6 Cheese Gadgets put to the Test!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory safety is number one priority and today we're going to put to the test cheese gadgets let's see what I got today but before I should explain myself you're gonna notice anyway if you look at my hands one is normal and this one looks so swollen don't worry guys they didn't break or hurt it all I was is stunned by a wasp or yellowjacket one of those and got baited by the reaction just on my arm I got stung into here don't worry guys I'm not allergic or anything if this is just my arm nothing else wall up so it's okay but yeah it's pretty nasty sting don't you think look at that so swollen up right here I can't even hold my wrist over tight because it's extension of my skin too much we're gonna do videos anyway because a missed one yesterday so let's do it today for the first gadget I got here cheese slicer let's open it up and see if it works well it comes to the extra wire so that way you can replace it if it breaks you supposed to unscrew this and unscrew that and then you can move it forward or back so let's put it on the thin slices I like it pretty thing I kind of feel like I'm going to get one side thicker and the other side is thinner because it is not very user friendly as much but anyways let's see if it's going to do the job going to try to use this with a smaller piece of cheese oh wow look how thin that is that's crazy that's probably too thin but that's amazing I didn't think we will be able to do such a thin pieces let me adjust the tool the thicker pieces this is warm saying adjusting is a little bit of a pain to get it in a right line they go is probably of the better Wow check this out kind of at the end there both offer peace let me try to cut it this way so that when the piece doesn't break off yeah this was a little better but again breaks off at peace at the end nice lies but breaks off or peace at the end let me try to do this from this side okay this time was much better kind of works let me tie it with the different cheese alright guys there goes nothing let's start with this cheese oh wow but this cheese it's even better all the way to the bottom boom look how tiny that is I like it tiny pieces of cheese I don't like big pieces and as you can see it cuts it really good depends of the cheese if the cheese can accomplish you might have a problem but they stick up pieces of cheese look how well it cuts at the end they had to break off a piece again so just watch out for that and one more time let's try to do much thicker piece of cheese just for fun let's see what happens boom very easy and as you can see a day and there again buck off a piece that's kind of annoying so let's see if this cheese slicer actually going to do much better job than this one so this is how you adjust the thinner and thicker slices by just turning this piece right here and it's going to turn away you see now it's a thicker slice and closer to the knife and what's cool about it when you're going to cut it and get to the bottom of it you see it's going to cut it all the way to the bottom unlike this one when you go to the bottom boom you see there is a little bit more need to be cut and this is why it's boko at this every single time right here so so far this Gajic a little bit of a fail but let's see if this one actually work says well just go like this wow this is so awesome all the way to the bottom nice let's start to make it a little bit thicker I definitely love that it cuts all the way to the bottom let me try this cheese as you can see it does such a good job no problem Wow especially with this cheese some cheeses are easier to cut some a lot harder look how well it does and it does not break off a piece of the bottom so I really like this she's lighter sir so satisfying boom and you can get yourself smaller pieces and thicker pieces love it for this gadget this is a cheese melter or chocolate maker whatever you want to do I saw in a commercial they were melting cheese and putting cut into the melted cheese comes with two cups and this little Forks like this for you also need tea light candles which is going to light one candle up and put it inside of the cup just like this and that's going to heat up the top of the cup right here and then we're going to put cheddar cheese inside there because sure that she is going to melt faster and also got here another melter but very for absolute second to this once already comes with the chi-lites go like this once up as wall and say them right here then we're going to put this lap an IED on top of it so as you can see it's small and very portable and then I'm going to put this cheese right here you'll see if it's going to melt up this kinda cheese not just sure the cheese I think it would have no problems because it has thick candlelight so it's gonna heat up a low wall so I'm gonna set it on side and we'll see what's going to look like okay while cheese is melting I got here another cheese gadget this one comes to the couple of extra blades or wires whatever you want to call them and this here a little stone not sure what kind desaad so it's pretty much comes through the cutting board already so where's our cheese we're gonna get our cheese and let's have to slice it up you know whoa this is so satisfying then you push it up and keep going you know what guys the other gadgets cheese slicer so cool but this is might be the better one or the best one and I don't even have to worry about cutting board I can make my own slices and I can just keep going if I need to slice up a lot of them I just push it forward and go a cut cut how amazing is that after a while of course you'll have to push him away so that way you can slice them easier you can slice up any size of a cheese slice as you want this one is the only thing if you like thin slices no problem so you just make you own hot thick slices you wanna do boom you can even make it this thick easy you could probably make it in cubes to let me set it right here boom boom you know maybe get some yourself for lunch few pubes boom fast and easy and check this out now you got yourself cubed cheese easy I love it and of course if you want to small it cubes you could have turned it over and go like this boom and you got here small pieces of cubes of cheese love it or bigger ones depends what you like and you know what I think you don't even have to take this extra blades away you can just keep them there you won't even notice they'll just wipe it off wash it off real quick it's ready to use again let's see if it's going to work with this John slice of cheese boom boom I love Heights like throws it away boom so I can just keep going and save my time now boom almost amazing and I got myself a whole bunch of cheese slices when you do thinner once you got go a little bit more precise and slower but yeah wow that's amazing look at thin you can get this cheese to cut guess what guys this cheese slicer have melted cheese a lot faster than this one but that's okay now these two cheese melt us do two different things let's say you cook yourself an omelet or something like that and it's laying like that or you wanna put some cheese on your bed whatever you take this off look up while it's boiling and then you push it off like this it should come off it should just slide off yeah like this yeah boom and you can use the spatula to push it all the way and of course you can just spread it mmm look at delicious that looks it melts it so well and it wasn't even sure the cheese it was just slices of cheese and look this side here is stick free pen so if you love melted cheese you probably will love this gadget well guys I would say this kind of works but I don't think so much for cheese it's still a big clunk of cheese's can how to separate its just have an amazing cheese pull but maybe this gadget is better for chocolate not so much for cheese this cheese guard is probably going to be my favorite let's open it up and see what it's all about boom I hear the instructions let's put it together just go it on like this and this cheese gadget for this circular cheese's like that this is a smaller one but this is what we're going to do to it you just grab your cheese and stop it too tight up do it in the middle number two all the way to the bottom boom I wish I had a bigger piece of cheese and then we're going to put this knife in and then we're going to spin it like this and it's going to share the cheese in a very very tiny piece idea wow that looks so cool that looks so awesome I barely pushin but yeah this is what you're going to end up with cheese's like this so you can decorate the plate I never ate cheese like that I bet it's going to be so delicious because it's so tiny boom look at sook secondly a flower I cannot wait to try it this gadget by the way is ruin you it just came out at least that's what I think it might be older than what I think it's definitely look like a flower this gadget going to be my tongue nail that's for sure and when you eat this it's kind of melts in your mouth because it's such a thin cut definitely huge thumbs up for me for this gadget and for this gadget this is like a spatula but at the same time the slicer kale it's time to cut a slice Wow it works pretty good but again to the end ever she's kinda crumbly boom you see it's like breaks off a piece of cheese so that's kind of annoying boom this time was better but at the same time look you can actually serve it and another time slice a piece of cheese at the end over there again breaks off a piece and they said here I think you can just do pubes cut out pieces like that or not cubes I mean the little sticks of cheese if you like to cut off little sticks of cheese you can do so be basely our kitchen gadgets that's pretty cool well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below of each gadget was your favorite don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 3,028,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheese Gadgets, Gadgets, Cheese, kitchen gadgets, 10 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test, kitchen gadgets review, unboxing, cheese melter, Cheese Curler, Marble Cheese Slicer, Cheese Slicer, 10 Corn Gadgets Test, 6 Instant Drink Chiller Test
Id: EqeIRzY7hIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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