12 Scientific Ways To Get Your Dog To Love You The Most

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scientists have found 12 simple things you can do every day to get your dog to love you more how you say hi and by where they sleep and the voice you use when you talk to them can all help you be your dog's favorite person but let's start with the cutest thing dogs love one scientist took 10 dogs and put them in a room with their owners after the owners interacted with their dogs for an hour she measured their oxytocin levels which is known as the love hormone that helps us bond with others she found that the more times the owners kissed their dogs the higher their dog's oxytocin levels were so if you want your dog to love you more according to this study you should kiss them more but kissing them isn't the only physical touch dogs love a study from South Africa paired 18 dogs with 18 humans and had the humans pet the dogs after a few minutes of petting the dog's levels of oxytocin dopamine and some other good hormones I can't pronounce all went up but this wasn't the only benefit of the study they also found that the dogs blood pressure decreased so not only will your dog have more feelings of love to you when you pet them but it's also good for their health and to make this study even better they found that humans experience all of these benefits too but dogs have more love languages than just physical touch this next study gives new meaning to the phrase fur baby a Japanese scientist who's obsessed with this dog like us was wondering why the human dog bond is so strong so he got 30 pairs of dogs in their humans into his lap each of the pairs spend 30 minutes in a room together with the people petting and talking to their dogs and gazing into their eyes here's what they found in the pairs who spent the most time gazing into each other's eyes oxytocin increased by 130 percent of the dogs and 300 percent in the humans for the human and dog pairs that spent very little time looking into each other's eyes the scientists found no oxytocin increase so what does this have to do with your dog being your fur baby well when human mothers gaze into their baby's eyes eyes they're oxytocin spikes which helps strengthen their bond so staring at your dog pretty much has the same hormonal effect on you as a mother staring at her baby now this study was done with dogs and their owners but is there a special bond between a dog and their owner or do dogs just really love all people an Austrian scientist designed an interesting study to test this out she put dogs in a room with a challenging puzzle toy with pieces of sausage in it in the room with the dog was either their owner a stranger or they were alone according to previous studies dogs use their owners as a secure base and explore and manipulate objects more when their owners are around but will having a random person in there with them have the same effect according to the study the answer is no dogs whose owners were in the room with them worked on the toy longer than if they were alone or with a stranger signifying that they are more comfortable when their owners are around but one thing I was surprised to learn was that if there was a stranger in the room with them or if they were alone there wasn't any significant difference in how long they played with the toy this next study is all about what not to do but first if you love your dog and want them to love you back subscribe to Doggy digs so you never miss any of our future doggy videos Okay so we've learned a few things that your dog will love but this next study shows an unfortunately common thing people do that stresses dogs out in Portugal they studied 92 dogs that were trained using either rewards-based training aversive training methods also known as punishment Based training or a mix of both this probably comes as no surprise but after the training sessions the dogs that were trained using aversive methods showed more signs of stress and had higher levels of cortisol which is known as the stress hormone but the crazy part is that this study didn't just look at dogs during and right after their training sessions they did a cognitive bias test when the dogs weren't in a training session and they found that the dogs trained with aversive methods are more pessimistic meaning that they have a more negative outlook on life than the dogs trained with rewards-based methods so if you want to have a happy dog according to this study you should only use rewards-based training methods instead of punishment I hope you're not punishing your dog but here's something that probably everybody is doing using the dog voice yep we all know the dog voice high pitched sweet and uh slightly annoying for some reason people use this voice to talk to dogs but does it actually help your dog like you more a study from the University of York in the UK looked at how dogs react to the dog Voice versus a regular adult voice they found that when dogs were spoken to in the dog voice they spent more time looking at the person and spent more time being physically closer to that person than if they used a regular human adult voice of course you can't have a dog Voice without a ridiculous nickname for your dog so leave a comment with your dog's craziest nickname and let's see whose is the most hilarious now you know that you can pet your dog talk to them and look at them to help them love you more but there's actually something you can do that's even lower effort than that and costs you nothing yep I'm talking about spending time with your dog one study found that the more time you spend with your dog the less likely they are to have separation anxiety and another now that the more time you spend with them the fewer behavior problems are likely to have you probably would have guessed that but here's a big question that's not so obvious what do dogs like most quality time with you or food a study in Atlanta Georgia try to answer this question once and for all they did this with three experiments in the first two they did an MRI on the dog's brains when presented with different objects that represented food or praise and then in the third experiment they put the dogs in a y maze with food in one branch of the Y and the dog's owner and the other so what were the results well they were pretty much split evenly some dogs preferred food and some dogs preferred human praise but here's the interesting part whichever option a dog preferred was pretty consistent across all three experiments so the dog was either a big foodie or a people Lover now let's see what my dog prefers will he choose coming to me or going over to the bowl with some treats in it well this is embarrassing my dog prefers some measly treats over the person who's the source of these treats and who gives him belly rubs every day now the results from this experiment could be different depending on which treats I use or how long it's been since he's seen me and that disclaimer goes for pretty much all of these experiments they're not true for 100 of the situations so take them with a grain of salt now we're going to address a controversial thing that many dog owners do but first here's a study about a simple thing you can do to get your dog to love you more scientists from Hungary looked at how a dog owner's attachment style affected the dog through a survey of 1 508 dog owners they found that dogs are more likely to have separation anxiety if their owners have an avoidance attachment style now what exactly is an avoidance attachment style the study describes this as the owner avoiding intimate contact and affection so one thing you can do to help your pup not develop separation anxiety is give them lots of loving so that they could be confident that you will be there for them and speaking of giving them lots of love and here's a question that almost everyone has a strong opinion about should you let your dog sleep with you well here's what Dr Dana varbo the chief Veterinary officer for the North American Veterinary Community sets in general it is a very good thing for animals to sleep with their people she said pets that sleep with her humans seem to have a quote higher trust level and Tighter bond with the humans that are in their lives and here's another quote from her dogs and cats who are more closely bonded with their humans get additional health benefits including increases in beneficial neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine do you sleep with your dog well no matter your stance on your dog sleeping in your bed with you hear something that every dog owner has to do say hi and bye to their pup and luckily for us scientists have studied the best way to do each of these first let's talk about how to greet your pup a Swedish scientist did a study where she had a person walk into a room with the dog the person who the dog already knew greeted them one of three ways by talking to them and giving them physical contact only talking to them or ignoring there are 18 pairs of humans and dogs in the study and they did blood samples to test the dog's oxytocin levels after being greeted can you guess which type of greeting raised the dog's oxytocin the most yep the talking to them and physical touch and not only did they have increased oxytocin levels but cortisol the stress hormone went down the most during the screening but what about saying bye an Italian study had people either pet their dogs for a minute before leaving or not pet their dog at all before leaving for the dogs that were petted before separation they showed calming behaviors for a longer period while waiting for their owner's return and their heart rate showed a notable decrease after the test and now that you know how to make your dog love you more watch this video next about 13 things dogs hate that humans do to see what not to do
Channel: Doggy Digs
Views: 412,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog, puppy, golden retriever, Labrador, German shepherd, French bulldog, bulldog, English bulldog, Australian shepherd, boxer, Rottweiler, jack Russell terrier, beagle, poodle, daschund, corgi, Great Dane, spaniel, dog training, puppy training, good dog, good puppy, doggy digs, how to get a dog to love you, get a dog to love you, dog love, scientific ways to get dog to love you, get a dog to like you, scientific ways to get dog to like you, dog’s favorite person, puppy favorite person
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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