8 People Who Gained REAL SUPERPOWERS After An Accident!

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hey guys it's Chris from getting new mental abilities to feats of incredible strength join me as I show you eight people who got superpowers from an accident number eight Orlando Serrell when Orlando Serrell was just 10 years old he was as ordinary as ordinary could be he was doing nothing overtly special but was confident at everything you would expect him to be then one day in 1979 he was playing sports with his friends when he was hit in the head with a baseball to be clear he wasn't wearing a helmet when he was playing so the baseball hit him square in the left side of his head anyone who knows the heft and solidarity of a baseball knows that this would cause some serious damage and even major-league baseball players have had serious injuries dealing with accidents like this in regard to Sorrell he was knocked out but when he came to he seemed to be fine however a few days later that started to change and he started to get headaches they started off basic enough but then they got more and more intense as well as more and more frequent causing him pain that would [ __ ] most 10 year olds but Sorrell was able to keep going all the while being able to mask his pain from his parents this is an important detail because throughout all of this Sorrell did not get any medical treatment for his condition but then something happened the headaches just stopped which should have been the end of the story except that Sorrell noticed something different in his memories mainly he could remember a lot more than he did before he was able to remember various details about every single day ever since he got hit in the head with the baseball with clear accuracy including noting the weather what he ate and what he wore that day and much more as if that wasn't enough of a superpower he was also able to do what is known as calendrical calculations which means he could predict when a certain day would fall in the week of any year no one is sure or why these things got rewired in his brain via the baseball hint but his life was much different since then Sorrell would go into the medical field and would undergo studies to see what caused his superpower to form number seven Franco Magnani in the 1960s Franco magnani was an Italian immigrant and he came to San Francisco in the United States in order to try and live a new life but there was just one problem though almost as soon as he arrived in the city he became sick deathly sick no one is sure what exactly but he is documented with having a fever that was so bad it made him delirious and have seizures this kind of illness can change a person if they're in it for too long in regard to their health but for Franco magnani it changed him in his mind because soon after he healed from his mysterious illness he started having vivid dreams and vivid memories about something his childhood home now usually one might count this off as the memory trying to bring comfort to Magnani after his ordeal but as he noted he hadn't been to his childhood home of ponte dough italy in over 30 years which means that the memory shouldn't have been fresh or vivid wanting to get the memories out of his mind he started to paint them based on what he remembered something he rarely had done before as he was a cook and a woodworker primarily now he should have been able to do something but maybe not vivid and detailed pieces right except after doing multiple pictures of incredible quality someone went to Italy and took pictures of the places that were in the paintings now aside from some perspective and zoom inconsistencies which can be attributed to his memories via his height in childhood they were perfect recreations he had no reference outside of his memory yet he was able to paint them perfectly just from memory Magnani later became known as the memory artist and was known to sometimes drop everything mid task because a new vivid memory had popped up in his mind that he knew he had to draw his work is in art galleries where they're shown next to the real-life pictures so that people can see the startling accuracy of his work now for number six but first let me know what superpower you wish you could have in the comments below and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already I don't know about you but I'd like to be spider-man number six Jason Padgett much like in a comic book there are many ways to gain a superpower in real life but there's only one documented case in history where that superpower came after getting beaten up in this case via a mugging and his name was Jason Padgett the year was 2002 and Jason Padgett was having the time of his life he had just come off a date and was leaving to go home when all of a sudden two men jumped him beat him down stole his money and then they ran off thankfully for him the doctors that examined him stated that all he had was a concussion and that he should go home and rest so the effects wouldn't hurt him too badly and he did so but a little while after he did he started to see things that he couldn't explain when he would go outside he would see light hitting things like cars and leaving objects like triangles floating in the air this sense continued to grow and nearly drove Jason Padgett insane so much so that he had multiple medical tests done to him and even had metal plates put into his head for three years he kept inside and to himself in order to try and fight what he saw but eventually he gave up and decided to draw what he saw and it was here that his superpower was discovered because he wasn't just drawing random shapes he was drawing fractals if you don't know fractals are complex mathematical formulas that are said to make up the world in a math sense to see them is enough of a superpower but Jason Padgett was able to draw them in perfect clarity and precision which is something that even math experts can't do at times Padgett would go on to study math something he really hadn't done before and excel at number theory he even wrote a book called struck by genius talking about his mugging and how it came to change him number 5 Jim Carollo in 1988 a man by the name of Jim Corolla was in a car accident and he was 14 at the time and while he survived barely his mother not as for gym while he was alive he was in a coma one that lasted for six weeks and had doctors wondering if he was ever gonna make it out when he woke up it was sudden and random and much to the shock of everyone there but because of his coma status for six weeks plus the trauma of the car accident he had to go do physical therapy in order to get back to his life yet when he did he was a much different person mentally especially in regard to how he handled math because before his accident and coma Jim Corolla didn't do well in math and had no interest in learning it yet after the accident he flew through it Carola would take advanced math tests without studying and he'd get perfect scores he was even able to do things like advanced calculus which should have been far beyond what anyone his age could have done he was so advanced that he was able to memorize the first 120 digits of the PI number sequence in just under a couple days Jim Corolla would go on to fly through school with no negative effects on him outside of some short-term memory issues which seemed odd in that this was the only negative side effect to him given everything else he was doing number four Tony G Coria in DC Comics the character known as Barry Allen was struck by lightning that transformed him into the fastest man alive but for Tony Chick Corea he had a slightly different reaction when he got hit by a bolt from the blue just like Barry Allen though his strike was very unexpected because during a thunderstorm he decided to pull over and call his mother via a payphone when the conversation was done the lightning bolt came down struck the phone and electrocuted jacory a-- which in fact in most cases would have ended up with him being dead on the spot juh coria himself thought he was dead right before coming back to life I floated up the stairs my consciousness came with me I saw my kids had the realization that they would be okay then I was surrounded by a blue-white light an enormous feeling of well-being and peace the highest and lowest points of my life raced by me I had the perception of accelerating being drawn up there was speed and rection then as i was saying to myself this is the most glorious feeling I've ever had slam I was back a miracle by most definitions but what happened next was very peculiar as after a few days of shaking off the effects of the bolt he had an urge to listen to piano music which he'd never done before never even had a lesson yet the compulsion was there and after a while he decided that he wanted to play the piano because he had music going on in his head that wasn't like the piano music he listened to was original eventually he wrote his own piece called the lightning sonata and has performed in places all over the United States as well as been featured on TV shows documentaries and more number three Derek Amato when it comes to origin stories of superpowers in real life you could argue that Derek Amato has one of the dumbest because back in 2006 he was at a friend's party in Denver Colorado and he decided to dive headfirst into their pool which would have been fine if it was deep but it wasn't and so he bashed his head on the bottom of said pool this in turn knocked him out and he woke up in the hospital with the diagnosis of a severe concussion and was told by doctors that he would have severe headaches from now on he would also have memory loss and 35% of his hearing was now gone but to his amazement after the incident he started to see things when he closed his eyes mainly he saw shapes in the dark and they were moving in certain ways at first he thought it was just other images from lights but then he realized they were musical notes and movements as I shut my eyes I found these black and white structures moving from left to right which in fact would represent my mind a fluid and continuous stream of musical notation my fingers began to scale the piano keys as if I'd played all my life that's my notation when those black and white squares are going that's what my hands do I'm convinced it's all for a reason and it's my job to do it right his musical prowess goes beyond the piano though his musical notes gift has allowed him to play several different instruments over the years all without having to study them he now spends most of his days making music across various styles and instruments number two Ken Walters Ken Walters journey to getting power started out with some of the worst luck a person could ever have in their lives it started with an accident that left him crippled as his back was broken and he wouldn't be able to walk again for the next year he lived with incredible pain because of that accident and couldn't get out of bed as a result he was later kicked out of his house by the government and fined for various things all this stress led him to having two heart attacks then in 2005 he had a major stroke he survived but something curious happened as a result when he was in the hospital he couldn't really talk so we wrote a note to a nurse asking for some aid but unbeknownst to him after his hand got done writing the note it then started to draw on the paper all on its own Walters had never been an artist and spent 20 years jobless and thus couldn't afford any art classes or lessons yet here he was drawing something subconsciously the drugs were good too and he would wake up at odd hours during the night because some new image had popped into his head they felt the urge to drive according to his doctor his stroke rewired his brain to help prevent damage which is typical believe it or not but usually it manifests in personality changes whereas here it gave him great artistic ability the doctor also said that it would be temporary except that it wasn't Walters continued to draw and eventually went in a graphic design which is where he became famous because he would sell his art online and he became a huge hit via the online game Second Life this led to companies like IBM and more buying his abstract and detailed art pieces eventually he would get another videogame to buy his art the company Electronic Arts saw his work and hired him to make some of their creatures for their hit game Spore all because of a stress induced stroke number one Tommy McHugh Tommy McHugh was not a nice man he lived most of his life in a very violent way as well as a very dangerous way he would get into fights at bars he would do an assortment of drugs and he was known to be a jerk in his personal life then he went to the hospital day to deal with severe headaches and he found out that he had two aneurysms in his head and both had ruptured this led to having immediate surgery with some odd side effects at first he could only speak in rhyme and this lasted for a few months then he would have random images flashed through his mind as a slideshow as he would describe it he became so fed up with the images that he started to write them down and much to the surprise of his wife they were actually quite artistic but the problem was that the creativity was like an obsession of the worst kind it became manic of sorts forcing Tommy McHugh to write something then draw something then sculpt something eventually covering his entire house and art because he needed to draw it eventually he got doctors to take a look at him and they confirmed that his previous condition caused damage to his frontal lobe giving him what he had now he is still doing his art pieces and he's making quite a living off them including having them be displayed in galleries another interesting side effect though is that he became a much nicer person after dedicating himself to his art thanks for watching what did you think of these real-life people who got true superpowers by accident can you believe that there are this many of them in history who can claim to have real superpowers which of these do you think you'd like to have let me know in the comments below be sure to LIKE the video and subscribe to the channel
Channel: World List
Views: 3,974,753
Rating: 4.8650565 out of 5
Keywords: world, list, people, gained, superpowers, bizarre, accident, super, powers, events, mysterious, unbelievable, incredible, amazing, super powers, amazing superpowers, bizarre events, mysterious events, bizarre superpowers, unbelievable superpowers, incredible superpowers, from an accident, superpowers from an accident, luckiest people, lucky people, real super powers in people, people who gained superpowers from a bizarre accident, 10 people with super powers in real life, world list top 10
Id: spxgAbx8O4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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