$7K Klon V.S. $30 Clone (Can You Hear It? Ep. 1)

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the jhs show presents [Music] [Applause] hello everyone to the first i guess you could call it pilot episode of a brand new program called can you hear it um how you doing nick i'm doing good i'm so excited for this i'm very excited as well the rules and the idea of this dare to call it game show are that i will have a very expensive pedal and i will have a very cheap counterpart to that pedal and you the audience are going to try to decide which one you're hearing you're going to try to decide which is the expensive pedal and then our contestant today is none other than addison how are you addison great are you prepared for this journey i've i've been preparing all week so the rules are like i said yes i'm gonna have two pedals okay and uh you gotta hear the expensive one do you think you can do it i'm you know driller said a few minutes ago he goes you're gonna get all three right and i was like all right man that's the pump up that i needed i've got a lot of faith in you actually thanks driller i've been i've been hyping him up for the past couple days okay well i'm pumped if this goes well we'll keep doing it i hope it goes well because it's really fun uh there are some consequences there and there are rewards we'll get into those later um i guess i should show the pedals that's right um do i i think we oh do i you should definitely not touch these with your hands i know that touching hear the handlers yeah touching petals with your hands it it affects the overall sound and tone yeah so we wouldn't want to get any um unessential oils on those petals these fit really well funny thanks all right so the first uh actually i'm gonna show the three pedals yep it's actually six pedals two sets of three and then addison as our contestant on the pilot episode you're going to pick what goes first i get to choose okay yeah so first up we have a potent pairing um it is the ibanez tube screamer the ts-808 hand wired now this is a point to point wired tube screamer wow um i i think it's a little absurd it is about 379 dollars new that's insane and then we have the bezos drive the amazon bezos drive uh i hear these funded space exploration same single-handedly yeah wow 24.99 so we have a difference of hundreds of dollars literally all right that's the first choice the second choice addison is we have a vintage white face rat this is one of the most um important petals ever made the white face rad it comes in about 750 this is from 84.85 i'm just gonna i like this and that's nice uh 750. 750. for a white faced wrap now we have a brand that we're gonna we're gonna rely on probably on this show a good bit if you permit us to go past the pilot it's the mosky um black rat um the mossy black rat uh my priceless says 31.99 so again a difference of 700 and lots of dollars okay math is hard math is hard and then uh last up i mean i think for any inaugural show of this candor and this journey that we're on we have to do a clone yeah yes yes if you're in the comments just applause um we have a silver uh horsey long tail oh it's the long tail it's the long tail okay that has more high end this is currently selling for now actually selling for around seven thousand dollars so you could buy a nice car or this um then we have another mosquit this is um the silver horse and it's 29.99 so we have we have a difference of 6970 dollars an opinion so the thing is can you hear it what do you want to do first i'm so excited i'm gonna go uh let's go tube screamers first all right we're gonna do screamers before i put the pedals in let's look down here um these are beautiful containers from the container store not sponsored by the container store we have a switch back here i have a button and he has a button at his feet so addison hit the button over there yes see the light switch and then you're going to see letters pop up and it's pretty simple addison will not be able to know what's in here and you the viewer will not know either so i'm going to hook up the tube screamers and you're not going to know which side is which and the goal is to pick which one is expensive so can you hear it so i'm not looking don't look here there's people don't put the camera down here let's roll all right i'm hooking them up addison can you well while we're getting this all hooked up can you just give us your initial feelings and uh like how do you think you're gonna what's your approach well this week i've been playing as many different pedals in the room as possible i've really been listening to high end and transparency in mid-ranges yeah i feel like that's the best deciphering characteristic of overdrives as their mid-range so i've really just been exercising my ears as much as possible i've been using um a training course called golden ears it's for audio engineers i have that hey nice i got it for this show in particular okay um so i've just been like i said i've just been training i've been spending lots of time i've been up late every night yeah i'm just going over thinking my wife has helped quiz me wow it's been great all right i think we're ready we're ready to go right i'm gonna take a drink of water um i think there's an initial strum yep yeah do we need we will get this is the first strum you will be able to hear a and b and then we will start a one minute timer and addison you will have one minute to determine which one is the expensive one okay and also the contestant you can ask me to do anything turn any knobs up whatever and i can also at random do anything i want okay okay okay all right so the initial strum all right there we go okay all right are you ready i think i'm ready all right addison you're one minute begins let's go my guitar's out of tune but we'll fix that later oh mitt's real attitude okay josh you wanna you wanna give me some more gain for the people hmm [Music] oh you're turning knobs now [Music] all right addison you are out of time okay this means it is now time to choose yeah and the audience you need to put in the comments which one do you think is the most expensive oh man the most expensive one is a all right let's go to the top down to c all right i'm just on the edge of my seat here did i get it oh my gosh i got it how did you know how did you know well i mean it's a 50 50 chance let's be honest how did you did you know did you feel like you would put your life on the line for that decision yeah oh wow i would have wow here's okay so the there's more clean tone in the in the okay uh the cheap one so i mean i listened to the so there's there's more of a clean yes that's what i was that's what i was hearing i heard that yeah little little like yeah well i've i've heard that jeff bezos really likes it clean really okay yeah he preferred that tone he was involved in the design of this tube screamer right okay there was there was a only i mean it was a 50 50 yeah so you won what do you win well addison you are now the proud owner of a five dollar subway gift card oh my gosh what if i can't eat anything at subway uh we're not sponsored by subway by the way i just think it's important to say for you know other purposes um addison because you have won yeah a five dollar subway gift card you have now unlocked the ability for the crowd to win another five dollar subway gift card so five dollar foot long okay we have a winner we have a winner alex smith was very quick with his guess wow alex smith alex know what to do email us at the jhs show at jhspetals.com and if you're not if you're not for the love of god i also want you to hear the clap it's a good sound it's a good sound it's very nice very soft all right wonderful next we're gonna go rat all right we're gonna go right i'm going to put the black rat in the vintage mode because this is silicon 1n418 clippers in the original and that's what they've done here if you switch down you get a turbo wrap we don't want to do that so to make this fair we'll start out at noon these gloves at like just do the top down these gloves really add like a like a delicacy to a delicacy they don't fit me they don't fit anyone well they're not even a girl like i'm not sure who they is this makes me so uncomfortable yeah yeah yeah it's like a it's like a stephen king version version of mickey mouse or something okay all right ricky mouse let's look away okay i'm closing your eyes again close your eyes addison um you are uh how do you feel with the rat are you a rat connoisseur i what yes can you can you do do you think you'll be able to distinguish the different flavors of these rats that's a good that's a good question i have uh i've tasted many rats in the room um not real rats but rat petals uh we did the rat episode if you haven't seen it go check it out we could maybe after this is done we'll put a link in the episode or then in the description it's so i've heard rats a lot now i'm gonna listen for the high end on this one okay i think the high end is gonna be is gonna give things away for me it's not gonna be the mid-range as much i love a good rat tasting yeah me too yeah me too i'm gonna put my hands up here awkwardly never shy away from that all right addison it is safe okay have the petals neatly put away tucked into their boxes and we are going to now perform the initial strum okay [Music] holy moly i have to turn it on oh okay i was like whoa all right here's b [Music] i already have a guess and we haven't even started all right addison your minute countdown is going to begin in three two one let's go josh turn some knobs for me man oh man [Music] so [Music] we turn everything all knobs to like i don't know two o'clock [Music] all right addison you are officially out of time we're gonna need that answer in sorry that's a pilot and if you're watching we need your answer that's right throw it in there's subway gift cards on the line i think i can hear it i think b is the expensive rat it is the 1984 slash 85 white face perfection all right all right let's get that reveal which one is b b is this one yeah okay yeah are we ready yep oh i was supposed to be unhooking them so you know pile of pilots pilots there's a lot of i'm probably going to be played by our better looking character in the next yeah i'll i'll definitely replace yeah all right you think this is it i think b is the expensive pedal all right here we go oh my gosh oh addison unfortunately this means it's time to get stringed no no no no well you guys really all right wonderful wonderful and because of you no one gets a subway gift no one gets a subway gift card gross can we talk about this for a second i'm just going to be real frank b sounded better i'm going to be real frank for a second b sounded better can we can we talk about this well this is the most coveted rat i mean there's no difference in this in any small box vintage wrap 750 bucks it's a big difference or 31.99 now i guess you know better is that really there is no subjective i did you also didn't have a bias here this is true so one of the things that i'm i mean i'm trying to prove a point with this game show i think all fun should be educational because i grew up watching sesame street and mr rogers and everything that's fun should be trying to prove a point yes at all times i should try to prove points how we live as guitar players our bias of how something looks the attachment to it historically in our past how we've played it our friend our heroes that play it our friends we choose based on those things more than sound and uh i love it because i know you love the white face rat you have one and i think that you felt a weight to make sure you respected it i did and here's the thing you got it wrong i picked the one that i thought sounded better and there's a bias that's you know in my answer that i was like oh that sounds better that's gotta be well that's that's the bias we're looking for is that what actually sounds better anybody it can happen to anyone yeah that happened to me wonderful i'm just picking silly strings i think it's time to get to our final pairing josh would you like to introduce the final yeah the final pairing as you know it's the remaining um [Music] we have that same brand moski these are just kind of go-to's because they're so affordable they're like free shipping amazon prime um what was this one ever 30 29.99 and seven thousand dollars so this is insane right this is completely it's insane absolutely insane seven thousand dollars all right let's look away and okay let's get this all set up yep okay addison yeah you you are a clone of sewer i am definitely a connoisseur um t-shirt uh write that down write that down tm tm uh addison do you think that this is gonna be easy for you do you think that this is gonna be a no-brainer i have a tactic on this one really yes okay what's your what do you what's your tactic i'll share it i think it's gonna have to do with the volume knob colons have so much output i think the original clone i don't know but it might have more output than the musky so we're going to see now i don't know if that's a if that's a great tactic here the circuit's the circuit do we know if they're the same a clone this is true i don't know those those rats sounded pretty dang different to me though i could make them sound the same i bet yeah you probably could it's also interesting because for me i'm reaching in yeah and there's there's an experience there that's kind of wild right all right okay um yeah are we set up we're set up okay all right i think we are ready for the initial strum hold on i have to i have to get the nastiness all over this guitar okay here we go awesome initial strum initial strum on a let's start on a is that on a uh it is on oh now it is okay all right initial strum here we go oh boy and here's b i mean this is good luck i just want to point out 7 000 and we subtract 29.99 we are dealing with the difference of a lot of money a lot a lot a lot of hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars at stake here can you hear it if you're watching we need to know if you can hear it let's do this all right madison your countdown timer will start as soon as i get it going here we go are you ready i'm so ready begin all right josh will you turn the gains all the way off on both for me [Music] oh boy and volumes are equal [Music] all right we we i mean i think so yeah all right we turn up the the gain to about two o'clock we set set both how you would set them like how i play a clock [Music] so [Music] all right unfortunately you are out of time which means we are going to need your answer in and our studio and our studio audience please get those answers in there's subway gift cards on the line all around come on guys it's a lot of pressure all right addison what is your final answer i think that the seven thousand dollar clown is a it's the one on the left okay okay here we go okay here's the reveal uh oh here we go these gloves they're protecting my hands too a lot of times when i'm handling pedals i get i get injured because they're really fragile it's a dangerous joke i don't know if i got this one right y'all here we go here's the reveal oh my gosh oh my word dude this is this is difficult uh this is clearly yeah upsetting for you addison and before before you are stringed yeah can you just give us some final thoughts well i'm disappointed for how much time i spent uh listening to pedals this week because clearly it didn't pay off but if you're out there and you're watching this and you're going man i haven't gotten that right it's really difficult we'd love to have you on the show and you could try it uh and this just goes to show that the expensive ones aren't necessarily better yeah i think everyone should google the term confirmation bias as well yes so addison yeah as our really our final act of the show it is time to get stringed second time boy howdy you guys are unloading holy moly all right yep yep yep well i hope you've enjoyed the pilot episode of can you hear it uh in the comments let us know what you think let us know your thoughts on this also put in some things you would like to see compared on episode 2 which at this point i'm just gonna forcefully make happen because i've had a lot of fun um yeah put in some pairings you'd like to see we have 4 000 plus pedals in the room we can pretty much shoot anything out hit like subscribe to the channel click the bell icon and get notifications that's it we're gonna go by and bye bye we're gonna go buy it we're gonna go bye-bye everybody have a great day yep you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 263,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: aK5H0e9Ejmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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