ever seen that's a pretty hot ticket item right there and it's clear now that chums intuition it's pretty much spot-on more often than not that still doesn't mean that Rick's going to go easy on him going forward and we suspect he'll continue to come down hard on Chumlee for these sorts of purchases even though Chum definitely comes out on top almost every single time that ripped out some number 3 vintage comics when Chumlee is presented with items that involve comic books his inner geek really comes out and he's able to talk at length about everything they stand for it's obviously that he really knows what he's talking about when it comes to comics and it gets really excited about the whole scene that's why he was the perfect person to be running the show on his own when a woman walked into the store with a huge collection of comics in tow they were all owned by her uncle who had passed away and left all of them to her in his will he knew that they were probably worth a solid amount of money and that she'd be able to either enjoy them herself or pawn them off in order to make a decent amount of cash one of the first thing Chum asked the woman after talking about how cool the items were was whether or not she knew if anything viable was to be found with him then she had no clue what was in the boxes and just wanted to make a deal on all of them in order to free up a little extra space there were a lot of boxes in the collection and Antoine had to bring them all in on a dolly to do so without straining himself we think that there's a solid chance that a rare comic book can be found in a set like that and so did Chumlee who played things slow and kept his asking price down just in case it ended up being a bust not every comic is as valuable as Action Comics number one but plenty are worth a ton of money to the right buyer Chum took a look at a few of the comics the collection contain and realized that it simply had to pick them up and wasn't about to let them slip through his fingers Rick and Corey would have laughed the woman out of the store but Chum kept his cool and worked out a deal that everyone was happy with Chum didn't even need to bring in an expert to make his offer and when the woman said that she was asking for two thousand dollars for everything he knew that he could talk her price down a little bit and end up making plenty of money by selling them one by one going through everything would definitely take a lot of time and Chum said as much pointing out that even he didn't have as much time as it would take to find a diamond in the rough among all the generic comics seeing as they mostly dated back to the 80s he knew that the chances were good but we do have to admit that sorting through seven massive boxes would be very time-consuming Chum worked his price down to $500 for all the comics and when Rick got back he was mad Rick finally brought in an expert to appraise the comics after the fact and he was pretty happy with chums price Rick still wasn't convinced but Chum was happy to take the comics off Rick's hands and we're willing to bet that he made a small fortune off of them when it came right down to it number two robosaurus Chumlee would have made the store enough money for the entire team to retire if Rick hadn't nixed the idea of picking up Robo source a giant fire-breathing robot that was pretty awesome Chum was sure that they could just leave it in the parking lot to attract people if they weren't able to find a buyer which was a suggestion that Rick shut down almost immediately Chumlee did his best to get his boss to give the guy a fair price for the robot but Rick turned him down without even bothering to hear an offer Chum was more than happy to rub it in Rick's face when he found out later that the robot had been sold at auction for a little less than six hundred grand which is far more than the guy who showed up to the shop was asking for the Dino if Rick had actually listened to Chumlee and respected his opinion the shop could have made a few hundred thousand dollars easy and it would only cost them a small percentage of that to store it for a couple of months until they found the right bidder we'll never know just how lucky of a deal it would have been if Chum had been allowed to buy the robo source and we can't help but think that this was one time when Chum really should have been allowed to have his way because he would have scored big on this item for sure number one maserati granturismo while this purchase wasn't for the shop Chumlee definitely got amazingly lucky when he managed to pick up a Maserati dirt cheap by haggling over the price the car is worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars brand-new and Chum managed to get his for only around half the price which is a sweet deal by anyone's standards Chum wasn't about to let his car sit in the shop however and kept it for himself probably as payback for all the times that Rick screwed him out of better deals by not letting him have his way he's had a lot of fun driving this bad boy around and were sure he plans to get a lot of use out of it in the future
Channel: Film Focus
Views: 33,576
Rating: 4.4436092 out of 5
Keywords: pawn stars, gold and silver pawn shop, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars moments, pawn stars funny moments, pawn stars best of, pawn stars cast, rick Harrison, chum lee, Corey Harrison, old man, Richard Harrison, buy and sell, profit, investing
Id: mNbiBHLfY5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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