Hydroponics fodder. we make 8kg of fodder from 1kg of barley.

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welcome to the hydroponic side where also we call the F crops for the B as well as the be also even the cows yes here we are using the B whereby we call the B yes and uh the first thing is to soak them the b in water so use start here so this one we soak in water then after soaking we train the water so I'll show you how we train the water off so like this one so we have this one this packet have some holes yes yeah to allow the water to go out and then I now bring my soaked B mhm for the B you can make sure it is soaked for at least 3 to 4 hours and then after soaking you train the [Music] water yeah mhm [Music] so so after soaking with TR water we allow the water to se out yes and then we remain with this one so why do we this uh do this chaining water means we are allowing them to sprout so the one which we trained yesterday uh we are going side to let me show you you can come [Music] in so this one now will be ready for today yes whereby you can see it has some ice the white stuff yes whereby the starting to Roots so these are the small Roots mhm yeah whereby it turns white you can see yes yeah so after tring the water you allow it to start shooting and then when it shoots we now put them in Trace and uh soaking can as I told you earlier that uh it can uh you can do you can soak them for 2 to 4 hours and then after 4 hours you train the water M and then you allow it to settle for at least 24 hours and then after 24 hours you now bring them and bring them into the trays the trays unit yeah and then for the trays it will take you uh 7 to 8 days so after so this one was uh for day one that is yesterday yes so within on the eth day we are going to harvest something like this okay so you can see so with that in each day we are using 1 kg yes but uh after 8 days we have 7 to 8 kilos okay of the B so that one is 1 Kil later each each tray has a kilo of a Kil okay how many times do you water it a day three times a day three times a day yeah and it drains from the front because I can see the trays are slanting yeah the trays are slanting because uh when we water them the water goes from the first one to the second one like for example this one so after watering like this mhm uh the water comes to the next one yes and then the next one the thir one yes and then the thir one to the also channel to the card nice yeah so the water eventually it's recycled it's used in the Gard dis used yeah what is more important say the water is pressurized from a small pump yeah right there and uh from a tank right behind and that tank gets its water from uh uh the the the roof from the gutters you collect you harvest the the water the rain water into the tank you have a solar uh to power this uh pump then you use that to irrigate or to water the the trays yeah and this pump only is run by a small battery it's not something expensive you have a battery there I'll show you and then uh so for this one after the watering you will see the how how the water trads this one have holes side so it trads this second then the second one goes to the third one and and then later on we shall have the water which from the from the through this Gathering site and then goes to the farm so there's no waste so later on you are using it to water the crops oh there's there's another Farm behind the Hydroponics unit okay so this is yesterday yeah from this side yeah and then uh this two days yeah it has has some shoots yeah okay three days so this is day three three okay yeah then from this one the five this five because yeah this is different there the level okay you can see this one and this one they turning green yes so from this one this one mhm and uh this one at the top then you move to this one then this one is six we normally do 10 trains a day okay yeah and then also goes to that one yes this the this one and uh yeah that one and this one that is the eight and day seven and then this one day eight okay so day eight you'll have something like this this like a cabet yeah and uh the most important thing is that when you C like this you are adding value to your seeds here you have the cream paath which is also very rich in nutrients that is a vitamin for the plant for the animals as well as also they absorb the the nutrients the mineral Sals from the water you use for watering at the same times you'll also have the same carbohydrates especially from the seeds so you are adding fat you to your F and with this one this one uh are 7 to 8 kilos MH uh yeah from how many kilos 1 kilo from 1 kilo you get 7 to 8 kilos yeah okay yeah and then when you go uh for this one we bought 1 kg for 25 sh mhm so if you measure that 1 kg 25 shs and then even though now it is 50 kg per kilo and then you get seven so you'll be feeding your animal at a rate of almost 7 Shillings okay yeah so which animals do you feed do you Fe we feed for example this one alone can feed up to 3 to four weeks one okay yeah and uh they are very uh they'll be especially once feeding so for the bigs we feed them in the morning and then also in the evening and this one you feed it even to your cows the rabbits and any other daily uh let's say animals you keep in your system chicken daily goats dopper sheep all of them can feed from this yeah can feed from this oh nice yeah so you adding only value with the product you have and then after adding value you'll have plenty so that is the reason why we are doing doing this hydroponic system okay so 10 trays daily yeah that's about uh 10 Kos that is about 80 70 to 80 kilos of feed or F from this unit yeah how big is this this unit this house okay it is uh 50 15 by 6 ft so the shed is 15t 6t or 6t by by 15 by 15t yeah and then you have uh the grain storage at the back yeah okay we have a different system also okay yeah so with this one is for the hydroponic SES yes so and then after setting up this hydroponic site we have also other products which we produce there these are far of products that is why that is p Paka [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] than [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] I en a [Music] H you
Channel: Farm Business EA
Views: 142,181
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Id: lIFHmNzyJoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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