73 Questions With Priyanka Chopra | Vogue

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omg i love her so much

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/woesoverhoes2 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'd like to ask one more - in light of your Tweet regarding KPS Gill, do you care about Sikh sentiments?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MiriPiriSingh 📅︎︎ May 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
priyanka i'm so excited to ask you 73 questions me too it's gonna be incredible what non-work related thing are you most excited about oh my god sleeping tonight and how long do you plan on staying in new york city for just a week okay what's the first thing you do when you go back to mumbai india i take the long drive home from the airport and i put the windows down and let the wind float with my hair if you and i were to spend 73 hours in india together what would we be doing okay we will be eating so much we will party so much and then i'll make sure i take you on a rickshaw because that's a must can you tell me a misconception americans have about india that we all have arranged marriages and that we speak a language called indian it's like saying i speak american okay can you tell me a misconception indians have about americans that all americans are super rich and you can sue anyone here though that might be true what is the single greatest thing about america that is the land of the free and the home of the brave and cheeseburgers what is a single thing you want to say to everybody in india at this moment i love you also at this moment is a guy down there who wants to shout out a question hey what's up what broadway show should i take my family to lion king always lion king come on let's go inside okay what was the last show that you binge watched um the crown what's the coolest thing you've ever done skydiving what was the scariest thing you've ever done i was in zimbabwe recently and i ate some worms worms and they were fried what's the most common mispronunciation of your name bianca my name starts with a p and it's chopra like oprah not chopra or chapra or whatever noted what was your best pinch me moment when i heard that i was on the cover of time magazine as the hundred most influential people in the world it's pretty pinch me where do you hope your career takes you in 10 years to global domination would you shave your head for a roll i would totally do that but i think pantene would sue me not allowed to which award are you most proud to have received i've received a padmasri which is basically like getting knighted in india the president gives it to you and it's pretty cool where do you keep your miss world crown i didn't get to keep it because it was made of solitaires and sapphires so they took it back it circulates 50 years now do you remember your question from the 2000 competition yes i do the question was who is the living woman you admire the most okay what'd you say i said mother teresa but she was dead but i still won you did she lives on in my heart and how would you answer that question now i would say michelle obama i think she's aspirational super cool still added and at the same time just real you know all right what do you like on your pizza pepperoni and jalapeno what's one thing you always buy a duty free um i buy shoes lots of shoes all right what's your favorite dish your mom cooks okay she's gonna kill me but my mom can't cook so scrambled eggs boiled maybe what's your spirit animal a phoenix cause i can always rise from the ashes what's the most romantic thing a guy can do for a girl you know surprise a girl don't do the whole chocolates and flowers thing all right what's your ideal first date fly me to an unknown destination to see the sunset what's the worst pickup line you've ever heard in your entire life oh my god did you just fart because you blew me away oh my god who's your supermodel crush um tyson beckford uh what's the most american thing you could say in an american accent um could i have a skinny almond milk latte with no almond no milk please okay what's another american thing you can say in a boston accent pack the cat and the yad i'm never doing boston again okay favorite hindi mohave well done joe all right jessie karni vessi bharni all right now if i wanted to impress some friends with some hindi slang what would i say okay cool let me think um it means get lost son do you have any tattoos yeah just one okay it says daddy's little girl and it's my dad's handwriting i lost him four years ago all right uh if you got another tattoo what would it be i don't know what it would be otherwise i would have it by now probably over here though now priyanka i am one of your 17 million followers on instagram and i wanted to know what the deal is with this photo right here this was me playing the holi with jimmy fallon which is the festival of colors in india where truth triumphs evil and it's just you smear people with like the colors it's great okay and what's the story with uh this one right here this is little cindy she is three years old and she was obsessed with my tattoo this is from zimbabwe i went for a trip with unicef okay what's the story behind that photo that's the premiere of baywatch in miami recently and there were so many people and they were shouting my name and they were loving the premiere that i had to take a picture with them that's amazing now here's a fourth photo final one what's the story behind this one this was my epic mega dress which i love and i lost the trains someone from vogue still has it by the way well your dress at the met gala became a popular meme do you have a favorite one i do a couple of them can we put up could put them here let's do it okay so there was a car a cover of a car there's a tent and then there's a magical flying carpet with jasmine and a lot of crazy it was fun it was great creative prank is there anything you always travel with yeah i do actually um it's right here okay this is my mandir it's a little shrine because i like to pray every morning so your light little incense ring the bell just to ward off even and start the day in a good positive note nice uh what are the things you always carry in your bag um a girl's bag is a big secret because i like you joe i'll share it okay how would you classify your style um comfort chic and who are your style icons rihanna reika okay look always hand cream sunglasses because that's my uniform um gum oh two kinds of perfume because i don't like just one i like to mix them and my wallet and definitely hot sauce it's random you say you always need hot sauce now i heard you sing save the best for last miss world what other song do you know by heart i don't know what they want from me it's like the moment we come across the more problems we see we're going to switch this up can you sing a few lines from your favorite taylor swift song yeah because everyone has one very true i knew you were trouble when you walked in the screaming goat remix part of that song now i heard you had a crush on tupac record i did what would you say is your favorite tupac song of all time hail mary and if you can ask tupac one question what would it be okay this is serious all right thank you get down on one knee will you marry me don't laugh i'm being sincere shut up can you do your best impression of the opening in the baywatch theme song yeah of course but we need space for that let's do it here okay ready yep okay it has to be a slow motion oh it's great let's go upstairs all right let's go first okay 21st century who is your dream co-star marilyn's chief who is your dream on screen love interest roger rabbit okay if you could play in an iconic male role which one would it be bond james bond if you were an actress what would you be doing with your life i'd be an engineer at nasa okay what has been your best fan moment so far um this fan of mine she got me to sign her hand and tattooed it so my signature is her tattoo it's pretty crazy wow and awesome what's one thing you hope no one will be talking about next year donald trump's tweets what's the most physically impressive thing that you know how to do i can't do it right now because i'm wearing a dress but i can put my leg behind my head it's pretty cool would you say that you're good at lying of course i'm an actress i'm a professional liar and i get paid for it now you went to an army public school what was that like it was awesome actually it really taught me the value of discipline how many cities have you lived in i got so many delhi puna mumbai la new york miami not miami boston indianapolis cedar rapids um puna ladakh i traveled all the time my dad was in the army uh what's the most important lesson in manners you learned growing up please sorry and thank you and always stand up when someone else does okay if you're alive for a book what would the title be unfinished priyanka i heard that you perform your own stunts on set what's been your most dangerous accident i got electrocuted on set once which was pretty crazy and i cut myself today sorry can you give us a tour of your body hey based on your scars okay okay good thing you caught yourself there mister i'm here i punched out a clay something i don't know for what god this was from my movie bajirao mastani which is a period drama so jewelry did that to me this is from good morning america so many can you show me the coolest move that you learned from the fbi when you were training for quantico well you stand up for that so you hit someone here in the neck so they can't breathe and you go and then you hit someone in their solar plexus and that just doubles them over it's got to be fast can you demonstrate some of those punches on this clown right here i don't like clowns sorry just makes me scared okay what three things are at the top of your bucket list um okay to go to every island in the world have lots of babies and the third thing would be i'm still thinking about what my third one would be what's the world's most pressing issue today i think the fact that we don't take care of our children the way we should if you ran for office what would your platform be um education and trying to eradicate poverty you were once named one of the most intriguing people of the year who do you find intriguing queen elizabeth because i just saw crown and no one knows too much about her you know and you've been described as a shiro who are your shiros my mom she's definitely my shirt okay this next one's weird it's from my friend fran if you were to rob a bank with one kitchen utensil what would it be um a wine opener because it has so many different types of things that i could use it for various things alright last question question number 73 what would you want question number 74 to be you look so hungry pre would you like some lunch i'll remember that for next time and as i call back to our manners let's get up and say thank you so much it's been incredible bye
Channel: Vogue
Views: 24,069,970
Rating: 4.877162 out of 5
Keywords: 73 questions, 73, priyanka chopra, priyanka, 73 questions with priyanka chopra, priyanka chopra interview, priyanka chopra 73 questions, priynaka 73, priyanka chopra 73, priyanka chopra interview 2017, priyanka chopra india, priyanka chopra quantico, priyanka chopra baywatch, vogue, priyanka chopra funny, priyanka chopra beauty, priyanka chopra singing, priyanka chopra taylor swift, priyanka chopra clown, priy
Id: dOUV2rwMr1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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