73 Questions With Jennifer Lopez | Vogue

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foreign [Music] great to see you Jennifer Lopez hey what a dream on a scale of one to ten how excited are you to answer 73 questions today ten I knew it and I'm excited to be here in LA with you thanks for having me what would you say is the biggest difference between here and the Bronx uh the size of my closet and what's one word to describe the Bronx cool very cool come on in all right thank you what would you say is the biggest impact that New York has had on you um is made me who I am and what was your go-to order at the bodega my go-to order at the bodega was ham and cheese on a roll with an orange drink if you know you know and a small bag of chips sounds like the JLo special to me you want some tea I love some thank you so everyone knows I'm walking here what's something else that real New Yorkers say thank you all right let's get into your past do you remember performing for your family when you were a kid uh every holiday do you remember the first musical you ever saw on Broadway Dreamgirls classic yeah and do you think we'll ever see you in a Musical on Broadway yeah I hope so how did you celebrate getting your role in Selena there's really no celebrating I got right to work I was so nervous now can you describe the outfit that you wore to your first premiere My First Premiere um God it was a kind of rayon Lynn polyester mini dress and kind of a Sandy poo poo color with buttons it was like forget it do you still have it no which of your characters are you most similar to um I think there's a little bit of me in all the characters I play but I would have to say Selena yeah and which of your movies would you most want to make a sequel of really critically acclaimed who has made you laugh the most in between takes um my husband Ben is there a movie that you really regret turning down I'm faithful what movie or project would you say is most underappreciated what is the most important thing that you do to prepare for a role research just dig into all the details of who the character is what they do what they do for a living how they act their day-to-day moment to moment existence and which of your performance has challenged you the most um Ramona the poem speaking of hustling what's the hardest thing about being a producer I think the hardest thing about being a producer or the most challenging thing is to bring the right group of people together because it's that chemistry that counts yeah well I can imagine you're a pro at that you're a t thank you oh that's mine oh yeah that one says Queen and you are the queen so Jennifer why was it important for you to name your company New York Rican Productions because I'm a Puerto Rican from New York I suppose that's a perfect reason and who do you think should portray you in a movie about the story of your life she hasn't been born yet um if you could cook one thing for the rest of your life what do you think you'd be cooking rice and beans and chicken cutlets with such a busy schedule what do you do to relax uh watch TV with such a busy schedule how often do you actually get to relax once a week can we do some quick rapid fire questions sure okay are you a morning person or night person night person hair up or hair down up Beach or mountains Beach original or remix original ballad or dance track depends on my mood but dance track and you're in an airplane aisle or window congratulations that concludes a rapid fire section come on let's go sit down okay what was the first movie that you really loved West Side Story so good and what was the last movie that made you cry coda well your backyard is going to make me cry because it's so beautiful thank you Jennifer you don't strike me as someone who gets pre-show Jitters but what performance made you the most nervous oh um Celia Cruz tribute at the American Music Awards I had to do this flip over two people and head first flip over forward and he had to catch me thank God he did yeah I hope you didn't fall at all I fell many times rehearsing that one what would you say is your pre-show ritual um I mean after I get my hair and makeup done I just basically take about 30 to 45 minutes for myself nobody in the room just warm up my body stretch and warm up my voice who was the first person you told that you'll be performing at the Super Bowl I think the first person besides me to know is Benny Benny your manager and what did he say holy how was preparing for that performance different than others uh it takes months to rehearse for seven minutes usually it takes months to rehearse for a two-hour show but this was a different animal I can imagine if you could go unrecognized by the public for 24 hours what would you do walk through a crowd what was the best advice a friend has ever given you Don't Force It and who was that friend Elaine hi Elaine how would you describe your work ethic we're lightless and what do you hope your kids learn from you being relentless that if you work hard you can accomplish anything do you think that they get that I hope so what is the most intimidating thing about Parenthood everything um but definitely the teenage years I could imagine and what is the most rewarding thing the most rewarding thing is that they wind up teaching you what do you hope will be Jennifer Lopez's Legacy then I put a lot of love in the world and what does successful representation for Latin artists look like to you that we just are like everybody else treated like everybody else and regarded the same way and represented the same way as any other human being what would the title of your Memoir be uh dance again and again and again and again and again and again and again never stop Dancing never never stop and what advice would you give about love today and it starts with you Switching gears a little bit what's your favorite holiday Christmas it's coming right around the corner yeah can't wait and what is one Christmas tradition that you and your family look forward to the most um we cook the same food every year which I love because I wait for that food all year we cook pasteles and all the like Specialties so it's my favorite plus it's the most sparkly holiday of all it is yeah and what do you want this year for Christmas um I have everything I want which do you prefer recording this song or shooting the music video recording the song and which of your music videos was your absolute favorite hard to pick but I would say if you have my love because it was the first and do you remember what your first big dance audition was uh Fly Girls In Living Color and what's your best tip for any dancer going into an audition stand in the front Brave and what's your favorite song to dance to um any salsa song can I see another part of the house let's go to the recording studio I am ready now when you were a Fly Girl did you do any choreography uh no and what do you always look for in a backup dancer when you're performing I look for a great Entertainer what's the biggest difference between getting ready for a red carpet versus a performance I think probably one is nerve-wracking and one is pretty easy and how would you describe your everyday Style my everyday style is very relaxed and kind of tomboyish but with a little bit of sexy in it what is your favorite look of all time oh my favorite look of all time I think people would think it was the green Versace dress because it's the most famous but I would have to probably say it's too hard to choose that was an incredible dress and what is your most surprising Beauty secret sleep when you imagine the perfect day of self-care what's on the agenda locking myself in my bathroom all by myself taking a bath putting in the oils and the bath salts putting on a little music maybe reading a book a little titch knot on now it's the 20th anniversary of this is me then yes what's your favorite song from that album dear Ben now why did you name the new album This Is Me Now um the same way this is me then captured a moment in time a very special moment in time this album also did the same thing captured a very special moment in time so this is me now what is something new that you tried on this album to be unafraid and what is one song that you've always wanted to cover that you haven't maybe Martha Tom Waits legendary now what do you think your Fan's favorite song of yours is um um oh on the floor Jenny From the Block Let's Get Loud uh I don't know waiting for tonight waiting for tonight so many to choose from well Jennifer we are at question number 73 what are you most excited about for next year for people to hear the music and speaking as a huge fan of your music I cannot wait which reminds me I gotta get back to work go get it thanks for coming best of luck JLo thankful
Channel: Vogue
Views: 4,623,146
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Keywords: 73 questions, 73 questions with jennifer lopez, celeb style, celebrity, home tour jennifer lopez, homes, j lo, jen and ben, jen and ben affleck, jennifer lopez, jennifer lopez 73, jennifer lopez 73 qs, jennifer lopez 73 questions, jennifer lopez 73 questions with, jennifer lopez home, jennifer lopez house tour, jennifer lopez jlo, jennifer lopez vogue house tour, jlo, jlo 73, jlo 73 questions, jlo and ben, jlo house, jlo house tour, jlo video, style, vogue
Id: AVAb-iLIwfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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