70-740 Lab 4

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welcome to another video from mcfadder tech muscler if you like these videos please click subscribe orange uh so i've already gone ahead and i'm logged into d2l and i'll zoom that in for your benefit and i'm going to go to engage dropbox we're going to scroll down there's our lab 4 there's our lab 4 doc i've already downloaded it and opened it if we look here in lab 4 we're going to be working with server sa1 and server hyper-v so the first thing that we want to do is we want to apply our initial config check point to those so i'm going to jump over to let's see what do i have open up there okay now it's from our project videos i'm doing okay so here is my hyper-v manager i've highlighted server hyper-v i'm going to select initial config i'm going to right click and apply when it asks me if i want i'm not sure i say yes i want to apply i'm going to do the same thing for server essay 1. i'm going to go down to initial config select it i'm going to right click on it select apply and are you sure yes apply so that's resetting our virtual environment that's our first step our first activity which is actually activity 4-2 is going to be configuring a new disk for use in a server we're going to be using server essay 1. so while we talk about this for a moment i'm going to right click on server essay 1 i'm going to tell it to start let that get up and running and the description of this activity is you've just installed a new disk in your server and you need to prepare it for use first you should bring this disk online and initialize it after that then we can create our simple volume we can format it so we created those extra disks remember we created a a 20 a 15 and a 10 gig disk that we attached to our virtual machine so i'm going to go ahead i'm going to jump over back over to my server manager i'm sorry back over to my hyper-v manager i'm going to double-click on server essay 1 and access it we're going to connect and we'll log in remember this this server is not joined to our domain caps locks on need to take that off so here's my server essay 1. if we take a look back over here we saw we've signed in as administrator in server manager on the left hand column we're going to select file and storage services i'm going to move this over to the side so we can kind of see everything at once resize this a little bit make it a little bit easier to see there we are okay so i'm going to select file storage services and then disks there i can see our disks that we've got so now mine i've looks like i've already previously formatted the 20 gig disk because it's already got the grid partition format but it is offline so i'm going to right click on it and say bring online i'm going to say yes and repeat that same step for the 15 gig and the 10 gig discs right click bring online say yes right click bring online say yes so those three disks are there that we can now do whatever we need to do with this i'm going to right click on the 20 gig disk it's already been initialized if i right click over here i can see that i on the second and third the 15 and the 10. i've not previously initialized those so those have that option i'm not going to do that right now i just wanted to demonstrate that our first disk is already initialized that's why the option is not there if yours has the init the option to initialize right click and then left click on initialize let's see in the initialized disk box leave all three disks checked okay so if i select the second one and right click and go to initialize and say yes because it looks like they're saying initialized all the disks will be configured as gpt so we're gonna do that we're gonna right click we're gonna we're gonna bring all three online and initialized on our 20 gig disk i'm going to right click and select new volume once our wizard starts up i'll click next on the first wizard screen now we can see here server sa1 is selected it's the only server that we've got listed to manage remember that if we had multiple servers listed here on this server to be managed we would have multiple servers here that we could manage their disks without ever being logged onto them we could remotely manage disks on servers just like we can manage a service on a server we're going to make sure that that 20 gig disk is selected it's highlighted in gray it's right there we're going to select next it asks us what size do we want to make it we're going to change that 19.9 to 10 1 0 and click next so we're only going to partition half of the actual of the disk for drive letter we're going to select the drop down and we're going to select drive h and here again we're going to select next for our file system we're going to click the file system we can see there's different options ntfs and refs resilient file system we're going to leave this the way it is for the volume label because the volume label they want us to type in ntfs vol so obviously they want us to format it as ntfs we're going to click next we can see a highlight of the settings that are going to be applied we're going to click create excuse me excuse me formatting updating just about done before we do anything else we're going to take a screenshot and we're going to paste this into our document so i'm going to go down to my snipping tool new take a screenshot of that and over to my document and paste it in right click i'm going to wrap my text square in fact i'm going to make that a little bit smaller so it fits in my screen i'm going to make that six inches and if you hit contr if you highlight that it should be right let's see is that where i want it click create yes that's where we want it we're done i can click close now in server manager if i go up one level and select volumes i can now see my drive d that's been formatted we're going to continue working with the same as server sa1 so no need to log out we can just leave our server manager set where it's at i'm going to right click on the start button get our contacts menu for different options and select disk management our first disk remember we start counting within zero in our computing systems disk 0 is our first disk that's where our boot partitions at our recovery partition and such if we look down below that at disk one we can right click it and we're going to see different options we can change the drive letter we could change the path we could format reformat in this case we can extend the volume because there's unallocated space we could make the volume smaller we could add a mirror we could delete the volume we're going to select extend volume in the extend volume wizard we'll click next and in the select disk window we can add disks to extend the size we don't have to use the entire disk you'll see that disk one the remaining portion of disk one is already selected but we don't we don't want to use the entire thing so i'm going to highlight the box to the right to select the amount of space in mb and type in 5000 so effectively we're going to extend half of this available space we'll click next and finish we now have a 15 gig disk instead of a 10. now we're going to create one of those resilient file systems that yes well okay i'm recording this so you can always refer back we start at eight o'clock remember okay so our next step is to create a resilient file system volume an refs so i'm going to right click the unallocated space i'm going to select new simple volume in our wizard screen i'll click next the space we're going to let it use the entire unallocated area we'll click next for drive letter we're going to select the drive letter i and here again click next for file system we're going to select the dropbox and we're going to select refs for volume label let's label it r e f s vol or click next and finish looking here we can see we've created two volumes we brought a disk online we initialized it we created a volume we extended that volume and then we created an refs volume as well let's take a look at the properties for our ntfs vol drive h right click go to properties here again we can see the various options about it there's also a quota tab up here you'll notice that there's a number of different tabs we could enable quota management where we could limit the amount of space that could be used there's different things that we can set i'm going to close that property screen i'm going to right click the refs volume and select properties you'll notice that there are no quota tabs there not the same options we'll click cancel and now we're going to create a mirror volume a mirror volume is a raid 1. i'm going to right click on ntfs val drive h and select add mirror says hey what would you like to use well we've got that 15 gig disk remember mirrors best best if they're the same we'll select this too and add mirror it's now going to convert this from a basic disk to a dynamic disk we're going to click yes you're also going to notice that these colors change i'm going to move my divider up a little bit you'll notice that our basic disk has a dark blue header in disk management the refs volume had that kind of greenish gold border to it and our mirror volumes have the deep red different colors indicate what type of disc we're looking at unallocated is black so different visual indications of what type of disk we're working with now we're going to create a raid five we're going to need three disks for this we don't have three discs right now so you'll see that that it's still resyncing notice that both drives are being synced at the same time of our mirrors they're both 84 91 this is going to complete i'm going to let this complete before we make any additional changes now it's healthy if one of these drives were to fail we could remove it add a new drive and restore the mirror resync create recreate the mirror i'm going to right click on ntfs ball and select delete volume it's going to erase all data on it so we're going to select yes now you'll notice that it unallocated both we're going to right click on our disk one we're also going to oh before we do that we're also going to delete the refs file so we're going to delete that volume as well and say yes so we're back to where we started i'm going to right click on disk one and i'm going to select new raid 5 volume raid 5 if you recall requires a minimum of three disks i'm going to click next and i'm going to add disk number two and i'm going to add disk number three as we do this the maximum size drops according our raid 5 volume can only be as large as the minimum amount of storage available i'm going to remove them all again i'm going to select disk 1 and add i'm going to select this 2 and add you'll notice once i add this 2 it shows i could have a 15 gig volume but as soon as i add that additional 10 it says wait a minute we're going to use 10 gig from each one of these the available space of the raid 5 array is going to be 20 gig whatever the number of disks is minus 1. i'm going to click next we're going to select drive letter h i'm going to click next and for our volume label i'm going to label it raid 5 vol here again i'm going to click next and finish it's going to convert them to dynamic disks you notice when we when we deleted our mirror we deleted our volumes they went back to being basic disks click yes it's converting there are now all three dynamic disks and it's going to create our raid 5 array it's going to take a little while there we go there's our raid 5 array we're syncing while that's syncing i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to take my screenshot so new right there come back over here wrap square let's see if we can move this up here there we are and i'll save that i'll minimize my snipping tool so i can see my not my hyper-v manager but my virtual machine still formatting remember we didn't tell it to do a quick format this is doing a full format that's going to be done here in just a few moments while that's completing i'm going to go ahead and see the screenshot that they took the screenshot that i took very similar right there there's our raid 5 volume what happens what happens if i take this one disk offline you'll notice i'm getting a notification of failed redundancy but the drive is still online if i look in file explorer as soon as file explorer comes up here we go right there there's our raid 5 volume i i see you simulated a drive failure but the data is still online if i right click and bring it back online simulating restoring it it's going to be a little bit it's going to if i select this reactivate there it's resyncing it's going to be restored remember this simulated a failed drive and then adding a drive back to it that's why it's resyncing all this time drive h stays online i'm going to let that complete syncing before i delete the volume which is our last step in that our next one is going to be working in server essay 1 as well it's going to be just done here in just a moment remember our last step is going to be right click and we're going to delete the raid 5 volume so if you want to go ahead and do that in the meantime you can we're going to be creating a virtual hard disk there it's done i'm going to right click i'm going to delete volume click yes and there we're back to all our unallocated space still staying in disk management i can go up to the top and i can select action create vhd i can create a virtual hard disk in my virtual environment i'm going to browse in this pc i'm going to select the local disk c for the name i'm going to type in virtual one doesn't matter what we select here as saving saving type i'm going to click save and you'll notice that it's virtual hvhd or vhdx we can specify that here i'm going to type in 5 000 for my size that would be 5 000 megabytes or 5 gigabyte we're going to click dynamically expanding that way we're not taking five gigabytes away from our disk i'm going to click ok i've now created if i scroll down i can see there's my five gigabyte disk that i just created it's mounted automatically but it's not initialized i'm going to right click on it and initialize disk and now this is how would we like to initialize it it's already got gpt selected so i'm just going to click initialize disk i'm going to click ok there's my basic disk i'm ready to have a volume created on it notice that the icon beside disk 4 is a different is different that indicates that it's a virtual disk i'm going to right click the unallocated space select new simple volume and instead of just giving us instructions now they say here's the way you're going to do it we want the default size we want drive letter v and the label is going to be virtual vol so i'm going to click next next i'm going to select drive letter v next for volume label virtual ball before i do anything else i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to click next i'm going to click finish there's my formatted virtual ball i'm going to take another screenshot there's my screenshot and i'm going to paste that in so now we don't have to go back to file explorer to be able to browse these disks i can simply right click on it and say explore and that opens up file explorer for me now if i go to my local disk c there's my virtual hard disk virtual one you'll notice that it's simply a file but to the computer it also appears as a disk i'm going to right click the start button in my virtual machine i'm going to start command prompt and i'm going to switch to drive v i do that by simply typing v colon press enter that's how we change drive letters in command prompt i'm going to make a copy of explorer.exe so i'm going to use the copy command c colon slash windows slash explorer excuse me dot exe and press enter one file copy if i go back over to my file explorer and select virtual drive i don't even do that yet if i simply look at my view it just increased in size by three megabytes because before it was 54 meg in size we added data to it our dynamic disk grew a little bit if i select my virtual disk on the right hand column and right click i can eject it just as if it was a usb file explorer closed because it was no longer open if i open up file explorer again go back to my local disk c i can right click on my virtual 1 and tell it to mount just like a dvd there's my virtual vowel v back again i'm going to right click i'm going to eject it and dismount it again in file explorer i'm going to go back to my local disk c i'm going to right click on virtual 1 and i'm going to delete and just like that it's gone it's not it's still it still shows up here i'm going to close file explorer i'm going to close disk management i'm going to leave server essay 1 run because we're going to be coming back to that but our next exercise is going to be in hyper-v so i'm going to go i'm going to switch over to server manager and i'm going to turn hype server hyper-v on in this exercise we're going to create an amount of virtual disk using powershell we don't have to do it from management my server hyper-v is up so let's go ahead and i'm going to double click and access that i'm going to go ahead and get logged in server manager is coming up but i don't need to wait for server manager i can simply click start there's my windows powershell and since you know what since i may be working with this intermittently i'm going to right click on it i'm going to say more pin to taskbar because i want easy access to it i'm going to go down here and i'm going to just simply click to start powershell you'll notice that it automatically runs it as administrator we can see that in the title bar i'm going to make my font just a little bit larger for easier viewing we're going to create a new virtual hard disk and that command command is simply new vhd the name of the virtual hard drive we want to create in this case it's going to be virtual1.vhdx and we're going to specify how large we want it to be and that is the command size and bytes and we specify 5 gb for gigabytes press enter creating it and there it is notice that because it's a vhdx it used the 4096 byte size it's a larger a little bit larger sector format so we don't have to store remember there's many many files that are very tiny there's many files that are larger if our sector size the smaller our sector size the more tiny little sectors have to be used to store the same size disk so this is a little bit more efficient way of doing storage we're going to do the same command except this time we're going to create virtual 2 and it's going to be a vhd since i'm lazy i'm just going to press the up arrow one time and i'm going to move my cursor to the left and i'm going to backspace one and get rid of the h at the end of vhd i'm going to change the one to a two and i can simply press enter it creates my second virtual disk notice that the physical sector size on a dot vhd is 512 bytes it's not as efficient if i create a four kilobyte file with a vhd x it gets stored in one sector in a vhd it takes eight sectors for that storage so it segments it a lot more we can mount that vhd right from powershell i'm going to type in mount dash vhd a space and my virtual disk one if i go to file explorer let's see if anything shows up there it is nope that's not it that's a different volume let's see here did that if there were volumes already created drivers were automatically assigned let's take a look i'm gonna i'm gonna type in the get disk command let's see what shows up well there it is there's my five gig it's not partitioned but it's mounted so with this in mind now i'm going to go ahead and take my screenshot new click anywhere and there it shows my disks i'll go ahead and paste this in so we can see i had i've got this second disc on here that's why mine says disc two not disc one in our instructions it tells us that the disc that five gig should be disc one so if you have the same thing i do look for the correct drive letter or a drive number sorry not the letter number so in my case my instructions my my command is going to be a little bit different instead of doing set disk space dash number one mine's going to be set dash disk space stash number space 2. and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and type that command set dash disk dash number in my case it's going to be the number two and we're going to use the command is offline and we're going to use false and press enter that tells it to not be offline i'm going to use the initialize disk command saying here again i got to use my same disk number number two yours might be one use the correct number press enter it's now initialized and now if i repeat that get disk command i can see it's now formatted as with the grid partition style gpt let's go ahead and i'm going to set a drive letter for it so i'm going to do new because remember it's for it's online now but it's not partitioned it's not been formatted so i'm going to use new partition here again this now i'm going to use my disk number my number two yours might be one use the correct number i'm going to specify a size of 4.9 gb i'm going to add a drive letter the drive letter v and press enter there i can see it's formatted in fact i can see my file explorer want to pop up and let me browse it i'm going to repeat my get this command am i get this looking at my get this everything still looks the same but i've got a drive letter over here it's asking me hey i've assigned a drive letter do i want to format it i'm going to format it using powershell so this is going to be the step number eight the format dash volume command format dash volume drive letter v we're going to specify all the file system to use it's going to be ntfs we're going to say dash new file system label and that label is going to be virtual vol so we've created our disk we've partitioned a disk and now we've formatted the disk and out of the drive drive label and our format style and there's done if we look in disk management if i right click the start button and go to disk management move my divider up a little bit there it is here again notice the little drive indicator to the left of this two is that bluish color indicate that indicating that it's a virtual disk i'm going to take mine take another screenshot and paste this in mm-hmm coming back to my virtual machine i can close disk management and we're going to dismount our virtual disk so we're going to use the dismount command specifying my virtual disk and simply press enter we're going to delete the virtual disk we're going to delete any virtual distance that exists if we use a wild card the asterisk it says anything that matches this so if i type in dell for delete virtual asterisk and press enter it's going to be gone just that easy it's gonna it's gone i'm going to run a shutdown command remember we can run commands from powershell so i'm going to type we're done with server hyper-v for this exercise so i'm going to type shutdown space dash s for shutdown space dash t for time space 0 for 0 seconds and it didn't work oh no there it goes so i'm going to go ahead and close my window we're done with we're done with server hyper-v now we're up to our our fifth fifth actual exercise we're not going to get through all these so once i complete this once we get closer to when the high school seniors show up i'm going to end the video at that corresponding activity and then i'm going to allow you to continue the rest on your own so this is back on server sa1 we're going to share folders simple file sharing well here's my server sa1 still still have it running still have it open i'm going to right click my start button and go to disk management it says create a 5 gig volume name test volume on our 20 gig disk this should start to be getting to be easier right we've done this a bunch of times now so i'm simply going to right click the unallocated area i'm going to say new simple volume it already gave us instructions it needs to be five gig so how many what's the size going to be in bytes 5 000 correct i'm going to click next does it give us a drive letter to use yes it does it says drive letter h all use defaults for all other parameters i'm going to click next next and finish oh wait a minute i went too fast it said name it named test vol what happens if you already clicked on it i'm gonna i'm gonna act like i went too fast and it's formatted as new ball what how can i rename that i just right click on it if i go to properties i can rename it right here in the properties test vol and apply there we are i'm going to go to file explorer when file explorer opens there we are and we're going to create a folder named test share one in test vol so i'm going to select my drive h i'm going to right click say new folder that folder is called test share one press enter there's my new folder i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to go to properties okay not sure why it took so long to show up but there's my properties i'm going to select the security tab we can take a look and we can see what our various properties are systems got full control administrators full control users have read list that's it i'm going to close that property screen again i'm going to right click on the folder and i'm going to come down to the where it says share with and i'm going to point to specific people by default the administrator because that's how i'm logged on and the administrator group notice the difference in the little icons an individual person and two people already are going to get access i'm going to click the little list arrow it's right here and i'm going to let's see it says click test user okay well we don't have test user yet but you'll notice that we can create a new user right here so let's create a new user account there we are i'm going to let's see uh where's our let's see make changes to your user account manage another account let's see if it'll let us do this add a user account and the user name is going to be test user we're going to set our same default password and click next oh it says oh i didn't type the same password and it says well we have to do a hint so i'm just going to type in the word default we'll click next there's our local account i can close my manage accounts now if i come back to here and go to share with specific people and click my down arrow there's test user i'm going to select test user and then click add and you'll notice by default it gets read we're going to click that little arrow beside read and give them read write access and share click the share button creating the share we can see the share and if we have email configured on the system we could email the link to that we would be able to send them an email with the link or we can copy and paste the link into an application a word document whatever go ahead and click done excuse me i'm going to right click test share one once more i'm going to go to properties once my properties open up i'm going to select the security tab once more this time i'm going to go down and i'm going to collect click on the advanced button this is advanced sharing different view you'll notice the permissions folder is selected we can see the permissions that are assigned access full control inherited from none this folder subfolders and files so any any subfolder that's contained will that will get the same permissions as this folder any files contained in this folder will get the same permissions as at the folder level let's go ahead and we're going to click cancel and cancel to exit out of our properties they want to say once again i don't know why they wanted us to get out of the from the properties because we're back where you gotta we're gonna right click and we're gonna go back to properties again if we go back to properties and select that security tab again where we were just at you can see there's our test user that was added because we gave them read write that gave them full control read only allows them to read and list we're done with this activity we'll go ahead and we'll close our file explorer and close disk management now we're going to share through advanced sharing maybe that simple file sharing just isn't adequate adequate we're going to go to file explorer and in test evolve and test my test vol drive letter h i'm going to right click and create another new folder and i'm going to call this one test share 2. press enter if i right click and go to properties i'm going to select the security tab so we can see default the default properties that are here users can read can list administrators get full control system gets full control creator owner has special is a special identity i'm going to select the sharing tab and then advanced sharing remember this is the shared across our network we can check the box share this folder we can then select the permissions box by default everyone gets read but you know what we don't want everyone to see the folder so everyone is selected we're going to click the remove button at this point nobody has access to the share we're going to click add and we're going to type users and then select the box that says check names it fills in the local users i'm going to click ok i'm going to click add once more i'm going to type administrators click check names and click ok i'm going to select users and click allow full control i'm going to select administrators and allow full control now remember file permissions don't overwrite one another even though we're giving users full control here because file and folder permissions only have them set to read they're not going to have full control i'm going to click ok i'm going to click ok if i go back to the security tab and select my users see they still only have read and execute on that security tab i'm gonna i'm gonna click edit this allows me to add another user i'm going to add test user and check names name is valid i'll click ok by default when we add they only get read and execute and list the contents that's all they can do i'm going to click ok and close so adding users even though we share it across the network and give them full control because that account is local they still only have list we can add a local user lots of different ways to do these different things let's do this exercise with file and storage services then i'm going to i'm gonna end the video and i'll upload it to um to youtube and link it to d2l so here again we're continuing in server essay one i'm going to close file explorer looking at my server manager dashboard i'm going to select file and storage services i'm going to come to the section that says shares another way to create a share you'll see it says to create a share start the new share wizard i can simply click on that i could also click tasks and new shares does the same thing i'm going to click on that here's my new share wizard by default smb server message block share hyphen quick is selected we're going to click next we're going to select our drive volume h i'm going to click next it says hey what's the share name the share name new share one we can see it's going to create a path that's going to create a folder so it's doing everything for us in one shot we're going to click next if we wanted to we could enable that access based enumeration remember that only allows users with the permissions to see it to see it anyone else does not we're going to leave everything just set the way it is we're not going to change any other descriptions but i encourage you to read those descriptions encrypt data access access based enumeration these are very important concepts we're going to click next and this is this allows us to specify permissions you can see that we've got the built-in users creator owner building administrators administrators have full control users have read and create we're going to select customize permissions this gets us to that same advanced security settings dialog box if we wanted to change any of these settings we could specify those exact settings but we're not going to we can simply see all the different options that we have here we're going to click cancel we're going to accept the permissions the way they're set and click next and create and just that quickly it's done so one stop shop to create that share create the folder do everything for us in one fell swoop we're not going to have time to complete this next wizard but it deals with hidden shares when you create a share with a dollar sign on the end of the share name the share exists but it is hidden that's the exercise that you're going to be doing in four nine pretty brief share our brief exercise exercise 10 deals with mapping a drive assigning a drive letter through mapping a couple screenshots examining default settings for volume permissions that's your exercise 11 and experimenting with file and folder permissions that's what this is for is to play right to learn disabling inheritance seeing how that functions and then restricting access to subfolders of shares so you may have a share but you don't want someone to get access to the subfolder [Music] so anywhere here you see for example they talk about marketing you're going to create so you need to go into computer management management you're going to create users marketing one and sales one if i go into computer management where do i go to create a local user candel where would i go if i want to create a local user local users and groups i can simply expand that i can select users i can right click and start making user accounts so that's what you're going to be doing in there you're going to need to create those markup marketing one and sales one user you're going to right here they tell you expand local users and group user folder right you can go to actions and new user you can right click a new user you're going to create a group marketing g you're going to add users to groups so this is learning learning how to manipulate users and groups creating different things and at that point you're going to you'll be done so complete the additional steps in this as i said i'm going to i'm going to end the video at this point
Channel: McFatterTech Musser
Views: 28
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New-VHD, Powershell, Disk Management, Virtual Disk, File Sharing, File and Storage Services, Hidden Share, Mapping a Drive, Map Drive, Volume, Volume Permissions, Restricting Access, File and Folder Permissions, New Simple Volume, Mount-VHD, Get-Disk, Set-Disk, Initialize-Disk, New-Partition, Format-Volume, Dismount-VHD
Id: bg1jm68A3ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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