70-740 Lab 5

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welcome to another video from mcfadder tech muscle if you like these videos please click subscribe okay excellent okay so this is going to be our lab for chapter five 70-74 chapter five which is our advanced storage solutions uh we already discussed this our dc1 is up and running it's our domain controller it's the first server that's on it's the last server we've ever turn off we've also started server sa1 we've started server dm1 and server dm2 when the first thing we're going to do is we're going to open and log into server sa1 and we're going to make sure that just as that note right here says there must be three unallocated disks installed so i'm gonna go back over here to hyper-v manager i'm gonna double click and get logged into server sa1 and how am i going to see whether i've got unallocated disks i'm going to simply right click on my start button and go to disk management so here i can see i've got my i've got test volume so i've got my i've got disks that are on i've got one disk that's online so i need to get rid of that i don't need test vol anymore so i'm going to delete that volume it's unallocated now the line the disks are online they're unallocated but they're online so we should be fine there so we're going to be working with storage spaces i'm going to close disk management and i'm going to click file and storage services and then as you can see in step two i'm going to select storage pools we can see there are three disks that are available to us they're down here in the right right bottom right under listed under physical disks and if you give me one moment all right okay back we're back okay so we've got our unallocated disks and those unallocated disks we call primordial discs they're that they're those discs that we can use to create our server pool that's our primordial pool so if we continue on see the same view in the screenshot in our document we're going to right click on the primordial pole and we're going to select new storage pool and if i'm going to move this a little bit more to the right there we go we're going to click next and then we're going to simply name it pool 1. we're going to click next and now we're going to check all three of the boxes we're going to include all three of those disks we see that when we do this it shows us the total amount of storage 39.9 gigabytes we're going to click next now that this is the same place where we looked at in the slides where we could specify if we wanted to one of these could be a hot spare we could we could say howard manually we want to have allocation we're going to leave them set as automatic and now we're going to click next we can see our synopsis of what the settings are going to be we're going to click create and just that quickly our storage pool has been created we can click close and now instead of showing the primordial pole we have our storage pool if we right click our start button and go to disk management those disks don't exist anymore the three unallocated disks do not appear in disk management any longer they're being managed by file and storage services i'm going to select our storage pool pool 1 i'm going to right click on it and say new virtual disk this is how we allocate storage in storage services we're going to build that new virtual disk within pool one i'm going to click ok on our wizard screen i'm going to click next and i'm going to name this vdisk1 now before we click next let's answer our first question why can we not select the create storage tiers on this virtual disk why is that option not available to us yes look at the bottom of the wizard screen there's an there's an information bubble there to use storage tiers the storage pool requires a minimum of one automatically allocated physical disk of that so that that's solid state and one physical disk that's a hard disk drive without that that options grayed out so why can't you create storage tiers i'm going to simply answer it by saying because one each of ssd and hdd do not exist it's just that simple more to the point we don't have a solid state if we had a solid state that we could throw into the mix it would be available to us if we had a solid state that we had included in that pool that's really all we would have to do yes you don't no okay let me pause the video for a second okay so right below and and right below here they also tell us the checkbox for creating storage tiers is grayed out because an ssd isn't part of the pool we're going to click next here again this the enclosure awareness windows option it's grayed out and they tell us since we don't have storage spaces certified enclosure attached to the server and again at the down at the bottom of our window there's an information blue information bubble to use enclosure awareness your server must have at least three enclosures and the physical physical disk in each enclosure must have automatic allocation so what's it used for it's to help protect your data if an entire enclosure fails it tells us right there enclosure awareness stores copies of your data on separate storage enclosures helping to protect your data if an enclosure fails so what's our answer it helps to protect your data if an entire enclosure fails this now the question is which where am i out by yeah i don't want to i i'm sorry i need to open up the document that i just downloaded because i'm overwriting my original give me one second while i do this do okay we can click next now we select the storage layout how is the storage going to be allocated the default option is mirror if we look at mirror data is striped across physical disks creating two or three copies of your data increases reliability it creates a raid one we can pred it's used to protect against a single disk failure if we select parity it's going to be striked across more than that if we want to protect against single disk failures with parity that's raid 5 we have to have at least three disks we can however protect against two disk failure by having at least seven disks so there are ways to increase your resiliency and a simple in a simple data is striped across it maximizes through capacity and throughput in other words you can write faster you can read faster but reliability is not there it doesn't protect you from a single disk failure we're going to select mirror and click next now we can specify do we want to directly allocate using a fixed provisioning type that's going to say if we create a 10 gigabit virtual disk it's going to allocate 10 gigabits or we can do thin provisioning this is the concept of dynamically expanding we're going to select thin and click next in the size we're going to specify 10 for gigabytes and click next before we click create we're going to take a screenshot and paste it in okay so once we've got that screenshot just go ahead and in your virtual machine click create doesn't take very long just takes a few moments now you'll notice at the bottom of that wizard screen it's checked to create a volume when this wizard closed we're going to uncheck that we've created a virtual disk but we're not going to format it so we're going to uncheck create a volume when this wizard closed then we're going to click close so here's our new virtual disk we've got a virtual disk but it's not provisioned we we have not formatted it we didn't create a volume on it so at this point if i go back into disk management look what appears here there's our unallocated virtual disk so we took we took disks that were unallocated create a storage pool out of it and now we can create smaller virtual disks and have them appear as unallocated space that we can manipulate in file and storage services i'm going to right click the vdisk 1 and i'm going to select properties you can see that there's a general tab it shows us all the different information about it we can select health it shows us the health of the of the mirror we can view details as far as how it's being used access allocated size friendly name all the different attributes associated with this virtual disk we can go ahead and we click cancel we're going to continue right into to activity 2. cleaning up storage spaces so we could allocate this however we want it maybe we've used it we'd no longer need it we're going to delete the storage space we're going to delete the virtual disk we're going to delete the storage pool so our server manager is open we're still logged in we're in storage polls we're still in the same view so we're already on step two i'm going to right click on vdisk one and i'm going to select delete virtual disk it says hey if you do this again it's going to it's going to be gone i'm going to click yes it's going to remove the virtual disk if i went back into this manager it wouldn't exist anymore in the storage pool i'm going to right click pull 1 and select delete for storage pool yes i would do want to click ok the delete wizard runs it's gone so that's manipulating creating storage pools through file and storage services creating virtual districts file storage services now let's do the same thing through powershell i'm going to click the start button i'm going to i'm going to right click on windows powershell and i'm going to say more in the taskbar so just a little bit easier for me to get to if i run powershell it takes a few moments you'll notice that it starts as administrator does that for us let me see if i can move this window over a little bit give ourselves a little bit more room so that you can see what i'm doing now in step number two we're going to add all available physical disk to the pool with the allocation type of automatic the same thing we did when we created a pool so i'm going to first create a variable and i do that by doing this dollar sign so i'm going to type in a dollar sign and then whole desks i'm going to do a space equals space and i'm going to do a commandlet get physical disk dash space stash can pool oops eric filled it in for me dollar sign true so if there's a physical disk that can be part of a pool it's unallocated it's going to get that i'm going to press enter just returns back to the prompt it doesn't do anything for us basically what it did was it it's going to read any allocated unallocated disk and it's going to allow us to create our pool with it i'm going to type our third command new dash storage pool a space dash f r i e tab friend that's dash friendly name another space we're gonna it says what's the what's that friendly name the friendly name is gonna be pool one another space now we're gonna do a dash physical disks this is where we tell what the disks are that we want to be part of the pole another space and now we add our variable the variable is going to list the disk for us instead of us having to list list each disk individually so if i do a dollar sign and then pull disks another space dash storage sub systems sorry storage sub system friendly name it's a long one that's why we want to use the tab complete so you don't have to type all that what are the changes if you're doing a typo when you're doing that pretty good the storage system subsystem friendly name is windows and we're gonna we're gonna it's a wild card see the it's windows asterisk in quotes that means wit anything win anything following windows that is acceptable so i'm going to do quote you'll notice the quotes at the very end of my screen i'm just going to keep typing windows asterisk and a closing quote it wraps around it continues going and press enter it's creating the pool for me and there it is there's our pull one everybody get that still typing when you're typing that long powershell command just keep typing because it's going to wrap around and it's going to accept it so we've created our storage pool we've got a storage pool we can now allocate space to we're going to create a new volume this is step four so i'm going to use the new dash vol command new volume tab complete and where are we going to create it where are we going to create it from from the storage pool so i'm going to do storage pool friendly name poll 1 now i'm going to give the friendly name what's going to be the friendly name of the volume that i want to create i'm just going to call it new vol i'm going to do another dash drive letter we're going to assign a drive letter at the same time of letter v we're going to specify the provisioning type is it going to be fixed or is it going to be thin you're going to do a dash provisioning type a space thin another space and i'm not so sure i think that that's supposed to have a dash let's see if resiliency said yes there should be a dash there's a typo there after thin there should be a space dash resiliency setting name another space this is where we specify is it can be parity is it going to be a mirror is it going to be simple in this case we're going to do parity another space another option size and the size is going to be 10 gb if you've got all that go ahead and press enter our virtual disk for us and there we are there's our 10 gigabit new disk with the labeled nuval drive letter v if i come into right there it is look this pc as far as this computer is concerned it's got another drive attached to it now let's take a screenshot showing our powershell and we're going to paste that in below step 4. so let's take a look let's take a look at some information we're going to do a get dash virtual disk commandlet and simply press enter there we can see a little different perspective we can see that that new vol is a virtual disk it's running with parity so it created what it actually did was it created three tendest volumes to create that it's only 10 gig in size but it's using parity which meant used at least three discs let's make another one let's let's change the rather let's change the view of that let's just show that's showing us a lot of information there we're going to repeat that same command i'm just going to press the f arrow one time i'm going to do a space and i'm going to say send that and i'm going to use the command fl and press enter format list fl there's shortcut commands you can use this shows us everything there is about that there's a lot of information maybe we don't want to see all the information maybe we only want to see specific information let's repeat that command except this time we're going to do a dash health status of healthy and press enter now this shows us any virtual disk that the health status is healthy if we had 10 desks and only a certain number were healthy only they would show we could also do unhealthy we could do unknown now just the same way as in the gui we right clicked and delete the virtual disk and deleted the pool we can do the same thing through powershell let's do a remove dash virtual disk a space and we're gonna and we specify the volume label that we want to remove new vol press enter it says hey you sure you want to get rid of this that anything that's on there is going to be gone we're going to say yes why yes and there it's removing the virtual disk nuval it's gone let's do the same thing for the storage pool remove dash storage pool a space we specify the pool that we want to remove pool one are you sure yes i do or yes i am the default is yes if i simply press enter it will accept that i like to press the letter corresponding to the action just as a simple check yes i do want to so yes and it's gone now let's verify that the pools that those dispro returned to the pool we're going to do a get physical disk this is going to list disks except we're going to do a pull with a dollar sign true that's going to show us disks that are available to be pulled get dash physical disk space can pull dollar sign true and there's our three disks back available to create a storage pool with that's our next screenshot so get that screenshot and let's paste that into our document at this point this is our last activity with the server sa1 for now we can go ahead we can right click on it and we can tell it to shut down now we're making pretty good time let's go ahead we're going to do activity 5-4 this is working with iscsi targets and iscsi virtual disks so we're going to install the i scuzzy target server role we're going to do this through powershell server dc1 is already running server dm1 is already running we're going to log in to dm1 i'm going to double click on server dm1 i'm going to go ahead and get logged into it and here again if if powershell is not pinned to my taskbar i'm going to do that because powershell is something you're going to use all the time so i'm going to click start i'm going to right click powershell more pin to taskbar so i'm going to go ahead while server manager is loading i'm going to tell powershell to start and i'll make that font a little bit larger make a little bit easier to see we're going to use oops take you away there okay we're going to use powershell to install our roles so now that's that's not run as administrator remember that as a member server when we do things we were logged in as as local administrator and it automatically ran powershell as administrator we want to make sure that we're running this as administrator so i'm going to right click my powershell icon on my taskbar and i'm going to select run as administrator we're logged in with permissions that allow us to do that take just a few moments there we are and we can see on the title bar it does say administrator win powershell i'm going to type the command install windows feature space what are we going to do fs dash i scuzzy target dash server comma you can install more than roll one roll at a time more than one feature at a time i scuzzy target dash vss dash vds and press enter same process as if we were doing it in the gui except we don't have to clicks click click next next next drop downs click next click click click click click click all that we can just do it as a single command line collected all our data and there we're done it's installed now let's go ahead and we're going to sign in to we're going to switch over to our hyper-v manager we're going to open up dm2 and sign into that remember dm2's core we're pro we're prompted to type in a password right i'm going to hit escape i'm going to hit escape again well it should allow me to this is joined to our domain right it's not letting me switch anybody else not able to switch user okay let's take a look i'm going to pause the video we're going to take a look at why okay so i'm here where it says hit escape to switch users and it wasn't doing that was it didn't escape it wouldn't do it close the log on ui and you'll notice it comes back to press control delete go up to the upper left and use the emulation button for that and now hit escape and escape now we've got that so now we're going to select other user you can see it says sign into mcsa 2016. well that'll work because we're going to use the s admin account we're not going to use administrator if we typed in administrator which i try to default to the local account we're gonna do s admin tab and our password and press enter there we are we're logged in and you can see right there it says user it says users slash s admin so we're logged in as our domain administrator i'm going to type in powershell and that's going to spawn powershell and there we are we can see that even though we're still in a command window it's prefixed with ps and capitals we know that we're in powershell i'm going to type in start service mcs msi scuzzy that's going to start the iscsi initiator so start dash service msi scuzzy and type and press enter that tells that service to start every copy of windows has the iscsi initiator already running or already part of it all we have to do is tell the service to start that's our client portion i'm going to go back over to dm1 on dm1 we're going to go to i'm going to minimize powershell and i'm going to go to file and storage services if i refresh my server manager i should see iscsi after the refresh after the refresh after it finishes refreshing anybody else is taking this long okay while this is sitting here i'm going to pause the video and just as soon as i hit pause my server manager refresh finished and there's iscsi so i'm going to select iscsi here again i'm not sure why this is running so slow let me just take a quick look at hyper-v manager and it's pulling a lot of ram for whatever reason so we're going to select we're not going to go through storage pools we're not creating the storage pool and such we're going to use the iscsi wizard to create a virtual desk so i'm just going to simply click on the link for the wizard and we can see right here it says where do we want to create it we if we have multiple volumes we can specify where we want to create this iscsi virtual disk it's a v it's a virtual disk so before we do anything let's take a look at our question with the default settings in which folder will the iscsi virtual disk be saved take a look at that screen who can give me the answer it's on your screen iscsi virtual disk right so what when we create that first iscsi virtual disk that folder is going to be created for us it doesn't exist yet so in in this case c colon slash iscsi virtual disk we're going to click next and now we need to name it we're going to call it v disk 1. click next for size here again we're going to use that 10 gigabyte 10 10 gigabits we're going to see that it's already selected for dynamically expanding that's what we want this allows us to over allocate storage as well if we so are so desired you notice we could do a differencing disk we could reference a different disk we could maybe there's a there's for some reason we want to have everybody or or multiple servers get access to copies of the same information we can have a previously formatted disk that we create parent child relationships with and do it this way or we could do fixed size we're just going to simply leave dynamically expanding a size of 10 gigabits and we're going to click next now we have not created any targets yet so we need to create a new target we're going to click next and we're going to name that target we're going to just call it new iscsi target that's creative we'll click next uh let's see it doesn't like oh i typed in the wrong one i typed i'm supposed to type in server dm1 target so sorry i typed in the wrong thing server dm1 target it does not want to see any white space doesn't want to see any spaces in that name we're going to click next and like that a lot better now we have to tell how are we going to control the connections to it who's allowed to access this i'm going to click the add button and you can see there's a a query initiator computer for id option can't use this if you're letting an older system connect to it we're going to type in we're going to specify the fully qualified domain name that we're going to allow that connection server dm2 dot mcsa 2016 dot local we're going to click ok you can also specify by ip address if i were to do add and come down here to enter a value for the target i could change this to a dns name an ip address i could specify a mac address different ways that you can control who's going to get access we've got our initiator qualified name we can see it right there we're going to click next okay let me pause the video okay good got that okay so on our access servers we've we've listed the server that's allowed to connect we click next now we're on our authentication page so if we want to enable authentication you know what would probably be the best we could use chat we could use reverse chat we could use either one of those so to further to provide further security we can use chop or reverse chop chap is used to authenticate the initiator connection the client that's connecting reverse chat allows the initiator to authenticate the target we could do both we're not going to do either right now we're going to be using our active directory for our authentication that's why we don't need to enable this we're going to click next we can confirm our selections before we click create i want everyone to take a screenshot and paste this in so new screenshot and paste into our document once you've got that screen shot go ahead and click create we now have a 10 gig disk that we can connect to from a different server we're going to connect to that from dm2 so we've completed activity 5.4 this is 5.5 we're going to do that and at that point i'm going to end the video and allow you to complete everything else on your own so our dc1 running is running our dm one is running our dm2 is running we're logged on we're going to switch over to dm2 and we're going to create our iscsi we're going to configure our iscsi initiator so we're going to type in a new dash iscsi target portal a space dash target portal address it's another space server dm1 and press enter so this is what our target is going to be that remember we're the client this is the target that we want to connect to we're telling it what server is going to have that if you see the same thing as in the document after you press enter you're in good shape i do i'm going to type in a get dash iscsi target command and press enter there we can see that connection that we're allowed to make now we're going to repeat that last command i'm going to press the up arrow one time and i'm going to put a space and i'm going to say send the results of that to connect dash iscsi target so i'm going to pipe it to connect dash i scuzzy target and press enter and there we are if we can we can see what's available to us i can do a get dash iscsi session space if i do that by itself i see information very similar to what i just connected to right if i take that same command and pipe it to a get disk there's my 10 gig virtual disk that i can connect to do do that command get dash iscsi session space pipe space get dash disk and that's going to be our next screenshot so i'm going to take my screenshot paste that in so there are our discs that are available you know what we already did we were already here i've got a couple more minutes let's go ahead and and do let's finish this out so we can see our disks if i simply type a get dash disk command we can see not only the three discs that we created in our virtual machine but we can also see the disc that we just got the attachment to you'll notice that it's this number it's the fourth disc look down that list there's our 20 15 and 10 that we created as part of our virtual machine our operating systems on disk zero the three disks that we attached to the vm ourselves is disk one this two disc three the connection that we just created is disc four so we're going to bring that online now in our instructions they're talking about it being disc five ours is disc four does yours show is this four raise your hand if if your new connection is disc four do you have disc four or disc five i'm gonna pause the vid pause the video and take a look at everybody's screen okay all back on the same page so now we're going to make sure we all have verified num disk number four is our disk we want to initialize it so i'm gonna do a command of set dash disk space number number four with a dash is offline with a dollar sign false so we're saying it's is it offline we want we don't want it to be offline false if i repeat the previous command of get disk it's now online now let's initialize that disk initialize disk which one number 4 and press enter now the disk is initialized if i repeat the previous command to get disk now i can see it's formatted with grid partition table gpt i'm going to take a screenshot paste that in for our next screenshot so let's see yep we're just about done here so now i'm going to jump back over to dm1 in iscsi if i refresh this i can now see my disk is connected we're ready to use that storage we could create volumes we could do whatever okay so at this point i'm going to end the video i'll post it for anybody who wants to view it uh you're [Music] you're at step so you've got 5-6 which is removing the target and virtual disk you've got then configuring data deduplication to accomplish those are the only two that we're not going to be able to accomplish together in the lab so go ahead and complete those as i said i'm going to end the video at this point and i'll post it online for those students that aren't here you
Channel: McFatterTech Musser
Views: 13
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MCSA, Storage Spaces, iSCSI, iSCSI Target, iSCSI Initiator, Powershell
Id: al4fubDTgxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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