7 Reasons Most People Cant Handle a German Shepherd Dog

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in this video we're going to tell you seven reasons why most people can't handle a German Shepherd sure anybody can own a German Shepherd but can you own a German shepherd and have them be happy healthy and really thriving like this dog breed should be so in this video we'll tell you seven reasons why most people just flat out cannot handle this magnificent breed the first reason most people can't handle a German Shepherd is because they are incredibly intelligent until you own one of these dogs you have no idea how smart they are and how quickly they pick things up the owner is the only person that can hold back a German Shepherd's abilities if you teach it to them they'll learn it and they'll run with it and have it forever so most people can't handle this dog because they don't give it enough to do they don't give it a job they don't work its brain hard enough this dog wants to be worked wants to be trained and is craving that from its owner so if you don't provide this to your German Shepherd they can have anxiety act out in different ways and just won't be thriving like they really truly can a German Shepherd is incredibly smart so if you own one of these dogs make sure you take full advantage of that because that's what they want the number two reason why the German Shepherd is too much for most people is because they are intensely loyal this dog has a legendary reputation of trying to please their owner to the best of their abilities they'll lay down their life for their owner they'll follow you everywhere they never want you out of their sight they'll greet you when you get home like no other dog it's an intense loyalty that most people have never experienced until you own a German Shepherd so if you've never owned this dog know that they've got one special person in particular that they never want to leave their side they want to know where they're at at all times so this dog can be a lot for you if you've never had a dog like a German Shepherd that's intensely loyal and is always by your side the number three reason why most people can't handle a German Shepherd is because of their shedding cats shed dog shed but a German Shepherd is called a German shedder for a reason they have a thick double coat that sheds almost oppressively you'll have hair everywhere on your furniture clothes floor you name it there'll be hair everywhere so if you're not used to this or you've never had a dog that's sheds before get ready for a German Shepherd to shed like crazy it's definitely an adjustment and it's up to the owner to give your dog brushing at least once a week if not every day to help manage this it can be a lot and overwhelming if you've never owned a German Shepherd before the number four reason that most people can't handle German Shepherds is because German Shepherds crave exercise as Cesar Milan once said birds fly fish swim and dogs walk it's what they do it's what they need to do and especially a classic breed like the German Shepherd they need exercise and they want to do this with their owner it's not enough to just let your dog out in the backyard that's not exercising exercising is when you're with your dog working them hiking walks exercise playing and building that bond together in German Shepherds want this they need this and it's part of their mental and physical stimulation that's so important so if you don't take a German Shepherd for walk they're not going to thrive they're not going to do well and it's not what they're meant to do so make sure you get your German Shepherd out and exercising as much as you possibly can the number five reason that German Shepherds can be too much for most people is because they can get separation anxiety if you're going to get a German Shepherd you need to be around this dog quite a bit it's very important like we talked about they have an uncanny ability to be incredibly loyal and especially to one single person so if you have this dog and you're gone at work a lot or you travel a lot it's just not going to be a great fit for a German Shepherd so a person that owns a German Shepherd needs to be someone that's around quite often either work from home retired someone that can spend a lot of time with a German Shepherd and that's just hard on most people and most people just can't do this so if you have a German Shepherd make sure you're around a lot because they crave that relationship with that one person their pet parent the number six reason why German Shepherds are too much for most people is because they need a job they look to their owner to give them a job give them responsibilities so that they can show they belong in the family and that they can get it done German Shepherds have evolved as working dogs they want to put the work in and they want to be part of the family and prove that no matter what the job is they can get it done and please the owner so you can have them go get the mail have them ride in the car to go pick up the kids anything where they're involved and they feel like they're helping accomplish something for the family this will go a long way in their physical and mental health and help them Thrive but most people just can't do this or they don't think of it and they really hold their German Shepherd back so if you're going to get this dog make sure that's something that's a priority is giving them a job number seven reason most people can't handle a German Shepherd is because German Shepherds need a strong leader in order to be a strong leader you need to be calm confident and make sure that your dog knows that they are safe and protected from there that's when respect is gained in between the dog and the pet parent you'll have an outstanding relationship because German Shepherds want to be part of the pack and they want you to be the leader if you're the leader they'll fall right in line and they'll be happy healthy and thriving so if you're going to own this dog make sure that you're a strong leader you have great energy calm confident and this beautiful dog will follow right in line we hope you've enjoyed this video all about the German Shepherd and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Dogs Now
Views: 433,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dogs now, dog breeds, dogs, dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, german shepherd puppies, german shepherd puppy, german shepherd training, german shepherd dogs, gsd, german shepherds, german shepherd dog breed, gsd dogs
Id: DzNOaSlI9qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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