20 Habits That Will Make You Happier

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  going to learn about 20 habits that will make you   happier now let's begin number one confront your  stress everyone experiences stress that stress   interferes with your personal and professional  routines so how do you get rid of your stress   many people run away from their stress  they ignore and avoid their stressors   so their problems never really get solved so  if you want to be happier face your stressors   head on tackle the root of your stress and move  forward a happier person number two savor the   present how often do you stop and smell the roses  our lives are demanding and our schedules are busy   most days you have an overwhelming number  of responsibilities right in front of you   so the little things disappear into the  background to live a happier life just slow down   savor each moment and stop thinking about the  future and focus on the present it's a difficult   thing to practice mindfulness when your schedule  is pulling you in 20 different directions but   a few moments of mindfulness can change your  entire day number three forgive your mistakes   we all make mistakes but we react to those  mistakes very differently many people criticize   themselves when they fail they hold themselves  to impossible standards and punish their mistakes   these outrageous expectations create stress and  frustration in your life you may struggle to   appreciate anything you accomplish because  you're too preoccupied with your failures   so come on and give yourself a break even if  you have made a mistake even if it didn't go   perfectly hey you tried and that's something  to be proud of number four trick your brain   if you're having a bad day you can actually  trick your brain into feeling better all you   have to do is make yourself smile your brain  naturally associates smiling with happiness   so even if you're not genuinely smiling some  parts of your brain can't tell the difference   so smile when you're happy  and smile when you're not number five live like a tourist do you act like  a different person on vacation when you escape   the hustle and bustle of your daily life you give  yourself the freedom to be yourself you explore   you enjoy life you take risks but what happens  when you come back to the real world many people   lose their sense of wonder in their daily lives  but your vacation doesn't have to end you can   create small vacations for yourself on a weekly  basis you don't have to go anywhere far away in   fact you don't have to go anywhere at all you can  embark on a creative vacation by experimenting   with a new hobby you can enjoy a mental vacation  by reading a good book if you approach every   experience with the wide eyes of a tourist  you may find yourself living a happier life number six simplify your life clutter is a  common source of stress you have clutter in   your home you have clutter in your desk but  most of all you have clutter in your life   so to make yourself happier live simply reduce the  number of choices that you have to make each day   give yourself clear directives and get  rid of the clutter in your environment   by simplifying your lifestyle you can focus on  the people and the passions that make you happy   number seven embrace the outdoors how often do  you explore the outdoors even if it's cold and   gloomy outside a daily dose of nature can brighten  your life nature separates you from the stress and   clutter of your everyday life you're disconnecting  from work you're unplugging from your phone and   you're taking time to appreciate the world around  you so go ahead take a break from work with a walk   around your neighborhood enjoy your lunch outside  pour a cup of tea while watching the sunset   you can appreciate the natural world any way you'd  like number eight live by a list do you buy more   things than you need we've all walked out of a  store with things we didn't plan on buying you   may feel guilty for spending too much money but  there's an easy way to control your extra spending   before you shop spend five minutes making a  detailed list give yourself a comprehensive set   of instructions and then when you get to the store  buy only what you have written down if it isn't on   the list it's not an option you'll be surprised  how big of a difference this small habit can make   number nine direct your day   at the beginning of each day you set a goal for  yourself it could be a big goal or a small goal   a personal or professional goal now for the rest  of the day this goal is your number one priority   so if all else fails you will accomplish this goal  by the end of the day a daily goal gives you a   sense of direction but more importantly it pushes  you one step closer to your lifelong happiness   number 10 acts of kindness the happiest people  give gifts to everyone they meet i'm not   talking about presents wrapped in shiny paper i'm  talking about acts of kindness happy people give   compliments kind gestures and genuine smiles to  everyone in their life and those acts of kindness   brighten the world around them so live like the  happiest people and make the world a kinder place   number eleven embody your values you have strong  values yet you hesitate to do what needs to be   done if something needs to be done then be the  person who does it don't be indecisive take a   stand for yourself and for others because that  courage will empower you to live a happier life   number 12 assume the best do you assume  the worst in people you may raise walls   between you and the rest of the world but the  happiest people see the good in everyone they   give people the benefit of the doubt  instead of waiting to be disappointed   so if you want to be happier believe  in others like you believe in yourself   number 13 forgive your enemies hey bad things  happen people fight they make mistakes and   they say things they regret but a grudge has  never solved anything you may think you're   punishing the other person but you're really  punishing yourself you're clinging to a toxic   frustrating burden which weighs on your shoulders  the longer you hold a grudge the more stress that   you're creating in your life you don't have to  forget the difficult moments in your life but no   grudge is worth holding forever so if you want  to be happy it's time to let go of your grudges   number 14 understand your emotions don't be afraid  to acknowledge the unhappy moments in your life   no one's happy 24 7 everyone has bad days but  happy people embrace and they try to understand   their negativity when you're feeling down take  some time to think about your feelings let   yourself experience negative emotions many people  stuff those feelings way down but pretending to   be happy isn't the same thing as real happiness so  confront your emotions and earn yourself a better   understanding of who you are number 15 polish your  rituals do you feel overwhelmed daily rituals keep   you grounded when life tries to bowl you over your  routines give you a comfortable and productive   fallback whether it's a good day or a bad day so  work on a set of habits that make sense for you   you might like an inspiring morning ritual  or a relaxing evening routine whatever you   choose be consistent because that consistent  routine will catch you whenever you fall   number 16 spend time alone how often do you spend  time alone many people rely on friends and family   to socialize but you can experience the world  all on your own each week you should make time   for a solo adventure treat yourself to some time  alone and enjoy life any way you want number 17   express your thoughts just think about how you  spend those five or ten minute intervals when   you have nothing to do most people waste those  small blocks of time scrolling through their   phones or playing games but there's a better  way to spend the extra minutes in your life   a thought list is a running tab of your thoughts  worries and ideas what are you worried about what   are you excited about what goals have you set  for yourself today now pour these thoughts onto   a sheet of paper or the notes in your phone  you can delete them or throw them away when   you're done because a thought list has one  goal and that's to free your mind from the   burden of your thoughts that freedom leaves you  feeling clear-headed for the rest of the day number 18 prioritize loved ones no matter how  busy you get make time for the people you love   your friends and family play an  important role in your happiness   quality time with the people you love decreases  stress improves your mood and it satisfies many   deeper emotional needs even a short conversation  can turn your day your week or your month around   so if you want to be happier always make  your loved ones a priority number 19   search for adventure productivity and success are  important but happiness demands excitement and   excitement warrants and adventure embark  on adventures in the world around you   do something on your bucket list drive somewhere  you've never been or talked to a complete stranger   each experience is a brand new adventure and those  adventures make some of the happiest memories   number 20 re-evaluate your goals goals  change over time but hey that's okay   a lifelong dream may not make sense for you  anymore that's why it's important to evaluate   your goals on a regular basis before making an  important decision just ask yourself is this   really what i want if the answer is yes then keep  going you're moving in the right direction but if   the answer is no then embrace the need for change  and steer your life down a happier path hey thank   you for watching top thinking be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 177,841
Rating: 4.9570017 out of 5
Keywords: how to be happy, how to become happy, habits of happy people, habits
Id: YY9H-6bEoKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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