Nintendo Switch Marathon : $20 or Less, HIDDEN GEMS & More!

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hey guys metal Jesus here and I am back again with Kinsey and today we're here to talk about some great game for your Nintendo switch that are under 20 all right let's take a look [Music] all right so I'm gonna go first and the first game that I want to talk about because I think it's so awesome is Immortal redneck have you heard this game I have not but I am intrigued it is a really weird game but it's pretty awesome so basically this is a first person shooter set in Egypt and it has a lot of things that are really cool about it for one it's very old school shooter so we're talking like Quake Doom Serious Sam those kind of games where you basically just run around shooting everything I don't think there's any plot whatsoever at least certainly no plot I've ran into and it doesn't really matter what's cool about this game though is that it is roguelike in that it is randomly generated every single time you play that's pretty funny so it's a first person shooter that's randomized like that and it said in Egypt and there's a bunch of really cool things about it the number one thing for me when I hear randomly generated that can either be a really great thing or it can be something that is kind of not so great this is this lands safely in the awesome category like you can really tell the developers knew how to mix up how those those levels are built so not only just in like what they place in there but also the verticality of it there's some levels that are incredibly deep there's some of them that are big and essentially what happens is that you walk into a room and you're locked in there until you take out all the enemy wow that's cool and what's great too because it's randomized you think well how am I going to get through this thing with without getting lost the mini map is is always showing you where like the next door is so it's a fantastic game really well designed also too it's very much like an RPG and very roguelike in that if you die which you will always die uh you have coins to spend to upgrade your skill tree and so even when you're dying a lot you're still progressing because you're still upgrading your character there's also other characters that have special abilities that that you can unlock one little tip for people though that I highly recommend is try to get double jump as soon as possible because the main goal in this game is to try to get to the top of the pyramid and so you are always trying to go up and so having double jump unlock as soon as possible will help you greatly oh that makes sense yeah it's a fantastic game uh it also has motion controls I didn't really play around with those too much but I know people were really excited about that especially people who are not necessarily good with uh with the thumb sticks on a shooter you can use motion control so pretty cool that's awesome so it's not roguelike in the sense that it has permadeath no it's the opposite of permission that's nice yeah that's a good point is that the dye a lot it's the dialogue yes you will you'll progress by dying in this game sweet but I put a ton of time into it and it's very addictive and for my first game I'm picking Battleship Brigade this game like kind of came out of nowhere for me I know it kind of blew up on the internet but it's such like a cool thought like I think IGN put it that it's like the plot is Iron Chef meets Tolkien hmm I know right weird that won me over I was like I need to play this game so you play as Mina she comes from a small town working at her family's restaurant but she's got bigger dreams she's gonna go off and try to join the battle Chef Brigade and to get there you have to go through a number of challenges in like this capital city place and it has kind of visual novel aspects it has some like daily puzzles that you can do it has platforming and like action combat but in the end it's really just a match three game really yeah I Love Math free games yeah I'm addicted to them when you break it down that's kind of what this is oh really yeah because you use flavor crystals to flavor and make your dishes and all those really are is you have like the green ones resemble Earth flavor water fire things like that and you can start to make more complex dishes and the more kind of ingredients you put in like the more complicated your dish gets it'll level up the more points you'll earn but what I think is really cool about this game is when you do a challenge you start in the kitchen it's very Iron Chef they're like the people are here to battle it out oh really very like ostentatious and like getting the audience hyped up yeah it's very much like that you have like a all the like contestants have nicknames you're the iron stomach okay so it's very like Iron Chef but once the match starts you have to go outside then and gather your ingredients which is really cool is that match three or nope that is oh okay platforming action combat I see okay and it's so fun and you kind of have to weigh your odds because all the challenges are timed so you can the more difficult enemies yield better ingredients but they also take longer to kill and you might die in the process so you have to decide am I just gonna like gather some berries real quick and run back in and cook so I really like how you have to prioritize your time and do you want to take that risk to make a better dish okay and so once you get all your ingredients back in the kitchen you can add them together do the match three and you have to present it to the judge and of course all the judges have different flavor profiles so there's always the secret ingredient just like an iron chef and but then the the judges will be like you know I really like spicy dishes so then you're like okay I gotta do this I gotta make a dragon dish and it's Gotta Be spicy okay but there's so much going on and the writing's great it has kind of a miyazaki-ish kind of art style looks very hand-drawn all the backgrounds I think are hand-drawn and it's beautiful I love it actually okay well it's funny you mentioned hand-drawn because the next game I want to talk about actually is very hand-drawn have you played the banner Saga yet I've seen so much about it it looked beautiful it is so one of the things I didn't realize this until I was doing some research uh so the banner Saga is an epic RPG it's part of a Trilogy and uh as a matter of fact depending on when you watch this video either the third one will be out or is coming out so but here's the thing though it's developed by people who from BioWare that's why it's so quality hold the phone yes yes ex BioWare uh employees left there obviously did a Kickstarter and that's what that's where the first uh Banner Saga came out of and the graphics as you guys are seeing on the screen here are absolutely gorgeous hand-drawn um basically like I mentioned it's it's part of a of an epic Trilogy so what's nice is that each game is not too long they're about 10 to 12 maybe 15 hours and um like I said hand-drawn excellent story and writing laugh out loud this is one of those games too where depending on what you choose so you're gonna choose how the story progresses you're gonna have to make moral decisions about who you keep who lives who dies and sometimes it's rough but again it carries through the game all the way supposedly till the third game that's cool it is very cool very well written um and then basically the way it works is that it's kind of two games where you are in the story driven part where your your clan is traveling through the countryside and running into people running into enemies running into friends and foes and then it goes into a isometric tactical turn-based combat system and that is also really well thought out as well so you can tell to these people these developers played a lot of these type of games those Graphics are also hand drawn uh multiple difficulty levels I want to mention that because this game is brutal oh it's tough and I played a lot of these games and initially I was dying a lot because you really have to think through combat you have to plan you have to know exactly whatever all the stats are it's very cool I absolutely love this game so looking forward to playing the second and third one and I know that those are coming to the switch as well oh that's awesome that's the series I've had my own for a while I think it's been on my steam wish list for like way too long and I don't really play on theme so switch that should be weird it is it's nice to have it on the go for sure or social media I won't and that and it finally came to switch so you know what now it qualifies for this video and that is Night in the Woods it's it's kind of a hard game to categorize because it's not it's not a walking simulator it's not really a point-and-click adventure game it's kind of somewhere in between but it has so many secrets to discover that it's like way more than meets the eye and when you get down to it it's a 2d action platformer but what's really cool is it's just like small town America but there's something sinister happening and you don't quite know what it is yet you think it might just be all you but the premise is that you come home from college because you drop out and you're kind of having that like early 20s existential crisis and you came back to your hometown your friends all have jobs and moved on with their lives and you're like I'm back and at first party yeah and at first that's exactly what it is you go to the woods and you drink and you make a fool of yourself because you see your ex-boyfriend this is very relatable because I mean I think we've all had kind of those moments in our life and it the dialogue is so good it's written super conversational so I had a smile on my face like the whole game and it doesn't just have you know the adventure and like story elements it does break up gameplay pretty good like there you you get the old band back together so there's a rhythm game oh actually the band okay yeah oh cool yeah you play bass not great but it's funny first band practice they're like we have your old base and you're like what I don't know how to play they're like you got it it's fine it's totally fine but it also deals with mental illness in a really cool way because you kind of see something's going off with the main character but you're not quite sure what it is yet but you can't you also get to play Within her dreams so interesting how a lot of games recently are really starting to dig a little bit deeper into kind of situations that you know normally aren't explored in games yeah yeah and this in a really beautiful way yeah where it's not like oh well something's wrong because May is depressed like it doesn't outwardly say it so it does it in such a beautiful artistic way it still keeps it kind of light-hearted and funny most of the time it gets a little dark but it's just such a fantastic game and I mean I originally played this game over a year ago and I still won't shut up about it so that is that's cool yeah it's definitely a game we're checking out huh okay well next up for me is a game that's very different than that yeah uh but it's fantastic and I was so excited to see it came to the switch that is called the framed collection so this is two games and they are puzzle games unlike anything I've ever played personally myself so the way this works is that it's a it's kind of like a film Noir where you are a spy you're not exactly sure what's going on in the beginning of the game where you're a spy you have a briefcase you're trying to basically get away from the cops and it's very much it looks like a comic book so your character will run across a panel and then in the next panel there may be a cop standing there well you'd get caught but you can move the panels around so for instance if there's a panel that's below that that has like say an Alleyway you put that panel first your character runs hits the alleyway and then then it goes to the panel with the cop so you can rearrange the Story in real time what it's oh my God yeah is awesome so that's how this game works it's very simple yet it gets complex as it goes along because you'll have more panels in there and you you have to kind of think about you have to sort of think about the different panels and okay my character would hit here go down the alleyway let's move this up here or like like if if the character encounters a a ladder or a pair of stairs well that'll take them up above the cop and then you can rearrange it in any way you want it's really cool it even gets crazier later on when you can actually turn panels so for instance uh something that might be a stairs going up you can turn it to going down it's like I said it's unlike anything I've ever played before it doesn't overstate its welcome each game is I think about three to four hours long you're blowing my mind right now oh yeah it's so so cool and again it's unlike anything I've ever played personally so when it came to switch I was very excited I had to rebuy it so a game I've heard of because when I started it I was in that camp okay like I had just like heard a decent amount about it basically in title only like gotta check out oxen free and I was like what is this yeah and so when I bought it and I didn't really know what to expect and guess what it's like a horror game huh from that from that title I would not guess that no and it's way different than what I was expecting so the basic premise is every year in this small Pacific Northwest town like a bunch of teenagers go to this island that's like a decommissioned military Island kind of turn tourist trap so this is basically a ghost story but the way they started off is so cool you're like in this cave and they're like yeah you know the kids who come here they say if you stand by these rocks and tune into the radio some weird stuff happens that's where you actually signal the ghost for the first time and they kind of talk in weird military like almost riddles like they use like the language for the alphabet with military thing that I can't think of Tango yeah so they like use a little bit of that and then at one point they're like is leave possible and you're like I guess so they're basically now you're stuck and they're like we're gonna get off this island and they're gonna help us and then you end up in all these weird like time loops and like it just gets Crazy Fast yeah and the in in this game it's you know 2D rather unassuming looking but it had like I jumped a couple times oh really yeah it has jump scare not very many but I was like oh damn and it's just not as expected at all and the main part of this game is the story it does have the radio mechanic and it has a few other things and platforming and things like that but it does have branching dialogue and the way it does it I think is really cool like it's very conversational someone's talking to you and then you get three dialogue boxes above your head but they're like timed basically it's because it's conversational the conversation's happy in real time okay and if you don't respond the conversation will continue without you oh interesting which I think is really yeah really cool that is cool it keeps it going yeah you don't there's no time to wait because I mean like if we're talking and you're like hey Kinsey what about this and I'm like hmm I would assume you've fallen asleep but I just really like the way they did it and what's great about this game is it is 19.99 but it goes on sale all the time for 4.99 that's what I bought it for like a while ago and I think at that price point and the amount it goes on sale it is so so worth it okay well speaking of horror themed games mine is also that it's funny how that that worked out that way um it's called Canada oh I'm in I know so this is another game where a lot of people are talking about they were so excited it was coming to the switch um and I had to pick it up so basically what this is this is The Walking Dead meets Oregon Trail and all right yo so so you know classic Oregon Trail is right like you're you're the covered wagon you're trying to get to Oregon you're going through all these trials and tribulations to get there uh this game's very much like that so you start in Florida and you and your buddy hop in a car it's zombie infested Apocalypse in America but you you get an inkling that up in Canada they're safe and so that's the plan is that you need to survive a certain number of days on the road to get to Canada and I've come so close oh my God so this game is so much fun so basically it's completely randomized every single time you play it everything is randomized the people the locations the the stuff you encounter the weapons all of it and it's so brilliant because like the Oregon Trail you run into scenarios where you know you're cruising down the road and maybe you meet up with some you know a random person who is seems come crazy out of their mind on the site do you help them do you do you leave them there and that can have repercussions as it goes on um a lot of moral choices it's a very a funny game surprisingly funny for being a zombie game but laugh out loud like at one point I picked up Elvis he sings and uh also too another thing that's kind of funny is that you can also create your you can create your own characters that may or may not show up in it so I created myself on the main menu and sure enough in my game after a while metal Jesus showed up but I don't know in what condition he is so so do I trust metal Jesus do I not uh thankfully it turned out that uh metal Jesus was a ninja oh sweet I was gonna be like well I've been down that road yeah so it's definitely a really fun game um so it has the Oregon Trail aspect of it every once in a while a couple times a day you have to get out of your car and forage for supplies or weapons or try to find people and uh that's really fun so you're trying to find gasoline for your car you're trying to find medical supplies food weapons stuff like that absolutely Charming game uh so much fun it's one of those games where when you die you just want to do it again you just want to okay because I I I I've never been to Canada like in the game can I get there man I gotta get there I want to survive I want to see what happens although knowing this game don't spoil it for me but it's probably messed up it's probably funny when it gets there so that that's my guess so next up for me is golf story and I think this is actually the only one on my list that's actually an exclusive that's not on PC that's not on now that I said it it better be true this is a really Charming golf RPG and what I love about it is it has the Retro style graphic so it reminds me of playing Mario Golf on the Game Boy okay like it just brought up all those like feelings again where I was like this is the best like I don't even like golf but what I like it's such like a tale of an underdog so it all starts you break up with your girlfriend you tell her I'm gonna go be a pro golfer and that goes well but and you go back to the course that your dad originally taught you how to play golf on is like the the premise and you're you have a lot of challenges ahead of you because you can't just walk into a golf club and be like I'm gonna be a pro golfer everyone's like whatever kid so you have like reluctant coaches like a really disheveled course that hasn't been as well cared for in a few years kind of like a shady guy who owns it so you have like all these obstacles to get through before you even get to play golf like so it's it's a really story driven RPG oh yeah yeah it's not short on the golf though I'm like the golfing feels so I believe there's eight different courses so they they mix it up really well like there's a course that is like Island based and that one's kind of hard because it's like a bunch of little Islands so there's a lot of water traps I remember when this game was announced for switch and I don't know what I but I wanted to I think it came out at a time whenever other games are out and I just it kind of got lost in the shuffle yeah so I'm really glad you mentioned it here because kind of bummed I'd want to pick it up it's so good huh it's so good I've never wanted to like pick up and play a golf game so much the mechanics are solid the writing is great like the actual story and it's very conversational the way they did the writing and even with the little speech bubbles sometimes the words are really little and sometimes they're gigantic and sometimes they're like well I tried and they like the speech bubble goes up and then it Slants to the side like just every little Nuance about it like it's really well done it's really fun and the golf is super solid all right well that's cool and my last game is Cat Quest oh my gosh you are so excited I just got announced you guys this game is incredibly self-aware of how ridiculous it is which is one of my favorite things about it it just makes it super charming and you're going on a possum Adventure full of tons of cat puns and if you're a cat person like I am right it just you know doubles the charm yeah but it's also a really fun RPG so the basic premise of this game is your sister gets kidnapped by this evil like wizard guy who brought the dragons back to the land because the land used to be at peace of course of course and then you find out you're actually a dragon blood which is an ancient bloodline of the only cats who can defeat Dragons It's kind of skyrimmy yeah yeah but I liked it I think it was very aware that it was channeling Skyrim yeah so but I mean I love Skyrim I love cats mush them together but like not exactly because it is like very Indie it is pretty simple the gameplay is very a slash and Dodge kind of mechanic but it makes it enjoyable like you're also not just like kill kill kill kill kill when you start you actually do have to dodge and you can get upgradable magic spells which are sweet but like it's so fun it does get to a point where you are like god-like and I do like this in games yeah like and it's not till the like pretty much the very end so it's it's fine but it is really fun at the end of these RPGs when you are just like mowing down people yeah I mean yeah you've earned it yeah it's awesome yeah and the secret weapons and the gear in this is great so you better find them okay they're so good and you get really great upgrades that'll expand the world a little bit like being able to swim and things like that so you can get to different islands and there's even some like secret islands that are super cheeky super fun so worth it to explore in this game and yeah like I said it doesn't overstay it's welcome it's not too long but it is an RPG it has really fun satisfying gameplay sometimes the dungeons can get a little bit stale because they're not super creative but you know for the price of this game I don't think it really heard that at all for me but I loved it you know it's funny I'm thinking about this the amount of variety on the switch is it's amazing isn't it yeah I mean there's a little of everything on this thing I mean first person shooters I we had all these puzzle games RPGs Indie Games it's amazing yeah and like I was telling you earlier I was actually having trouble pairing my choices down to five yeah I realized for half the time I was thinking about it I had six and I was like oh crap I did too I did too I know and so we want to hear at the end just mention a couple things here one you know we chose games that are 20 or under but actually a lot of these go on sale oh yeah and it Nintendo was putting these you know not only these games but all sorts of games on sale all the time so what I do is if the game comes out and I'm interested in and maybe it's 29 I add it to my wish list oh yeah I mean why not right and who knows maybe a month or a week or two months from now it'll be 50 off I was looking down there today and actually uh I forget what game it was but it was 80 off it was basically like two dollars when it was normally 20 or something yeah I know oxen free does that all the time yeah it's like five bucks all the time yeah so which which you know as you guys noticed we covered all digital games in this video we obviously are physical collectors you know if there were physical versions of this at the time of this we would prefer that but the reason why I bring it up is because when they're digital and they're cheap that's usually when I'll buy those yeah I mean and if you know some of these games I love so much that have down the road they came out musical yeah absolutely yes absolutely so we'd love to know down the comments you know so many games on the switch which ones would you like to see in a part two because we already have a couple games for that as well we'd love to know what you guys think so uh where can people find you on the internet uh you can find me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter all at canzilla k-i-n-s-c-i-l-l-a and on YouTube awesome all right guys thank you very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys metal Jesus here and I'm back again with Kenzie and we are here to talk about 10 great switch games under 20 I know this is gonna be awesome let's take a look all right so what's your first game so my first game is donut County when you told me about this I was like what the heck this game is so amazing it's a puzzle game and the premise is is that there's the character Mira who's a human and then BK who's a raccoon who work at this donut shop and BK gets super into this new app that he can deliver Donuts to people and if he gets so many points he gets a quadcopter and that's like all he cares about a quad cop quad okay okay and so he's answering this app like oh so-and-so wants me to deliver Donuts so he does it but in reality he's not delivery Donuts he's sending a hole to wherever that person is to like scoop up their trash and as you like get more and more and more the whole gets bigger until you're swallowing like people and fireplaces you do realize how crazy this sounds when you describe this game right like I'm nuts I know it's so crazy but it but when you play this game you see the Brilliance of it yeah you kind of described this as a kind of like a reverse Katamari right yeah so so that's the thing about this is that you're kind of like Katamari you're hot you're well you don't have a hole in there but your ball you essentially yeah it keeps getting bigger until like houses fall in and mountains yeah it's crazy but it's so much fun yeah and come on this one is it starts to add little puzzle elements to it as well there's point three up to empty out ponds that took me forever I was stuck and then this is gonna sound even crazier you fill your hole with water and then you take it to a bird to get rid of the water that's that's the puzzle I was stuck on and eventually get like cat bolts and trampolines and all kinds of things that you know power up your whole I was just yeah I'm not okay anyways but but the writing is fantastic the story is so good yes it's totally worth it the gameplay is is just as addictive as Katamari and it's different enough to wear you know kind of like what you said it's its own thing like yeah you know you can play and it's all not too long either no I played it all in one sitting oh did you wow okay it's like maybe I'm addicted yeah it's like maybe two and a half hours but any game where raccoons are trying to take over a town because they want all the trash is the game I want to play I just love your description of that game it's so hilarious all right okay so moving on to my game here is a game that some of you might have heard of uh I I just recently discovered it on the switch I hadn't played on any other systems that is unravel two and they spelled two t-w-o and the reason for that is because unlike the original game this one adds a Cooperative element to it now you don't have to play this game cooperative you can play single player however why would you do that because this game is brilliant as a co-op game have you played this yet no but it's so cute it is so basically you you play as a guy as a little ball of yarn and you have this trail behind you and in this game you're always connected to your part well you're almost always connected to your partner and you end up basically it's it's a it's a platforming game beautiful Graphics but it's very puzzle based so every single screen you're trying to figure out how to get to the you know the the other side or figure out some sort of puzzle and it's very it's so much fun Rebecca and I were playing it last night for way too long he was so addictive because you know you basically end up working together to try to swing the partner or or you know Traverse all these crazy you know puzzles it's just it's awesome you guys are looking at the footage you'll kind of get it but um yeah super fun and also it's a kind of game too where you can kind of screw each other over if you're not paying attention yeah because when they're swinging you are you are holding the Rope tight and you have to kind of let go at the right moment and you might splat them in the wall or fling them off you know some crazy Direction it's a it's a brilliant game so love it awesome because I really like the first one and the graphics are beautiful I can only imagine it being Co-op and just amazing yeah it's it's really cool too because it's it's kind of realistic as far as the level design goes because you're in the forest you're you're at the park um you you are in houses and stuff like that but it's also very fanciful because there's some weird kind of back story going on it's it's it's got everything it's really cool that's awesome and my next one is Griff or gree okay pretty everybody says Chris even that's what I was like oh yeah because it's like gray in Spanish that makes sense that makes sense okay okay but it's a platformer Adventure game that is based on this girl named green and it's actually a story about loss so when the game opens she's like in the hands of this like statue and she's trying to call out but she can't and then it crumbles and then she's in this like colorless World okay so as you're going through the game you're actually going through the different stages of loss and grief and you are slowly adding colors back to the world ah positivity it's so nice yeah and since there's no dialogue in the game you can basically have it be about any struggle and you can okay whatever you're going through it might match up even though it's lost and it does add additional gameplay elements as well so like there's Parts where you'll get an extra power where you can turn into a block and that actually has a really powerful scene probably my favorite scene where you're trying to walk through a windstorm and when you first encounter the Windstorm you can't go through it but then once you learn the block power you have overcome that hurdle and it's really beautiful yeah I've seen some gameplay footage of this and it does look really stunning yeah you know this is kind of I've said this before in other videos I like the fact that some game developers use the medium to do things more than just you know shooting people or whatever you know I mean it's like they're using it as an art form almost kind of like movies to tell stories that are you know in a very unique game kind of way yeah that's cool definitely because it never outwardly tells you it's about loss so if unless you know it's gonna be about whatever you want it to be about interesting because there's Parts where like you encounter like this big black mass that eventually becomes a bird and it hinders you on your way and while you're trying to solve puzzles it's being annoying but it can like change into different shapes basically and it'll like there's one point where you're trying to get up from the sea the sea is black sludge I think it's kind of like a bunch of metaphors yeah I think it's like when you're about to get up and then you hit that low Point okay and then you're trying to crawl back out but this thing's like sucking you down and you have to like get through it and what's cool about this game is you know I don't even know if I could die during the scene I have no idea but it felt like I could yeah you know when I'm going through it I was just like oh my God I gotta get out of here like very cool yeah it's so awesome I'll have to check it out the game I chose is called Valley and Valley's on a bunch of different systems but it just came to switch I checked it out it's unlike anything I played so far it's so cool so basically it's a first person Adventure exploration game you play as an amateur explorer that basically is trying to hunt down a a life seed and you're not really sure in the beginning what a live seed is but you end up in this Valley and it's kind of lost it's a Lost Valley you wake up there you don't you don't really know where you are you stumble upon what's called a leaf basically it's a mechanized suit that cool yeah that gives you the ability to jump really far in the beginning of the game uh you get to upgrade it later you can get like a grappling hook stuff like that however what you're really trying to do is figure out why this military base on this remote Valley was trying to harvest the life seed and build weapons from it I would also like to know the answer to that it's so weird right and get this the the suit allows you to take or give life so for instance you'll come across a tree that's dead and if you if you have enough life points on your your your your person you can actually restore them I know it's so nice yeah or you can also take away like for instance you can come across a an animal or whatever you can suck if you need energy you can suck up it's life it's a Trippy game however it's super addictive it actually I will tell you of all the games that I've covered in this video I kept coming back to this one because I had to know what was going to happen next um the way it works is that you're basically just kind of platforming exploring there's a little bit of light shooting so to speak um there's a little bit of light puzzles but really it's all about exploration it reminds me of a little bit of Bioshock about how you would find those those lost messages where people be talking about like the past you do that a lot in this but also uh it reminds me a little bit of Metroid Prime in how you explore on the worlds with Samus it's it's a really cool weird game so I I don't know I liked it so definitely check out Valley and next up for me is pikuniku I'm glad you pronounced that I didn't know what that was this game is so fun it's super like kind of happy and colorful and I like the opening to this game because you wake up in a cave and this like ghost who's a little sassy it's just like hey hey like oh get up and once you get out of your little cave because he's like it's dangerous to go alone take my full moral support because I'm a ghost and I got nothing to give you oh okay good luck on your adventure but you get out of the cave and you realize that you are this like fabled Beast because you're the Beast who sleeps in the mountains okay so you get out and you encounter this first town and they sell like Beast merchandise but you guys have to prove your worth and make them see that you're not the scary bees that they saw in folklore but that's kind of where this Beast thing ends but okay but so in this world there's a big like super mega corporation that is run by the greedy Mr Sunshine and his thing is to you he thinks more of resources as wealth as instead of money so he's tricking the population and to be like hey I'm just gonna come and take your junk but by junk he means your corn or your trees and he's like but I'll give you free money is this an RPG or what is this it's a kind of a puzzle platform or Adventure game okay okay yeah so but when he's like free money people are like yeah Mr Sunshine's here to give us free money and they like totally don't realize he's taking all the like the planets natural resources never trust someone called Mr Sunshine who's giving you free money I'm a corporation yeah So eventually you like meet up with this like underground resistance who like sees Mr Sunshine for what's really going on okay and then you join up with the with join up with them and help them out and it's really fun and they also have a co-op mode and there's like I think nine levels that you can play and cop and this game's super like Whimsical and fun and colorful but it does have that like oh there's this big scary looming Corporation so it has some like big story things and you know kind of heavy ideas but it sounds thinking cute and just remember you are perfect [Music] okay it means something I know I'm sure it does I have not played this game so all right next up for me is a game that I reviewed a couple years ago on Steam uh it's a really excellent twin stick shooter it is called uh assault Android Cactus and on switch they have a little plus there so it's a game that basically got a it got all the content from the other versions and I got a plus mode which is basically like a a campaign plus mode where they randomize all the different levels but uh you guys are looking at the footage now it is basically Smash TV kind of arena battles you know kind of like within like uh one screen or whatever cool yeah it is all twin six shooters you have two different weapons you have basically like a heavy weapon that you can't use all the time you are a robot cop I believe that basically has a little battery at the top you need to watch your energy um what's really great about it is that it's full 3d so it has beautiful graphics and also too the levels change as you play so for instance you'll be playing along and also the lights go out and then only you know only certain parts of it are lit up and also you have to not fall off the edges it keeps on your toes very much so it's a very intense game it's it's very challenging but there's a lot of content here of a lot of different robots that you can unlock it's super fun to have online leaderboards it's just it's got everything if you like twin stick Shooters you definitely have to check this game out I like twin six shooters and I like robots oh you would love this thing perfect and next up for me is a game that many people have been waiting for to come to the switch yes and that's cuphead as of this video it had like basically just come out and cuphead is absolutely stunning it's based on the I think it's called the rubber hose God I hope that's right because that sounds ridiculous is that an old cartoon yeah it's a style of Animation that was used by Disney a lot of other companies back in the like 1930s yeah and it just looks absolutely beautiful the animation style is smooth and Flawless and I know that some difficulty went into that because that kind of Animation style runs like way below 60 frames per second so to bring it up to that was its own thing oh interesting and with this game the premise is is that you are cuphead and mugman or cuphead or mugman but anyways in the beginning um you go to this casino and you're having the time of your life and then you end up making a deal the devil because you think you are on a roll and of course once you make a deal with the devil you roll snake eyes so then cuphead and mugman like plead and plead and plead and plead that in order to repay that debt they have uh made another deal with them to go around and be his debt collectors okay so you're going around to these different bosses and each boss is a debtor to the devil and if you beat the boss then you get their soul and it'll sign the contract so you're going around I think there's about 15 different bosses depending on how you play and there's boss battles but there's also Run and Gun levels so where you're more like platforming and shooting and I personally find the directional shooting that you can do a little clunky yeah but the animation's so good I almost don't care so this game when you mentioned it was gonna be on this list I know this game is notoriously difficult how did it how did it work out for you so the weird thing about this game is you can play it on regular or simple which is a little bit patronizing but if you play it on SIMPLE you can't actually beat the game oh you can only go so far oh so maybe kind of like a training sort of yeah it's like a training thing but simple is I tried playing on regular I die like really quick you know it's funny because when this came out for the Xbox One uh a lot of people were I mean when they would beat it they would post on Twitter and Facebook and be like oh my God I just beat this game like it was an achievement in their life you know what I mean it really is yeah one thing I found about this game is I've just been playing it on SIMPLE because people don't learn it that's yeah that's wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with that because it's still difficult on simple and I mean what I liked about it is it's kind of pattern memorization so you can replay a level and it puts you back in pretty quickly so I didn't tend to get too frustrated yeah and if I did beat one it felt real good yeah I know this isn't a game I'm gonna be able to beat but that's okay it's cool that they brought this to switch you know I think this is a I think it's going to get a whole other audience here yeah I haven't personally played it myself it's simply because I've heard it is really difficult and I just know for myself I need to put the time into it to really beat that I just haven't had the time so uh maybe on the Switch I'll pick it up for sure so yeah you can play at Co-op yeah so make it a little bit easier with a friend not that much either we'll have to try that maybe they're just in your way but it's super beautiful and if this is a game you've been you know waiting on because maybe you don't have an Xbox one maybe now's the time to get it yeah that's cool uh next up for me is a game uh Shantae and the pirate's curse now this is a game that's been out for a couple years because it originally came out I believe I have it on the 3DS and the the Shantae games for the first thing is that it was a kind of a dormant 2D platforming series back on I believe the Game Boy Color or something like that yeah long time ago and then Way Forward basically brought it back and this is the third game in the series and it's just classic 2D 16-bit Graphics uh platforming it's got puzzle aspects of it it's a little bit kind of like Metroid in that you you do a little bit of backtracking you have to kind of upgrade sometimes to either find hidden areas or you know get to where you need to go um I adore the main character uh she's so feisty so funny I like the fact she uses her hair to whip it's a it's a game that a lot of people are familiar with maybe you don't realize it's on the switch or you don't realize that it's you know basically under 20 or I forget what the price is exactly it might be exactly at twenty dollars but it's a classic for a reason it's really well made Way Forward make excellent games they always have in my book so it's almost it's just a no-brainer just go check it out and they're on a roll with the Shantae games I know I know it's actually yeah I mean they they put out another one I forget what that one's called a half Genie half Genie hero yes and then also um I think they're gonna kick start a pick one or something nice I know so yeah very cool series definitely check it out and next up for me is the red strings club and so this is a cyberpunk adventure game and it's sort of a visual novel-ish and you might notice that we might be pixelating some stuff in the gameplay footage yes and you you've warned me ahead of time and so the the pixelate tool in my video editor is going yeah full time yeah it's gone to good use this game is pretty M rated okay it's got a lot of swearing a lot of lot and it's apocalyptic but kind of that kind of world you're gonna be swearing a lot it's true it's set in a world where there's like kind of a mega corporation that supplies these implants that people can use and people are all about them because you can enhance your physical appearance or you know make yourself more persuasive in business meetings or make yourself Famous online like you can do all kinds of things with these implants so why wouldn't you okay but one person who didn't is the bartender named Donovan and he's the one you play as for most of the game and he's also an information broker which is a great job for a bartender because people tell you all kinds of things especially when they got drinks in them and he's a very special kind of bartender because his drinks can play off people's emotions so you can mix drinks that'll play off like for example lust or depression anxiety Madness like you can play off all these different emotions in order to get different reactions out of people which will yield you different information so it's a really handy skill to have if you're trying to get information out of people about this Mega Corporation because like part of this game is that there's of course this Mega Corporation and so of course there's the like resistance you are against said Mega Corporation so I mean that's basically what it's about is kind of figuring out what their secrets are are they unveiling this new thing that's going to destroy the humanity who knows they're a manga Corporation that's all they do that's all they do yeah well okay so that's so funny that you brought up this game because my last game is also a visual novel that is cyberpunk and you play as a bartender I know it's so funny but I originally saw Valhalla at Pax a couple years ago and I saw its art style and I talked to the developer and I was like sold so so your game is very emirated mine's a little bit more PG-13 not that there's anything wrong with that you know I'm just saying but uh you'll see more footage of mine here but basically yeah you play as a bartender and you kind of hinted at this at the the brilliant thing about a game that is story driven that has you playing as a bartender is that there's so many different characters go to a bar yeah get drunk and tell their story and it's just a you know it's a mix of every kind of character and this game is all about characters so I want to say right off the bat I've tried playing visual novels in the past I have as well yeah and I always get bored I always feel like I'm clicking the the next button yeah I mean it's like the dialogue is taking too long it's I don't care what they're saying get to the point get you know keep moving the story along with Valhalla it's the first visual novel game I've ever played where I was just riveted every character that the dialogue I was sitting there going can you say that in video games like it was crazy stuff it was so much fun wow that's awesome yeah I mean it's it's from the Whimsical to the really kind of heartbreaking you know and it's so well written so I've been really impressed with Valhalla I think you guys will too it's a it's a really special game again if you hate visual novels or you haven't liked in the past give it a try so that's another 10 games that are really fun to play on the switch that are 20 bucks or under and you may have noticed this is sort of like part two to a video we've already done but I mean the switch seems to have like endless under 20 fantastic games oh I know it's funny because if I don't pick up my switch for like a week or two and I go back into the the eShop I'm like oh my God you're just like scrolling forever it's it's really well supported by both big Publishers Indie developers it's it's awesome it's awesome so we'd love to know down the comments if there are other games which we know there are that you would like to see in upcoming videos let us know because obviously we're big fans and we'll probably download them actually yeah so where can people find you on the internet uh you can find me at canzilla k-n-s-z-i-l-a on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Youtube yay all right thanks very much for watching guys thank you for subscribing take care hey guys metal Jesus here so we're at a very interesting point in the life cycle of the Nintendo switch because it's been out long enough that there's a decent amount of games out there that you can now get for you know 20 or less and so in this video I'm going to share with you 10 Nintendo switch games that you can pretty much find for twenty dollars or less and often they are in physical releases although obviously sometimes you can get even better deals if you're willing to go digitally all right let's take a look we're going to start with a game called battle Chasers Night War now I want to be clear this game is not exclusive to the switch it's also available I believe on the PC PS4 and also the Xbox one but as you guys know one of the big benefits of getting the switch version is that you can play it portably and so that's what a lot of these games are gonna be this is a turn-based RPG based on a popular comic series and in this game you play as a group of adventurers that are trapped on this Mysterious Island and then you go about interacting with some of the locals you're trying to find out who the big Baddie is and ultimately you're just trying to get off of this island and the game has you traversing the overall map to basically Advance the story there's also some combat there as well some some enemies get in your way and you'll jump into a turn-based battle which is gonna feel very familiar to fans of you know the 16-bit and 32-bit turn-based style that sort of Final Fantasy style of combat but then the game will zoom in to some of the dungeon-like areas and this is where it becomes a little bit more Diablo like where it's an isometric View and you do a little bit more of exploring a little bit more puzzle solving things like that but as you see here it's got some really great visuals and also some fantastic voice acting and this is not a short game by any means it's actually fairly long it's going to take you up to 30 hours to complete so this is a very cool RPG especially if you like turn-based combat so definitely check it out next up is a game I never expected to see released on the switch that of course is the wonderful 101 so this game was originally released back in 2013 on the Nintendo Wii U and it was developed by Platinum Games they are the creator of the amazing Bayonetta series as well as near automata and also astral chain among many more and unfortunately at the time it was considered somewhat of a sales disappointment on the Wii U so this was an attempt to you know try to find a new audience for it on the switch the premise of this game is that you are one of 101 superheroes that can unite to create this kind of morph that can happen when there is a big group of you and create these kind of uber weapons to either give you an advantage in battle or help you solve puzzles or maybe even get through the level itself and you do that by drawing certain shapes and letters now you originally did this on the Wii U touchpad but it also supports the analog stick although in my opinion it doesn't work quite as well and on the switch these controls have been they've been translated over to the switch fairly well although again I'm not really a fan of using the thumbstick I think playing this in portable mode using the touchscreen is by far the better way to go that said this is an incredibly hectic and hyperactive game that frankly just never lets up on the action for very long and it's got some hilarious characters and presentation it just doesn't take itself very seriously at all and definitely has some huge laughs in the story so I'm very happy to see that it was brought over to the switch and given an additional extra life next up is a game that is a bit of a surprise it's called John Wick hex and this game basically serves up as a prequel to the movie series and I absolutely love these movies bees and in this game you also play as John Wick but what's really cool about this game is it takes those kind of crazy choreographed shootouts from the movies and then slows them down to a turn-based strategic combat in every turn you can move John reload your weapon you can heal yourself you can refocus your energy or you can engage in combat and you can do that either hand to hand or with a weapon and I've seen a lot of people compare this to games like say XCOM and yeah that's pretty accurate although this this I think feels like it goes faster than that which is kind of you know on par with the movies as well and so yes it's similar to the turn-based kind of combat and movement in XCOM but it also has its own kind of vibe and as a nice little touch that once you complete a level you can then re-watch the entire level in real time almost like it was a scene from the movies it's it's really cool [Music] next episode game I'm very excited to talk about it is Star Wars pinball and it's made by Zen Studios which is a company that knows a thing or two about video pinball they've made dozens of great tables for a lot of licensed companies including Marvel Williams they've done Jurassic Park tables walking dead aliens Bethesda and just a ton more and this is a great collection because it comes with 19 tables covering most of the movies plus it's got some TV shows thrown in there like clone wars and also Star Wars Rebels and they've even got some really cool theme tables in there that are dedicated to things like Tie Fighter versus Star Fighters Jedi versus Sith and a bunch more oh yeah and it even supports the flip grip so you can play the game in vertical mode that's awesome so if you like Star Wars you like pinball this is a must buy next up is a title that maybe you haven't heard of before that is Kaze and the wild masks so this is 100 a 90 style 2D platforming game in the best possible way in this game you play as kazak is trying to save her friend from a curse and it spans over 30 levels and it has an additional 50 bonus levels so there's a lot of content here and as you progress to the game you acquire these wild masks which give you additional powers from like say a lizard or shark a tiger or even an eagle and that kind of helps break up the gameplay and keep it interesting and as you can see by this gameplay footage it's just a truly beautiful pixel art game and it also has some really solid controls and gameplay to boot it's also not too long either a clock's in around six hours to complete which means it doesn't overstate its welcome now I get that there have been a ton of these type of games released over the last couple years but this really is a fun one and I love the fact that it got a physical release and like I said for the most part you can get it for 20 bucks or less alright next up I have two games I have Darkseid two and three and you know these games have been released on many different systems over the years as a matter of fact all three Darksiders games have been released on the switch however the original Darksiders is a little bit over 20 bucks so I wasn't going to focus on that instead I'm going to highlight the second and third game which is fine because well technically the second game is considered probably the best in the series and we can get it for under 20 bucks and physical yeah that rocks now if you're not familiar with these games they're basically action adventure games where you control death who is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and in this game you're trying to clear your brother's reputation he's been accused of a crime and in doing so you're also trying to resurrect Humanity by traveling to the the tree of life so that's the plot of this game it's not exactly the most original game it may sound a little bit familiar but that's okay because it's got it where it counts the gameplay and speaking of which these games definitely we play very similar to the early God of War games where you do a lot of fighting kind of hack and slash style but there's also a good amount of platforming and sort of puzzle solving things like that plus you've got the edgy characters and plot now I do like this game though because it's got some really great character designs especially your main character death he just looks badass it's also got some great voice acting and some pretty decent Graphics especially you know on the switch right the switch isn't exactly that powerful you can definitely tell this is a triple a title with some money and development behind it and it's decently long too at around 20 hours to complete the main story and what of War would you kill your brother to save your precious balance is innocent are you so certain next up is a game that I was very excited to see was getting a remastered version that of course is Destroy All Humans I originally played the first game back on the PlayStation 2 and I really loved it but uh this is an HD remake of that original game designed for modern consoles with a little bit better graphics as well as some motion capture for the characters during the cutscenes so you'll notice a bit of a bump there in quality and while the graphic updates are nice the heart of this game is still a ton of fun so in this game you play as crypto 137 which is an alien with a bad attitude that arrives on Earth basically during the 1950s and his goal is to harvest human DNA that is needed to keep a species alive so you're kind of playing the bad guy here which is really fun now this is mostly an open world game that allows you to solve puzzles kind of however you want you do a mix of using your alien Weaponry as well as some of your psychic abilities and it gives you a lot of tools to mess around with including the ability to read minds you can also disguise yourself as other humans so that you can blend in with them you can levitate and pick up objects and a lot more however probably my favorite thing in this game is to hop into your spaceship cruise around and just blow everything up in sight that never gets old now it's not a perfect game but it's certainly fun and very memorable it's hilarious and honestly for 20 bucks or less yeah you should definitely check it out next up is the Bioshock collection and this has a little bit of a caveat here so basically it contains all three Bioshock games in this one collection however it's important to note that that game card is only 16 gigabytes in size meaning that you have to still download another 30 gigabytes once you put it into your switch I know that's incredibly annoying but I just need to point it out that said when I first bought this I was originally blown away that I was able to play these games portably like on the switch it was it was amazing also they include in here all of the DLC which at the time was considered some of the best DLC missions released pretty much for any game and is certainly worth playing because they definitely tie into the main story in really cool ways and when I got this I went back and replayed BioShock Infinite on the switch and again I was blown away just how well it runs on the handheld I mean it was a joy to revisit and again there's just a ton of content included here so with these collections you're looking at over 40 hours of gameplay so yes it's annoying that's not all the content is actually on that game card but at you know 20 bucks or less I do think it's still a good deal all right next up you know me I gotta have a racing game in here and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is a good one again another surprise when this was initially announced because typically EA does not go back and remaster many of these Need for Speed games but what's cool is that this is considered by many myself included one of the last truly great Need for Speed games so I'm so happy that they remastered this and brought it to Modern consoles and one of the reasons why this game is so good is because it was created by Criterion games which you will recognize as the makers of the burnout series and because of that this definitely has a bit of a more arcadey feel to it than some of the newer kind of simulation style Need for Speed games I also like how the locations and tracks are based on west coast states like Washington Oregon and California which I'm very familiar with and it definitely gives it a lot of variety in those levels and the racing challenges another thing I like about this game is that the developer doesn't try to just wedge in some cheesy story into it I mean this is all about racing both from the street racer perspective and also the police officer that's it and so I'm kind of hoping this game did fairly well because it would be cool for EA to go back and maybe try to remaster some of the other Need for Speed games what do you think and next up another controversial one especially on the switch that is Resident Evil the origins collection so let's talk about the positives here so they take the original Resident Evil HD as well as Resident Evil Zero HD from the GameCube and then they're bringing it over to the switch that's the good thing sadly though only Resident Evil Zero is actually on that game card so you'll need to download Resident Evil HD if you want to play that game that is annoying as hell and at the time if I remember right this game was sold full retail at sixty dollars which rubbed a lot of Resident Evil fans the wrong way you know especially when you consider that one of the games isn't even on the card and I guess that's why now because you can get it at under 20 I feel like it's a good option if you want to play these games portably on the switch and you can do what I did which was pick up the PS4 version which has both games on a disc and is also under you know 20 bucks so it's it's not great I hate it when companies do this I wish they would just pay the little extra to get all the content on that actual card don't require downloads but it is what it is these are really fun to play um they look great there is some long load times which is kind of annoying so it's not a perfect collection but again when it's cheap you can kind of make the call there so anyways guys that is 10 Nintendo switch games that you can find typically for twenty dollars or less hey guys metal Jesus here now today I want to share with you some Nintendo switch hidden gems that I found in the eShop now there are a ton of games being released in the eShop and it's easy to miss them so let's take a look [Music] [Music] all right we're going to start off with a nice little time waster called Atomic Run Gun jump gun that is such a funny subtitle because it perfectly fits this little game this game is the epitome of a game that is just one more try we're basically you keep dying and dying as you you basically feel like it's impossible to get through these tough levels but then you just magically do it and it feels awesome I also really dig it's kind of cool retro pixel art style graphics It just fits perfectly plus this game is surprisingly funny between each level there is a guy that will talk to you and they just say the weirdest stuff I mean usually you Skip by that stuff but in this game you actually want to read it because it'll make you laugh and as you can tell by this footage I am dying all over the place but the game is super fun so definitely check it out foreign this next game is called Earth lock and it might look kind of familiar to some of you who have played this on other systems that's because this game originally came out as earthlock Festival of Magic on PC and also consoles like the Xbox One and also the PlayStation 4. however when the game originally came out it got mediocre reviews and the developer at the time was actually working on the sequel but they stopped and took all that criticism to heart and put the sequel on hold and then they dedicated over a year of time to fix almost everything that people didn't like about it and so that's the version of the game that we get on the switch which probably should have been the original version all along but again they had an extra year of development to really polish it for instance they added more memorable characters also Wittier and kind of more personable dialogue for all the different characters in the game they added side quests also hidden bosses and a bunch of other little tweaks in they list on their website but basically this is a throwback to say the PlayStation one era of jrpgs and what I mean by that is that you know in addition to turn-based combat this also has crafting gardening a bunch of stuff like that now that said I don't think this game is perfect or frankly that memorable but it is a really solid and fun jrpg so if you're missing those classic role-playing games from like say the N64 era well then definitely check this out what's up [Music] lately I've been playing an awful lot of a game called Skies of Fury DX and as you can see here it is a World War one style arcade aerial dog fighting game that's really well made now right off the bat I want to mention that this used to be a mobile free to play game that you would play on your smartphone but thankfully all of that stuff has been stripped out and what you get is a fully functional frankly pretty large game for instance you can play as either the Germans or the allies and there are over a hundred campaign missions to keep you busy for a while there's also four player split screen multiplayer dogfights which is pretty awesome there's tons of unlockables too to keep you playing the game including upgrades for your aircraft both in performance but also in the way it looks now I spent most of my time playing the single player campaign and what you do in that is kind of what you do in a lot of these games where you do Deathmatch aerial dog fighting taking down waves and waves of enemies there's also escort missions and also time trials through optical courses all told if you miss games like Red Baron or even Crimson Skies well definitely check this out I do love my racing games so I had to include mantis burn racing on the switch now originally this was released on Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 but the switch version is the complete package with all of the DLC included but even more than that I've read that some of the reviews of the Xbox One and PS4 versions people were getting kind of inconsistent frame rates and that is something I did not experience on the switch I mean it feels like it's pushing close to 60 frames a second although it's definitely dropping depending on how many AI cars are on the screen but it's always playable I mean I I didn't notice hardly at all now as for the game itself as you can see here it is a top-down arcade racing game now this is very simple to play but pretty tough to master as races get faster and faster as you progress and upgrade your car also I found that the computer AI is no slouch they keep you on your toes through the entire game also you'll notice that drifting is a big part of this game so knowing when to drift and also when to boost is key to your success I also think that the tracks and environments look pretty cool I mean it's a nice looking game although that said it doesn't seem like there are a ton of tracks in the game and you end up going through them forward and reverse which is a little bit disappointing the game also supports classic couch style split screen up to four players and you can go online to raise up to eight players and it supports cross Network play very cool next up is a game called brech forces battle now this is a mix of classic Breakout with a little bit of arcanoid thrown in and then obviously a very Japanese aesthetic and just like those other games you control the paddle at the bottom and try not to let the ball get past you although as you can see this one is based on food or specifically breakfast because why not I think what kind of sets this game apart is that obviously you don't want the ball to get past you but really it's focusing on Combos and then keeping them going through the use of the power ups now I have to say this game gets incredibly hectic as it moves along because often I would lose track of that ball amidst all this flying debris that said this is a fun and enjoyable take on that classic breakout style gameplay it's not going to change your world or anything but this is a fun little time waster when you're on the go now next up is a game called Kona now some people have called this a walking simulator but I actually think it's a bit more than that unlike other walking Simulator games that I've played this one has a bit more Adventure style gameplay than most played entirely in the first person you are up in the coldest parts of Canada trying to solve a murder mystery and how it relates to the strange people who live in the area now I would describe this game as a mix of say film Noir mixed in with a little bit of local Canadian folklore and then also a tad bit of survival horror as well in this game you do a lot of reading of notes and messages left behind primarily in creepy empty sheds and also abandoned homes and businesses I like playing these games every once in a while because they're a nice break from the typical action heavy games I normally play so if you're looking for a game that has an intriguing story as well as a touch of detective work well definitely check it out Toki Tori oh yes a puzzle game with platforming elements now this is going to be familiar to some of you because sequels have come out recently in the last couple years however this is the original version you can call this kind of like a remaster or reboot it originally came out on the Game Boy Color so yes this is a remake of the original Game Boy Color version with obviously a new coat of paint in this puzzle game you play as a young chick trying to rescue your siblings that are still in eggs hidden all around the level and to help you do that you have tools to get through the level including the ability to build Bridges also warp to other levels freeze enemies and more but the trick to this game is that you can only use those tools a set number of times now if you use them incorrectly or at the wrong moment well the puzzle is unsolvable but thankfully you have the ability to rewind time and try and try again this game is a bit of a mind vendor and honestly I find it to be very tough maybe because I'm not the smartest guy but when I would solve it it would feel awesome so if you love puzzle games that are going to work your brain definitely check it out next up is aqua Kitty udx this game is going to feel very similar to fans of Defender do you remember playing defender back in the 80s at the arcade oh man I certainly do and this is a really cool clone and like Defender this game is a shooter where you move your ship side to side using the left and right bumpers to change the direction you're facing in the midst of all the shooting you have to keep an eye on that mini map up at the top there because that is tracking where the enemies are but more importantly also where your cat friends are possibly being abducted so just like in Defender every once in a while you'll hear a cat cry out and that means they're being abducted and taken to the surface that means you gotta rush over there and try to save them as quickly as possible new to the switch version is a brand new Dreadnought boss mode as well this is a really fun classic style shooter game if you like Defender definitely check it out so that's some of the games I've been playing on my switch but I would love to know what you guys recommend I pick up next please post a comment down below as always I want to thank you for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys middle Jesus here and now that the switch has been out for a couple years I thought it might be a good time to take a look at eight switch racing games that you may have missed this is gonna be a mix of new games as well as games that have been out for a while and maybe those older games got updates that uh you want to pay attention to now so let's take a look so the first game I want to talk about you see it here it's called overlanders and this is by a company called rundown games and as you can see by the gameplay footage here it is a racing game that is inspired very much so by Star Wars Pod racer although I have to be honest this is a little bit tougher so be warned and the reason why I say it feels like pod racers because the controls feel very similar to that game where you have the Dual analog sticks to help you control make those really tight Corners plus it has that kind of slippery vibe that you're used to in that arcade game and like in Pod racer you have weapons and power-ups to boost your vehicle so you get better over time one really cool aspect of this game is a race where you and your competitors are actually trying to take down this charging Beast that is running in front of you the game calls it a Monster Hunt that's exactly what it is so in addition to trying to race and not crash in the stuff you're also trying to get close enough to that Beast to try to take him down it's actually a pretty fun mode that I was really surprised to see here now overall I think this game runs really well and it has pretty good graphics as you can see here although there are some spots especially when you're starting a race where the textures kind of pop in as they're loading so this game's a little rough around the edges just kind of keep that in mind it's also currently only digital so there's no physical version of this yet but I do think it's a surprisingly fun game it's not perfect but if you miss playing a new pod racing game well definitely check it out all right the next game I want to mention is one that you may be familiar with if you played it on mobile and that is Asphalt 9 Legends by Gameloft now the reason I want to mention it here is because some people may not realize it actually got released on the switch and the release is kind of interesting this game is primarily known as a free to play game and when it was brought over to the switch it's still available for you to check out for free and you can play it that way however you can also pay the twenty dollars which is what I did and basically get access to almost everything that you would ever need now because it already played this game on mobile I knew I was going to enjoy it on switch so I just went ahead and bought the starting racer bundle for 20 bucks which basically gives you blueprints to unlock a bunch of the more advanced cars right off the bat it also gives you 200 000 credits to apply to upgrades you know you would normally have to grind for so you don't have to do that as well as 300 tokens and if you're not familiar with this series it's a really cool mix of say burnout and Ridge Racer because the speed is there the crashes are there as well as how the levels are designed but really for me what I love about this game that it does almost better than any other is the drifting you see there are a lot of arcade games that include drifting and some of them do it better than others obviously I mentioned Ridge Racer which is probably the king of drifting in these games but I always have this learning curve that I have to kind of fight through to really control the car through turns you know drifting is something that's kind of unnatural to do in some of these games but in my opinion actually Asphalt 9 is one of the best examples of drifting because it's so easy to get into and you master it after basically just one race and I think the reason why it does it so well is because it doesn't even attempt to try to be realistic in any way so I just really appreciate the speed of this game the graphics as you can tell are really great on switch uh the controls just the energy and the excitement of this game it's it's pretty awesome I think one of the downsides to this game is that the free to play interface is still included in the game and as you can see here it's very cluttered there's a lot of stuff going on it's somewhat confusing but again thankfully if you don't want to worry about that you can just drop the money in the beginning just buy it for 20 bucks or maybe even get lucky and get it on sale I'm definitely glad that the asphalt Series has been brought over to the switch with a lot of that free to play stuff you know stripped out or at least optional because Underneath It All there is a really solid and really well made arcade racing game that definitely deserves to be played next up is Nickelodeon cart Racers as you guys can see by the footage here this is obviously inspired by some of the classic cart racing games like Mario Kart as well as crash bandicoots and as you would expect you can play as several Nickelodeon characters including my favorites when I saw them on the cover I was like oh yeah I'm gonna play as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles now one thing I want to mention is that there are several difficulty settings and the game defaults to beginner which if you look at this footage it might seem kind of slow especially if you've been playing these kind of games for a long time it wasn't until I went into the menu and increased the difficulty I was like okay that's how it speeds up the game which then started to feel more natural but it is nice that they include the beginner mode here if you're new to these kind of racing games now being that this is a Nickelodeon game of course slime is gonna play a role in it and the way it works here is that slime actually builds up boost and so you want to drive over it as much as possible and what's funny is because when I first started playing this game I was so used to trying to avoid things like you know oil slicks that originally I was just like I avoided them which is the the totally wrong thing that you would want to do and what's cool is that some levels have you racing in rivers of slime that then starts to feel very similar to like say the Sonic All-Stars Racing where now you're kind of on a boat like device and it kind of changes up the way that it controls and you know mixes the game up nicely now if you do extremely well in a race you might earn a Victory lap which is basically a minute of you on the track alone trying to collect as many coins and mystery boxes as possible which an intern will give you some random loot that you can then use to get new paint you know schemes or upgrades and more money and I gotta say the level design in this is really well done as you can see by this footage here they're very colorful very fun to explore sometimes almost overwhelmingly kind of like Mario Kart where you get distracted by all the stuff in the background but again something I was really surprised with this looks like it might be a budget title but it doesn't doesn't look like it doesn't feel like it so I guess I would say that this is a pretty well made kart racing game on the switch it's way better than you would think so if you're into kart racing games you've already played some of the big name ones like the Mario Karts and stuff like that definitely check this out [Applause] here's a game that I've talked about before but I want to bring it up here again because again the switch version is so great and that of course is Riptide GP Renegade now if this kind of game looks sort of familiar well it's probably because this was made by the excellent programmers over at Vector unit now they have some of the same people who also worked on some of the Hydro Thunder games and honestly this is one of the best arcade racing games I think in the last several years and this game definitely follows in a hydro Thunder's footsteps where you're racing on water you're doing tricks for Boost as well as you can upgrade your vehicle and fully customize it and this is a really nice looking game both in its level design as well as the water effects those water effects there they're just top-notch and I like how the level designs are very Fantastical like they were in Hydro Thunder where it's kind of futuristic you're not exactly sure what's going on but it's a cool place to to race through the trick system is surprisingly deep and something you're definitely going to want to spend some time mastering because like other games like Splashdown or SSX tricky you're going to want to do that because if you land the trick you can get boost which is essential to winning races one hint I would give you if you're playing this game you're getting stuck is that upgrades definitely matter in this game because if you're struggling to get first place and unlock the next level well it's most likely because you need to upgrade your vehicle or perhaps maybe unlock a better one so sometimes you end up having to replay previous levels that you've already beaten just to get more money so that way you can get the next vehicle I tell you what though I play this game on multiple systems now and I definitely consider it a modern racing classic I'd love to see them do a sequel here are some racing games that some of you might already be familiar with that of course is gear Club unlimited one and two but what you may not know is that they also released a Porsche expansion to the second game and that expansion includes a new seasonal game mode as well as three new championships it also comes with a bunch of new Porsches that you can unlock as well as a legendary Porsche that you can win as a trophy but really that's just adding to a series of games that are already Rock Solid on the switch now if you've never played the gear Club unlimited games on switch well as you can see here they're very much inspired by the forza series and actually when the first game came out on switch it was filling a need that I felt was sorely missing on switch because you know there were a couple arcade racing games but nothing like this nothing where they took you know realistic graphics with real cars and kind of realistic scenarios and uh you know it filled that void very well it's two big features are very similar to Forza for instance this line here on the road now you can toggle that if you don't like it but basically that's giving you real-time feedback as to the best line that you should be taking around corners as well as you know telling you if you're going too fast or not and the other feature that's really handy is a rewind time feature so anytime that you screw up on a corner or maybe you hit a car and you just want to do a do-over well you can hold down a button back up time to right before you screwed up and then take another run at it and there doesn't seem to be any penalty in using that feature so use it as much as you want it's a great feature to have in the game one of the biggest complaints against this series and I would probably agree is that they tend to be a little bit on the Bland side now don't get me wrong the graphics the cars the controls the racing Everything feels great but there's no soul to this game it feels very empty and very cold now they do have some Talking Heads these little you know line drawn characters here but honestly you just kind of skip past it you don't care so it would be cool if in the next game in the series if they would look towards Forza Horizon or you know even the Need for Speed series and just put a little bit more personality into it I think that would go a long ways into making these just a little bit more popular now I do want to mention something and that is if you're like me and you like to collect the physical versions of these games well don't be tricked by this case because I actually bought this at a GameStop and I assumed that the Porsche stuff was going to be on the cartridge and it is not it's actually a download code in there so just be aware a bit of a bummer but it's still a really fun game [Applause] here is Horizon Chase turbo another racing game that I've talked about on my channel previously but the reason why I want to bring it up here in this video is because since the making of that one they've actually released two big updates that I think are worth talking about now if you're not familiar with this game well you are in luck because as you can tell by this footage here this has a great old school vibe to it really tight controls and just over the top speed I definitely like the art style in this game it's both a throwback to those classic Super Nintendo Genesis games but it's also somewhat modern looking and there is already a ton of content included on the retail release there's a ton of races and tracks to explore as a matter of fact there's an entire world that you scroll around and you can just travel from country to Country City to City it's pretty cool there's a lot of reasons to go back and replay this game and try to get gold medals in every single location and one of the things that really sets this game apart to me is that you have to pay attention to your fuel which is very very old school feeling because as you race your fuel is slowly going down and you can barely lose a race if you don't pay attention and refuel now you'll see little fuel cans on the track and so again don't ignore those you have to pick them up and the developer continues to support this game so the first thing I want to talk about is the free DLC that you can download that adds a beginner mode now this is really nice if maybe you're new to this style of arcade racing game or maybe you're just a casual Player download the beginner mode and check it out I mean again it's free and then for only two dollars they release this DLC called Summer Vibes which is basically a love letter to outrun in that DLC you get a new exclusive car which is a tribute to the classic convertible Ferrari that you would derive and outrun also they took 12 roads out of the main campaign and then redesigned them for kind of a summer vibe and then finally they strung them all together so you could technically drive from coast to coast kind of like on your own mini vacation so yeah Horizon Chase turbo was already a really fun arcade racing game that they made even better with that DLC if you haven't played it definitely check it out [Applause] and then there's two games here at the end that I want to mention more as honorable mentions and the first one being fast rmx now this game is going to be very familiar to people who bought a switch at launch because this was a launch title and it came out at a time when there really wasn't a lot of arcade racing games and this one just blew people's minds this game is excellent but I wanted to mention this game because if he came to switch a little bit late well you may have missed this title because now there's a ton of games in the eShop to choose from as you can see by this footage fast rmx is obviously inspired by f-zero as well as the Wipeout series it's got that futuristic design it's got that insane sense of speed and really tight controls this game introduced this really cool phase Shifty mechanic where at the push of a button you can switch between either yellow or blue phase which will give you a boost depending on if you match the color that is on the track in the beginning of this game that's somewhat optional but as the tracks get more and more complex and the games get faster and there's bigger jumps and tougher computer Racers to go against well you're definitely going to want to master that phase ability and then there's the game grip which I've talked about on my channel before it's come out on the switch but you can also get it on other consoles as well and this is basically a spiritual sequel to the PlayStation one classic roll cage now the premise of this game and the reason why it's called grip is because your futuristic vehicle doesn't really have any up or down and the tracks are designed to take advantage of that what that means is that during a race you'll be on the ground but then all of a sudden you'll find yourself on the ceiling you'll find yourself on the sides it's absolute Madness there really isn't any right way to go through these tracks and it becomes chaos at times now admittedly this was originally released in somewhat of a rough state that kind of disappointed some fans of the original game but the developers have patched and updated this quite a bit based on community feedback it's not a perfect game but it is a pretty fun arcade racing game and I go back to it time and time again alright guys that's a quick look at eight switch games that I feel like should not be missed but there are a bunch of other games I could have mentioned so I would love to know what games you think that I should check out as well as others who are watching this video please post a comment below because as you guys know the eShop is filled with games and sometimes it's hard to find the good stuff alright guys thank you very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys metal Jesus here and I am back with another switch video I thought it might be kind of fun to show you some of the games I have been playing on my switch lately and this video is going to be a mix of physical releases as well as digital and I'm gonna have a racing game in here Shooters got some running guns also adventure games so let's take a look the first one here is called rise race the future now first glance this may look like yet another you know Wipeout or Ridge Racer Style game but really in my mind this plays more like a futuristic Sega rally game one of its cool mechanics is that it has you switching between driving on roads and also on water so the the tires actually retract whenever you hit water almost kind of like the DeLorean in Back to the Future and that really changes up the driving mechanic a lot meaning that when you're on water it plays more like you're on a boat than a car another game that did that really well was Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed remember that game like the Sega rally games the steering has you sliding around corners and managing your brakes more than you would in say other arcade racing games it's I guess it's part simulation but it's also very arcade and the computer controlled opponents can be uh kind of punishing especially in the beginning when you're learning the game but thankfully every once in a while the AI will screw up which is nice there's a couple different modes to playing this game including challenges championship and time attack but I want to mention that challenges are pretty cool because often it's not just about coming in first you'll have different objectives that you have to complete in order to actually pass it for instance some requirements may need you to improve your times each lap or maybe you can't use boost or sometimes you never have to be in last place and as you can see the graphics are just beautiful for a switch game I especially want to point out that the car designs are pretty cool kind of reminds me of looking through car magazines and seeing concept cars you know from major car manufacturers they're beautiful this game is less than 20 bucks on the eShop and definitely worth a look especially if you are into good racing games on switch which as you may know they are few and far between [Music] next up is a really interesting shooter called paarumi I'll admit on the surface this may look like pretty much every other vertical style Shoot Em Up that you've played before but this one has a really interesting rock paper scissors style shooting mechanic that is going to remind a lot of people of say those Classics like ikaruga your ship has three main attacks and one super attack now this is where it gets interesting because the three main attacks are all color coded to be either red blue or green and you switch quickly between those by using the a b or Y buttons you'll notice that the enemies are also color coded meaning that if you use the same color of attack on the same colored enemy well you'll do less damage but you'll help build up your Shields however if you use the corresponding opposite color attack on the enemy well you'll end up doing more damage and you'll take them out quicker for instance let's say you use the red attack well that'll hurt more of a blue enemy but it gets even more complicated than that and I froze the game because I want to explain something because it's really cool so notice in the left hand corner there you have the green and it says boost shield now right now my ship is in green mode meaning that if I shoot other green enemies with the green B beam or the green attack it'll damage them but it will also boost up the shield however notice in the center there red is the opposite color of green and that'll do extra damage and then on the right is blue meaning that if I shoot a blue enemy it'll start boosting that super attack and so as you're playing the game you're constantly swapping color attacks based on the color of the enemy and so you can you know boost up your Shields when you need to you can boost up the uh the super attack and then you can do extra damage when it's really important and you're constantly playing this rock paper scissors mechanic it's really cool also the backgrounds just look fantastic I mean there's some of the best I've seen on a new shooter this generation now as you can guess this game is definitely not easy to learn but I will say after a while it will become second nature and again having that bottom screen constantly updating and telling you what what does what is awesome probably some of the downsides would be that well it is a little on the short side there are only five levels which yeah that's not great but considering that there is a challenge mode and there's multiple difficulties plus online leaderboards to climb there is a lot to enjoy with this game she Shoot Em Up fans looking for something a little different should definitely not miss this game next up is blazing Chrome oh man if you are a fan of old school Contra or even Metal Slug and you don't even get a little teary-eyed when you boot this game up there is something seriously wrong with you as you can see from this footage blazing Chrome was created from scratch to be a love letter to those classic Genesis Super Nintendo arcade run and gun shooters and I have to say it Nails it in almost every way I mean you have the old school 16-bit Graphics you've got the pretty unforgiving difficulty plus I love and appreciate this Lo-Fi audio clips they have in here living Chrome that is just hilarious initially you can choose from two different characters but you get to unlock more later and like Contra or metal slug there are a ton of weapon upgrades to pick up and even some vehicles to hop into plus I'm digging the big set pieces and levels that you get to explore I mean just look at that Parallax scrolling right there it's just so awesome and like any good old school run and gun shooter well the bosses are going to be tough as nails but you learn their patterns and after a while you know you're gonna die a couple times but you will kick their ass this is such a fun game everything blows up real good if you like those kind of games definitely check out blazing Chrome [Music] next up we have broken sword five the Serpent's curse so I have a confession to make I mentioned this every once in a while but my local GameStop knows me really well I actually really like the employees in there and they're always looking out for me so this game got on my radar when said employee pointed out one time when I went in there and he was like Hey There is this new adventure point-and-click game that came out on switch and he was wondering if I even knew about it I was like what really I mean that seems so random but uh yeah I had to pick it up now I'm actually really familiar with the broken sword series because it's been around I believe since the 90s and in general they are very well made games I've played a couple of them and you know they're a nice mix of Adventure puzzle solving plus they just have great characters there's typically some sort of fantasy element involved in it some sort of I wouldn't you know sci-fi kind of mystical element to it which I always like now this one here originally came out back in 2013 but it's now just being ported to the switch and I hadn't played this one before so it was my first time playing it and I do want to mention that even though this is the fifth game in the series you don't have to have played the previous ones they're all Standalone games now this one starts out with a murder mystery in Paris but quickly has you traveling all over the globe to try to solve the story behind this stolen painting has you investigating an ancient cult and at the end potentially saving the world and if you've ever played an adventure game before this is going to be very familiar to you you do a lot of walking around and talking to other characters which what I like about the Broken Sword series is that all the characters are just excellently voice acted here they are fantastic and often hilarious thankfully there was no one around to see me do this [Music] very interesting and clicking around to see the scene to try to unlock Clues as to what to do next you also get items that will help you move the story along very typical stuff what I noticed about this game over the previous ones I played is that this one has some of the best graphics in the series so far as you can see here the backgrounds are just truly beautiful and I noticed that the characters this time are fully 3D polygon models and uh fully animated which is cool I will say that unfortunately the story takes a couple hours to really get going in the beginning it's just it's a little bit of a slog you're not exactly sure what's happening or where it's going or why you should even care but after you leave Paris the the area that you start in it definitely starts to pick up I also want to point out this nice little Easter egg here that made me laugh do you recognize the album cover overall I do like this game it's an enjoyable Adventure game for fans of the genre like me and it can be picked up for less than forty dollars on physical next up is another shooter that got a physical release on switch recently that I picked up it's called cyvariar Delta what's cool about this game is that unlike other Shooters this game doesn't have the traditional power-ups that you would normally fly over and pick up instead you are encouraged uh no not really encouraged scratch that it's more like required to fly as close to enemy bullets as possible to evolve your weapon it's called buzzing thankfully that leveling up happens pretty quickly because it can be pretty nerve-wracking to try try to get as close to all of those bullets as possible it's definitely a you know risk versus reward scenario you'll notice that this game has pre-rendered 2D Graphics which isn't everybody's taste I myself I kind of like more traditional pixel style Graphics but it you know bad here it looks good it's clean what's cool is that a lot of these shoot em ups on the switch support in handheld mode actually switching the screen into its vertical mode so that you actually get to see more of the gameplay almost more like it would be in a real arcade which reminds me I would eventually like to do that for my big 4K HD television I guess you have to get a wall mount or something like that admittedly I haven't played this game a ton yet I just picked it up about a week ago so if you're more familiar with it and if you have some recommendations for me definitely post down in the comments below well guys that's a quick look at some of the games I'm playing on my switch lately I'd love to know what you guys are playing on your switch something tells me that a lot of you are going to be playing Fire Emblem I plan on picking that up too that looks really awesome so all right guys thanks very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys metal Jesus here now obviously the Nintendo switch is an undeniable success and one of the genres really kicking butt on the system are all the amazing Shoot Em Up Games so in this video I've teamed up with one of the experts on shoot em ups here on YouTube now you might be familiar with them it's sir flash with Studio mud prints and we're here to bring you the top 10 shoot em ups on the Nintendo switch Plus at the end of the video we're going to include some honorable mentions let's take a look number 10. we're going to start this list off strong with arrow Fighters 2. now this was originally released in 1994 for the Neo Geo some of you may recognize this as it was called Sonic Wings 2 in Japan now right off the bat this game's kind of known for its really wacky characters that you get to choose from off the main menu get this you can choose from a pop singer a ninja and yes even a dolphin this game is so bizarre and to go along with those wacky characters of course it has a story mode but it also has multiple endings so what does it all mean well it's all about gameplay so each of these characters has their own ship and gameplay style so you're probably going to want to try each of them Arrow Fighters 2 includes 10 stages as well as a second playthrough loop with even more difficulty if you need it but really most of us are here because of the gameplay we want a really great shooter and this is definitely a good one although I have to be honest I think the graphics here are a bit on the simple or basic side I mean you know correct me if I'm wrong here but they look a little muddy now that's not to say that I don't like the way that this game looks but there's a reason why it's at number 10 and as we go along in this list you're going to see that definitely the bar gets raised when it comes to Graphics but again I do like this game it's a fun shoot em up with a lot of Challenge and some classic shooter gameplay number nine all right I'm so excited to talk about Sky Force reloaded on the switch I love this game this is a vertical scrolling overhead shooter that at first glance probably seems like every other Shoot Em Up that you played before but you'd be wrong now to be honest this game is a little bit hard to describe because there's so much going on but the way I think of it is a mix of a Shoot Em Up and an RPG and what I mean by that is that the game changes as you play it as you complete missions and as you unlock new Collectibles for instance you can't complete a level with all of its objectives on the first or even sometimes the second playthrough you need to level up almost like an RPG because you have to have the right ship the right wingman and a bunch of other factors to complete specific tasks on one playthrough of a level you might try and destroy a hundred percent of the enemies on the next playthrough of the same level you might try picking up all the stranded humans or maybe on the next playthrough you'll try going through collecting all the stars or you have to maybe try not getting hit and just like an RPG if you're not meeting your goals for that particular level well maybe you need to grind a little bit for stars earning enough to unlock better armor bullets missiles Etc it's because of this rpg-like depth that makes this game so addictive I mean check it out I literally have 25 plus hours put into this game and I still keep coming back for more I probably play this game every week number eight here is hyper Sentinel this is a shooter that's quite unlike most modern Shooters and definitely stands out in our list now to many retro Gamers like myself well this is going to look very familiar to an old game called uridium which was quite popular in the 1980s on the home computers like say the ZX spectrum and of course my favorite the Commodore 64. basically the difference here from most Shooters is that instead of having a huge scrolling play field you get something here that is much more confined it requires you to fly back and forth over the same area taking out enemy targets while trying to avoid their fire to me because I'm old this immediately started feeling like the classic arcade game Defender you know how in that game you constantly flip back and forth but here the action's even more deadly just trying to shoot down enemies while avoiding obstacles is really chaotic at first but you'll quickly notice that when you flip a little blue force field engages making you kind of invincible for a second also your ship energy recharges over time you see it down there at the bottom there that blue bar now that's very handy in a game like this because it can be pretty tough to stay alive and as a love letter to those old computers this version includes a ZX Spectrum Commodore 64 and CRT video filter that you can turn on if you wish and you're damn right I'm gonna play this game with the Commodore 64 filter turned on oh yeah baby and finally consider that this game has over 100 levels to play through which provides a ton of content for someone who's looking for something to play that's a little different than the normal shooter foreign number seven hey everyone this is Sarah Flash from Studio mud Prince and bullet heaven and this is zero dev's 10 guy for Nintendo switch this particular title is the sequel to The vertically scrolling Samurai Aces also a Nintendo switch but this one features human characters rather than the planes in the first game tengai was made by saikyo and it was the company's first horizontal or Yoko scroller and that was kind of a big deal because psycho was best known for its intense very difficult vertically scrolling Shooters tengai continues this trend over the course of its seven stages it has gameplay similar to games like gunbird and Strikers 1945 complete with powerapps charged attacks and bombers but in a horizontal layout rather than vertical in 10 guy players take control of one of five selectable characters each with their own fire patterns charged attacks and bombers figuring out which one works best for the player is half the fun and it definitely plays into the game's replay but 10 guy is also pretty hard so thankfully there are a number of different difficulty settings to choose from it also has the kind of awesome Pixel Art we'd come to expect from a psycho game this is especially evident with 10 guys many lavish bomber attacks it also has excellent character design fantastic backgrounds in the sort of atmospheric soundtrack that makes a game with this sort of setting really work better still in tengai each character has their own story arc and two player games have unique and often humorous interactions depending on which character each player chooses there's tons of Replay for one player or two it all comes together to make for a game that no switch owner that's in To Shoot Em Up should be without number six all right coming in at number six is blazing star so this is a horizontal style shooter released by SNK in 1998 for the Neo Geo this game is kind of known for its simple yet effective two-button gameplay like a lot of arcade games at the time here you Hammer the fire button for a rapid shot or you can hold down the button to build up a meter for a more powerful charge shot now a funny little story here as I was playing this game and captioning the gameplay footage you know you're sitting there just hammering that fire button old school style you know what I mean like you used to back in the arcades oh I mean it Just Tires you out but it was only later that I realized that there's a nice feature for this game under the options where you have the ability to turn on auto fire yep that's a nice way of avoiding carpal tunnel also I immediately noticed that the enemies dropped tons of power-ups in this game which is pretty nice for getting back to the level that you're at if you happen to die and I'm really digging the graphics in this game I mean they're colorful they're detailed they're beautifully animated check out some of those pseudo 3D backgrounds there it looks awesome but those Graphics do come at a cost now this game does experience a bit of slowdown especially in two-player co-op mode but that's to be expected when you're trying to perfectly emulate that old Hardware number five coming in at number five oh yes zero Gunner two minus by psycho so what's the story with this game well originally it was an arcade game like so many others in this video but then it famously came to the Japanese Dreamcast where it turned out to be one of the more collectible and expensive shoot em ups on that system now that's kind of what makes it all the more great to see it released here on the switch for such a reasonable price and as you can see based on this gameplay footage it's really known for its omnidirectional shooting system now you guys know this that normally in a Shoot Em Up you're getting attacked either from like say the top or the bottom in a vertical shooter or maybe side to side but in this game enemies attack you from all angles and the way that this works is that basically you hold down a button that lets you pivot your helicopter into the direction that you need now I'm going to be honest with you this actually takes a little bit of time to get used to it's not quite a twin stick shooter like you would expect to play today okay because most modern games would use the two analog sticks but in this game it's a little bit different and takes a little bit of practice I actually found holding down the autofire button while rolling my finger to the pivot button did the trick and started to feel natural after a while and I have to say that I really dig those late 90s early 2000s style of 3D Graphics that they got going on here if you're somewhat familiar with this game you might be curious as to why it's called zero Gunner 2 minus on the switch the original game did not have that minus there well it's worth noting that the original source code for this game was lost to time and for the switch release the developer had to recreate the game from scratch that's why this game is in 16x9 and looks a little sharper than you might remember but as you can see they kept those kind of Dreamcast like graphics and I think that's pretty cool I mean they could have really radically changed this but they decided not to and with this redesign the game is slightly easier than the original arcade and Dreamcast versions which isn't necessarily a bad thing for an audience that may never have got to play the original number four let's talk a little about the Striker's 1945 series not to be confused with Capcom similar but very different 19xx series Striker's 1945 is the psycho Take On The World War II vertical shooter now the jury's out as to which one of the three that were made are the best but Striker's 1945 II is excellent by any standard and the fine folks over at zero div saw fit to bring it to the Nintendo switch as well Striker's 1945-2 is played in Tate style over eight stages with super fast difficult fire patterns and timing based scoring and it is pretty darn difficult at the best of times so thankfully there's all kinds of different difficulty levels for players of a less intense nature now that's par for the course with many Seiko games but this one features a roster of six real world planes to take on the enemy Menace including the fan favorite flying pancake each plane has its own fire pattern and can be leveled up several times but Striker's 1945 II in specific introduces a tiered charge attack system players can build a gauge to deploy more and more powerful charge to 10 X the bomber attacks here are not only satisfyingly lavish but also defensive the support aircraft that fly in Deal a ton of damage but they can also Shield the player from enemy shots Striker's 1945 II has all kinds of cool enemy units to take out and every stage has a huge hulking boss set more often than not turns into a giant robot of some kind which is pretty darn awesome with its two-player Co-op support as well as a tate rotation mode for full-frame vertical Gameplay at home or on the go shooting game fans should absolutely have this one on their switch number three oh yes here we go gunbird 2 by psycheo so this is one of those arcade shooters that includes a bizarre yet pretty silly storyline in the game you choose from six different characters there are five off the main menu and there's one that's unlockable and each character has their own weapons and firing style and the game is pretty lengthy too there are seven different stages and each character within that stage has their own storyline I have to admit that over time I've actually started to appreciate the stories that these Japanese developers would put into these games I mean initially when I was a kid it seemed kind of silly I'd always skip through it but now as I'm older I actually do think that they're pretty funny I mean there are some great characters here gunbur 2 is also known for obviously it's gameplay and there is a lot going on here in addition to normal style firing attacks you also have a strong melee attack which is something you normally don't see in these kind of games and those of you trying to get the best score in the game will enjoy how nuanced gunbird 2 is see those coins well the value of the coin is determined whether its shiny face is towards you or not when you pick it up so as if trying to shoot everything and just survive isn't enough you've got all this other Nuance to play with too I really like gunbird 2's mix a beautiful Graphics complex gameplay and fun characters to make a unique and enjoyable experience to say that gunbird 2 is loved is an understatement and it's great to see it here on the switch number two all right in the number two spot so close to being the best is Don maku unlimited three so here's the deal when I think of Japanese style bullet hell shoot em ups this is one of the first games that comes to mind because this game loves to fill the screen with tons of bullets there are a lot of things that make this game great but I want to start off by talking about the spirit slash Grays system that they have here which basically promotes kind of risk versus reward gameplay basically the closer you get to the enemy bullets the quicker you build up your transmeter that's over on the right hand side there that can activate a powerful beam that destroys almost everything in your path and it'll convert the bullets to gems now I know what some of you are thinking out there is that you hear Japanese style bullet hell Shooters and some of you get turned off on that well I'm happy to report that one of the things I like about this game is that it's very beginner friendly there's a beginner mode in this game that when you destroy the enemy it's bullets that are flying on the screen will get deactivated and turn into Spirits so they can't harm you that may seem like a small thing but with so much going on in a game like this it can really make a difference when you're starting off in this genre and to make it even cooler those deactivated bullets still count towards your Grays or trance so you can still use those to power up your main attack and notice in this gameplay footage your ship down there notice that the hitbox is clearly defined and easy to see I wish every game had that option this game also supports Tate or vertical mode to give you that arcade experience and a round it all out this game has an amazing rock and heavy metal soundtrack by the Japanese band blank field it's amazing with super tight controls great gameplay and a rocking soundtrack plus enough flexibility for beginners and hardcore players alike it's hard to beat Don maku unlimited three and now number one I'm curious how many of you suspected that we were gonna pick icaruga by treasure as our number one pick in this video I mean it's not surprising the game is one of the most beloved shoot em ups ever made and it's great to see it on the switch so for those of you that don't know ikaruga is famous for its polarity mechanic where you switch back and forth between white or black while you are white you can absorb any of the white bullets on the screen while doing extra damage to Black enemies and then vice versa so when you're black you can absorb the black bullets on the screen while taking damage from White and so on now this sounds simple and because of that it plays differently than almost every other Shoot Em Up out there but I bet you can tell based on this gameplay footage that that Simplicity is not necessarily easy this game is tough this game is painfully tough when you first start playing it but thankfully it comes with a bunch of options to start off with both in difficulty and also lives continues things like that so it's also Fair and if you're like me when you first start playing this game you're going to lower the difficulty way down just simply to learn the levels learn the patterns and like every other good shoot them up on this list check out those visuals you know it's no surprise it's a treasure game they always make great stuff it's beautiful I just love looking at it and if you want more of an arcade feel the game does support rotating the screen or going to Tate mode listen ikaruga is definitely one of the best shoot em ups ever made it has enough complexity to keep you coming back to master its nuances again and again if you have a switch pick it up so that's our top 10 shoot em ups on the Nintendo switch but with so many great games on the handheld here are some honorable mentions if you're looking for a side-scrolling shooter with a hefty dose of random pixleness Studio stared in binary stars is the shooter for you the binary Stars version is an update from the PC original and every playthrough is unique with random enemy waves tons of cool weaponry and power-ups and even a bunch of amazing secret encounters there's also a compliment of unlockable ships to earn throughout the game the binary Stars version also features a two-player mode and rocks a pretty amazing soundtrack to boot zero div has released a ton of amazing psycho shooting games for Nintendo switch and in our opinion Dragon Blaze is definitely one of the best it basically takes Gumpert 2's core controls and makes them even better with a powerful Dragon melee attack in all kinds of different ways to deal with your enemies players even have the ability to rotate the screen 90 degrees to play in vertical or Tate mode this allows players to play in full screen on a rotating monitor or even on the go with a stand for the switch this is also the first time it saw release in North America and it's super affordable definitely one to scoop up alright so if you took Williams 1981 classic Defender and smashed it together with a bunch of Lolcats tikibod's Aqua Kitty would be the direct result the defender style gameplay in aqua Kitty udx is as frantic as ever and it comes complete with special weapons sharp pixel stall graphics and really cute cat sounds Aqua Kitty has seen release on other systems but the switch's udx version is obviously the definitive one with extra missions and modes including the awesome Dreadnought mode not to mention two-player support at home home or on the go digital reality grasshopper manufacturer and THQ Nordic silamora ex has also seen release to all other major platforms but the switch version is notable for having just about the same visual Cloud as the PS4 and Xbox One versions it also Sports the same asymmetrical two-player mode but unlike other versions it also has the benefit of being played Solo or with a friend anywhere you might be in addition to its amazing graphical style CNA Mora ex also features some awesome time manipulation mechanics and an intricate dark story for players to chew through and finally we've saved the best for last we have Xeno raid from 10 tons like steridan it also has great roguelite mechanics a wide variety of ships to use as the game progresses and a great weapon and ability Loadout that can be mixed and matched in really strategic ways but it also has an awesome system for its lives since each is represented by a unique craft in your squadron neither still up to four players can use one of these craft for great frantic co-op gameplay It Sports probably the best four-player shooting action on the switch so whether you're playing alone or with your friends it's definitely one to check out I want to give a huge shout out to Sarah Flash from Studio mud prints because I reached out to him when I was thinking about doing this video and honestly there was nobody better to do this with me because his channel is dedicated to nothing but shoot em ups and I have learned so much from watching his videos if you haven't checked out his YouTube channel and you like this genre you absolutely need to it's amazing all right guys have a great day
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 280,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, gaming, collection, collector, Nintendo Switch, best switch games, switch hidden gems, eShop hidden gems, shoot em ups, Switch shmups, switch racing games, Kinsey, Kinsey Burke, KinZilla
Id: GnkIchsqBAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 36sec (7416 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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