3 ways to correct unsocial behavior with a dominant reactive German Shepherd

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I have no words right now when they get close or if anything is reactive to her she just goes it she gets very reactive very quickly she's the only dog that wears a muzzle yep and if there's a new dog in the pack it doesn't go well especially if that dog challenges her at all weird little white dogs are the worst even if they don't bother even if they're not bothering her and any dog that challenges her the fear of bringing her around other dogs has exacerbated the problem this is a three-year-old sometimes aggressive definitely reactive definitely unsocialized German Shepherd he got her at 18 months what we're going to do in this video I'm going to go back and forth between original audio and this voiceover to explain what's going on I think it's important you hear what I say to the client in real time because a lot of people have dogs like this the dog isn't necessarily aggressive or the owner doesn't know if the dog's aggressive because the dog is too difficult to meet other dogs the dog freaks out on leash people aren't sure it's a big strong dog people just aren't sure so they don't know what to do and I'm gonna explain what to do in this video because there's going to be about three Corrections given that dog's gonna be not good three times once off leash and you're gonna see what I do in that situation when she meets Connery a big dog off leash you're gonna see when she pulls me to get to another dog on leash which is a situation you guys have all the time and you're gonna see oh here's the Roundup Prince this is one of the times she's not great see that run up I'm going to slow it down for you in a minute how did that run-up look to you look totally appropriate no it wasn't appropriate here it is look at this look at this it's not that's look at Prince that is not the way to run up to another dog it just isn't now this is the first dog she has met in since this guy got her 18 months ago and she was 18 months old when he got her so we give leeway to her why didn't I correct her for that one if it's bad enough principal corrector and he'll do a better job of it than any human being on Earth number two she's in a muzzle so she's not going to hurt him and number three my gut wasn't that she was horrible now now you're going to see greatness right now and their best friends best friends Perfection lip lick from her it was at this point I'm just like listen it doesn't mean this dog is perfect because a dog is perfect with Prince is a great thing it's and this guy right now and when the clients come out and they see their dog play with their dog for the first time they're almost they're so happy however it doesn't mean she's gonna be great with another dog by any means greatness with Prince is humongous because she made a friend but it does it we have we need more dogs and I know right muzzle can come off you're perfect perfect with Prince there's almost no trigger I can anticipate that is going to make her be bad with him just from the overall Joy she had so now we know the nature of the dog the nature is that she likes dogs does that mean she's going to be perfect or your dog is going to be perfect with every dog because it can be friends with one dog no but you can already see the nature of her okay so we're gonna go to the original audio so you can hear what I say about that run up and then we'll go back and forth the run-up was not great her first run up it was a serious run-up like a lot of dogs are not gonna love that run up and the other one will react and now you've got this it's energy meeting energy it's not good but the nature of her and he's a he's an exceptional dog the dog's like okay but um she's now got a friend so that's a big deal I believe today we need to make more friends okay um ah and then and and what will happen today too with more friends and friends is just desensitization to dogs where they're not this kind of foreign thing anymore you know she literally is playing with the dog and then she sees a dog meets a dog goes on your group walk and it's like oh I played with one three days ago you know I I I'm I have no words right now she she's physical thank you so now they're sprinting why do I always go to the pastor afterwards because I have to test the prey drive I don't think there's a trigger that is going to make her be mounted Prints but we just got to test things right the owner has to pet prints make sure that's not a trigger the owner has to pet his dog while Prince comes up make sure that's not a trigger but we're testing prey drive right now now while she's rough and she does have a bit of a prey drive with Prince it's just it's fun it's fine it's not too much he doesn't lose her mind when someone starts running and German Shepherds Dobermans Malinois they do have a prey drive that has to be tested so making and just more of a friend and just more exercise right this is as I've said before the most amount of exercise a dog can get playing in a field with another dog is the most not saying it's the best but it's the most and that's very important so you're gonna see her meet Connery he's the big gray Dane uh wine Rhymer mix you're gonna see her meet him right here and she's not she's going to be okay right now and then she's not gonna be good why is she not as good with him as she is with Prince in a minute I don't know but this is just another dog another dog a different dog a bigger a big dog now we put her back to the muzzle because Connor he's not my dog and we got to be careful now we're gonna go back to more original audio you're gonna see me give her correction hey what happened just not greatness not happiness it was like a growl and hers go with the the head area without a bite okay but it was enough to Warrant a yell and then knock that nonsense off because this dog has done nothing to you shouldn't like him as much she what doesn't like him as much but there's there's meetings this is a meeting this is good this is great just gotta be a little careful yeah don't mess around so she's meeting now small dog she has a small dog problem okay so she's gonna need some small dogs now the correction with Connery was basically a yell and a point why wasn't it why didn't I get more on her for that because her what she did to him wasn't really all that bad so all it was was a yell you've heard me say it's got to be poppy it's like shock and awe it's got to be loud and then I looked at her and then she walked away okay the correction wasn't that bad because the behavior wasn't that bad but it wasn't great right she kind of lunged at him a little bit but we just have to get through more more and more dogs her nature is pretty good hence We're not gonna do like oh my gosh you can't even do anything to any dog you ever meet you have to be a perfect dog she's not gonna be a perfect dog because she doesn't understand dogs she barely speaks dog when a dog is like right on her she doesn't know what to do she's probably got a little dominance she's probably got a little prey drive but she's unsocially so she doesn't know what to do so we can't be so hardcore with her that she can't do she we can't expect her to be perfect and correct her when she's not perfect so that's why she gets leeway now she's going to get less leeway with every dog because she's she should be better with every dog if that makes sense all right back to some original audio the good news about today and about Zoe is even the Badness to Prince which was very different from the Badness with Connery there has not been a bite involved it has been other things but the mouth really hasn't been involved does that make sense it does she's gonna get corrected because we have leash on her yeah now if she does anything this nice doodle can't be mean to the doodle foreign good job learning about dogs about what they smell like about what they feel like God yes you're so good Zoe you're so good we need to take the gloves off a little bit after today like what does that mean she's gotten through it's probably not the right term she's gotten through the first dog meeting and the first dog meeting was weird and bad with Prince and but we got through it and now we're at three dogs and we now have to let her be with dogs going forward safely hi buddy oh there's Penny there's your friend penny come on okay go meet him again so just a little too much of a run up leg flip totally got her attention got it that's like my move like flip I don't think I invented it but uh it's a really handy move you flipped your leg Yeah so it's a it's a pole coupled with a flip and the dog just ends up right here I mean there's only so many ways to deal with the dog directly in front of you about it like doing this yeah exactly okay so then after that they're basically facing you or they're sort of watching and they're just like and you happen and you completely broke the pattern yeah you just saw the leg flip when she was pulling it's a way to get the dog flipped around and looking at you guys that's the video If you have a dog like this the key is you have to safely get them around other good dogs find a trainer in your area come to me or you can do this on your own safely by watching some of my videos if this has provided value to you and your dog meeting other dogs please hit that subscribe button and ask any questions in the comments and like the video
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 288,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RKa5OJZj2xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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