#78 One Ingredient Cell Activator! Pour painting/ fluid art

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[Music] hello welcome to lisa marvin art so i thought i would do something fun today i'm going to try to recreate um a really nice coaster set i made but using um american flow troll just kind of cute and pretty nothing fancy but i want to make it as easy as possible for people so let's see if i can do it my pillow is sherwin-williams color to go the colors anchors away i only have enough in this can for one coaster so let's hope that it works my pouring medium is bear 8300 to joe sonja now basically my ratios are two to one two bear one joe sonja however when i mix my pigments i put about one into here and then i put my pigments to wet them and then i would add uh basically a three to one mix which would make it two to one figure that math out um and for my fluids my golden fluids it's just two to one so my colors today are um deco our 24 karat gold this little piggy from fluid art company um this is called frost and then cobalt teal this is gold and fluid so let's see what i can do i haven't even tried it um we're just going to play around so with american flow withdrawal um i think we have to put more slow troll i'm going to say either a 5 to 1 or 6 to 1 ratio now i think the way to make it work is to make sure everything is thick enough um i think if you have really thick paints then um you can get better cells we'll see so i can't even open this thing oh there we go so let's measure let's start some oh and i'm going to be using amsterdam payne's gray so i'm not going to use my tablespoon usually i don't even use these but just for scientific purposes okay let's see if i can do this so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go six to one and see okay okay so we have one two three oh you can't even see what i'm doing hold on you didn't miss much but let me just put it down three four oops five six now i'm not adding anything else because i don't have anything else to add so let's see if it works with american floetrol some people add wood conditioner or other oils but i want to make it as easy as possible so now we're going to be mixing for quite a bit so you want to get a really good consistency so we'll see how it is now with any bloom you want your cell activator to be thinner than your paints and your pillow paint so let's see you really need to mix it so it's pretty thick maybe let's see if it thins out a bit would be nice if we can just bloom really easily that's just not the case what i suggest is taking the shelly art class because as some of you know just finding a recipe online doesn't really do much because it's more than just the recipe um this is still pretty thick but maybe it's okay if it's this thick because it will we'll see i like this consistency i'm gonna say too thick but okay let me pop my tile on this just so it doesn't stick all right let's see what happens right so gonna pour this down i really should have gloves because you know i'm gonna get messy all right what do you think guys is gonna work or what now normally what i like to do is i like to push it off the tile just so when i blow nothing constricts it um because you just want everything to flow nicely is this gonna work we don't know okay let's start with the gold i'm gonna mix that all right when you're starting out i would put more paint on so you have an easier target of where to blow because it can get hard all right next we'll do the pigment so it's kind of these are old so it's kind of thick so i'm just i'm going to drizzle it down hopefully it'll be okay just gonna go like that and then we'll do the teal on top and give her a blue this is also kind of thick we're going thick today all right so now the moment of truth oh you know what i can't spin it with all this stuff here let me just move you back a bit okay good okay so i'm gonna mix mix mix mix mix now this is just flow troll and paint thick all right here we go so what i find with american flow child is it takes some time to sell up so you have to be patient so let's be a little patient but i'm seeing some cells pop up now normally i would take a straw and blow in but i don't have a straw is it too thick maybe we could use a little thinning so let's wait a minute um and watch as it kind of comes back back in sync i don't know like the cells aren't bad that's for sure but they're pretty big in the middle and then small on the outside we'll see how it is when we spin and if not the next tile i'll make it a touch thinner so this was six to one do you think it's crazy if we try seventh one let's give it a try while we're waiting here okay so i'm gonna add one more teaspoon to this and make it seven to one and see if we like that better and that's the thing you just gotta keep experimenting although it's not looking bad all right so let's spin her out shall we carefully so we don't fly and while she's spinning i can get another tile my last tile down here okay it's not bad right let's keep going but sneakers choking okay listen i'm not gonna hate on her right one more then we'll put her aside for a little rest while we try the seven to one oh if you want to take the shelly art class i have a 15 off code in my description you know what listen we can't hate on this right it's cute okay so let me put her over here and do i have enough paint for this one i'll squeeze it out okay so let's try the seventh one and see what we like better oh yeah that's enough okay get my little thingy here i love experimenting i don't have as much time as i used to to experiment um because i have a lot of commissions that i'm kind of procrastinating from but we have to keep it fun right okay same thing here we go gold because i'm bet i'm guessing if my paints were thinner and i can't really do a test on that because i don't have any thin paints but i'm wondering if my cells would pop out as much we don't know but cells come because it's rubbing against something so the thicker obviously can't be too thick but thick is good okay here is the seventh one i'm gonna mix mix mix mix maybe we'll even do eight to one one day we'll see how this goes first it gets back in the middle a little bit okay here we go okay cells definitely popped up faster still some lumps here but see looks pretty similar i have to say just breaking up a bit it will sink anyways but all right let's give it a wait i find this sounds very kind of round and juicy so if that's what you like but maybe i wonder if it does need to be lighter because i'm watching the other one dry now and it is kind of sinking so you do get these huge cells um so i guess it depends what you're looking for because these are cute little cells right now but who knows what happens after i spin right but at least we know that you could get some cell action from it all right let's spin they're looking good for sure i think i'm liking a seven we might have to do an eight right we'll see all right definitely round and i'll juicy it one more time so i don't have another tile even if we wanted to do eight so basically we know this works um it definitely can be done not so hard you just have to have your consistencies and everything on point um i'll do a close-up in a minute so i think we're we're voting for the seven to one is better than the six to one um and there you go i hope you enjoyed this little video let me know leave some comments um and i'll talk to you soon bye you
Channel: Lisa Marvin Art
Views: 17,591
Rating: 4.9390388 out of 5
Keywords: Sheleeart, Sheleeart recipe, Sheleeart tutorial, Bloom recipe, Bloom technique, Bloom tutorial, Cell Activator, Pour painting
Id: DuY9kjh4hic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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