70-740 Lab 2 Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating Server Workloads

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70 - 740 lab to installing upgrading and migrating server workloads in this lab we're going to be working with our Lundy c1 our lunge server - and Lunn server 3 so while we talk about the lab I'm gonna go ahead and get my systems on I'll go ahead and tell that Lundy C to power on we always have our DC 1 up first - if our daming if our domain controller is not operational our network won't be I can see it's in the green I'll go ahead and tell my lung SVR - to start up and then finally the SVR 3 so we're going to be looking at installing roles and features migrating roles between servers managing servers remotely and then finally what we're going to do is we're going to clean up our setters our servers by resetting them so let's begin we're going to be logging into our SVR - so I'm gonna go ahead and access to the console for it and go ahead and get logged in of course we log in using our capital P a11 wo Rd password helps if I type the correct password there we are and once we're in there we're going to be going into server manager and we're going to be going to add roles and features we're just waiting for that server manager to come up should only take a few more moments make sure your environments all working well that while I'm waiting for that I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna log into SVR 3 at the same time that way we won't have to wait for server manager to come up if it's not already up on the screen okay so that's logging on I'm gonna go ahead and go back over to SVR to how I'm going to maximize my server manager because as we talked about this is the main place we're gonna be working with our roles adding features adding roles may be removing roles there features or working with our management consoles by going to tools in this case we're gonna click on manage and then we're gonna go to add roles and features this is the way we add a row or a feature to our Windows Server wizard screen we're gonna see that many many times we can just go ahead we can click Next ever as we discussed previously everything we're going to be doing is gonna be role-based or feature-based so we're gonna click Next we're going to install it on our SVR to so we click Next and we're going to scroll to the bottom of the list we're gonna select web server we're going to add the management features and then we're going to click Next now on features let's go ahead and scroll down until we see telnet client and we're gonna select that and we're also gonna scroll to the very bottom of the list and select XPS viewer this allows you to read set permissions for and digitally signed documents once you've got those two features selected go ahead and we're going to scroll back up and we're going to expand remote server administration tools and then we're going to expand feature administration tools this is all the different feature administration tools that we can add and now we can expand the role administration tools and if we take a look there here are all the various roll administration tools we can add now our first question in our workbook but in your workbook it's question number three because we didn't do our first exercise there was a couple questions we passed over so the first question you're gonna answer is question number three and that question is which options should be selected when you want to manage Active Directory well is it Active Directory certificate services and we'll know that certificate services it's not rights management service either see this first one a DDS that's our Active Directory domain services here are the snap-ins that we should be adding our module for PowerShell our Active Directory administration Center our Active Directory domain services snap on snap pins and command-line tools and the ad LS perhaps as well these are all tools that we would want to add we don't just simply select that first one and that will add all those force at one shot so the answer is a DDS and adls tools okay but we're not going to select them we're simply answering the question we're gonna uncheck that we've got the telnet and XPS viewer selected as features that are going to be installed we're gonna click Next little explanation on the web server role we're going to click Next on role services simply click Next program just accept the default settings for web server and click install this is how we install roles and features we're going to wait for this to finish and once your installation has completed we'll pet we'll take a screenshot and paste that into step number 13 while that installs them pause the video okay and I'm back my role and role and features it was finished installing so you want to take a screenshot of your entire browser remember I need to be able to see your name in that upper right corner you're gonna paste that into step number 13 if you've gotten your screen shot go ahead and click close now question number four where else can you find disk management okay so where do we find disk management what is disk management well is remember this management's how you can initialize a desk or format and give a volume label assign a drive letter all those things where can you find that well you can find it in computer management if we wait just a moment for it to come up on our screen right there disk management disk management can be found in computer management it's part of it all right there's question number four let's move on to exercise two point three which is migrating roles between servers in this exercise you're going to use Windows Server migration tools to migrate a DHCP server role from one server to another many roles included with Windows Server 2016 involve a lot of configuring a particular role might require policies security or other settings that you must configure before it can be used therefore when you want to migrate such roles you want to find a way that you can migrate them and all their configuration settings to another server quickly and easily without having to install and configure the role from the beginning if you search for migrating roles and features in Windows sir you should find a list of available migration guides including how to use the Windows Server migration tools SW SMT and how to migrate individual roles from one server to another so let's go ahead and do that when we're still logged into our our LUN SVR - and what we're going to do is we're going to go back up to manage and add roles and features and we're going to click past the wizard screen and click Next and click Next and we're going to select a DHCP server we're going to add those features and we're going to click Next and we're going to click Next on the select features we're going to go ahead and click Next on the DHCP server we're gonna click Next on the confirmation installation selections we're gonna click install now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to pause the video once more while the installation proceeds ok well that only took about a minute but there's no reason for you to stare at my screen for a minute when you're gonna have to do the same thing I want you to be able to see your instructions right ok so what we're going to do is now that we've completed that installation we need to complete the DHCP configuration so we're gonna go ahead we're going to click that complete DHCP configuration now what does that do this is our post installation wizard it's going to create the following security groups and we'll also use our credentials to authorize it so we're going to click Next there's the credentials we're going to use and we click commit and just that quickly it's done on our summary screen this is our next screen shot go ahead and take a screenshot showing that summary and paste it into step number 14 if you've got your screen shot go ahead and click close and then we can click click close one more time on our SVR - we're gonna go to tools we're gonna go down to DHCP and what comes up we're gonna make it a little bit larger so it's easier to work with I'm gonna move that left bar over a little bit I'm going to select our server name and I'm going to select ipv4 and then I'm gonna right-click and say new scope on the new scope wizard we click Next one of those wizards we just click Next on them now we're going to create a new scope we're gonna call that main scope just a name that we can remember we're gonna click Next for our starting IP address we're going to give it one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot thirty and for our ending IP address we're gonna select one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot forty we're gonna leave the length the subnet mask has this default we're gonna click Next for exclusions and delays we're simply going to click Next for least duration we want to change that to a single day so from eight days we're going to make that one day and then we're gonna click Next on the configure options we're going to select yes and next and on the router Gateway default gateway here we're gonna leave it empty we're going to click Next we're gonna accept those domain name and DNS server address we're gonna click Next on wind servers we're going to click Next we're going to leave that empty and we're going to activate the scope so yes click Next and click finish so we have a configured scope and this could have many many address assignments it could have reservations and scope options could be a lot of different things it's fully configured it could be an operation for a long time it might handle out a thousand IP addresses not just ten let's go ahead and close our DHCP management console now we're gonna go back to manage and we're going to go back to Admiral roles and features we're gonna click Next Next Next that's three nexts and get to the roles on the server roles page we're going to click Next and on the features page we're going to scroll down until we see Windows Server migration tools right here select that and then click Next that's the only thing we're doing this time we click install here again I'm going to pause the video while the installation proceeds ok the installation is almost done it's on it hasn't even been a minute yet but what I wanted to let you know was as soon as the installation is completed and there it is done you need to take a screenshot and you're gonna paste that in to step number 36 if you've got your screen shot go ahead and click close now we're gonna go over to that lund server 3 and we need to log back in but our server manager should be up and running everything should be ready to go we already logged in to that in the beginning what helps if you type the correct password and what we're going to do we're gonna begin by adding a role and feature and here again we're going to click Next three times next next and next on the select server roles we're going to click Next and we're going to install those same Windows Server migration tools so scroll down you're going to select Windows Server migration tools and click Next and click install once the stools are installed you can go ahead and click close I'm going to pause the video while it installs okay well the installation is not quite finished yet but we've got a little bit of work we've got to do over on our dc1 so I want everyone to click on one DC one and once that comes over there we're gonna log back in we're gonna create a shared folder for our our migration usage so we're gonna log in and we're gonna go to file explorer in file explorer we're gonna go to this PC and then we're going to double click on our local disk C we're gonna create a new folder we're gonna call that folder software go ahead and right click on the folder and go to properties we're then gonna select sharing advanced sharing we're going to put a check in share this folder we're gonna go to permissions and for every one we're gonna allow a full control and then click OK click OK and click OK now double click on the software folder we want to create another folder inside of it and that folder name is going to be migrated if you've got that folder let's go ahead we can close File Explorer and we're done with our domain controller for the moment we're gonna go back over to our LUN SVR 3 ok our feature installation has completed so we're going to go ahead and were going to click close now real important we need to go to our SVR 2 and what we're going to do is we are going to open up File Explorer and we should be able to find that folder that we have shared on the network so I'm gonna do backslash backslash LUN - dc1 slash and there's my software folder I can just press highlight it and press Enter we've got access to it wanted to make sure that we had access to it okay now go to tools and go down to services and select services when our services come up we're gonna scroll down to DHCP server it's right there single click to select it and tell the service to stop all right your service is stopped now let's go ahead and minimize our services for now and we're gonna go back up the tools and we're gonna go down here to the bottom Windows Server migration tools and select Windows Server migration tools as you can see this is it's gonna open up it looks like command prompt but it's actually PowerShell see it says right there and you can know you can also tell that because there's a PS ahead of the prompt we're gonna type in the following export - that's mi G and I'm gonna press a tab to tab complete and see if it will know what it is okay right there I only press the tab button one time and then just waited waited for it to figure out what I wanted it to do export - SMI G server setting put a space and then type - f e tab feature ID space d8 CP another space - free user tab the complete this helps save them some spelling errors plus when there's a really long command saves you some time another space all space - g4 group tab complete space - I pee see that's IP short for IP config space - P for path and now we have to tell it where to find the folder that we want to export that feature to and that's gonna be our LUN - dc1 / software / migrate if it Scrolls off your screen like that and wraps around that's fine another space and - V tab complete for verbose press ENTER it wants to know hey what's the password of the account that's authorized to do this so we put in our capital P a11 wo Rd and press Enter so collecting data about our DHCP s it's a collecting all that information it's looking at what it takes to make that roll work on this server and it's going to export it to that folder once it's done we'll be able to go over to our server 3 and migrate it to there looks like it completed just fine now once you get that same screen go ahead and take a screenshot and paste that into step number 54 ok I'm just going to wait a second ok so I'm just gonna leave that up on the screen for now let's go ahead and we're gonna click over on LUN SVR 3 and we're going to open up our File Explorer here and we're going to navigate to that same software for whack-whack lung - dc1 wack software we're going to right-click on the migrate folder and we're gonna copy and then we're going to click this PC double-click the C Drive and we're going to paste the migrate folder here if we look at your container files yes there it is there's our migration file that's what we're going to be needing to access all right now the next thing we need to do is we're going to click the start button we're going to type CMD to bring up a command prompt and we're going to press Enter let's type ipconfig space slash off okay real important we need to know this information okay so sorry about that I had to step away from the computer for a second we've done an IP config space slash all now what this does is this allows us to see the MAC address for our system so what we need to do this is for svr - we need to record I'm sorry this is SVR 3 like I said I had to step away from the computer for a minute this is SVR 3 we need to record the MAC address right - MAC address down because we're gonna need this so everyone see that MAC address right there your physical address write a little chart out LUN - SVR 3 and then record that MAC address - this to the right of it what we're going to do then is we're gonna go over to SVR 2 and do the same thing alright I'm gonna pause this while I write it down and then we're gonna go over and do the same thing on it on one SVR 2 okay so I've got my MAC address written down and that's for one SVR three I'm gonna go over to lunch for two and I'm gonna write I'm gonna do the same command in that powershot window and there's my MAC address for my other system so I'm gonna pause the video while I write this down this is for lund SVR - okay so I've got that written down this is my MAC address for SVR - okay we're done alone SVR - for the moment so now we can need to go back to SVR three in SVR three we're gonna go ahead and we're going to close our command prompt we're going to go up to tools we're gonna select Windows Server migration tools Windows Server migration tools and select that it's gonna open up that same power shell window this is where we're going to need those MAC addresses now remember on SVR two we use the export SM IG server setting now we're gonna run the import version of that so I MPO RT - s mi g I'm gonna hit tab my tab button on the keyboard one time and let it complete make it easy on yourself now it tells what do we want to import what feature ID notice I had to hit feature twice feature ID that's what you need to have there on your screen we're gonna import DHCP a - you for user tab complete space all again the - g4 group tab complete space the - IP config him yeah make sure you make sure you get no spaces in there very important tab complete OOP I misspelled IP see for ipconfig see that's why we needed that's why that that tab complete is so helpful another space all space here now this is where we're gonna be using those MAC addresses - s oh you the beginning enough source physical address we're gonna type in our MAC address we're gonna do a quote and I'm going to type in my MAC address five - five four eight zero zero zero zero zero and this is for number two for SBR - and mine ended with 50 - lets see 50 to 54 80000 0:52 and a closing quote we're gonna do another space - ta RG for target physical address using that tab complete save yourself some spelling errors another set of quotes my MAC address is almost identical for SBR three five two five four eight zero zero zero zero zero five four and a closing quote we're going to also tell it where do we find our migration settings well that's the path that we want to look for look at we're gonna type in a C colon backslash whoops that doesn't work there we go m4 migrate I could here again you can tab complete this look at that how cool is that another space and a - V for verbose what does that do that puts those messages on the screen so we can see its progression and press Enter oh I typed something wrong physical address is not valid two four six but did I type in wrong 2 4 6 let me pause this while I take a look well the message is right there on my screen I didn't put the dashes in the MAC address it's very easy to make these mistakes pressure up arrow one time it repeats the last command and I'm going to backspace until I get back over to that MAC address every two characters there's a - okay now we need to do that to our target MAC address as well now let's try that again press Enter hey well there still might be a problem but the command we typed in there was nothing wrong with that what password do we have that gives us access to do this you guessed it pa-11 wo Rd for Bo's it's collecting data come on come on it's going to take a few minutes because it's actually bringing that role into this server word did not exist before so let's just sit back I'm not gonna pause the video I'm gonna wait until this completes so we may have a little bit of silence here now once we're done and so I'm certain we're gonna be successful oh there it's installing features once it's done we're going to be taking a screenshot of that successful completion and we're going to be pasting that into step number 63 so let's just sit back and we're gonna wait it's it's still working it's going to take a few minutes okay there it's collecting our data so installed the role installed the role and feature it's collecting data now it's importing that data the DHCP scope that we previously created Eric's just about done I think we're there yes yes success alright get that screen shot paste that into step number 63 now let's go we need to do one more thing here on our server three right click on your Start button go to control panel click on network and internet click on the network and sharing center I want you to select our private interface select properties and double click ipv4 what server are we on we're on server 3 that's supposed to have an IP address of about 23 isn't it oh yeah yeah that's that migration wizard brought in more than just the DHCP role it knew that that DHCP server was at dot 22 and it's trying to reassign us as that we need to change that 2.23 go ahead and click OK click OK and click close now what we need to do is we need to restart our server but I'm not gonna close windows and click buttons and all that stuff I'm just gonna simply type shutdown - R for restart - t for time and the time is going to be 0 seconds so we're telling it to restart now and there it goes we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna wait for this to restart and come back up now one thing it did is it brought in that DHCP role and it anin imported this that main scope that we had created that's all there but what it doesn't do is it doesn't install the management features remember previously we looked under features and we expanded out the role in the feature administration tools under features well that's what we're gonna do now we're gonna install that so let's go ahead and get logged in now once it what server manager comes up and it's fully loaded we're gonna be going to manage add roles and features gonna take just a moment if you got a cool drink or a cup of coffee have a sip okay there's our server manager it's just about loaded give it just a moment remember we didn't have any installed roles in this before did we but now we're gonna see the DHCP there and there it is look at that now let's go to that manage add roles and features don't worry about those red warnings next next next next under features scroll down to you see remote server administration tools we're going to expand that and we're gonna expand role administration tools we think we're gonna add we're gonna add DHCP server tools I'm gonna click Next and we're gonna click install should only take a moment or two but I'm going to pause the video wot does okay well our feature of our DHCP server tools has been installed let's go ahead and click close and now remember when we first installed the role on server 2 we had to complete the DHCP configuration well we've got to do the same thing here that's why that yellow triangle is there so let's go ahead and select that and then complete DHCP configuration we're going to create the following security groups here's our credentials that we're going to use for it and commit and done close so it's that easy now let's go to our dhcp let's will open our DHCP console we're going to make it a little bit larger so we can see have a nice clear view of everything that's there let's select our SP r3 we're gonna select ipv4 and there's our scope go ahead and expand that let's take a look there's our server there's our address pool here's our scope options that we configured everything that was configured on SVR to is now on SVR three go ahead and take a screenshot of your browser showing your DHCP scope being configured and installed and paste that into step number 85 if you've got that screen shot your exercise is done but we're gonna go ahead and we're going to leave both the SVR 2 and SVR 3 logged 1 and we're gonna do our lab challenge now our lab challenge and you can close that DHCP console on our lab challenges managing servers remotely because remember in our setup video how I talked about that you don't have to even login to a server to be able to work on it in this exercise you will access a computer remotely using computer management and the remote desktop connection program many of the snap-in supplied with Windows Server 2016 and able you to manage other windows computers on the network you can use the remote desktop connection program to connect to computers running server with desktop experience and server core ok so we're going to go to SVR - remember I said we were going to stay logged into that okay well our screen locked which is a good security security feature let's go ahead and get it logged back in there keep in mind you don't want to leave servers unlocked we can go ahead and we can close our Windows Server migration tools and we've got our server manager up let's go ahead and click tools and computer management now remember I mentioned the fact that we can manage computers remotely from computer management in our lab one at the very end of it I remember I mentioned that well this is what we're gonna do we're gonna right click and say connect to another computer and we're going to connect to L o n - s vr3 not SPR - but SPR 3 and click OK and just that quickly we're connected let's go ahead and expand services and applications takes a moment to read it and then we're going to go ahead and select services there's our services running on s vr3 let's scroll down till we see prints poor there it is let's go ahead and right-click on it and say restart perhaps a user had a problem with the print spooler on without ever logging into that computer we've restarted the service on it go ahead and take a screenshot and paste that into step number 7 if you've got your screen shot go ahead and close computer management now let's go back over to London s v r3 o nsv r3 go ahead and select the local server and in our property section see here see where Remote Desktop says disabled go ahead and select that and say allow remote connections to this computer and now it's gonna add a firewall exception rule for Scott's good ok before we do that what's the warning that you get well Remote Desktop firewall exception will be enabled you choose to enable remote desktop connection for all network connections on this computer well that's the warrant warning you're enabling remote desktop connections from all network connections to this computer so our warning is that the remote desktop firewall exception will be enabled an exception is warning right ok we can go ahead and we can click OK we can then click OK again if we refresh our server manager we should be able to see it yes Remote Desktop is enabled let's go back over to server 2 and we're going to click start and we're going to select a remote desktop connection and we're going to type in Lund cor 3 and press enter then hey who has permissions to connect well we the administrator do put your password in and if we look down here it's good acting should test take a few more moments securing our connection making sure it's a good encrypt cryptic connection shop and here it comes we can tell we're on a remote desktop because this is blue bar up here see and in fact you can move it out of the way you can make it not full screen if you want I can double click on it if I drag it down that takes it off a full screen double click on the title bar again full screen play around with that okay so we're all connected I can see this blue bar up here go ahead and take another screenshot and paste that into step number 17 showing that remote desktop to svr 3 now go ahead on our remote desktop let's click the start button and select the power and then select restart choose of reason and we're going to say let's just pick a reason we can pick any reason we want let's say operating operation system reconfigured planned reconfiguration plant and click continue that server is now being restarted this is remote management ok Wow SVR 3 oh we got a little warning the task windows open tell it to restart anyways and our remote desktop connection should get broken here in just a moment well wait for that to break just want you to be able to see exactly what occurs okay there goes and our remote desktop connection is gone and we're back on SVR to now Owen SVR to go ahead go up to manage remove roles and features we're going to click Next we're going to click Next we're going to deselect a DHCP server and remove features we're gonna scroll down we're gonna deselect web server and select next now on the features page remember we had installed that CalNet client well we're gonna deselect telnet client we're also going to go down to the bottom and we're gonna remove that XPS viewer wherever it is there it is just didn't want to scroll down right of ways go ahead and click Next and click remove it's going to start removing and everything is going to be removed that we just told it to DHCP server those role features the telnet client doing all those web server features all being removed I'm gonna go ahead and pause the video while the removal continues okay so our feature removal is complete we can see a note a warning that a restart is pending so we need to restart our computer so let's go ahead before we do anything else get a screenshot showing the successful removal of those features if you've got your screen shot go ahead and click close if they software our folder and file explorer is still up and go ahead and click close and restart services open we can close that and we click our Start button select the power and select restart and we're just gonna select the planned for restart now so it's working on removing those features for the restart while that's occurring let's go ahead and go over to SP r3 because we don't need that DHCP server we can go ahead and get logged in we're gonna remove that as well login to PA wo Rd and what we're going to do is we're going to wait for server manager to come up and again we're gonna do remove roles and features this is our server clean up portion Wow sorry I'm bleeding for server manager to come back up I'm just gonna make sure serve yep looks like server two is already back up over here on server three our server manager is loading should be done just here in a moment we'll wait for it to finish loading sometimes if you try to add a role or feature or remove a role or feature before server manager is fully loaded you'll get a warning telling you to wait so let's go ahead and we're gonna go to manage we're gonna go to remove roles and features don't worry about that warning up there we're gonna click Next Next and we're going to deselect DHCP server and we're going to remove the features to manage my features we're gonna click Next we're gonna click Next yep that's what we want to do we're going to remove the role and remove the administration features click remove once that's done go ahead and reboot your SVR 3 once SVR 3 has rebooted your lab is complete so I anticipate this being successfully completed so at this point I'm gonna go ahead and then the video thank you for viewing 7740 lab 2
Channel: McFatterTech Musser
Views: 2,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 70-740, MCSA, 70-740 Lab 2, Server Workloads, Installing Upgrading and Migrating Server Workloads, Installing Windows Server 2016, Installing Roles and Features, Migrating Roles Between Servers, Managing Servers Remotely, SMIG, import-smig, export-smig, server migration tool
Id: bdegvjetC6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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