73 Questions With Dua Lipa | Vogue

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my seats to the show better be this good dua hey vogue an answer to 73 questions is now your opening act i'm ready okay can you first tell me what you're standing on this is the levitator can you tell me the purpose of the levitator i uh get up every night and i perform levitating on this while flying through the arena oh my god that sounds like magic and how many shows have you performed on your tour so far i've done 23 shows out of 109. almost a quarter done and what is the first thing you do when you get to a new city i love to find a good restaurant and a really fun dive bar how would you describe the future nostalgia tour in your own words the craziest thing i've ever done what's been the most memorable show on the tour you know i do get spoiled almost every night but i have to say msg was a really special one for me love new york city and how has your approach to touring changed since you first started it's definitely not rock and roll it's lots of sleep and lots of tea two very important activities what tip would you give to someone who's about to start their first ever tour make sure you take some time for yourself um to stay grounded in the midst of all this craziness and what is your pre-show ritual i do my dance warm-ups with my dancer sharon and then i do my vocal warm-ups with my backing vocalists and then um i have like a little fist pump handshake with my monitor engineer alex and then i'm off on stage how is onstage duet different from duo just hanging out pretty much the same just a lot more adrenaline when did you feel most vulnerable on stage but i dropped my mic at my show in washington dc and i was not prepared for that so i think that was probably the most vulnerable moment what's something people may not know about dancing during a performance well i guess you know there's a lot of thinking with dancing and singing at the same time but sometimes you're just thinking about what's for dinner now you have me thinking about dance moves what would you say is your most famous dance move i think i'm just gonna have to show you that one oh i was hoping you'd offer that to me so do it you take the stage the spotlight is on you what is the perfect experience you want fans to have at your show i i would love them to have a really fun really sweaty um dancing experience where for 90 minutes you can just forget about everything that's happening on outside these walls oh i love it and what's the first thing you look for in a stage outfit i love something that's comfortable but makes me feel really good and you wear four outfits during the show how did you go about selecting them so my show is split up in like four acts and so each outfit tells a different story from the first one being like the dance size class to the spacesuit at the end very cool girls can we do the dance because bo gonna want to see it you ready that's right yeah all right five six seven eight you happy vogue yes duo you completely made my day i'll catch up with you guys in a second uh do you have a message for people who may have made fun of that dance no i think the message has been received got it now dua how do you hope you inspire your fans i really think without sounding cliche if i can do it you can too so if you're really passionate about something then you should really just go for it that's right and how old were you when you realized you wanted to be a singer i well i dreamt about it from when i was like four or five but really put it into action when i was 15 when i left uh kosovo for london and what was the first song you ever wrote first song i wrote was probably around the age of four or five and i wrote it for my mum it was in albanian and to translate it it's like when i grow up can i borrow your shoes when i grow up can i wear your dress when i grow up can i be as pretty as you um and now it's just a running family joke oh that's cute and what was the most important lesson you learned when you started making music uh just to be really proud of the things that you put out you know what you represent and who you are as an artist just to make sure that you have no regrets when you look back on the decisions that you made what trait did you get from your mom i definitely got my nurturing side and wanting to take care of people from my mom and what about from your dad the hard-working side and definitely the curiosity element was albanian or english your first language albanian was my first language what albanian phrase was most often repeated in your house and what does that mean it means what's for dinner what was for dinner lots of yummy stuff my mom uh she's a great cook and she cooks amazing uh traditional albanian food so i always look forward to it especially after a long stint on tour that's amazing and what was the most important thing you learned after moving out of your parents house uh i learned how to cook and how to do my dishes and do my laundry those are important things to know and how do you unwind after a performance i'm still figuring it out but do you want to follow me and i'll show you something really really cool i would very much love to see something cool now dua what is the most important thing that travel can do for a person i feel like it can really just uh broaden your perspective and your horizons now i need some travel racks where should i get the best coffee in new york city um ludlow coffee supply i love a maple oat latte from that best fish and chips in london sea shell of listen grove and since we're in los angeles right now where can i see some good art around here i really love the broad and lacma i think they've got great exhibitions on very nice if you want to follow me just be careful down these stairs cool and mind your head as well i wonder where doa is taking me right now i'm taking you to the underworld i'm ready and now you're making me crawl i can't believe how crazy this stage is hi brando hey darling this is marlon brando we like to call it hey brando julie um and this is my trolley and this helps me get from a to b uh when i'm doing quick change so you can follow me and i've got you a little seat for you as well so we can do this together nice so this is how you do it all right so do it where do you keep your first grammy my first grammy is uh on the mantelpiece uh on top of the fireplace that's the perfect location and out of all the awards ceremonies that you've been to which one would you say has the best after party uh the best after party is at the brits uh because english people love to get up well speaking of going out have you ever used a dating app i haven't and what's the worst date that you've ever been on i once went out on a date with a guy we went to a party and then we went to the smoking area and he just started kissing another girl how rude is that all right let's shift gears if i give the names of people you work with can you give me one word to describe them this one was just one word okay okay uh ellen john a maverick calvin harris a polymer thank you moronico and what about megan the stallion well it's not really one word but the hot girl now who would you say you were most excited to collaborate with on the future nostalgia remix i was really excited to collaborate with the blessed madonna just getting to work with a female producer for the first time was really special for me and get to reimagine the album was super cool that is cool and what song would you play at a dinner party to get every single person on the floor dancing oh the time is now by maloko how did your songwriting approach change between your two albums i just got more confident and i trusted myself and my craft and what is your favorite lyric that you've ever written i'll sink my teeth in disbelief because you're the one that i want which is from my song love again so i love your future nostalgia tattoo when did you get that i got it before my album came out i actually announced my album title through the tattoo very cool and do you regret any of your tattoos no i don't regret any gin or vodka martini vodka martini filthy and what's one word that describes your style right now playful i think that's a perfect description all right i'm gonna go and quickly change and i'll be right back okay dua i'm gonna keep firing questions at you while you're changing we can't stop this all right all right what's the biggest difference between getting ready for a red carpet versus getting ready for a concert when you're getting ready for a show especially when you're on tour it's like the traveling circus you have a routine it's so much easier i feel whereas i feel like red carpets have a lot more pressure totally and what's the biggest difference between your style five years ago versus now elevated darling and who do you think has the best style in the world i love kristen mcmenamies oh love her whoa i'm getting pretty good at this quick change thing should we go and hang out in my dressing room for a sec that was amazing uh so what is your go-to outfit when you're not working uh working not working always in a look what's something that you would never wear crocs me too stilettos or platforms stilettos monochrome or multi-colored multi-colored what was the first designer item that you ever bought hey guys uh first designer item i bought were a pair of alexander mcqueen boots that i got when um i signed my record deal i wore them to death what was your favorite job my favorite job was working as a hostess in a restaurant in soho i had a lot of amazing memories made some great friends and some really debaucherous nights you can imagine who can always make you laugh my siblings but i think both me and my sister rina can agree that our brother jin is the funniest what was the last list that you made on your notes app i'd have to have a look all right take the list out let's have a look oh the last list i made was the numerology report that i got from an astrologist oh can i see it okay hey john hey john so how did you get the idea for service 95 uh service 95 it really came from like my love of lists list making going and trying out different restaurants different places wanting to share that with my friends and so i wanted to create a platform where i can do just that i can also make activism accessible put stories by incredible journalists that really kind of um they're kind of the kind of stories that you wouldn't necessarily go looking for right and uh it's an ultimate concierge service that's how i like to see it from me to you that's great and how do you prepare for your podcast interviews uh takes me about four or five days to do lots of like reading and researching watching interviews videos trying to get an understanding of who my guests are and what are the most interesting questions i could ask them it's a lot of work and what's one thing you always travel with i always always travel with my yoga mat what's the most difficult yoga pose that you've mastered uh crow pose into headstand i'm not sure what that means so you'll demonstrate for me uh in heels and jeans i can try that's great and i'm gonna uh be over here and not get in the way of this at all whoa and she nails it 10 out of 10 execution from dualipa that was amazing and thank you for showing me that of course anytime okay so one thing i love about you is that you've never shied away from sharing your beliefs why is that so important to you um i feel very lucky to have this platform and so i feel like i need to use it for something that's way bigger than me makes sense and what's the cause that's on your mind right now i'm actually currently working with the activist nadia morad and trying to find out ways on how we can help the yazidi community who inspires you politically king bernie is there anything that you'd like to set the record straight on a lot of people ask me if do aleppo is my real name and it is noted and do you have any newer rules that you would like to add to the new rules that you had before yes um make sure you give your friends your phone on a drunk layout so you don't end up drunk calling someone a million times that's right and what's one question you're tired of being asked are you ready and last question question number 73 for everyone watching at home what is the definitive answer to the question are you ready always and i'm ready for your performance excited to see you on stage mwah thanks stuart
Channel: Vogue
Views: 6,317,779
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Keywords: 73 questions, 73 questions with dua lipa, celeb style, celebrity, dua lipa 73, dua lipa 73 questions, dua lipa answers 73 questions, dua lipa concert, dua lipa dancers, dua lipa interview vogue, dua lipa live, dua lipa outfit, dua lipa performance, dua lipa seventy three, dua lipa tour, dua lipa vogue, dua lipa vogue interview, future nostalgia, future nostalgia dua lipa tour, future nostalgia tour, homes, style, vogue, vogue 73, vogue 73 dua lipa tour
Id: asrGCMGSmY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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