5 Interior Design Tips That You NEED to Ignore! *Sorry in Advance*

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[Music] hello everyone my name is kiva and i teach people how to achieve the lux look for less in today's video i'm talking about five interior design tips i think that you should ignore i know i know there are a lot of people on the internet telling you what to do but i think you can throw these tips the wayside and your house is still going to look great but before we do please don't forget to subscribe like this video and check me out on instagram but let's get into today's video the first interior design tip i think you should ignore is the idea that you should only bring art and decor into the home that has sentimental value to you so i think in an ideal world that would be great everyone should invest in commission art that means something to them where you can see the labor of love that went into creating the piece you should use artwork from your kids or your family members or your significant others if you can do that i think that's great same thing goes with decor if you can find something that is vintage that has a great backstory or something that's been in your family for a long time that's super cool and especially if those things look good you kind of get the best of both worlds you get something that looks good and you also get something that has some value to you you're not just bringing stuff into your home plus you're being a little bit more sustainable which is always a good thing with that being said i feel like that's not practical for everyone not everyone's family has heirlooms not everyone has the ability to shop vintage not everyone has a real interest in artwork and i feel like that in particular something we don't talk about all the time some people just don't care about their art they just want something on their walls they're like black and white stripes or black and white stripes i don't really care who made it if it was mary sue or joe it doesn't matter i just kind of want some art on my walls and i feel like we should be a little bit less judgmental about it that's okay some people really care about art and other people really care about china some people really care about bed linens and some people really care about rugs it all depends on how you grew up what's important to your family your financial bracket and how you want to invest your money baseline i think that you should buy whatever art resonates with you now if that's vintage artwork if that is artwork that is really expensive or that's artwork that you commissioned go ahead and buy it but you can also get digital prints on etsy that are still supporting a small business and they still look great on your wall i feel like there should be a lot less stigma about it because everyone just has a different experience another reason why we need to kind of consider that people don't invest in high quality art is one it's really expensive and two it's heavy a lot of people rent a lot of people rent and you can't put tons of nails in your wall and stuff like that and so when you get more affordable art like art prints and stuff like that it just doesn't weigh as much because it's a piece of paper and more often than not a plastic frame that doesn't weigh as much as the pounds and pounds of material that the artist used to put that piece of art together that doesn't mean one is better than the other it just means it is a product of circumstance i also think it's okay to not buy things that have sentimental value to you because not everyone is sentimental a lot of people just don't care and we shouldn't make people feel bad because their house doesn't have like some special significance to them because i find a lot of times those people just kind of live in their house empty they're like well i didn't find the perfect piece of art for me or this vase didn't make me feel some type of way it doesn't have to make you feel anything maybe your house is not just what makes you feel things and i think that that is totally okay so i think that's an interior design tip that you can totally ignore if you want to invest in art if you want to invest in oriental rugs go ahead and do that they are phenomenal phenomenal additions to your home but if you don't want to it's really okay and you can craft your house however you want to craft it the next interior design tip that i think you can ignore is that you have to have the perfect pillow arrangement on your bed so i love i love a perfectly made bed they are exquisite but have you ever made your bed with all those pillows and then when you actually are trying to get into your bed you have like 100 pillows on the floor and you're like if i get up in the middle of the night to pee i might break my leg i feel like we've all been there right the pillows are a lot they look great they feel great but honestly most of the time they don't feel great most people don't actually sit on their throw pillows they don't lay on their throw pillows because a lot of the times we get them from home goods marshals places like that and they're not made with like the most high quality materials they don't normally sell silk pillow cases and home goods or at least not any home goods near me i live in pittsburgh i don't know maybe we're different but i don't think that we are the pillars are not comfortable and they take up a lot of space and i just think it's kind of like a waste of time sometimes sometimes i just want to get in bed or sometimes i just want to make my bed and start the day not perfectly arranging every little pillow now i'm not saying get rid of your pillows altogether i think dressing your bed is really important it just really gives you like an elevated feeling in your home so what i'm going to recommend that you do is go for a more contemporary pillow arrangement that means maybe stacking your pillows and just having one decorative pillow in front or just stacking your pillows and kind of leaving it be instead of actually having a really strong pillow arrangement on our bed what we did is we actually dressed up the bed with a cover let so we stack our pillows we have a cover let and then we just have one accent pillow it just makes it a lot easier the cover light not only is decorative but it also keeps my feet warm at night time we stack pillows that we actually use because we found pillows that we felt were comfortable but were also thick and fluffy enough to make our bed look good and then we just have one throw pillow that we can really easily store i don't think that we should cover our beds and throw pillows if we have nowhere to put them they end up on the floor so that you can trip or you have to have an entirely new wardrobe or an entirely new chair just dedicated to having a pillow you kind of have like a beautiful bed display but at the night time your house just becomes messy and honestly that makes me uncomfortable too i'd rather have something that's a little bit more practical it's easy to maintain and something that i actually want to lay on because i don't think that we should buy things that aren't comfortable to us so that's just something that i want you to consider find something different and also your bed doesn't have to look fantastic via pillows there's so many other things you can do you can add cover let's you can double step your duvets you can get fluffier just sleeping pillows so that they look better there are a myriad of options that are going to give you that same elevated look without causing so much hassle this one is definitely more controversial but i don't think that you should listen to people who say that you can't put rug over a carpet so let's talk about that a little bit more so rug over carpet is not the most beautiful thing no rug over carpet does not look the same as a beautiful oriental rug on your perfectly made hardwood floors i'm not saying that i'm not dumb i know that they don't look the same but i also believe that a lot of people have wall-to-wall carpet they either have water wall carpet because that's all the developer would offer to them they wouldn't even consider putting hardwood upstairs or lamin upstairs sometimes people live in apartments and you're not just gonna go knock on your landlord's door and say hey i was wondering if you put hardwood down or hey i just ripped up my wall-to-wall carpet are you okay with that that's just not realistic and a lot of the times those wall-to-wall carpets are just hideous so a lot of people say you know you can work them into design stuff like that there are tons of people who do say that and i might even put a few videos down below who say this is how you can kind of work with the wall wall carpet because there are definitely ways to do it but i just say if you want to cover it up cover it up we're going to talk about my actual college apartment if i can find a picture i'll put it in here but we had this horrible horrible brown carpet it was just it was the worst color ever it was just ugly it was just plain ugly it didn't matter if i were gonna paint the walls what color bedding i did what kind of artwork i put up the rug was just ugly so you know what i should have done i should have put a carpet over it and the carpet would have just covered it up you kind of put a rug over wall-to-wall carpet to just downplay how ugly those rugs i mean how ugly that floor looks you just kind of use the the wall wall carpet as like your backdrop for your rug same thing goes when you're dealing with hardwood floors the rug is the star of the show and then you have the floors a lot of people don't have like the best hardwood floors ever there's still tons of rugs right so it's the same exact thing as far as i'm concerned i feel like you don't have to work with things just because people say work with them i didn't like my carpet so if i had had the money at the time to cover it up i would have covered it up i didn't like it it looked bad so i always say if someone wants to put a carpet down let's put it down let's just do it in a strategic way so when it comes to layering a rug on top of a carpet you have to make sure that the sizing is correct the rug cannot be the exact same size as the wall-to-wall carpet again the wall-to-wall carpet is the backdrop we're not trying to cover it up all together because also no one has wall-to-wall abstract rugs no one has wall-to-wall oriental rugs that's not a thing so you're going too far in the other direction what i want you to do is do something that's perfectly scaled to the size of your bed or the size of your furniture right you if it's a living room you want all of your furniture at least the front two the the front legs of that furniture to sit comfortably on the rug or you want the entire piece to be able to sit on top of it when it comes to your bedroom you want the rug to be big enough so that it can go the span of your bed and your nightstand and kind of stop there or go a little bit further that's how long how wide you want it to be you have to scale it to the room if you want to know anything about the dimensions you can actually head over to my pinterest and i have some graphics on it you guys also need to sign up for my email list which is linked down below i'm going to start sending out a ton a ton of freebies on how to do layouts and all that good stuff and we love free information especially free information that we can print so stay tuned for that but there are so many ways that you can actually make a rug work without you having to pay attention at all to that hideous carpet underneath it's not bad advice to kind of work with it i'm just saying that you can work with it and don't feel like you have to look at this hideous rug if you don't like it you guys are gonna laugh at this one but the next interior design tip that i think you can ignore is that you need to mount your television so you're like kiva didn't you tell me to mount my television yes i sure did but here's why i think it's okay to ignore me if you want to so a lot of people mount their televisions because they're kind of just like sitting on top of their furniture and they look kind of like blah you know they could just look better if they're up on the wall it just doesn't look as nice and plus it tends to be too low for actually looking at the tv but mounting a tv just gives you a really nice surface to add some decor that being said a lot of times when people mount their televisions there's really no good place to hide the cords even though you have like the cord covers a lot of the time they still don't actually look that great that's okay that's not anyone's fault right so a lot of the times in like the luxury homes the way that they get away with mounting a tv is they actually run the cord through the wall so they run it to the other side of the wall or they run it through the wall and down to the outlet so it's really really inconspicuous but if you're renter you don't have an electrician or you just don't want to pay for it that is not a feasible thing to do so what you're just supposed to have those ugly cords in place the cord covers just don't look that good i'm sorry i'm saying it they don't look that great either you know so you don't have to mount your tv if you don't want to if the cables are going to look just as bad don't mount the tv leave it sitting there and add decor on either side have the tv kind of act like a piece of art balance it out with lamps with vases with greenery all of that good stuff there are ways to make your tv look good while it is sitting on a piece of furniture make it a really interesting piece of furniture make sure that the piece of furniture that you do select is scaled correctly to the space that it is long enough relative to the size of the tv that it is tall enough so that when you're sitting on the sofa you can actually see the tv at eye level you have to think about all those things so that you don't have to mount the tv on the wall plus for a lot of people mounting the tv on the wall um you don't know if you can do it right you don't know if the electrician or whomever is going to do it right you don't know if your walls can handle it it's okay to skip that but let's go about it in a way that still keeps the tv looking nice and looking like it makes sense you can also detract away from the television you guys say kiva i want my tv in the middle of the room okay that's fine i'm not coming over right do whatever it is you want to do that is what we're always saying i'm here to give you some advice but if you don't want to take it no hard feelings right because i don't even take my own advice all the time either we're human beings but draw attention away from the television i'm working with a client right now she has her tv she put her tv on the wall to the left of the fireplace so that we're gonna do a big piece of art or a really grand mirror above the fireplace so that when you walk in that's all you're looking at you're looking at this grand fireplace and you don't even notice that the tv is there that's exactly what you want to do i'm not saying get rid of your tv we like to watch tv i personally don't watch tv in my living room but in my bedroom you best believe that there is a 75 inch tv and it is not going anywhere the last interior design tip that i think you should ignore is that all of your bedroom furniture has to perfectly match so i'm not saying that you need to get a matching set i know that matching sets aren't popular right now anyway but i'm saying that you don't have to have bedroom furniture that perfectly matches with your design style now i firmly believe that like on your first floor or in your rooms that are heavily for entertaining or the rooms that we spend a majority of our time in they should be cohesive maybe it's just my family but we don't spend that much time in our bedroom we never have i didn't do that growing up we always like to spend time as a family so we're in the living room the dining room in the kitchen we're in these communal places where we spend time with family so the kid the bedroom kind of goes to the wayside and people all the time talk about having this beautiful bedroom i love having a beautiful bedroom i obviously you guys know that that's what i love to do but i also acknowledge that in the bedroom getting things that match or getting things that all work together can be really expensive and i'll just say it furniture these days isn't made quite as well as it used to be made so that old dresser that you got from your mom or from your grandma you might want to keep it sure it doesn't match your brand new upholstered bed that's okay think about the layouts of bedrooms when i do a bedroom layout and i'm working with a client who really wants to work with their old furniture even if their old furniture isn't in theme i look from the different perspectives of a room so i think about the entrance to the room what can i see from the entrance and you have to think about the different scenes okay this is what i can see from the entrance this is what i can see from this corner this is what i can see from this corner and i think about how my client actually maneuvers a room so if you walk into a bedroom and you there's like a wall here okay let's i'll put a visual up on here because my my hands are not going to do the trick if you're walking to a bedroom and there is a wall on the right side or something like that where you can hide a dresser i say put a dresser there right and then have everything that is actually visible to you um that is pleasing to the eye um out on display elsewhere and when i say pleasing to the eye i'm not talking about other people i'm talking about you i feel like we judge ourselves when we go into our rooms does this look good do i like the way this looks we judge ourselves i judge myself all the time for my design i know you guys do too because you're here once again but it's okay to hide those things that are ugly off to the wayside and still keep them in your design buying a new dresser is expensive a high quality dresser costs you at least a thousand dollars a dresser that has the dovetail drawers that's going to hold up that has that wood grain that has enough space for all of our stuff those are expensive so i might actually go to goodwill and get the 40 solid wood dresser that has you know held up for years and someone just donated because they didn't want it anymore i'm gonna get that one instead and i'm just gonna hide it in a corner sure it's not gonna match my cloud bed i don't care my clothes actually have somewhere to go and it's in something that's not gonna fall over i've bought ikea dresses before i like the mom but the other ones i don't really care for i've bought cheap dresses before they don't hold up and quality actually for me tends to come before aesthetics because i just want furniture they don't have to replace because replacing furniture is the bane of my existence it's expensive it's heavy it's time consuming i don't want to do it so those ugly pieces just hide them and care about what you can see when you first walk in a room what you can see from the perspective that you've commonly occupied if you sit in bed at night and you're like i just hate that chair in the corner i can't stop thinking about it let's get a new tara that's when we get something new but if there is a dresser or a lamp that you can never see but it has utility it works well just hide it in the corner and you'll be none the wiser it's fine downstairs in the spaces that you and your family all commonly occupy that's where you invest but in the subsidiary rooms honestly i don't think it's that important just go with the high quality first before the aesthetics it doesn't matter if it doesn't bother you what does it matter what other people will think it's okay if some rooms in your house don't match it's expensive and sometimes it's just not worth it okay guys that's it for today's video those were five interior design tips that i think you can ignore i think these opinions are unpopular opinions but i also think that they are opinions of just like normal people right our homes should look good but they're also where we exist so we should be comfortable and the home should work practically for our needs what do you think do you subscribe to any of these things or do you just think that i need to delete this video let's chat about it down in the comments if you liked today's video though please don't forget to subscribe like this video and check me out on instagram and until next time have a beautiful day [Music]
Channel: DIY with KB
Views: 96,166
Rating: 4.9514065 out of 5
Keywords: interior design tips, interior design advice, 5 interior design tips that you should ignore, bad interior design advice, stop taking this interior design advice, diy with kb, kiva brent, kb interiors, 5 interior design tips that you should ignore my controversial opinions, mounted televisions, wall to wall carpet, sentimental decor and art
Id: WuhW3rOrdb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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