5 People Who Only Eat 1 Thing

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what if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life let's talk about that good mythical morning what if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life that is the question of the day thought about that a lot actually we have privately we've discussed this a lot wink but now we're bringing it to you okay now listen we have grouped some people into this episode they're not actually here but we're gonna give you the information of people who have made this choice in real life for themselves yes people who have decided or for whatever reason they only eat one food ever all the time always oh me brother so this will help you to be able to answer the question better so don't answer the question yet until you hear from us about these people first off we've got hen a little of the UK she's been eating chips we call those french fries here in the US for 15 years only french fries for 15 years now they're starting when she was 5 and she developed what is called a selective eating disorder so this is a dish what she said sed get it this isn't just somebody who just makes a decision to eat one thing like as you know they lost a bet and they've got to do this there's there's other psychological things that are going on so the thought of other foods of eating other foods actually gives her panic attacks hmm so fresh fries is the thing now she actually she looks happy in the picture yeah and those french fries look extra big but it's really just a perspective thing it's like an optical illusion new UK than they are here I thought there was giant macaroni and cheese but she she has managed to eat a piece of dry toast in the morning for breakfast occasionally but then she will eat only french fries for lunch and dinner but here's the here's the update she got so unhealthy that she would pass out because she wasn't getting the nutrients that she needed and so she will underwent hypnosis and then she was able to add pizza and mangoes to her diet so the last time somebody checked in with Hannah she's eating french fries a little bit of toast pizza and mango why I wonder was it's tropical well I wonder what if the hip hypnotist have like an ulterior motive like he so sold pizza he's got a mango stand all right this next guy Dan Jannsen from Maryland I heard about him through the Vice article a mini dock that went viral over the past couple of weeks he eats only cheese pizza 25 years he's been doing this that's not too bad only I mean cheese pizza it could be worse my kids could do that I'm surprised you didn't have toppings you know cuz that would add to the variety if you're gonna eat pizza and that was what I thought my answer was gonna be pizza but this guy's a vegetarian but he don't like vegetables so this is where that leaves that problem um his wife is not his wife his girlfriend makes him eat smoothies in the morning now so he's branching out a little bit or they just cheese pizza ground up he kind of takes know he takes pride in this being more of a preference a choice there's nothing behind the scenes going on in his mind okay he does see a therapist but he chose his therapist based on location to the nearest pizza restaurant seriously so it's not necessarily a disorder that's not aired of others that's not what I gather from this guy in terms of health he has been diagnosed with diabetes about the same time this thing started but he says that doctors give him a good bill of health that's what he says yeah this is a lot of cheese pizza this seems like just a man who never grew up you know my kids only want cheese pizza and it makes me mad in 25 years from now boys you better be something else on your pian if you read the interviews he really does own that it's his preference I mean he'll lead a bull Raisin Bran if he really needs it oh but he's just like why should I why should I eat blank when I can eat cheese peace he can't do other foods well can Georgie reidman a Redmond from the UK cannot do other foods she only eats ramen noodles and I'm talking about the college student dorm room noodles that you boil and then throw it in there with a little packet and you know she doesn't do any flavors except chicken flavor I mean those chicken flavored ramen noodles and that's it it's an economical choice so I respect him for that too it's not like she's getting like I only filet mignon right well it is cheap she estimates that she eats 30 miles of noodles each year and she's also not good at math you don't think so there's no way that's true have you ever stretched out one of those ramen I think one of them is about four feet if you really hold up 30 miles this is a selective eating disorder her doctors have said that she's malnourished and she has been diagnosed as having the health of an 80 year old person and she responds by saying I don't care I just love noodles 30 miles a year again she looks happy either that or she doesn't know she's about to drown in noodles hmm I don't gonna drown they're like hold your breath if you're going under Georgie there's no water there in the packs there's those are just packs she posed for a picture because of this condition oh she's gonna be okay well so did Stacy Irvine British 19 year old sheep I love her picture she put there's like wind blowing through her hair and what's that in her hands chicken McNuggets for 15 years she's had a Chicken McNugget addiction that's all she eats the most sometimes she eats the chips the fries and occasionally like that other person toast for breakfast she can occasionally do that what'd she do with the toys does she eat the toys she collects the toys she's got like bins and bins of toys like two huge bins of Happy Meal toys that's what she's in it for she wants you to think that she's all addicted to chicken nugget she's addicted to toys my grandma has two bins worth Happy Meal toys too but she doesn't do that she got to one been for you one been for me Laurette they're for my kids so okay what about this chicken nugget girl I mean that's about it she insists that her diet isn't a problem she's a factory worker but she was so malnourished at one time that she passed out and had to be hospitalized really not hospitalized hospitalized that's different I like a good Chicken McNugget death okay this guy Derrick Nance in Kentucky that's in the US he tops them all this guy eats only raw meat Derrick he's been doing this for about six years not just the meat but he eats all parts of dead animals he afraid of fire including the organs and the fat and the bone marrow this guy is like a wolf he is like an animal just going out this Rami now how did is he just crazy how did this happen well it actually has an explanation it started with is it is this guy crazy how did this happen well I'm about to tell you like it started with him getting nauseous nausea where he hospitalized he was not hospitalized from any other types of food and he was one of those guys is like well I'm gonna start cutting different things out of my diet to discover what it is that's making me sick he gets rid imma cut out the cooking part of my dad he got out wheat he got out cut out dairy he cut out fish he cut then he went vegan and he was still sick and then he'd run he he didn't just come up with us he learned about this raw Paleo diet which is basically like eating like an animal just going up killing some animals and then eating them raw and he washes down the meat with a glass of blood I am NOT making like stuff he watches the meat with blood he washes it down his throat man and he actually will let some meat go rancid because of its probiotic qualities no fun fact there it this guy says I don't eat meat anymore cook me anymore because it tastes burned this sounds like a desperate plea for a reality show I'm just being on well you you can go on youtube and watch the dude eaten raw meat he's in he's in this to win this I mean he is in it hmm I think he wins the contest of weirdest food obsession but it does raise the question well let's choose what would you choose if you had to the one thing for the rest of your life you had to do it from you know my hands ears first of all I thought it was gonna be pizza but I'm going away from that now I am going with you're gonna go with ice cream no I'm going with cereal IRA I already eat it everyone for breakfast and I every every couple of days I eat it for dinner too I might as well just eat it for lunches you how to choose a cereal I'm about halfway there you can't just it all cereal cuz that's a lots of different things you have to choose a cereal no I do it yes okay I'm still choosing cereal I'll choose frosted mini-wheats and there's some that have chocolate and there's some that just have berries and there's some that aren't frosted and there's some that are many there's some that are maxi there's all types so I as long as you give me a - Maximus stay away from those they selling me the same I okay as long as I can have my raw meats in all types of forms I think I'm gonna be good to go okay I've thought about this and this is not being influenced by a recent episode where I had to eat 500 of these in a minute but I would go with please and I'm not kidding they're a great meat substitute they have amazing amounts of protein you have amazing amounts of vitamins and minerals and they also have a lot of fiber and they gave you the musical farts which we could always use more of those let us know what you would think thanks for liking and commenting on this episode you know what time it is hi I'm Catherine and I'm Polly and we're from Maryland and it started to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you're following us on Instagram where we do things like miniature horse Monday it's always a Monday and it's always a new miniature horse pictures there's that picture click through to good mythical more where we discuss the ramifications of these eating habits on your better hand about to skydive look at that man look at that look at that Hickey that ground just racing beneath this man what are we doing huh I don't know where's the instructor are you yeah I think we're supposed to do this kind of like tan no no no you know you know you get in front nope I'm good I'm still here you gotta force the brussel sprouts down to one day eventually right same thing with cigarettes and alcohol abuse just kidding Wow
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,897,872
Rating: 4.9185367 out of 5
Keywords: food, eating, raw meat, meat, fries, french fries, freedom fries, ramen noodles, top ramen, pizza, cheese pizza, vegitarian, omnivore, chicken, lamb, beef, steak, nom, eat, stomach, digestion, feast, meal, Lamb And Mutton (Food), Mcdonald, chicke nuggets, mcnuggets, nuggets, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking
Id: Lonw2At2nFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 11 2014
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