EXTREME Minecraft Weapons Give You ANXIETY... *confusion*

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hello today we are making minecraft weapons that will give you anxiety why do these give you anxiety well first of all we have upside down diamonds i mean look at this i'm already starting to feel the anxiety oh did i just squeak like a mouse now that we've got our upside down diamonds we are going to be getting oak logs so nothing is strange about this so far a regular diamond sword is crafted like this right but the upside down diamond sword is literally upside down oh no and when you hold it in your hand you're holding it from the house it's not like cutting my hands oh my god this is amazing look at this i mean you're probably you're looking at some point in time every kid holds scissors like this and runs you don't hold them by the blade you hold them by the handle or the hilt all right listen i would like to say i'm not i don't like animal cruelty even in minecraft but i do need to see what this sword does oh my god [Music] what okay so if you hit them they turn upside down they not only do they turn upside down but then they like slowly just levitate and explode in the sky all right please if you have not already left or like on this video yet please leave a like on this video if you want to see more things in minecraft that give you anxiety because i finally i know this is going to sound strange we are hunting for the bow meringue it is a bow that you throw legitimately like a boomerang and is it weird yes it is but hold on these gentlemen do not want us to have the boomerang but it does not matter give me the boomerang if you think skeletons are the most annoying mob in minecraft please hit that red subscribe button we're almost at 10 million subscribers and i want people to agree with me that skeletons are so annoying listen i'm sorry i'm just passionate about this subject skeletons have been defeated oh oh my god i survived with apple heart what is this oh my god you got to be kidding me find all of the levers what happens if i touch the water oh do not fall in the water i probably should have seen that one coming all right we can do this easy peasy baby look at this bop wait is it on wait wait oh no okay wait slime blocks are now magma blocks oh this is confusing oh i don't like this yeah this is definitely giving me confusion and look at this the lever i think it's on this is also giving me anxiety okay let's just go ahead and ignore everything that's happening right now yeah when you turn it on you just see like a little redstone effect but it doesn't actually go up or down all right we need to be careful yeah yeah we gotta sneak on these blocks man oh this is a big jump poop oh that was close okay we're good we're good right wait do we miss a lever no that's the last one right here let's go baby let's go come on wait what what why does this one go down but none of the others do i don't understand all right this is looking pretty scary over here oh yup i knew this was going to be scary before it even started there is wait a second it's a skeleton enderman oh that's terrifying oh that is giving me exactly i'm getting anxiety right now from this end of it i'll tell you something right now oh this is terrifying why is this dude this is the scariest intermittent i've ever seen in my entire life oh where'd it go where'd it go oh yeah yeah okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna use the skeleton to blow up the creep or not like that oh my god wait when the creeper explodes he doesn't die wait what this makes no sense and the creeper can shoot arrows what the ender skeleton is stuck ender skeleton hello oh there he is oh oh we got him trapped this is actually perfect this could not be any better he is the last one we have to eliminate come on finally yes okay listen now we've got oh mike i look like a mess this is what i look like when i wake up in the morning besides the point okay i've got the three bows all right behold this is about to be the weirdest thing you've ever seen behold beautiful people the bomber ring it's it's very weird okay this is so weird it's um yeah okay so it's it's literally i think it's literally just it's just a boomerang like it goes forward and then it comes back oh my gosh wait hold on let me let me try this let me try this okay the boomerang is out in the distance it's in the wheat field kill the chicken and it kills the chicken this is kind of sick does it work on the piggies too all right piggy smiles piggy smiles oh my gosh this thing is dangerous you think you see a normal village until you don't everything in this village is now a chest including all of the villagers and the mobs and look at this so when you right click on them you can actually put things inside of them i can put wood inside of this cow but they also have chest hearts and when you take them unfortunately they disappear forever very sad but we do need okay but we have to do this okay look at this chicken look at this oh my gosh i'm gonna take your heart buddy i'm so sorry oh is this a pig oh it's a little pig i'm gonna give the pig a carrot pig no no come here pig here here here take this there you go there you go you like you like those carrots didn't you i will say this i think the chickens are the most terrifying chest creatures because they don't have ears like at least the cows still have their little little antler thingies you know anyways this is besides the point we came to this village to make the chest sword we're gonna go ahead and we gotta pull out them all a little we're gonna get some of these planks some of these skyway okay so i know what you're thinking right here preston is this how you make the sword no you cannot make it looks like you would make the sword like this but you have to smelt the hearts first it's kind of sad it's just it's strange man i mean it's it's it's anxiety provoking i think you all agree on that oh dude i don't like this this part okay this part always feels weird but when you smelt it you get a cooked chest soul a chest heart that has been cooked at a beautiful 395 degrees for 15 minutes now we have these we can actually make the chest sword it's just sad okay i gotta say that this sword looks amazing it's probably one of the visually most beautiful swords i've ever seen in my entire life and when you attack mobs they then appear in your sword you just write like literally i'm right-clicking my sword and then there you go oh my god it's like it's like playing pokemon in a way look at this i could spawn a pig chicken cow you can even put things into your chest sword to hold it for you hey like that let's listen let me know in the comments did this give you anxiety i kind of liked it to be honest i've got everything that we need to make throwable lava except for lava itself you know how normally this would light your portal flint and steel no longer lights your portal you actually need a bucket of water oh this makes me feel so uncomfortable when i have to do things like this okay that also makes me feel so uncomfortable who gave these two toe tony pigs these big diamond swords eh in this version of minecraft you don't want to get on their bad side uh no you don't at all this is not gonna make any sense but you can now mine lava in the nether so we're gonna mine a bunch of love oh this is hurting my soul doing this it literally is hurting my soul okay so we've got a bunch of lava blocks but we're not done yet so you put the snowballs in the middle put the lava blocks around them and you get the lava snowballs now watch what happens boom when you hit a mob they turn into lava oh my gosh that's terrifying i think it works on does it work on them too oh they're aggroed oh they're aggroed it works oh this is terrifying this is so scary look at this oh my gosh listen all i'm gonna say is use these at your own risk they are extremely powerful but also very dangerous and deadly at the same time all right but this is the way for this this is the coolest part come on yes if you hit a gas they turn into lava too look at that a giant lava block in the sky oh come here gas come here guys so far away railed it look at this oh that's so creepy looking all right we got one more gas to get come on we got him look at this okay i just can't get over how amazing this is if they added these to vanilla minecraft everybody would have anxiety because their houses would be burning down every three seconds i mean look at what we did slimes already give me anxiety as it is but these slimes give me severe anxiety because they throw slime balls and they throw a lot of them really fast and they kind of deal a lot of damage no please don't do this oh stop okay stop throwing slime balls okay so in case you wonder why we're here we're making a slime sword and in order to do that we need diamonds and slime balls hence why i'm here in the swamp i would really appreciate that i want to know that i'm not alone here all right slimes are just kind of like they just ah it's scary man it's like watching a kid cross the street you don't like it all right there's plenty of slime balls all right so check this out now all right all you gotta do is put your diamonds in there surround them with your slums and you get slime diamonds the one thing i forgot to get though i gotta get some sticks for a crafting table so pretty much you make the slime sword very basic what no no whoa noob why would you throw my diamonds into the love get in there get in there yeah bruh diamonds go burr wait or do that hold the phone ladies and gentlemen wait a second okay i do not know how that happened but apparently wait so can i just what oh that's epic so slime die i don't know what it is in the slime diamonds themselves but apparently they can't be burned by lava that is incredible okay so even more of a reason to want to make this weapon all right here's what we're gonna do look at this dude the slime you can wait you can see through it oh this is so epic okay oh my gosh this is crazy this is insane you think lava scares me now that i've got the slime sword it doesn't if you're looking at a block and then you right click you get like jetted back look at this oh my god this has got to be the best weapon ever i mean yeah it definitely gives you a little bit of anxiety but it's still amazing what happens if i hit the camera oh no so when you hit a mob ladies and gentlemen that is the slime sword i'm holding anxiety tnt in my hand because when you place it down you never know how much tnt will spawn it might spawn one it might spawn like five the cnt is just awful okay so now let's go and mention what we're trying to get we're about we are making a bedrock fishing rod yes a bedrock fishing rod you can fish bedrock with it but before we do that if you guys want to we have a buy one get one free deal at firemerch.com brand new website using this code you buy one you get one free of this shirt using the anxiety tnt we are going to go all the way down to the bedrock level and we are going to attempt to do it without dying [Music] finally okay now you're probably like yo preston great job getting the bedrock how you gonna mine it with shears that's right ladies and gentlemen in this version of minecraft where everything gives you anxiety everything gives you anxiety a regular pair of sheers will do the trick it does take a long flip in time though i'm just not listen this is just strange i'm not used to seeing bedrock in my inventory this is all this i feel like it's illegal to watch like this this should be illegal i think it is illegal to be honest okay all right i said listen you listen to me all right what was it gonna do so when you get you get your bedrock right you have to make bedrock sticks that's right and we need three of them so we're getting a lot more bedrock okay now that i totally didn't off camera the bedrock here's how you keep making the sticks all right look at this boom stick mate from bedrock what do you do with the bedrock sticks boom you do this and you get a rod of bedrock oh this is scary looking oh this is this is terrifying no person in minecraft should ever hold this much power it's a fishing rod with bedrock attached to it you can move bedrock you can move multiple pieces of bedrock at a time using this look at this yoiink oh you can even open up the void which is kind of scary oh i do not want to go down there look at that i just opened the void oh my god see that's what i'm saying no person should have this much power no they just should not oh and then one of the creepiest things about this you can use it on mobs and they disintegrate immediately do you like cute rabbits come here cute rabbits cute rabbit i want to disintegrate you i'm sorry oh please oh this is so it only works on mobs and bedrock if you try to use it on grass it doesn't do anything but it works perfectly well on mobs and it broke you know what else gives me anxiety scary houses i get anxiety from them that's where we're going here uh it's see they call them fun houses but they're everything but fun they always give kids including me a grown adult anxiety but we have to go in here if we want to craft the next item oh my god wait what blocks are going to the ceiling in the future i want you to remind me in the comments never to do a fun house again okay please oh and by the way just in case you guys didn't notice already the world will explode in four minutes if we don't make it until the end so there's no pressure or anything oh my god okay oh fine five diamonds easier said than done chief oh never mind okay one whoo by the way um listen this is probably not an appropriate time to mention this but if you don't follow me on instagram already please it's in the description oh there we go another okay that's two oh baby oh baby oh baby oh that's three oh also if you didn't know i have a twitter it's just at preston if you want to follow it by the way that's four and if you're feeling super handsome go subscribe to my real life channel just preston is with the name of it that's five baby final stage has been unlocked okay we have to honestly i'm feeling good we have two and a half minutes until the world explodes i think we're gonna be okay i don't think we're gonna have a problem find nine items what oh okay find the nine items and then craft the red button this is not gonna be easy man okay i've gotten three four three five oh six seven eight okay one more oh we have one more where's the slot oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't tell me this wait there it is oh my gosh i almost didn't see it because it blint right in how am i supposed to know how to craft this do i just put stuff like around stuff is this even gonna work i mean i guess we're gonna find out yes yes i'm using my board all right give me this red button used to stop the devastating bump okay boom nothing happened stop the bomb bomb stopped what does the button hear me so if this button actually works if this button actually grants wishes give me diamonds no chance oh my god okay well it gave me upside down diamonds instead of regular diamonds okay we gotta try it one more time give me sword oh my gosh wait what it worked what is this sword wait this is what we saw oh my i saw this earlier in the nether with the zombie piglens it's just oh this gives me anxiety oh my what what all right we are i'm not using i'm not using that sword again no no no i'm not using this one again all right let me fly this is amazing that this might be the best thing i've ever found in minecraft all right okay beautiful people i hope you enjoyed this video remember if you're subscribed to the channel and you get to a video within the first 60 minutes of it going up you have a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen have a fantastic day god bless take care cringey outro see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,744,815
Rating: 4.9458432 out of 5
Keywords: anxiety, aphmau, beckbrojack, brianna, briannaplayz, challenge, comedy, confusion, crafting, cursed, family, family friendly, funny, how to craft, mcpe, minecraft, pickaxe, preston, prestonplayz, sword
Id: i-7DNEAG1hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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