7 Most Ironic Deaths

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Is it possible to drink too much carrot juice? Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - Now, lemme say up front today... ...that there's nothing funny about somebody dying. Unless, A, you don't... - ...know 'em and B, it was very ironic. - (laughing) Mhm. Today we're gonna talk about some of the most ironic deaths ever. And you know what? We're not making fun of these people. We are celebrating the... - ...irony associated with what happened. - Right. It's a celebration of their lives. - Yes. - Well, not really. Their deaths. - But it's time for The Most Ironic... - ♪ (electric guitar) ♪ - ...Deaths of All Time. - All right, I'ma queue this one up. Before the Airboard, there was the Segway. and if you still go to a tourist... - ...destination, it's still the Segway. - It's still good option, too. We did it in Miami, and I ain't gonna apologize one bit for it. - No problem. I love it. - Jimi Hesel... Heselden was one of... ...Britian's wealthiest men, which meant, "Hey! I'ma buy the Segway company." - Yeah, why not? - It also means, "'Cause I get one... ...for free." And it also means, "'Cause I can take it anywhere I please! Thank you very much. Cup of tea." So he took it off of a cliff. - (laughing) And died. - Into a river. And died. - (laughing) - So yeah, there you have it. - I actually have video of the accident. - Oh. - So brace yourself. Here it is. - (announcer) So we'll let [Heely]... - ...take us to the break, because Joey... - (everyone laughing) - Wow, he doesn't look dead. - Yeah, he didn't die instantly. No, that was just, like, a cricket sportscaster. But it's always funny to... ...watch somebody fall off the front of a Segway? - Yeah, cricket sportscasters fall. - Never go off the front of a Segway. Okay. Basil Brown was a carrot juice enthusiast. - (laughing) I love the start. - That's like the beginning of a... - ...joke. This guy loved carrot juice... - Okay, yeah. Or a novel. ...so much, in 1974 he chose to drink a gallon a day for 10 straight days. He also started taking some vitamin A tablets. Couldn't get enough of that vitamin A. Somethin' was a little bit wrong in the Basil Brown's brain. - (laughing) - The doctors warned him about the... ...dangers of what he was doing, but he had a low opinion of doctors. - Mm. - And then he "died." And by "died"... - ...with quotes, I mean he just died. - He, like, ceased to exist. >From cirrhosis of the liver. The verdict was death from carrot juice addiction, and he was reportedly bright yellow when he died, 'cause, you know, carrots usually turns you orange, but I guess if you're already Brown, it just turns you yellow. - (laughing) - I don't know. But Basil Brown was... ...yellow when he died from eating orange carrots. - Which make this ironic. Okay. - It's very colorful and ironic. And you know what? We actually have footage of his death as well. - Do it. - ♪ (electronic music) ♪ - (laughing) It was quick. - He looked very much like a... - ...plasticine minion. - Yeah, getting hit with an anvil. - Yeah. That was him. - But that's him dying of carrot juice... - ...addiction. Yeah. It doesn't... - That was definitely him. ...you know, over time. It was the '70s. It doesn't translate very well. - Are you ready for some more irony? - (laughing) Yeah, I am. (stammering) That was iron coming on it. Was that part of it? - Yeah, you've got it! - I didn't... - That wasn't part of it. - I didn't... I just added that? - Really? Irony? - Yeah, you came up with something... - ...very clever. - Anvil. Okay. 1985. The New Orleans... ...Recreation Department had an annual pool party. - Yes. The best pool parties. - There were 200 guests, and half of... - ...them were life guards. - Okay. The other half died. No, they didn't. But that was just, that was just... - ...a demented joke on my part. - Yeah. Right, right. - It wasn't that bad. - They were celebrating their first... - ...year with no drownings. - Mm. Zero drownings. Then the end of the party comes around, and it's like, "Okay, party's over." Everybody gets out, except for one fully clothed 31-year-old dude. He's dead. He's dead in the pool. Yep. - This one's kind of sad. - (Rhett laughing) I'm just putting it out there. But it's still ironic! You're trying to make it not sad by going... - (Link) By smiling? (laughing) - (bobbing head) "He's dead." - "Isn't that funny?" - Yeah, it worked, right? - No. It didn't make it any funnier. - My dad used to do that. - You looked funny, though. - This is how my dad dances. But you know what? I've got one that actually is funny. - (laughing) Oh, come on, man! - (laughing) - Ironic! It just has to be ironic! - No, it's just ironic. - Give it to me. - You can find it funny if you want to. Michael Anderson Godwin. You know it's bad when to starts with three names. - Mm. - You know he did something bad. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. When he's at the age of 28, he kills somebody. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death via... - ...electric chair! Back in the '80s. - Okay. However, he had a good lawyer who got his sentence reduced to just life... - ...in prison. That's not bad. - Okay. It's just life in prison. But then, when he was in his cell, he was doing his - business on the toilet -- number 2 --... - Okay, okay! - ...while he was watching TV. - Okay. Channel 2? - Uh, I don't know. - 'Cause that's ironic. In '89, you couldn't just look at a phone. And I don't know if you get phones in prison, so this is the equivalent of watching your phone while on a toilet... - ...but it was a TV. And this is crazy. - Okay. He hooked up headphones directly to the television. Could you do that in... - ...1989? No. He tried, at least. - Yeah. But he was having trouble with his headphones, so he began to bite them, as you do when you're having trouble with them. - He was frustrated! - He was biting the cord. - Oh, no. - And you got a metal toilet that... ...was wet, that he was sitting on with a bare butt, biting the headphones... - Grrrrr! - ...connected to the TV. Yes, ironically, he ended up electrocuting himself. - He gave himself the electric chair! - So let that be a lesson. - (laughing) - To you prisoners out there who... - ...are frustrated with your earbuds. - There are so many different lessons... ...that you could take from that. Just find one. Find one. Eugene Aserinsky was a pioneer in sleep research, okay? He actually... - ...discovered REM, the band. - (Rhett) Oh, they're great! - (Link laughing) No. - (Rhett) I was there with you. - (Link) We were at the same... - (Rhett) I was already there. - Michael Stipe is such a poet. - No, rapid eye movement association... ...with dreaming. He was one of the founders of moderns sleep research. So on July 22, 1998, he died in his sleep. - Oh. - He happened to be driving... - ...a car at the time. - Oh. And he drove it into a tree in San Diego. - (laughing) - I don't know if he was... Don't know if he was listening to REM at the time. - Yeah, bob your head a little bit. - But, uh... hey. It could've been. I mean, '98 was a good year for REM. They were definitely past their peak, but you could still, like, jam out to 'em. - I mean, yeah. He was in that car. - '98! (laughing) I don't know what song he would've been listening to. Died in his sleep. Sleep researcher. Work with me here. It was the end of his world as he knew it. (one member of the crew laughing) That was really bad. John Ainsworth Horrocks. Again, three names. - He probably killed somebody. - (crew offscreen laughing) He was in an explorer and camel enthusiast. And these days, who isn't? Oh, right. I love to be enthused by a camel. Every time I see a camel... - ...I'm just like, "Wow!" - In the 1800s, he explored... - One humps or two? Don't even matter. - ...Australia via camel: the first guy... - ...to explore Australia via camel. - Good for him. - Quite an honor. - How is this gonna be ironic? So one day, John was loading his gun that was in the pack on the side of the camel. And then that freaking camel shifted its weight... - (giggling) - ...causing the gun to go off. - And if blew off John's hand. - (sputtering) And then it blew off some of his teeth. And then he died of complications from being shot by a camel. And check this out... - Okay, shot by a camel. - ...before he died... - Camel enthusiast shot by a camel. - Shot by a camel. That's the irony. But before he died, he ordered the camel to be shot to death. And the camel was quoted as saying, "Really?" Talking camel, too? Dang! Don't shoot a talking camel, y'all. Let the talking camel live! I got one. Paul G. Thomas. Not three names. Just a letter in the middle. - Yeah. - He maimed someone. Didn't kill him. - Right. - Owner of a wool mill. That's where machines that spin wool into yarn are located. - I'm an enthusiast of those. - He fell into the machine. - Oh. - It wrapped approximately 800 yards... ...of yarn around this guy. One of the guys who was there said, "You couldn't even see him at all!" How... how long do you have to let this go on before it gets to 800 yards? I mean, that's like watching this guy's body go around... - Pretty cool! - ...for quite a long time. Kinda like watching a camel just be a camel! - Isn't there an "Off" button? - (laughing) I don't know, but he died. He suffocated in there. So yarning mogul was yarned to death. - Ironic much? - A little bit. He weaved himself. - He yarned himself. - He yarned himself to death? - He yarned himself to death. - It's funny either way. (both laughing) - Either way. - What about (bobbing head)... - ...yarned himself to death? - Yeah, especially funny when you... - ...do that. Okay. - What if he killed sheep by suffocating... - ...them with yarn to make his yarn? - That would've been even more ironic. Then, maybe that was it. But that's not what happened. And we don't do that... - ...on this show. We do not lie to you. - We don't. - We don't make things up. - But we do thank you for liking... - ...commenting, and subscribing. - You know time it is. (high singing) ♪ (My name is Patrick [Mann and] I'm from) ♪ ♪ ([inaudible] NC, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality!) ♪ Remember yesterday we announced our "Put That on a T-shirt" quote contest. You can go over to rhettandlink.com/poll or to the link in the description to vote for your favorite quote that you wanna see on a t-shirt that we will then make! (Link) Which one do you want? "Volcano Boarding Is Real," "Nachos Are For Sharing," or "Let the Tigers Tiger." Let us know. Click through to Good mythical More. We're gonna play the... - ...video game Eat Them! - (Rhett) But not before... "Link thinks Rhett is trying to steal his feet." Hey! Hey! I see what you're looking at, man. Hey! - These is my feets! - I just wanna... - Oh, no no no no no! - I was just making sure you... - ...were comfortable. - Yeah, make up a story, won't you? - I just wanted to make sure your... - Make up a story again. - Are you comfortable? - Last time I was sleeping, what did you... - ...try to do? Grabby da feets. - Do you need them? Do you... - ...really need them? - I need da feet! - Why do you need them? - 'Cause I walks on da feets! - Make up a reason. - What? - Make up a reason why you need the feet. - Well, make up a reason about... - I want the feet. You freak. - You stole my... Steal my technique about stealing my feet! You're stealing two things now. - Technique about the feet? - My technique! Oh, making up... ...a reason. That's my technique! You just stole it! - It almost worked though, didn't it? - It did, almost. You know what? Look down. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,901,851
Rating: 4.8517814 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmm song biscuits, the mythical show, wheel of mythicality, mythicality, mythical, mythical beasts, rhettandlink, rhettandlink2, rhettandlink 2, season 9, death, bored to death, death and dying, moments before death, dying, ways people have died, weird deaths, ironic deaths, strange deaths, rhett link weird deaths, segway, lightning, struck by lightning
Id: S0q4QlHdzbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2016
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