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hi welcome to the house of valentina i'm valentina and today i'm sharing my designer tips on how to create an expensive look in your kitchen even if you're working on a budget so whether you're getting ready to sell your home and you're trying to make top dollar on it or if you just want some tips for spiffing up the kitchen that you have or if you want to gut the whole thing and start over i think you're gonna love today's tips and you're gonna find something that's really applicable to the space that you're working with if that sounds like something that you're interested in make sure you hit subscribe and let's jump in [Music] the number one thing that you need to do before you even start looking at materials or appliances or any of that stuff is to really decide what your ultimate dream kitchen would even look like i find so often that we have this sort of tunnel vision about our space and we only see what's right in front of us so my suggestion is to look through your magazines your books get on pinterest and instagram and just really scour the world for your ultimate design that way you really know what you're after don't think about your budget don't think about your area don't think about even the house that you even currently have just really look at your ultimate dream space and if you have that image in your mind it'll make all the rest of these tips really work for you because what you really need to know is what you're after if you could have anything in the world any kitchen at all what kind of a kitchen would you even have in the first place and when you know that every decision that comes after it gets a lot easier so i really recommend taking the time to really dream up that ultimate ultimate dream space [Music] my tip number two is to think about the layout so often we have this we have blinders on and we just see what's right in front of us but when you start to really consider the space as a whole and the layout that you can create within it you might find that first of all you have space that you didn't even realize that you had you might be more appreciative of the space that you do have and you are going to be better at looking at the challenges that you're facing and the positive things that you have and finding the middle ground as you work towards that dream kitchen and what you ultimately want now i know that some of you that are saying but i'm just in this for the spiffing up part i'm not redoing the entire kitchen well you don't have to necessarily be thinking about redoing the entire kitchen to rethink the layout sometimes you could bring in an island that's temporary you could take out the island that you already have that's temporary you might think about taking down upper cabinets you might be thinking about putting in cabinets there's so many things you can do with your space and if you really just open your mind to see the space as a whole you might realize that you actually have some really great stuff that you can work with now if you are demoing the entire space you might be thinking about taking out a wall putting in a wall really expanding into an area that you haven't even used as a kitchen space before you have so many options and you really want to think through all the different possibilities so that you can really land on the one that's going to give you the most elevated version of your personal style [Music] the next step that most of us typically go towards is the cabinet so you're starting to think through the finishes and what you're going to put back in this box usually we end up with those that are going to be doing either something with the cabinets they have keeping the cabinets just as they are or you might be taking everything out and completely redoing the cabinetry so you have options no matter which of those three you end up in if you're thinking about keeping your cabinets you may just go through give them a good clean and just really spiff up what you've got the other option is that you may find yourself ready to paint your cabinets there are so many options when you decide to paint your cabinets you really want to make sure that you spray them and really you're re-lacquering or just lacquering if they don't already have a painted finish on them you want to make sure that you nail that finish you can paint them with a brush and we have done that before but the skill level that you need to get a really beautiful finish is so much harder using a brush than it is to spray them and get that amazing just installed brand new kitchen kind of look so you want to think through the color you want to think through the whole style and then really go forth from there the other option is if you are going to be purchasing new cabinets yay you're like ouch it hurts i know it's always expensive to put new cabinets in it's one of the biggest investments that you're going to make in your kitchen and so you really want to think through possibly doing a classic finish on those cabinets so they don't go out of style very quickly most people don't even realize that ikea actually sells a really really well-made cabinet and the mechanisms that are used are actually some of the same exact ones the really high-end i know i shouldn't be telling you those same mechanisms that those high-end cabinet companies are using now sometimes the fronts are maybe not as nice and a little bit of a giveaway we actually showed you in a video way back when we first started our channel and we're still living in copenhagen we went and visited one of the owners of reform and reform is actually a company that makes fronts for the ikea cabinets i actually look into using them myself because i wanted to be able to save some money and i thought that this might be a really amazing route because they sell some gorgeous options my problem was the customization side because i have a really weird shaped kitchen so i think that's where ikea doesn't give you the kind of options that a custom cabinet company can but if you don't need that i would suggest looking and at least doing your research and seeing if ikea might even be an option for you so if you're really on that really tight budget don't limit yourself go ahead and see what is possible you never know what you'll end up with [Music] next up we need to talk about the flooring i know that when i did my flooring i actually took out my sight sand and finish hardwood floors and that's because first of all they were an island unto themselves in a sea of carpet in the rest of my house and i really wanted to be able to put in a beautiful authentic reclaimed floor which is exactly what i did but you know what i was thinking about a couple different styles and i was blending styles and that's where it really gets to be a lot of fun is if you get to replace the flooring that you're putting into your space you can really have that blue ocean thinking where what is possible what is my ultimate flooring do i want stone do i want limestone do i want marble do i want wood and really think through what the ultimate ultimate flooring would be and then even if you are working on a very tight budget now you know in your mind the look that you want to achieve and you can go and you can research places like floor decor might have a i bought marble from them that was six dollars a square foot it's what i put into my bathroom and it looks like limestone i was able to achieve that look because i knew what i wanted same thing with my hardwood floors you could spend way more money than i did even on mine these were a little bit more on the higher end but i see flooring all the time that still has a very similar look and so knowing what you're after and what's going to make the most high-end elevated look in your space will really help you to nail those really important decisions i hope this is helping you guys let me know down in the comments if you're liking where this is going so far after you've looked at all of your big finishes your big pieces and the structural side of what's going into your space i think that probably isn't true yeah i really think so i think that your appliances are the biggest decision that you're going to make and will be a key determining factor to how high-end your kitchen looks i know that is a very bold statement but you can really tell by the appliances what kind of a kitchen you're getting so yes brand does matter to some extent if you're in a certain price range in your home you may need to be doing a wolf or mila or some of the really high end brands but and if you and if you happen to be able to afford an aga or a lake or new those ranges are your absolute statement piece so out of your appliances i would suggest that you invest the most money into your range slash cooktop it could possibly be an oven situation in a cooktop whatever you're doing because typically we will design the entire kitchen around the range because that i don't know why i i think because that's where we cook it's the most important appliance that we put into the kitchen and that is the one that i find most of us just we just zero into to know whether this is a high-end kitchen you're sniffing it out is this a high-end kitchen or not let me do the snip test let me look at the at the range so if you are working on a budget invest the most into your range and then you can consider saving on your dishwasher or your refrigerator and some of the other smaller appliances i personally love smeg there's brands like hallman that are sold at places like home depot and these are those mid-range so you're not all the way down at the bottom but you've kind of leveled up just a little bit and it gives you that really high inexpensive look on your appliances the next place that i think is really really important to pay attention to is your hardware it's so important not to just run out and buy whatever is available at your local hardware store and just do whatever's easy i think you should put a lot of effort and thought into the hardware that you put into your space and it really doesn't matter what your style is you can be super modern you can be super country and everything that happens in between it's not a style but it's really about the finishing touches that really make your kitchen look super high end so even if you aren't renovating a single other thing in your kitchen switching out your hardware is one of the best ways to elevate your kitchen i love to look at the small details of the hardware it's a little bit like an outfit you may have the most basic outfit in the world but if you have a beautiful earring or necklace or a beautiful ring those little touches are going to take your outfit or your kitchen from here to off the charts so even if you're working on a budget i go to home depot i go to wayfair there's a lot of sites that you can go to online even that have beautiful hardware that has some sort of really great detail that makes them stand out there's also some really great levels up that you can go places like rejuvenation even pottery barn has some really beautiful options and then if you really want to splash out if you've saved on some other areas of your kitchen and you want to really invest in something in the space that'll really make it stand out having statement hardware can make a huge difference now we're really getting into the nitty-gritty and that is all these beautiful details that really pull your entire space together so i would think about the colors on the walls on the cabinets think about your tiles and your countertop you're really starting to look at all those finer details architectural details in the space that can really level up the whole feeling you might be able to put in shiplap or beadboard or maybe you're going to put in beans or you're going to take down the cabinets and put some sort of statement tile up there's so many different ways to really pay attention to the details and take your take your kitchen totally next level so whether you're gutting and you get to make all these decisions from the beginning or you're doing a little spiff up i think that tiles are one of the most amazing ways to add a like such a great detail one of the final things that i think is super super important to consider and all the little details of your space is the lighting it's really important to think through your lighting it can really make your space feel so high-end and again just like in everything else it's not that it has to be super expensive it is a great place to invest money but let's face it you can invest in your hardware your floors your cabinets your appliances so every not everything if you're working on a tight budget can be an investment piece and you may have to get creative but knowing the ultimate piece that you really want something that'll really stand out and make a bold statement will really help your space fuel high-end even if you're shopping at a place like home depot or lowe's for your lighting they have so many options these days they can give you that beautiful designer look so don't think of your budget as a limit think of your mind honestly as the limitation think of the ultimate piece that you'd really want and work your way backwards now the final final details that's where i think that you can really make the most of your budget friendly hacks this is where i think that if you want to try to put as much money into the services that you're going to touch right the handles the cabinets the appliances the faucets all those things are things that you're going to be using all the time so i feel like so much of this video is like invest and fast everything is an investment piece those really are the important things and so you want to try to get the the best quality for your money for each of those choices but when it comes to the finishing touches this is where you can get a little bit more creative you can shop antique markets shop flea markets garage sales facebook marketplace to finding things like vases really great cookbooks that are really pretty cutting boards i mean i don't i mean honestly i don't pull the plastic cutting boards out and put them on my counter to display them those are things that i have in my kitchen but i put them away it's not the thing that i display because they really don't convey a very high-end look and i think that you can buy beautiful cookbooks i look at places like goodwill all the time and look for cookbooks and beautiful books even but you really want to fill your space with beautiful things i think having lovely glassware i just recently bought coupe glasses vintage coupe glasses off of etsy and they weren't super expensive now and now i have something that just really gives me something special about my space so it really i think this is the best spot to really save your money i do think that having appliances that are pretty functional items that sit out make them pretty if you're gonna make a juice every single day then have a pretty juicer sitting out go for something like a smack or some of the other options that are out on the market and then go to goodwill or flea market or borrow from a friend or swap with a neighbor to get some of the other stuff that you need to put into your kitchen so that you can really get the most money and the most bang for your buck out of those things that you're gonna look at every single day so i hope that this helps i feel like we could talk about this for a while longer but for the sake of time i know that you guys have other things to do today than to hang out at the house of valentina all day i mean that would be fun wouldn't it we could have so much fun we'll just chat all day long but i really do love when you guys stop by i hope that this video has been packed full of inspiration and it will really empower you to create your dream kitchen that ultimate expensive high-end looking kitchen that you're dreaming of no matter where your budget lies i hope it'll help you achieve that look even in the space that you're working in right now so thank you again for stopping by don't forget hit subscribe go check us out on instagram and check us down in the playlist we've made new playlists that you can totally click on the playlist and it'll help you binge on the channel to maybe some of the videos that are back in the archives that you haven't even seen on the channel so i hope that you'll do that i'll leave the links down below in the description box to make it easier for you and yeah i'm actually running out to uh go to a design client's home and it's always so much fun i this is what i do for a living i i love what i do so i really just appreciate so much that you guys are and you guys are here and that you want to talk about it too i feel like thank you i get to talk about what i'm so passionate about and i love that we get to do this together and i feel like we're building homes all around the world and we get to i get to be a part of that in your homes and you guys get to be a part of ours so let us know down in the comments what your favorite tip was and if you think there's one more that we should add to the list make sure you leave it down in the comments because we do really have an amazing conversation going on between all of us all around the world i mean cool is that i love it all right i'm running out the door and i will see you guys very soon bye [Music]
Channel: House of Valentina
Views: 75,685
Rating: 4.9173613 out of 5
Keywords: interior design, home decor, how to make your home look expensive, expensive home, million dollar home, kitchen design, expensive kitchen, styling tips, interior design course, kitchen trends 2021, kitchen trends, ikea kitchen, ikea ideas, ikea home, budget friendly kitchen, budget friendly home, staging tips, staging secrets, million dollar listing, house of valentina, house of valentina ikea, how to decorate, how to design kitchen, kitchen renovation, kitchen remodel
Id: ZMln4drknGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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