7 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Make Your Kitchen Look LUXURIOUS & EXPENSIVE! *Budget Friendly*

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[Music] hello everyone my name is kiva and i teach people how to achieve the luck look for less in today's video i'm sharing some interior design tips that will not only make your kitchen look luxurious but it will also make your kitchen feel cohesive with the rest of your home i don't know about you but for most people the kitchen is the heart of the home but it doesn't always look the best so i'm gonna give you all the tips and tricks that will leave your kitchen looking super elevated before we get in today's video though please don't forget to subscribe like this video and check me out on instagram and if you want me to design your home click the link down in my description box my virtual design sessions now let's get into today's video so i thought this was the perfect video because i recently made some modifications to my own kitchen you guys know we live in a condo and everything was contractor grade so we made a few modifications so that it fit better with our lifestyle and with our style but tip number one is a really important tip that tip is to make sure that your counter or bar stools work with the style of your home so like i said the kitchen is a room that often gets neglected and often gets neglected because it is a room whose primary function is utility you use the kitchen to make lunch have your meals cook get organized the kitchen is the most important room in the house and therefore you just want it to be entirely practical and a huge part of practicality is comfort so when people are choosing their counter stools or their bar stools they kind of just choose whatever thing is either the most comfortable or the thing that is the cheapest now the cheap bar stools are never comfortable i know they're easy when you first move into a home but i say once you're settled once you have the funds to get some high quality bar stools resell those on facebook marketplace or craigslist and invest in something good what i need you to do when you're looking for a bar or counter stool is think about the design style that you have in the rest of your home are you contemporary bohemian transitional whatever your design style is i want you to channel that when you're looking at your counter in bar stools and you want to ensure that whatever style that is the bar stool reflects and i know that's a really straightforward thing but it's something that kind of goes to the wayside all the time let's give you an example so say that you have tons of gray wash items throughout your home your transitional you love gray wash you love wood but when you chose your bar stools the first time you went with something that was like an ivory upholstered bar stool with black legs now that bar stool may be nice in itself i'm not saying that the bar stool is ugly i'm sure it's very beautiful but it doesn't actually match what you've gone got going on elsewhere in the home maybe instead of doing black metal legs you would actually do a upholstered bar stool that has that same gray wash wood that you have throughout the home but in the legs it is such a simple detail but it is a detail that makes your home flow a bunch this is also super important because our kitchens tend to be contractor grade however we bought it is kind of what it's going to be right because we spent so much money on this house to begin with so if your kitchen is an all-white kitchen which most kitchens are the only way to really make it flow is to introduce again those things you have throughout the home so introducing that grey wash just through the legs is going to actually work wonders for the rest of your space when it comes to choosing bar and counterstools i also want you to take in consideration how those bar stools look in your space there's so many different types of barred counter stools you can have ones with high backs low backs ones that you can't see at all underneath the island you need to figure out what actually works best for your design style if you have an open concept and you cannot find a bar stool that really embodies your style get one that's actually hidden under the under the countertop no one ever has to know that it doesn't match and it's kind of like an easy way to get through things plus you're not getting a bar stool that blocks your sight line if you're dealing with an open concept you want to make sure that you can see all of the beautiful things your home has to offer from the kitchen now if you're really struggling to establish your design style in the kitchen and you really feel like your bar and counter stools can help you accomplish this get something with a high back get something that's really front and center and you're saying hey this is my design style i'm establishing here and this is exactly what you're going to see throughout the rest of my home guys i'm telling you this is a tip that's really going to transform how you feel in your space when you try it be sure to let me know down in the comments and i can't wait to see the next tip on how to make your kitchen look luxurious is to be consistent with your color palette when i make videos like this you guys always know i harp so heavily on consistency because consistency is so important same thing our color scheme is black and white right you guys know this you've seen our home your family you guys come over all the time and our kitchen cabinets actually used to be a light gray i'll put up a picture here they were light gray and there was nothing wrong with them they were fine looking cabinets but when you were on the living room side of our home it kind of looked like a really nice contemporary and modern space um you know you guys know the feel that we kind of go for in our home and when you came over here it kind of felt like we were in joanna gaines's kitchen and there's nothing wrong with that i love joanna gaines's kitchen but it did not flow at all so what we decided to do was actually get cabinets that were very similar in style and color to the color scheme we'd established elsewhere in the home so instead of having light gray cabinets we went for black cabinets we could have also gone with white cabinets keeping that color scheme was going to really really pack a punch and really understanding what our home is supposed to look like establishing the color scheme it doesn't just have to do with the color of your cabinets because sometimes that's just not in the budget something else you can do is be really consistent with your hardware so you guys know we have that big beautiful antique brass mirror from restoration hardware so when we did have kitchen hardware our hardware was also brass so that it was consistent on our sideboard we have brass and our lighting we have brass it's brass brass brass brass brass so that you know that kb and babe love black white and brass even when it comes to the decorative accents you have in a kitchen you want to repeat those colors now what we're doing in our own kitchen actually is adding a little bit of earthiness so that's not what we've done here but if you really wanted your home to be really matchy and matchy which is totally fine i actually think that looks quite nice you want to repeat those colors on your countertops as well if you do have decorative accents on your countertops now this has to be my absolute favorite tip of the day and that tip is to use vases and decorative vessels to store your your cutlery your cooking utensils and things like that now we've all been to home goods and we've been to the kitchen section and you see those little canisters that have like a pig on them and they're like welcome to my farmhouse or whatever whatever that's fine if you have a farmhouse but if you don't why are you bringing that home leave it at the store leave it at the store but you're like what do i put my kitchen utensils in do i just put it in something that's stainless steel do i get that marble one that everyone has what do i do and you could do that but what i actually like to do is use decorative vases and vessels so the same decorative accents that i would use on the sideboard on my dining table on my coffee table on my shelves these are the same decorative accents i'm actually using on my kitchen counter top as you can see here i actually have all of my wooden cookware in a really nice base so it's just a standard run-of-the-mill vase it is white it has the texture it has some cream in it it's repeating the textures and colors i have throughout my home already and it looks really nice and decorative it's not just like this huge ugly stainless steel thing that's on my countertop of course we have ovens we have microwaves there's some things that are just going to be stainless steel not everyone's going to pay to get like this special cover for all those things i'm not going to pay for it so this is what we've done again to establish some flow to establish some cohesion so with things like this it totally depends on how comfortable you are with using decorative accents for your cutlery and things like that so what i will say as what we do is since our spoons are really nice and tall and the bottom part is never going to go in that base it doesn't really matter to me if it is food safe or not because the part that i actually touches my food is absolutely never ever going to touch the bottom of the vase i've also disinfected the vase i clean it out and make sure everything is good to go so if that's something you're comfortable i urge you to do that as well something else i do when i'm like i don't know if this is food safe i don't want to do this i'll get a jar you know that ugly jar that we have that stainless steel one the one that we've had forever that does the job but doesn't look good and i'll stick it inside of a base right so i'll do the exact same thing so i have the utility of one thing that i've already purchased and then the utility of something else that we know i've already purchased because i can't stop buying bases so it is the best of both worlds i just think it looks a lot more high-end it looks sophisticated and again it establishes style in the kitchen because i don't believe in having anything on my kitchen countertops that doesn't actually provide me with utility the kitchen i mean countertop space is a luxury you just want you to cook you want to be able to get your food and having vases that have no utility over there it's just annoying you end up carrying them to a different room every single time so let's eliminate that all together now this tip kind of goes hand in hand with the last one but not only do i use decorative vases and vessels to hold my my cookware i also use them to hide my electronics so kiva what electronics do you have in the kitchen well i actually have a bunch i have my echo i have my alexa i even have a camera that we use for the house it's like our security camera we leave that in the kitchen as well because we have an open concept so we have all these little things and we want to integrate them so they aren't so front and center right the amazon alexa it is very useful but it is also pretty unattractive did she just start talking to me anyway so what i do is i actually take her i'm gonna say her so that she doesn't come on i take her and i put her in a big vessel like the one you see behind me it has hydrangeas in it again in a little mason jar and then beside it i can put my alexa now i don't actually tend to do this with real floral so right now it's just my hydrangeas but when i have faux florals i just stick my echo in there in with the faux floral so that it's nice and hidden make sure it's a big enough vessel so that you're not bending the cord we won't don't want to have any electrical issues but it's a great way to keep it hidden and also have it for its utility i use it to set timers to look up recipes to listen to the news while i'm cooking all of those good things so i don't want to sacrifice not having it just because it isn't super cute so that's what i like to do when it comes to our security camera now i'm not going to put it in the vase right because then it doesn't you can't use it but what i like to do is i integrate it into the decor so i might hide it in between two bases a little bit so you can't really see it but there's something decorative going on in front of it i might put it on my pedestal my wood stool that i have there and i'll put it maybe next to a diffuser or a candle or something like that so it's still there you can still see it but it isn't the only thing you see you're not looking at those wires the camera stuff like that it is a really nice little distraction now this is such a simple tip but it really goes a long way because the countertop doesn't look cluttered it looks decorative everything has two purposes and we love of both of those purposes now this has to be the easiest way to actually make your kitchen look a little bit more luxurious change out your hardware and your lighting and by hardware i don't just mean your pulls and your knobs i also want you to change out your faucets and things like that so changing out a faucet is actually really easy i know people are like i can't diy my name's not diy with kb that doesn't need to be your name um that doesn't need to be your name for you to learn how to do something youtube is your friend right you're on youtube right now watching this video use youtube as a tool i love to that's how i learned how to change the faucet how to install light that's why i learned all of those things and i've learned it quite well i think and all thanks to the lovely people of youtube so changing out things like that really helps elevate your space so we change out our faucet and we change out the faucet when we're a little bit more farmhouse so it still right now doesn't perfectly emulate our design style but it definitely looks a lot better than the contractor grade one because before they had really polished silver hardware as opposed to chrome which is what everything was so not only was it a color that we didn't like to begin with but it didn't even match the color that they had established via the other hardware so to make it look a little bit more consistent we changed it to the the stainless steel and it looks so much more high-end and has a lot more utility because it has so many different settings you can extend it all that good stuff it just makes the house look a little bit more sophisticated changing out your hardware is also something that's super easy to do just make sure that when you're looking online you have the right spacing so that you don't need to make a new hole in the cabinet because i'm telling you filling holes and making new holes in cabinets it is not worth the trouble i'll tell you right now it is hard for absolutely no reason as far as i'm concerned you have to make a template it is a whole thing but changing out that hardware can work wonders if you're into contemporary or modern design maybe get longer handles instead of getting something that's curved get something that has really straight clean lines you can mix it up so for your drawers you can have um you can have pulls and then for your cabinets you can have knobs you can switch it up and add some dimension that's what i absolutely love to do that's actually what we did with version one of our kitchen refresh we changed all of our cabinets so they had knobs and all of our drawers that they had pulls it was just a little detail that said oh they thought a little bit about this they thought about the utility and they wanted to introduce some new shapes because shapes are super important shapes add visual interest so that's something you can do super easily another modification you can made is switching out that lighting so the pendants that you have above your island adding a chandelier to your kitchen these are all things you can really easily do trust me when you go on wayfair when you go on amazon they come with little kits that tell you how to do it one two three i wouldn't tell you to do it if i didn't believe that you could do it but they add some decor so if you have a kitchen and you're like i don't want to add anything to my countertops kiva i want to leave it bare that that is just what works for me you're going to have to change those things that are a little bit more subtle but we'll pack a punch imagine having a contemporary kitchen instead of having that boob light you have a beautiful sputnik or a beautiful drum chandelier it just looks so sophisticated it looks so high-end and it's so intentional right and it doesn't matter if you don't do anything else that will still add so much decor and you will be good to go now this next tip is something that we did and it is definitely a little bit pricier than the other tips that i've suggested today but i did want to share it with you so if you've been here for a long time you know that these are not our original kitchen cabinet doors right our doors were really traditional they were super hard to paint and that was one of our first diy projects and honestly we didn't do the best job in the world and i'm not upset about it that's okay but we wanted to get cabinet fronts that really represented our design style because we had so much trim so much detailing but everything else in our house clean lines very smooth and also what we also wanted were cabinet fronts that were really easy to wipe off we cook all of the time and we would get you know sauce or grease or whatever in our cabinets and it was just such a pain so what we did is we actually got new cabinet fronts now replacing all of your cabinets is really really expensive so instead of ripping out our entire kitchen we just replaced the fronts and we actually did that with this company called new cabinet doors this is not sponsored at all i'm not affiliated with them we just had a great experience and i did want to share it with you so the cost to replace all these cabinets probably would have been upwards of five thousand dollars and that's at the very least and honestly we have a fairly small kitchen but that is still some money right do i want to pay that on cabinets not really because it's not that important to me but i was able to get all new cabinet fronts for our kitchen our island to get new drawers to get new drawer fronts all of that for around two thousand dollars with this company and they have so many different styles of cabinet door so this is the scandio one it's just really nice and sleek you see this in scandinavian homes all of the time because it's simple it's minimal and that's exactly what we were craving and this is actually a diy thing you do all the measurements yourself you send this to them they make you double check they give you the go ahead and four to five weeks later there's a palette outside and you're calling your wife like come home now how are we gonna get this upstairs you diy it and you're good to go so this is something you install all on your own but we were able to do it with the help of a friend in one or two nights this is an upgrade that you can make if you really want to refresh your kitchen you really want to bring it into the 21st century you really want to make it look brand new whether you're selling whether you're just tired of looking at your old kitchen but you don't want to really break the bank this is a great great option and last but not least we have the easiest interior design tip of the way the last way to make your kitchen look luxurious is to add decor on a tray so you're like okay you just said add decor how's that any different from what you've already said well i said add decor on a tray so i absolutely love trays here is a tray right here it's actually a breadboard but i'm calling it a tray for all intents and purposes because that's what it is here in our home and i like to add decor on a tray because it's really easy to pick up and move somewhere else when you need to maximize counter space so we love decor falls coming up so for thanksgiving for halloween just if you're in the fall spirit you want to have a little bit of decor but having all those pumpkins around how are you going to make your dinner right there's no way to easily do it so you have to move the decor cooking becomes an entire event and we don't want that we just want to cook do we have to do and get out of the kitchen so what i like to do is actually add decor on a tray and makes it super easy to move when it needs to be moved but it also looks really nice the other benefit of a tray is it really separates your decor from your countertop so i don't know about you this happens on glass coffee tables too but you'll put a vase down and you're like it just really isn't packing the punch that i was expecting it looks kind of blah right and that's because that vase is kind of sicking into that overwhelming countertop sinking on into that really overwhelming glass there's just something that's a lot more exciting than that base going on so a really good way to break that up is to put a tray down it provides a really nice neutral surface for your decor to really pop so if you have a black or white home like me maybe you'll put down a a black tray on this countertop right because you have black in the cabinets you have black everywhere else but the countertops are white so you don't want to do white on white right that's just going to blend in so we'll do a black tray and then we'll put our decor on top and we'll put the tray maybe in the center of the island or maybe we'll put it in a corner right so it'll add decor to a side but we don't even have to move it if we don't want to it elevates the decor it actually anchors it better plus it makes it really easy to move that decor if it is ever in your way this is a really easy way to add some decor to your kitchen and therefore make it look luxurious because when you're looking at those luxury homes there's decor absolutely everywhere there's something signifying that design style absolutely everywhere but for normal homes we actually cook in our kitchen so this is a way to do it and get the best of both worlds okay guys that's it for today's video those were some interior design tips on how to make your kitchen look luxurious it wasn't even just about making your kitchen look luxurious it was about how to make your kitchen feel cohesive with the rest of your home i hope you're walking away from today's video feeling fully equipped to make your kitchen look exactly the way you want it to look let's chat about it down in the comments are you going to try any of these tips if you liked today's video please don't forget to subscribe like this video and check me out on instagram and until next time have a beautiful day [Music]
Channel: DIY with KB
Views: 112,148
Rating: 4.9473977 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen design, kitchen home decor, kitchen makeover, kitchen renovation, 7 easy ways to make your kitchen look luxurious, practical interior design tips, how to make your home look cohesive, diy with kb, diy by kb, kiva brent, Kiva Brent interior design, KB Interiors, painting cabinets, cabinet refacing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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