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[Music] quack quack quack quack well it's a good walking ten degrees this morning my computer back in the truck i gotta go it's christmas eve merry christmas to everybody out there now i got the peterbilt in the shop usually in the wintertime i parked this truck in the shop and my heater's going in there and it's nice and warm and it just starts right up so i know you're gonna laugh at this but see i put when i bought this truck it didn't have a grid heater there's no block here still on i still haven't put a block here on it but if you want to start this thing in the morning i put the grid heater on there and i i got busy typical mechanic i got busy and never finished it so here's the here's the oaky way that i have to start this thing when it's really cold [Music] i know it's not 40 below zero like the alaskans get all that other i have to constantly hear about but it's cold enough it don't want to start when it gets around 0 to 10 degrees here i got me a hook up to the battery cable yeah i'm basically hooking it directly from the battery cable right to the wires on the intake heater so i never have wired them back into the switch and all that stuff i just haven't had time ah let's make sure see if the heater's going in here shop i gotta i'm gonna tell you a little bit about this deal here [Music] for some reason the heater quit and shut off for some reason this is the waste hole heater [Music] now i see what happened the bushing popped out of there do okay now i got a starter and three batteries i gotta throw in here and run down there and put those in the truck yeah we're gonna go down here see if we get this feed truck going then cows they don't really know what day it is they don't really i don't think they even if they did they knew that it was christmas eve they probably still want to eat a little feed truck you're gonna have to transmission out this thing a couple of times cowboys aren't really known for servicing stuff up and keeping the oil changed and stuff like that i don't think this m14 in this whole v-truck i don't i bet it's never had no oil changed in it i think you just keep adding to it you just wonder how long can that thing run until it blows up or sticks a piston or something you know or the bearings go out in it they're going to be over there my video do you think over here years they've done this this is ball mountain right here you should spend a lot of time up there when i was a kid it's about 80 200 feet from the top anyhow when i get out there i'll see if we get a bird up i thought i'd give you a little shot of the catalina here's a pretty place out here uh or something um one wire that doesn't want to come off the post back here there it is [Music] uh this battery box out all the hate chaff and everything else and it's probably frozen [Music] in there [Music] all right get the new batteries [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] come out of there [Music] um uh [Music] [Music] [Music] wires on [Music] they're not too bad really actually this looks like this and this one was like this [Music] i gotta get something to clean this one off it's corroded well i wrote this in the battery yesterday and they failed all of them but i bought a starter with me too [Music] see what happens well let me hook my jumper kill i think [Music] well i think it's going to start i just want to put my dumper cables up to it i don't want to ruin the batteries looks like we're going to be putting the starter in it i guess i'll put a starter in it [Music] i got the grounds off everything get the single wire on from here all right let's see oh man this is not gonna be any fun it's a feed truck so all this crap's in the way ah this isn't gonna be no fun i really didn't look forward to this one well the one vector in the corner is gonna be the one that's a real pain in the ass i'm gonna get it first all right what the hell am i gonna get it out of here i don't know take a bunch of these hoses and [Music] loose all right guys i'm going to show what they're doing in but this is a delco mt-39 gear reduction starter any chance i get to get rid of one of those md mt-42 velcos i get rid of it [Music] um [Music] so so all right that's cool [Music] uh i'm gonna put this on video there marco and see if i haven't made a video in like i don't know two weeks give them a merry christmas video starting the feed truck well it didn't arc when i put the cables on so we must get the wires hooked up right so all right well [Music] well we got a running block heater's not working in it that smart ether and didn't get it to start [Applause] yeah their block heater's not working all right well i'm out of here it's christmas eve we're gonna head back towards the house and uh cleveland's about 40 miles we got them to where they get their cows and i'll have to tell them they're gonna have to start it with ether for a couple days till monday rolls around and uh i'll have to order a block here everybody's closed so uh anyhow oh uh so one of my logging customers he he called me here a while back you guys remember chuck preston uh from bremerton washington remember that champion air compressor well that air compressor i use it all the time it's at the main shop down here in the goal but anyways this logging customer might call me i'll show you when we get home but uh there was an estate cell and i was clear over by landfill valley which is like and he was in grenada california well landfill valleys grew over by bonanza oregon long ways away you know and it's a good probably two hours two and a half hours and uh this gal wanted to get rid of this stuff that her dad had and he died and and i i just didn't want to i didn't want to i didn't want a lowballer but i didn't want to pay too much for something i didn't see you know my my my buddy sent me a couple of pictures on the phone and i said man i i can't offer much money if she wants to sell it to somebody else i was really trying to get out of it i just didn't want to act like i was screwing her but he said just make me an offer i said okay i gave her 400 bucks because i said man i don't know if this stuff even works anyways i'll show you when i get home but i got a big black hawk uh it has a it's a 5 000 pound capacity black hawk cherry picker it's a great big heavy duty cherry picker and then i got a ingersoll rand horizontal industrial compressor and it had a it had a 10 horsepower three phase motor on it well the problem is neither one of the shops one at home or the one in mcdonald they all think it's all single phase power well i started researching the researching it you know and i was going to put a phase converter on it well i had those guys priced me one out and it was going to be like 2500 bucks man to put that phase converter on there and then you know there was some there are some other things you can do to switch it from single from three phase to single phase or from single base to three phase there's there's uh there's rotary converters and all kinds of stuff you know i was gonna put a freak drive on there you can put a frequency drive but that was that was like 2500 bucks and i was like man so anyway i called dave's electric he was the one pricing me out he owns a motor repair shot i know dave's pretty sharp man with that stuff he used to work he used to have a motor repair soft he's been doing this stuff since the 60s has put it that way the early 60s he had he worked in a motor repair shop in portland back when portland was a decent place to be anyway um he had a he had a 10 horse single phase with the same frame on it sitting there and he said i'll rebuild it for you and i'll sell it to you for 400 bucks so i got a i got a single phase 10 horse motor sitting at home that i need to swap out with that other motor and i want to get that compressor running but when i get home i'll show you i was gonna rebuild that 4.5 liter cummins and go out there and put it in that slother today but the guys at kids it's not their fault they they've got the parts from interstate mcv for me and i ordered i had to have the crank grounds to spun some main bearings i had to have that block line board i and the machine shop was waiting on me they wanted to get one of the pistons so they could uh pour the the cylinders 20 over well i ordered 10 10 bearings and 20 over pistons will open the box yesterday and the damn pistons were standard pistons and i called that kids and they said they don't know why interstate mcb mispackaged it put standard pistons in there they didn't read the order you know so they're they're pretty good outfit they're they're next day here in the uh the uh right pistons for me and not charging me any freight so those will be in today but it's not going to do us any good because the machine shops closed today and nobody's going to be open till monday so looks like we'll be going back over there monday to give them our pistons and so they can finish the machine work on the block and so we'll pick up the block and the crank for that hopefully like tuesday or wednesday and maybe put that back together but yeah to finish this video up i'll show you when i get home here i'll show you that compressor and that uh that compressor and that cherry picker i bought at that estate cell pretty good deal the cherry picker that it's got a porta power on it and that port of power doesn't pump up it's been sitting for a long time i gotta mess with that a little bit too kind of hard to see this compressor but i mean just to references look at the motor and the pulley and look at that look at the size of the compressor head on it i mean it's a great big son of a gun [Music] 125 psi this is a horsepower 10. where'd i see yeah three-phase on it but this is the motor that dave went through for me here i'm gonna change the three-phase motor out put the single phase motor on so anyways i thought i'd show you that i'll show you this uh this cherry picker that's in the shop here i've got so much crap in here trying to do this truck job around it but this is that cherry picker right here so yeah it's a i gotta work on the porta power but it's a it's a heavy duty sucker [Music] we finally got a clutch and a flywheel lined up for this thing so we're making progress there but anyways it's uh it's a block blackhawk mc 12 5000 pound capacity so yeah look at that you don't see cherry pickers like this anymore these ones you buy it with nap or something you know they they're not they're nothing built the way this thing is [Music] anyhow i thought i'd show you that i'm gonna i'm gonna i might mount that motor on that compressor and mess with that and work on this truck some it's christmas eve but we gotta go eat dinner here at her grandmother's house in a little while but anyways hope everybody has a good christmas and a happy new year we'll see you next time
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 89,947
Rating: 4.9706354 out of 5
Keywords: no
Id: gFVY19kFkSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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