7th Generation Game Consoles (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP & DS)

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middle Jesus here and I am back again with Kelsey how's it going good thanks for having me back thanks for coming yeah so today we're going to be talking about the PlayStation 3. uh what to look for what the different models are some of the different accessories and some of our favorite games you guys have been asking for this buying guide for a long time and we're finally getting to it and uh I think you guys are gonna really like it let's take a look all right so we're going to start with the first model and you brought this one which is the original PlayStation 3. yeah so this is huge I looked it up it is um so this is the one they first debuted this is actually one of the backwards compatible ones and not all of the fat ones are backwards compatible my backer is compatible I mean compatible with the PS2 because every single PS3 plays PS1 games if you didn't know that which is awesome so the PlayStation 3 the first one they put out here it's heavy it's big it basically has a PS2 shoved in there they're really prone to overheating oh really yeah but they are pretty cool and when Sony debuted this at E3 they kind of got like booed off the stage they wanted 600 for this thing and it just came out I remember that announcement going wow that's quite a bit of money for a console right yep especially at the time I was like I still like my PS2 I'm I'm totally fine right absolutely absolutely and I personally recommend just keeping a PS2 if you find one of these for a good deal and it works absolutely but don't go spend any extra money off of it because you will probably have to get it repaired at some point interesting it's funny that it's so collectible but yet it's you know it has that problem so how can people tell though if it's if it's one of the earlier ones the biggest tell is there's four USB ports on the front of this console so I mean that's literally it if it's a fat model and it's got four USB ports unless someone like took out all the guts and you know put a different PS3 in there you've got yourself a backwards compatible PS3 and now one of the interesting things though about the original model was that it didn't come with a lot of hard drive space I mean 20 gigs yes I think the the minimum right 20 and then 60 or yeah yeah so it's funny because people would potentially want this today but they would almost immediately want to update you know upgrade the hard drive which you can do when the PlayStation 3 which is one of the really cool things about it and not only can you shove a new hard drive in there you you can also just plug in like a USB drive or an actual external hard drive the only problem is you can only store once you format it to work for the PS3 you can't store other stuff on it so it's got to be your dedicated PS3 that makes sense the other interesting thing about the PlayStation 3 at the time was that they went all out I mean it's a Blu-ray player which is pretty awesome at the time this came out this is one of the best Blu-ray players you could buy yeah it's only one of the cheapest just like when the PS2 came out it was a cheap DVD player alternative so the other thing too is that it has an unusual amount of slots for like compact media it has one for the the proprietary Sony I forget what they call that the the magic gate oh yeah you know for PSPs I guess they use that um and they are I think they got rid of that though eventually didn't they yes most people didn't need it that's not I mean that's definitely not on the other models yeah so yeah that's the first one and then of course the slim which is the one I have and I think you have the two right I do yeah and this is my favorite model yeah me too it's smaller than the fat one for sure obviously you know being called The Slim um but it's still not too tiny doesn't feel cheap um it's not backwards compatible with the PS2 of course but it still does play PS1 games so I really like this model it's got all the normal things you would need like HDMI and also just regular composite and component out um has two USB ports it's this is the pretty much the standard model and this is what you'll probably end up finding um most likely in the best working condition if you're looking for one just at a garage sale or a thrift store that's true so they also made some some slight improvements to this as well so for instance they actually use a little bit less energy which is cool so the energy bill will probably be less I guess but also it's quieter yes and and that's a huge thing so uh that that was definitely a selling point when this first came out for me because I waited to get it and it was like okay yeah I'd I should have waited you had an original I I did yep yeah I spent a lot of money on that thing six hundred dollars well I did split it with my little brother so I got a little bit of a better deal on it but it's cool yeah it was was not worth it and so they also changed the font uh as well not a big deal but they basically you know and it's engraved this time it is and it's it's that kind of matte black I I I like it a lot yeah so this is a good model to get for sure and these have bigger hard drives um most common model is going to be like 160 120 250 gigs yeah which is plenty yeah you can definitely work with that and then they released the super slim super slim I'll also called the George Foreman grill hear that nice little noise if you call it that or is it no I think that's the eject button like on the other one it just pops right out so this thing is cool because it slides around I guess but it also makes it feel a little bit more breakable it does it's a little bit it feels a little bit cheap yeah it's pretty well it's tiny I think the nice thing about that from a collecting standpoint is that there's less moving parts to break that's true that's a very good point you know so the so hopefully that'll last for quite a while I mean who knows but we'll see but uh this is the last Model right this is the last Model they put out um we did get a couple colors here in the states we got like a red God of War bundle one um and this actually ranges from the smallest PS3 hard drive 12 gigs which is like nothing 12 12 gigs it's nothing don't don't get that or do if you have an external hard drive kicking around but don't get that and think you're gonna be able to put games on it um and then it also has one of the largest which is by hundred gigs so um you know look and see which model you're getting they all have the model numbers printed on the back and you can look it up pretty easily which ones have which hard drives natively I mean the nice thing is that if you if you get like say a garage sale though again you can always upgrade the hard drive absolutely and that's that's a very nice feature of the PlayStation 3. I liked it a lot that's cool so okay those are the consoles you know not a lot going on there but they had three different versions which is awesome but uh now we want to get into the accessories we should probably start with the controllers and I I love this because before we started shooting this you you asked me which controller I had I had no idea there was two versions of the controller so there are two versions of the controller and you will not notice that they are any different unless you look at the writing right here and you actually don't have a regular 6-axis you just have two dual shock threes which is better the difference between the six axis and the six axis dual shock 3 is that the Dualshock 3 ones have tilt and Rumble so there's none of that on the six axis it's a for controller if you don't really care you can get them for usually 10 to 15 dollars cheaper so it doesn't have Rumble no Rumble oh you know what's funny about that I always turn Rumble off really interesting every console because I I just don't like it's distracting I don't know what that is but yeah so I never knew that yeah I mean I mean probably could have saved to say it's interesting so so the one of the nice things about the PlayStation 3 controllers is that they are rechargeable and they're Wireless they don't have unlike the 360 controllers you don't have to put any batteries in this yes and they're lighter than the 360 controllers sure I like these quite a bit I'm actually not a huge fan of the classic Sony controller design I think maybe it's just my hands or something I'm not really sure um you're breaking my heart I'm sorry and this is coming from someone who has been playing so many videos their whole life but um well now people can do better didn't people complain about the this compared to the 360 the I think it was like people like the 360s uh triggers better yeah I think and I can see that because this has a little bit it kind of feels like it's Mushy Mushy yeah yeah but overall I mean it's a pretty good controller especially for it being Wireless and rechargeable that's something that every controller should be and yeah I'm surprised it took this long and they last a long time these actually the charge for me lasts longer than the PlayStation 4 controllers yes well the PlayStation 4 controller charge I know it's like maybe it's a touch screen on there maybe you know yeah but these are pretty good so let me ask you this though is it do you know about how long the batteries will last in here I mean do you at Pink Gorilla do you guys have to ever have to replace them or no um you know I've never had to replace them but I have seen I've noticed that they have started to drop off and these surprisingly for those of you who like fixing things um PS3 controllers are not all built with the same Parts there's a couple different versions that you cannot tell from the outside whatsoever you open it up and you'll be like oh this looks different on the inside than this identical looking oh interesting so they're kind of difficult to repair in that aspect because you never really know what you're going to get when you open them up or at least when you open up two and you're trying to put parts from one in the other yeah you're like oh well that doesn't work interesting okay so we covered the controllers but there's one more controller isn't it the infamous move so uh I am I'm a proud owner of the move as of today as of today it's funny because we were doing this video I'm like oh we gotta cover the move like that was a that was I mean it wasn't a major thing but I mean Sony tried to make this a big deal yeah and you know a lot of people really tried I guess all of the companies really tried to follow the Wii's motion thing um they all had their own version of it Sony had the move and Xbox had the connect but uh so it's just really it's really gimmicky it doesn't work well outside of the Wii and I think most of you guys have known this if you've played with the connector with the with the PlayStation Move it there are some good games or some at least entertaining games but for the most part it's just a little bit too clunky and and gimmicky and just not an experience that you absolutely need to have yeah it was funny because when we were buying these today I was like I'm probably the only person in the whole Seattle area who's bought these in the last six months probably and it just it didn't really work out for them they had they bundled this with a game called like sport champions or Championship Sports yeah I apologize if I got that name wrong but the uh the reason why I actually want to buy this I'll be honest is because I love Socom and the last version Socom made for the PS3 supports the move and they have had this really weird rifle thing yeah and if you told me earlier I know where one of those things I would have brought it yeah I mean I don't know if it's any good but I was like okay I'll do that I'm you know I'm such a dork yeah well that's I mean that's kind of cool because at that point it's a light gun game yeah exactly exactly it's just a really clunky weird way with this ball on it yeah going about getting a light gun game so um so those are most of the accessories I mean there is there's a remote for your Blu-ray player if you want which is kind of nice that we don't have to try to control with the controller the only other thing I want to mention though that makes the PlayStation 3 unique in my opinion uh especially compared to the 360 is that the power supply is built into it so if you're out and about you don't have to worry about this brick of a power supply it's already in here and then I love that about Sony Sony Smart usually very good about that it seems like they have other than the PS3 they've always had like a model where it does have one like the Playstation 2 slim has the brick and the PlayStation one the little mini one um that has kind of a a brick on the wall part of it um but yeah the PlayStation 3 all very Universal cords yes you probably just have lying around your house if you lose it yeah which is again great if you're at a garage sale and someone just has it there you can pretty much just buy it as is and more likely you're going to be able to take it home and use it absolutely I mean and they all have HDMI um HDMI on them or if you have a PlayStation one or two you'll also have the cords that fit in them they work for every single PlayStation which is that's awesome really awesome yeah definitely all right well now let's check out some games we think you should get so I'm going to start with a heavy hitter it's probably my favorite game on the PlayStation 3. I freaking love it and that is Uncharted 2. have you played this that is yeah it's like okay that was a test quintessential PlayStation 3 Series right there is the Uncharted series absolutely like the first game is pretty good but it wasn't perfect the second game I think this game's perfect I mean I just love the characters I love that's a bold statement I know and I stand by it because I actually recently replayed this game and I was like yeah this game's awesome you know it just has some of the best characters of any game I love them all um I love how it goes back and forth with time I love the level design the cover based shooting the graphics it's all good so you're excited for the new one yes even after that Holy three uh did you watch the A3 where it like shut out it cut out Midway through the demo oh I didn't watch it live oh okay huh yeah that's right I heard about that yeah I'm so here's our game it's totally broken oh well you know but it's E3 and they're showing like unfinished games but it looks amazing it's supposed supposedly the last one I I don't believe that for a second because it makes so much money but yeah absolutely so love the internet Series so I'm gonna go kind of different direction but this is probably my most played game on the PS3 and that's Little Big Planet uh at least as a series The Little Big Planet series um some of the best multiplayer on the Playstation 3 there's not a whole lot of great multiplayer games if I'm being totally honest on the PlayStation 3 but you have to have this one um it's just fun puzzle platforming uh really fun to play by yourself or with friends there's lots of customization you can make your own levels definitely a must-have and also very very cheap I would be surprised if you didn't find this at a garage sale or at a game store for ten dollars or under that's true all right next up for me another one but uh the last of us another obvious one another obvious one I think the obvious one I know that's why I like these buying guys because then I can I don't have to talk about hidden gems we're going to talk about like the games that hopefully most people will agree with and that is The Last of Us I love this game uh it breaks your heart in the beginning of it and then it just goes from there it's a total roller coaster great graphics uh and there's also an HD version of this on the PlayStation 4. I haven't played it yet but I've heard I have not played the HD version but yeah I I plan to yeah so next I've got Red Dead Redemption probably my favorite Rockstar game of all time I would agree yeah Rockstar is the people who do Grand Theft Auto um they've been doing it forever obviously but this was something they did um PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 and PC I guess now um this is pretty much like wild wild west GTA so you're a cowboy and there's just tons of open world exploration cool story great story great mechanics and awesome soundtrack yeah awesome soundtrack take a good point I forgot I download the soundtrack like immediately yeah and unlike some of the other Rockstar Games this soundtrack was entirely made for this game so they didn't pull any like existing songs they were all made specifically for this game it's funny you picked out because I've been missing that game like I want to go back and replay it because I played it when it came out me too and it's like oh man I want to go back I like I that's a game they need to do an HD remake for yeah for modern well is it not already aged well it's technically aged true isn't The Last of Us also okay but you know what I'm saying it's like you know some just bring it back like I'm surprised they haven't made a sequel to it to be honest yeah yeah I really thought they would but you never know I mean it seems like Rockstar pretty much only does the Grand Theft Autos yeah that one is special edition does it have like the zombie and all that stuff in there um no that's the Game of the Year Edition okay this one actually came out I believe at launched her very close to launch um this just has uh it includes like the soundtrack and some extra outfits or weapons or something like that um Game of the Year Edition is great though or you can just buy it it's called Undead Nightmare um and it is my favorite DLC I haven't played it oh my God it's so great okay so it's zombie apocalypse wild wild west and you can ride Four Horses of the Apocalypse you know death and famine and all that stuff and they're like flaming horses oh really yeah it's amazing oh it's amazing okay uh next up for me is another kind of obvious one but I have to mention that is Heavy Rain which is it's kind of like a an adventure game sort of thing with a lot of quick time events um a lot of salute theme kind of trying to find out it's basically a a kidnapping murder mystery sort of thing and this is kind of like before The Telltale Games got really big and popular this was kind of what what we had yeah um really good narrative and some really hard choices in this that even today it's like if I close my eyes I can remember that I'm not even going to describe it but there are some hard choices in here but it's pretty awesome it's very cool looks in the great graphics too yes definitely uh so I want to talk about you know Cooney this is probably the biggest RPG on or jrpg excuse me on the PlayStation 3. um this is a level five Studio Ghibli mashup so beautiful beautiful Graphics just really wonderful animation awesome story and it's really really freaking long so if you like long jrpgs definitely pick it up also not too expensive considering how much you get out of it um this one is really really cool cool next up for me I love my racing games and my favorite is Pacific rift this game looks amazing uh just the mud physics alone like I don't even know mud physics I don't even know what good selling point yeah I know but you know it's like I don't know I'm a nerd and so I love that stuff like it sprays on the screen it's stupid I'm not gonna justify it but this is a really fun racing game uh one of the things I like about this series is that there's always multiple paths through a level and also too they they have different kinds of car types so they'll have like heavy kind of plows but then they'll have like uh four wheel drives they'll have ATVs they'll have motorcycles and they all feel and and work differently in the game and so depending on how you want to race you can really tailor it to this to your sort of style so and you have the rumble off for this huh I bet this is a great game that utilizes that yeah I'm not taking full advantage of that uh those mud physics yeah yeah you were just talking about how great the mud physics are you don't even know maybe they're bad fair enough um so the last one I want to talk about is Dragon's Crown um this also came out on the Vita um like I think you can get this on Playstation network but uh it is really great Atlas game it's kind of like a beat-em-up RPG hybrid yeah um so you can play as like six different characters and it's plays like a beat em up but you get their skills and stuff that you earn it's addictive really really beautiful game really weird art style like you'll probably look at some of the characters a little weird but um but it's a really cool game and definitely one worth picking up and then I I am shocked that when we were picking out these games you said you had not played journey I know that's like my biggest uh what what do you call that like a guilt gamer guilt right there it's not long it's it's short and I own it and I just have not plugged it in yet I I'm sure you're not alone because it's not your typical game right it's more of an experience it's more of a journey I know but it really is special um I played it twice because and there's just something about this this experience I don't know it's just it's got great graphics it has a really interesting multiplayer aspect to it where you can't really speak to everyone you chirp to people and then at the very end it tells you or it shows you all the people that you hooked up with during the game and uh I don't know it's just so much fun and it's definitely worth the two hours you know it's kind of like take the journey so right and the cool thing about this is the other one flow um yeah flow flow flow and flower they I think possibly the same developer I'm not sure you think so yeah um so this is a pretty good deal for your money just because you get three really beautiful kind of weird games but journey is the one yeah I hear you need to play and then finally we were going through our Collections and you brought over some HD remakes because the PlayStation 3 had tons of them and then I start pulling out all of them my HD remakes as well I think we have this probably isn't all of them but this is yeah well I went crazy for a while so for a while I was on a mission to try to buy them all because on the PlayStation 3 there was just a crap ton of them so we kind of want to cover some of these um just because you know if you're not into these kind of games here and you definitely should go back and and kind of explore some of the previous generation because they did a great job on some of these PlayStation 2 is an amazing console and while you may not be able to play the games on your PS3 unless you've got one of those big fat ones and you can experience most of the highlights just through these HD remakes which is awesome and so some some of the highlights here like the Silent Hill HD Collection no that one's terrible have you actually oh that's right yeah no that's actually that one's actually bad all right forget about that one I haven't played it Zone Of Enders HD okay now you're getting it all right the the God of War games that they remade from the PSP versions are really good yeah um what else we got here Jack and docs Dexter Sly collection the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Devil May Cry yeah we've got all kinds of really good stuff here Ratchet and Clank Splinter Cell Trilogy um if you like jrpgs I strongly recommend the Tales of Symphonia Chronicles um it's pretty cheap and it's much cheaper than any other format details of Symphonia is on it was originally a GameCube game but it looks really great in HD and uh worth picking up for like the 12 or 15 it's gonna cost you we've also got Kingdom Hearts was well represented yes very well represented Um Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 it pretty much covers like every Kingdom Hearts they put out I mean they're missing a couple like the 3DS ones but for the most part they're almost all here Eco is said I go Eco I say Eco I'm not actually sure if that's correct though that's just how I've been saying it my whole life Shadow of the Colossus which is great because uh the original PlayStation 2 version kind of it struggled a little bit with the camera so this fixes that um Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 awesome HD remake I mean that game already really pushed the limits of the PlayStation 2 so it looks even better with this and then why have they not made this in HD yet but the good news is you can still play this on your PlayStation 3. it won't be in HD but you can play all of your original PlayStation games on every single model of the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Network sells a lot of these digitally as well yeah it's really cheap it's amazing yeah and they run sales all the time so you know the the PlayStation 3 is an awesome console I waited quite a while to buy it I mean you saw the the slim was my first one right because I was really happy with the Xbox 360. even though I had to send it back to Microsoft multiple times but I I didn't think I needed it and when I got it it soon became like I I love it I mean it's just such a great concept I download so much on the PlayStation 3 as well um I mean like I said you can play the PlayStation 1 games on it but a lot of them are available for so cheap that it's like almost worth just downloading that version and having it already on there and not having to get up and find your disk and pop it in the console yeah that's true and your PSP connects to it as well so you can download stuff for your PSP to their connected put it on your PSP I even the Vita works with it I mean so it's an entire ecosystem it's a it's a pretty awesome console it is pretty great all right so we would love to know down the comments what games you think people should get when they first jump into the PlayStation 3 obviously there's a lot that we didn't cover here also I happen to have a series of hidden gems for the PlayStation 3 so I'm gonna link to that in my video here as well thanks for coming on where can people find you on the interwebs you can find me on Twitter at Cal Saloon or you can follow my my podcast not my podcast although yeah maybe I'll talk about fish sometime uh my podcast at gameblitz show or gameblits.libson.com awesome all right thanks guys for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care metal Jesus here and I am back again with Reggie I'll be back bro the buying guide on the PSP system which is what our favorite system one of our favorites I love the PSP yes me too so basically we're going to cover the different models different colors UMD games we think you should own and a couple of accessories so let's take a look all right well let's jump into the hardware here all right here we go let's start out with the first model of course uh this is the 1000 series uh Sony sent me that they did yeah oh wow I got that on launch day actually I was reviewing uh video games for Sony and they sent me that dude I had to stand in line man oh you're lucky dude well I don't mean that to brag but I it I mean it was so exciting when this thing was announced I could not wait to get it um so they basically sent me that and they sent me a box of all of the release day games oh nice you know there was so much hype for this system like even before it was coming out so it was just pretty amazing when it came out I mean well I think for me personally I like Nintendo's handhelds but they're always like a generation or two behind in technology as far as the graphics and stuff like that and so for that Sony was like we're gonna try to bring PlayStation 2 quality graphics and gameplay to the handheld yes and and in addition to that they also did movies and stuff like that but I mean that was their goal nothing was pretty powerful when it first came out it sure was man I just remember how like excited I was when I got I had three games for it I think it was Dax uh dark stalkers and one other Ridge Racer of course oh Ridge Racer yeah yeah excellent game uh this model though when it first came out I noticed that you know you needed a memory card for it and yeah and so we wanted to mention that a little bit there's a couple things to know about the PlayStation or the PSP right off the bat um you do need a memory card yeah and they're very specific so their memory stick Duo Pro Duos right yeah yeah that's that's it it was bundled with a memory stick dual right it was 32 megabytes which was like just enough to get you started yeah that's just because this one here is a two gigabyte which I think is kind of the minimum now right you know but it does hold a lot of save games yeah you know but you know if you get a four gig you have like about a 60. I have a 64 gig now yes that's crazy yeah I'm ready to go just in case if I want to download movies on it yeah uh and but some games have installs too stuff like that and then you have a collection of digital games it's perfect for that you mentioned uh no it wasn't Ridge Racer I think it was Wipeout they actually had a bunch of downloadable tracks that you could get later on and there was a ton of them that's right yeah I forgot about that and again you had to have space on your memory card so if you're gonna buy a PSP you will want to get a memory card thankfully they're not as expensive today as they were when they first came out they're they're a lot cheaper now I mean yeah I mean I think the worst of what I saw of it when like a four gig was going for like 120 back in the game yeah just for four gigs remind me of the Vita I'm just saying yeah I know right but I also what's good about the the PlayStation uh the portable is that you know uh it doesn't you don't have to be specific to a certain memory card brand you know as long as yes that's very true as long as it's a dual system a duel that'll go into it and it'll work fine yeah that's true but so the other thing to know is that it does have rechargeable batteries and depending on the model that you buy they're either a little bit bigger or thinner yeah so that's this is the one for the original let me see that real fast oh this is cool this is the expanded battery this is anyone yeah oh I might have bought one at some point that's awesome dude because this one has like I think they offer 20 percent more battery life system so that was pretty cool that's awesome so a couple things about the PSP I guess we should mention is that obviously it came with a I was trying to pop it open because I assume because like the 2000 model so a couple things here this is the original and this thing is built like a tank uh it was a typical kind of Sony quality is that if they're gonna do it they're gonna make it so it's built you know to withstand some some punishment and the original model the 1000 series is really well made yeah um and you can tell because it is a little bit heavier it's a little bit thicker and the drawer pops open right there that's how the they originally did that um a couple things to notice here I guess we should mention the umds so the PSP is unique it is one of the only if not the only system to be with an optical drive oh an optical disk drive oh yeah okay where everything was like solid state right um what they decided to do was make this Universal media disc um and it's so it's like a little mini DVD I think it stores about 1.8 gigabytes space oh wow so it's not quite this the same amount of storage as like a DVD but yeah because a lot I notice about those when you're playing them it does it's pretty Bare Bones with the menus and stuff it's like scene selection and play movie and that's right maybe audio options that's about it no extras or anything like that yeah and the reason why they did that is because back in 2004 um the the uh the solid state you know like SD cards like that they were still pretty expensive I mean you would pay a hundred dollars you know for uh you know for not very much room and so they they really wanted to make it so that they could have kind of PlayStation 2 quality graphics on there uh full full motion video speaking of movies they intended to do a bunch of things with this um it's just it was costly and yeah and it was their own format yeah but I think originally though Sony was thinking that it was going to be the next version of CDs for portable devices I actually did too at first and then like notice that you know these things were pretty expensive and yeah having a collection of them and you could only watch them on the PSP system until the 2000 model that's right so let's get to the second model so this is the PSP 2000 right here now they did a bunch of really cool things with the 2000 for once I should probably mention this is a sticker that I've applied to this it's like a steampunk like sticker it was a gel skins it was a company that basically made a bunch of these for the PSP um so if you're wondering what this is that's what it is but this is where I think they really got it right definitely I like the 2000s yeah the first thing about the 2000 that was fantastic was you were able to plug it into your television and play games and watch movies that way yes and that's what this is so this cable right here it has a special plug for the bottom where you just literally right there you just plug it in and then you can output to your television initially related 480i so interlaced and then they they update updated that to 480p for the the 3000 I believe or maybe a firmware for this I forget but yeah but it looks really good even on Modern televisions you have to use a zoom option for your team yeah because otherwise it's in this it's going to be in the center yeah yeah but it looks really good it really does and everything like movies to games I thought was they were fantastic you know so the other thing that they did it's pretty important is they doubled the RAM on this so originally the PSP shipped with 32 Megs of system Ram now the kernel for the PSP the actual operating system uses eight of that so it actually cut into it quite a bit and so that's why um some games you know initially weren't able to be as as nice looking as possible right so they doubled it with this so and then here just just for reference is the three thousand so they did a couple different changes to the 3000 right um do you want to talk about those one thing I remember I think they changed the home button to to the PlayStation I can't really remember they changed one of these front yeah yeah that's that's definitely how you know it's a 3000 Series yeah with the 3000 Series I didn't really own one uh but I remember they were saying something about the screen effect yeah so so basically what they did is they put new screen on here that's faster so so in the 2000 there's a little bit of ghosting it's not bad I played tons of games on it it's not a problem some people were like complaining oh no the other one's better yeah well if you if you compare to this one you like say you're playing God of War uh you will notice when the cameras that look sharp on this right however this one has scan lines so so in other words uh this the the 2000 actually oh I'm sorry the 2000 here actually looks a little bit clearer right but this one has slight scan lines it's just it's a subtle difference that frankly when it first came out people are like a little disappointed nowadays I don't think it really matters I usually play on the 3000 right um because again there's less blurring so something like that well you know what it's very subtle maybe I should pick one up because I don't have a 3000 so so around around what is like 2008 2009 uh the iPhone and sort of like the app stores are starting to take off and Sony got the the bright idea that hey why don't we do a version of the PSP that doesn't even have an optical drive yeah it's uh it's funny he's doing that because I mentioned I'm like you know Reggie we should really show the PSP Go on this video you're like seriously bro why would we show that if it sounded like a good idea at first honestly and then when it came out that thing was just the way to get games on it was just so hard because people wanted to have that had the PSP they wanted to be able to transfer their games to that system Sony had no app they had no answer for that yeah I mean it was ridiculous so basically the PSP Go uh which we're showing on screen here we don't have one uh because it's not really a collector's version of it in my opinion because because you want physical we like physical games right and the PSP Go doesn't have an optical drive so none of my games work on it um but I'll go ahead what to say though that thing did have a drive on it you know it would have been a phenomenal system yeah you know it would have been perfect but it's an interesting idea I mean ultimately it flopped pretty pretty big because again it's like I I was never gonna buy it because all of my games don't work on I would have to re-buy them through the PlayStation Store to download on it now a couple nice things about it it is more compact um I like how it slides open it's kind of cool that way it comes with a 16 gig yeah the memory exactly so so it has a quite a bit of room on there to download a bunch of PlayStation One games or whatever you want to do um so it's it I think it's an interesting a lot of people that we know it's their second PSP right you know now there is a fifth model are you familiar with this uh no what there is there isn't too early there is one more model see even you are learning something in this video what's going on here well the reason why you don't know about it is because it wasn't released here but there was a a final PSP version released in pal uh uh areas only called the PSP e 1000 street now I remember I remember that name now okay is it oh wow is it so so what it is is it's it's the final version of the PSP and it's designed to be that sort of budget version so it cost a hundred dollars or 100 pounds or whatever it was um and they did a couple things with it so first of all it's really cool looking it's it's very similar to to this style but it's completely flat black like matte black almost like like the the second model of the the PlayStation 3. so it's a very cool looking PSP uh but they did a couple of really interesting things they removed Wi-Fi so this should tell you that somebody's going to kill off the store they removed Wi-Fi from it wow yeah so you can only play umds which is the opposite of the go yeah I did which I don't understand at all they removed stereo and it's mono only mono sound what are they trying to do I don't know like again Sony is an audio company yeah they have a music Division and they made it mono only let's say to that one well and for the very casual whatever 100 bucks sure I'll buy it kind of going back to the mono thing even with headphones in it it would be mono sound I I don't know if if you can folks stick to the three thousand two thousand thousand models yeah if you're looking for a recommendation I highly recommend either the 2000 or the 3000 really either one and the you mentioned that the home button is a really good way to tell also at the bottom of each one of these at least on mine have always had this little barcode with the the model number ah so you'll see that right there so 2000 has one too I believe yep yep exactly so all right so now we want to talk about like a couple of the colors that we have here available for the system now here is the silver edition which is pretty nice yeah I think this is the one that came with a Daxter the Daxter game oh really okay I believe this is the model for it this is a nice little silver and everything looks really good it does it does another one here is the blue one I think this came with Madden oh okay sports game that's a nice color of blue too it really is I wish I had this one but and the next one is gonna be the god award uh one that came out which has Kratos on the back of it that's cradles on the back yeah that's a really pretty color of red too yeah and there's a whole bunch of other ones too for instance there's the Darth Vader white one yep um there's one other one there's a red and there's a red and black one another God of War Edition okay I know of and then that's all I can really what was the Hannah Montana one oh that was the Taffy purple one oh okay yeah good call yeah that was one of the last ones released too okay but it's cool though because again there's a bunch of different colors out there which I really like yeah yeah definitely you just always good to have options you know you don't want just like the normal black and white stuff you know you want a little yeah pretty in there yeah it's good that Sony did that they didn't do it as well as they should have but I think they did pretty they did better than most yeah yeah it's cool all right well now let's move on to some games yes games that's that's yes I'm pumped for that let's do this okay so let's let's tear into it right here so what are we gonna hit first you know what uh I will start off with a little bit of action so okay let's do a little bit for suit Force now for suit force is the game I love this game because this is I didn't hear you say that yeah it's so over the top but you're basically like a SWAT team you're chasing you're chasing the bad guys in the car you're shooting at each other you gotta like apprehend them but the best thing about it is your vehicle takes damage and their vehicles take damage but if your vehicle takes too much damage it blows up so you have to jump off of the vehicle onto theirs take over their vehicle yeah this is really this one this was a game that came out where I was like why didn't somebody think of this before it's such a brilliant idea right like it's driving shooting and a little bit of platforming when you're going back and forth or you know jump into a vehicle or whatever trying to catch the bad guys and then there's two of them yeah this this is actually extreme Justice is actually the second game the first one is just Pursuit Force right they're both good games they're really cheap games I mean I'm sure Pursuit Force One is probably like five dollars yeah this one may be 10 at the most uh yeah awesome games so okay for me I I'm gonna cheat a little bit here but I'm gonna talk about the socom games that came out on PSP okay so I'm not going to show all of these other than do you just need to know that there's there's four awesome Socom games so the thing is on the PS2 I love Socom oh dude dude hardcore I must have played these games like every day for probably a year um and what was really cool is that Sony really supported them on the PSP and these are fantastic games yeah they're basically the full-blown version or well I shouldn't say full blown they're definitely very faithful Socom games on the PSP I mean they really take it seriously yeah where they have different weapon loadouts it's Squad based uh you can ratchet the difficulty and like die in one shot you know you have to really plan to get something and a lot of people were playing them online it was like a mass Community online so you wow it was a lot of fun I only played the first one online I didn't really get the other ones that I I didn't get I didn't buy them but yeah on whoa yeah so it's cool so they have so calm uh fire team Bravo uh one two and three and then I also want to mention tactical strike so this is kind of an interesting game too if you're a Socom fan because it is a turn-based uh tactics game in the socom Universe okay yeah so again if you if you're looking for like a turn-based version of this uh of Socom it's actually pretty awesome and I believe it only came out on the PSP so it's pretty cool all right so next game I'm gonna do is one of my favorites on here Metal Gear Solid portable Ops it's exclusively uh to the PSP system now I mean this didn't come out on any other system now basically this game is a it's a it's a sequel to a metal gear Solider 3 uh like a I can't remember if it takes place like a like it's been forever but anyways what you do in this game is snake gets kidnapped and he wakes up in this this base and everything and you recruit recruit soldiers right that's right to help you to build an Army against the the enemies you're fighting against in this game so really on point game had it what it did it took out cinematics and put in like more comic books in them cinematics which is pretty cool so it's cool uh I think it's still a very cheap game so uh I recommend having this on your system especially if you like like the Metal Gear Solid games like sneaking base stuff like that so what else do we have here oh here's another one Silent Hill and the shattered Memory series which was on the Wii originally it was on a Wii but you know a lot of people are into the gimmick I was not into the yeah I still can't do it but I got the I got this version this was the version I got and this one is amazing uh it's a different type of Silent Hill game because it's in this one you can't really fight enemies you could run from them and hide right so it has to have a terror effect like you know you have to run from everything and hide right because you can't fight them like Clock Tower almost yeah just just almost like Clock Tower but this one is a has a really good story to it it's a re-imaging of the first Silent Hill game so it has the same characters in it but it's just like a retelling of it like in the story of a different way yeah like from another another angle or something or yeah they actually switched uh the town switching to like a hellish town when it gets to that point where it turns evil it turns like into ice that's right so it's really trippy like that yeah it's cool huh awesome game okay for me uh the next one is going to be a game that only came out on PSP I played a ton that is Jean dark or Joan of Arc so what this is this is level five which everybody knows Galaxy yeah yeah and uh uh Dark Cloud and all those kind of games so you know the graphics and the character is going to be awesome and they are in this game so this is kind of like a a retelling of the the classic Joan of Arc story where she gets a message from God and she goes on this Crusade and she turns into this badass but this has like Supernatural elements to it uh it's just a really well made game it it reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics what I like about this game though it's completely in 3D so it shows like all the characters the the backgrounds everything like you can swing the the camera around it's just it's beautiful you know but there's some serious depth here so I put I don't think I ever beat this game and I probably put 100 hours into it oh wow yeah but it was awesome and I feel bad because I have I have I've had the game for years I haven't I got to it yet so I'm glad to know it's made by like level five because that we love level five oh yeah and it's um again it's one of those games that you know I don't know if a lot of people have heard about it but if you own a PSP people talk about it all the time because it's just so so well made so yeah and it's pretty cheap games too right yeah I think so yeah all right so next one is probably my favorite RPG on the PS4 not a cheap game and unfortunately it's not a cheap game it's it's Atlas and you know how where Atlas stuff goes uh hexiforce now this game is it's it's not that long it's it's a short RPG but that's good for a portable system right but basically there's there's two stories you can play as the guy and the girl and the stories are pretty short but you meet different characters have different spells we did a video about it before yeah yeah really solid if you could get this game I mean you won't regret it I mean it's solid game really good game it is definitely one of the more collectible games on the PSP for whatever reason I mean it didn't only come out on the PSP only on pspn and you know how Atlas has limited print runs and they might do two print runs and that's it you know so I don't think anybody was really demanding it until it became rare and then by that time Atlas probably lost interest in making it interesting all right so next up is a game that is super cheap um a really well made game it's got Daxter so this is part of the Jack and Daxter series it actually takes place during Jack two where where the axer runs off for like two years or something like that it shows what he was doing during that time yeah you find out what Dax has been doing and what I like about this game for a couple of reasons one it shows off the power of the PSP really well this is an incredibly impressive looking game I mean you can also make the argument it looks like a full-blown PlayStation 2 game like it's really impressive but more than that I mean it's fully voiced with all the character you know voices from the actual game and he's one of my favorite characters he's so funny yeah yeah you have helical so it's a it's an awesome you played this yeah I played it briefly years ago and I remember like he had to work for some kind of pest company and right control yeah he's got a fly swatter yeah yeah it was like hella fun yeah and he's able to fly or float a little bit because he's shooting bug spray if you look at it though at the Jack and Daxter series the x is pretty much the star if you think I think so yeah it's true because I mean in the first game uh Jack wasn't even voiced no he didn't even taught me in that game yeah so a super cheap game really fun if you're into like 3D Platformers definitely check it out yep all right so are we on the last game yeah I think we are I think we're just these right here all right so greatest collection now we had to bring up a shooter on the system because you know you told me about this game yeah it's perfect because it comes with uh I think it's five greatest games yeah one two yeah five minute greatest games on one like UMD disc that's awesome to have this and for those of you who are old school like me you played the greatest games like some of the first yeah uh really solid and you get five of them in here which are some of the best like you get greatest one two three four and Gaiden which I haven't played that one but you know I was gonna say that reminds me is that there is a lot of collections on the PSP like you you also mentioned the Power Stone Collection Power Stone SNK collection Capcom middle slug mythology yes you know there's a lot of those on here so uh the Midway collections the Atari collection the Activision there's a ton of these Sega collection too that's right which is perfect again for on the go if you if you are traveling you want to take a handful of awesome games with you there's a bunch of really cool collections so yeah so last game uh is an RPG of course a game I don't own and and I was I was like Reggie got to bring that one because it's awesome yeah it really is and this is the go-to RPG I know I said I love hexi Force but this will be next to it is a legend of Heroes trails from the sky now this RPG is like it is it really gives you that nostalgic feeling of how RPGs were back in the day I mean like with the story and everything like that the gameplay is really not too like crazy it's like you know simple I've heard that the dialogue in this game is really well written really good I mean it's so well written and they say hey let's do a movie on it you know they did a movie for it really yeah it's like there's an anime out there for it and everything so uh this is the fourth Legend of Heroes game that came out over here in America now they're working on a couple more uh right now there's one come out next week like a spin-off of this but if you get a PSP you really like RPGs pick up this game or check it out it's really mind-blowing you know what though I do have one more game what what's that I'm gonna cheat oh man you know why because the PSP is awesome at one thing better than anything else I'm gonna I'm gonna come over here and grab it let's let's see what you got I'll stand over here I'm cheating I'm cheating this is why the PSP is awesome racing games racing games were freaking excellent on the PSP especially when you compare the PSP to the DS at the time like you know don't get me wrong the DS is is decent I mean you know as Mario Kart and all that sort of stuff but this was like full-blown arcade quality and I'm talking like a ton of them here like uh what do we got two burnout games Legends which is like a best of and then domination which was all new uh that also came out on the PS2 uh the two Wipeout games are awesome on here uh out uh around Costco yeah I'll run coast to coast is awesome dude uh MotorStorm arcade or our Arctic Edge yeah that's a shockingly beautiful game yeah it is and it runs really well like it's very similar uh there's a bunch of the MX versus ATVs Ridge Racer a bunch of the the Need for Speed games are on here now what's interesting about that is that they're almost better on the PSP because they don't try to be simulators yeah so they're more arcading yeah right so they're more fun um anyway so I just wanted to mention that racing games on the PSP man I love those yeah I love those all right dude well thanks for coming on and doing the Epic buying guide for the PSP thanks for having me man I know love to know what you guys think down below do you click for the PSP what games do you recommend people pick up day one yeah all right thanks for watching if you are interested in learning about more games for the PSP I have a couple more videos on my Channel about PSP hidden gems as well as a video dedicated to nothing but PSP racing games so definitely check that out on my channel Jesus here and I am back again with Jerry AKA Barnacles how's it going dude ah it's going pretty good man thanks for having me over thanks for coming over do you remember the last time you were on my channel I think it had something to do with a retro gaming collection thing going on down in Oregon somewhere I don't know I was pretty drunk somebody stole my shoe and tried to sell it it was a good time it was very good tell me why you are here today well I am here today because we're going to be talking about some Xbox 360 stuff and you know what I happen to work for that company for a very very long time that's right that's right Insider information that we won't share yeah I don't want to get in trouble but this is the most requested buying guide I've ever had that just blows my mind I know I know well and so I want to bring in an expert man that's that's you yeah and I'm not biased towards Microsoft in any way if you guys watch my channel you know this so today we're going to cover for the consoles what you need to know when you're out and about and want to get into collecting them we're going to talk about some of the accessories which there are many a lot a lot more than could probably fit in this room Microsoft a little Buck Wild uh totally and then we're going to talk about some games that you should get day one absolutely you ready to do this let's do it man this guy right here you guys might recognize is the first Xbox 360. that came out now it does have a face plate on it that you can probably tell us that doesn't look stock tell us a little about that face plate that's on there yeah so this faceplate I got when I went to E3 in 2005 Microsoft was giving these out because one of the really interesting things about the Xbox 360 is that they they were going for full-on customization yeah you know so a lot of face plates actually came out for this oh yeah typically this was white when it first came out right yeah I remember there's even artists that were making their own they were just getting the blanks and painting them I've been selling them yeah it was really really cool yeah there's got to be 50 to 100 of these uh faceplates out there of different types and stuff like that they come with games which we're going to cover a little bit so this is the original Xbox now they had two versions of the original Xbox they had the pro oh that's right which if I remember there was there was the the pro model and then there was the arcade it started as core they call it core so we just had memory right yeah exactly so Microsoft did something really interesting they basically made the hard drive optional they do they do like to make a lot of skus of things yeah notice that notice that on the original Xbox yeah every one of them had a hard drive right correct and for whatever reason they were like well maybe we can save a couple bucks if we don't include a hard drive the problem with that you being a developer at Microsoft may have knew or remember it kind of divided or it pissed off developers because if you're making a game it's really nice to know that all the hardware is uniform across them right yeah and hard drives are very fast compared to Optical media and so when you're making a game you want to be able to to put a bunch of those files on the hard drive if possible well you have to remember too that when the first Xbox came out most of the games were still being played off of the optical media and not off of the hard drive yeah I mean well I mean look at how popular the PlayStation 2 was no no hard drive that most people have right right and that was uh that was a great yeah I remember didn't it wasn't there like a couple of games like was it like a final fantasy I think one of them you had to have a hard drive yeah I think the online version of it right that kills sales of stuff like that because again you have to buy something extra to be able to enjoy that game and as a software developer they then you get pissed off because you basically have to write off that entire customer base you could have had yeah just because your game needed a little bit more than was it four four gigabytes of memory or something had that ridiculous small amount of storage in it now now going forward today though it's not really that big of a deal I mean I find hard drives at Goodwill by themselves yeah all the time I don't even I I suspect Goodwill doesn't even know what they are because they're usually like they usually don't they're usually in cords and the phone section and they cost four dollars how much of the stuff have you found at Goodwill with like a five dollar sticker on it labeled ROM yeah I know so but but it's important to know that that this is the original version it had a hard drive that was you know attachable on the outside um there is a huge caveat with these things though oh yeah this is my third one by the way and you're you're probably one of the luckier yeah the luckier ones honestly because you guys probably have heard of the red ring of death right and the whole Red Ring of Death basically comes from The Ring that's on the front of this thing which luckily they put on there because it became a huge joke there's four four colored LEDs that blink green when you sync a controller to the console but they also blink red right when you have a problem the red ring of depth was when you had three of the four LEDs basically flashing which indicated that you had some electronic overheating problems inside that would delaminate some of the boards and actually cause some desoldering which later people figured out how to fix and kind of capitalized on that it was pretty interesting at the time because Microsoft knew they had a problem at the time they basically said ah it's about five percent but we now know yeah we now know that actually that number was closer to 50 right yeah and you know and actually to Microsoft's credit I've said this before this is my third one every single time it happened it was actually no big deal I mean they basically sent out a box you would pull your hard drive off you would mail it all back and then you'd get another one like a week later yeah you could even give them a credit card too and they would drop ship you a unit you would ship it back in their original box and I think it was wasn't it a three-year extension that they gave up they did they extended which three years for anything guys that's electronic is huge right 90 days is pretty much the standard a year is considered oh my god you're an epic company three years was pretty much Microsoft putting their foot in their mouth and saying yeah we really screwed the pooch on this one so they had to have lost a lot of money on replacing those consoles and the sad thing was when they replaced the consoles even the consoles that they sent you as a replacement some of them had the same issue right right because they hadn't fixed the motherboard yet nope so a couple other things to know about the original model 2 is that you'll notice that I have this attachment back here that is because the original version did not come with Wi-Fi I did not it was optional and so that's why when I bought mine I bought a Wi-Fi adapter it does do ethernet so I mean if you are doing that because we're still rocking an ethernet cable you can do that it was all their age back then yeah uh some other things about it too is that this original version did not have HDMI out correct so it came with the cable that allowed you to do composite and then components yep composite and component where you have the separate channels that was the red green blue or I forget the other color range but yeah you had and that was considered good because you could do 1080p I believed but still you didn't have HDMI so it wasn't it wasn't necessarily digital well and you know it highlights this came out at a time whenever uh televisions were in transition yeah you know we're talking about the mid 2000s and you know uh a lot of people were getting you know 480p was considered oh that's a cool TV right or yeah seven you know 720p or you had all the interlacing options so I remember when this bad boy came out I picked up a 60 inch digital rear projection Sony TV that was like state of the art I think it was like four grand it was ridiculous heavy as hell and it had red green and blue connector on the back and that was the best you could do okay there was no HDMI to speak of at the time that was considered like if you had those connectors that was like the best thing you could possibly have so obviously it makes sense that they had support for the best thing at the time yeah now there are some versions of this that that won't necessarily red ring I according to to some of the sources out there I they did update the the motherboards after about 2007 or so I would say though personally if I was to get into collecting on the Xbox 360 today I would not buy one of these it's it's a crap shoot unless you can actually test it uh that said my buddy Reggie still has the first the way they bought day one yeah and still works he's like I'm afraid to touch it it also depends on the usage patterns too A lot of people had a tendency to leave these run 24 hours a day because of the Xbox Live connectivity on them and because of the media stuff and the sharing of messages and stuff they would just leave them on like like it was a VCRs yeah and they would tend to overheat sitting in a cabinet of an entertainment center with doors closed that makes sense uh generally speaking if you took really good care of them and I believe if you had it upright so that it could vent the heat off better you stood a better chance but if you were a hardcore gamer playing on these things every day you were going to be met with the red ring of death so I think Reggie uh needs to be called out for now not not being that hardcore gamer at this point rage I'm going to call you out there but he would absolutely love that all right so then they did another model they did they did you have two of them she brought two these were actually in bundles so so the Modern Warfare 3 console the really cool thing about these special consoles like the Gears of War one here in the Modern Warfare is that they had a cool feature where when you push the button to power it on it played a sound bite from the game oh that's right so you actually got a cool sound effect when you powered on and powered off the console the power and power down noise was very very specific foreign this model right here being the second one I believe this one came out in 2010 okay and this is the model S right and the Millennium it's the slip yes slim but this guy right here had a little bit of different styling uh it had an indentation right front here which was a dead giveaway it's a little bit more severe I actually like the design of it and you know how this is kind of swooping yep kind of sexy this is almost Apple like in the design it is and this is a little bit more kind of like uh almost like PlayStation looking in its design as far as like being angular and for me personally I'll be honest I I like the swappable faceplates I thought that was a very unique feature it's weird when I see a regular white one I'm like oh they looked so plain at the time like because I I've had this on since 2005. yes everybody was decorating them that was the whole point now this guy right here uh actually has an internal hard drive versus a very easy detachable one on it um it still has the same type of connectors but you'll notice that it has a lot more USB ports on it actually this unit right here has I believe five so you've got three on there and then I think we have two on the front yeah so you have five USB connections on this which can be used for connecting mass storage other than that some key changes that happened on it is you got the actual spdif connector right on the main board so you can connect it to your stereo system through Optical to get 5.1 surround sound whereas with this guy you needed a special connector oh that's what you showed me earlier yes yes so that's what you need this but the most important thing that made this console uh light years Beyond this one was the HDMI this thing finally got an HDMI cable and I was capable of doing 1080P and also built-in Wi-Fi that's right built-in Wi-Fi was kind of a big deal around yeah right everybody had it everyone had it yeah you want to play this in Starbucks you had to have it right but but these were these come in bundles not the unit itself but these particularly themed units yeah you get there was a lot of bundles these are just the two that I have just I don't know it's really cool if you're a collector especially if you buy a console for a specific game which you and I probably are guilty as hell of doing I mean when I buy a console it's not because it's the latest and greatest thing I go buy it because there's that launch title or a game that I have to have and as a collector looking back these are the ones I want like I want that Star Wars one because it looks like R2D2 it's just so freaking cool like you know that's the one I want now we started out with this guy right here yes which was you know pretty cool it was okay I had some faults went to something that was completely epic yeah and then and then where did we end up what do we have here Grace what do we have here well let me tell you about this one so this is the thing I bought this one completely by accident so he told me I know because I went to because essentially uh I got really tired of this one because this one uh one thing we didn't mention the fan is incredibly loud oh it is super loud like when I play this one I have to turn my stereo up the hard drive and it's fairly loud I know I mean there's they're not a quiet unit so I got sick of it I'm like you know what they're having a sale I went to GameStop I bought that one I'm like what the hell is this it literally looks at first like it's an Xbox One it does it have so much it has that same split design yeah up on the top with the logos even the front of it kind of looks a little bit Xbox One S just a little bit more all of the kind of personality of the Xbox which is kind of weird that they did that well lost some other things too yeah so this is this is get it if you if you just absolutely need one but basically they removed one of the USB uh reports which I don't know I don't know why they did that um but then they also removed the digital audio which is actually that's a big deal for me because on my stereo upstairs it's a my my receiver is like 10 years old yeah and so I need that for for all the you know the surround sound that I have and so so my Playstation 3 and my four are using that yeah I'm not getting uh on that setup I'm not getting the audio through the HDMI like I think right A lot of people would do a lot of people are doing the HDMI audio now because you can get a similar signal right but true like the audio file guys that invested in a lot of equipment and have the old amplifiers and everything spdif is still like the go-to it's missing and at first I literally couldn't figure it out I was like what is going on like I was I missing it I mean it was just weird that they did that and it seems pretty solid I've done a bunch of gaming on it since then and you know it's it's cool but clearly you have to get this model I have to agree with you that this is definitely the model to get all right well let's uh take a look at some accessories now okay so tell me about this I mean oh because there's a lot of people who use this little keyboard attachment this thing is absolutely awesome now this keyboard just detaches off the bottom of the controller and this was an actual accessory by Microsoft this is not third party and it's a backlit keyboard that allows you to type very very quickly to your friends it also had some shortcuts for opening up like the friends list and stuff like that it just see what's awesome about this is that Microsoft knew that Xbox Live was going to be a big deal like they went all in on that to basically make it a huge bed huge bed in addition to that obviously a lot of these consoles would come with especially later on with the headsets that's right and it was really good quality it is it is and that's another thing I really like about the controllers in general is these things have no flex to them not the disc on Sony but I do notice on the PlayStation 3 and the four controllers when you move them you get quite a bit of creaking yeah and movement they they overdo did it on the plastic on these things yeah you could use these to take out in the saline so that is them what is what is this thing right here this thing is this I think it's an NSA spying device actually that's not too far from the truth that is the very first version of the connect sensor for the Xbox 360. now connect was Microsoft's attempt at actually getting full body capture in motion to enter into games and I actually kind of feel like it was their response to the Wii yeah absolutely I mean the Wii basically was I mean it sold extremely well because Gamers and non-gamers could use it you could literally if you can move your hands you could game and let's be honest everybody that bought that console like the attachment rate on that was like one you bought it and it came with this one and you just bowled your little heart out until everything broke and it was Dirt Cheap that was the reason why that console sold so well those parents would go to stores and they would be like oh I could pay a hundred dollars more and get that but I'm not going to I'm going to just get them this and actually to be fair so most Gamers aren't really thrilled about the connect but honestly the technology is pretty impressive oh if you want to get if you want to get technical for a second on this this thing actually is an infrared projector that projects points of light on your body and then they have an infrared camera and a standard camera and the infrared camera picks up those points of infrared light on your body and determines the Distance by the size between the dots I love this no no try this out sometime open up uh your cell phone and take a picture of the connect or take a video of the connect and as long as you're as long as there's an IR filter on your phone camera you will actually see the points of light projected on everybody in the room oh wow it's very creepy you're literally getting bombarded with UV from this thing and don't even know it but it's a brilliant idea and it basically allows it if it can figure out the distance between this sensor and every single point of light it's projecting on your body it can literally replicate your movement okay and then another accessory that we need to mention is the HD DVD the what I'm not familiar with that component where did you see such a thing do people remember that there was a format war between HD DVD and Blu-ray and Microsoft lost the big time very very big time so what ultimately happened in this war is that Blu-ray ended up having a higher capacity overall an HD DVD basically lost that war because as you guys know it's very very hard to have different formats in different homes right it's just like the whole betamax version right it was the same exact thing you had these two disc Wars going toe-to-toe and ultimately Blu-ray won it and what that did is Just Deal a crippling blow to the HD DVD yeah that was in the Xbox and and to be fair Microsoft gave it a good go they did they released a a pretty nice looking external DVD drive that you plug into your Xbox 360. which also doubled amazing as a DVD drive for your computer oh you could plug it in but that's how I use mine because you obviously I wasn't going to use it as an HD you drive on my Xbox anymore but no it worked great as a standalone external computer DVD drive and there are a bunch of HD DVD movies out there that you can find at sometimes pawn shops they have a very distinctive color to them yeah I mean the format's actually pretty decent so if you happen to have the driver get it cheap yeah and you care you can get those movies and watch them in you know relatively inexpensive all right well now should we move on to games let's do it all right okay so to start off here it was hard to come up with a list of games for one particular reason for me personally here's going to be the the number one feedback for this section A lot of people are going to be like oh that game came out on PC and it's cheaper it's potentially better it's potentially worse and you know I think it's important for us to say at the beginning here that Microsoft makes the Xbox 360 and they make Windows yeah and so there are a lot of games that that came out on both systems and so like for instance Oblivion so I played Oblivion on the Xbox 360. I love this game amazing game absolutely that's like that's like old school GTA basically oh absolutely and so and actually if I remember right this is this might have been the game that broke my Xbox it it's entirely possible yeah because I remember I wanted to play it so badly and I couldn't but it's You could argue that maybe the steam or PC version has all the mods you know better this or that and so for the most part A lot of the games we're gonna pick here we think are probably better on the actual Xbox correct so correct it's a matter of opinion it's a disclaimer we just want to put that up wait people on the internet have opinions I know totally crazy it's something new it's a fad yeah I wouldn't know nothing about this YouTube thing so tell me about Gears of War oh my gosh okay so Gears of War is I believe the top selling game it's a system it is clearly it literally is the Gears of War game I believe they have four now total in the in the in the collection right uh for me though Gears of War 2 was absolutely my favorite yeah I literally bawled like a baby playing this and I don't want to create any spoilers for you guys that haven't played it yet but they're the story and the characters in this game really pop out with you yeah but the thing that I loved about it was the gameplay was absolutely unique the way that you control the people in this game and the way that you move them behind cover and engage targets is a third party begins to feel so natural that you end up feeling like you are just perfectly commanding every single move this game it's amazing it's considered to be the game that perfected cover based shooting absolutely and yeah and it's funny because this the series became really popular and then it got other series started to do it more difference in Mass Effect which is a hardcore RPG that's right has very much elements of Gears of War I see a lot of elements in Gears of War and games now especially the third person perspective you can tell that they borrowed a lot of us yeah exactly and like all the naughty dog stuff really that's true um and like uh even the cover system and things like you know I don't want to call it a rock star or anything but even like GTA and stuff like that leaning yeah true and stuff it feels very very similar so yeah this was a game changer and Gears of War uh the original was a just a blast to play yeah very very relatable but I have to say the Gears of War 2 was the one that really I couldn't put down I had to play all the way to the end in Co-op in Gears of War was amazing amazing somebody some of the best I know I know I had a friend of mine who who played the game multiple times and then when I finally got in he was helping me stay alive and he was across the country Xbox Live we had the headsets it was it was awesome in the curb stomping and the chainsaw attacks it it did not disappoint it did not disappear uh the only thing that I would add to the series The Gears of War judgment towards the end didn't really I felt like Gears of War judgment felt like it was an outcast yeah it didn't really feel like Gears of War to me it's still I still think it's a worthwhile title to have into play but the first three Gears of War are just they're they're magnificent if you if you collect Xbox this has to be like one of the first games that you play honestly all right so for me one of the most surprising things about it was that it had a lot of really great Japanese shooting games I wouldn't know actually it's it's hilarious that I I you wouldn't right so you haven't played death Smiles I have not uh Akai Katana I believe that's how you say that Raiden for okay getting uh getting getting a deep look into the cycle is the metal Jesus here especially this one right here was that excellent yes cute Japanese girls shooting box art right there they haven't done well the thing is that that they were really well represented these are games that are like bullet Hills tale shooters or greedy style Shooters um arcade shooting games but they're all really really great on the 360. and a lot of these didn't get ported over to the PlayStation 3. you know what though funny fact about that is that a lot of people don't realize Xbox 360 did not sell well in Japan right it did not Japan had such a crushing loyalty to Sony right that the Xbox all but got pushed out now I think that changed as time went on it became more of a mainstream console music but it's cool to see that there actually are oh yeah titles that are developed for it you know there was companies that were still willing to go out there and put themselves out there and create those games absolutely even with a low adoption it's true and for collectors and fans of the genre it's a really cool system to collect from because most these games are not that expensive so cool very cool now for me the second best series and and a lot of people are gonna probably beat me up those because they think oh it's God it's got to be the first because that's Xbox Halo the only reason why I don't play Halo first is because it is it is an FPS first person I thought Gears of War was a much more unique game than what it brought to the table but you cannot deny Halo Halo is an amazing console shooter all of them were good I didn't play a single Halo game that I didn't like Halo 3 was personally my favorite and this game is amazing the reason I want to mention that is because you know everyone was kind of like uh can I keep the magic going yeah I put this in on my 360 and I was like holy crap look at all the detail here well you get to understand the relationship between Master Chief and Cortana right and four and that's something that hadn't been really explored fully yeah in the previous version so so that alone was worth playing that game but Halo 3 for me was was absolutely amazing but they're all great games if you're into first-person shooters as far as an XBox exclusive these are absolutely amazing absolutely okay so you mentioned um Japan I wanted to mention some RPGs because one of the things that was interesting is that Microsoft did not do very well with the original Xbox in Japan either no and so they knew that they're gonna have to go all in on RPGs when the Xbox 360 came out and they did so they created a bunch of they they worked with Japanese developers to make uh several of them right uh that only came out on Xbox and what I want to talk about is Lost Odyssey so this has people who made Final Fantasy okay uh Legend of Dragoon on PlayStation one very familiar yes uh Shadow Hearts on the PlayStation 2 and a bunch of other people went in and made this epic RPG that was only available on the Xbox 360. so this is four DVDs long oh geez yeah uh it's about 50 plus hours and it's really really cool it's definitely old school turn-based uh combat but then they got it what it there's an interesting story where they tried to really up the emotion in this game and they did it through a style of almost like visual novels okay have you have you played very many visual novels where there's like you know there's a lot of dialogue and you're kind of coloring through so this game had that and it was kind of ahead of its time a little bit it's a really high quality RPG and not many people talk about it it actually didn't know and it's not expensive and it was Microsoft's attempt to this is one of like four games that came out that they tried to break the uh the Japanese Market still not so successfully though I know all right so the third game that I'm going to talk about that that honestly for me is what made the concept I knew this was going to be uh yeah I'm a race car guy though so I absolutely love race cars and that's the Forza Motorsport series and the reason being is I was incredibly loyal to Gran Turismo a lot of people were on the PlayStation and everybody argued when Forza first came out that oh no nothing can Dethrone Gran Turismo it's a true simulator this is just a game and Forza like just random they stepped up they stepped up and it scared Sony so bad that the next incarnation in the franchise I believe was Gran Turismo 5 they had to do a prologue for it and then they waited forever to release it because they just never could get it to a level that they thought they could compete and that's the thing is that uh poly digital which makes Gran Turismo they take like four or five years in between like installing yes and that's a long time in gaming massive I mean it's like operating system time yeah exactly where Forza was able to crank these out every six you know 18 months or so every year and a half intense Studio was like yeah they were they were amazing just just pumping the stuff out and every time these would come out they would show gameplay footage and just be like holy crap that looks amazing the graphics were amazing yeah the frame rates that they were hitting with the graphics that they had were amazing you can tell it's just so highly optimized for the console all the licensed cars that you would normally get yep and yeah the expandability of the franchise it's like you know even you know a year after you bought the game there was new cars yeah coming out absolutely love it and then even when they started to Branch out into like Forza Horizon right which is out here which I have right here I thought that oh God Forza you're gonna ruin it don't need the speed need you're just you're throwing it away and no it turned out to be absolutely amazing and I played every bit as much on Horizons I did the rest the forza series just seems like it's it's a force to be reckoned with and I would say it's the closest thing you're gonna get to a simulator experience on a console you know it's funny you mention that because Forza Horizon 2 is the one reason why I want an Xbox one because because I know that would just be awesome on that console but I'm like nope I can't buy a whole console for one game I won't do it just don't play Forza Motorsport 6 whatever you do because the 60 frames per second will spoil you and when you go to Horizon it's only 30. oh I see yeah I I kind of did that too I went back to it after I played Forza six for a while I went back to Horizon I was like I was like why is the frame rate so slow it's funny but otherwise it's epic and we're gonna stick with the racing theme Here burn out I mentioned it burn out revenge yeah probably wondering why I have a burnout game here aren't these on every system the truth is actually that Burnout Revenge originally came out on the PlayStation 2 uh came out on the original Xbox the only HD version of it was released on the 360. oh I did not know that I know and so this is a really cool version to have and I I consider this to be kind of the last of the great burnout games uh yeah uh paradise city was good yeah that was the one that I think was most recognizable by everybody yeah it's open world but but you lost crash mode this has proper crash mode and again it the all the graphics are updated this is a really cool version to have that's Epic is that it for you okay so I'm still going all right uh oh yeah I only I only have three games and I care about the rest of it I only have a couple more so I don't play all these obscure Japanese titles this here this is a Microsoft title actually I'm very familiar with Fable actually yeah and I so Fable is such a cool RPG series uh I played the original Fable on the original Xbox Fable 2 is my favorite though because you get the dog and the dog is really he's he's a cool companion kind of a dog guy I'm kind of a dog guy but what was really cool about this game is that they took the customization to a whole other level so you get to choose your sex but then you also get to choose sorry that's right you can play actually to be fair I I played as a woman in this game because the dialogue would change and so it'd be kind of fun to try that okay all right um but then also beyond that your alignment changes so for instance the very beginning of the game you get to choose the fate of the town and in a moral choice whether you side with the thieves or or the sheriff and the game just continues on so basically like you'll see like what happens to the Town based on your choices early on the game that's awesome how you look in the game is also determined on like your alignment and whether you're good to people the uh the reputation in the world that's pretty unique it is pretty cool you can buy property this game is epic and I have to mention it because it's so cool very cool all right and then finally a lot of people get pissed if I didn't mention Alan Wake So Adam attacked me I didn't get into it that much Allen wake is actually a pretty cool game it's um it if you are a fan of Stephen King and that sort of old school 80s horror this is your game it's a survival horror game amazing Graphics it took years for them to make it um just a really cool premise it has awesome lighting uh really interesting story so yeah another great Xbox 360 game and I love the box too I love some of the boxes that these games came in because I know you're a big box collector right and there are some really really cool boxes of these games out there to collect that reminds me is that we I mentioned Shooters and also face plates so some games actually came with faceplate so that's what this is right here very cool I was wondering about that that's why it looks like this because this is a this is a Japanese shooter with a custom faceplate that you could slap on your console kind of sad that Microsoft took that away though I know I know all right well that is our epic Xbox 360 buying guide how do you think we did I think we did all right I think we did it's pretty hot in here but I think we did all right so dude where can people find you on the internet you can come over and find me at barner.com or you can search for Barnacles nerdgasm on YouTube if you can spell that I'll leave that up to you and it I I will also link to our epic trip to Portland because I think oh yeah that is one of my favorite videos that we did so it is it is that was genuinely a lot of fun definitely a lot of fun all right guys thank you very much we'd love to know down in the comments that uh what games you think first time Xbox 360 collectors should jump on they're absolutely there are tons of them we could have did an entire honorable mentions yeah all right guys thanks for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care peace one last thing that I forgot to mention in the video that I wanted to bring up here at the end was that Microsoft changed the original Xbox 360 controller in 2010 to include transforming d-pads this is a really cool feature where you can rotate the d-pad and turn it into a four-way or an eight-way d-pad so it's pretty cool depending on what kind of game you are currently playing and not everyone knows it does that alright thanks very much for watching middle Jesus here and I am back again with Casey how's it going dude pretty good dude it's awesome having you here on the channel because we're doing a Wii buying guide and when I was thinking about the people who'd be perfect for this well there was only one name and that name was you because you own all of the Wii games yeah I do and today we're going to talk about all the console variations the accessories that you can pick up for the Wii some of the rare titles and a handful of games that we selected for day one purchases this is gonna be an awesome video you guys gonna love it let's take a look thank you all right this is the original Wii and this is my personal original Wii that's why it's all beat up but it's got a lot of gameplay in it and when it first came out it was 2006 during the holiday season and it was so popular that people were waiting in line remember that yeah right yeah people were going crazy trying to resell them and buy them for like a thousand dollars or something the thing is it was 250 bucks when it first came out and we were selling it for 500 700 it was crazy because Nintendo's plan was make something that was family oriented right something that your grandma can pick up and play right right so eventually people started getting these and they were like wow this is amazing and there were shortages yeah I remember that actually that's funny huh on purpose who knows yeah well so the first model uh is one of my favorites because it is the one that will play GameCube games right yeah exactly um so you had an instant library of 500 games because it played all the GameCube titles and the cool thing is has all four GameCube ports two memory card slots yeah so it's perfect yeah definitely huh that's cool now how does this hold up though I mean is it that's your original does it still play yeah it does it still reads discs doesn't have any problems with that um it came bundled with the Wii sports that's right still one of the best games for the system because everybody can just pick up and play yeah yeah definitely a perfect pack-in right just yeah anybody can play it have a lot of fun now how about as far as connecting it to like your television like what are the the video outs and stuff like that um it came with composite cables okay the RCA cable so that that's the that's just the yellow right yeah just the yellow red and white but you can upgrade to component right so you can have I believe 480p on this yeah which looks pretty decent on a modern HD television so yeah but you can actually upgrade to the Wii to HDMI and this is a third party um adapter essentially yeah adapter that you can just plug in the back and then you plug in your HDMI cable in here you showed me this and I immediately wanted one I had no idea something like that existed it's so cheap it's like five to ten but oh I'm still buying one that is awesome so okay so the original model had obviously full GameCube support did it always have that or what the other models have well the other model let's talk about that so this is the blue it uh Wii and this got released in 2011. okay and it was titled the Family Edition oh I've seen that name okay and it was released during the holiday season again and I think they did that so that they can have a cheaper Wii because this did not come with a stand so they saved like a dollar yeah and it didn't have GameCube compatibility oh so you can't open this this flip top no ports um and then another thing is all the labels they're horizontal so it's meant to stand like this one that's a good point actually is that the Wii originally would would be either or right like vertical it seemed like almost the way to do it like but it would show it on camera the Wii would be vertical exactly and that's why it came with the stand yeah the original we came out okay interesting and so okay so the Family Edition they got rid of all the GameCube stuff to save money but as far as everything else it still works and plays the same yeah it still has the SD card slot still has internet connectivity okay just no GameCube compatibility and then a couple years later they surprised everyone and released this month we mini yeah and it's not that much smaller than the Wii I mean if you compare the two the same height the same width yeah it's just an inch shorter in length why do you think they did this I mean what was changed about it so ah the thing is it has that retro Factor it does it almost looks like this one from the 70s or early 80s isn't it yeah and it has a top loader which a lot of companies do I mean where at the end of the console's life maybe to save money maybe to cut down a wear and tear I don't know exactly it's a little bit lighter and it's missing a lot of features uh one of them being the ability to connect to the internet what okay so that's really weird because obviously Nintendo had a ton of success with the Wii Virtual Console right I mean why would they do that to save like a dollar now this is my guess um this was a Canadian exclusive oh so in 2012 it was released in Canada for like a hundred dollars I remember that because I couldn't buy it here right yeah and I was bummed out because I really wanted this but little did I know it was missing a lot of features okay and I believe the reason is they have some Cottages in Canada where there's no internet connection I see so it's best to just buy one of these leave it there yeah so it's a vacation home yes it's almost like for Hope well not hotels but yeah like little vacation things interesting huh yeah and there's other features missing there's no SD slot okay so you can also expand your memory but it has internal for probably the storage exactly okay and the other thing is um there's only one USB port in back oh okay huh maybe that affects games like say rock band or something like that right correct huh and if you want to connect on a hard drive to the back right I mean you're using up a slot okay so not a great console but it's out there if if you run across it yeah and also there's no GameCube backwards compatibility that's another thing such a bummer I know okay well that is the consoles let's take a look at the accessories all right well let's start with the original controller well this is the original controller this is the Wiimote and the nunchuck um and you would just connect the nunchuck to the bottom of the Wii Remote and the cool thing about the Wiimote besides the fact that it's a motion sensor is there's a little little speaker here that's right so when you're swinging it you can have a little sound effects yeah some people don't like that but I think it's a little quirky I like it yeah and that's the other thing that we should probably mention is that there is a wee bar that attaches to the weed that that sits in front of your television so you will need that if you grab a Wii exactly if you buy one from the garage so make sure it does have that Wii sensor bar because you need it to use the Wiimote the other thing that's interesting about the Wii uh from playing games is also that a lot of them were sort of these motion you know but a lot of them just simply said hey turn it sideways and it works as a pretty functional old-school controller yeah and that's the cool thing about it because um they really made it family oriented because all the old school players they want to play games like this they don't want to be swinging the Wiimote and hitting the TV yeah exactly so this is the first version now what's really interesting about it though is that when the motion tracking came out it was it was good but it was limited for sure exactly and so what they released is the Wii Motion Plus adapter right is that what this thing's called correct yeah which is basically it gives more functionality to that controller yeah and it's an attachment that came out it was like 20 or 25 dollars but you would just attach it to the bottom and you could still uh I'm having trouble attaching it but I think it's got little buttons on the side yeah once you attach it there you go you can also attach the nunchuck controller to the bottom yeah what it does is it makes it clunky it's it's a bit long and huge it's not as elegant is it exactly and I even have like these gel things that are extra long and stuff like that and it's like yeah but it does help with the the turn and the gyroscopic motion of the Wiimote because of this added attachment and there were some games that definitely take advantage of it uh the one that comes to my mind is real Is It Real Steel or something like that it's yeah still two right and it's light years better than the original game it just seems much more sort of one-to-one movement correct same with a Skyward Sword right right but then later they of course integrated that yes and it is a much better design in a couple ways so you don't have the extra attachment and also in the back there's a sync button that you can just press outside of the week oh that's right because when you're going to sync these controllers you have to it's in the battery compartment yes you got to open the back you got to press the button but this is so much better you just press it on the outside huh that's cool and there's several variations of this controller now this is a little rubber attachment here though right correct just for grip whatever exactly and they most of it does come with these additional um Wii covers especially when you get the Mario Luigi Princess Peach one I see okay yeah and there's also a Zelda one that came with uh Skyward Sword oh okay I remember people freaking out about that yeah that one was rare that's cool so that's the the normal controller but then Nintendo also released a bunch of controllers kind of I mean why do you think they did so what is that one right there this is the Wii Classic Controller okay and the purpose of this is for games that you want to use for virtual consoles maybe some wiiware games the ones that don't use the motion control don't you think that Nintendo in some ways was perhaps surprised by the success of the Wii Virtual Console you know because somebody put out hundreds if not thousands of games on that I mean it did really well it did and that's that's just so much money for them because they don't have to release physical copyright it's just straight downloads and this is the perfect controller for it because um it's kind of like a Super Nintendo controller so it has that old nostalgic feel to it it's very comfortable yeah but they improved upon it when they released the Pro Controller Pro um in my opinion it's better because it's more ergonomic it looks like a an Xbox 360 controller almost yeah that or a PS2 but yeah those are excellent controls oh sure absolutely and one thing is it's the analog sticks are spread out a little bit further compared to the classic oh is it okay interesting so it has a really good feel to it even the top buttons does that have any motion built into it uh no okay so it's simply just for playing uh you know normal games I guess is what you'd say yeah um it came out with monster hunter try I believe okay bundled with that huh okay and then you mentioned earlier that there were these kind of uh Snap-on adapter things for for the Wiimote right yeah and this is one of them this is the Wii wheel and you would simply take the wiim out and just insert it and it becomes a totally new controller yeah it's fun for racing games because you could just hold it and kind of like Mario turn yeah exactly yeah and then also there was like say the Wii zapper because lightning games are awesome on the Wii by the way yeah they are and so that was kind of similar thing where you'd snap it in there and we don't have the Wii zapper here but you've got something I think is even cooler yeah this is cool this is the Cabela's uh Big Game Hunter um shotgun that's awesome just like you know hold up your shoulder that's killer any other accessories out there I mean we mentioned sort of like the third party ones but yeah there's a bunch of Nerf accessories where you could attach a tennis racket or a baseball bat okay or boxing gloves to your remote all right and we have the Wii Fit which came packaged with the Wii Balance Board this was huge right yeah it was a huge success yeah in the Guinness Book of World Records it was like the number one selling um scale oh really yeah but it's a game peripheral not really a scale but this game that came packaged with it it came with uh 30 different fun activities it would test your strength your balance your flexibility yeah things like that and it would calculate your BMI index your body mass index now and I haven't played this clearly but uh when you have you done this before yeah and so do you use the remote or the the Wii Wii mode as well with it or yes you can there's actually a weak Fit Plus version where you really um use the Wii and nunchuck along with the balance board okay huh that's cool and you also find those all the time like in thrift stores yeah and you can find them for two to five dollars yeah I mean ten dollars at the most yeah but there's other games that the balance board uses uh one of them which is a really good title is punch out it uses it how does it do that well you could use it with just the wiimotech okay or just the Wii mode itself but you could integrate the Wii Balance Board and use it to duck to dodge left and right oh interesting so it's measuring like your movement exactly it's pretty cool huh and there are some bad examples including Super Monkey Ball step and roll uh that sounds bad yeah step and roll it is so hard to control it with the Wii Balance Board too tight okay so you're you're like moving the plane essentially the the environment exactly you're trying you're trying to move the the Monkey Ball but if you're using the balance board it's just too tight for turns huh so it's hard to collect all the bananas it's hard to progress through the levels yeah now when I showed up here in our in the spot you had a bike yeah and that is the Wii cyber bike cyberbike hmm it came packaged with a cyber bike Cycle Sports and the cool thing about this is when it first came out it was only sold on the QVC shopping network so it was really hard to find okay I didn't get it right away I I searched for a couple years and eventually I got one via trade okay yeah um it's a amazing piece but it's only meant for this game yeah I mean it takes up so much room yeah so you go around the world collecting trash in this game but there's also an exercise mode so you could just cycle see having to store that is punishment for trying to go for a complete collection isn't it yeah that is too funny all right well that is some of the accessories let's check out some of the more rare collectible games all right let's talk about just a handful maybe three games that are pretty rare So if you go out garage sailing or at thrift stores and you find this for cheap like five ten bucks pick it up because it is hard to find games like Xenoblade Chronicles yeah this was a GameStop exclusive which makes it tough to find right and it's a Japanese RPG game with 70 plus hours of gameplay so it's definitely worth it another one another RPG strategy type game is Fire Emblem radiant Dawn these games are really fun yeah they're really good quality even for all the previous Nintendo um systems yeah so there's a good following for that game and lastly you'll be surprised but my horse and me riding for gold yeah you you mentioned this I'm like what yeah it's made by Atari and I don't know why but it is a really rare and expensive title huh wow that's crazy yeah all right and then now at the end here let's get into some games that we recommend you pick up day one yeah all right the first one is called spyborgs it's made by Capcom and it's a beat em up game yeah the cool thing about this is there's massive bosses and there's two-player Co-op missions okay cool yeah so it's a really cheap game five to ten dollars so definitely pick it up if you find it now does this support the Classic Controller or it seems like it would no unfortunately it doesn't Okay so maybe now's a good time to point out that on these games over in you know on the back somewhere it'll tell you what controller it supports yes including GameCube controllers if it does support that yeah that's that's cool all right love the cover next one is excitebot's Trick racing which is the sequel to excite trucks yeah so when we were picking out games I was like oh we've got it we gotta put this one in there because this is so much fun yeah it's a really good racing game and you get to play as a an animal robot or insect and there's like 25 different levels and they're actual locations on Earth that's another cool part I didn't I didn't know that I think for me the thing that surprised me about this game was uh how well it uses the motion controls yes you know yes some people complain about it but you just gotta take five minutes and get used to it yeah yeah and once you get used to it all the tricks and all the jumps it becomes second nature oh yeah such a fun game next is another racing game that's a must-have which is Mario Kart for Wii and the reason why I like this is because the battle arenas for the battle mode is way better compared to the Wii U version which uses just the normal tracks so this takes it back to the old Super Nintendo and N64 days oh cool next one is Boom blocks bash party which is an awesome four player party game it's a combination of Jenga and Angry Birds it just uses the Wii motion controllers really well for this game now I noticed that you picked the second one which I haven't played this one there's two of them actually is it what's is there a big difference between them yeah just more party modes oh I see okay so it's more fun yeah okay Donkey Kong Country Returns now this one can be challenging but it just brings you back to the old Super Nintendo days of Donkey Kong Country that's why it was one of my picks I see yeah I've heard it's tough yes you'll get frustrated but it's well worth it that's cool another one that's good is why you wear smooth moves so if you're familiar with the series and for GBA for DS GameCube um this is another one and there's tons of micro games in here that are just weird and quirky instant gratification games and those are the type of games I like just pick up and play yeah I'm surprised how much I enjoy this series and it's occasionally so bizarre like when the nose and it's like got the drip coming out of it you're just like what what is what's going on here yeah that's what makes it fun I know it is it's super fun and I had to include these These are the Mario Party Galaxy games one and two Super Mario Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy and so you're still in party mode yeah oh what did I say party yeah Super Mario Galaxy one and two and these are just amazing the level designs in these are just really great and the soundtrack's awesome I had been trying to find a copy of two uh but it's still really expensive well not expensive but yeah I mean it holds its value yeah it's still in the 20 30 range yeah but it's a good game so it's probably worth it yeah definitely another cool one is Resident Evil Wii Edition this is the fourth installment so Resident Evil 4. and this is a port of the GameCube version and the PS2 version but this is the better version this has HD graphics and using the Wii motion controllers it's really good because you can point and shoot and you can move with the knife probably a little bit easier I mean the original game I beat it but it you know you're always kind of struggling to get it right on the head right yeah and that's perfect for the Wii because a lot of kids play it and people that want to experience uh using the Wii motion controllers this is a really good game to use it for like that this is a game I own and I love this game yes and in punishment um that the N64 version was great um and this star successor is also good it's a really good rail shooter yeah yeah so much fun and what I like about this game too is that it's a rail shooter but it really uses the nunchuck in interesting ways because you're you're constantly bouncing around and dodging and uh it's just it's way more in-depth than the typical kind of rail shooter which is what I like so yeah and there's two players I haven't had a chance to try two player mode yet but I was wondering if it got tougher we should do that after this video yeah and I had to include a Kirby game Kirby's Return to Dreamland and as all Kirby games are you have all the special powers this one has 25 including some of the old retro um super power-ups and you can have up to four players in co-op mode oh that's cool yeah and the thing I like about this is at the very end once you beat it there's a Boss Rush mode so you can go through all the bosses okay cool I played Kirby's Epic Yarn on the Wii and I really like that one too yeah it's a little bit on the easy side but I just enjoyed that so much and this one you could play as Meta Knight that's cool and lastly we have the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword which was released 25 years after the original Zelda on the Nintendo yeah and this is great because it came with a soundtrack 25th Anniversary Symphony soundtrack um if you got the big box version you also got the Zelda Wii moat that's right so they gave you lots of cool extras for this Wii exclusive and there's like 40 plus hours of gameplay and it really utilizes the Wii motion controller which I like well again it's Nintendo's console they know how to do it right you know yeah and there's you could even fly in this one but the swimming part's kind of tough with the Wii motion okay huh well dude that's that's an awesome buying guide there at the end though I do want to mention that while we covered kind of the more popular games I do have a series of we hidden gems where I dig way deeper into it and cover some of the other games that are on the weed that are actually really fun because there are some yeah there's a lot of hidden gems so I mean yeah that's the thing about the Wii is that once you kind of dive into it it's a really fun console to collect for I love it I mean I was really surprised I didn't expect to yeah I mean I was there from day one and I'll be there until the last game gets really that's very cool dude thanks very much for coming on and doing this and buying guide it's so awesome where can people find you on the on the interweb uh Casey the game nerd on Instagram and Facebook and he has a YouTube channel and you do pickups videos yeah I do pickups videos actually everything's all pick on videos on my channel so if you don't like that but he happens to have some of the most impressive pickups videos in all of YouTube I'm just saying I appreciate that awesome guys all right well thank you very much for subscribing thanks for watching my channel and take care metal Jesus here and I am back again with Kelsey how's it going pretty good how about yourself I'm doing well you brought a bunch of DS's here I did um it's like a rainbow yeah uh so today we're gonna be talking about the DS we're doing a DS buying guide covering all of the systems from the original DS the DS Light DSi DSi Excel as well as accessories and some of the games we think you should own there's a lot yes there is this is gonna be pretty cool let's take a look thank you brought a bunch of stuff here actually why do you have so many uh because these videos give me an excuse to go crazy is that a good answer you messaged me I'm gonna tell on you so you messaged me what like a month ago or a couple weeks ago and you went crazy buying Japanese DS's yeah so I buy a lot of stuff in bulk Lots from Japan so you can get them really cheap that way so I ended up buying like over 50 DS's 50. now I'm definitely not going to keep all of them but it's cool because now I can show off a bunch of different colors I know that that's what's so cool about this video is that we're going to show you stuff that I I mean in colors I've never seen so this is really cool awesome all right so we're gonna start with the original DS this one came out in 2004 um yes the fat DS um and it's actually pretty different than the one they showed off at E3 which was just a few months before its release which is really surprising um but they changed a little bit about it it's cool the DS India stands for dual screen right and also developer system they say that is Canon I and from what I've read is that that Nintendo at the time thought of this as sort of like another pillar of their income and so it really was meant to go alongside of the original game boy band Yes and so they thought that this was they were like well look we could give you better specs whatever but what we really want to do is change the whole way you think of handhelds and they definitely did that with this it had a lot of features that are were brand new you know it's nothing any game boy or any system had first of all two screens was brand new unless you count the Game and Watch yeah the touch screen has a microphone had Wireless capabilities yeah all kinds of really cool things um my one of my favorite Parts about it is the download and play feature so there were some games where that's right only one of your friends needs a cartridge you guys could still play the game together as long as you're close in proximity and then there's also PictoChat which I used to use all the time with my friends it's just like a little chat room that 16 people can be in at once that's what you and I were playing yeah yeah okay so so that's something I used to do like when I was on the school bus in high school and stuff play with my friends all across the bus you know what's really cool about it from my opinion is that it doesn't require Wi-Fi like it's its own network which is like it's amazing you can play it on the bus as a kid and you don't have to connect to some sort of cellular network or something hang out with the people around you so yeah it's kind of I mean I guess they sort of did that with the Link cable but just you know this is the less messy version absolutely I had the original in Gray I believe and yeah it wasn't when I first got it I was like ah dual screen I can only look at one at a time like what's the point of this I wasn't impressed but but I loved how creative they were with it um also too from my opinion the graphics were kind of around that N64 quality but yet the screen's smaller so you actually so it looked it looks decent pretty good yeah and that was actually one of the things they first advertised as being part of it they're like look you know we make really great games on the Game Boy Advance but but this will give you the option to do both 2D or 3D yeah and that was why they showed off Super Mario 64. that's one of their first that was like the first title they showed off okay huh so that's kind of cool cool then they released the DS Lite which is actually my favorite looking of the DS's do they all have the dual screen thing on the top yeah it's like a little embossed yeah okay dual screen logo on all of these there's tons more colors than this um I have the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Awareness one which is a super exciting limited edition um and this one really didn't change a whole lot from the original DSO and the biggest thing we should mention of course is that these play Game Boy Advance games yeah the original DS and the DS Lite play Game Boy Advance games they don't play Game Boy Color they don't play original game boy just Game Boy Advance and I did a ton of this at the time you know I love how Nintendo typically does that where here's a new system but you can there's thousands of games you could potentially play on it and I did too I mean I loved it for that yeah you don't have to give up your old systems your old games you can still move them on to the new generation which is really cool so so the light still supported that yes the original DS and the DS light still support Game Boy Advance the only problem with that is unfortunately there was no way to do the multiplayer on those which is frustrating but get a Game Boy Advance I guess then we move on to the DSi which I have yeah rainbow so many freaking colors and Japan got some really cool special editions too like this Saga 20th anniversary one they also had this Mario one we got one similar but it was an XO so the DSi added a lot of things but it also took some away so this can't play Game Boy Advance games it's only DS which makes it kind of less desirable for most people um but at this time though this was a success oh totally so at this point Nintendo's probably like hey eat like to your point either get a Game Boy Advance or you buy this right you know you're set and this is cool it adds uh two cameras there's one on the outside that you can see and then there's also one on the inside there is also some like voice recording software this is best thing of course is that you can connect this to the internet and this was their first kind of like eShop thing and then they moved on to the DSi Excel which is just an enormous version of the DSi and there's no other differences I mean probably maybe a little better battery life yeah most of these have at least eight hours of battery at a full charge the DS Lite and the DSi introduced screen brightness adjusting okay so you can make them last a little bit longer which is nice on the lower settings you could play this for like 16 hours which is awesome that's pretty long charge for a hand tub and one of the cool things that they said during development of this is that they actually made their engineering team drop this from uh I think they said like chest height it had to withstand 10 falls from chest height really without any considerable damage oh man that was part of their design Nintendo I mean they think of that sort of stuff yeah it's like it's awesome they're like well you're probably gonna have in your pocket yeah so if it falls out we don't want you to have to return it after just one drop that's cool which is probably why they went with the clamshell design too absolutely and I love that design so so these are the four main uh models but I want to mention the 3DS and the reason for that is because I play all my DS games on my 3DS and it plays them fairly well yeah you know so these will the 3DS's do play regular DS games yeah that's nice and the other thing that I want to mention before we move on to accessories is that these are region free for DS games now DSI games there were very few but there were like three or four games that you needed the camera function for this for so you needed to have an actual DSi and not a dslider original DS um those are region locked which is really weird but that's like three games and you probably don't have to worry about it if you pick up a Japanese DSi for really cheap still probably going to be a good deal because you're probably not going to run into that problem and that explains why you picked these up because they were dirt cheap they're they're cheap yeah so it's perfect okay all right next let's check out accessories okay so the first accessory we wanted to talk about is the obvious one which is Chargers because this is really freaking complicated and actually I was confused if you came over you're like do you have this particular chart I'm like uh what's the difference I know so it's for me so for the original DS the fat one this one shares the same charger as the Game Boy Advance SP which is this plug right here yeah um and after that they stopped using it so this works for the original DS and the SP and that's it the next one's even more annoying because it only works for the DS Lite that's this plug right here so so only the second model only yeah only the DS lights the only one that uses it and I ever used it again it's completely proprietary Nintendo thing not useful for anything else and then thankfully they got a little bit wiser and they got this one for the DSi and then they continued to use it for the DSi XL the 3DS 3DS XL new 3DS finally wised up and let us have a charger for more than one console and that that's why I didn't realize that there was this other charger because I didn't I didn't know yep you know it's always worked for me so three of them so those are the Chargers you'll definitely want to know that when you're picking up the system the rest of this stuff is just kind of fun so I've got the Nintendo DS browser this was for the original DS and the DS Lite because once you hit the DSi it already had an internet browser you could download oh so this so you had to buy a browser for originally yep huh and this comes with two things it's got the cartridge which is the browser and then a RAM expander yeah and for the Game Boy Advance slot yeah yeah um then my favorite accessory is the keyboard this came with Pokemon typing which actually didn't come out in the states it's just Japanese and European we talked about that in another video um so this was one that the US got the or the US did not get there's a lot of other accessories the US did not get which are awesome there was a digital TV tuner there was digital which is cool things you could use it today yeah exactly um there is a camera that came with you ever heard of the DS face trainer no okay what's that it's a it's a Japanese game where you like do different exercises for your face to make your face like be stronger and more perky I guess okay it's like a beauty routine yeah video game and there's also um there was a pedometal the pedometers came out here there's like a personal coach and then the Pokey Walker for Pokemon Heart Gold and soul silver which were just like little pedometers that you could have your Pokemon would grow while you're walking and stuff so that's kind of cool that's pretty cool um and then another thing that the states did not get I don't actually have the accessory itself but I have one of the games that goes with it it's like a little card reader it's kind of like an e-reader and there were different arcade kiosks in Japan where you would get these little cards printed out when you'd play the game wow and then you could scan them into your game so like this one's kind of like a fashion game and you'd go to the kiosk and get like a dress and then you could scan the dress into the game that is so cool yeah and then one of the the few accessories I have is this one right here now I think I got this as a garage sale without the games I wasn't sure what it was for and so I assumed it was for the Game Boy Advance for your scenes for the DS that's for the DS yeah there was actually not a Guitar Hero in Game Boy Advance but it goes in the Game Boy Advance slot meaning yeah you can only use it for these two models and that's another thing you sort of have to keep in mind with a lot of these accessories most of the ones I pointed out you actually do need uh one of the older models for it just because of the way if the accessory plugs in so like this one you need a original DS or a DS Light same with the card reader accessory for this um yeah of course that and like the TV tuner and all those things they're all like actually I can't remember what the TV turner does or not but many of those things go into the Game Boy Advance slot which you know actually is pretty cool that it was used I mean often in some of these systems in the past we've covered that some sometimes these expansion slots really aren't used but in this it was cool yeah they had a lot of really unique stuff and the DS was just a really ambitious system overall but it actually did most of it very well yeah very cool all right well those are some accessories it had a ton of games we should talk about games we have a lot of suggestions here for you there's still a ton more so if we didn't mention your favorite game I apologize it was probably on our list at some point right um but there's a lot to see here so I guess we'll start with uh Platformers and puzzle Platformers the DS is an awesome some system for this this one right here is one of my favorites this is the legendary starfee and I made you buy this did you play it I did for a while until I got busy with something else but I thought it was amazing yeah it's really fun it plays a lot like Kirby and it's got really similar graphical styles to it too very colorful so yeah this is one of the best in my opinion Platformers on the DS but there's also some other really notable ones like Scribble nuts and Kirby canvas curse that's a great one Soul bubbles which was a Toys R Us exclusive which is kind of odd kind of a Hidden Gem yeah you know I love that game so much yeah the obvious one of course new Super Mario Brothers this is like one of the best selling games if not the best-selling game on the console and then more Kirby Kirby Mass Attack yeah definitely all right and then we're going to go over to role-playing games and the DS was home to a ton oh my God so many so many great role-playing games and again like which one do we pick or do we pick the obvious ones do we pick this or that and so you know I want to pick a game that I think that everyone should go out and just buy day one and that is the world ends with you when this came out this was such a unique role-playing game it takes place in Tokyo right now so it's not a medieval RPG like a lot of them dragons no dragons swords and what I love about this is that they really took the time to to craft an RPG that uses the DS in really interesting ways it's all real time but it's gesture based so it's basically like you tap on enemies you do swipes plus it uses the the second screen really interesting because there's two real-time battles going on what else is really great about this game soundtrack oh I was gonna say the soundtrack I know the soundtrack is this kind of like you know like hip hop kind of cool it's awesome so yeah this is a great one on the DS just from how unique the gameplay is this is yeah definitely a game where they actually were like okay what can we do with the DS that would make this stand out from other RPGs as opposed to like a final fantasy or Dragon Quest yeah and and to that point like you couldn't do this on another sort of console with just a normal controller because of all those gestures right it's very cool bunch more of course the Pokemon games like Pokemon Platinum heart gold soul silver those are great Chrono Trigger this is the best way in my opinion to play Chrono I know I haven't seen a lot yeah I mean obviously the Super Nintendo version is amazing but being able to play this on a smaller screen where the graphics look really tight yeah you get the full motion video things that were introduced in the PlayStation one version um those are some perks of owning this um I know you like this one a lot I love the Mario and Luigi series and this is a really good one here as well so they've never made a bad one in my opinion yeah it's good and this actually in Japan was literally called uh Super Mario RPG three oh so it is literally like hey this is like the Super Nintendo One play it and Advanced Wars infinite space some other really cool ones we could have gone on forever oh I know Final Fantasy on here there's Nostalgia yeah Rhapsody oh yeah yeah there's so many good ones next up um I want to talk about the action adventure action slash Adventure genre um the obvious choice here is Legend of Zelda but we thought we'd do something a little bit more exciting than that um so I've got Okami done this one is my favorite did you play this one I did and I think it so many great things about this they I love the original Okami but this is I think better just because of the way it controls so it's a little awkward to paint with a paintbrush when you're using a PS2 controller using the DS Stylus made it so Flawless so easy yeah um it's adorable the art style is still gorgeous just like the PlayStation 2 version and it's funny it's a funny game it's got a great heart and sense of humor it's a super it's got a lot of Personality it does I would say and it follows just the the baby of dress so and then of course Castlevania there's a couple of these I actually I haven't played this one specifically it's a great game it's pretty good oh yeah I mean the animation's great it plays great it's really fun so it's it's highly recommended um the DS is also amazing for rhythm games so the best one in my opinion is Elite beat agents so I'm gonna say slash owendon that was kind of like the Japanese version of elite beat agents this is a super goofy game um the soundtrack's really fun but it's mostly cool because you see like a super goofy over-the-top comic book kind of story unfolding in the background while you're tapping on the screen and doing a rhythm game I want to play this game people talk about it have you not played it no it's so good I know right this is definitely a must pick up if you get the DS um I also really like this of course is just a Japanese one but taiku no tatsujin which is Taiko drum Master this one comes with cute little uh like styluses that look like drumsticks oh really which is cool that's cool and then Rhythm Heaven which I think a lot of people know and love it's kind of like Wario where like where it's a bunch of little mini Rhythm mini games so this one's a lot of fun too all right so next up we're calling this Shooters yeah yeah the shoot em ups and or first person shooters yeah yeah so the first one here is Retro Game Challenge now this is a love letter to Classic 8-bit gaming and it's kind of collectible this game is shot up in value it's it sort of came out and people love it it's super fun got a great sense of humor so and then Nintendo came along and did the NES Remix which is kind of the same I know I know as soon as I saw it I was like oh my God you guys totally did it you know but some other things I want to mention here though the DS had some really interesting first person shooters yeah totally and so the first one is Moon also there are a couple uh Dimension that I would pronounce it I think so there's a dementium but I don't know no you're probably right but once they're horror games and they're rated M which is crazy on the DS which is such a family-friendly console you were collecting and rated games I am I am I think two away from there's not very many rated I'm games on the DS so it's a short short goal to hit but that's cool these games are pretty cool though to check out and then also a couple just kind of action uh shooter games is nano stray and also how do you say that bengayo which was really this was a it's a Dreamcast game yeah so very good version on the DS and then we also have uh racing games there's not a ton that I would super recommend on the DS but Mario Kart DS is like one of the best Mario Karts of all time it is really really good multiplayer considering you're not like actually sitting next to each other and playing did you ever play this multiplayer with people no I didn't okay I mean it's fun even without people but the nice thing about this is this is download and play one of those download and play titles we were talking about so you only need one copy of the cartridge and what a bunch of friends can play now they have to play as shy guys which kind of sucks but um but it's a lot of fun and really well put together I was gonna say one of the things I like about this version is that it uses the second screen really well like you wouldn't think a racing game would work that well on a DS but I love the fact you could always see the map there you can also see where your enemies are you know the other players are yeah and also what weapons they have which they sort of sort of like uh squeezed onto the bottom of the screen into the corners on some of the other part games the maps and stuff so it's cool that you have like an entire you can actually glance down which I do a lot yeah and then you I've never played this one I know well you had to come up with another racing game for your DS and be like and this is uh my second favorite and that is trackmania track Mania is this really quick short some of these races are like 30 seconds long they're usually a stunt involved it's totally arcade it's super fun that's awesome yeah it's great all right so I also have some games that I'm just gonna call Casual games I don't really know what else to call them or what category to shoehorn them into this one maybe is like a Sim game but in 10 dogs this is a really big deal on the console this was where they were really really trying to sell to people who normally did not play video games right so in this you raise a virtual dog and you can dress it up and take it on walks and all kinds of stuff despite it being a little too cutesy for me I still enjoyed it I I still played it and liked it even though I was a little bit more you know I was playing RPGs and racing games and Shooters and I still enjoyed this so This got some fun there's also electroplankton which is just kind of like a cool you sort of make music on it but in a really weird way because you're just kind of using these little uh Plankton I guess to arrange the music which is a really interesting way to do it but it's cool and then my favorite is Animal Crossing wild World which I spent so much time playing um probably like 500 hours or so I mean it's like a lot and it was if you played the GameCube version this is the biggest jump in quality from an animal crossing game to an animal crossing game this one did online really well you could play over the Internet with people in other countries I frequently had people from the you know that I met on the internet coming over to my town and interacting with my neighbors and stuff it's a fun Little Sim if you like Harvest Moon you'll like it huh yeah I always hear about these games but and you know it's always the time that people put in it scares the hell out of me I'm like well it sort of becomes a chore after a while too you're like ah okay I'm like talk to my neighbors yeah that's another job very cool all right and then uh is this our last deck I think so okay wow cool so what are we calling this one here well it sort of mixes puzzles and visual novels most of these are a little bit of both true so okay well we're going to start with one of my favorite games when I played this oh my God Professor Layton and the Curious Village so this is a this is basically a puzzle game but what's great about it it's level five and they wrap around these puzzles this great story great characters I there's actually like video in here where there if every once I'll do go to a cut scene and it tells about the story it's just full of personality and I love the puzzles the puzzles are completely varied there's math puzzles there's sliding puzzles there's drawing puzzles sometimes I'm good at them sometimes I know I have to use the hints and yeah and actually uh uh I'm not I'm not embarrassed to say I do use the hints because I'm much better at some puzzles than others right yeah for sure yeah so but I tons of Personality highly recommend this and then you I love this game this is 999 or nine hours nine persons nine doors this is like a horror puzzle game um it's kind of heavy in the visual novel part because there is a story you will play this multiple times to get different endings and learn more about why you're there and why all these horrible things are happening um it is kind of challenging but I definitely recommend it if you like horror games or if you like puzzle games this one's really really good and there are two more in the series so you won't be satisfied with just this one and then to round that out we have a couple others here so the Phoenix right you have to mention the Phoenix series because it's so iconic and these actually came out um the first couple of these actually came out on the Game Boy Advance in Japan which we never got um and when we've got it here they did add a few things they utilized screen such as like dusting for fingerprints and that kind of stuff but it really is the first ones at least are just kind of a port of those Game Boy Advance ones translated and these games are huge oh yeah so popular uh Ghost Trick this was a game really surprised me a little bit of a Hidden Gem it although people are starting to know about it today but it's uh it's a puzzle game as well so funny and then of course Hotel desk room 215. this is a really neat game because it uses the the DS as an open book yeah this is one of the ones you can turn it sideways for yeah that's pretty cool so cool so that that's a tip of the iceberg for DS games we could talk forever and one of the other things I want to sort of mention is that there were a lot of issues with this too the DS has a lot of awesome games and is a really great system but I did run into some issues with like piracy oh yeah and also uh bootleg cartridges coming in from China now like especially if the Pokemon games there's a lot of uh just I mean they'll work sort of but bootleg versions of them just be aware that they're out there huh that's cool so I don't know how many videos could we do of this like 10 more yeah when you told me we're doing a DS buying guide I was like I hope you're ready because I will bring 200 games so cool so let us know down in the comments below what games you would recommend someone get day one because you know maybe there's some games in there that we don't know about we need to add to our collection totally so where can people find you on the internet uh you can find me on Twitter at Cal spoon you can also follow my podcast at gameblitshow we're also on YouTube and apple uh iTunes and Google Play and all that good stuff definitely definitely check it out alright guys thanks very much for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care what's stupid hahaha
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 314,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, metal, jesus, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, history, retro, retrospective, gaming, collection, collector, PS3 Buying Guide, PlayStation 3 Buying Guide, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Buying Guide, Wii, Wii Buying Guide, PSP, PlayStation Portable, PSP Buying Guide, DS, Nintendo DS, DS Buying Guide, Best Games, Kelsey Lewin, Barnacules, nintendo wii, playstation 3, console war, console generations
Id: yidv0QD2yW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 55sec (7975 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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