Bringing a D8k caterpillar back to life pt.2

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a girl here Daisy girl were heading down here too well I'll do a few things I got the valve body rebuilt for the champion creator got the Charlotte Motor resealed for the steering motor and I've got a pressure switch 15 psi pressure switch for the transmission that was leaking really bad actually what caused all the problems in the woods laughs here with that for that old grader that switch leaking and nobody basically the sight glass is clouded over and faded to where I don't even think a lot of guys though there's even a sight glass there on the transmission and they just ran it low on oil and actually the transmission is what feeds the clutch housing on those graders so we're gonna go get all that stuff together then I've got the oil pump the dak I got a run by this store in town here and get a little bit of 30 weight powertrain oil to prime the pump and I got filters for it I've got to find the suction screen on there too like they clean that suction screen make sure it's clean and hopefully we'll fire it up and see if she moves so anyways I'll be with you like it down here well guys here we are to geek again let's see here what would I need to do first I need to get the pump out let's get a little oil in it and turn it I put this flanges on it yesterday some filters and o-rings cat with the I draw trigger that transmission I'm gonna need two hands get that heavy bastard power train oil [Music] five gallon book and wonder if I gonna empty one gallon bucket somewhere I'd like to pour some oil in this section side of this pump and just turn it until I get oil coming out the discharge port might be messy but make me feel better than everything's wet lubed well I was thinking I had an empty antifreeze jug here somewhere but I don't I'm gonna improvise [Music] [Music] I'm gonna turn my hand discharge port of course love it's gonna run right back out there when we turn it upside down to put it back on so there's no word put that thing in there I'm sure somebody else nibble about it I'm gonna pull this suction screen here and then see if it's all plugged up bullshitting the filters in here filter on the pressure side audience you come off [Music] I might pull this plug out here and fill this thing chlorophyll oil I started to make sure these filters and stuff is full of oil I got a five gallon bucket a thirty turn 30 weight so this bolt back here is kind of fun oh hi Davey no oh we shook the camera a little motion Ben get harassed you I'll try not to say the f-word every other word hon Daisy do you hurt your foot sweetheart come here oh you gotta oh I see it I see it let me get that out of your foot coming baby oh I know those hurt okay huh I know they're pretty bad around here they're pretty bad around here okay sweetheart a big vicious pit bull she's scared of her own shadow I don't want a mean dog anyhow preferably a short socket egg-laying that'll oh my junk drawer well we guys if we get this thing moving I'm gonna walk over there to you in old e7f - that's got a new undercarriage in it you know but I don't know well I started working for this guy I mean he had a guy tell him that this transmission was bad and you obviously seen that the charts the transfer pump was bad as the transmission pump so I'm not sort of sure that old e7f doesn't have a minor problem - no they said the torque converter went out on I mean it should be pretty easy to see if the torque converter went out if you start the cat up the damn thing is not turning the drive line and obviously the torque converters bad or it's not getting any oil a couple of dolls on obvious to be a little bit careful that he's getting there seated upright and doesn't break the housing because it didn't get on the dowel yeah I don't want to drop any more stuff done to belly pan today after that made the last video I spent about 30 minutes to turn the fish mother stuff out over there I got it all out took a little bit [Applause] all right the fun part of getting all this crap back on I don't think it'll be too bad let's get a little penetrating on these little rusty bolts here maybe they'll go in on the leesia fours I've worked on a lot of these feed Lots you know over the years and the whole anti-seize thing used to work on a truck shop - that's where it kind of started mechanic in Africa out of the Navy these truck shops and and Kalla haulers would come in and then Cal haulers a we'd have to do slack adjusters or anything back there on the trailer on the suspension or anything we would clean the thread I mean we clean it s cams up all it real nice and clean and anti-seize the hell them with the expensive copper you know $50 bottle Anna sees the next winner or the next year it come in for something else and we had to pull that thing off and it was like it was never there at cow piss and calcia to best adhesive in the world and you would have to get the torch back out and heat it all up and to to you know to get it apart I mean it just was like you never even put the stuff all in here and I just be honest with you on that kind of stuff I just kind of quit wasting my time of my money with this $50 bottle of antecedent work on that now on highway truck yeah it works pretty good I do use anestis for certain things but I've just over the years for the experience I know there's there's things it's just a waste of time and don't do any good if I got the right bolt in there is our sword on the net not really huh I come out of the old pump I meet that it's gonna be one of these all about the same length it looks like to me that one's a touch shorter right there we're doing there honey decided to get back in the truck huh she's kind of goofy she she don't go very far or nothing or wander off now off Dukes here Dukes left her guardian Dukes here a few ventures out with dudes but if she's by herself she don't I'm in a strange place she won't do it I've had way better luck over the years with female dogs and I have with male dogs like trouble I mean I've always lost male dogs for some reason Joe I had him for four years and he was a hell of a dog and then the strychnine got him because he does he view no he he was his own worst enemy he was always getting into something he loved chasing stuff down and he loves chasing rock sucks and killing off chucks he loved that I mean and he was pretty merciless when he got ahold of a rock chuck it was over with pretty damn quick for the poor rock Chuck underneath okay let's see here yeah this is 1.5 be nice I could get these started up most the way by hand I wasn't fighting with the men right she's trying to get in there remember that back boat was a real dandy of a time they're getting that one tight dog you mean you really can't even hardly get your fingers in there - sorry about the the head nod I'd like to see you said a tripod up in here and how you're gonna see anything this is the only way you're gonna see it is on the head is on my head you may not be singing much but you got something I mean let's grab this let's get this short little open-ended angled 9/16 that might work first I get the angle that part on here that's what the manga lunches are for right there things like that you just can't get on them they come in pretty handy one of my viewers good friend actually over the course of this YouTube experience and name's bill NOC he's a heavy equipment mechanic in upstate New York good guy nobody I've talked to him on the cell phone several times yeah we'll fill this full oil to you all right alright guys I'm getting there get the discharge line on remember it was real fun to getting it loose it's actually been going together better and came apart hmm might have a problem Houston might have a problem here Houston man that's a four-wire who was it acts like that's the damaged if I can't Bennett well well well what are we going to do here take it loose back here I think I'm gonna pull loose back here guys and pull it back honey taking that back off well we pretty well got the pump I'm stalled see if we pull this off and find a bunch of metal and everything in here I guess it's Kay quite a few years in a rock pit some gravel pit just pushing dirt all day long I got new seals hopefully they're the right orange lay that guys that is probably why the hump feel that probably got hot because nobody does maintenance on anything that sumbitch's plugged up solid I bet it couldn't get any oil to it let's get it all cleaned up I'm gonna get this screen cleaned up best I can break clean blowing it out and then we gonna pull this off we'll seal screwed up that is maintenance man maintenance that's what kills everything people don't maintain anything you know I just don't maintain anything they just run them to the drop it just amazes me and then they bitch about stuff when it cost them a lot of money to fix something because they never changed filters and suction screens and check things out you know I mean there's a little bit of metal on this magnet but I don't know like you get a transmission this cat's got like ten thousand twelve thousand hours on I mean you're gonna have some just some gear mesh and stuff like that yours always looks like a rear end when you pull the rear end apart there's always gonna be a little metal on but you mean I don't see any chunks so I'm not real worried right now but we'll see what it does here these slide off of here not maybe this part here popped off you could slide them off of there doesn't have thread or anything am I gonna have to get the SIS program out I guess we'll just clean them up best we can the inside is what I can't get clean there got a lot of cleaning here to do guys for we even try to fire this thing up I don't want to ruin that new pump all right well we feel that pulling wool it's just gonna run right back down into the transmission so it doesn't do a whole lot of good but we can't put a new seal here with one Travis got me hang on I think it's gonna be one of these big bastards right here that would be it right there Hannah that's a good deal just we can get her sealed up real good all right I clean him up the best I could that needs a new suction screen is what it needs it needs to be replaced in that bag that I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned on it nice I got a lot of it often it needs to be replaced too at least you can see through this thing now it even sees it it's about the only way that it can go together Lee all right the two long washers one time had a lock nut so suck her down and we'll pull the discharge filter off I'm sure it's not gonna be very pretty either I don't know some of these guys just got so much money that they can't I don't know I don't understand it I don't understand they're not maintaining stuff I just don't get it I guess the guys get busy and just don't do that that's not good why is that not wanting to come off there oh that's not good either a screwdriver or something under it and pop it out of there in another sock in here that's not good either we only got to fix that see if I can find another not cuz that one there's obviously not any good I think the thread still looked pretty good on the stud there but just wasn't enough of that washer on there and that's why they didn't have a washer on there that would be the reason right there no it's actually threatened on now just go really easy with it here that's why they didn't have a washer on that alright they're all tight oh is that little 16 3/4 Oh [Music] this is your vent line here alright you just get the half inch drive it zip them off well it can't be much worse on that you know it's believed we had to have made something better there and there's no excuse that's easy to get to I mean that cat made these very accessible you know there's no reason not to check that stuff on on an interval you know maybe every five hundred or thousand hours check those suction screen I mean the discharge filter I would probably do it probably every 250 Wow make 250 by 500 must need a screwdriver or something to get up another then I just have one Allen simply got here huh well there's the old filter I would say that the powertrain oil needs to be dumped on it very badly filtered and what I do with the nut okay should suffice alright let's go put her back in there messy taking these trans filters up all right clean top of that off yeah a transmission a littles pretty bad looking stuff man alright guys let me back here pretty shortly I'm gonna tighten these bolts up and get my socket off that one and clean these housings up and get all the tools off and then and fire it up well let's see what happens you guys something I can do to make that swaddle a little easier to operate I don't think it's gonna be out here I think it's in the cab is worse it might be right there actually yeah we'll see what happens here so can see the OL plugs she's drawing on the mph so it's not that cold that's immoral oil and I got some more oil I'm gonna dump some more than 100 links and for all the guys that kept commenting and saying check your order longer the seat and one guy said duh well duh that's for a direct-drive transmission this is a power shift in the battery box maybe they were in here on the power shifts for the older serial numbers but I know in the cinema set the V there in the battery box so it says two gallons add if you're at the line and we're shits probably five gallons low these guys man well maybe a leaked out I can't just them too much I mean dump five gallon that five-gallon bucket a thirty wait in here and I'll give her a try again oh yeah we dumped another five-gallon bucket up powertrain oil and transmission and about a gallon shy now which you'll be OK for what we're doing here and then another five gallons in a hydraulic tank but these rod seals are a few can oil out of them so let's try it again just even get the blade and the Ripper to raise up well I guess I need to go plug it all right hopefully it didn't lose Prime or something that's smoking white smoke I think it just needs to you've been a set in a long time so above 60 degrees Fahrenheit 962 32 1 minute [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there's my ranch I lost I couldn't find either day I had one one rinse I knew I was missing there it is cool good deal now everything's accounted for well guys she's a runner she's a mover she's a mover in a ticker and her life heartbreaker yeah that is less than me desire don't say that Ripper tilt I made a little mess I thought I'd back drag it and try to clean it up a little bit well I guess guys I'm gonna put the floor plate back in it pull the batteries out of it so the tweakers don't get it and call the owner say hey get the lowboy let's get her out of here you know this thing was here originally they I think they had these piles of dirt right here they were gonna smooth them out or something here somebody dumped here and then it quit them and the owner saw you know because some guy came and looked at it it was supposedly in the canikin told him the transmission was screwed up in it that's what the guy told him transmission is no good and of course you you guys you can see it's not all three speeds in Reverse and all three speeds in forward work and then she turns she needs an undercarriage pretty bad either not though guys pretty happy I got her moving hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching well I forgot I drove the cat over here to park it over here and I forgot all about filling you guys this F is that he put new new rails and new pads everything drive sprockets or like very little hours on it got a 78 winch on it I said the torque that it runs I haven't looked at it I said it you know engine runs fine I mean I don't think there would take much to I think I think I think the guy gives up on stuff a little too easy to mean these little 7s for tough old cats man I really like these F's ease and that hasn't really liked s I like better because they were direct start but no it's a it's not bad looking old cat really get it cleaned up if he wants to just I think he wants to part it out guys I don't know I'm about halfway talking thinking I'd like to just see if he'd just trade some work forward or something this is snake country down here so that's gotta be careful what he's doing down here really have that problem up there you have it I said the torque converter went bad and they gave up on it I mean why would you do that after you just spent that much money getting the undercarriage all fixed why would you just quit I don't understand that but I guess that's why guys have a lot of money and I don't have any money you know how to make money and I don't I'm pretty decent and fair mechanic but I'm a pretty shitty business guy what's the our meter say young soul girl am I looking in the wrong spot don't see maybe it's under the hood there huh by the probably on the other side by the fuel pump or something like the old cats used to be but don't know for sure let's go look I think that that one there is gonna Bobby anyways anybody wants purse I guess let me know for 7f undercarriage winch engine let me know there's a blade cylinder right there they pulled the blade off both blade cylinders are laying right there hell you ain't needed a ROPS there's a ROPS for one so anyway started throw that in there
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 205,377
Rating: 4.9063878 out of 5
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Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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