7 U Ranch, Sprouted Barley Fodder Tour

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hello everybody set for the 7u we're giving you a quick tour of the fodder room today that already talks about in her vlogs and we get questions about it quite a bit from time to time on kind of the food what where and why so give you a quick rundown here our Father is barley as what works best for us we go from seed to feed and seven days and our average output in our little space here is nine hundred and thirty-five pounds daily so basically the simple process here for us is it's six days girl one day so and we soak in this trough for 24 hours we clean and strain the scene get rid of the cheese and then we had fresh water back to it and we generated and inoculant which is basically just a probiotic that rain makes to our seed that helps us with a growth that helps us with mold control creates a positive bacterial environment or the scene and we just so helped us a bunch it's helped us at me about pounds per square foot that were able to grow so anyhow it's been a huge huge input for us so anyhow basically that aeration is just some homemade aerators that we use there's one Operator we put four in the trough and just simply like a fish tank aerator for your aquarium fish tanks it rates this seed helps oxygenate it and this is day one it's set in here for 24 hours water will get drained off of here and then it will go into our seed trees so these are our standard seed trays or just depend we use over here and you can see that this seed has not the drink yet but it's starting to swell and if you look at the ends it's starting to just you'll see some little white buds on there it's starting to germinate already and so it spends two days in what we call the towers over here where it doesn't need any light basically doesn't need any light for four days it will continue to grow and so we have seed in this tray and you can see the germination process starting right there and then we have seeds in this tray that are two days old they've been in the tower for two days so you can really start to see root development happening here and quite a bit heavier this tray in my right hand compared to this tray of my left here once they're in here for two days remove the trays over to our grow room and they spend the next four days over there growing and that's where we end up getting our feed value product and this is what our fodder max looked like typically you can see some have a little more ya level sound a little more green that's just all based on unlike that they're getting some of these spots because of shadows and whatnot are getting not enough light to create chlorophyll so anyhow it doesn't make a big difference but they eat everything a lot of people think they just pull the grass and just eat the grass they do eat the grass the barley grass itself but they eat the root mass and everything so there is nothing left or wasted from this and over here in the grow room you can see the progression our business so these trays right here came out of the towers yesterday and you miss work back so you've got day three day four five and six and this is kind of the progression of what's going on here you can see some pretty good loot development starting to happen this will feed tomorrow morning so we'll continue to put some growth on this mat here and it will continue to green up these trees are our feed trays like I just showed you down there these will come out as in fed today so that is in a nutshell the simple process seven-day seed to feed for us the reason we do it is for supplementation we get a better quality feed we get a fresh live green feed for our herbivores and our omnivores chickens love this dogs love this sheep love it cattle love it and we've had really good success nutritionally we see cream contents and the milk cows go up when you put them on this in the winter time versus alfalfa or grass hay either one so our basic recipe for feeding is 50% sagar 50% dry matter that dry matter can be hey it can be straw we use strong straw seems to work the best of course it's cheaper so it keeps that even put a cost down and they do really good on it it mixes with the barley and what they don't eat out there in the pasture because we feed on the ground what they don't eat out in the pasture just leaves residual carbon out there and a lot of times what they they haven't eaten that little layer they bent down in it and of course the manure and urine gets deposited on that carbon on that straw and that just benefits the soil and of course that's our all circle as soil demand so what we're trying to do here is is healthy people buy healthy foods and those healthy foods come from hogs and sheep and cattle and those healthy cattle come from healthy pastures and those healthy pastures come from a healthy soil and so what we really are trying to focus on here to 7u is the things benefiting the things that we really can't see what's underneath our feet the actual micro bacteria that's going on in the soil that's also present in this fodder this president again so the animals that we raise and its president healthy humans so that's our whole mission here is to try and create that full circle and create a true to nature environment and mimic nature to the best of our abilities and keep all added inputs out negative inputs as far as what I say negative inputs I mean antibiotics hormones synthetics and all your pesticide herbicide players so we really work hard and promoting the good and allowing the good to handle the bad and fodder really helps us do that ok everybody so that's pretty much our fodder room and why in a nutshell you're out this way you have any questions stop in and see us and I'd love to show you around talk about doing email rainy if you have any questions if you don't have time and thank you for watching the video have a great day
Channel: Raini Allen
Views: 54,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microbes, soil, barley, fodder, sprouts, sprouted, sprouted barley, sprouted barley fodder, fodder system, how to grow, how to grow fodder
Id: IedGUVaYCik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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