Winter Revival - Brother Mark Stroud - Monday Night - 1/27/20

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[Music] well this could be back in the Lord's house this Monday afternoon let's stand together 333 of need a book and we'll sing about flying away this afternoon [Music] some [Applause] [Applause] [Music] future [Music] [Applause] Willie man good to be in the Lord's house this Monday evening he-man good to see everybody out appreciate you being here and just good to be in the Lord's house say man let's go the Lord and Lord a prayer then we'll turn the choir loose tonight have some special singing and turn the preacher loose excited to see what the Lord has forward to see man and I say this a lot around here but if you come hungry tonight I promise you God will give you something they may out I thought about Psalms this morning when I woke up old taste and see that the Lord he is good he man and let's pray that he helps us tonight and here's what you'll be done in the service tonight he man so good to see brother Granville branch will the preachers out of our church preacher how about you open this up in prayer tonight if you will he-man you can be seated worship with the choirs they sing tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] inhale my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] later [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] really man let's all stand around shake hands with each other's the choir comes down [Music] [Music] here man be foolish to ask you if you enjoyed that singing hue man thank God the dearest friend I ever had II meant and thank the Lord for that and some people were different than me but personally some of my favorite singing is just good choir singing he meant and I like it when they're hooked up y'all know what everybody I write there I like it when they're hooked up big man and I like good choir singing but I like it better when they hooked up hey man and thank the Lord for the good good singing tonight by the choir I appreciate that I say this just real quickly servicing in tomorrow night 7 o'clock and a brother Stroud will be back with us tomorrow night I'm excited about that and if you're visiting with us you're more than welcome to come be a part of the service again tomorrow night we're excited to see what the Lord has for word I see man if you've never been with us before we don't mess around we just moved the service and get right into what the Lord has for us egg man thing a lot of times we kill the service if we're not carefully man and if lord gets in it will say more but I'm excited about having a Simpson family with us tonight and y'all come on get ready sang for preacher go ahead and make your way you up here the platform if you will and get ready to preach for us here in just a few minutes and we've not had them with us in a while and Jeremy said the tea yeah we've been in the argument but Jeremy said that they is coming and I said well you better be ready to sing gay man and I love to hear them saying and we meant to go to meeting tonight we met to worship God and you worship with them as they sing tonight a man y'all sing to our hearts you've met well we're glad to be with us a man reshape the Lord he's good to a city a man [Music] you [Music] when I'm broken from the battle and I've lost another right Satan whispered stir my troubled mind just lay your Arbor Day there are those you've loved and trust and look around you they're all gone would be easy turn surrender when you're standing all alone then I bow my head in sadness as a ponder what to do you see I've been in God's army for so long not being a soldier true but then I hear the voice from heaven saying pilgrim it is I who lift your head and take new courage and turn your eyes toward the sky and I see and I see the cat a challenge to me [Applause] when I trust in Jesus it's mine and the big dress way [Music] and I see the captain Rodriguez a challenge to me [Applause] we're not trust me the big trash mine and the big tree trash my address hello more than conquerors amen through Christ Jesus amen god I like this song we're gonna try it we ain't never sung it gonna try it tonight Amen hallelujah [Music] I have built my life on the solid rock far away from the sinking sand and I cast my eyes to the whole bed waits on the banks of the promised land there's a song praise and I long to go and to join the war on the banks of the promise lay [Applause] for that nel start [Applause] on the banks of the promised [Applause] every grief and pain that has found me here Jesus knows that he understands they'll be washed away as a cross stream to the banks of the promised land yeah for that start [Applause] [Applause] and then I'll see the face of my shape is sweeter Oh [Applause] why [Applause] snart Oh Oh we'll come and go with me I am bound for the promised land it's not a fairy tale it's not a fairy tale we really get to go to heaven all heartaches gonna cease no more trouble no more care I love this old song it never gets old I know I'm saved I was preaching yesterday that word no 27 times and look first John the word knows in there that word knows assurance and knowledge but you know what it also means it means a guarantee I told my church yesterday I told my family yesterday I guarantee you I will be in heaven well I'm glad I know that my church memberships not my guarantee and my preach is not my guarantee Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God I guarantee I'm going there I love this song Blair said a shoe Jesus is my Oh for Oh [Music] so sheesh [Music] yeah born of his wife [Applause] my my song my [Music] this is my song raising might say if you're all the day long perfect suddenly Oh [Music] [Applause] gee [Music] mookee girl all Cheers it's my show [Laughter] my soul raising my we are Oh this is my song my Oh lest the Lord yep bless the Lord aren't you glad you got a story bless the Lord y'all probably ought to sing that second verse again praise God we sung it at the meeting at our Christmas play I tell a preacher with a Martin leaders little girl sang a little song said I could have had a very different story I could have had a very she said story story I could have had a very different story thank someone some of us aren't in here but our decision away have been a drunk a decision away from bidding divorce right a decision away from being inhale a gospel message away from a whole family being eternally lost but because of his story his story changed my story praise God I like them all is at rest in my savior I'm happy and blessed you ever give that place is not about the blessings it's a lot about what he can do but it gets to this just about him yes man when you get him you get its blessings when you get him to get his face when you get help you get a salvation would you get him you get us family when you get him to get us buck it's all because of him what was your story be today had the grace of God not come to your family all of us are generation Christians I may be talking to a first-generation Christian I don't care if I'm talking to one it's been in attentions or somebody that's been in at ten minutes we got in the same way his story Shayne's dire story and that's the reason man Fanny Crosby wrote this and they said that they took her to a specialist about her eyes and talk to her about the possibility of her gaining her sight the story I read was correct said Fanny Crosby said no she said because with it the way it is now the first thing that I'll see when I can see is I'll see the face of my Savior I could sleep tonight not because the stock market is making record highs and I can rest a night not because of the nuclear arsenal and all the mighty military armaments of the United States of America and I'll be able to sleep tonight not because of the wonderful accommodations that you all have provided me with but I believe all hell could break loose and there'd be something inside of me that said it's going to be all right I told somebody my worst day saved it's better my best day lost somebody tonight somebody good days lost I said yet if you tonight at the end I'm gonna went to hell but at the end of the worst day saved it doesn't matter how bad it gets if it comes to me but thank God what a morning what a mornin what a morning they heavens go fix a lot of things yesterday yesterday we had the youth meeting all weekend so I let our folks off last night I went to see my dad in the nursing home and I went over to my little mother and dad had told me she's mom's not eating any solid food since the first week of September but she's been drinking enough those little insurers and all to stay alive I said on my dad's bed he said son he said mama hadn't drink anything about two days very just very little since she stopped see they ain't gonna be long and I crawled up hitting the bed with her and she was just mumbling to me at dimension that Alzheimer's as she's tucked way down in there and I said mama I said look at me it was glazed over eyes I said it's not until Jesus comes and I said when he comes you go with him and I said I promise you there's gonna be a better day mama miss Amy was over wiping her tears and she was just mama was just a mumbling to me just her head looks head shaking I said mama we're gonna get together on another show and we're gonna be way oh please God that's that assurance I got if they called me at night I believe my first reaction will be joy and glory they see spin gold our little person's been tucked away for a long time but thank God there is going to be a sweet behind bye neighbor hey Fred we're gonna get together and we're gonna no less wear no no no we'll be there no separation I'll be there no storms will be there it's what I thought I have thatís true I'm learning about some of that separation last year in April first Sun in April he said his mom's had a rare form of Parkinson's for about a decade it's a bit of a hospital third time she's in the hospital it's uh September or the big Christmas back then my name is dad call about ten minutes till 11:00 he said he she'd taken him just a turn for the worst just out of nowhere he called my wife and said Amy says you don't see your mama you need to come home she's not gonna be here long now I went and got him his sister and I took him dropped him off part in the car and I got I'm just talking about kids this assurance stuff it's not something we preachers have made up it's real deal stuff in real deal times I walked in the hospital room and both the girls had already said their goodbyes when grandpa said said Martin won't you pray so we prayed and the Lord helped us and Amy we got done praying and then he was struggling and she said why don't you sing to her and I sat down by her head and I said I think there's a land that is fairer than day and by faith I can see it afar from the father waits over the way kids I'm talking about a piece that I didn't get off a bookshelf and a piece is me about but I'm talking about a piece of God that sat down in that room and I got to see in that course when I got to the last syllable of the last word I felt that I have to go out of her and I said Amy she's gone and my father-in-law is as good of a Christian man as I've ever seen it but I've never seen him express himself and rejoice vocally but I thought it's gonna wait I thought he's gonna shout right there in the middle he said go with him honey no with him go with him go with him can I tell you that assurance that there seemed a it's real I'm talking about in the darkest moments of your Christian life or your life in general he'll walk out on the Gabel into your soul and speak to the waves and let them lay down blessed assurance we ought to take a lap on these three words Jesus is he's mine and I'm here wonderful sing it again man that's tremendous but you're just seeing the whole thing man praise God don't let that get in you a little bit amen I'm glad there's peace in troubled times praise God thank God for them him riders that walk with him is my Oh [Music] Oh foretaste of glory divine [Music] purchase of God born of his spirit washed in his blood my [Applause] this is my song [Applause] Oh [Applause] this is my sauce [Music] praising my all the day Wow part machine Sunmi [Music] is it ready oh yes [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] and watch watching it's good nay and I'm lost [Applause] [Music] my [Music] my soul Oh [Applause] my crazy Oh good night oh good night that's a blessing thank you all that's wonderful that's wonderful well if you got your Bible open and we've been to the book of Exodus in Chapter number 25 a book of Exodus in Chapter number 25 didn't you enjoy that singing praise God thank you for journey wonderful Exodus chapter number 25 let me say while you're turning I'm very grateful to your pastor for the invitation to be here and I rejoice as you drive up on the property and see all that God's doing till the bridger and I was driving up here today it was encouraging to me you all are much like we are back at home we're out in the country not in town about about 20 minutes from three different cities one large the other two just small mountain towns and I just man I gotta encourages thinking about coming up here because we're like y'all man you to be coming to church you you're coming on purpose you just don't happen by here I mean man that's sort of how it is at our place you don't just happen by there you you're coming to church but I'm glad that we're the world and all the powers-that-be might not know our address I'm God I'm glad that the Lord does and then it encourages me just thinking about what all the Lord's done for you I was telling Prince right we had the the funeral right after I came and preached the last time we had the funeral the sisters they sat right there on the right and preacher's wife had died with Lou Gehrig's disease and y'all are getting ready to start the project and man to come in and see it come in and see it completed to the glory of God and that's encouraging in a day where a lot of churches like ours are boarding up the building and trying to cover up where there's empty seats I'm glad there's places that are through having and flourishing in the work of God these children and not generation that we preach to they need to see some works that are thriving and not the ones that I know they're listening I mean there's some that are dried up that stay half mad because they didn't like it was like it used to be but I'm tell you I'm glad that there's some places that young uns can look and see that God has put his hand on and he's raising them up for a generation there's one thing about it God's always had a man and he always will have a man and you always have a work as we get ready to the coming man we're knocking on the door of the coming of Christ and I'm glad thank God we don't have to go go out of here with our heads tucked between our legs and a shame that we can go out and victory and not thank God for that and I praise the Lord for what he's doing for you right here - he's in Grace Baptist Church good to see brother Jeremy I think the Lord for the testimony what's going on up there man just over the hill I guess really isn't it not far and good to see dr. Barker and thank God for me and brother Jonathan I were talking back at the house when he came in I sure am thankful for some men in my life that have that have plowed a straight road and been a consistent example of what a Christian and a man of God ought to be in dr. Barker is one of those kind of men and I thank God for word of the day where man the shifting sands men are changing with the winds and and I thank God for some men I know my pastor brother head Kerr brother wheeler were men like that they finished the way they started you'd be crazy it's crazy to think we had a youth meeting this weekend and on Friday night I preach preacher Preston more 87 years old what about that at a youth meet hey out of time man and then hold Friday night up reach dr. rudy smith 70 years old and passed her Mount Sinai Baptist Church 43 years I told him young uns I said man I said y'all need to see some of these generals who have paid the price to have that you have what you have and I like what brother Dean said on Saturday morning he said it wasn't so much that these men needed to get in you what they were saying because you are in what they were saying he said you just being in it is enough and I thank God for some men that have blazed the trail and thank God for Exodus chapter number 25 but the Willhelm you want to just sort of suffer through this again I you came down there to brother Hagins and I I sort of testified through this other night but I best way when you can't get something out of these systems to preach it out amen and so it's good to see you let's stand together Exodus 20:5 you listen fast and I'll preach fast and like brother preacher Moore said Friday night he said I want to preach about 15 minutes he said I wanted a whole ministry was it a man about spake unto Moses and brethren I want I want to live like the Church of God preachers right there where that green meets that red I don't shout it all weekend and man I'm hoarse as a day is long so y'all helped me back there all you can appreciate it or I won't be able to talk tomorrow night hey that's a pretty good problem have the meeting some good just shout all weekend I took a lap on Saturday then in man brother Jeremy y'all been down there that big old plays you got to be in them you better be in the Holy Ghost if you run down there and somebody takes to me watching our lives sir he said brother Martin took a lap I said no I took half a lap I ran halfway around I said it was a slow lap at that a man yeah I can't run like your boys dude I'm about to get the place where I just send somebody to run for me a man and big as I am I'm I had to pick three to run for me a man hey man the Bible said the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering and this is the offering which he shall take of the of gold and silver and brass and purple are lit and fine linen and goats hair it said and Rams skins dyed red badger skins and shittim wood all for the light and spices for a morning all and for sweet onyx stones and stones to be set in the ebon and in the breastplate and let them make you separate that I may dwell among them you cannot be seated I want you to notice verse number verse number eight where I'll take my text then we'll look back at one phrase and hear the Bible said and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them that's is you open the book of Exodus and you study it here in the connection with the rest of the Old Testament you'll find that Exodus is one of the two great Old Testament Redemption bullets you say what are those books that's Ruth Ruth shows us that it's Redemption by purchase when dr. Parker's got that great book The Book of Ruth and I recommend it highly it's wonderful and the man would a story that God's giving us right tearing that little book about a little Gentile woman that was born under the curse of the law but thank God the cause I was a kid's mud Redeemer and he was able and willing to redeem hold on listen that near kinsman said that he said I cannot redeem her because it would Mar my inheritance brother thank God now listen AB alas did have a problem because he was wealthy and he was willing to make that Redemption purchase and because he did a woman mother started out in the foreign country he in the chapter number one a by the time scepter forecloses she is in the family of the Redeemer it was redemption by purchase but when you look in the verses and the chapters of the book of Exodus you'll find that it is a radical dip son but it's Redemption that my power how God redeemed the nation of Israel out of that heavy hand of favorite and the land of Egypt and brought them out or the Bible said with an outstretched arm I actually look at Exodus you'll find that other than enslaved people get saved I didn't say people get separated and a separated people get sanctified how can I tell you God to come according to Exodus chapter number 13 he took them by the way of the wilderness but may I say to you the wilderness was not the problem how can I save it been the problem then the Lord I would have took them the wrong way but the wilderness was not the problem it was the wandering in the wilderness but that was the problem for the nation of Israel a deal moody said the Moses spent four years in Egypt I learned how to be somebody I did he spent 40 years on the backside of the desert I learned how to be a nobody I did he spent the next 40 years walking through the wilderness telling everybody that he can lead anybody a man I tell you and God took the nation of Israel and he brought them out of the land of Egypt I hate cinema Shepherd bothered me what it was to live in the wilderness and you and I better realize the day in which you and I are living here night or we're living in a dry and a thirsty lion that Bubba thank god we've not been left to ourselves we've not left our own devices we've not been left to our own decisions but thank God he's giving us a guide he's giving us a shepherd brother knows his way around that the wilderness I thank God for what's known in the way you think about the great miracles I mean boy you go there next they come out and one of the first miracles he does was the blood on the doorpost a man that and then they walked out spoiling all the Egyptians do they came to the Red Sea and he took the rod but stretched it over the Red Sea and the wind blew and separated that water and the entire listen a million two million people walked across on dry no I don't believe they needed more booze I don't believe they needed waiters I don't need they didn't clogs praise God I don't know how the Lord did it but they walked across on dry ground I think you're milling chips and chill original Hebrew children it's like that gold of the aquarium I mean there's a walking through there and give entertained while they went through his a man Habib listen Sam I said well I just don't believe God parted the Red Sea I just believe that was a creek believe that if you want to that just means he emptied round the entire army of these in a creek I'm tired of believe people believe it in this little G little o little bee God this little a little a little R little D Lord honey I'm serving the capital G capital capital D other kids still get the job done in the hour which we live I think about man that he said to a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day he said a manner he sent him quarrel he provided form the shoes that we're Elsa and their clothes didn't wear out he dropped that tree then the bitter waters of Marah and he made it sweet he spoke to the rock and water came out I mean in them in the wilderness it was miracle after miracle after miracle and can I tell you in the day when sweetly other he's not one less fit God but today that he was see on that I'm glad he's got the power to deliver you the Genesis one when it got to talking about the solar systems and creation of the heavens he made this he made this statement he made the stars also five words brother and astronomers and astrologers have been spilling the heavens for 6,000 years they created the Hubble telescope that went these new telescopes and I can go so far out through there and explore the unknown reaches of the galaxies and we still hadn't found the end they did that in five words I mean we've got NASA spaceships and maybe we're doing some of we get to the moon we didn't scratch the surface let me get to the moon man that's just what we can see there's some months more than 10,000 times more we can't see and he did that in five words could be brother Wilhelm that the greatest thing that God the deal in the wilderness was not the man could be that the greatest thing that God did in the wilderness was not the parting of the Red Sea the fact that man right there that's what sharping it even with my fat ears man my eardrums are in there praise God I told her brother and my my Christmas muffin had exploded into like a can of them hunger Jack biscuits praise God one of the most discouraging things I do right now is walk into my closet just two years ago three years gonna wash up and throw all my fat suits away now I've just got skated suit suits it laugh at me when I come in there they just laugh at my haha you can't put me on haha trip blessing and I won't just put them on and do a halt pose and just rip the whole back out of it but Miss Amy won't let me go by anymore so I just don't just walk on praise God hey y'all just kidding people quit laughing praise God y'all ain't never felt that amen amen Oh y'all skinny people are in danger getting kidnapped they're not gonna kidnap me it's too much work sir you better be man I spit up things bigger at him when I'm sick praise God y'all know that's truth don't you laugh either praise God you just have got married you just give it about 5 years you'll be praying J passes in prayer Lord and large my coast but it'll be enlarged mic ain't a man and she sure shouldn't be laughing this gimme she has praise God but could it be that the makin the waters of Marah was not the greatest thing did in the wilderness could it be the greatest thing that he did in the wilderness was to design and the degree to decree a place for him to meet with his people do you say what do you mean how do you mean that well he said he made the stars also he created the Milky Way and all the galaxies in five words but when it came down to big of making a tabernacle but the first place that God would meet with his people he took 50 chapters of the Word of God and took it and may he made it a very detail about the place that he wanted it how can I tell you here what in the heavens it made the difference they weren't making the world I mean in that one chapter it wouldn't make it atlas and he stepped out on the platform of nowhere I pull back the curtain of nothing and smoke everything that was hidden to existence by the word of his mouth and he did it in a chat when he got ready brother Jonathan but to us they have a place to meet with him he took 50 chapters of the Word of God to tell us about a place I want to thank God but that's indicative that won't stood well with us and was the fellowship we'll take that much but the Word of God described the place that he wants to meet with you I'm almost afraid we get the idea it's almost like the Lord is down here with a 2x4 waiting to crack anybody over here that gets near him no he's saying come on over here I've got a place man I I've got to take me home in my tape library it's kids only nor the tape is decent or a Sunday night in December of 73 dr. cycler it's preaching on that text in Psalm 78 can God furnish a table in the wilderness the Barkers Psalm met somebody on that read that service said they were running in and out of the building then run out the side door and run around come back in oh yeah they said oh I just hear dr. Sattler okay can God some of you sitting here wondering can God in 2020 furnish a table in the wilderness and let me say God can attend God my back slid children God can I can God say my spouse other than all he wants to do is cus Lord I say God can god the word an old-fashioned word in 2000 yeah but let me say God can I can't God key part or in the punch from the world and give them a clean testimony okay God save my children and grandchildren I will say with the same God can God can God still can he begins you get to Exodus 20 and God writes down the very first thing he ever writes down he takes two tablets of stone it writes down the law of God let me study how we can flesh yes Moses has been on the mountain with God in the glory the manifested glory of God what's didn't take two tablets of stone his finger and write the law of God on it and he comes off the mountain and find some dancing around the Golden Calf what was most is his problem Moses problem prior to now was his temper problem he killed an Egyptian buried him in the sand because he got mad amen I mean you at least he kept have been in and with the Lord Richard Parker for a week and the holy I mean in the power of God he can at least live right for one day but he didn't he walked off that mountain blew his top let us temper get the best of him and broke the very first thing that God ever wrote down I'm glad for an honest Bible because praise God that means when I feel I can looks Amen if he was up there on top of the mountain talking to the Lord as it was his friend I mean the Shekinah glory of God that glory cloud said on that mouth and he couldn't even live right for a day but God he's omniscient he's omnipotent last time I checked Exodus 25 comes before Exodus 32 so that means God knew that ever going to take their gold earrings and their bracelets and their necklaces and go to Aaron and say give us a God that we can see and he knew they were gonna melt it down and dance naked around the Golden Calf but simms before they ever did that he still said I want a place to meet with you missus it still did not keep you from the place where he was gonna give them a play on that he was gonna give them his ideas and his demands about a place where they're gonna me but can I tell you thank God even in the weakness of our flesh and in the failures of our life I'm glad thank god there's a God with eyes full of mercy and a heart full of love but that still wants to dwell but with this I say praise God if it was a based on my behavior if it was based on my performance I'd never get in but thank God I'm glad in spite of me it's part of my failures and he knew what I was gonna be he still wants to die with his children now in Exodus 20:5 they began to hear what he wants he's taking offered well you know brother Sammy Island read that verse praise God a man first thing he said was bring me gold what about the very first he asked him for was the very thing seven chapters later they were going to give to a false God what is it that he wants out an offer for you but if you look real close you're not giving it to him you're giving it to a false gods or giving it to the world you're giving it to somebody else that gold speaks of the deity of Christ did man bring me some God what's the next thing he said right there silver silver is a picture of the word of God what's the next one y'all help me look at you by brass brass is a picture of the judgment of God what's the next one blue I heard brother brother Charlie Pope preached 25 years ago at people's Baptist Church when dr. Charles Wright was there doc buck but Pope giving him priest was Saturday night in a youth meeting we took the kids were brother Willard's he preached that night on the ribbon a blue eye priestly garments on the inside had that ribbon a book he said that's what that little one with a tissue blood reached in and touched that ribbon the blue she reached there got a hold of some power from another world praise cop speech so happy then he said what was the next one purple purple robe my Savior wore all the pain that he bore have roared that royalty then he said starlet you gonna stomp the two he said I am a worm most time in the Hebrew that's translated as a maggot Rimmer but it's translated in some 22 as total off which means the scarlet weren't we wonder if it's Bibles put together the way he wanted it if it ain't we're all going to hell if he can't preserve his early sort can't preserve us that scarlet word a sip of that scarlet worm got down that mother scuttle when she got ready down to have children have little worms you know what she do she would have fix herself to a tree no Scarlett what a fix itself to a tree or a fence post and said that it would weave a scarlet protective covering over her body said the only way you get her off the trip fence post or the only way you can the tree was to tear her body into pieces said when she had him little limb little worms she would begin the process of dying and those little worms would feed off of that living mother last time much as I got saved I've been living off at Living Word praise God a man and said when she began to die this is all you'll read about it since she would secrete a scarlet liquid they said to sit after him after those little ones that got to the big enough to where she lit three days said she would die and said that scarlet covering would turn snow-white and fall to the ground like snow falling on the sky though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white at show they said when you looked at the tree where that scarlet one died they would be staying crimson red I say praise God there is a tree that holds a great attraction to me and he was staying not with the worm or the blood of a word or with the blood of the precious Lamb of God he said bring me some scarlet what's the next one what's the next one final in it there's this priesthood what's it goats hair what's the next one or the next one badger skins Rams skins dyed red man I understand I understand the blue I understand fine linen I understand silver and brass I understand round things dyed red because you understand that was the outside covering of the ceiling but when the Lord looked down at the tabernacle what was he looking at he was looking I'm skins dyed red but the reason you and I can fellowship with him in that tabernacle is because there's a cover in the blood but when he sees me see the blood he sees me it's worthy and not as I am a he used me in garments much wider than snow up for the Lamb of God is worthy because he washed me this I know I don't understand that goats hair you young men are going to learn in years to come when you get a wife there's a program out of hell that's going to cause you a lot of grief it's the HGTV your wife is gonna watch the reruns of chip and Joanna Gaines and judge gonna fall into your house she's gonna think she's Joanna and she's gonna mistake us for chip man two of my men took me Elkanah I can October 4 pastor appreciation and I'm facetiming me back and I noticed she's in the bathroom and the boys bathroom nothing water and then all of a sudden her I said what do you know she said I'm tired this wallpaper I'm getting rid of this wallpaper said you're going hunting so she said I I figured I needed something to do so I'm tearing this wallpaper down well let me help y'all my wife's five-foot to our ceilings are nine feet tall there's more Sun that she can't reach than she can reach so when I got home the wallpaper was not completely taken off god help I said mama look at me I got a haircut I'm not cheap I said my chest is down around my belt now I'm definitely not cheap y'all know it's the truth man you just come collar me and you mean your par log Yong Yong chol I mean I mean let's come see us in about ten years man you I'll give it more grace neighbor amen the two most important words you'll ever know when your vocabulary is yes ma'am being right ain't worth it amen the brother Jeremy y'all just built the house that you're not too long ago y'all just redid this church well when you get married you have a built-in interior designer it's not within us it's besides there's a conscience trip at any point in building that new house the mr. big ever look at you say now daddy right here in the center place in the in the living room I know what we can do to make it I want them what they call a show wall let's cover it with goats hair she never say that did at any time to mislead to walk in there with you think about that beautiful wood office in there man I'd hate my dad have a wood office like yet appeal one it works off and beat the devil out of me at any point that would be bad in designing your office and honest beautiful church then sometimes she ever look at you and say man I know what we can do to finish the church off let's cover two or three walls in now Princeton Barker y'all just built the house that's how long we ought to wait to build a house [Music] hey man we built our house little and I won't three things I want it brick I want two king-size bed and I want a bat big enough to lay down there outside of that I don't care I don't care eat yep yep I believe justice on that king-size bed if it's purple carpet green carpet it don't matter a man a man the point did she look at you and say preacher I think what would he do so these grandkids and know where they're in a unique house and they come see us when he put some go hair on the wall anybody I don't think joanna has ever looked at chip even in Waco I mean you know now if you don't come out of Waco it ain't you know it's not in I know what shiplap is now lord help us I don't think I've ever heard johanna say in all them thousands of episodes that i'm trying to go to sleep she says look at their daddy we could do that tomorrow morning mama we can do that i don't move out of her said let's put some goat hair on the on the wall but here's the kicker we're not talking about a fixer-upper we're not talking about brand-new construction in our day we're talking about the very first place that god is going to meet with his people you say how important was it well if you're walking up to the tabernacle on the outside it is the very first veil that you will pass through to get in the tabernacle because it was the outside covering so it must be pretty important goat hair what's the first principle bible college students was the first principle well you don't understand what something is you go back into the what the law of first Mitch well I've had that Bible college class too and I looked up goats hair and guess where the first mission is x.25 really help me really spelled it a lot of truths but Jeremy I'm looking for the law first mention and I just read it it's snitching by name goats hair Exodus 20:5 but we've seen goats hair before you say where's it at Genesis 27 Isaac's dying he called Esau yet he said he saw I want you to take your bow and I want you to take your arrows and I want you to go out to eat I want you to kill me some venison I want you to make me some savory meat and when you bring it back in he said I bless you I mean man he said man I'm gonna go out there and do what my daddy said I mean listen we know he saw was that elder brother he got the double portion that was the reason he was willing to sell his birthright so quick but because he sold his birthright for a bowl of pottage are the reason he was willing to do that it's because he knew that waiting in the wings there was still a blessing that was going to be given to him because he got a double portion and now the time has come he's sitting out to the field to kill him I'll submit aslim make them savory me I'd come back here he's gonna bless his boy but Rebecca heard that and Rebecca loved Jacob more than he saw as she said you look at the Genesis 27 he said you go out there Jake eyes excuse me Rebecca told Jacob she said you go out there and fetch me two good kids from the flock and I will make it in the savoury meat that your father likes and you can go in unto him and you'll get the blessing and I'll sound a girl until Jacob said but mama there's one problem he said he saw is a hairy man and I am a smooth if I go into him and he come calls me over and touches me he said I'll bring a curse upon us and not a blessing she said you just do what I told you to do you go get the kids and I'll take care of the rest so we went out there and fix those two good kids brought them in and dress them and hand a Rebecca made them in Britain making them into that savory meat and he got ready to go in she said hold on a minute and she took him goat skins and put him on his arms and on his hands and then wasn't the goat skin they wouldn't be long we walked in there he said who art thou and Jacob said I'm thy firstborn Esau he said I brought you that meeting said how'd you get it quick he said the God brought it to me he said well come here under me he said come near unto me because he knew we weren't going to be fools something was wrong he had he saw his clothes on he smelled like he saw but it sounded like Jacob and he called him near and Isaac up near as eyes were fixed and Isaac reached out and touched the hands of Jacob but they felt like the hands of Esau because he felt that goat hair and he said man he said it's the voice of Jacob but it's the hands of Esau come near that I may bless thee he said what's this forgets of that goats hair I tell you what the significance is Jacob got a blessing that was not his you-know-whats that goat hair says to us we're the brother that didn't belong we're the brother that didn't belong we should've been in there Elisha Jacobs should have never been in there with Isaac admit meeting proper because of the goat hair he got access that he did not have prior to that but can I tell you three three years ago I was on the outside I was the brother that didn't belong but thank God when I came unto him he heard my voice but I felt the hands of the Son of God I tell you I said it's not mine I got a promise that was not mine I was on the hill I was on the condemnation of God but thank God for the day I got in a meeting I didn't belong here and God gave me a blessing because of my older brother praise God a preach soul out of Christmas time had a Matthew one man if heaven if I'd have been right in the Bible and having a been silent for 400 years I think I might have said something else other than a genealogy right out of the gate but when you really get to look at in that genealogy Matthew 1:1 16 words in Matthew 1:1 love 16 verses in the genealogy love there's three men that are listed in Matthew one that didn't beget anybody you know that's how you get in a genealogy is you beget somebody but these three men didn't want us there want to take Mars boys your eyes didn't forget anybody in that group and Joseph didn't begin anybody in that group but they got in you know how they got in sweethearts they got in the same way we did - by the grace of God hallelujah five women in that chapter five women in that genealogy Rahab Mishima Tamar Ruth and Mary three of them are Gentiles boys listen number one you pull the Old Testament they know women there's no women in MGI no Womanism genealogies the Old Testament but there's five women three of them Gentiles come on now out in the world the three Gentile women at least three maybe even the fourth one out of the good night in the morning how in the world you know listening to genealogy where women don't even show up but now there's three Gentile women is that any is it any wonder that he would choose us to be his descendants or when he had some Gentiles they were listening his ancestors they got him by grace we got in by grace thank God we were the one cuz they did not do all he might guess how many times or what time tomorrow spend in Matthew 1 you know what time which time as far as her listings in the Bible that was her eighth you know how many times Rahab is listed in the Bible eight five in the old free in the near do you realize that Matthew one it's the only time in the New Testament where it says it does not say Rahab the harlot did y'all hear what I said she's bitching eight times in the Bible AIT's a new start she's hidden water five women she got a new start by the grace of God and in Matthew one it's not smell are aah a be it smell are ACH Jamie she didn't just get a new start she got a new name time Tamar's listed it's not ta ma our HTH a Emma listen when she got a new start she got a new name I want to praise God listen ones that didn't belong and shouldn't have been there I gotta because they were just like us but they were the brother that didn't belong the brother that did when I came to pray today he heard my voice when he said come near he wouldn't go tired that he was feeling but a nail-pierced hand hallelujah glory we we were the brother that didn't belong and maybe when they walked him through that goat hair they thought man I shouldn't be here this wasn't my blessing this was my big brothers blessing oh you came to church they just didn't feel like you belong you felt like everybody was looking at you you felt like everybody knew what you were involved in the night before you came you thought man I can never be like these people I can never I could never a Christian I could never do this bro but friends you found somebody that stood in your place and now no longer you own the outside looking in now no longer you on the other side of that middle wall of partition but you've got the blessing of my cause of your elder brother so the Solomon for some I turn over find that I'm hurry I said number one that goats hair meant that you were the brother that didn't belong somebody find me sewing something for war you got it son that's good turn it brains God so Solomon for war I mean I like it when they give me Bibles it's got outlines in it take me a picture of praise God just look at what it said behold Thou Art Fair my love behold Thou Art Fair thou hast doves eyes within thy locks and the hair is as a flock of goats now young men I don't suggest you use that now I don't believe son that you looked at Liddy and said hey darlin praise God boy you looking good tonight man I just won't say darling your hair is like a flock of goats praise God pretty good indication that you're alive that you didn't say that because if she hadn't killed you her daddy would have amen amen do you use that on his rent how about usual miss Leslie I know y'all know I didn't say nothin miss Amy about no hair like flock of goats man I married a redhead praise God they'll kill you I was teasing but Cody shoo this weekend he's pretty single evangelist I told him dr. Berger I said I'm praying a redhead on you son it'll help your ministry hey man he's God look you're afraid to say man aloud he was going like this brunch everything's going and then I looked at any man don't say you know it looks heavy man he's on a conviction now he may ride on somebody else for his over say why in the world would he come get because he was a shepherd and when he looked at the flock he knew what made it he knew what made it special what set it apart you and I looked at goats we just think man like they were smelly creatures a tear everything up but a ship raises goes a farmer who raises goats they know what makes them special and I'd say something when this world looks at the church they don't see anything special they see what they think is a bunch of weak-minded people who need a crutch called Christianity to make it through this world they don't see anything but they're not looking through the eyes of the Shepherd see that goat hair speaks to the fact that we are the brother that didn't belong but it also speaks that we are the bride to be the reason he would talk to her like that is because that was going to be his bride proverbs 31 he's writing about his mother but it's always Solomon he's writing about his love are you listening I'm about done I've been preaching a while number three you go to Matthew 25 24 he talks about when he comes in glory he's gonna set the sheep on one side the goats on the other side he's gonna say the sheep's entered in into this promise like that all that when I was hung are you fed when I thirst he gave me drink when I was in prison you visited me they said when do we do it he said when you didn't in the least of these you did it to me but he's gonna cast them goats in the hell but now hold on now he didn't ask for goats he asked for goats hair why is that important because it asked for goats goats don't get in he won't eat goats hair they ain't but one way you getting hair off a goat the goats gonna have to die and it speaks about a believer who's died to themself turn your Bible to Luke excuse me Leviticus chapter 15 16 and 17 Leviticus 16 I back in the fall back in a spring right for we got to right before we got to Easter I preached at Leviticus one two three four five six and seven the use of see Brody remember that Oh that'll hear you sing years ago lest I forget just sim and the lest I forget thy love for me let's not forget thine agony lead me to cavalry that's what I preach that's an old man mind and your hair was not great well jeremy has aged better and I have look his still plaque on the top it's a little thin but it's still black I preached on those Levitical offerings I preached on that thought lead me to Calvary when you get to Leviticus chapter 16 you see words Cataumet atonement atonement you see a word called a scape goat a map see Leviticus 16 is the great day of atonement could I say it this way dr. Barker it is an Old Testament Calvary an Old Testament Calvary talking about that that great day of atonement in the history of the nation of Israel but I want you to look at something I mean you see look at verse eight two goats verse six atonement verse eight scapegoat verse ten scapegoat verse ten atonement verse ten scapegoat I like verse twenty one fit man I'll say more about that in a minute but chapter sixteen there's an Old Testament picture see understand them and I these hyper dispensations boys they're missing I mean they can't find Jesus in the Old Testament what do you do read it with your eyes closed goodnight I mean you don't have to just might as well tear it out because men he's in there the Old Testament is the illustration book of the New Testament anything you find in word and the new is in picture in the old hey man now look at something right here right there in chapter 16 is Calvary but now look back in verse 50 chapter 50 look at verse 2 the Bible said speaking of the children visual center then what any man had to run an issue out of his flesh you can look and you can look over there in some of the 16 and 18 some of those verses and I I'll be careful what I say right here because you can go back and read those at a later date but those are sins of the flesh the most private sins of our flesh I won't wear a mixed company and I'm gonna say a lot about that but it's about those sins of the flesh and the cleansing from those what about the Bible said they remain committed fornication he has sinned against his home body so what about right here in the chapter that's as close to the Old Testament Calvary as you can get he puts the most dirty private sins in our life right under the reach one of the now go to Leviticus 17 a little bigoted Leviticus 17 he's talking about verse 7 and they shall offer no more sacrifice under devils and they after whom they've gone a and it talks about all and says do you realize in Leviticus 17 the word blood is mentioned more in chapter 17 of Leviticus than it is in any other chapter in your King James Bible now let me help you right here what about that there was more blood after Calvary than there was before chapter 15 were sins against our body chapter 17 were sins against his body and on the other side of Calvary he had blood not for just the sins against our body but there's a lot of us if you're like me I did more against him after I got saved and I did before I got saved at 13 years old I'd never drink beer I never smoked dope I never touched a girl I did more after I got saved I did but what about the fact that there was a covering for the sins of our flesh that are so private that we've sinned against our own flesh but then there was blood for that seein after are you listening that goat played a big part in that great day of atonement dr. Barker come be my high priest come be my high priest brother Jonathan you come prima fit man I need me a little feller hey little fella right there y'all coming up and coming up then he's ready to preach would all right sir I need you to stand right there by your Pew go up there dr. mark you come up here and be my high priest you come be a fit man come here scapegoat standing right there son come here brother you stand standing about right here you help me about there stand right there that back pew just put your back up and get step to you just put your back up against up here it's great to have atonement high priest is here whole nation of Israel's gathered we've killed that one goat and they bring the scapegoat to the high priest the high priest would put his hands on the head of that scapegoat confess all the sins of the nation of Israel and then they the fit man would take the scapegoat anybody want to guess how many times fit man's in the King James Bible one time you say why ain't but one fit me they wouldn't but warned that was worthy to take our sin to a land uninhabited to a land in the wilderness Perez got hay back so that fit man after the high priest would have would have confessed the sins of the nation of Israel on his head the fit man would took the goat according to live in a kiss 16 he would lead him into a land we see these guards were posted up in the mountains and the fit man walk and then watch him Italy got out of his sight and watched him until it got out of his sight and watch him but got out of his sight and he would lead that goat into the wilderness and that last Sentinel would watch till it went out of sight and he would stare and stare and stare until that fit man started making his journey back and then the fit man made his journey back man they must have been a lot of sin to carry out there and when he saw the fit man come back in he would take his flag wave it back up heard of that next guard and then that that guard would see that one wave oh he hadn't seen the fit man yet but he's seen the man waving the flag and this man would wave the flag to the next one and then the next Sentinel up in the mountains would wave the flag but back to the high priest and the high priest would make the announcement to the nation of Israel our sins are gold how sins are gonna and thank God you ask me why I'm happy and I'll just tell you why because my sins are and can I tell you what to go there means to me whether my seal has been taken into a lion uninhabited my seal has been taken into the will it speaks of a believer that's died to the old man and we've got access but though somebody died in our place and now a Calvary the fit man didn't take the sins of a race for the sins of a country or the sins of a year but that fit man took the sins of the entire world from the beginning of time to the end of time and took him into a land uninhabited never to be back again and when they walked through that goat hair maybe they hadn't realized a goat took their sin away in that picture a scapegoat I wonder if that's why I wanted to hang that goats heroin outside so when we come in we'd remember that we were the brother that didn't belong some of us have got a good haircut a good long dress and we don't cuss anymore we don't drink we don't be their wife and we've almost got places we believe live we deserve what we got but you spend a little time with some goats hair and you'll remember you were the brother that didn't belong and you were the bride to be you were that believer that's died to that old man now let me ask you something if he wants to meet with us that bad shouldn't we want to meet with him shouldn't we want to come to him if he'll take 50 chapters to tell them just exactly how he wants the place that he was going well among them when he takes one chapter to make everything I don't think it's imported to him creating the world her meeting with his children oh my brother Barker he's not pushing us away he stole his hands out cent are you heavy laden number 44 that red book come unto me I will give you rest take my yoke upon you hear me Andy Blair and meek and lowly come and trust my mind come my yoke is easy my burden is light it wasn't the parting of the Red Sea that was the greatest act in the wilderness but the greatest act in the wilderness God had a milder place where he would meet with you was that also say how long has it been since Utah old with the Lord and told the artists hints Chris how long has it been since you met with it it'd be a good night on this Monday night if he took that much care to tell you that he wanted to meet with you shouldn't we want to meet with him but Jeremy I'll come back you and your family who will preach especially real homiletically correct i preach the message now I'm gonna give you my title there's gonna be a meeting he designated designed and decreed a place to meet with us how long has it been since you met with it I didn't say how long has it been since you taught a Sunday School class or how long has it been since you acquired how long has it been since you got through the goat hair got on with Rams skins dyed red and had a meeting with him we're standing there singing would you mind the Lord be a good way to start this month
Channel: Amazing Grace Baptist Church Mount Airy
Views: 1,047
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: a1UWjBU5dJc
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Length: 106min 5sec (6365 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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