Learn why hundreds of horse owners are switching to sprout pellets

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owning a horse costs you lots of time and lots of money just like your first born child except the horse is planned for you love your horse and you want them to have the best nutrients possible however when you run low on feed you're at the mercy of whatever hay is available which may have been sitting in a barn for months or even years it's not your fault it's your feed options first option is hay bales sure traditional hay is what's always been done it's cheap in the way you can find at the store but it takes a lot of time and fuel costs to move it around and your horses only eat 70 percent of it the other 30 percent of the stems just fall on the ground and then it gets pooped another option is growing your own forage if you want to do it right with your animals and give them all the nutrients they need you'll need to set up a fodder farm and tend to those barley seeds until they've turned into a luscious grass horses will always choose fodder over any other feed available because they know what's good for them it's like a grass on steroids it's packed with vitamins minerals enzymes and amino acids it assists in recovery hydration digestion promotes a healthy coat naturally reduces inflammation and ulcers it also provides a cool soul release energy for improved mood and right ability but even if you're an expert and have all the equipment needed to grow fodder it still takes more time and patience than parenthood so what will it be tradition or nutrition too bad you can't have the best of both worlds in one simple feed well i'm here to tell you now you can sprouted kazan introducing premium sprout pellets from medallist feed where nutrition meets tradition metal and sprout pellets are made by combining freshly harvested barley sprouts with sun-dried alfalfa giving your horses the perfect balance of protein and nutrients the secrets in the fodder it starts with barley seeds being cared for by seasoned farmers who water these sprouts daily at just the right time with just the right amount of water and sunlight as those sprouts grow into grass huge amounts of nutrients will follow the grass is then harvested at its peak nutritional level it will save you space save you money and it'll save your horse from all the shortcomings of traditional feed so if you're ready to ditch the hay and free up your day go to metalusfeed.com and get your sprout pellets today is it good for your horse absolutely the metallus feed team has joined up with veterinarians and horse enthusiasts to create the perfect complete nutritional blend it has ideal amounts of protein and non-structural carbs perfect for every horse from a young colt to a mature mare so how much do i feed my horse metal of speed takes out all of the guesswork typically all you need to do is measure out one to two percent of your horse's body weight so for example if you have a thousand pound horse you can feed them 10 to 20 pounds a day how does it get delivered once you place your order online we put you on a delivery curbside schedule with others in your area a delivery driver will reach out to you and let you know when they will be in your area with tons of reviews online there is no need to worry here's what our customers are saying we've been using metal as feed for a little over a year and a half um it's honestly been the best switch that we could have made i like that you can store a lot of feed in a small amount of space i believe in the product and i believe that everything about it that it's it holds true to what they say is easy to feed a scoop and a half to two scoops in a bucket morning and night super easy to feed the kids can come out and they can easy for them to feed it's easy for my wife to feed his hay is a pain we choose metal a seed pellets they're fantastic because the horses love them they get all the nutrition that they need and they're not wasting the hay we've had phenomenal growth since our small beginnings we've invested in a much larger new facility so that we can stay on top of the demand for these pellets our goal is to make the best feed on the planet and become the most reliable source and delivery service to our valued customers we've added more delivery vehicles hired more drivers and we've secured commodities in bulk so that you can rest assured that we'll be able to provide year round supply these pellets are so popular because they're made with the perfect blend of nutrient-dense freshly sprouted barley grass and sun-dried alfalfa grown in high fertile desert soil get consistent and complete nutrition with a guaranteed analysis monthly deliveries easy storage convenient feeding and zero waste not to mention it's extremely easy for people of all ages to feed so be kind to your back and order a super sack order today and say goodbye to the shortcomings of hay i'll just be here making sprout angels you
Channel: Medalist Feed
Views: 23,138
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Id: Q4Sc0dtwKuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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