73 Questions With Phoebe Waller-Bridge | Vogue

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Iโ€™m only interested in 582 questions with Tahani Al Jamil.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 61 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DeathdropsForDinner ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is criminally under-appreciated out west. She's a fantastic showrunner and actress, and I look forward to finishing up Fleabag's second season.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Quiddity99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love her and was tempted to watch this but the interviewer is just so weird and kinda creepy. Maybe it's something about the POV format and his voice? Dunno. When he did the in-home interviews with T Swift and Olivia Munn I thought it was very funny how they very deliberately appeared to get him out of the house and close the door before he turned the camera off.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OrphanScript ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
and the guinea pig took off her knee pants got off her skateboard and said you thank you oh great crowd wow what a rousing performance hi Joe all right all right this is how we say hello oh all right well I'm here to ask you 73 questions all right so what material am i walking in on right now this is a rehearsal of flea bag the play and what's the significance of this theater that we're in right now this is the very same space I ever did the first preview of flea bag and what's the most memorable theatrical moment that you've had in this theater in quite an early performance I was I was performing right here and there was a girl sat in the front row who laughed so hard at jokes that her boob came out okay then well flea bag is now a massive hit and I'm a huge fan thank you where did the concept for the show come from I think I was really inspired by the cynicism I was feeling in my 20s and and then also wanting to play a character I could really relate to and also a touch a female rage how did you define female rich uncontrollable violent female anger and killing Eve is another show that I'm a big fan of thank you how would you condense that series into a quick little soundbite murder murder hair now which do you prefer writing for multiple points of view or writing from a singular point of view um I do like writing from a single point of view because it means you really have to delve into the psychology of one person how different or difficult was that to write without also acting it was kind of a relief to begin with but then I did start to miss it and when talking about fleabag I heard you said it was hard to not look at the camera does it feel good to be in front of the camera again money means this is not this is just your face isn't it oh just toughening you of course it's my face there's no camera here give me those bye guys thanks so much great 4:10 rehearsal so fleabags a show that i binge recently what's a show that you've been recently homecoming what's your dream role in mud and I really like to play someone who folks up in the wilds I like raised by animals what's your favorite word in the English dictionary trumpets favorite podcast in the podcast Pantheon guilt and shame and guilty feminists just anything with the word guilt in it favorite artists my name agreed favored artistic moment in the history of all art in the history of all odds you was a favorite British idiom never look a gift horse in the house in the house in the mouth favorite American idiom I'm just gonna circle back biggest difference between American and British Schumer um I think if it's really truly funny that really shouldn't be a difference what's one thing fans would be shocked to learn about you I didn't write any of it would you consider I stand up ever yeah can you tell me a joke fast tattle baby you are staging the world's biggest art heist what lied you tell the security guard to let you into the museum I am the main security guard so I could see you're on your way out what do you have planned for the rest of the day I'm gonna go into the feedbag edit the final day oh I cannot wait for that you find yourself in a plane do you take the window or ILC window find yourself on the train are you riding backwards or forwards mmm how do you unwind Oh sleep who is your favorite designer right now Gavin he designed my amazing liquid red thing from the Golden Globes who's the most stylish fictional person doesn't help who is the most stylish real person Bill Nighy what would you consider to be your beauty philosophy ah don't even think it will save eyebrows can you tell me a PG rated version of the most r-rated story that you have well I did do a play here upstairs when I was in a bath naked with somebody for I don't think there was a PG version of this Dorothy move on this is Maddie who played free bag in the tour very cool hey Maddie hey Maddie hi favorite gift you've ever received Oh build your own gingerbread house I got this Christmas from my mom and then I also got a really beautiful bracelets box of it yeah favorite gift you've ever given I gave my brother a record and I had recorded all of his friends singing happy birthday and sending lovely messages to him on it was reaching for that was it biggest pet peeve rudeness okay I see the workstation over here can you tell me what you're currently working on no come on knows no what three words describe your writing process panic panic hope and what is a crucial aspect to your creative process mm-hmm panic and hope what would you say to anyone in a creative rut reads and walk around get out of bed and call someone who can complain about your rut - okay show me a hit in town and then what okay that is weirding me out creepy yes tremendously so what's the best description of London that you've heard I mean that it's a lovely country what's your favorite thing about Soho oh very people just open doors to you thank you the seven noses of Soho and what's the most English thing that I can do while I'm here apologize for everything what's your favorite insults can you bleep it out because Americans really don't like this word favorite quote we write to taste life twice which is the hardest in a limitations are accents imitations are you good at imitations hmm no I don't believe it for a second and you're pals with Donald Glover yeah what's he like to work with he's adorable kitten can you tell me something about him that absolutely no one in the world knows no why would I do that okay so we have a British red phone booth yeah people don't actually use these anymore oh they do but may need to urinate and to call out prostitutes who said fleabag is not autobiographical but what would you say are your biggest similarities with her as a character deep down she's a hopeless romantic and what's your favorite thing about her she lives to make you laugh and it's going off-broadway yes will this be your first time performing on stage in New York yeah who is someone you love to see in that audience Glenn Close what dating advice would you give there anyone who's single right now always smell good what's the worst first date you've ever had and someone who was more boring than they were hot that make sense how'd you like to be remembered for my favorite lamp Edison making people off and who would you ask 73 questions to Rasputin thank you do you normally get recognized on the street yes peaceful ambiance uh we have here how do you handle pressure in your career um I think I feed off it do you have any regrets in life no what are some of the best advice that you've ever given or received and my mum's always give me the best advice and there was one in particular when I remember it's me when I was younger one day darling you'll walk into a room and there'll be somebody there who you're very attracted to and you might just wanna have sex with them immediately they might want to have sex with you me to be but that doesn't mean you have to it's good advice now what's the best advice that you've completely ignored don't eat that what's a question you generally detest being asked what's it like being a woman in comedy what's it like being a woman in this industry what's it like being a woman what's the question that you want to be asked more um are you a model do all me to ask that question alright so we're in a park called a park tell me something a little bit about this park and this is where I always end up off to gay pride where did you grow up Evie I grew up in Ealing how do you describe your upbringing loud loving and spatula look at that oh look at that doggy I knew that so cute oh you doing something behind my back a morning person or a night person what are you night Pilates yoga Oh yoga jogging or swimming jogging very random we're at a party it's a good party karaoke happens what do you do take it very seriously and I heard you have a theory about song selections yeah I think you can tell an awful lot about as a woman could tell a lot about a person by how they conduct themselves in a karaoke session what would you pick he's a from Lady the whoo that's a good selection when a dad should always go Frank Sinatra that's right baby yeah last question before you head to your appointment would you be available to give some feedback on a script oh yeah so I wasn't talking about me oh the proud of it oh my goodies should be that's excising drop me a line so good give you encouragement and read it thank you I'm really well it got the sex like you think so much just a draft I can't wait to meet it is the dress so great okay Wow thanks baby bye-bye she's gonna love it
Channel: Vogue
Views: 2,765,671
Rating: 4.9628305 out of 5
Keywords: 73 questions, 73 questions with, pwb, phoebe waller-bridge, phoebe waller-bridge interview, phoebe waller-bridge 73, phoebe waller-bridge 73 questions, phoebe waller bridge, phoebe bridge, phoebe waller-bridge vogue, phoebe waller-bridge 73 questions vogue, fleabag, phoebe waller-bridge fleabag, fleabag phoebe waller-bridge, waller bridge, phoebe waller-bridge london, phoebe waller-bridge england, celebrity, homes, style, celeb style, vogue
Id: D3mmqLVi_QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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