Inside John Legend & Chrissy Teigen's Serene Family Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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okay oh hello A.D hello Haiti I'm John Legend I'm Chrissy Teigen Welcome to our home welcome [Music] our designer's name is Jake Arnold we love him sometimes people who are really creative and good at the creative stuff aren't good at the business side of things but I feel like Jake Jake is the hypero but she loves to cuddle this is my Instagram story room everyone's always like you never leave this couch we live here this is the living room you know and some people their living room is more like a showpiece and they spend all the time in the den of the family room but we're actually in the living room quite a lot we sit here and watch reality TV we cook right there in the kitchen and since the kitchen and the living room was so close I think that's why we spent so much time here because we're always cooking she likes to be in the same space as our guests same space as the family which is why we have three or four different versions of these cushions because um yeah basically my butt leaves a mark for long enough and the dogs don't help and the babies spit up yes and the kids jumping back and forth I will say like this is a very kid proof House people are always scared to bring their kids over they're like no they're gonna jump on everything I'm like look at this it's chaos hey our living room is very lived in we actually use some outdoor Fabrics yes indoor couches some of our Fabrics are outdoor because they are tougher they can take more crap that our kids put on it and piss dog piss yes that too it's a lot of dog piss here so our TV cabinet is pretty cool it stays open most the time because we're usually watching it's never closed in this room but the TV comes out watch this and then you can swivel it to face the living room more or face the kitchen more so if Chrissy wants to watch Real Housewives and make dinner then we can turn it toward the kitchen you mean watch The New York Times watch you mean watch Reader's Digest up we're in the kitchen we are in the heartbeat of our home obviously we spend so much time in here you can watch TV from here this is a fully functional working kitchen I think like when we go to other people's homes we're like oh my God you can tell that when they don't use it or you say it in Airbnb or something you're like oh these people don't use their kitchen yes we really use the out of this kitchen honestly we have all four ovens going quite often yeah so we actually have two down here two over there and then we have a microwave over there and an espresso machine we are literally using all these things all the time we're doing big meals having friends over we have Thanksgiving here Christmas here we do everything we always wanted to have a home where it would be like an open door for our friends and family what we love about it too is it's not really precious this can take such a beating I mean we normally have a cutting board on here that everyone sees my kids on top of all these burners going I will say it is a very sensitive fire alarm oh yeah smoke alarm for anything so we had to make sure this Hood it was good because yes it's trying to keep us safe I understand but I wish it would change a lot less it's going too hard Try A Little Less have some faith in us that we would wake up [Music] so we're in the piano bar this is the room where sometimes I'll write music sometimes Luna will take piano lessons the chandelier was designed by Allison Berger it has my lyrics from my first couple albums etched in those wine glasses up there and then we have a record player that's in this beautiful gold cabinet there's also actually a TV in there LG like roll up TV or TV house we have TVs everywhere and then of course we have some of our Awards up here Chrissy's glamor Woman of the Year my grammy Emmy Oscar Tony things Chrissy's mac and cheese award that was what we did during our first holiday special we did it together oh I also got a glammy award for the best chair sitter from my Glam Squad because I never move I'm just really good at getting my hair and makeup done [Music] it's new I just made it up for this oh my God [Music] we sometimes stay at Kelly wurstler's house she's a great designer and she has a Malibu house and it has a tree like right in the living room kitchen area and we're like we want a tree inside our house too so this tree actually is an olive tree that used to be alive for real but it's not alive now and so we like literally dug six feet deep put the roots down put this tree here not ourselves and it has silk leaves that don't fall down they're attached to the tree and it still looks and feels real but it's not alive it was formerly alive we embalmed it we embalmed it basically around it we have this beautiful this is a custom designed kind of gold ring around the tree it's our Christmas tree during Christmas times we put the presents underneath it here the kids will cut out little shapes and we'll hang it from the leaves and we'll put twinkling lights in it around the holidays and it's just such a centerpiece obviously it just makes us feel more connected to the Earth and just to like have it kind of flow from inside to outside is beautiful so now we're in the dining room which not really a room it's just all part of the great room but this is where we would have formal dining but we almost never have formal dining never actually my Girl Scouts sit here the Girl Scouts in here Christy's Chris is a Girl Scout Troop leader believe it or not yes she is and she's so good at it she's like always coming up with cool ideas for the Girl Scouts and I think aside from Thanksgiving the only thing I've done here is have my Girl Scouts gathered around it and making dirt cups yeah but this table is just beautiful it's the heaviest table you could possibly imagine it takes like an army to move it so so we're never going to move it after this like it's just going to stay here forever this used to actually be a full wall with a fireplace and we didn't like it the fireplace felt like a little too fake and cheesy we decided to make it to pillars instead and we put this beautiful based on Chrissy's idea put this beautiful art installation I did Academy and I basically was like therapeutic ketamine yes a therapist doctor supervised doctor supervised and I came home and I was like wouldn't it be so amazing if we had two beautiful butterfly wings that we're holding our house up so this is Jake's interpretation yeah the butterfly wings they're kind of like butterflies flowers but each Wing slash petal was installed one by one and hand painted each one like if you touch them they do they move a little bit I mean they're so delicate and somehow they haven't been hurt yet at all I think because our kids can't really reach them that well not yet not yet [Music] this is Luna's bedroom guys and how cool is this bedroom we just kind of gave Jake some vague notes about how we wanted the kids rooms to look and when he came back with drawings of like what they were actually going to look like I was like this is beyond anyone's wildest dreams of what their bedroom should look like she has a slide that she goes both up and down yes mostly up these days yeah a little kitchen with her Easy Bake Oven a little swinging couch she has a little beautiful Nook up here that her and miles will have little sleepovers in that's the bed where Manny and Amelia Bedelia book are read yeah we read a lot of stories over there and then we put up all those little you know those star stickers the glow-in-the-dark stickers and stuff together one two three foreign [Music] loves cars if you can't tell the centerpiece is of course the the Jeep bunk bed and then miles has like a cave over here we can read and then it has just a whole play area up here too there's a little climbing wall in the corner where he can climb up that way to get up on the second little story of his Nook and his cave good storage for all of his dinosaurs so many dinosaurs and giraffes they love looking down from the net that's up here and then you can see the kids when they come up on top here they did a good job Jake did a good job he said I think the headline of this story is Jake did a good job okay so we're in the theater now and we actually don't watch a lot in here but the kids do they watch like Scooby-Doo in here and then sometimes we'll have like a movie night in here to jumpy yeah it's really easy place to jump and not get hurt and Miles loves it look at him what I love about this room is it's slush it's feminine stylish too stylish it's cool we like to be in here it's just a beautiful beautiful room we normally have a nacho machine here can you show them the cheese I do have the cheese actually we have cheese we have we have bags of manufactured cheese so much manufactured cheese for it so if you 100 organic you stick the tube in the cheese bag pop it in the water [Music] the cheese comes out I even bought actually sour belts Swedish Fish everything's underneath here even though we have all this our kids are really good about not wanting it not over indulging like they don't come and ask us for candy all the time they're good about it and they eat their normal meal mile still doesn't eat vegetables but we're working on it one day buddy one day one day [Music] oh so now we're in the family room and this room is where if we're gonna have a big group over to watch anything that we want to watch whether it's like the big game the big reality show first last night we had about 40 people crammed in here on the couch on the floor our pizza all over the table it makes me so happy to see everybody gather around one space we wanted this space just to be cozy you see this massive couch it like just looks welcoming and so we just get in here it's really casual everything's low to the ground and we just hang out in here I will say this couch was cream just a just a couple loved but I but clean looking yeah we wanted to bring a little like Funk into the house and a little pattern character and character and fun and anything coming out of this we've I I mean we've spilled red wine we've spilled everything it's a very durable Fabric and we love the pillows oh my God these pillows are so gorgeous this print Jake picked this out and showed it to us and we were like yes that's the one how much Bravo is watching here um so if I wake up at nine I guess nine to like when I go to bed Ten we just it's always playing in the background it's part of the like tapestry of the home like the fabric of the home yeah it's part of our background yeah it's always happening yeah the kids see it and they hear it and they know that mommy's watching her brother mommy's watching her Bravo and you shouldn't fight like this fighting isn't good yes don't be like this is the most magical powder room I could imagine it's so beautiful it's so beautiful it's all the same Stone all throughout so the sink the walls everything it's just all this beautiful stone these sconces are vintage and it's a vibe in here don't you want to move into this Powder Room there's no better place to take a it just really is fun yeah you know this is where the magic happens yeah okay now we're in the back yard we've got a pool we've got miles we've got Master Turf we got a water slide over there a little place structure for the astro turf it says astroturfs people that watch people that go up watching football that was like what they called it we have turf it gets really really hot back here when this when this animals so it would just be a lot and we discovered that it's much easier to maintain Turf we have a little garden back here we have barbecue over there so if we were having a party obviously the party flows in and out so it's in the living room but it's out here too when we have big game parties Super Bowl parties the water slide is fun it's a hit with the kids foreign on the couch if I'm in trouble this is where I sleep it's such a joke amongst married people but we it's like a sitcom Trope if anything I used to book a room with a Bowery hey in New York yes I'm booking a room with the bow right I'm like out of here I don't do the couch not anymore this is actually my therapy area so my therapist comes in twice a week sits on this chair and I lay here and it's exactly what you would imagine I lay here and just talk about life talk about life so this room like obviously is like very warm and Earth Tony and we just want it to feel like super cozy and not too bright everything muted and chill this table is actually really cool we've had this table since our first place we did with A.D I love that home so much because it's like our little it was our little three bedroom Oasis and this is one of the only pieces that is still with us from that home I love that house this is our bathroom Chrissy likes to do bath time with the kids I do bath time with the kids I don't do so here and so if I everywhere I'm telling you if I must I will sit maybe five ten minutes quick rinse watch Bravo but me and all the kids will Pile in here they love doing like a family bath with me and we sit in here we do a big bubble bath how miles how much do you love Beth you'd love it yeah that was bad times with Mama especially he brings all of his cars what else our shower is great good pressure pressure that's all you need yes really having a great shower is all about pressure in this space where we are now there was both a his and hers bathroom and his and hers closet we thought that was a little redundant and so we did really big closet together and then one nice sized bathroom together we don't need to be separated it feels very like Victorian or something [Laughter] laughs okay ad uh I think we got some TV to watch a robe to put on you can go home bye sorry take care we've loved having you [Music]
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 2,594,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ad open door, arch digest, architectural digest, architectural digest open door, celebrity house tour, chrissy teigen, chrissy teigen and john legend arch digest, chrissy teigen interview, john legend, john legend and chrissy teigen, john legend and chrissy teigen 2023, john legend and chrissy teigen house tour, john legend and chrissy teigen open door, john legend house tour, john legend interview, luxury house tour, open door arch digest
Id: v293iGJ2PVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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