Jedi Survivor | Twisted Metal | Armored Core 6 | Redfall | Asus Rog Ally | CMA Blocks ABK - WWP 363

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] look look King of the castle like Cooper Captain under [ __ ] my name is Landry but don't make me happy to hit the switch we'll dump you overboards and watch the views I ain't talking twitch hey yo Alex go ahead talk to him real quick blame it say yo still putting wheels on the pavement my game's so tight it's like Jordan one ladies maybe stay in these gaming streets ain't no way to be dormant hey a drake will leave your body Uncharted late and yeah it served its purpose but I'm trying to give a detailed description of what a hearse is I say we flip the switch on these against before we get Bland I see a lot of project in the format like that but then you hit the dislike button and you're still a fan talk slick in the comments sound like Dutch I got a plan we don't do the sneak distance [Music] 2015 we've been kicking game knowledge up does your boosting join that crew with you all enough [Applause] first of all weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since 2015 [Music] [Music] [Music] you still yo oh are we back today we are here um mic check mike check back where is everybody at Mike I gotta get a mic check here yeah wait a minute wait a minute chat let me know if y'all hear us good let me know let's start this thing off all right doing a quality check Bond you Harris right y'all can hear me okay right yeah I hear smooth I hear everybody else Bond do you hear us brother oh I I hear you loud and clear brother man okay who who left a piece of candy in your panties dog you all happy I don't I don't eat candy but you know it's been a good week for some a better week for others a horrible week for you know fans of the Nicholas and other garbage platforms of Gaming wow you think it was a peppermint uh BG what type of candy thing he didn't do not wearing panties it's got to be a Jolly Rancher it's got to be a Jolly Rancher now we put anything in my lace I don't know what you're talking about what color are they it's got to be the green Jolly Rancher that's what gets you acting up BG oh absolutely [ __ ] uh this [ __ ] or apple [ __ ] hold on hey [ __ ] might get me to do something a little bit odd Jolly Rancher Abby amen just letting y'all know my weakness Jolly Ranchers yes sir man oh man um how's your week been though uh it's been good outside uh yeah I'm trying to do a little upgrades here and there to the uh to the computer little things here and there and unfortunately you know how anal I am about [ __ ] buying things you know Amazon about to cancel my account I probably bought and returned 20 different things this week I wonder I got that uh what's that disease called when you buy [ __ ] and return it hard eight yeah I got that [ __ ] uh Bond real quick the I'ma let you go off today right the only thing I ask is I'm gonna give you your your time to go off about what you're gonna go off about you know I'm not gonna interrupt you I'm gonna let you have the time and space all I ask is that you let us get through you know the the other stuff what you mean you're gonna let me like I wasn't gonna do it anyway all I ask it sir is that you just just let us get through the other topics first uninterrupted topics I've been a little lazy I'm crafting you know I don't know if you can hear my keyboard you know okay that's that's all I ask you know I'm Gonna Let You Go what else is there that what else there to talk about Jedi survival of frame rates oh man yeah you know I I wanted to buy that game day one and every game I want to play day one just turns out like dog [ __ ] there's been uh unfortunate series of uh circumstances regarding recent PC versions indeed the the PS the PS4 versions run the sub 8 like yeah what is it 876b yeah PS5 version is is terrible is this game last gen I can't remember no this is the current gen only game yeah because I was literally about to go out and buy the game for PS5 like I did Elden ring nope see that digital Foundry video I was like oh my God it's a badly um the worst platform as always it's the Xbox but you know it's it's trash and no no I I is wasn't this game delayed by two months yeah about that one month two months yeah um unbelievable yeah we're gonna get to all of that um there's uh yeah I mean there's one like maybe one or two big topics a few minor things we're gonna get you through the minor things first uh yeah everybody's here the main cast is here um the only other our only guest today was supposed to be is supposed to be uh Xbox uni Bond invited them um so if you have any questions direct them towards Bond but uh they show up well he he better show because I'm taking a vacation at the same time as soon if you don't show them find his ass yeah he he asked me he messaged me earlier and asked me uh you know just just checking in so he should be here um because he was either going to be here I already invited him for next week when redfall uh because redfall is coming out Tuesday so either way he's going to be here either today or next week he gonna bless us with another Malcolm X feature what what you think BG let me ask you a question yes your wife has friends right indeed yes imagine your friend's wife your wife's friends invite you out to dinner okay you're invite you go yeah maybe I'll show up yeah maybe I'll show up later and maybe I'll show him next time how ignorant does that sound Nick what oh wow like I don't understand how people get invited and just act like they'll just show up when they want to show up to me that's rude and disrespectful they gotta want to go to the invite in the first place you know everybody everybody wants to start their own podcast everybody wants to make it big everyone's good platform and you know you get invited to pretty much the largest black owned all-black gaming platform and what do you do I ain't gonna say n-word time but you know they on that freezer time wowzers it's disrespectful Am I Wrong to think this though no no no no no dude dudes definitely be acting like Goku and Vegeta with the tail attached you know just straight up just angry monkeys you're right Bond just one this [ __ ] crazy you're getting the invite and then what happens like oh well I'll come on when I come on hey man I heard a sound that might be I'll never mind this is Jazzy unfortunately what's going on Jazzy Jazz and he's been like a semi-regular lately yeah my man Jazzy he comes in here and don't even talk because his connection is bad or his mic is bad uh one of those let's move on you are requested to be in the after dark tonight I mean I'll be there for a little bit I mean we got that Jordan me and after the kids you know at least for tonight hey oh my God like you all remember the Sony disappointment timeline I do PS3 Microsoft like almost matched that this like [ __ ] week alone uh I'm gonna get to it but I've I've been told by um from from a source that um this coming week ain't gonna get no better bro is is oh man um but let's let's get started it's not waste no time this is weapon wheel podcast episode 363. we've been doing this a long time we are professionals at this all right don't try this at home all y'all starting up podcasts nah yeah yeah y'all rookies y'all not doing it right okay you need to sit and watch from the from the uh from the master a little bit you know y'all looking like younglings younglings who got who got who got killed by Anakin y'all getting bodied out here y'all y'all still need more training absolutely absolutely not absolutely not it's a new bubbling podcast I don't know about oh I'm I'm not I don't I don't do that don't don't get these you know people be looking for a reason to mention my name and to to be mad at me and to hate on me I ain't I ain't talking about all I'm saying Jack will know all I'm saying is if Chris White and Nick brizz can come back together anything's possible um Bond what's your what's your implying never gonna happen dog if you knew the beef that Chris went Nick for his head you you might rethink that that statement I have no I have no beef with with anybody to attack those I saw that video Jack I damn near fell out I thought there was like some CGI yeah hold up BJ you talking about the movie guys then oh yeah yeah definitely talking about the movie guys see look if it's like donuts and um what's it called Iraq Mound up going crazy after dark I have I have no beef with anybody and I keep telling people that and they don't they don't understand that I truly mean I don't have beef with anybody it's not I got beef you know who I got these with the next box that's what I was not Microsoft a smooch should have more beats but I I want people to understand it's not beef if you want to stay away from something right looking listen it's like look okay it's like it's like wearing a condom like PG I'm gonna end this real quick if you ain't trying to fix it let's just move on and not talk about it no but I'm just trying to explain to people because people think it's no look real quick real quick people think if you don't want to go somewhere that means it's beef no it just means I I I don't want to go there it's like listen there may there may be a crack house in your neighborhood listen I don't got beef with the crack house but I'm not trying to go near the crack house like there's there's nothing for me in the crack house why would I go near there what if they got green Jolly Ranchers in there we had the whole conversation of what you stitching on a trap house I was like [ __ ] yeah you guys like oh my God Bond oh I don't know BG my I've been in some crack house it was a Vibe it was a Vibe but Nick that's the thing I don't have no beef with the crack house but that don't I'm not gonna snitch on the crack house I'm not gonna talk about the crack house bro I'm not gonna associate with the people in the crack house I'm gonna mind my business and let them do their thing but I don't want to go near the crack house that doesn't mean I got beef with them no I just don't want to go listen I don't even want to go to the dentist sometimes I don't like the dentist man what's the topics man you don't think God damn yo first time oh we do intros okay uh episode 363 we are on iTunes Google play Spotify or your uh favorite audio live streaming platforms if you want to support us go check out the weapon wheel patreon uh that's at uh patreon.comweaponwillpodcast um you know we got some got some cool tiers over there um you could also become a channel member by hitting the join button becoming a member of of the channel uh on patreon we got we got after dark we got a tear so you can ask any questions for um for after dark or during the podcast in a trivia tear so go check out what we got over there um you know this is the Discord lately um Bond I think we all owe you an apology and congratulations on bringing peace to the Discord thank you so much yeah we have peace in the Discord very wonderful welcoming place to anybody who wants to talk about gaming anime food pets Sports trophies anime relationships of of course why not I think we got it all you made the ultimate sacrifice and I think we're all appreciative that you don't talk in there anymore so I mean I did sacrifice my knees so I got to get some Good Will in this world yeah yeah so you also get access to the Discord and all that good stuff hit the like button support the podcast also if you want to submit a video to be featured during the podcast like what you're looking at right now link is in the description for that you can just drag and drop your gameplay all links in the description for everything you need um we appreciate all super chats we read them um as they come right now um so yeah um Super Chat super thanks lie we read them live oh oh who whose idea was that video Bond uh said we should start doing that I I am putting in work I'm bringing peace to the land um you know getting the super chats and live so people get live feedback so having to wait two and a half hours get this [ __ ] read like you know what I I should be able to get some PTO sound like you need a raise that's what sound like you know Alex you know you talk to some good [ __ ] right now listen to your van Alex PG well how about we uh get through the stuff we need to uninterrupted and see how good you do with that yeah uh all right so um to start things off I want to read some uh some questions for uh that come from the weapon wheel question crew tear that I missed out on um so I want to read some of these just to you know I respect these people's uh you know questions and money since they uh been subscribing and supporting the the patreon um Jason Quaid who asked a lot of questions in the after dark very familiar with him of course he starts he starts off with praise [ __ ] uh he said with the noticeable lack of any games announced for release aside from Zelda where are all the games that were announced like two years ago no James but no James Bond No Indiana Jones where are all the games at could you talk about the games in general or does he talk about Nintendo or Zelda he said games in general I mean Nintendo's announcing releasing they had Fire Emblem they had Xenoblade Chronicles three they had Zelda they've had Splatoon BLC they've had Xenoblade DLC like what you all talk about Nintendo is releasing games and they got a Kirby game too not too much of that Pickwick Kirby Pikmin 4 Advent oh speaking of Advanced Sports one and two rebooted VG you said you bought that game right I did yeah you know it's funny to me in the year of remakes remasters we've had The Last of Us Part One remade Advanced Wars reboot wanted to Metroid Prime remastered we had uh what the Dead Space remastered well what else we have Mega Man collection Man Battle Network Collection am I missing anything Jack reform re4 oh Resident Evil 4 remake so uh let's go BG uh what is good I don't know there's other great games that have come out besides those games uh I don't know I don't want to rehash things brother you play Hogwarts yet uh I started Hogwarts but I've been playing other games I've I'm halfway through Dead Island 2 right now actually how's it going by the way the game is actually Dead Island 2 is one of those games that gets scored in the 70s that you understand why it gets scored in the 70s but it's also very enjoyable it's because you know Jedi you know just Jedi Fallen order was scored in the 70s also but it's one of those so is dying so was uh dying like one was also scored in the 70s but everybody thought it was better than that so it's a very enjoyable game I'm halfway through it already I just started on Friday and I've been just playing it non-stop so um Hogwarts was also another original game that came out this year that that people loved uh you know there there's listen there's been the games if you uh actually look around um despite his problems Jedi Fallen order aside from the bugs they said that hey that's a good games if they just if they just patch it so yeah aside from that Dookie on your plate the stake is pretty good right hey man I just have to say um like like look the game is inexcusable the game was [ __ ] delayed like no excuses we gonna get so it we're gonna get to it just wanted to answer Jason Quaid's question the other one comes from Jose Domo he said are any of y'all interested in little devil inside I faintly remember a few months back people hate it on the game but I don't know why I really look forward to the game as it's a game that's unique and refreshing refreshing uh last like five years ago no idea I don't I I remember the name but I don't remember anything about the game did it let me look it up little it's not out it did not come out Interactive yeah it hadn't come out yet um BG random did y'all like the platforming and doom eternal I didn't play do maternal what I didn't like the first dude oh okay okay I thought you said it built upon everything the first one didn't I I did based on what I based on what I've seen I I said I think do do internal looks looks way better than Doom but I only played the first Doom okay but everybody said do maternal is 100 times better that's that's what that's what they say um but yeah little devil inside uh oh okay now that I'm looking at it it's let's like that that game that kind of looks like has that unique art style and almost like claymation looking stuff uh it's not something I cared about but um yeah I don't know what Landry says like that game doesn't have a soul yeah losing time it's got no charm yeah okay um okay just a few other questions just to get out the way from patreon uh Earl Walker said uh Hi-Fi Rush flopped I wonder why well that was actually the well it was it was debunking by who by The Lies over at Microsoft yeah and Greenberg said it met all expectations that that listen do you all believe that the team sales do not matter man why are we still talking about this the the expectations were flopping no Jack you listen Jack you're you're right it's hard to Microsoft has have did this ingenious thing if they if they if you say they haven't done a lot of things right one thing they did do right was they in they purposely made it so you have no way to actually measure their success or failure other than the ways that they I'm not mad at it it's like it's like if you if you create a a wrestling match is they literally said listen the only way I can I can win is if I pin you down but I can't lose if you pin me down I can't lose it they they created their own parameters oh doctor Trey even when I lose I win pretty much so that's the thing they they're they're withholding any information from you that could possibly you know say oh they they failed it failed at this so we have no way to really measure success or failure from them um because even the things they the metrics they use like success anybody with a brain can be like listen I don't know if this really means this game succeeded or not like Hi-Fi Rush having two million players that you know that that was the only stat they put out that it had two million players I don't know if that means it's a success because it's in gameplay it's a game of completion in that game chart on the steam over for spoken when it released to maybe I think 30 versus seventy dollars I mean so there was some success given to that game um respite yeah Jeff grub I don't know where he got his information from but um Aaron Greenberg the thing is like BG said you can't determine you can't say anything Fox you don't know what their success Matrix is for that game it was a shadow drop in Game Pass and digital only you can't go to Best Buy and buy it so what was that realistic Target for the game same as it always is nothing and with something in a subscription service do you really expect it to sell you would only expect you know um other metrics like uh you know the the player engagement so it's it's confusing we don't know how it don't look like it cost them too much anyway yeah so that's that's the way they was they they've designed it it's hard to really um but I think that's also dangerous if I'm if I'm being real I I think the the whole thing about you know if it's in a subscription service and um you know it has this this kind of Parish this this failure uh proof parachute that it you know no matter what it's it'll be okay I think that's kind of dangerous for games listen I say it all the time I think certain games need to fail I'm sorry because if everything succeeds how do you know what's really good if everything succeeds I mean the game it would be awesome would it I mean but that that's that's not bro game and current gaming is all about the illusion of everybody wins like you could turn on a [ __ ] game and get the platinum trophy down like no one cares anymore bro no no yeah but that's what I'm but that's what I'm but I'm saying across the board is like that though everybody gets excused when they do bad it no one gives a [ __ ] anymore that's why gaming [ __ ] sucks now bro Everything is Everything is excused everything is okay they'll get it right next time give them time guys oh it's a games as a service they got a workout it's never gonna end bro it's over with yeah but I'm saying if everything was successful I would be this [ __ ] would be doing well if everything was actually successful we wouldn't be in the we wouldn't have all these uh services and and [ __ ] either though we wouldn't have none of that bro yeah and remakes things failed so they made some script but I'm but my situ my uh scenario was okay if because of services everything like kind of has this uh yeah the safety net to fail or to do like it doesn't have to it doesn't have to succeed on the level it has had to succeed before like before it was effect it was failing but because of the curve now like when everybody's bad in the class the curve made you get a a b instead of a d That's what I'm that's what I'm saying that only happened that only happened in black people's school that [ __ ] didn't go down to white people hey man that happens everywhere Bond people are failures I don't know I'm talking about them curves my point is if if things that were not really meant to succeed start succeeding the then the cream really isn't rising to the top anymore where I I think that was a good thing before in gaming when listen if you weren't the best of the best you didn't get to make a sequel you didn't get to continue as a studio I'm sorry I it's process it's it's process of the uh of elimination it's survival of the fittest it's survival of the Fitness in gaming and I don't think everything should survive I'm sorry that's the way I look at so I that's what I don't like about it so but uh you know hello everybody good bro hello blanger Andrew you have the kick there on smooth grave too speaking of graves that's not what I wrote my Xbox um yesterday 600 bucks for it dance with all the games yeah see he took he took my advice take that [ __ ] whether it's 99 there get what you can to move on now blandrew I expect a full apology because at one point you were dick riding the Xbox saying you don't need a PlayStation and Playstation is overrated and you're just gonna get Xbox and Game Pass and you know get tails of our eyes everything you want that's not on switch is on Xbox I demand my apology most of that stuff Still Remains true like I barely turned on my my PS5 still remaining the only reason I'm keeping that yeah for the most part also so let me ask you a question how do you expect to play Inspector Gadget got the switch [Music] yes too young Alex Too Young Jack come on man who did the voice [ __ ] but that's it all right enough deviation you need to get to these super chats we've got a bunch of super chats um what's up Alex PSX he says the Twitter woke's trying to silence my brother smooth we're gonna get to that um shot red 555 BG got sugar in his tank today Bond and Jack watch out huh brother bam watch your mouth ruffle mutt rgt was right this generation sucks BG you expect Gamers to buy 70 plus tax for crap like this no wonder sales were lower this quarter uh for who um not for everybody ripoff uh yeah once again I think y'all I I I really think people catch Amnesia every generation if I think this generation is great I don't know what they're talking about see not even that I was going to mention do people not realize how bad like listen pc pc ports like have this thing where it just go up and down where like for a lot for a while it's like really good where PC versions are just like oh wow we haven't heard anything about a bad PC version in a while and then you get like three horrible ones in a row so it's always like this this chart up and down right but during two generations ago people really seem to forget buying a PC game was playing Russian roulette literally you that you could buy that [ __ ] that [ __ ] might not even it was a 50 50 chance it would even run even like literally even a digital Foundry got popular because people realize that I don't want to buy this dog [ __ ] ass PS3 version what's gonna be better the Xbox version or the PC version correct what'd you say Jack you thought all games were made on PC so it should be easy okay that's what they told me plus things are also better now because back then you didn't have like like mine said you didn't have nobody to really tell you oh this PC version sucks you had to just [ __ ] die first into that ocean go into them steam forms and figure it out and then damn near figure it out yourself and plus they didn't have the refund policies they have today where you could you could easily get a refund if something's bad so once again this is why I say things are better now uh because things have historically been bad before no no what what happened who's making videos I got us refund policies are you gonna say you I'm not sure I don't know you bought that game on PC early on didn't you what uh oh Jedi no Arkham track Arkham trash did I I don't remember if I pre-ordered it maybe whereas uh you know people like me were uh fighting that good fight you're welcome yeah but that's all my point is like Arkham Arkham was one of the worst PC Port like people were acting like this Jedi Port is no Arkham remains Arkham Knight Remains the worst PC Port ever like y'all y'all must have forgot how bad that joint was like yeah we've gotten some bad ones Arkham Knight still is the worst till to this well is obviously good now but at launch it's it got to be between like Arkham Knight and like um uh Assassin's Creed Unity one of those people from people be forgetting but you know I don't I don't forget uh okay Yamato Yamato hison uh kid kid Clayton Bixby smooth oh man not too not too much on my guys move said BG McMahon or Alex and Jazzy main cast members uh Alexis Jazzy is just a Drifter he this man just goes where the wind blows them yeah I'm a free agent I'm good yeah uh sounds like uh you need to be on planet Xbox they're looking for players no I don't own Xbox I'm not qualified I mean you really don't have to be qualified to talk about Xboxes or Crap gamer and all the I'm good you do need some new uh podcast make stuff it's completely it's kind of rough though you be on that [ __ ] with bless her head bro that's sitting on this man like that no but I'm saying no it's only two people like I I don't like the conversation how to flow man you need more people bro two people can work because we do two people but bless red just be talking about a bunch of nothing for like 20 minutes straight two people can work if the two people are likable though yeah wow so okay bless red no he not likable bro that ain't no disrespect no but here's the thing about like the thing that upsets me about planet Xbox is planet Xbox could and I tell us move this it could easily be a really good show easily he is it's literally because you you got smooth with with his passion and Insanity um I I think uh Logan is is great I even think bless red because he's dislikable makes him a good podcast member you need somebody that's kind of dislike I agree I agree so far it's it's literally there's a problem with the Xbox Nation Podcast oh yeah that's what it was called the refugee camps I was wondering what those things were called um it's hard to talk about something when there's nothing to talk about I was watching Planet Xbox yesterday just trying to hear what you know Jedi Survivor was about and bless red talked for like 30 minutes about just PC nonsense it was like yeah man you started using all those big words to sound like the smartest person in the world talking about amds and strain you had a strain on my CPU the pythagorism Boba gives them to the cognitive dissonance surrounding the that's why bro nobody cares what is this game about yeah you need somebody that's really gonna break it down I mean people probably do care that but like something you probably really can't get into that game without going into Major Spoilers yeah it's it's well smooth Callum blessed purple yesterday for some reason that [ __ ] was funny I don't know why needs to realize like it's like sports commentary right when you get into the weeds and actually talk about formations and you know four three and three four and you know the a lot of people don't know and don't care about like the the Deep you know we're speaking lame is terms exactly like you know when they speak in plain terms and the 46 the nickel the dime the quarter yeah but like the average sports fan don't know what the hell none of that means so that's why I like a sports commentator you got to kind of speak in plain language bless red be talking about PC like bro don't nobody want to care don't nobody want to hear about like AMD and all like we can talk about all that stuff but it's boring like you know oh it's the bottleneck and all that nobody cares bro nobody cares respectfully so um yeah um blackout Y2K said should we be worried that PlayStation doesn't have a showcase by the end of this year absolutely that's a problem you should have been word that's a problem if they don't have one they don't if they don't have one by mid-june it's a problem like what are you doing there's this what they doing them [ __ ] are getting drunk laughing at Microsoft oh man let's uh oh okay last uh what weapon will trivia and then we'll get to the get to the topics uh this one is by Sean artist appreciate the submission uh question is which actor's likeness was originally used for big bosses for big boss in Metal Gear Solid two is it a Al Pacino B Rutger Hoyer uh C Robert De Niro or d Sean Connery I'm gonna say Sean Connery I have no idea you mean record Howard what's his name Rutger Hower yeah yeah uh um I'm gonna say him yeah same here Sean o'connery all right um everybody everybody all right uh it was yes Sean Connery of course why the [ __ ] would you Bond the OG Bond yeah and he said the ports for the games uh re-release version the original design was replaced by Yoji uh shinkawa's design okay thank you for that submission sir appreciate it uh Sean Sean Connery had a problem like slapping people like in real life didn't he I don't think that's a problem no if you could smack people real life wouldn't you Maybe you would know that Best Buy another Jack one of that says ask us to spend if we're just talking about it oh yeah love to see it oh but if you were white you know you weren't suspended uh Tony yes Tony Esquire yo Jack move how do you feel after watching that LeBron I don't know why he spelled LeBron like that LeBron James chase down down block on Microsoft I already know uh BG and and smooth big mad my guys my guys knew this going through hey man it'd be like that sometime shout out to them though yeah we're gonna get we're gonna get to all that uh okay let me touch one first okay um armored Core armored Core six was announced the release date is is is in August and um I didn't even write down the actual release date but it's uh it's in August it's August 25th August 25th right thank you Jazzy yeah yeah you know this is what I have cast members for why didn't you know Jack anyway Planet [ __ ] all right let me talk about armored bore uh yeah I did want your perspective Bond since you're like the mech Warrior guy so what yeah so so first of all this series isn't bad but there is no way in hell this series deserves all the hype they're getting we're on part six I know damn well none of you have played more than one at most I never played thanks I've only played one and I don't even remember it barely I played like one and two I was like this [ __ ] is mid I'm done yeah like it's it's not a bad game but like let's be real this isn't battle Tech this isn't Mech Warrior like this is like the only reason why people are hyping this game up is because it's from software and then when they start playing him they realize it's not a Mech Souls game they're gonna be like well this isn't what I thought it was gonna be to have the people that even like metacritical like assuming um armored Core looked at them about blender what the hell I know bless threatening I'm talking to I know blessed right now oh no that's crazy that's crazy can't say that I can't repeat that man wasn't this guy crying on Twitter because he got rejected by a masculine woman she unfriended me oh holy okay let's save this for the afternoon yeah yeah yeah but but I want to say I'm proud of you but I'm proud of you BG man was it from soft you as a from soft me Rider I'm glad you ain't get as low as these other guys bro because these guys going crazy these guys crazy this game this game was looking like Platinum Games leftovers it's not looking heat like these guys I was shocked but Landry was right right like this is not a a series that's been like highly acclaimed this is not a series that's even sold relatively well for its time so when I seen people like super hyped for it I was like wait wait wait wait wait listen I I there there have been five games so far I have never even heard a conversation in which any of you tweeted spoke the words armored Core Evers and I know most of y'all did not play it based on based on themselves so people acting hype over I was like where did this come from man oh you go ahead and looking at that trailer I would understand if like this was okay cool like if the trailer was something amazing I would understand bro the trailer is just okay at best speak on it speak on it and you want to know what's crazy original creators behind armored Corps made a game a couple years back in 2018 called yeah Damon ex machina and I got roasted for playing that game they thought that game looked like complete trash they were throwing the Metacritic score in my face when they got the same scores as armored Core yeah they called it slow when it's not really slow they didn't boost yeah so the only Mecca game that I'll give them like that I can say they've truly been I don't even say because it didn't sell like that but that would be zone of the Enders outside of that there's really no Met game out here that has been like critically acclaimed and you know people just bought it they've all sold pretty just decently to bad and they review poorly too yeah because a lot of people in the industry don't even like met games to begin with like what that's true it's the truth yeah but but even with you Bond you get you get clowned for Mecha Warrior yeah I don't know why but people have never played the damn series ah bro I'm sorry y'all y'all listen great guys love y'all to death but I've seen some of y'all order the the 250 dollar special like create what is it called collector's edition but I was like no he didn't do that they did I didn't believe it bro I seen it I was like no listen y'all gotta stop I was like I gotta stop with this this is listen and listen I understand I understand to a degree when people be like listen it's it's it's the from software clout you know and their Prestige I understand that to a degree but so if it's a Souls game I understand this is like this is like when Drake put out the dance album like okay Drake is like yo listen to it in different places if if Drake put out a a rap album if I understand people being hype for it because that's what he does he raps but getting hype like but people heard that dance album there's like listen we don't we don't want this from Drake playing baseball like bro this is this is not it so it's not the same thing like people like oh you would be hype if if Naughty Dog announced the game bro if if Naughty Dog announced like a MOBA no I'm not hyped for that bro because that's not what they do that's not the same if they was like yo we making a we making a a top-down puzzle game or some some nonsense like no I'm not hyped for that my guy no I'm not I'm sorry if if it's it only applies if they do what they are known for doing the best that's that's the only time it applies so no I'm not hyped for no for no armored Core six when I didn't play the last five or four right Kofi is a sick [ __ ] [ __ ] posted six seconds of gameplay talking about this [ __ ] look fire and it was the most mid-clipse I've ever seen bro but he should be ashamed but he didn't even like Damon ex machina either that's what's weird too oh man oh man if yo listen these shameful ass [ __ ] if you take that exact trailer the ex don't change nothing about that trailer but you put another developer on it nobody even pays it attention swear to God oh my God nope they would be like yo get this trash out of here thanks oh my God you know them [ __ ] ain't even know for no story either so come on what were you doing like like we just said Naughty Dog announced a different game it was in a different category we not hyped for it but at least we could be like no maybe a story would transfer over these [ __ ] don't even got no story lines like that [ __ ] man and again when they actually get the game in their hands they're gonna call it clunky and even though they claim to actually play the series but it's not so it's gonna expose a lot of people like Dreamcast guy he was frauding out there but you already know what's up about to happen dog and I'm not saying if you never played an armor core game you can't play it now but to act like that's what I that's what I used to get told uh all I'm saying rules now all I'm saying is don't be jumping out the window for it like you've been waiting for the last the last Mech Warrior game five came out like I looked it up it was like a decade ago or something that quarter five is not down for a decade no I'm recording my bad the last armor Gore game came out like a damn near decade ago I haven't seen not one person over the PS3 I've never seen that one person be like you know what I'm waiting for that next armored Core no never seen anything it's been a while since Front Mission came back it's from the same it's from the same team right but you never know this could be the this could be the [ __ ] in the basement for himself you don't even know like the same team they didn't care about until they started making Souls games [Music] the all I'm saying is the armored Core dick riding it's gotten too much it's too much pretty much when the metacrit comes out people gonna switch up I mean even if it gets a high Metacritic I mean that's possible because the game speaking of Metacritic that's a good segue oh you can't win we gonna get to that um but well I'm not even sure what you're referring to but yeah like the the the the dick riding this thing oh okay yeah okay we can get it I just stick that AC's or gacs or whatever you want to call them I just like the lame kind of like units in regards to mechs they're lame now they're just more like rkd action type of games compared to like some like MEC warri which is way more Sim in comparison even if I wanted the simulator Mech game can Activision bring back heavy gear hmm I'd rather play that I try to play with some freaking armored chords I think these guys would be more into games like virtual on or Gundam Extreme versus boost and stuff like that but armored Core is not going to be what you guys think it is like there's a lot of tinkering and just messing around with your mechanism yeah like customization I mean that's what every Mech game though I just don't think a lot of these guys have the patience for that yeah I mean look I'm always down to be proven wrong like I wish this guy would be good but I I think it's just gonna be in the middle of the ground like 70s uh I'll give them 80s it's releasing in August I think any game that released in August is like well I feel like they know it's not like popular enough to like compete with other stuff even though it is uh from software it gets to the 80s I'll buy the [ __ ] game but I don't think it's not getting in the 80s the track record of this series and just met games in general have proven that a lot of people especially gaming journalists don't like those type of arcade games at all from software has got themselves to a point where they will get just even brownie points um so no this game would be at least in the 80s right now even if uh if the game doesn't it's not obviously it's not gonna translate with like Souls people or anything like that but because it's from software it's going to get in the 80s even people who don't understand like met games they're gonna like well I don't understand it so here's uh an eight no I think he's right I think this movie's right I don't think there's any possible way this gets in the 70s I don't think it's possible what is food sales gonna get it's gonna get in the 80s 80s 80 Watts move and again again 80 Watts move I'm at like an 84 or better you know what I'll take that you said 84 or just 80. I'll take I'll take it I'll take better I'll take oh my God under 84's move but are you betting him or not smooth but just make that clear oh I'm not betting I'm just saying oh my god look you're down on your luck now it can't get any worse Thug there's got to be a come of a comeback like it literally can't get any worse right now dog okay well uh just some details about armor core six of course made by from software uh they made it clear in um you know in these bullet points it plays differently from Souls games um it takes place on planet Rubicon which has a massive disaster burning the planet expansive environments with Incredible scale huge boss fights and extensive Mech customization so uh y'all have fun with that that's basically what because that's basically what the series is known for and they basically told that it's gonna have more varies degrees like how you customize your Mech feel like lace and like movement speed like the enemies will be a lot more aggressive towards you there's a more detail about it they go into the blog but we'll just see how it is the only thing I will say is they took away the depth system which pretty much if you fail Mission you basically have to pay for like the repairs out of pocket of your own currency so I'm gonna see just how they go about with that that's like it'll be good but people just like restart the mission record it before that happens let me ask you because I don't I'm not sure where you stand on Daemon X Machina but are you picking up armored Core six yes okay me too someone to get I'm just I'm just saying the overall cap for it is is a bit ridiculous but when even when they show demon X Machina at uh the Nintendo E3 I was hyped for that so I'm gonna be checking this out just not at full price maybe when they get a price drop yeah because it's gonna be 60. yeah retail but it'll be fine because see and that's another thing too I don't feel like a lot of people are having from the software name but I'm not willing to let them believe that they're gonna just also like the game mechanics of like and how the mechs move and stuff like that because there are people who don't even like monster and square on God that game is slow and clunky when it's not so I would not even put it past them to expose themselves when it comes to arm record when the actual game comes out Expo but we'll see exposed you can almost like Damon ex machina kind of had like a lot of Monster Hunter elements in it too yeah okay um all right next thing uh Horizon forbidden West Burning Shores the DLC came about came out about a week and a half ago good DLC we talked about it uh was getting or a review bombed on uh user review bombed on Metacritic so Metacritic has said they're going to take some action um they made a a very general statement they didn't actually say what they're going to do about it but they but they pretty much spoke out against um hating on a game for you know sexist uh racists any type of those reasons um hating hating on a game for that is is not acceptable um and they're looking into their options on on what to do about it when games get review bombed like this uh the other so just for context two well yeah like uh well when when uh Last of Us two came out um that also got user review bombed um for obviously similar similar reasons um and Metacritic came out and made a statement about that too and the change they made then was they uh they they made it so you have to wait at least I think 48 hours for users to actually submit a review because when Last of Us Part Two came out people literally review bombed it at midnight like like the game is 25 hours it got user bombed at midnight as soon as the soonest the [ __ ] was up obviously not real reviews you know what they should do they should make you have to tie your uh gamer tag to it that way you can access it see if you actually even bought or played the game yeah that's The Simple Solution but that's that integration will probably cause them it'll probably take a little bit development a little bit of money and you know they probably don't want to do that much work but uh spoiler um if you haven't played the uh Horizon uh burning Shores DLC people are upset because there is an option for alloy to kiss a woman it's an option you can choose not to do it uh that's what that's why people are review bombing and not for any actual you know part of the gameplay the visuals nothing else just that there's an option to kiss a woman that that that's all it is great deals new name is I might want to say but he did the woman you kiss women like I know I know we into that type thing you know but absolutely people are people are pointing out that uh you know other games get review bomb people feel like when it's a PlayStation game uh because I told you the two instances that's when Metacritic um has decided to uh say something about it um I the only the only I'm guessing that's be I'm guessing that's because when people review bomb gay when other games get review bombed for example G uh Gran Turismo 7 was review bombed also but the reason why they're respond to it I don't think it's because it's PlayStation games I think it's because it's more so uh a sexuality yeah that that's the reason every time they put like you know homosexuality stuff into the game um and people and that could be a trigger point that's when they want to respond to it so they can protect themselves um you know obviously certain communities yeah and off of it yeah from the alphabet because look PlayStation yeah listen PlayStation games uh right now are the only one um like venturing out story-wise and pushing the envelope when it comes to like gay relationships and and things that people consider quote unquote woke anything that's considered woke PlayStation you know is they don't what their story is like they don't care we're gonna talk about it if that's what that's what we want to do PlayStation also has a lot of hetero relationships to be days gone God of War Uncharted yep they do but it's not like what other games Ratchet and Clank yeah it's like that girl in Ratchet and Clank like a lesbian or something um to the writer she is what I mean I mean technically she both right and she's also kind of Clank in a different type I mean I claim but ratchet is like what I remember them saying like she's lesbian they wanted to make her look more like a they them or something they didn't want to be too too fast the woman that wrote the woman that wrote the game said that that started because she got on cargos you know uh Subarus and cargos do y'all leave it uh other than just having it as a topic of it if it going on do y'all care the People review bomb games I don't think it does anything no unless you unless you're smooth and bond with a bet I mean the only people I see that could get mad we don't really care about um review bombing I mean that doesn't matter in a bit yeah um the game developers because they get bonuses off of that score sometimes no not user I don't think users okay I just I just think it's childish because you know if I'm working on a product in your review bombing me I'm like yeah [ __ ] y'all let me ask you something so is it is it fair that gaming meet the gaming media can take points off persona for not having you know to be able to romance the guys if you're a male protagonist is it fair that they can take off points for Bayonetta being a heterosexual woman and not falling for John at the end of the game John is a Girl by the way but is that fair like they seem to be able to get away with that but we can't do it on a previous a stupid reason also and uh yeah I would think that's a stupid reason to negate points for a a game but here's the thing about it right it's not even that these people are negating points they are literally it's literally like you'll read the reviews it'll say this she kisses a woman it's it's it's a lesbian agenda zero out of ten you don't get what I said like bro like what like it I would I would I could understand if you were like enjoyed the game good gameplay great graphics decent story but I don't like that there's a lesbian at the end so I took off a point but you you can't take off 10 points of a game because there's a lesbian in it you know what I'm saying like you can't you can't you can't quantify how hateful someone is either though like but but that but that's but then you're not actually the the the you're you're using the tool for something differently then you know what I'm saying you're not actually I mean it's a hateful [ __ ] though either way or some hateful [ __ ] is what they getting at you know like that's that's all my thing is it's like yo you're using the the point of this is for you as the players like I talk about like that that's why people respect Steam Reviews because theme reviews it shows how much you played the game it shows that you bought the game and that whole Community it won't even let you review it if you didn't buy the game though yeah and and that whole Community they take it very serious because they depend on each other so they're gonna look out for each other if this game is not performing well we we want to let others know they're not gonna be like zero out of ten the game sucks because it's a lesbian like bro we bro like P like we care about how the game actually performs and if it's fun and enjoyable and all that stuff like not not if it's woke or not you know what I'm saying that's not what the tool is supposed to be used for that's that's not helping anybody make their make a decision maybe some people but it's it's not actually critiquing the game if you don't even mention the other aspects of the game you're you're you're talking about someone who's logical that's actually going there to review the game as opposed to someone that's just trying to be toxic that's that's totally different like exactly they're not going to review the game to begin with they're going to dispute their [ __ ] I think another piece of it is when Horizon came out everyone was annoyed by aloy even more so than I don't remember this narrative being there for the first game but even myself included this second game she was annoying as a protagonist and I think people took that out on this second one saying like oh so so she's meeting everybody else but now she got a girlfriend I think they just kind of bottling it up from their frustrations from the first game as well which is still not excuse it not excuse it yeah not excusing it but I think they dragging it from the first game of already not vibing with her when it came to the other characters especially being male yeah it's just still very weird Behavior like bro like if you don't like a game like listen I [ __ ] on a lot of games I've never once in my life been like you know what I want to run to Metacritic and review bomb it like hey this is stupid yeah moving here yeah when you um when you play Last of Us too when they got to the Sarah fights and all that before you realize what they really were would that have like affected your score on the game um I think it it it affected me wanting to play it or not so like but you wouldn't have like affected the score off of the actual utility of the game and the functions no no no no no no I like I went into the game biased and I could in my bias because of the game itself my bias couldn't get in the way can you turn yourself up just a little bit damn all right because my mic was too loud in the last podcast I was in I was saying like my bias could not get in the way why were you biased though but because I mean there was some [ __ ] in the game you know that I typically don't care to it's like the religious stuff entertain they thought it was an antichrist yeah yeah it was that and then the whole like the whole like they were like portraying them as Christians and stuff like that it was just but like I said they did whatever they did a good job as I I understood what they did I was like all right it's not even that big of a deal and like I said my thing is like listen if you if you actually don't like all the stuff that's considered woke bro and you want to take off a point for it I'm like ah you know what that's that's you can do that but once again taking off like it has to match you know because if you want to say okay that's still part of story all right boys all right all right take off like 0.5 I mean you know 0.5 or or one point for that like I I don't I be like you know I take off a point 5 if a game has a has a few bugs you know you know like so if it's like something like just something you don't not even something wrong but just something you personally don't like it's valid I think it's valid if it deteriorates the story for you because there's even in movies when y'all seen a bunch of movies where they they put in this or that is like a nod or a wing to a certain audience you just roll your eyes because you're just like bro come on what are we doing you know what I mean did you guys just see the breaking news CMA step ton of [ __ ] for 10 years like Microsoft all right that's not breaking news I already got on my list I already got on my list for 10 years Tony and tomorrow is out of the world if try to acquire somebody can't get done there's a 10-year waiting period uh I mean no I mean everybody's reporting it just now so I don't I I didn't hear anything about it um yeah this seems to be breaking but uh uh yeah we're gonna we're gonna get to that yeah all right appreciate that Tony um so yeah people are upset about with that we're burning shorts but yeah I I I I just don't even think I don't think I'm not sure but I don't think user review bombing even like really hurts a a game sales like people are not rushing to Metacritic to see somebody's user reviews to decide oh if I need to buy that I think they do I think they do no I don't believe that I think I think the Lazarus part two would have sold better if the out if the out if the game went ahead leaked and all the outrage wasn't behind it I think the game sells no but but that's you're no you're right that's people hearing about it but people heard about that I don't think they ran to Metacritic user reviews and read that it leaked and like it spread throughout the whole internet that's why I think it sold less yeah and that smear campaign sorry when those leaks came out too people made videos and all yeah don't tell that but I mean I mean the same [ __ ] yeah so it's it is what it is um I don't I don't know if anybody reads that [ __ ] is what it is it's a bunch of disgruntled neck beards in cells all right um let's see what we got okay uh the there was a they they released the the poster for Twisted Metal the show that's coming out on peacock um the cat's getting another shitty friends yes sir the [ __ ] baby PlayStation said are you crazy PlayStation said they're giving uh this the same love they gave to like Last of Us is the Same Love they're gonna give to like all their shows I don't know if I believe that probably don't um yeah I don't let me tell you why that little uh Mackie smirk he gonna ruin the show you every scene that he initially it looks like he playing already bro you don't like it serious bro like he joking like did you do the lady they're describing the show as a comedy though it's not gonna be super serious yeah that thing is the definition of that's the that's what it is yeah and even as a even as an action comedy right It's let's say it doesn't have a serious tone there's a there's a right way to still do an action comedy just because you're in a comedy doesn't mean you don't you don't have to be good you know is this gonna be the new show that we watching after dark maybe you don't want to watch the uh the Bad Boys of Texas so we gotta find something to work I want to watch that I want to watch it I've been telling him to watch it anyway I think I'm excited for this Twisted Metal Show because uh I don't know if y'all y'all play twisting metal black right yes of course the most Fire part of that game to me was the character intros I used to me and my cousins just watch them over and over again right because it was creepy as hell to us if they can find a way to mix this comedy with some of that actual creepy [ __ ] like the little girl with the doll face uh the priest [ __ ] um and they actually get the cars correctly they already got the sweet two van looking fire you see what I'm saying and mackie's little uh what was he in a little suit what was he in driving around when a BMW was a I think it was a Subaru the little orange car yeah with some machine guns attached yeah if they actually get it right and it looked fire I'm actually kind of excited about the show bro see I feel even at the peacock I don't expect this to be good at all but I mean that's true I'll be better than Halo peacock at the shows but yeah Halo how do we quantify that is there like is there what's what's uh Halo's uh score or whatever everybody hated it that's why I'm sorry quantify it yeah I don't have a high expectations for this show um I think maybe it might it's as a as an action comedy is probably more accessible than if they actually made it like super dark uh gave it a super dark uh tone um because I could see what if like the directors of uh like you know Chucky made it like you know what I'm saying like they actually made it something dark like that I think that that might be cool but it's like uh I don't know if that's that's not as like for a general General audience I don't really know what to expect with this but y'all didn't get excited when you saw um sweet tooth not really they got some more Joe playing Sweet Tooth man Samoa the only Samoan that's not related to The Rock that's crazy if they have Rikishi with his ass out I might be a day one I'm pretty sure they said some more Joe's playing Sweet Tooth for them show they did well yeah don't know what to expect we'll see if they've made a new Twisted Metal with uh destruction All-Stars developers would y'all cop they was making it how did they know they pulled them off the they pulled them off the project yeah how did they not just make twistable instead of Destruction All-Stars they're making a twister metal game did every few months I'll re-download it to see if they fixed it not only are there only bots in the lobbies they still have not fixed the hit detection in that game it's been what two years now why would they I think hell to make good on the fact that they got something on the PlayStation Store like what I I mean I uh I think they're releasing um they're releasing the show this year but I think it makes sense that they're also going to announce the game I think they absolutely announced the game this year it's not going to come out this year but they're gonna announce it and listen as far as as far as uh destruction All-Stars I I told people that as soon as the game came out I was like yo this game is garbage it needs guns and everybody was like oh you think everything needs guns I'm like no but this does it's dead now I bet you if that game had some guns it would have had a longer life listen Guns make some things better yeah we gotta accept guns make some things better what do you call it longer life though I think the game would have failed regardless bro bro okay how long do you think destruction All-Stars system in the game the score system in that game made no [ __ ] sense it was it was inconsistent as well as that when the game came out you had to buy well of course it was supposed to be 70 but I'm not gonna lie I feel like even if they sold it for 70 you still would have to unlock half the game through money there was a lot of stuff in it with characters and quote unquote the story missions you had to pay for the story missions in order to actually play it I know there's a story there's not a story but it's like each character has their own little missions that they do they got a campaign can't that's what the word yeah campaign but uh whatever however long that game lasted where it had a a decent amount of people if it had guns I say it would have lasted at least twice as long this Twisted Metal game will be infinitely times better if they make one as long as they get the controls right them controls on the last Twisted Metal game were Criminal those controls were terrible so if they just get the controls right [ __ ] it should be should be all right yeah is this this upcoming Twisted mail game a live service game too yes I think this game is good I think it's gonna be fun uh I'm a twisted metal fan I'm biased but uh I think it's gonna be good um so yeah that poster was out it kind of Hit the poster was very funny just see you're right seeing Anthony mcity mcity um that's his name because people use him for for that Meme because he's always smirking like he knows he just seems so devious yeah I don't like that juice ever since he messed up that Tupac character like nope [Laughter] I think I did that oh my God is crazy terrible and then he had when he was arguing with the [ __ ] your father's ashamed of you writing Anthony Mack is just funny bro everything he does is funny to me but that Tupac roll wasn't even his fault anybody who like tried to like casting director said him set him up as Tupac I was like listen y'all did that man wrong there's no way you could have pulled off Tupac you don't even relatively look like him hey actors turn down roles all the time he thought he had it The Matrix tearing down Django too yeah um he said [ __ ] he said [ __ ] them [ __ ] Django I'm gonna go do Hancock real quick all right at the time the Wachowski brothers were kind of like nobodies and it was it come on he went with the hotter hand at the time but it ended up being wrong nobody thought the Matrix was gonna be what it was I mean what would you rather play The Matrix what do you choose over the Matrix again exactly only because he wanted to make a [ __ ] shitty ass song the only way that the only way that I would that he had to turn down the Matrix if they didn't include like hey by the way we got this thing called bullet time we gonna do all right at the end of the day though wow wow Wes was a hit it it was it was a box only because of Will Smith only because of Will Smith though and Hancock is a fire movie by the way I I'm just saying a franchise-wise [ __ ] you basically had a story about uh me and my wife so toxic we lose our superpowers aside from Matrix like what the moral level of Hancock was that white women white women yeah they will weaken you and I'm like I I agree the milk he was like ah doesn't choose hey man I've never been with a white woman but uh I hear terrible things love white people by the way love great people love them to death let's tackle that right now brother smooth uh I know you've talked about it on your podcast so move I I ain't it's not like I'm mad at you right you know I don't take that I say I say racist stuff all the time right joking joking around I say racist sexist so you know all that stuff all the time right but people people was on your ass um because they I think they feel a while now let's be real I think they feel that you're you take this this you know the whole the whole ABK the the console stuff and you you take those emotions and and you take it too far and put it into like stuff that's like political in in business and stuff like that with what you said about Lena Khan I'm trying to find it uh right now I'll bring it up you saw my Shao Khan was it lead a conicon duplicon so Genghis Khan you're the greatest uh okay so what you said was uh uh Jesus you you've been arguing with people all weekend um Jesus Christ okay here's what you said so uh red dragon said people are forgetting that Microsoft Xbox still hasn't even reached the final boss level if if they are struggling this much this early in the game it's probably better to rage quit and he he put a picture of uh Lena Khan um implying that she's you know the final boss because she's been you know trying to stop this ABK deal I guess smooth said is she even American no wonder the U.S is is having issues with its own regular uh Regulators it's ran by the Ops lol they sabotaging America's American businesses and uh people took that as xenophobic they took that as as hateful and smooth listen man even though I ain't I ain't mad at you I absolutely see how that that scene is xenophobic brother you gotta see how that's what does xenophobic mean please xenophobic okay listen I don't like the term phobic because phobic meat implies scared but they use it as hatred it's the hatred it's the hatred of people from um other countries foreign countries in general yeah it sounds very vague it's it's but that doesn't so me asking if she's American meant I I'm hateful to if she was from someplace else the implications I think I think you you only asked it because of her skin tone the fact her last name is Khan correct uh and her nose no no I didn't ask no because the thing is is that I have that sometimes I start thinking about things and I'm like okay I'm surprised you think at all I'm saying yeah the American uh the United States of America is a melting pot full of different you know types of people and stuff like that and we are so lenient on you know who can qualify to do what and I'm like okay so this woman is the head of like a very important role for um for the country in terms of American Enterprise business and all that stuff right and um she's being pressed they they just have a hearing what last week and when she's being pressed by Congress about all the decisions they've been making a question that impacted American businesses overseas and I'm like bruh like we're having trouble internally for a reason like clearly they put somebody like he's she she can be an op and me saying uh that she's an OP doesn't mean I doesn't mean she's from someplace else is that her intentions probably isn't in America's interests being that we're in this like globalistic um you know world that we live in where everything is like no no [ __ ] America everything is like pretty much yeah so but um [ __ ] anyway the the whole problem with everybody's reactions I think they're not sincere they're fake as [ __ ] everybody that watches this podcast has either his is talks toxic absolutely racist terms absolutely if you have been either racist homophobic transphobic any other [ __ ] absolutely all of them we've been involved in several sort of discussions and arguments and stuff like that and I'm like so it all it took was me to ask is this chick American for me to be considered racist and that was even a thing regarding her race I was asking her nationality but people take that as racist anyway because then somebody assumed that I needed her to be white for me to ask that question I was like bro I was like I'm asking because she she looks like she could be a good she could she looks Hispanic she looks she could be black and white I don't I don't know what she is that's the reason why I asked in it why does it make it what she is because I wanted to ask the question I couldn't ask I I was gonna ask another question but would it sound sexist so I was like you know what does the carpet Master drapes right yeah so I think the question itself is is the problem like it it it's like what yeah it's like Bob said why how and why does this matter oh yeah that does that does FTC the US FTC the United States FTC okay so I don't think I don't think there's an American running the CMA so you think okay so what's your what you're saying and that is it you're not I don't think there's I don't think there's an African running uh the head of the Europe the European Union so so what you're saying so what you're saying is because it's you're saying it's possible or likely that if somebody gets in this position and is not an American that they may not have America's best interests at heart they're like a Sleeper Cell trying to like penetrate from within you know like you know trying to sabotage yeah absolutely can I respond to that BG yeah that's actually happening in the government right now they do that already Americans do that already they sell whatever you have for the best interest for them the issues move of course I agree with you everybody has said worse than this and I think they're blowing out of proportion as well but by saying that you don't see what was wrong and seeing that woman's nose and hairline and that green jacket is saying are you even American you could be an OP that's that's the definition that's the definition of profiling yeah so that was the issue I like I agree they're blowing it out of proportion but you can't sit here and say that you looked at her and you saw that nose you don't know how you didn't look look up anything else other than this picture and said are you even American you could be an OP that's crazy yeah but I do feel like you gotta at least admit that you even if you were trying to be funny you gotta it's you gotta see what you gave them for people to blow up I did I wasn't even mad that people were tight about it people was mad because I asked if she was American cool great but it was the fact that people were throwing out all this other [ __ ] that I didn't say and it tried to make up my mind for Me Like Somebody Gave Gaz the right to call me the [ __ ] the dude from like Django I'm like where the files like that's that's like you think you got some [ __ ] pass to say some Sly [ __ ] because I asked if she's American like dude like how I'm supposed to know that because I'm assuming why is he offended I said nothing about him I didn't ask if he's from America I know he ain't from America he doesn't live here so why is he even bad like right like so all right so who gave him the [ __ ] pass I don't care what kind of joke BG made about [ __ ] Django who gave that man a pass why should we all jump his ass we are jumping and the thing is this is why say now I'm about to get racist now I'm really about it do what you do black people why these dudes always so quick to defend [ __ ] that ain't them the old all the people that got mad at me oh what's the other I still to this day don't know what Lena Khan is right so I can't assume I don't see anybody else that looked like Lina Khan attacking me right it's nothing but the darkest of Darkness people attacking me all them if Alina Khan is American I'm like yo I'm like shut up like what like what do you what kind of cookies are you guys trying to get like who do you guys oh what do they got on you where you guys all need to bond and band against me like I don't understand and black people is in this community do that [ __ ] a lot I don't it's like I don't it's like bro but then they'll get they'll they'll say they'll let some um you know Caucasian or someone of the another uh race say some slight [ __ ] oh because you know well you know they got a lot of no views oh they they rock with the platform I rock with them they mean they don't got nothing to say they got no smoke for them it's okay to get a pass oh but oh because me I'm that toxic ass Xbox dude and I I and anything I say is tip in the line is because I'm who I am I don't get a pass and black and black people in this community automatically get into defense mode against me you know what I mean so it that's why if that sounds racist then yes that sounds racist if you think that's racist and if you think I'm racist because I said that [ __ ] and I use the term black well then I'm gonna have a hard time changing your mind and I don't I'm not trying to change anybody's mind but that's the [ __ ] I don't like is that all these dudes like Persona Jabari the I'm talking about the wars I went through with these dudes and the [ __ ] that that used to come out of uh people's mouths and the [ __ ] that we witnessed they took this for y'all to block me now honestly I know I asked for I asked anybody if you got a problem with me block me that's always if you really got a problem with me block me go ahead but I was surprised that they really they really took this to the like you know I'm gonna block it like if somebody is if somebody likes of um like sponsoring them that I'm gonna get them in trouble or something like that for them because if I'm if somebody's gonna say something and this it really doesn't impact me and I'm going to block them that means I have connections to somebody that that's going to stop supporting me if I'm seeing liking or interacting with that individual correct that's the only reason why I can think of it but they went so far with it but I think these guys you know don't they frequent the mooch podcast don't they they do they remember who the mooch was before the usual hate buy American Support American huh when he was an Xbox guy they had all the smoke all the jokes all the memes they turned a new Leaf he's a PlayStation guy all that [ __ ] is Forgiven so what I'm now like that's crazy that's crazy All Is Forgiven can that happen for me can I be forgiven or be or is it because I'm black or is it because it was it because in Blackboard because I'm Xboxes I'm being called racist as a black guy now my Jeanette I said not a thing about her race at all not a damn thing about her nose yeah well sometimes it's just the fact that they feel like you playing ignorance move I think like what Alex said bro if you just was like yeah I mean she don't look American like I think [ __ ] when they got this offensive I see but the thing is people got offended for no reason but they they're making my my like they're talking about like oh well what does an American look like I don't know [ __ ] you tell me just stand out what you said and they can't be mad at it either if you if you would have just said hey yo what is her problem that's not a you know Capital American you know business practices she she gimping us uh and she and I that wouldn't have been an issue this is kind of like when Jack was arguing with that one dude it didn't matter that he was gay but because he was gay all of them started jumping jackets if he was being home remember that Jack oh yeah so literally that's basically what happened with Jack it was like I didn't even say nothing about her BMV again but they went out of their way if you would have just said Shia op how was she trying to you know ruin business and all of that nobody would have had an issue I mean it's the American comments no reason why in the American comment is because I'm like well she's the head of the Ft [ __ ] seat like I don't like like it's just like if he would if he was a white man would you have said that if it was a white man would you have said is he American that's the thing if if he would notice like did he have an accent like if he would no because here's the things okay you could say you might have said uh the opting about anybody but yes move you know we there is context there's a picture of her and her name is is Lena Khan right and you know we just don't believe that if this was a a white a picture of a white man and his name was Brian Hoyer we don't think you would ask this question what if it was a black man that is a quarterback uh and his name was Brian Hoyer we probably still don't you want to hit him too smooth because you're racist you guys that's what you guys are assuming you gotta stop I don't why do I always have to fight against hypotheticals why can't I fight for what exactly what happened um like I said like there's this context of things and you know people put the what you say together you know and and look like you like you said everybody on this podcast has or still does say uh racist sexist um you know [Music] all the all those things most of the time we're we're joking right it's like we make jokes about everybody and everybody I think everybody like listens to us that's all I guess well no everybody what I'm saying is everybody who listens to us knows that like when we make these jokes there's like really no hate about it people can still get offended by it but I think they can honestly tell we don't know I'm gonna say this you know what I mean uh cut the ad break why was a bunch of [ __ ] offended I don't know but look but look but what I'm saying smooth is the thing about it is we acknowledge and we admit when we when we say something or make a racist or sexist or whatever you know joke like uh I make it I make them type of jokes all the time and and but I gotta stand on it I'm like yes I know that was racist comedy style comedy stuff so what so what's the difference between what you're you're saying you do and what I actually did you won't acknowledge it was racist you claimed ignorance you claimed that that's the problems move you don't think it's metaphobic bouquet xenophobic you don't think it's xenophobic most people say I don't think it's xenophobic because I scared this is not the first time you you said it like joking joking wise another it's not the first time where you like you've like said somewhat disparaging things about people from other countries even other like even even other states like you sit on Memphis like in people from the country all the time that's fair that's fair but is there a turn for that yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what you are yeah let's talk about that kiss move got the same initials that Kevin Samuel's coincidence question exactly so smooth that's all I'm saying I think I think if you just admitted what it was but you don't think that's what it is so so then that's so then we're at an impasse then we're in an impact yeah cause if dude still expecting me to apologize they're gonna be waiting for a while well you like it like I said like a long while like I said you sometimes you just gotta you know even if you don't think it was you got to be able to look at it and be like you know what I love uh you know it's like you know I could you could be like man I love [ __ ] but I could see why some people think I hate [ __ ] you know it's got to be one of those type of situations but the thing is y'all looking at a reason why I can't stand them sometimes uh and after this couple days that's why you hate black people okay we can move on you can understand why it sounded like why it almost sounded like go back to your country right you could kind of understand why it may have not been there so it may it may have not been that but you can understand why it why people may have took it like that well these dudes and people need help man people need help there's a far there's a lot more important [ __ ] going on a lot more questionable [ __ ] going on that they need to be worried about than uh worrying about how somebody that they never gonna meet is going to feel about my comment no I mean I made an inquiry they it ain't like the inquiry and they kind of jumped to several several conclusions still don't know why gas as it was offended because gas doesn't live in the United States of America so but I think I think okay I don't know Lena Khan's race but yeah it's not the same no but but but gas gas can probably understand you know maybe the type of uh like thing that you claim you're not leveraging against Lena Khan him because I believe he's he's Pakistani and he but he lives in the UK he probably understands that level of xenophobia or racism I'm just saying that's what most people perceives it as I'm just saying that's what um he could probably he could probably uh but the thing is I can see if I would have said okay something direct derogatory towards let's say what pakistanis or whatever whatever right but I didn't say that I asked if she was American not as if she was oh I just looked it up a rocky right uh uh like Iraqi or Moroccan or some [ __ ] like that right and then I said hey is she Pakistanian and he and and he was the same race as certainly like oh well I'm offended no whatever she looks She's racially ambiguous in my opinion I asked if she was American so why does that offend someone by the way from a different country from now on just tell him that you love your country smooth just say that it's America First you ain't beating the mega smooth allegations yeah you you not beating them at all it's it's it's cool um you might have to go to rumble you might have to go to rumble smooth you might be done on YouTube hear me DJ academics we can move on uh you know uh love you to death's move God bless you but yeah man it was a lot of fake outrage people don't re let's be real people don't give a [ __ ] smooth said this [ __ ] man let's be real bro you know but yeah it might have been some [ __ ] up [ __ ] to say I'm not saying I agree or disagree with it but a lot of people I don't like that outrage culture [ __ ] man I really don't and imma tell you this depending on how quick somebody is to cut you off off some [ __ ] like this yeah then you know who really [ __ ] with you for real that's all I'm gonna say about that respect too much because it's also kind of like the same thing like in gaming you can make fun of black people all day long but the second you just even question something about somebody else all of a sudden it's you know the end of the world and I'm gonna say this to all the people that got offended y'all got offended okay look think about smooth like this right y'all know saying that cartoon Franklin y'all got offended by a [ __ ] that looked like Franklin the Turtle saying this bro what y'all doing okay stop this [ __ ] yeah next topic BG yes let's move on now okay fine uh no it's it's still not time we gonna get there a few other things touch on oh Mario movie made a belly shout out to that movie great movie great somebody just posted this [ __ ] on Twitter though the whole movie yeah yeah they they yeah I don't know how they be I don't know that it's like some technique to make a to to like fit a two-hour movie on on Twitter when it only allows they got Twitter I don't even care real [ __ ] remember when you uh when we watched movies from 200 part series on uh Facebook they'd be like uh The Lion King part one to 300 on Facebook yeah yeah I wasn't but the movie made a billy um great look great movie you know glad a video game love it to death uh you know enjoyed it very much so shout out to that um there was a game that released called the last case of Benedict Fox came out on uh it's it came out on Game Pass um came out on Friday um yes and uh not didn't really get much attention because people were uh kind of yeah you play you play this move play what the last case of Benedict Fox yeah yeah I was actually playing that early I didn't even finish it that game runs like [ __ ] um damn that one too that's a side scroller yeah I don't know how it's like it's literally at like a fix like 52 frames per second bro what it's it has like you know a little some metroidvania um aspects to it it's like almost like a mystery game I think you play as a detective I think he's a detective or something like that and uh I actually yeah yeah I actually pedal played a little bit of it not my thing um not my thing uh and it's surprisingly like this is where like when these when when Xbox get gets these games and putting the game pass and it's like bro nobody's talking about this like it wasn't even like really pushed or anything like that I mean let's be real game passes where games go to [ __ ] die people uh Xbox fans have been really criticizing uh Xbox ability to Market and I think that's showing because like yo I don't yeah that's an excuse City skylines sold 12 million copies name me one show me One commercial for it bgk can we please just keep it honest I'm so tired of acting like Steven who sold a lot of copies and yeah I mean listen but go ahead Valencia what you're saying no no because I'm saying like I'd be on Twitter just like stating things that I feel like would be completely you know just common sense about you know what sells on the Xbox what they care about I'll be like they don't care about jrpgs they don't care about Platformers they don't care about indie games this that and the third and they'll be like nah man we're just never giving the chance to only keeps snatching them up and then when they get games like this they just never show up for them Andrew you can say you showed your Xbox you didn't even show up for it as far as what Benedict psycho nuts yeah I showed up for everything that was appealing to me Blanchard see you you can say that right I I can say the exact same things as you and it be truth but people just look at me as a hater so I can't say it like I I absolutely knew when this game was announced for Game Pass Xbox dudes is not playing this [ __ ] I know that for a fact largely right like yeah and that doesn't mean literally nobody that means largely this is this is not the type of games y'all care about not what y'all interested in I know that is a fact and that is very I think that's very much the case seems to be true but I can't say that because oh BG's a hater no I'm just telling the truth yeah you are a hatered OBG are you like a class one Healer I mean listen I booted up last case of Benedict Benedict Fox like so uh I'm pretty sure there's some Xbox dudes that probably didn't to be fair was a rough week you know what I mean I I booted up the game late I had like wrapped up um I know obviously you have the Jedi that you know came out just finished up uh was uh the Dead Island and you know and then oh red Falls coming to ABK they'll left people with distraught so I mean you still get Activision Blizzard games so when [ __ ] get depressed and can't play games that's what you're telling me I'm just saying you know there's there's reasons like that impacted the game's uh if you ask them what they think about Spider-Man what they think about The Last of Us each and every last one of them can give you a breakdown of what they you know what they played about the game they may try to downplay it this that in the third but the second you start talking about penstemon you start talking about psycho Nazi start talking about flight simulator start talking about grounded start talking about sea of Thieves start talking about Wasteland all of a sudden it's well I mean you know it's not my type of game but you know it's cool for the people that like it they just need to move over to PlayStation and be done with it I tried that it's just it's not the same like there's nothing I don't think there's anything PlayStation can do to convert me to a full-time Pony let me actually want something you don't have to be a pony you could just play the game you've been in a sexless marriage with their Xbox for a decade man damn go go over to the corner and get some ass from Sonya Nintendo it sure look in bed PlayStation has to release some um some games buddy yeah and you're not even going to be able to use the you don't get you can't play multiplayer games anymore with the multiplayer games they're about to be dropping note yeah um but uh yeah um listen if you got Game Pass uh try out the game there I did more marketing than Xbox has done for it yeah I gotta do a video on that game last case Infinity Fox uh check it out came out uh two days ago and this is XBox exclusive so yeah nobody cares yeah yeah okay um even smooth said nobody cares to watch his gameplay stuff like his game reviews or anything it's the other stuff that they care about yeah nobody cares about nobody cares about Ben the dick and Cox come on wow yeah there's no there's no there's no amount of marking that Xbox would have done that made people actually care to play the game let's be real it was at their E3 or something right their XBox showcase yeah it was just used for the list Wars that was about it I remember I was trying to get BG to play Metroid dreading he's like nah I'm gonna play Benedict instead I'm like all right whatever tragic BG next topic well who the [ __ ] said Benedictine Cox that was my wasn't it that was crazy BG next topic did he pass away my bad um I was getting a phone call yeah yeah I'm glad to have you back brother uh okay uh okay uh uh oh psvr2 we're going to retailers PlayStation is finally putting them in retailers yay Yahoo yeah just wanted to put that out there um rock the world across the world they already in stores okay cool uh there's also a they also put out a patch a big patch for The Last of Us Part One on PC running much better now so if anybody been waiting you can go back you can go and check that out um PlayStation numbers are up they reported and all that stuff uh here we go Xbox numbers are Xbox numbers I don't think Nintendo put their numbers out you know I don't like to get into the weeds of all that stuff I just like you see BG's retains that morning Jack oh yeah he had like he had like 11 retweets about that [ __ ] about PlayStation sale number six logging up my timeline with PlayStation sales I retweet everything a lot I don't know I don't know why you act like that no bro like you can people who follow me when when a story comes out I retweet it like I retweeted a lot like that's that's not exclusive to PlayStation doesn't matter what it is like 11 times uh yeah because usually a lot of them have different contexts because that's look that's the way I bookmark things for podcast topics so I don't have to always go through 11 websites to use the actual bookmark feature see see let me ask the chat because I I told blandrew that bookmark feature I didn't know about it until like a month ago because they made it like public where you could actually see bookmarks but I thought bookmarks didn't exist until then because I've I've never heard nobody on Twitter be like Oh I'm gonna bookmark this tweet I've never heard nobody say that until like a month ago I've never heard nobody say that until like maybe like a month ago I've never heard that you're bugging see the chat says D I'm not lying they didn't because they because for one thing you showed me where it was but it was a hidden feature it wasn't like it was on your but if you if you've shared a tweet before you you have seen where it's like bookmark it was like in the same menu BG said he hadn't updated his app in like three years so he probably didn't uh I mean automatically 2018. so I've never seen that yeah you just wanted to make sure everybody's seen the hot the hot gas up places not at all listen I just go back because what I do is when on Saturdays right before the podcast I could just scroll right down down my timeline see all the hot [ __ ] that happened easy boy if you follow Mr mango on Twitter his bookmarks don't do that you know who you are yeah uh okay so yeah all the numbers [ __ ] happened um Dead Island two uh that that came out like we talked about last week but I actually bought it this week when the Jedi story came out and and you know said that the patch is gonna it's gonna need a patch and some work and we're going to talk about that right now in a second I was like let me go ahead and buy just buy Dead Island too games better yeah game is is is good um it's what I didn't what I didn't know about this and I think they should have made this more clear maybe some people knew the reason why I thought it was going to be so bad is because I I literally thought this was going to be the exact same game that they started development in in 2012. they they apparently kind of like scrapped everything at one point and completely restarted development so this is not really a game that's been in development for like 11 years it's really been in development for like I four five something around that so if I knew that I would have actually given it more of a chance um at launch but yeah it's a decent game it's nothing yeah other than BG has anybody else played yet yes I have I completed it oh okay how do you feel about this move uh I I have a review up check it out uh yeah yeah it's one of those views that kind of takes um um now I gave you the 9 out of ten I thought they did a good job with it yeah um and same thing like what BG said it was in in development remember the game was revealed at what 2014 PlayStation E3 2014 2015 I think so I'm like that um the uh I mean obviously for it's a cross Gene game graphically I thought did a good job um this was the game I was talking about that felt like he's going to you know steal red false Thunder um this game has like awesome Gore animation it's disgusting it does it's and and the attention to detail like I would literally like purpose like all right let me chop I'm pretty sure other games have done this but like yeah I'm gonna aim for an ankle imma chop off an ankle imma chop off an arm um you know what I mean they're they give you like kneecaps out yeah stuff like that they give you the freedom to like just kind of like just mess around just this big old like sandbox and in the game actually I can't even say it's the same box because it's not an open world game yeah it's like stage by stage and it is very wide um but as far as the review scores and this is why I can't stop like really take review scores seriously because BG says you know he understands why a game like this would get you know a 70s then I'm asking like all right why what's wrong with it what's the bad part of the game because I had a lot of fun in the game and I can tell you right now okay go ahead it's kind of like one of those games that doesn't really have a lot of depth right and not every game necessarily has to have that but it kind of is what it is like it's it it's not like a story you're really gonna care about because it's kind of like a brainless it's a brainless zombie killer that's just really fun and has really good physics that's that's all that's all it is it doesn't have the best uh I mean but that's but that's why like it's it's you know there's nothing wrong with this game being a 70 as long as you understand that it's kind of like a I don't want to say completely paper thin brainless zombie shooter but it's a it's like it's like top of the level bring the zombie shooter zombie killer not shooter that's all it is it came at the beginning of this gin because I beat it with IROC and Tony shout out uh go watch Tony's review on it um he got a lot of gameplay for it uh the issues with this game for one the physics that y'all are boasting about I don't know if y'all played Dying Light too but they were the zombies are way more reactive as to where you hit them than this game that was one of the biggest things for me because when I played Dying Light 2 The Narrative was trash um the whole wavering sides of remember when they was boasting like oh if you do this faction or this faction this changes the world you didn't really see that if anything you just saw different colors and maybe a different uh the way Huts were set up but what made me keep playing the game was it was just fun hitting the [ __ ] out of zombies the physics in this game felt like a really muted uh Dying Light too which means I don't agree with that I said this last week we sacrificed with that but um like I said last week we are we see really good flesh system for the for the uh at the cost of a really deep physics system I'm telling y'all I'm sitting here did y'all play down like two well for me for me the reason why this is seven out of ten the physics could be way better secondly the weapons aren't as in-depth as they could be they're cool um but some of the upgrades there are some upgrades I never unlocked because some of the [ __ ] never dropped but some upgrades are cool you can put like electric bullets flame bullets on the guns uh caustic bullets um the enemy types are not as various as they could be you got the typical uh shouting one you know every zombie game has one that shouts at you and alerts everyone else and pushes you back the one that explodes yeah yeah you got the bloaters you got the runners and then you got the brutes but you see the same five zombies for rest of the game like you got to a point where we saw like a I don't want to spoil it for anybody but we saw a new one at the end uh the final boss for this game is he bald is it bald tell me if it's ball yeah yeah you've seen yes the the final boss you've already beat the the final boss enemy you've already seen that two to three times in the game look so it's like it was like I'll describe it like this it's it's it's the fast it's the Fast and the Furious of a zombie melee killer you're not go you're you're not you're not you're gonna go see Fast and the Furious you're not expecting a great story you're not expecting anything to make sense but it's fun that's that's what it is and there's like I said there's nothing wrong with that if if that's as long as that's what you that's the first time my negative things I've heard about this game from y'all you know what I'm calling uh Final Bosses now I'm just call them final bolds um yeah so it's it's you know that's what it is and but sometimes you need games exactly like this there's nothing wrong with it you need games exactly like this where listen I I can turn off I can turn off my brain I can you you've given me all these weapons with all these attachments and all these modifications um to kill zombies in very creative ways and it's a it's a it's literally a uh an environment environmental everything is like an environmental um thing to kill zombies great that's and that's what it is and that's all that's all it's good for which which is fine you know this game is definitely a this is a palette cleanser that's what this game is right now especially with the the with the games we have coming out this is refreshing of course but like you said it's hard to reinvent the wheel with the zombie slaying game I mean you really have to come out and do something different yeah you know for the next one if they make another one this flesh system if they build on that I think they shoot eight probably nine out of ten if they work on the story and [ __ ] like that weapon variety yeah no it's it's it's it's not very long let's so there's 24 missions and bro I started on Fri on Friday and I it's not like I've been like no life in it I'm already I've already I'm already up to like 15 missions I just started on Friday so it's you know it that's that's the kind of thing you're you're getting so yeah all right uh what else we got uh Asus Rog Ally no it's not um Asus Rog Ally is like a steam competitor steam a steam deck competitor um it's so it I think the rumored price is like 6.99 it's coming out May 11th they said it's going to be 50 faster than the steam deck at the same uh Power draw uh twice as fast at full power um up to eight times as faster than the Nintendo switch 1080p 120 hertz OLED screen um you know some you know AMD chips and all that [ __ ] you know so steam the steam deck is getting competitors now for people who care you know what's really crazy about this it took the steam deck to really do what the steam machine was trying to do yeah for bring in a new market where other people would come in and follow them and make similar Hardware that's what the steam machine wanted to do but it ended up being the steam deck that actually did it so this new device basically another device that's supposed to use for emulating games no it has four Windows on it yeah actually a little bit handheld PC yeah so people are about to jump ship from their steam decks onto this thing right here no it's just an alternative okay it's like I said this theme that remember this theme machines they wanted Hardware similar for everybody to buy and be easy steam deck literally did what they wanted to do with steam machine which is kind of crazy when you think about it I'm talking about the steam deck because people saying that that was a switch killer this then the third and whatnot I mean nothing's a switch killer because it's a Nintendo um I mean you can't kill a Nintendo handheld it's virtually impossible [ __ ] the way these PC Gamers were guessing that [ __ ] up before release yeah the same ones that have been practicing about 40 frames per second to do 60 and [ __ ] them so yeah I guess maybe people who were uh you know not impressed by this the steam decks um specs and maybe weighted this might be uh better for them you know Bland you uh criticized them a lot because they uh no I'm saying you criticized people who bought the steam deck because these are the same people who complain about the switches specs oh yeah for sure yeah but uh but didn't they say that 6.99 price was supposed to be the premium product or something and then it gets lower than that oh yeah it might have multiple versions um it might go up to the the it might go up to like a thousand or something like that I think I saw oh and we'll see we'll get news on it so uh let's see where we're at um almost there no we're almost there almost there um they PlayStation announced Final Fantasy 16 bundle controller and face plates uh I think I think people said were that the uh one of the one of the face plates would only be available in in Japan and that's the one that actually looks good or some [ __ ] like that no idea yeah because it's only exclusive to Japan there's a bundle he is five but it's like all the other ones like God of War Horizon there's a regular one over here yeah so if you buy it here you're gonna get the regular lazy uh PS5 bundle but Japan gets like the really good looking exclusive looking one um yeah maybe they might bring it here maybe they won't who knows you picking up uh Final Fantasy 16 Jack no Jack I gotta tell you brother you're slacking specifically I'm just saying like there's other games out here Jack that you have been you know you you you you're saying it's a bad it's a bad year for gaming but you're not giving stuff a chance just because you're not particularly interested in the concept or the IP and I gotta say you look yeah we supposed to do what the hell you see him in a little bit closed-minded Jack I'm not into Harry Potter I bought I I bought the damn game do you like do you like do you like the game I have I need time to get to it I've been getting these other games out the way first oh you bought a you bought a 70 game that you're not playing like the game came out in January but you were almost in May yeah I was playing you you so hold on you bought a game at full price and been sitting on it for four months I didn't buy the full price I got it uh like on CD keys for like 40 something I think it was or 50 oh you spent 40 or 50 on a game that you haven't played in four or five months uh I didn't buy it at lunch you see what I'm saying but but Jack I'm going to get to it I'm actually I'm actually going to play it I'm just getting all my other games out the way I'm about to be dead I'm about to be dead how many games you got beat this year uh like four I got five games beat this year okay that's all y'all I'm I'm because I'm playing I'm playing Dead Island and Advanced Wars right now so I'm gonna get these out the way and uh I don't know I I don't I don't like to buy games I'm not gonna play brother I see but I'm about to get back on uh Hi-Fi rush I think that's yeah you would probably like okay you may not understand Star Wars you may not understand well I don't I don't I don't like it I just don't like it I think you like the gameplay I played that game and it was a chore after about the four hour mark I was like bro this damn game hey Jack do you have a problem with game set in space uh not necessarily depending on how it's done though you like Ratchet and Clank well that's not really right so that's a mother I said in space it's in space but it's different though it ain't like you know fiction you know like well all of it is fiction it's not grounded I just I just you know as as is crazy because I feel like I'm usually the one people are like oh be more open-minded I'm I'm open-minded one here I play I play all different types of games that this panel wouldn't dare touch though and I get and I've been ridiculed for a decade off of the games I play but but can you Hotline Miami but can you admit that the the year for gaming is not bad it's just doesn't interest you I mean but that's what I said and people this is what people have to understand right I know it's a hard concept but when I say something I'm saying how I feel right I don't give a [ __ ] about how they feel when I say man game boards I'm talking about for me I'm not talking about for them if they like it I'm not going I don't really kill nobody for like a certain game they can like it but I don't understand people get people get like literally offended I can't believe you're not playing this is first of all [ __ ] [ __ ] you're not putting no money in my pocket like I could see him niggles is really making away from me right like pay my [ __ ] credit card bill and tell me you can't believe I'm not playing the game then I can take heed to what you're saying but till then I'm just looking out for you Jack just looking out for you I appreciate that good brother I appreciate that yeah and yeah but are these games seriously worth playing because somebody on one hand to tell you how great the game is and then they come back and say man the performance man is not right ah man they gotta patch the game you got devs these games are so amazing but today has got to come out and apologize after they release the [ __ ] game we'll get it right next time guys we're working on it we promise I don't want to deal with that bro I don't want to deal with it by the time I do get around playing some of these games maybe they'll be in a playable state but in jail then they can eat dick Hogwarts after week two was crazy though because like people were going crazy for that game and then like week two came around like a lot of them dropped it and people know what I'm saying where's all the Hogwarts no I don't know if I don't know if that's true I don't I don't know if that's true because the the completion the completion rate yeah where did the [ __ ] go what do you mean I'm house Slytherin they beat they beat the game oh did they I didn't see no yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] will post when they eat breakfast I ain't see nobody posting besides Jabari and Persona [ __ ] do not bro Jack they beat the game focused on Twitter when they fart dog I ain't seen nobody post they beat that game they beat the game Jack oh that's what's up it's it's not that long I mean I'm not I'm not arguing the length of the game I'm not gonna lie even then even at home base [ __ ] was asking other people hey did you did you beat Hogwarts I'm drawing bro I'm trying to get through it that's what they were saying the home base all right ain't gonna put no names on it hey man that completion rate is up though all right so I don't know um all right so the we're almost there um okay we're gonna briefly we're gonna we're gonna touch on Jedi Survivor we're gonna touch on this coffee real quick this Spar station and then we'll get to uh uh you know XBox and and redfall and uh Activision and that stuff um Okay so it's from I think they said from some report from the report the the you know the quarterly report from PlayStation y'all know I'll be reading that [ __ ] I don't know what none of that [ __ ] really mean um until unless they speak in plain English but people got from the report that Spider-Man 2 will most likely be the only first party game that PlayStation releases this year and I I was I remember telling people that I remember telling people that say it bro what did you just say Spider-Man will most likely be the only first party game released this year from PlayStation that's fine I I remember telling people that the beginning of this year and what I don't know why people are shocked by that because because I told people that's that's the way it's it's like it's lining up to be right because every every every like every generation PlayStation has that one year where you always know it's coming that sparsier when they start signing a whole bunch of third-party deals with BG I hate to cut you off but you already know why they only releasing one they waiting for this whole CMA ship to go down oh man and then they coming out with the big guns I don't even when they announce the stuff I don't think none of this stuff is coming out this year I think all of the stuff they announced is gonna come out next year oh [ __ ] that was funny but yeah like bro when they when they signed Final Fantasy I was like yeah that that year is going to be dry you don't sign like like yeah they get aggressive you don't sign like Final Fantasy uh exclusively for if however they got it done but you don't do that for a year you got a whole bunch of bangers of your own coming I knew to expect every and every PlayStation generation has that year remember I think for PlayStation last generation it was 2015 I think it was where they literally that's where they got the name Spar station from happens every generation I kind of saw it coming so it's it's not surprising to me that we're only going to get Spider-Man this year yeah cause like we were saying that if that's if there's any year for Xbox to truly show up and show out it's this year but yeah this was the year that they would the the best opportunity they have to completely [ __ ] on PlayStation and they they haven't really done it yet um unfortunately and I don't think I don't think it's okay for them to only release like one first party game in in a year I give them credit because the first two years they've been they they've dropped a bunch each each uh each year but I don't think it's okay for the for this year yeah like making third-party deals that's what you're supposed to supposed to do to make up for it but I I it is a it is somewhat of an oversight to uh to do that you should have at least had two like I think that they're usually at their worst years Square Enix is doing a lot of carrying this year so yeah I got a question yeah you think they clear into what the runway so that there's more emphasis on new VR games coming out this year there's a bunch that's a serious question oh you dead ass oh that's a serious question okay no I I think I think they're still going to be uh supporting uh and releasing VR games but I don't think they clear in the runway for it no sir and if they actually released a you know did the show by now that would also make make it a little bit more understanding just a bunch of VR [ __ ] that that they were showing last day to play it was the last day to play it wasn't Final Fantasy it was Final Fantasy I don't even remember what it was the one with the one before that I think oh the one before that was a whole bunch of third party [ __ ] also wasn't it I think a lot no they had to stay the play that was basically dedicated to VR with maybe like one or two games that weren't there's a ton of VR [ __ ] and if you go to PlayStation store right now even within the past week they've added like two or three or four more extra rows of coming soon for VR games I'm not saying that they take preference over you know the Spider-Man twos and whatnot but to me that makes sense we have a new peripheral out why would we not all steam ahead hey look at this game coming out June July August September all the way up until holiday season to me that makes sense you think they doing a big push for VR why would they not do a big if they if they put them in stores for one well they they've shown that they don't they don't support their peripherals like they should I mean I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just I'm asking dude if they literally have a new peripheral at the more uh the same price damn near as the console to me that makes sense to say the year of the psvr too do psvr even got commercials and [ __ ] commercial no no because because it's no because VR devices usually don't because it's hard to create a good commercial that really means anything for sure [ __ ] playing the video with the headset on and all the [ __ ] they doing yeah you can but like I know when they go translate well but you can still promote it like oh absolutely VR commercials I absolutely agree with you yeah I have nothing backing it up I just I if because I'm sitting here you're saying there's only Spider-Man 2 coming out in my mind I'm thinking as a consumer what it could I argue from somebody to say well you need to feed me something throughout the year it's not just gonna be PlayStation free free games every month but they barely putting [ __ ] in the premium service they just now started putting [ __ ] in there so to me it's like what else do they have that's big guns that you say that they could dump all their resources into they told you four spoken Final Fantasy VII remake uh whatever else they got coming out from Japan and Western Studios that they paid for yeah uh I I just don't think they had it they just flat out didn't have anything for uh for this year everything I think there's a lot of [ __ ] like that I feel like they probably have like at least three years right now as much [ __ ] as we give Microsoft and Xbox that's us also a sign of poor managing if we're being 100 honest it's an overview now granted they got third parties to fall back on but if Microsoft was doing this we would be cooking the [ __ ] out of them if Microsoft was doing this they'll be getting cooked if they only had third party games for the year right or wrong absolutely Microsoft so I don't understand how this is acceptable I mean let's be real about life for a minute this is not acceptable it's not acceptable but Microsoft gets extra cooked for it for different reasons well they don't have no games at all that's a different situation but there you go but yeah but this is not ex I'm sorry it's just not acceptable I think I know y'all like to put the dick in your mouth and you know swiggling around and all that but this ain't right man no listen Jack it should be bare minimum to it should be at least two every single year and it's and it's funny because I could say you know man I'm not like it's only first party output oh they got Final Fantasy and Stellar cheeks and negative not their games those are not their games bro third party games second party those are not their games bro yeah like come on man y'all just accept anything bro I mean Jack hi how you think I was feeling when I was screaming from the mountaintops PlayStation these multiplayer games and [ __ ] was naming me nothing but multi uh multi uh you know third-party games like that that's how I felt I'm on the PlayStation store and I just counted at least 18 18 to 19 VR games that they just put on here saying announced fire but y'all but y'all telling me that I'm the [ __ ] in the comment saying I'm crazy for thinking that they probably allow the VR to breathe this year oh man I would just like to say Nintendo had a first party game every month this year but you know thank you Nintendo for looking out for me Xbox PlayStation I I pray for y'all if you name those games every month you said they have first party game every month and Fire Emblem Origins Bayonetta Origins uh Kirby Firearms no Nintendo relationship bro we can't even say this I'm not gonna let you use Kirby because that was like some well then I wanted a trash remakes of No Return to Dreamland hey don't slander it yeah it was a great game BG [ __ ] on a remake [ __ ] going on no not not just the Remake I must have really been bad no not because it's a remake because them old Kirby games is trash if it was you know I'm just no you played them and that's arguably the best 2D Kirby game and I would also just like to mention that the highest rated game this year is Metroid Prime Metroid Prime Xenoblade DLC is sitting at like a 92 or something fire and they're coming out with Pikmin yeah we got Zelda in two weeks too go go you know what I'm saying Jack hey man as early as the Everlasting summer of games Nintendo switch out this [ __ ] so yeah um sparse station 2023 um okay we got okay just Jedi Survivor and then we're almost there um remember when they said I was lying about Nintendo I remember I remember oh Jim just using that for like you know fuel to get even stronger Blanchard let me ask you a question um Bond was right about uh you know um homeboy homeboy from Nintendo that's you know that's gone now um you know the name that shall not be smoking man yeah the name that shall not be spoken are you because you know Bond didn't make a point are you happy that man you know what what I'm asking blade Drew is he happy he went to the big Nintendo land in the sky I just got killed because BG said that [ __ ] man [ __ ] BG I'm I'm listen ever listen you know you know Bond likes to take credit for a lot of stuff but he was he was on one with this one like as soon as the man you know clocked in or clocked out whichever one you want to call it like [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] went right with Nintendo oh because I I won't say he was right but I do enjoy a lot of iwata's Creations from the DS the Wii the 3DS that really his only I guess stain you could say was the Wii U but three out of four isn't bad at all okay I mean that wasn't the point the point was that Nintendo themselves would be doing a lot better when he was one but I mean they're they're best their best selling platforms for the longest time was the Wii and the DS which he was overseeing and now the switch about the lap both of them so sometimes you just overstay your welcome that's all it is you know like you know you're saying it was time for him to pass away who you asking me or blender I'm asking you was asking that nut ass [ __ ] I'm not employing anything I'm just asked asking a question listen I'm just I feel like I feel like you did I'm just like Smooth I was asking a question oh okay I wouldn't know how bland you felt I'm not saying he should have you know you know been been hit by the big bad Goomba and went to meet Bowser I'm just you know then Mario I got to be honest that Martin movie got you acting different bro I'm just asking the question brother that's all um yeah so is it time no Jedi Survivor almost there Jedi Survivor um came out it's buggy it's it's come out to really good reviews though and there's been a there's been a dilemma there's been a conversation uh happening in gaming so so what appears to be the situation is reviewers got the game and this happens a lot you know I've even experienced this uh the the developer will give you the game and be like listen here here are the bugs in the game right we we know these bugs exist and here here are the list of them so they're kind of letting you know I you know uh you know ahead of time you know giving you a heads up and it's on you as the developer to kind of decide okay well do I review this game um and and and you know just ignore or not account for the bugs that that they told me about because they acknowledged them and said they were gonna fix them in a day one patch or do you review it as as is you know but you know or or in the first case you could still tell tell the viewers about it you know it's it's it's it's something that a lot of the reviewers they seem to choose the path of you know not accounting for the bugs and reviewing it as if there was going to be a day one patch that fixed it all and that seems to be the wrong situation that seems to be what happened with Jedi um Jedi Survivor what do y'all think about this because it's got an 87 like an 87 on Metacritic even though it's kind of playable now absolutely disgusting Absolutely I'll see him stuck on you asking blender is he happy or water dog that was crazy come on man it was a good it's a legitimate question um but yeah it was well you didn't give an answer yeah he skirted around that yeah is it is Nintendo better now or then I mean um I'd probably say now but again I I some of my favorite gaming Creations are the DS and the Wii so I don't think you know him passing just you know made things magically better it kind of did not go a lot We're not gonna lie to you Landry that's crazy but the situation with Jedi Survivor um y'all y'all disagree I assume y'all disagree with the choice that most reviewers went in with uh yeah some dookie cheeks no thoughts I wouldn't listen you don't care about Star Wars I I wouldn't listen to No I'm Blue I feel like the game got like a big pass like even when the report started coming out it was all the reports were like optimistic there was like no pessimist usually when a high profile game uh gets in the hands early and there's like um a bunch of bugs or questionable stuff you know they make sure it goes viral like I've never seen it was like we hear in these reports I'm like oh why it's like oh well it's uh just uh just about a patch yeah that day one patch would be all right like you know what I mean it wasn't like the oh like oh my God like the the thing about all the games that came out that were high profile that were like that were problematic due to Performance or bugs you think of cyberpunk you think of um you think of a state of K and all that other stuff and the reports that came out and that followed it this one I feel like was all damage control then why did why did the first game get uh a bad review on Metacritic and a few things with the uh the gameplay design but yeah why this game didn't get them same things on on Metacritic then uh I'm guessing because maybe uh the develop it could be a situation where the developers didn't like acknowledge the bugs and and put uh reviewers in that situation I I don't know I don't I don't really know I think I think the problem is like some people some you know reviewers said yeah they knew about the problems but they reviewed it um while acknowledging the bugs but not accounting for it and my thing is like okay the problem with that is like yo if you do that for one game kinda got to do that for for them all and then and also you're banking off believing the developer when they say yeah this is all going to be addressed in in a day zero patch when they say that some of some of the best developers even some of them fail at it a lot of some of some of them you know all of them will say it but only few of them will actually fix all of those issues by by the time the game the game comes out because you know gaming development is just you know very unpredictable so you're banking on like a lot of [ __ ] that's not actually is is you're banking you're betting on what will be I'm reviewing this game [ __ ] are you saying brother or you see a lot of times when they by the time they come out and [ __ ] up what you really like you heard this [ __ ] yeah like I was zoned out BG respectfully of course they're they're reviewing the game for what it will be yeah they're they're reviewing your game for whatever all right what they're reviewing the game for what it will be not what it is that you jack you act like you don't know what I'm saying [ __ ] what you're saying is that the way you word it was her I mean it was a little yeah then that's not fair to see a thief should have got like uh right he right though he's right if we if we starting to raise [ __ ] off potential every game should be a 10 out of 10 I don't know right what it could be I agree with smooth I've seen some excited to do a retrospect on a few games though yeah now you can go back and change review score they got that now they're getting no man's sky that Grace they went back and said oh revisiting this or that but they usually do that with games as a service though they don't really do that with I think it depends on however you buy this game if I bought it at 60 70 and this is the state it's in that should hold weight even if they went back and fixed it [ __ ] I bought it at 60 and that's what I got when it came out I think uh there were some people who were like Big Star Wars fans and I think they might have let their their love for Star Wars also also Cloud their judgment and you know give it a little you know give it that little unfair treatment and it's like uh Souls fans when their judgment gets clouded I played that fall in order bro I didn't think it was at that fire bro I didn't I didn't think it was that cool following order was just okay it has a lot to it had a lot to improve on that's why people were um excited for this game combat was very stiff because you know they thought it was going to be that jump they think it's going to be well and by all accounts when the game runs it's it's it actually seems to be a a very good game but a lot of I've seen people play you know people some people been playing it on PS5 the PS the PC version seems to be the the worst version PS5 is is playable I guess but a lot of y'all not an ideal at all listen some y'all playing the the [ __ ] drops to like 800 P at some points on Playstation I'm like y'all are plugging I am not playing that I'm not touching that like this I'm a Star Wars fan and I've seen what this game can look like maxed out on on PC I'm waiting for that I'm waiting so I'm waiting till it's fixed ain't no way I'm playing this on on a console it's not happening you are doing yourself a disservice if you playing this on on on a console I'm sorry so um so yeah now Jack why aren't you playing Jedi Survivor Jack if this game came out in perfect condition would you play were you gonna play it anyway no I don't like Star Wars brother okay then so even if it was perfect Jack still wasn't gonna play it you know it's crazy BG I don't see you ever playing this game because every time a game come out I'm playing this you have a smidge another problem when I'm gonna pick it up when he gets back oh why you ain't played down like two there are games that I don't go back to but there are games that I do go back to like okay he was here no because there are definitely because where I'd be like listen I'm gonna play that in three months and I played and I played in three months and I'd be I did I did I did that with Ellen ring I I literally waited for like three months to play Ellen ring right and I beat it in that same month that I started playing it so my Platinum yeah so I put something F in that word brother so when I say I'm gonna do something I do it when I feel like it not all the time all right um is it time I think so you sound butted up and ready let's get it yes uh yes it is yes it is so my game real quick so here here's the I'm not gonna get into all all the weeds and stuff like that because I'm not a I'm not a [ __ ] who pretended to get his law degree from Taco Bell University um and you know I'm not an expert in emergency acquisition yeah I I just got one question before I begin do you want me to go through each of these things one through twelve A through Z you want me to list them all and then go through how would you like this done do it whatever way you want to attack them um the let me just wrap up everything and then go through them one at a time so let me just say the CMA uh blocked the ABK deal um that's that's what happened so at least right now and it's on they say it's unlikely that it's ever gonna go through now that so Microsoft right now cannot buy uh acting cannot acquire Activision and it doesn't look like they're going to be able to even in the long term and they said it was over uh over Cloud reasons so have at it reasons anyway at this point today April 30th the day before your [ __ ] rent is due if y'all still got an Xbox in your apartment dorm house cottage garage if it's in a place where you physically lie down and play but pay bills you are a [ __ ] idiot you need to get rid of that [ __ ] buy a [ __ ] Game Boy Advance anything [ __ ] go out and buy an n gauge the Xbox is trash plain and simple this week alone pretty much was the Xbox disappointment timeline but the Sony PS3 disappointment I'll start out with this number one on the list Xbox Hardware Sales down 30 percent made of sock issues ain't no issues going to a store ordering online trying to find one oh I want the S but they only have the X I need to ask they're out there [ __ ] just don't want it they claim there are stock issues I don't but go ahead there's no stock issues maybe maybe in Japan or Tanzania or Madagascar or Antarctica maybe the stock issues there but there are no stock issues because if there's stock issues then Sony wouldn't be the first company to sell half a billion home consoles yes that happened this week too PlayStation has sold 500 million units of Hardware no other company has done that not Nintendo not Sega not Microsoft nobody at the same time you know the PlayStation 3 sales are up 500 in Europe well the Xbox and the switch are down crazy we also have redfall capped at 30 frames per second which is not playable crazy as hell strongest console on the market 500 Xbox has no limits the uh what what does spoof say it's not about 30 and 60. it's about 60 and 120 yeah okay keys under stand feels fast must have been taking too many vacations to Japan because every time he goes over there he comes back with more bad news oh my God Phil's going to Japan we're gonna get games like Friday Phil goes to Japan all you guys get when he comes back is please understand he ain't do [ __ ] in Japan that [ __ ] over there and the [ __ ] brothel is like his [ __ ] Yakuza [ __ ] some Asian [ __ ] he ain't over there doing business I'm [ __ ] what y'all thinking talking about and they're getting over there making deals and they go over there getting some [ __ ] nope well we got up next oh also in the day and age when Xbox games are absolute dog [ __ ] and trash Microsoft has the audacity to say it they're gonna raise the first party prices of all games vote for the X to the s from 60 to 70. now it's crazy to me that all these Studios and all these purchases and all these Acquisitions aren't releasing games and then they decide that you know what we're going to increase games to seventy dollars and when are we going to do it when redfall is confirmed at 30 frames per second but don't worry you'll pay a nice solid 70 for a 30 FPS game and you'll get that patch to sixth year higher later that's crazy ain't no way in [ __ ] I'm paying 70 for a game for them to tell me oh you'll get the other hat you'll get the other 30 frames later absolutely insane absolutely insane next up number six the UK blocks Microsoft 69 billion deal to buy out game giant Activision Blizzard first of all I I wonder why people care about this especially the Microsoft guys Alexa shut the [ __ ] up I'm ranting thank you anyway back to what I was saying oh [ __ ] we we hear about all this um this Pakistani woman and pro-america and this set the third um last I checked Activision Blizzard was a cesspool of sexual harassment dealings with the Chinese and other unsavory actions but uh apparently you know the Microsoft fan base all of a sudden has morals but doesn't have morals when Microsoft is about to unload 69 billion dollars on Activision Blizzard's face but you know I digress you know I mean morals and standards are morals and standards until you're desperate to get games but like again I digress but but the funny thing about that deal is has a girlfriend but isn't married yes sir bye Alex how would you feel if you had to pay your girl three hundred thousand dollars for her or thirty thousand dollars that she broke up with you um like a breakup fee it's gonna be some Hefty bags and a six foot hole I know wow just to make matters worse if Microsoft doesn't secure this 69 billion dollar deal they have to pay Activision Blizzard three billion dollars well like like imagine you were in free agency in a sport and you didn't get the player you wanted and you had to pay like a tenth of the price or 120th of the price these things are about that you know they spent all this time to fail and in the end all they ended up doing outside of failing was they have to spend three billion dollars they could have literally bought almost any other studio for three [ __ ] billion dollars but now they're gonna throw three billion dollars in the [ __ ] water hole down the toilet piss on it burn it dookie on it whatever yo that's just embarrassing you know somebody needs to [ __ ] lose their job they don't get Activision Blizzard and then they gotta pay a three billion dollar fee that's unheard of it and the make matters worse y'all could always say you know Microsoft took the L but don't worry I'll get you gadgets and next time next time won't be a next time for 10 [ __ ] years because according to the CMA if the merger is blocked it also prohibits both companies for merging for another [ __ ] decade you know what's gonna happen in our [ __ ] decade BG might actually [ __ ] have kids by then um So you you're going before this merger goes through you're going to have to have because you're gonna have kids but you know what's even funnier what I just thought about here's the real kicker this this would be absolutely hilarious this probably won't happen but it will be [ __ ] hilarious if it did they can't negotiate with Microsoft for another 10 years but you know who they can negotiate with oh man I love that boredom could you imagine if [ __ ] Microsoft I mean [ __ ] Activision Blizzard went over to Sony a merger maybe it's more like a you know a partnership like a 5149 Blizzard or UFC WWE oh oh my God that [ __ ] would be crazy but the bad news doesn't end there people just keeps getting worse from Microsoft I mean at this point if I was near a cliff I might just tell I might just you know take a blind step forward and fall off the cliff because it should seem bad you know that uh amazing first person shooter with the green dude forgot what it's called I think they used to call me Halo in college but you know it's been so [ __ ] long but yeah The Exodus are over at 043 Studios is just crazy you know the lead director Joe Stalin or Stalin what like a Russian that was like a Russian communist or something listening again got up and left after 15 years a 15-year marriage he said you know what [ __ ] this [ __ ] I've had enough came out here playing the own heart Nation the domination theme said enough is enough and it's time for a change that nigga's out Halo dead 043 Studios dead there there's nobody over at 043 Studios it has pretty much any connection to Bungie in the original game Microsoft do the deal just [ __ ] sell the IP sell 043 Studios sell Halo back to Sony so Sony can actually do something with it with Bungie the original creators Halo should have ended at three they should have put that [ __ ] to sleep in a cold storage it would have been a perfect ending Halo would have been done the rest they could have done was just turn into an online multiplayer game like a combat simulator and perfect Arc or a multiplayer game Halo was done after three at least if it was going to continue it should have continued other places without Master Chief and you know maybe a decade or so later you know that Master Chief makes the grand comeback but that [ __ ] is done it's a wrap Halo done and now the craziness is without Activision Blizzard and Call of Duty what first person shooter is [ __ ] Microsoft have Doom is good wolf inside is good nobody playing those games on my multiplayer let's be [ __ ] real those games are campaign Shooters only ain't nobody checking for Doom multiplayer and I don't even know it [ __ ] Wolfenstein has multiplayer but it gets even worse I mean we already knew about starfield's uh delay so broken promises Game Pass Microsoft admitting that oh my God we we do it with that game passed us cannibalize sales like this [ __ ] is crazy imagine you being a five-star Chef they ask you to make a [ __ ] good ass meal and to put that [ __ ] up Buffet line you ain't get no tip no gratuity nothing dude they asked me to make a five-star meal and [ __ ] put that [ __ ] at the [ __ ] Chinese buffet for five dollars a person that's [ __ ] Microsoft's business strategy right there high five rush you know if if that [ __ ] was successful Microsoft needs to prove it and say Howard it was a successful game they ain't because like I said if a game sold 10 million copies ain't no company gonna be shy or quiet about selling 10 million copies hate to say it but that's [ __ ] true and really that's really all I got to say about Xbox I mean again at this point you are mentally [ __ ] if you are still playing and capping for Xbox but this is not a debate this is not an argument this is a [ __ ] fact Sony is running laps around Microsoft Nintendo is running laps around Microsoft you know you know what Microsoft is running on Microsoft is running on a [ __ ] treadmill career like the treadmill it's running but it ain't going nowhere it's running in place oh like I I see all these people getting emotional crying going on tangents getting emotional weeping and getting frustrated annoying and the crazy thing is Jack I thought about this if my girlfriend made me feel like the Xbox makes these dudes feel you know what I would do with her I would dump your [ __ ] ass I wish her ass in the curb why would why would I want something in my life that is actively making my life miserable that is actively making me frustrated and angry to the point where I'm on Twitter looking when [ __ ] are flying out to different conferences stalking people's arrival and departure times checking out the CMAs wondering what race and gender people are who they're [ __ ] who they're sucking like I don't got time for that if my girl made me feel that way I'd get rid of her but for some reason the Xbox Fanboys they can't do that they they just can't let it go there's other [ __ ] out there it's a Nintendo there's PlayStation there's PC there's all these handhelds like the steam deck and that new ASUS ASUS thing like y'all need to let it go look the Super Nintendo was an amazing machine when that PS1 came out we let the N64 go and we went to the newcomer when the PlayStation 3 came out originally that [ __ ] was garbage the 360 was amazing brand loyalty be damned we let it go and went to Microsoft when the Wii U came out that [ __ ] was trash nobody liked it but you know what the Next Generation came out the switch and you know people decided after let Nintendo go we gonna come back but here's the problem with Microsoft while it'll never get better y'all [ __ ] have proven you will never let them go so if you're in a relationship and you know the person's Never Gonna Leave You you what incentive that he had to do to be better why would you need to be better The [ __ ] gonna stay with you regardless you go out there and [ __ ] every [ __ ] on the street not work not pay a bill be fat as [ __ ] not Dicker down good whatever he ain't leaving so what incentive do you have to be better Phil Spencer knows he has the all [ __ ] by the balls y'all ain't going nowhere nowhere you're going to keep licking the ass of your white sugar daddy and tell him to give you more y'all gotta keep thinking that today's the day he's gonna come to the door he's gonna hug me and hold me and tell me he loves me now he ain't gonna do that he don't love you go somewhere where you're appreciated stop this Xbox [ __ ] some women do like that toxic relationship it makes them feel alive I mean yeah I mean smooth definitely be feeling alive on Twitter you ain't wrong about that I you know what I've never seen I've never seen the final true how come you can't bring that energy to weapon that you bring on Twitter dude I'm letting you go like what are you talking about I'm just saying I like you you got the smoke for all this on Twitter where's the smoke in the after dark for what what do you mean for what I'm still waiting for your rent to end if I ran it's over y'all y'all get all that sickness now all right so you want you said people are [ __ ] uh for continuing to play on Xbox is that correct yes why like did you black out the last 10 minutes Jesus like the thing is is that I understand it's like see that's I think that's the whole problem with the community and with you guys you guys have issues with people liking something it's over you you don't even like it smooth that's why you crying on Twitter why can't you accept that even you don't like it why have pride for a worthless piece of plastic and a bunch of white guys at a billion dollar company that don't care about you they don't give a [ __ ] about you smooth give a [ __ ] about yourself and go somewhere better come to the islands move I I you need help bundle of sticks over a piece of plastic oh yeah somebody tried to bring up an old tweet when I call a heartache a bundle of sticks in 2017. but like it is it's like that's crazy that I'm not like it's not that you the thing is you guys want people to stop playing on Xbox for what reason because y'all don't even play on Xbox I'm playing Minecraft Legends right now Jack we don't have to tell them not to play on Xbox we look at the sales numbers so nobody gotta tell you not to buy games all [ __ ] don't buy games already let's move I think like even though I don't go as you know hard as Bond when on your Xbox dudes I I I I never see y'all so happy no but I never see y'all happy that's why people that's why people are so like confused as to how y'all stay fans because y'all are in a Perpetual state of always being unhappy about something always complaining about something like I honestly can I cannot name like like even like I feel like a three month stint where Xbox fans were just like genuinely happy like in the last 10 years like you in two weeks to see the excitement that these Nintendo guys are about to oh my goodness of the kingdom comes out and you're gonna when you see the excitement of these people have when we're playing this game that's not something you've had for over a decade when I was over there on the Xbox I'll walk past my Xbox and I just look at him be like then I start to play a game I'm just like hmm But but when that tears of the you know tears of joy comes out for the Nintendo switch I'm gonna be playing my game like like to be eating strawberries with another man like like y'all literally saw me play and stream games like The Last of Us Part Two Spider-Man Miles Morales goes to sushima Jacqueline said damn this [ __ ] got up and gave her this game a standing ovation at the credits when's the last time you did that for an Xbox game that you you see the credits you're like I don't I don't give James a standing ovation I mean you got to be a funny ass dude to do some [ __ ] you're the time to go to the movies and clap at the end all right so hold on none of you have ever promo game when the credits rolled you were just like damn that was a [ __ ] bank um smooth is the only one that doesn't know that feeling because there's nothing on Xbox it'll ever make you feel that way see that's the way you're weird I played all these games that you've got up in clap for and clapped your cheeks for I don't feel compelled clap my cheeks for a video Let's see smooth the problem is is you can't fully enjoy these games because you have to pretend to have some disdain for them because of your white colonizer sugar daddies that's that's not true like Nothing Stops me from enjoying the game if I think the game is good or not but just that I guess I'm too old I don't I know I don't masturbate the games in 2020. I mean apparently you're playing Minecraft dungeons yes it's a good game to get through a podcast yeah Legends are playing Legend of Zelda Minecraft dungeons I want to get back to this we're not done uh but I do want to read some super chats uh you know because these people been waiting um where I left off uh okay Tony Esquire he had said uh just jokes BG and smooth y'all my guys got a psvr2 gt7 is dope uh on this thing okay shout out to you Super Chat hey Omega said I played armored Core since 06. they are nothing like Souls games they are heavily Mission based and require thousands require hours of building mechs and managing your resources a lot of fake fans will be upset uh PK Ziggy Nintendo doesn't tell stories for adults and XBox doesn't tell stories at all uh so he's L he said uh he laughing out loud so yeah PlayStation has the most uh representation obj Junior boy in lie yeah Xenoblade and Firearms when three houses did that stop it okay uh obj Jr kids move you are voting for Donald Trump in 2024. uh s Sensei J dot uh he's replying to Ziggy um where Ziggy's comment about stories uh Sensei jdot said uh [ __ ] Xenoblade Chronicles three Fire Emblem three houses and other Nintendo games play Nintendo games before you speak nonsense okay Alex PSX said ban Xbox uni from the Pod he watching basketball then uh uh than being on the Pod shame uni uh gonna have a l podcast out there tweeting he's gonna he's coming on next week um already spoke to him uh obj junior kids move who who you rather uh whine and dine with breakfast in the morning uh Phil Spencer or Donald Trump for five million dollars there you go who would you rather wine and dine uh with breakfast in the morning Phil Spencer or Donald Trump bro I would whine and die in Dylan Mulvaney for five million who wow um exactly it would be it would be Phil Spencer what questions would you ask them where the [ __ ] are my games he knows where the games at uh West Side Maverick if they make Twisted Metal play similar to recfest uh he's in parentheses but destruction physics wise it will be a hit okay Alex PSX uni said he was switched to uh to next week yep he is uh to wreck Ahmed smooth is our version of Alex Jones okay uh Jason Quaid said praise [ __ ] indeed uh Lionel Jeffers says that Fox News is working today you know if he's talking about smooth I believe uh Tony Esquire I don't think I don't think KS kids move uh KS is a racist uh just the range just a deranged Xbox clown for the record smooth for the record uh for the records move riots broke out all over the country over Floyd and other cop issues okay uh [ __ ] issues that was stupid the uh Devonte tattoos smooth was speaking a lot of facts but I wish he would take more accountability instead of deflecting the entire situation all love why is Bond silent well he wasn't anymore um Vic floor said serious question do you think do you think a new lump appears on smooth head every time there's bad Xbox news he would have a lot of loans Devon Devonte tattoos nobody cares that you said it's move it's just hilarious seeing you deflect every single question given all of those move okay uh Mafia uh Mafia quad said literally almost almost dropped this barbell uh on myself laughing great episode team shout out to you blessed zero one one would you guys would you guys uh consider Dead Island 2 uh Dead Island 2 unga manga absolutely it's it's very much but it's you know it's enjoyable uh shiny uh ryuji the report said first party game sales would be down so either no games or those live service games will be free to play okay game inspection PlayStation and Xbox would have games every month if their games weren't all AAA I agree with that I I've said that before you know they need to you know be okay with some of their Studios or get new Studios that stay at either you know the trip the double a level or or even the Indie level but they want to make more money so even those Indie Studios they would eventually grow them to be AAA uh makers wouldn't stay that way for long Metro night uh he said almost 1K and 200 likes that's crazy yeah y'all hit the like button there's a lot of y'all in here yeah relaxed Paul gaming RPG bonds rant sounds like Donkey of the Day yeah Miles said Andy just hired a trailer editor factions soon could be could be Let me refresh make sure we don't got much left okay nuts on chin x x Xbox is boring smooth it's over bless zero one one wait till E3 wait for the games wait for the tools wait for Game Pass and now we have wait for the frames definition of insanity hubby186 last one cause I'm proud to be an American I think he's talking about smooth um no I'm free okay um ruffle muddy said I skipped his uh I'm waiting ruffle mud ruffle mud oh he said uh ruffle mutt said PS don't be sexist Bond and he also said bet money Phil Spencer get fired by next year Sarah bond is probably going to take his place let's see how let's see how the company is run under a black woman watch under a black woman named Bond that's wild you should be happy then Bob I mean look nobody could no the only person I could do worse if Phil Spencer is dead oh God oh and Cody Bishop said hey crew you guys ever played DBZ Kakarot it just got a PS5 Xbox upgrade it's like uh it's like GTA um Dragon Ball Z GTA I think you say uh takes you through the entire Saga I don't know doesn't every Dragon Ball Z give you every single suck I don't know I don't like Dragon Ball Z so yeah but this one is more of an adventure RPG type of game instead of just a straight fighter I hate that they did this to me but after Xeno first I kind of have not looked at Dragon Ball Z game seriously since then I wouldn't know Vernon Houston said Xbox gonna go the route of Sega people say that I don't really believe it's actually gonna happen I think they're just always going to be kind of like I feel like they're just always gonna kind of be bad you know um and so I I spoke to some bodies I got a DM from somebody an Xbox fan in the community who he got a he he has a physical copy of redfall and he's he's a fan of of Xbox and you know and he was really looking forward to redfall um I was also you know I every like I said like I said everybody tell everybody I once every once in a while I make the mistake of like truly believing one thing that Xbox makes out of the many it's gonna be really good and I put redfall in my uh my top 10 most anticipated games for this year big mistake that every time I believe in Xbox you know it always backfires you I don't do it but it never works that's another thing too it's like you you could tell the Activision Blizzard thing wasn't gonna go through just based off how cocky the fan base was because like it's like the more Cocky and Confident they are it just tends to blow up in their face like 99 of the time yeah and and the guy I was talking to who I said you know he's an Xbox fan so he was talking to me about about uh redfall because he has it not gonna say who he is but he see he said he'll be surprised if the game even hits a 70. I don't believe that but because I'm like I just can't picture Arcane making the game that goes below 70. it makes it go ahead they're under Xbox we've been saying this every time they acquire somebody they get worse than what you previously knew them for and the kids move curse as well I want to be fair there's no curse there's no I don't have a car I want to be fair though right because this you know we could possibly this was a game that was in development before Xbox acquired them don't know we're not doing that I'm trying to be fair because to counter that point the game has looked worse every time they've shown it though so it hasn't looked any better I don't know why you thought this was going to get like a crazy review and some other things he said it says it it does not feel like an Arcane game or reading from his exact uh DMS to me uh this feels like some other Studio made it has no soul the game looks like ass um the world the world is empty he sent me some pictures of the uh of the NPCs and they they look they look really bad um the the entire game just looks really bad just wait for the day one pads you'll be all right and done I'm still gonna I'm gonna I was I was betting that uh you know my prediction was well my original prediction like like 87 like at the very beginning of this year I think at the very beginning of this year my prediction was like it like an 87. what I and I've and I've changed it every single time uh Starfield you said yeah that's probably not gonna be I still I still feel like Starfield is is gonna score in like the low 80s but yeah so I think I started with like an 87 and every time they shown the game I've gone down either two or three points from an 87 I'm now at like a 70 . because I still I still feel like that's still pretty hard because I I just I just Jack because you play Dishonored how can they make a a game like because even though I don't know how many Batman people still on that team though like dishonor came out of 2012 though that was like what 11 years ago and but then they made even though I didn't like it then they made the the game that we couldn't get get away from Herring um death Luke so how do you go I did not like death loot so how do you go from Dishonored to death but both highly rated games hey man to this you know what happened with a when a highly uh credible Dev makes a shitty game you know what they gonna say it was a passion project come on BG let's get it it's a passion project man something we wanted to experiment with the same way we got the battlefield we just got the talent that was there is not there anymore I don't think it's [ __ ] reviews well you know only like three [ __ ] and their Grandma worked on this game so it ain't you know Xbox reviewers are extremely lenient and you know they give a lot of things a pass yeah like the Survivor review yeah I just I just don't know what's going on it comes out Tuesday um the the reviews I would assume come out tomorrow and usually uh I believe oh God and usually Arcane games like reviews for them come out much further uh you know down you know much further than that out than that so it's like I it's not it's that all the signs are bad all the signs and it's like I and oh the sticker oh my God I I forgot about the sticker what there's they're putting stickers on red red fall physical copies to let people and on the sticker says that uh the 60 frames is coming later but I mean what else they gonna do I mean because on the actual backs our 60fps is printed on it but but here's the here's the problem well here's here's what that that says a stick do you know what like you were okay to put a sticker on your games box that's pretty much like very last minute [ __ ] like we were not actually on top of this project we were doing everything last minute we're we're literally bringing everything together with glue and and like and bubble gum that's like when you when you wait last minute to do to do that that like college midterm project and you gotta turn it in like tomorrow and and you got to make a correction and you you don't got time to go back in and and and correct it so you like just make a make a sticker and you put a correction and just slap it on the project that's that's that that's so serious so much bro that looks bad that looks really bad project but like like a serious question serious question oh y'all do y'all actually have standards and expectations from anything coming out of that camp bro like can we be real about life bro like no it doesn't matter so that's why I don't know this [ __ ] like I'm not shocked when I hear none of this [ __ ] man it's like it's par for the course man we've been doing this [ __ ] for a decade now like it is what it is bro because like look because I don't think Xbox has been good since like we we've been on YouTube but that's what I'm saying though exactly like come over here like the sticker itself like the sticker itself is not a big deal it's what the sticker implies that I think that I don't think people are realizing about this like that's not something a company does just slapped a sticker it's extremely it's it's it's it's cheap it's tacky tacky this is from this is from a trillion it's a trillion dollar company and they have some some Microsoft Word printed sticker on their on the box of their game it would have cost more money to put 30 or 60 frames to reprint them out though I ain't mad at the situation bro like like there's a certain like you know people talk about like like you remember the Nintendo sticker of quality you know that they don't put that on their games no more but like it people still know about it right because you know one thing about Nintendo games is you know regardless of what you think about them they typically don't come in hot all buggy and and a mess third party yeah but not their first party stuff that Nintendo seal of quality people even you know when when they talk about PlayStation they associate it a lot of the times with quality and there's like a certain amount of pride I assume a lot of these developers have in their games to be associated with that and then you got Microsoft and Xbox slapping stickers bro I just already put in a Discord chat it's not even a cute sticker it's like literally like they pregnant it's a corner store stickers it gonna look cool but God damn and we gotta be honest too let's just they're not they're not looking to sell copies of this game like when you making the game for a first party Xbox situation you know this is going into a [ __ ] Subscription Service man you know the goal of the game is to get people you know on Game Pass you ain't worried about no [ __ ] physical copy of the goddamn gay that's an afterthought that's why they doing all this and nobody give like nobody really get this this man like nobody really gives a [ __ ] at the end it just it just yeah it tells you how things are working inside this company and I'm not like one of these dudes who act like I know how game development really you know works at every level and the whole pipeline I just know when there's telltale signs that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up yeah you don't have to know you don't have to know how to develop a game to know when Corners are being cut in production exactly I I know when [ __ ] don't know what they're doing that's a sign that people don't know what they're doing we've seen this in a in a few Industries even if it's not about a uh we don't know what we're doing we remember when they started having iPhones not come with uh Chargers like they gonna cut Corners what they want well they did that because they knew they could get away with it that's why what you think Xbox doing yeah exactly like but you see ain't nobody well if you stop playing away spots just because of this you crazy anyway but bro all the [ __ ] they've been dealing with bruh that's the thing they all these companies do to see what they can get away with bro Microsoft been doing this [ __ ] for like a clean deck Phil Spencer been wearing graphic t-shirts with suit jackets getting away with it for a decade somebody should have told us that they that ain't it bro no [ __ ] dripping out of [ __ ] eating grin ain't been lying to [ __ ] for 10 years he know what's good it might not even be a game in that [ __ ] when you open it up like come on man this is the problem that we continue to highlight is it's always up to one Xbox game to carry the cross of every other Xbox games mediocre sins because this game by all by all accounts seems to be is going to be mid right and then it's left up to Starfield once again it's all it's always the next game that's Gonna Save Xbox from the apocalypse it's always that next game that's Gonna Save Us and you know the Messiah who's gonna take us to the promised land that's the that's why Xbox will never get anything all I gotta do is drop a new Forza game every time they drop a new fours or four surprise game [ __ ] every mysteriously forget that they ain't been playing nothing of value for every six years is their best reset and it works every single time well for the for the people who fall for it oh man they got Hot Wheels DLC coming out if it wasn't for Forza there might not be any any redeeming Factor about Xbox if they didn't have Forza are you still there yeah this this these are sound sound like celebratory complaints well I I just want to ask you right blandrew like honestly are you happy as an Xbox gamer yeah am I happy as an egg like am I happy with Xbox yeah I'm not happy I am not I am not happy with Xbox but if you ask me overall if I'm happy then then that's different but I'm not happy with Xbox if if I'm isolating uh my mood and my emotions to like game Xbox gaming then yeah no absolutely not when when was the last time for a long period of time you were happy with what Xbox is giving you I was happy series X I was I was tweets at PS boost uh Halo infinite I was that the last time when they launched it I'm gonna send you a pack for that FPS boost yeah yeah cause I wasn't happy of of 2022 at all so you know what Doug got FPS boost Bond redfall oh yeah I'm in your bag I just I just don't know man like and listen I've I I really do we we do have to like kind of I guess leave Xbox no like leave Xbox fans alone because no because Jack is right like nothing like I used to actually believe it's the same [ __ ] I used to actually believe that you could like show them like listen this is like all jokes aside like all jokes aside like all that fan boys should decide like bro this this isn't doing anything for you I used to believe like you could actually show them that but it doesn't matter like nothing nothing ever seems to change and it and they are like kind of fine with it they're still contending happy that's the crazy [ __ ] like Xbox University space bro he'll be mad for like a week about that [ __ ] right and then he'll just tweet out a picture like a whole bunch of games and they never came out he's like you know Xbox still has hope man uh the exposition like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the the best thing you can tell Xbox fans is like like I've been telling them recently I realize I just got to tell them and listen enjoy your dog [ __ ] that's the only thing you tell him enjoy your dog [ __ ] bro I'm I hope you love your dog [ __ ] I hope you're going back and forth to a crap gamer about that or something this week yeah because it's like I bruh ew because I didn't read too much bro yeah [ __ ] don't play games I I can't even remember what because my thing is like sometimes it like it wasn't even about like opinion of things sometimes they can't even acknowledge like base just basic you know universally accepted things that's that's what I was arguing with him about it wasn't even about [ __ ] on Xbox I really wasn't it was about just universally accepted things like like Nintendo fans except that the Wii U was bad playstate most PlayStation fans except the PS3 the PS3 was pretty bad especially early on it got better over time but it was pretty bad everybody kind of accepts it as fact they can't they don't accept like generally like except this [ __ ] is facts bro it's like it's okay bro like we can't even come to a common ground and agree on like simple [ __ ] about Xbox that like where they're like severely lacking like the Xbox hasn't been good since the middle of the generation on the 360. because towards the end of the generation once PS3 caught up they didn't release or do anything you booked like the last two three years of the 360 they were trash the entire Xbox One Straight trash the entire generation of Sirius SX trash they have not been good for it's it's and that generation I'm not gonna hear that [ __ ] the first three years of the Xbox one was pretty dope song yes what you weren't playing on it for you to make a comment so I'm not trying to hear that like that you're talking about the person that owns everything I did not own an Xbox One hold up hold up that's the point Alexa Alexa living room one come on [ __ ] I called her Xbox and now she [ __ ] mad he had a living room like uh Will Smith Wait on him likes to come on oh yeah I caught on Xbox I'm up here I see Nintendo Super Nintendo n64. GameCube wheeze Sega Genesis Sega CD Dreamcast Saturn PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 Game Boy Pocket color DS Light 3DS 3DS XL switch a whole [ __ ] thing a whole [ __ ] thing of computers I see uh the Xbox the 360 the tg16 wait but what don't you have one a Wii U an Xbox One and the series SX no and what do those three consoles all have in common Phil Spencer dog [ __ ] I don't like it for me to not buy a machine oh not to mention I have the PlayStation Vita but my whole point is this if me if I don't buy a console or a machine it must be dog [ __ ] because I don't buy dog [ __ ] I buy everything but for me so you're like the standard like with like I don't know for me not to buy something [ __ ] you must be dog [ __ ] just just it's like it's like food I had a friend do you remember that one video I made way back in the day where my friend was making croquembouche and everybody was like oh she should start a cooking channel her voice is sexy open boosh yeah those little like uh sugar bowls or whatever German or French whatever she made like a mountain of it I was like oh my God you should make more videos your voice is so sexy about whatever anyway she stopped making food for me for me to test it because I eat everything I'm not picky with my food so she's like I can't get really good feedback if you're gonna eat everything now it's kind of similar in gay man I pretty much buy everything I want so she the last she did she gave me one more dish and I was like why she goes well nobody likes it I want to see if you like yeah like I don't like it she goes well if nobody likes it and you don't like it that means it must be dog [ __ ] cause you pretty much will eat anything just goes to show you if I if I don't buy your product you're a console your machine okay maybe I don't buy it year one maybe I don't buy a year two or you if I never buy your machine dog [ __ ] no excuses so just you have you're not you don't need never need to buy an Xbox because Xbox they released all their games are on PC day and date so I I mean I'm just saying that like so regardless like you still played Halo infinite didn't you yeah all right but smooth you had you have a PC and an Xbox yeah why because for for just in case and red Falls that just in case just in case 30 frames per second Bond could wait Bond could wait for PS5 games to go to PC eventually if you wanted to you know but he chooses not to I assume because he thinks at least one one those PlayStation super chats are good and healthy unfortunately uh so Sony what Sony might be in a different predicament with ps6 because if themselves are coming over to PC early or within six months there ain't no point for that console yeah so just to point out a few other things um uh yeah so Bond didn't mention if this doesn't go through they do have to pay uh was it three million is three million billion billion three billion to to Activision um they they do still have I think it's 23 Studios so they even even with this deal block they still have more Studios than PlayStation still 20 23 Studios that do what oh exactly so supposed to make games but um and a lot of these are the studios that they acquired they acquired in 2017 that I feel like I might be wrong on this I think one of them dropped the game so far that they all that they acquired in 2017 one um I could be wrong on that maybe I'm forgetting something um and oh and my ACT Microsoft could easily just acquire somebody acquire somebody else you know um what 70 B's or 70 M's 70 billion seven billion uh active you know ain't worried about that little three Microsoft could easily you know buy somebody else of course somebody wants to be has to want to I think that's a that's a point that a lot of people seem to forget because they think like Microsoft just because they have a truckloads of money that they they walk into the into a building be like hey I want to buy you and like that's all that matters I know like it's usually like usually the company that's being acquired usually has to want a reason have a really good reason to be acquired usually if you're up if you up and you're doing really good usually you don't want to be acquired there's no reason for for you to sell and also I feel like people people have used Acquisitions and looked at the point of Acquisitions as just for list Wars when you should when really what you should want activisions uh I mean Acquisitions to be is for a larger entity to buy a smaller entity to make that smaller entity better that's that's what it should be used for y'all y'all y'all hype about Coalition for the wrong reasons Microsoft doesn't make anybody better that's the thing see if if Microsoft and they did they have bought smaller Studios let me not say they haven't because you know they they did buy Ninja Theory and Ninja Theory obviously needed more money they needed more resources hopefully that hopefully that pays off and even I was even okay with uh you know Bethesda because Bethesda games were doing bad at the time but they still haven't improved anybody that's probably Mojang I say with Minecraft arguably everyone else has been made worse even even uh Ninja Theory and that's my and that's my like problem my problem with the fans is they they want Acquisitions for the wrong reason my problem with Microsoft is y'all don't seem to actually produce the benefit of of a lot of these Studios being acquired like I just don't I just don't understand that like I don't know it could be complete coincidence that when students when people are acquired by by Microsoft they they somehow seem to get worse because I would have never seen Arc uh Arcane producing some really bad game I would have said no they're the ones that can avoid this curse somehow but even somehow we told you rare was one of the most you know prestigious developers of all time even better than Nintendo arguably and look where they are now yeah the best thing that came out Xbox with where was banjo being Smash Brothers that's it I don't get it man uh lay down bad over there man Shinji makami left Tango game works it's all bad and Activision could also be uh you know that's that's the other thing people need to look at is like Activision being acquired by Microsoft wasn't going to be the worst thing either because they could still want to sell to somebody else and you know um some people are against them selling to foreign entities like uh 10 cent or what's that other one that has just [ __ ] buys everybody uh is watching this podcast and crying what the [ __ ] I can't remember the the other one but they the one that bought Tomb Raider what's the name they acquired Tomb Raider oh [ __ ] embracer yeah embrace it yeah yeah oh yeah and there is Nettie so yeah like it could be it could be worse like let's you know that wasn't the worst thing that could possibly had anything they actually made and see I think that's some that's some it's it's political stuff yeah like have they actually made anything worse bro like this it's yeah like I personally am not politically smart enough to really be like oh you know uh 10 cent buying Activision is is bad um the Saudi government buying a lot of game and [ __ ] too yeah so I I get why they explain it's bad but I'm like I don't know if I really care that much um so I I just whoever makes them better honestly bro like I'm I'm kind of okay with that you just got to make them better if you acquire them yeah I don't I don't I don't know what uh with Xbox man I don't know like all right so now we gonna blame Xbox you know what I mean no I'm not I'm saying I just don't know this movie no I'm saying I just don't know like why they why why things just can't go right for them and now assuming how you know red redfall goes how redfall goes now it's all up to Starfield remember remember this year was supposed to be I know they say it every year but this was the one one not the one but the one one remember that this is this is the year that's gonna kick it off like oh a triple A Banger like every two months and all these games are gonna be fire and oh this is this is when PlayStation and then Nintendo are in trouble and this was the one this this was the definitive one and it's it's Hi-Fi Rush essentially that's it that's a fitted version of all your favorite games so man you guys make gaming depressing as [ __ ] I'm not depressed about gaming at all I know I don't follow my gaming I'm having very much I'm sure you are you guys oh my God like I'm sorry no no no no no you cannot tell us we make gaming depressing when every Xbox podcast I listen to they are depressed that's all I listen to the podcast move even yours it's all depression and sadness that [ __ ] happened kind of sad recently Brian I'll hold you bro Xbox fans will complain about [ __ ] for a month and they'll then they'll ask PlayStation fans why y'all make [ __ ] seem so bad that's all y'all talk about is bad [ __ ] even when like bless rag gets at you smooth it seems like you just listen with your head down just like in silence just taking it you know it's just it's just bad over there y'all talk about nothing but negativity that y'all get from Microsoft and be like why oh y'all only talk about bad stuff that's all y'all talk about brother like what do you want I mean all right you know what it is what it is Xbox the L this ABK deal I hope it's dead in the water or whatever um people are celebrating that we can't get Call of Duty for cheap you know what I mean [ __ ] them Brits um wow okay here we go you guys already were getting Call of Duty yeah for cheap they wanted for Game Pass oh brother yeah yeah I don't want to spend no [ __ ] money squish this move yeah go ahead what this would this stop them from putting Call of Duty in Game Pass still can't they still work out a deal if I'm Activision I'm not putting no Call of Duty no damn Game Pass at this point here's the thing right it's like a lot of the things that were gonna happen with Activision could only happen if they're gonna be so act I don't think Activision is going to be signing no [ __ ] uh Cloud deals and [ __ ] matter of fact they do they're gonna be charging the grip no put it in there for a month putting her too much it depends it depends if it depends on how uh sour the relationship like you know PlayStation essentially costs um Activision a 70 billion dollar payout so they could I know like it depends like I I don't know I honestly don't care I really uh I really don't care I just want this thing to be over I'm just the thing that pissed me off about this whole uh thing is um XBox inability to want to be successful in uh the last two years yes no this stupid ass uh the hoverboards whatever um the is them not advertising them not putting and investing in games and everything being hold up by this deal it it does for all that to happen and the deal not to happen and then there's still nothing to show for it is frustrating and then have to sit in these podcasts and and listen to people like Bond and bless and you see Bland yourself as Xbox for a measly six hundred dollars all the future black ass listen that blades will rob that man that man should be calling the FBI on blander rob that man Wonder World and Madden 17. crack things BG well all the products I sell are are you know above board sir putting on the Facebook Marketplace that's what you do right this move you need to join me on the island instead of falling through the map in the floor on Starfield come fall through the skies and Zelda with me I tried uh I tried playing uh the the last Zelda game and I just it just just wasn't hitting for me and I don't see this one being any different I'm pretty sure other all the Nintendo fans would enjoy it but the thing is unlike me as a when I'm not actually interested in something you just won't hear about it from me games um I'm sorry yeah it hurt me um you know what's so crazy about this this deal this was literally a 7 70 billion dollar deal that people argued about for a year for a game they already had that's that's really what this was this was a this is this [ __ ] was fighting over a game they already have been playing that they already had nothing was going to change besides once a year you may get it in a subscript that you so what I'm saying is you were when if this deal went through you weren't gonna get anything that you weren't already getting now the point of it is nothing was going to change nothing see and that but that's why it's it's list Wars it's it's it was really list Wars that's what y'all argued for a year about and like bro uh I don't I couldn't believe y'all [ __ ] argued about this for a year bro I could not believe it when nothing was going to change it was it was a time it was a waste of time I get so frustrated wasting my time in such worldly things worldly things yes I could not and then [ __ ] [ __ ] went you know started picking up law degrees from Taco Bell just to argue about this for a year Knowing damn well they don't know what the [ __ ] they talking about oh my God y'all y'all made me sick honestly I don't wanna I don't want to see PlayStation uh acquire anybody at this point smooth yeah that's my other thing with you so that's my other thing with you right this move you gotta know there's a spectrum everything has a spectrum not everything is the same XBox guys all the stuff everything has levels you you can't be like oh Microsoft failed to get Activision uh blizzard and king that's worth 70 billion dollars so PlayStation shouldn't be able to get some no name Studio that we've never heard of that doesn't own anything it's not the same smooth hey hey the Brits don't want nothing to go through like so like no that's acquisition for like school try to buy Square Enix or Capcom please do it I mean I feel like that would they would face some of the same like ah yeah I just want to see it I had some payback I I don't I don't want PlayStation to I I've stayed consistent I don't want PlayStation to acquire any publisher I want because like I said my belief is Acquisitions are to make somebody that has nothing better by giving them more nothing was going to change by Rich ass Microsoft giving Rich ass Activision more money money money was never going to make Call of Duty better they were already rich you give a rich person Rich [ __ ] Nothing's Gonna Change so I'm like the games weren't going to get better [ __ ] was these these Xbox dudes was talking about oh yeah uh when Microsoft gets Activision oh yeah they're gonna go deep down in the trunk and activate all the all the uh inactive IPS they weren't gonna do none of that [ __ ] what are you talking about Activision Activision cares about they they are the the biggest offenders of we are only going to do [ __ ] that makes absolutely money and sense if it if it not gonna give us a boatload of money we not doing it you think they about to they about to bring I don't know do they own tennis shoe I think somebody told me they'll intense you now or am I wrong they don't they own some obscure [ __ ] that hasn't been touched um what's that Infamous uh type game Prototype prototype yeah yo what prototype uh they're hoping that we they get access back to some of those marvelous games the best game that Microsoft has is Hope Xbox dudes I need to talk y'all really thought yeah they're gonna they're gonna bring back that come on bro y'all not serious they only bought this for [ __ ] that was already there that was already making money y'all work y'all weren't gonna get negro Infamous whatever that game is called gonna guess they're only the second game Stars yes the second game was the first game was Alex Mercer I was just going off this you weren't gonna get negro Infamous I'm sorry you were you weren't gonna get that because why did they were gonna bring all that [ __ ] back just for y'all not to play it oh it was gonna go in game passes again I'm gonna say this and I uh it doesn't mean anything but I'm gonna say in my opinion and then I don't this might sound [ __ ] up anyway but I don't think any other foreign regular body should have anything to do with American company trying to buy another American company I don't give the [ __ ] if they sell product in your country or not that's just [ __ ] how it works like America the FTC shouldn't have anything to do with uh like a Japanese company trying to buy another Japanese company and the [ __ ] London Brussels whatever shouldn't have anything to do with like an American company trying to buy another American company I think the regulatory system is [ __ ] up is stupid it's a dumb process it makes no sense and some of these [ __ ] need to be voted off the island um because they're they're bad for business so that's all I got to say about that I have no political no political thoughts I can only talk about games because that's what that's what I play and the [ __ ] the [ __ ] I know y'all wasn't gonna get none of them you know uh sleeping IPS none of them not one you're gonna get the same [ __ ] you you you keep you you've been getting for the last 10 years some crash games some Call of Duty games typical [ __ ] yeah it was talking about talking about bringing back Guitar Hero no I thought about it I have to play guitar bro yeah all all to get [ __ ] I was already getting just for cheaper like this I listen I'm not and I'm not trying to be a [ __ ] and act like like getting [ __ ] for cheaper isn't like a value isn't isn't like something good but it ain't worth what y'all was can we also just like to wrap this up y'all [ __ ] don't play no [ __ ] games man I don't even know what we still talking about this yes they don't play games bro no matter what they get in Game Pass they're not gonna play it they're using it for Less Wars and to get on Twitter spaces and say Game Pass they don't give a [ __ ] they're not gonna play it she's crazy hey man it y'all know y'all know I love my I love my Xbox podcast Jack gets on it gets on me for it all the time you should be in prison I'm sorry and I'm gonna make it before before this podcast going out if there's some vibrant true Xbox enthusiasts out there that won a podcast about Xbox and don't want to spend all this time talking to all these damn PlayStation guys in these ponies PC guys and you know all these fake ass neutral guys you are true Xbox you want to share your true feelings about Xbox and gaming join player Xbox you know so hit me on Twitter at kiss me before my ass gets suspended again um and and let me know let's go let's knock out the park let's bring let's bring you know Xbox podcast back to life you know what I mean everything else everything else that's out there is carbon copy everything this move this is like you were crucial for like you know the Xbox podcast I want to listen to some be real with your brother you got to make it great again but what I was gonna say about Xbox podcast out there is is and hey dog will holla y'all know the ones I'm talking about not all of them do this I would say about 80 of them do it I've literally listened to you mofos talk about a brand new game that comes out brand new game that comes out amazing they'll talk about it for two minutes and 30 seconds two minutes and 30 seconds a brand new BET Fire game but they'll spend literally the rest of the podcast talking about a b are you [ __ ] sick what is wrong with y'all like that no that's no that legit like made me like mad sometimes because I I like some of these dudes I like that because I like to hear other people's opinions yeah before it was a before before it was ABK right it was um it was uh the console specs right yes before it was the console specs it was it was oh but oh but but but Ray tracing for 50 minutes but uh but teraflops for 50 minutes meanwhile you got one of the greatest games that might have ever come out of its time oh yeah that game was great but that Ray tracing that the Xbox y'all some sick [ __ ] I I can't reap repeat y'all are sick and y'all need healing oh man well maybe down this deal like pretty much being dead baby like I don't know like they still they still like and listen we're talking about it now but since this this entire this entire year since this has been going on we've largely ignored this entire topic on this podcast and people who watch can can attest to that like I sometimes I'll mention [ __ ] and we'll spend like two minutes on it and I'll maybe I'll let smooth go off about it for like you know 10 minutes because he really cares but we talked about [ __ ] games this entire time and other news we didn't spend a year on some news about some [ __ ] that didn't even happen channels have gone uh berserk over this uh thing I just wasn't curious to see how everything happens like you know you know what I mean some people made like made channels made a growth over this that y'all are sick and I'm I'm disappointing smooth well me dude I damn near retired from YouTube during this whole entire thing unless she put you in a retirement brother so the thing is I'm just I'm trying to try to get Planet Xbox back with some some fresh blood and um I'm going to uh try to do uh content if I find it interesting but um who knows who knows we'll see we'll see foreign yeah I think I think we've uh covered everything that we possibly get um I'm so happy man uh that even though I know they're still gonna like try to bring it up in conversation a lot but I think the worst part is over am I is it safe to say that the worst part is over of them talking about this hopefully no they're gonna keep bragging about Bethesda now um listen I I gotta say like remember that remember that line uh [ __ ] what what's what's the show invincible like like bro you would the way these [ __ ] are sad you would you would you would think that these [ __ ] didn't still have a publisher under their belt the whole ass publisher I you [ __ ] bought a ton of studios and you bought a publisher since 2017. and it's like it's like Invincible when he was like when uh Omni man was like look what they got to do to match my power and these [ __ ] still crying why this is sick it's sickening it's a movie I know you know I was actually about to hit up some move on when yesterday when playing an Xbox was on I was like I think I want to come on because uh not not the way you talking [ __ ] he's not dealing with that Thomas move I I think I oh whoa pause I I think because I'm like I feel like I could help I don't think I got time bled you yeah you should go on Blanchard you should you should you should be on oh no blandrew kind of lost his [ __ ] pass you mean I'm still in Nintendo Land I'm still on the island man you sold your Xbox before I could comment on your damn post I was I was gonna buy that he's bi together I was like this dude hasn't bought a game since 2017. I'm thinking nobody no wonder he's not enjoying his Xbox all those games 2017 and older well though all of what's funny is like all the [ __ ] that like Bland you all the games that he owned on Xbox these were like you could tell it was all like games he would buy if they were on the switch but they're not on the switch it literally just switch games but they weren't on switch shut that if I told you something that I think I wasn't buying no game not only it's not only that smooth another problem I had was all the games that I was interested in on Xbox they were all digital anyway so I couldn't buy them physically yeah yeah the Xbox has a problem with that whole their their their stuff digital stuff man but um refugee camps Assemble it's because it's gonna be it's gonna be rough man it's gonna be rough I'm gonna try some Xbox no no but it's going it's real especially with the Brits putting a 10-year block on them making sure they can't buy the the Activision for 10 years it's like I'm just curious oh man that that hurts um and and listen can is there is the reason that they block the deal absolute [ __ ] possibly I don't know I'm not smart enough to to you know go through 40 a 40 page document and analyze that and and neither are the rest of you honestly 90 of y'all y'all not smart enough to really know this [ __ ] maybe the politicians are actually stupid and and they're like the old man that's trying to use the computer and it's like using using the stapler as the keyboard because he don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing that's possible but I don't think y'all's smart enough to know either I was on a podcast with this dude on Friday uh actually it was moose podcast he'd been into those recently but uh the dude on the podcast said he read that whole situation what'd you say about 40 pages I mean one thing was fed 40 page it's way more than that is through the whole situation you know he read the the last joint that came out yeah I don't know they say he read like 40 something Pages I'm like what the [ __ ] man like she was crazy there's people who get paid for that and they're doing it for free some people say they're passionate about it and they're interested in in politics and I'm like are you really are you or is it just because it's your favorite gaming platform 400 is 400 Pages oh yeah he said he read that whole ship oh he did say 400 yeah it was 400 page oh I'm sorry I ain't reading I can't even remember he was he was talking about some [ __ ] I ain't even know about that the card [ __ ] some people can't get through a [ __ ] book a regular novel and dudes reading four or 500 pages of legal talk that's what he said he said that he said that deal they was going uh you know that deal they were signing with Nintendo and [ __ ] he was saying they was trying to put that [ __ ] on the cloud and you was gonna have to buy like another service on top of uh buying the game to play it like come on man like because like I've been saying listen I'm not I'm not believing nothing coming from you randos on Twitter when y'all would probably struggle to write a book report on Green Eggs and Ham like what waiting tweets what are you talking about book report them [ __ ] can't write a call here and tweet to say they [ __ ] life what you mean book report man we know what's going on uh well um well done gentlemen mission accomplished we've made it I don't feel accomplished you've been [ __ ] on smooth for like an hour and a half brother I don't like this I've been trying to help smooth Bond [ __ ] on smooth I've been trying to help my brother put some [ __ ] respect on kids movie having a tough week man put some [ __ ] respect on his name I love smooth I love him great guy one of my favorites on Earth Jesus yep uh so oh man you I feel like Thanos you know when he sits down at the end it's like oh it's all finally [ __ ] over bro they go stop talking about this [ __ ] killed all the ABK Avengers so hold on let me ask a question Cardinal smooth notice when is this [ __ ] finally over man they I know they said they got something else they trauma ah man dog all right so the European gotta approve uh gonna make a decision on by May 22nd and um The Gamers uh lawsuit I think some [ __ ] like that is May 12th the FTC has a court date in August if they if they don't settle but now that the CMA blocked it they're not going to settle because they now have a shot doing a court and you got all these other people that have to approve it sometime in May in New Zealand in June and all that but to me at this point uh since they put that the CMA would have to be the ones one of the ones to approve it for the deal to go through which is dead and I don't I don't care I don't want I don't want to hear about this [ __ ] ever again it's time to get out of here yeah exactly yeah y'all [ __ ] beat yeah uh let me check on the last of the super chats if there's more um Vernon Houston Xbox oh I read that one um relax Paul gaming RPG Xbox does have good points which is why which is why I understand people still supporting the platform it's just that the games aren't one of those points smooth uh smooth could could just talk up the other points as defense Maybe okay it's a wrap s Cruz um MLB the Show Horizon call of the mountain Spider-Man two that's three from first party technically yeah but you know we have higher standards [ __ ] headset man you know we have higher standards so uh yes technically those are first party but I'm not gonna let them get away with a an annualized baseball game and uh VR game that I I played myself but I'm not letting them get away I don't feel like you can use it as an argument where you gotta buy a [ __ ] 600 peripheral on top of that that's that's not man yeah yeah for PS5 games you gotta spend more in the [ __ ] console to play them games you're talking about anything you gotta buy the games on top of that yeah yeah and uh Miles said Xbox fans been begging for them to bring back their own dormant IP for years they sure as hell wasn't gonna bring back activist Activision Blizzard IPS when where's when where State of Decay we're State of Decay 3 where's that that where's compote they bought compulsion in 2017. I think that's the last time they also made a game haven't heard a thing from compulsion and they don't even I don't even think that's AAA games they're making that's like double A what are they doing that what what is it uh X is it in Exile did they release something and that's how I did Wasteland that came out in 2019. okay like but you see what I'm saying like even Ninja Theory who I'm a fan of like their Studios who who will release trip who have released two AAA games after hellblade has come out the first one like like Indiana Jones like everwild Fable man come on man avowed and then bro and then people had the nerve there was like uh did y'all see there's like an NFL player who apparently said he signed a deal with with Xbox to make a game about uh SEAL Team Six like a Sci-Fi game about SEAL Team Six and dudes was talking about I'm like y'all worried about some [ __ ] some NFL player might do with Xbox when they can't get their own are y'all sick truthfully like they're mentally ill worried about some [ __ ] in Xbox uh NFL and and NFL player said they're doing come on bro come on dog CTE [Laughter] with the Raves they said he agreed but the Ravens didn't mean yeah all right um let's do the outros I guess man we we ain't got nothing else um we beat it to death Paul hey hey hold on BG what you got what you what you got going on over there brother he's talking about the dead horse I mean yeah exactly I'm not yeah I'm not on I don't be on page 30 like you Jack hey started you ain't trying hard enough [ __ ] oh don't excuse me my bad you got to get off on them trenches thing I know real [ __ ] press the last button that worked their way from three thousand yeah you spitting you spinning yo they're sick that's oh man I'm trying to delete a PornHub video [ __ ] [ __ ] what you're talking about oh oh excuse me back in my high school and you just always thought about it ever since then oh you [ __ ] know the tricks of the trade okay yes sir yes sir all right my bad all right um blender hey everybody good podcast it was nice to be back on only reason I'm here is because I was supposed to be going to the Mario movie but you know something you still ain't went to see the movie no I know that a girl you know I was gonna go see it where it got sick so we had to ah Shane gets sick dog y'all she got sick with a [ __ ] she found a [ __ ] down her throat that's what happened she's on her period right now so okay I didn't have to do all that and anyways Nintendo 4 coming out this week we just recorded that talking about Advanced Wars Bayonetta theater Rhythm Xenoblade Chronicles dang smooth look at all these games I'll listen all the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Kirby talking about all the games that came out in the past week or two yeah so make sure you guys check that out when we drop it okay she got sick and move on it's over that's crazy it went from she got sick that she's on her period what the [ __ ] she got cramps she got cramps yeah I was using code to bond did you did you did you let her know this movie been out for a while and she been playing ever since then she was in Montana with her father let me ask you a question he's a cop oh let me ask you a question okay if you had a headache would you still go on the date and see a Mario movie I don't I don't think that's the equivalent though I asked you a question answer me exactly if she wanted to she You're Gonna Learn You're Gonna Learn money she wanted to she would not too much on Bland you want to buying the snacks how long you have been dating blender like two months that's personal sir not too much on Blanchard easy you're my guy right look listen if if you too much too much I'm sure she's a nice wholesome one blandrew has good judgment she's a nice wholesale that's why he was going to Bible yeah let me ask you a question blender y'all go see this movie she ain't feeling at you you leaving her alone after that I know you're not liking the movie or what I know you don't deal well with disrespected she disrespect them Mario boys you might have to go upside ahead you know that that's a restaurant no you're gonna say find a ride home clown you might have smack them over the Holy Ghost so yeah uh check out check out uh I'll Nintendo um yes sir um Jazzy he gonna throw a green shell there throw a banana peel I put a banana peel under her car okay that's funny this one yeah Jazz Jazzy yes good to be back I'll see you back at tears of the kingdom and hopefully the day I go is actually good blender you're gonna be here for tears of the Kingdom right of course okay hold on Jeff you say you about to go on a day too nah Bingo on dates bro your girl is your girl dad a cop too I'm trying to figure out something no okay okay I'm about to all right now she black she's a beautiful black queen sir oh why you say Blanchard girl not black her father her father's a cop from Montana what are y'all talking about she definitely her her her father her father is White and her mother is black so she's mad oh okay I had I had a joke but it's not appropriate for this little Alex over there I see you look at him yeah I race that's what Alex do your hair bro I need you to decline I need you to tell me what you meant um who was an after dark Lackey is now I need a reso gun too I hope you guys enjoy the podcast oh Gene Matthews uh I'm gonna need to stop sucking so much dick yeah the [ __ ] got him you know who he is you know who he is um Bobby Digital 2 said wear Frost get somebody bring her uh to the front of the congregation oh man he left the gaming industry didn't you she said she was done yeah she's not with it no more I think all the time y'all are toxic um Bond oh no good podcasts I'm playing some actual good games you know Fireball made games start out slow it's starting to pick up so I'm having a little bit of fun something you XBox guys don't know about as always be sure to check out my channel check out my Twitter and if you are still a fan of Xbox you are [ __ ] amazing Nintendo game at a time I can't be juggling multiple high quality RPGs that makes sense hey ask the guys I decided to do Fire Emblem because it's more pick up and play than an actual full-length RPG like Xenoblade okay um who didn't do the outro smooth you did yours no I didn't do an outro but you know make sure you follow me at kids to move on both Twitter and YouTube looking for you know members of playing Xbox podcast and the Xbox enthusias only true Xbox fans not none of this [ __ ] well I played Xbox One whatever but um good podcast I'll see you guys for a little bit after dark so anybody who got the smoke and got the questions after hurry up and get them up because I can't be up here all night hey Jack you still there let's look at her brother you think she ghosted me though like for real no no no no man look I'm gonna take this blender look next time you try to hit her up with this move wait a few days man next time you hit up about this movie if she playing bro you gotta see about that I mean we got the wrong we got the reschedule going on yeah okay so if she flake out on this rescheduling you know it might be something going on with that try to FaceTime all right she got like a dick and ass when you talk to her you know she on some other [ __ ] right well interest depends is she flaked and you haven't [ __ ] that's a problem she flicked you have [ __ ] you might be good that's why I asked in the beginning you're a good choice of character um I I believe she's she's a wholesome hold someone I appreciate that I actually you know what I changed some of my dating requirements right now yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna add this to the guy to run a mile you can't be playing Xbox I don't want I don't want [ __ ] kids oh my God hey no hey no Xbox box play coming to my place if you like Xbox I like that button drop [ __ ] like four times in this podcast but smooth catching smoke online you see what you see but I'm I'm using the definition of a of a an electronic retardation not like a mental retardation wow why not both but yeah I feel that yeah I like that all right oh one thing real quick where that what bridge did a critical hit 64 come out of where he just randomly started attacking me he's all up in my DMs and [ __ ] I'm posting the Twitter right now what he [ __ ] posted to you gotta y'all gotta read this [ __ ] go to my Twitter go to my everyone go to my Twitter right now and read this [ __ ] play the game where I'll expose your mega ass and get all the fame and credit for it abuse of the women hateful to queers you are a small dick energy token black among a horrible oppressive system that you get you're getting crumbs for the crumb side I always knew you were part of that you know it's crazy how a white person can tell a black person that I'm that we're a part of the oppressive system hey is that crazy yo these [ __ ] ancestors enslaved us so they say we are part of the oppressive system how does that work how does that work somebody explains I don't know great people love them to death I get crazy you might not be wrong but yeah after yeah um everybody at the outro yeah thanks for watching everyone there you go all right we'll catch y'all next week um negro Infamous is a fire name for a game by the way y'all think they're gonna be more like a regular information um speak of the Negro casual collection I think Microsoft should just use that as an Advertiser on TV like sign up for the game pass and get the Negro casual collection I think that would be fire advertising GTA with like levitation though never mind maybe we out we'll catch y'all next week uh hit the like button peace [Music] right plenty of tried and plenty of fail you could run it high but you can't Dodge in my weapon well name another pie that's bigger small I'm contested they still name another spot or any section I'm King gonna help name another Squad I wanna test it I'm beating them still bye name another spider in a section I'm King of the Hill right I know my bro King got me see that's a black Vine that can't be broken don't eat yourself but I'm a black binding escope and all black panel you can never try playing a stalking yeah we playing games but now one of us playing a joke then Jack move came in with the trophies God in the lane of his own like how can you Gamers approach me now kiss move the body you want Halo dancing your family an angel Emoji foreign right I know what it is man weapon World podcast I know we got in the building man we got BG I mean I can't smooth we got Jack move we got black bombing Blanchard I mean what you you can't all stray for us bro like the straight's too strong [Music]
Channel: BrokenGamezHDR
Views: 328,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, Playstation 5, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, CMA Blocks ABK, CMA Blocks ABK Cloud, Spider-Man 2, PSVR2 Retailers, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bugs, Star Wars Jedi Survivor PC, Star Wars Jedi Survivor Review, Redfall review, Redfall 30fps, Redfall Preview, Dead Island 2, Asus Rog Ally, Twisted Metal TV Show, The Last Of Us Part 1 PC, Armored Core 6, Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shore Review Bomb, Twisted Metal Gameplay Reveal, Twisted Metal Poster
Id: SqocU7LUeYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 4sec (14044 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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