The Yankum Offset winch ring changes everything!

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so you guys have all heard of these secret millionaires right you know these people that kind of look a little a little raggedy you can wear some jeans with holes in them hair hasn't been cut in you know two three months Drive some 15 20 year old car and just in general they look like they're one bad day away from living on the streets but in reality they have more money than you or I could figure out what to do with well there's also the genius equivalent of the secret millionaire and it turns out I know one so allow me to introduce you to my friend Alan hey well Alan is the founder of yankem ropes that makes these kinetic ropes soft shackles winch lines and winch Fair leads that I have absolutely fell in love with but their newest product is the offset recovery ring and this is essentially a snatch block for synthetic line there's recovery rings for synthetic line have been around for a long time this one you can see the hole is offset and that stops the whole ring from spinning around on the soft shackle that goes through the center and allows the Rope to slide through the groove in the end good idea yeah and definitely taking the recovery ring idea a whole step further than where it was but that's not the part that brings out the secret genius you see a few nights ago Alan called me at like midnight or something it wasn't exactly midnight but it was a whole lot closer to midnight than it was to noon either way he called me goes Casey I was laying in bed I thought of something I can't sleep I need your input and I'm like okay what's that he goes these these recovery rings that we we made he goes they're not one snatch block they're two and I'm like Alan you you need to go to bed it's it's late your mind's all messed up go to sleep call me back in the morning but he did not he insisted on explaining his idea to me and that's when I realized that I knew a secret genius let me show you what he's talking about all right we have got some stuff going on now we have my Jeep tj6 which is the best jeep that jeep never made running the Badlands Apex 12 000 pound winch uh coming up here to the yankem ropes uh recovery ring which this is a configuration that uh anyone who's familiar with off-road recovering synthetic lines very well knows using the recovery ring as a snatch block and they're just going back anchored to my four-wheel drive wrecker now anyone who does you know off-road recovery winching type stuff rigging knows that this is how you can double the pulling power or more accurately reduce the line load uh when winching or pulling now why do we have two separate anchor points well it's because what we're hooked to is my 30 000 pound NRC rollback and yes it weighs 30 000 pounds every time so the video someone comes along no no it doesn't weigh 30 000 pounds I drove a rollback it was 18 000 whatever this truck is 30 000 pounds I've had it on a scale many many times it's 12 000 pounds on the steer axle 18 000 pounds of reactional empty I'm not a secret genius but even I know that adds up to 30 000 pounds that's what it weighs done but anyway uh it's obvious that my 4 500 pound Jeep is not going to sit still while I try to pull a thirty thousand pound truck so we have the line doubled back to my 11 300 pound wrecker now in addition to those two I got my uh RAM 2500 anchored to the back of the TJ this is 7 200 pounds plus another 1100 pounds in there plus 4 500 pounds there plus 11 300 pounds here is 24 100 pounds versus 30 000 pounds but we have a lot better Anchor ability on this end because we have four tires all locked up four tires all locked up four tires all locked up plus a spade anchored into the ground and on this one only the back axles have brakes the front axles on big trucks do not have parking brakes so in theory this combination of vehicles can pull this vehicle backwards as long as we can create the pulling power with the winch now there's all kinds of math and formulas and all that out there to figure out the amount of weight that's on these Tires Plus the surface they're on plus the degree of the slope and blah blah blah blah to get your resistance Factor we don't care about any of that because that's not the point of this the point of this is how do we create more pulling power with less gear hey future Casey here and uh there is one very important thing that I realized later on the video which is right now in my real time that is the literal key to making everything I'm about to show you work so make sure you kind of like stay tuned for that or this is all kind of pointless because I wouldn't be comfortable putting this much stress on just two parts of line I would want to four or possibly five part this line but that would take a snatch block here plus another snatch block there to come back to here to another snatch block to go back to there to make a four part line and then another snatch block to come back with a five part line which would mean to five part the line we would need four snatch blocks and two four parts of the line we would need three snatch blocks that's a lot of stuff and that's where secret genius comes in because this is not one snatch block this is two let me show you how okay I re-rigged it we now have one line coming off the Jeep it goes around the recovery ring as normal it goes all the way back here to the second recovery ring anchored to the wrecker goes around it as normal and comes all the way back two the center of the first recovery ring that it goes around and comes back to dead ended at the recovery ring through the center again we now have one two three four parts of line using only two snatch blocks in any conventional sense this would require three now two important things to note in this setup a one the lines are close to each other but they do not touch each other there's space between them the whole way and it will stay there as you pull because the relationship between this and that and the spacing between them never changes two the radius that the Rope travels around the inside right here is big enough that it will not hurt the Rope this much bigger radius is obviously far more ideal and better for the Rope but this it's not going to hurt it especially since by adding all these lines you're taking pressure off of each line so you're not putting nearly as much pull in there is it perfect no is it going to hurt it no so yes I'm standing close but I have to show you see that right there check it out this rope travels around the outside this rope travels around the inside on this end over here it just travels around the outside now the magic part of it [Music] it is dragging the truck Tire Slide tire slide yeah I know what you're saying yeah the truck's sitting on a bit of a downhill and blah blah blah but the the point is that works this is so freaking cool and such a genius idea that we need to take it farther so let me take all the freaking apart re-rig it and show you what else we can do with it okay we reposition the truck it is now sideways you can see this is a big truck and uh it is sideways to the Jeep and the wrecker and the anchor off the back and we are running a rim sling into the rim of the truck we're going to drag this whole thing straight sideways against those tires so what we have now is a five part line using only two uh snatch blocks so we have our main line coming off the Jeep runs around this ring just like normal comes back up here goes around second ring just like normal then it comes all the way back here goes through Center of ring then it's down here coming all the way back goes through Center of ring again and then our fifth part goes all the way up and I have it tied into the frame of the truck back there that is one two three four five parts of line again none of them are touching they all sit real close here no contact at all so no issues there let's pull Jeep floating up Wreckers loading up that truck's pulling what's gonna go first lots of line is moving oh look at that record dig in come on [Music] look at there it goes well those tires are biting hard I should really start the Jeep look at this truck is sliding okay that battery's probably dead let me go start it the problem is this is a manual transmission so I have to have a neutral and the parking brake sucks so hey I'm Gonna Leave You guys here so watch okay so we're gonna do it's not ideal but I have to go sit in that jeep my foot on the brake and then you guys can still watch this and those all right I'll be back okay I'm back so I got that tire kind of wedged into the record to help so that can stay running in neutral that truck is anchored in hard that's anchored and hard check it out this whole truck is sliding sideways off a five part line set up if I had a better battery and alternating that jeep it's all like basically stock stuff as far as that goes we could pull a lot more and just drag this thing right over but the point is look at this it does it I told you secret genius okay as you can see we dragged the truck was that four feet three feet we'll just go on the side of let's say three feet since we're at a five part line that means for every one foot the truck moved uh five times that many feet went into the winch so we pulled 15 feet of winch line in so this is the important one right here I was worried about heat um 60 degrees this ring here had 15 feet of line go across it with hard hard pull on it and it is at actually let's go where the Rope is now we can see 40 degrees the Rope is 60 degrees the inside one here the Rope is 60 degrees the ring is right about the same if we go over here this one had less line pulled across it because obviously the farther we get through these pulleys the less line is actually traveling 54 the Rope is so the rope in the ring are about the same on the inside we have yeah right in the 50s so nothing is hot this rope is slack by the way I backed it off before I came in here stepped over it okay that is impressive to pull this big huge truck straight sideways like that with such a minimal amount of gear that is the impressive part here is how little gear is actually being used to make a five part rigging line setup with your traditional snatch blocks and shackles and all that stuff how much gear you would have to have and how much it would weigh to do this because look at this we have we have one two aluminum recovery Rings which weigh nothing and one two three soft shackles that's it to create a five part pull two aluminum rings and three soft shackles that weighs nothing that is hardly any gear to carry and you have the ability to do this type of rigging now of course I'm not counting Rim sling and big J Hooks I did stop here because this was starting to pull into my control box I didn't want to do that but um I'm not counting those because they're like specific to hooking up to a big truck and whatever you're pulling is going to be different so as far as gear you have to carry to create this elaborate and Powerful rigging let's pull all this apart and I'll show you in my hand this is it and I'm even using the big extra long double soft shackles just because that's what I happen to grab so you could even like eliminate half of the material here this is one or two pounds at most but that's it one two three soft shackles two rings and you can do some very very creative rigging now at this point I know what you're saying but Casey okay you just use any old recovery ring like what you can get on Amazon or from any other seller out there let's find out okay so I got it set up with the normal like Amazon or any other type of rings you get um uh set up in the same configuration and it's a bear with me it's getting super super windy out here at Big gusts so if you hear the wind noise I'm sorry I got this little fuzzy thing we'll see how it does but initial thoughts already look at this the hole in the center is very much bigger than this one and the outside is very much smaller than this one meaning this one has a heck of a lot more metal to hold if you go to the bottom of that Groove in there to the end of the diameter in here that is not a lot of like meat in there to actually be holding I would kind of almost be afraid of ripping one of these apart this one is so thick also look at like the thickness this way this is so much beefier and thicker I don't think this would rip apart before some of that rigging does this one it's kind of a bit of a concern I have number two and this one's pretty important watch The Ring the ring is spinning this way which is pulling the line this line here that's the top line going up to this side and then when you get to this end obviously that line is going around this way this ring is spinning that way which is pulling this line to that side and they end up touching here not hard but now you have this line is rubbing on the soft shackle as it pulls past it that's not okay with the yankem ones that are designed to not spin and sit still plus being the far bigger diameter it holds all those lines apart from each other that that that's important okay I'm going to back up on this one and we're gonna pull see what happens so it's pulling the truck because we're doing a four part line that's good you hear that sound that I don't know if you could hear that because the microphones on me that Sound I don't want to get too close is the ropes rubbing going through there because of the way these Spin and are so much smaller that is friction in the rope and that is dangerous under tension so I don't know how I don't know how I can make you guys hear that when the microphone is right here let me go over here obviously the winch and the four part setup is still creating the same amount of force but how this is reacting is very different see the rub [Music] you hear that I am getting back okay we're done no more of that that's scary and I don't want to break my rope either so okay uh don't do this with those those Amazon recovery rings yeah okay of all people Allen actually just called me in the middle of filming that and distracted me so forget exactly where I was but I got all that reading taken apart and I got to get the Jeep pulled back off the tow truck here I wedged it into there to hold it still and uh instead of just backing up I thought I would show that since we can use the ring as an impromptu snatch block the toe Point can be as well so we've got our other Apex winch here on Old Faithful and it helps if I turn on the remote okay but look at that snatch block [Music] okay now for the important part that makes all of this work and that is the fact that I don't have a hook or a metal thimble on the end of this winch line by switching to the yankem fairlead that eliminates all that and just hooks your winch line out here you lose everything on the line which allows you to fit it through the ring and if you can't do that none of this works so in addition to all the other benefits of this fairlead everything I just showed you is one more actually what's that like 10 more I don't even know a lot more I love that thing this was the brainchild of Nate pickle with dirt lifestyle who uh I still need to get it up to Washington and go Wheeling with we're not like really that far apart and we just we haven't made it happen yet but we will the other key to this whole thing is you have to have two rings because the Rope has to go around one and be able to go around another one to come back and go through the center of the first one if you only have one ring you only have one snatch block but if you add a second ring you now have four snatch blocks so yes to make all this work you have to buy two but two is actually Four so even though you're buying twice as many you're getting twice as many as that if that makes sets one more thing I would like to point out it's kind of irrelevant to that but it is very relevant to synthetic rope and those rings and this style of Fairly this is a different one I can show better because it doesn't show up nearly as much on those gray Yankton Fair leads as you can see the residue Left Behind from the Rope pulling on the side or on the bottom of the winch a lot of people think that is part of the winch line being rubbed off from friction and sticking to the side of the fairlead or the wincherings no no that is actually a coating that is put on the individual fibers of the winch line before it's spun and wound and weaved into line and it's a protective coating and you'll see a lot more of it on the Chinese winch line like this is actually a harbor freight uh winch line nothing wrong with all that's why I leave them on the winch I think most of my other winches all have the income line and you'll see this line is a darker color than the income line it's because it has a lot more of that coating on it and my understanding I could be very wrong on this but um the Chinese winch lines will have a lot more of that coating just like a lot of like the the metal parts and tools and stuff like that you get from Harbor Freight or other places like that have a lot more of like that oil coating on them that's a protectant to protect on those metal Parts like the salty air of the sea especially as they're getting transported you know all the way around the world on the winch line it's that it's to protect from the elements in some way I'm not exactly sure on Scientifics but it's a coating that when the line gets pulled around a hard edge with a lot of pressure on it it's basically squeezing that coating out and it'll get left on here spray some WD-40 on it or anything on that it'll come right off that's not a big deal it's not hurting anything it's not your winch line coming apart no big deal so now of course I've got to tell you about the sponsor of today's video which is not your income ropes and not Harbor Freight with your Badlands winches it is simply my curiosity and wanting to try things figure stuff out and learn things which I learned two things today one that we can completely simplify our rigging while making it more effective at the same time which is absolutely amazing and two that my friend Alan is a secret genius it's pretty amazing too so since this video is not sponsored by income ropes I won't even mention my income ropes affiliate link that is down in the description below [Music]
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 757,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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