7120 case ih broken pto shaft

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and I know the farmer that bought these - there's two of them there's another one across the road just like it these things probably got $20,000 on them at least I know they had seven or eight thousand when Ralph sold under this guy and a member they bought these brand new when I was in high school these are damn good old tractors but now I'm telling you this one here I went through the power shift on this one maybe five or six years ago and I told them I said man this is this is the last - raw for this one he says why and I said well there's a shaft I got the shaft in her but we're this the input shaft I think is what it was on these power shifts if they had a creeper transmission the input shaft was different than the regular transmission well the coupler and stuff - they're not available anymore through case anywhere you can't get them I mean this went on for a good month looking for this part junkyard salvage yards I mean all across the country looked overseas and couldn't find one there weren't very many of these creeper transmissions in these and the splines are almost gone and and I told him I said I want some slides a strip that's probably finished I mean it's probably junk both of them are but that was four or five years ago it's still gone so broken PTO shaft and I've changed a ton of those on these things cuz these guys I don't know I don't know how these guys keep breaking them but they keep breaking the PTO and I'm here's our new shaft it's been a while since I've changed one I'm not really sure how I'm gonna do it yet because I had a special tool that I made with a plate and all thread I did these all the time with and the last one of these I did I was in the old shop across town and I moved everything out and when somewhere in the process of moving and we misplaced that tool I looked forward four hours yesterday trying to find it and can find it I don't know what happened to it so I had to see if I can improvise and make this work without it well we're gonna start draining some oil out and turn Phil's hopefully I get enough drained out of her measured roll up on some blocks trying to get most oil Oh pointing towards the front of the tractor I will all right okay I gotta remember there's two bolts you don't two or three you don't pull out there holding the case halves together and I guess I'll just start zipping on if you get to a short bolt you know you leave that one in there [Music] [Music] maybe a home with the 19 on their head suppose so this one's got a topper washer on it up here this both of these on the top net coppers on them am I totally it's pretty dirty ever lay a rag down ladies bullet holes push your holes our first read the piece it's been a while one you should do them all the time a little while outta there that way go get me another five-gallon bucket and clean it up and rain another five gallons yeah we'll get another bucket clean another bucket up drain another five gallons out of it never mind slowing down it's just the oil that was in his housing pretty shirt and I got enough out of there what a soaring seal that was on I'm stuck to that that'd be one that was all inherit then would have been leaked I can't remember how heavy they are but have you know the best thing to do is get this kind of [ __ ] out of your way dusty when you're going back together with these journeys take that off Oscar knock it off Oscar quit being a growling you got these four factors beat pretty hard now I can slide it straight out not fight it some cardboard lay this thing on with mentality it's pretty dirty I billet job and in the dirt sticks to when you drive down a dirt road last weekend I guess I'll do it again on my Sunday off I gotta go meet a heyguys wowwwww find my transmission snap ring pliers and one pair of those I don't like where am I good with that to me red-handed buyers in here I figure out how to do this without that tool either that or have to make another one I've got some wall thread and stuff in there I might have to make another one B I can't figure out how to do it without it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got a pretty good project here next week no no fun probably won't video it it's good a friend of mine it went to high school with him and he's really big-time into the log and equipment thing and there's a lot of work for those loggers and he called me and he's good at he's got a feller buncher the feller buncher that fell over on its side and ruined the engine and the framework and there that holds the engine it bent it all up but he's got another machine for a parts machine that he's got a good engine in and so and the framework so we're gonna pull the engine on the on the Temko off and off the one that rolled and then cut the framework out for the engine support and then cut the other one out pull the other engine and put it in the other one that rolled over and weld it all in and remount the engine so it ought to be quite an inner little interesting project yeah that's right that's blind into there that's right okay so what I want to do next is pull this loser and I think that just pops into there if I remember right if I remember right been a while it's been a while I don't know what's gonna happen if I don't mock it off and I'll be pissed cuz I sockets will just go everywhere get another rag before the oil makes it over here I was trying to kind of keep softening it up as rips out of there [Music] [Music] [Music] can't remember behind that spacers are another snap ring I don't remember I'm just going off memory I just in my memory what the [ __ ] so needle bearing I remember that now I remember it anyway I don't remember if there's a well I think it's pretty tight fit if I remember right in there happen I remember it's a pretty snug fit in there Lincoln is a cheap screwdriver and something wedged out of there yeah and that should just um some wine from the clutch pack right there these are your PTO clutches right here okay you have to compress this spring right here that's where the tool comes in handy right there that's where you need the tool we got to figure out another way to do it though I've done it with C clamps before but I don't know if the C clamps big enough to go around that or not [Music] try to get over here on the short that makes it a pain the way it stands I don't think that's gonna happen I'd have to go put it in the press I think I could probably put that in the press I do have some pine cutting with notches in them I could compress that within the press that's what I'll do I don't need a tool necessarily I can do it without the tool I'll just put it in the press and compress the snap ring here can actually I'm wondering if I even really need do I need to really pull the frictions and stuff out of it well let's do that I didn't going to be that they could deal with my little check them all over here huh and look those over real clothes I hate to admit it guys I kind of like were nice closed off for this kind of hydraulic nasty [ __ ] you know I kind of like them [ __ ] mittens like what Luke Reynolds call the business cutter they used to always think of them as either icy evidence some slippage there see the teeth or weren't off on them I don't know if we want to put this thing back no that one's slipping the friction material is almost clear gone on it I'm not putting this thing back together today that's not gonna happen I'll get the shaft change whenever we're not putting them clutch packs back together the way they are that's not gonna happen I'm not putting it back together like that look at the teeth how the teeth are worn off on them really bad the internal spline teeth see how this one here the first disc has been slipping see where this one's burnt see here you can see you can see the silver material here it's it's been slipping worn out this one here has been slipping on the other side of the disk see where it's burn on this side of it now the other ones a teeth are worn off but they haven't been slipping all it takes is one one bit to slip and you're screwed man look at Warren these are look at Warren these teeth are let's see I got that back Oh transmission that I rebuilt in here I'll show you what that the difference is between good teeth and bad teeth or an internal spline disk just find it good well these this this backhoe is different the disk the the steel plates are actually internal spline you can see the difference here see how they're nice and kind of squared off there they're around where the recess and the valleys are then they square off they're blue these things they're just absolutely worn out bad so we cannot put it back together the way it is let's go put this back in here we don't want to mix these parts up like those we can't get the shaft change in it today though so let me there's nothing they had to come apart you do have to get this off that's what we got to get the clutch drum off of there and the piston so I'm using the GoPro five I can tell you what the GoPro seven sure picks up the low light conditions way better than the GoPro five does as you can see I've got this set up in the press [Music] can't get the right angle on it because I'm too close to the what if I drop it down another notch put that long piece of pipe there and that'll give me more room between here and here and then maybe I can then maybe I can get my snap ring pliers on there the way I need to get them on there this ain't working very good here and working so [ __ ] I got it worked up on the inside anyway I got it all right yeah I should went down another notch is what actually had done when we put it back together we're definitely will take these down to the next hole we gotta get myself some more [ __ ] room there for that spring expand all right okay get this snap ring here let's see it holding I don't remember that's gonna be the piston you gotta pop the piston out of it yeah we're gonna need air for that I'm gonna put some air in one of these ports and pop the piston out of it I'm sure there's some guy on here that does them everyday that's gonna tell me all wrong I'm doing it [Music] that's okay last one I did was about five years ago I don't remember how you can't remember [ __ ] like I just can't these ports one of these will pop that out of there that would be the one okay forget that snap ring and pull that snap ring out of there [Music] [Music] there we go pull this and pull the drum off that's right there's a snap ring under here [Music] there's a thrust washer right there now we're finally getting down in the world we can do something here now there you split the case those two bowls to be left in I will pull them on Steve's gonna pick me up the guests cuz I called the Kanak forum he's in town and I doubt they're gonna have it we'll probably make a part two to this video because most the time guys I mean we probably should have planned ahead a little bit but he just called me out of the blue and said oh yeah I got a new pts after that treasure can you change it out said sure and then I got in the cab he said the pork sure and the tractor on all the only thing in the factor was the shaft and I'm sitting there thinking well there's a little bit more to this I mean if I'm gonna do this I would get me know I would be ready I'd get my seals get my two baskets for the key splits and the want amounts of the case of the tractor and kind of be ready to go you know instead of kind of just half-ass just thrown the shaft in it I'm calling didn't uh nineteen monitor then they told me today he said we can't 6170 are we're just gonna put it back together the way it is we just can't get the the owner wanted the new part on them we're just gonna have to say the hell wouldn't put it back together the way it is I don't know the piece was coming from Germany and now they say they can't track it they don't know where it is it's a huge cluster that's what it is huge cluster I thought there was spreader bulbs for these there's some whole Rican on a PTO shield on but there's no spider holes we can put this my me percent all the way back together with the exception of the frictions and the pack you know so it's good little tapper kappa ruww okay it's gonna be tight on the dowels I'm guessing that's gonna be tight on them dowels right there [Music] now she being a little bit stubborn it's that one over there the ones causing me problems and this Dells causing me some problems here she's coming now hang on that one down quite a bit [Music] there's another gasket now there's a us water here you're gonna make sure get that back on there just watch it'll go there with the bronze side up it's got a flat on it and he'll go in that notch right there okay I don't remember if there was a snap ring retained this or not in there seems like gonna be ahead to put this idler here off it's up here they're here they're gone washer remember that just I mean I remember that bearing being in there I think I had to press that bearing off and he took the snap ring out and you had to go put this stud shaft in the press and press this bearing off and you had to beat it back in there wobbly son of again [Music] yeah and then you'd beat the whole thing out of there you do pretty certain we're not gonna be putting the stock to get her today you guys seals room and then I could put that seal in there I guess without ever losing that big of a deal I could put the seal in there with the shaft in it and then um before numerous times [Music] yeah we'll just pop that seal over I'll just stick the seal under after oh all right no that's right see you got a you have to pull that out and then pull the snap ring press the bearing off it's a little bit of a job changing easy not too bad though let's put it in the vise because it's already screwed up when you hear what else did all right let's go put her in the press press the burn I think Bob agrees come from I'm over the hill I press something off that had grease in it and who's that onto the floor and now this fill in it now that's got grease all over it sometimes you can't make a move without breaking knee just keep pressing off of there there is the inner race for that there is a broken one broken you broken it you've broken that's not much anymore absolutely do I need this I need that no I don't need that go on here alright I just put that inner race back in that bearing okay what I like to do now and this inner race on these types back on here brand-new shaft you got there and that like the way that snap ring looks kind of a little bit out around looking but sometimes a guy can take them put them in the vise trying to get them round again I've done so many of these while I was you one of these tractors were used all the time and a potato years I used to do them all the time out right out in the field I'd out in the middle of the potatoes [Music] [Music] I think a lot of the viewers are used to working in these elaborate shops and maybe dealerships and things and there's quite a few filled mechanics on this channel too but I think the guys that are always in the shop they just can't believe what they're seeing just absolutely foreign to them having somebody do something out in the field and there's dirt around them you just can't believe it son of a [ __ ] really good with me working to piss me off a little bit but the wrong guy using that screwdriver as a chisel and punch you damn right and I'll go buy nothing on that one screw that what do you think of that sometime you're still fussing around trying to find the right tool for the job that I'll be on to the fourth project and be done [Music] we have a little bit of an issue yeah she's a little crooked yeah he's got a real hammer there we go a little sideways on his Oscar he's still being ornery being little on Rihanna's buddy we'll be honoring right back to it Arielle [Music] or fine last long time here screwdriver [Music] okay this is a consistent thing that maybe somewhat it's an awkward thing it really is [Music] now all of these snap rings good I love them already just stick the whole thing in the vise it's not bring his in okay okay now what a mind can do I guess it still looks pretty good where's that gear there that gear housing needle bearings looking that look pretty good how old my fingers this one here we'll have to grease it and stick it on here I'm gonna take a little in aerobics even put around here I'll reuse this gasket done a hundred times before I think I probably did it to this one he's done this quite a few times and he'll you only need to brake the PTO shaft on this drive out there and change the PTO shaft in it that's all we get is this Jeff getting out or what kind of probably maybe start getting some more parks for you know like the gaskets and seals and I can put that seal I can slide it over the shaft and get it back in there with the shaft in it take that there water and there you go all right guys I'm gonna get a little anaerobic seal out there put on that I'm gonna find me a block of wood and put it right here and stand this up straight all right plan we're gonna use this one gasket here Nicole Miller Steve there and he said well see he said then we really need the tractor so put some he said put some silicone on there something kind of a back-up plan make sure she seals up okay you the boss there's a big square part out what am I looking at here this way I probably should put some on this side too you know we just worry about that one side there a little bit cuz they had a little bit of a tear not one gasket on the corner which I don't think it's gonna hurt at all to be honest with you let's put a little bit right in here over this see it a little tear right there that's the biggest thing right there fill that gap in okay let's tighten this up a little I put this case half on there it doesn't go to hell on me it's going on here oh you dumbass um let's see here I get a goal like this the hell that I got going on here that goes right there that's washers gonna be right there yeah I'm all screwed up like this right here hanging in that water bearing there a little bit there needle burn you think you will just your goos all right we're there in these two bolts here [Music] and then this one oh this one let's get in grace and kinda cinching up a little bit that way how come he's using Imperial ranches on a metric bolt 3/4 19 millimeter pretty much the same thing half inch 13 millimeter 1/2 inches it's go smaller i've used to have hints on some bolts that were metric bolts that were partially rounded off to get them off before because they fit tighter 14 millimeter 9/16 are fairly close 14 millimeters a little bit tighter but half inch a 19 millimeter are pretty much the same I can't believe the guy said that he's never never done that I can't imagine how many hours of wasted man-hours these guys spent on trivial stuff that doesn't mean [ __ ] you know it doesn't absolutely mean nothing okay that part is together I might just leave on device now this gasket here is pretty I know it looks so great you can't put it together anyway cuz we gotta we can't put it together with the frictions I just wanted to get that Park together how far can we go though see we can go quite a ways I guess we can get the clutch drum back on it there's a couple stealing rings on this clutch drum so look at those are Teflon ones they're not split ones either they're solid Teflon rings usually don't have any problems with those little metallic ones with wire and break on you but hey sure is my snap ring here snap ring pliers or did I leave them in there hmm she seat up I think it did just use this a little bit of a persuasion here see if we can go get the D 7f coming my way pretty much I think so we just got to work out an agreement between the two those in this guy's a very good man easy to deal with if you treat him right and be honest with him about things is one of them guys you don't lie to them about anything you don't even you know you got to be honest with you and you should do that with everyone you shouldn't lie to anyone about anything anyways he's a good dude is it cracked or scratched scratch they believe and it's scratched okay piston seals look good on it and they can put the return spring back on all the other stuff we can't do much about till you get some more parts we can't put that [ __ ] back in here it won't last long at all with that I'll put it in the press again press that back down collapse it and put the snap ring on to get the light here's we gonna kinda Center that thing a little bit get it to pop over this just touch oh come on now cooperate with me here guy I've had to hit these things and get them centered before with a hammer tap on I'm gonna get them to pop over that be the Oscar in there an Oscar Oscar don't mess around means business it takes some time get the damn thing to go on all right I'm gonna do the brain fart and lift my snap ring pliers outside dummy big dummy now go eat some lunch then I'll come back and clean that hitch and pitch the hole and all that [ __ ] SUV stack up and put it back on that tractor in 6970 are out there require the use of a screwdriver or something can we possibly map that that way a little bit yeah a screwdriver or something press the snap ring down in the back cause it's wanting to curl up on me every time I press on really guilt oh it took are you sure she slapped down in here something don't quite seem exactly right does it [Music] alright I'm just gonna leave it right here guys Thank You chefs better gotta put the seal on it we get the new frictions all those but I'm actually a new one I don't need it on this dress we'll pack it over here and lay it on the this plywood over here right at the parts of this case backhoe [Music] okay
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 132,378
Rating: 4.9179645 out of 5
Keywords: no
Id: Oj763r41kjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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